Xbox Games Showcase + Starfield Direct LIVE REACTION

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thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yo what is going on everybody hopefully everybody can hears me right hopefully everybody can oh wait no there we go hopefully everybody can hear me uh yes today is the day ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen we are finally here we are I don't know what is this 50 54 minutes away from the greatness hopefully crossing fingers knock on wood of the Xbox showcase um yeah don't worry uh I will be going full screen when we get to that point I I just kind of minimized it here a little bit so this will be full screen when the Showcase actually gets ready you know when the music comes in and stuff so oh man who is excite if you're excited in chat put Hold the Line in there you know King David had went viral let me know how excited you are in chat by typing hold the line and make sure you hit the like button uh Gunstar yeah it's just me uh jazz is on La he sent me a bunch of pictures I don't know did you guys see jazz in La did you guys see the pictures he was uploading he got he was walking around with beans he was walking around with beans giving like baked bean in a can to like people like Stein and everybody else uh I think I think it was like a present from like Xbox or something which goes to show you that they pay attention and they listen right so yeah man hopefully we're in for a very fun show uh thank you for being here for you know keeping me company for the next 50 minutes as we wait for the Showcase of showcases and we got uh you know your boy Rory Ryan happy to be here live happy E3 sgf season and man it is it's gonna be great if you guys have any questions make sure you put them in chat you know we got we gotta kill the time somehow right we gotta kill the time I mean it'd be pretty funny if we could get uh the sponsor yeah Heinz beans that would be that would be pretty epic let me let me check to see if my mic is at its usual let's see here volume setting because sometimes because I think I did a stream yard thing with boxenberger yesterday and sometimes that screws up no it's at the right it's at the right siding all right yeah here we go all right so give me your guys's prediction about what opens the show the very first thing that we are gonna see you know if you watch my video you know that I feel uh like a vowed is going to open the show that's my pick to open the show but it could be anything I think obviously it's going to be a first party first party game right has to be so not third party not indie and there's like three choices you could choose from hellblade Fable if it's actually there and Xbox has been teasing it but I don't know there's this I'm just going with the VOD for this one and it's not like I I don't know I don't know I know people like oh Rand your predictions you always know uh stuff like that but honestly I don't know too much about this show at all I've been trying to avoid spoilers wherever I can and and thankfully nothing really is leaked so far right um outside of the release date for Forza Motorsport which I think everybody expected October and the Persona games which were leaked by Atlas and looked like it got whoever uploaded it fired uh outside of that nah we haven't really gotten much Starfield like stuff like Starfield controller and special edition and things like that but not really anything leaking from the show which is great because it leads to that surprise but yes we've got a lot of people saying you know Fable and I don't think Forza opens but hellblade how bad it's a possibility if it comes this year what do you guys think about the uh possibility pale World open up the show uh Smurf uh I I hope not that would be that would be indication of a bad show um I need a soundboard like yes yeah I need a lot of cool stuff like gas has I do absolutely uh man what was I saying I've lost my train of thought you know because now I'm doing this solo because Jazz isn't here and nobody else actually hit me up being like hey you know can I be on the reaction show with you otherwise yeah I would have loved to have a couple people here to you know react with me to the show but you know it's just me solo sorry you get Randell chop liver today miles I actually talked to Miles last night uh I wasn't a party with him while he was playing it was playing Diabla playing Diablo 4 with his buddies and we were talking about some stuff and what we thought the show was gonna be be about but he's doing his own thing on his own stream you know miles is Miles got big things cooking get special Nikon special Nick I want an Xbox fan on the show Ryan I want someone who actually wants to play Xbox games and excited about the future of Xbox I don't want a Nintendo fan pretending to be a host of an Xbox podcast that special Nick no sir no thank you yeah gas gas was a lot of fun to have on the show on Friday you know unfortunately there were quite a few people that were like we don't want girls we want Jazz and yeah jazz is the co-host permanent co-host obviously I wouldn't be doing Xbox two if I didn't have Jazz but a lot of people were like who's we don't want this guy's character I'm like chill he's the reason there even is a show because I wasn't gonna do one because jez wasn't here so you know guys came on for an episode we had a lot of fun and you know maybe maybe we'll have them on Xbox two plus one in the future but it was it was a it was it was a lot of fun oh yeah I saw the new Xbox two pair on Twitter uh yeah I mean unbelievable right cult taking my my co-host away from me oh horrible couldn't believe it couldn't believe that happened um I've been uh let's just say I just dm'd me this morning I mean he was dm'ing me last night when they were at the Xbox party uh which sounded like a lot of fun I was I was sitting there like Jazz was telling me you know what was going on I was like damn I should have been out there and then he dm'd me this morning and it was like I drank too much last night with like a little puking emoji and we we all know here how much Jazz loves to drink right um he hasn't done an Xbox two in a long time but he likes to drink and it was a party last night so he probably had one too many if you know what I mean he probably if he was here he'd probably be leaking games because that's what he usually does when he gets drunk and I can't hold him back you know what I mean uh but I also uh I I I Lord Cognito gave me a phone call last night he he uh called me up after the Xbox party telling me about the trip and everything there's a lot of excitement in the air in La I will definitely tell you that which you know Cog even said on boxenberger's prediction show a lot of the people there are hyped a lot of Xbox execs and you know employees are super excited I mean there's like a there's like a feeling in the air this time which I don't know hasn't really been you haven't really felt that in in some time not saying Xbox hasn't put on good shows because they have like 2021 I thought was damn good and 2018 was very very good but this I don't know feels like this year's different I don't and I hope that's not setting up you know for for disappointment or whatever but for some reason this year feels on a different level because it feels like Xbox themselves think they have something special and it's from the way they're hyping the show and all the sort of things the way they're carrying themselves I mean maybe it helps a little bit that the PlayStation showcase was subpar for a lot of people and that you know Jeff keeley's show was a Jeff Keeley show right so you know Xbox can easily have the best show of the summer no problem right yeah so I can't wait to talk to everybody else when they get back Colt and uh everybody who's having an amazing time in LA which man I could have gone uh but I just just didn't go and then Jazz was not supposed to go and then all of a sudden he decided at the end to go and it was like what the hell come on we're because we were obviously going to do Xbox two tomorrow but jazz is going to be flying back so hopefully we can do it on Tuesday with all the reactions and hopefully it's positive right hopefully we can all just take red fall and just put that in our rear view mirror and be like we ain't talking about that no more it's about all this stuff moving forward right so yeah should be a good one should absolutely be a good one uh Mr J says 360 replica from hyperkin thoughts I mean it looks cool I love the 360 controller the problem I usually have with uh controllers is is that they're wired right uh so I'm probably not gonna get one Elijah says I thought the beginning you said you would wanted to go if Jazz goes I mean yeah I kind of did but he said he wasn't gonna go and then I made up my mind I wasn't gonna go and then all of a sudden a couple weeks beforehand he was like I'm going and I'm like what the hell I already decided I wasn't you know so that's kind of how that played out Fable confirmed from a turn 10 employee on mooch's show I mean Fable was kind of confirmed when they did that tease I mean let's be honest with each other here that tease was for fable a hundred percent and when we talk about you know things that I may have known later on well I'll mention the stuff that I had known but yeah my expectations is that we talked about what was going to open and close the show and everybody has their own picks I think about it's going to open but I think Fable's gonna close I mean it's possible Fable opens the show for sure just like hit it out with the surprise immediately but I think I think they think Fable is going to show off very very well and be the talk of the Showcase essentially and I think you saved that for last and then it leads into the Starfield Direct um at least that's my my line of thinking along along those lines Rick Xbox Nintendo partnership is a banjo remake with it being cross-platform released on both what you think I mean that would be cool and I sort of think that's what it needs to be Nintendo making a banjo game that releases on you know the switch or switch to but also on Xbox and Day One on Game Pass I think that's probably the best scenario for you know getting a an actual really good banjo game for my banjo Bros about banjo Bros and chat who who who who here thinks that banjo is actually going to be revealed today I know a lot of people have been wanting it right uh lagerman what's up buddy I know you're there he says Hey guys at the Showcase right now ready it's gonna start with the big bang well Big Bang look at that I don't know what that means that's gonna start with the big bang I don't know what do you think walkerman's talking about what game could start the show with the big bang I guess Fable could start the show at the Big Bang or if if they have a hellblade if Hal Blade's coming out this year what a great way to start what a great way to start if you could if you could start off the show with hellblade gameplay and then end it immediately with a date that was this year like November wouldn't that be like something really cool like boom you know we know you've been waiting here's hellblade2 and by the way it's coming this year and just start the show off on the right foot assuming of course it's actually releasing this year I mean there's definitely you know ways that could do it my buddy zockers here he says what's up buddy a vow could start the show big time it definitely could definitely could I think it's either three games I think it's a vowed I think it's uh Hellboy 2 or fable or basically one of the three games my friend's leaking early not me I don't leak anything buddy not me whatsoever yeah so while you guys are here make sure you hit the like button and hit that subscribe button uh we just hit over 95 000 on our way to 100K sometime this year hopefully maybe it takes another five months maybe it takes six months maybe I start making more videos and I can get there sooner but we're gonna get there and then you probably get your on camera Xbox two and then you guys would be like ew go back to no camera and I'd be like all right no problem what's up Nation Walgreens knows he's like it's gonna be quite the show going to be a lot of happy fans see he knows he knows Christopher says webcam webcam I actually don't even have a camera so even if I wanted to show up for this I don't even I don't even have one so it'd be impossible yep yep yep it's gonna be great but uh we do have some housekeeping you know uh I forgot to get this done early you know we have the patreon peeps as always xb2 it's in the chat we got uh Paris silly joining us sometime in the future haven't locked it down yet for Xbox two plus one hopefully next week and then we have an Xbox 2 ultimate showing up as well so you know we appreciate all the people who sign up for the patreon and we do have a sponsor for this episode of the Xbox 2 and it is raycon so this week's podcast is sponsored by raycon I'm sure you heard of raycon from their countless collaborations with creators across the digital world in the five years since their launch they become known for a few things all-day Comfort a perfect fit an impressive battery life and of course premium sound at affordable prices well you may not have heard is raycons gaming Series so the gaming cons series just the two staple gaming audio products the wireless gaming earbuds which are compact portable and Universal and the wireless gaming headphones comfortable and immersive which you know they all feature raycon's hypersync low technology whether that's you hear what you see lag free they have three sound profiles you can choose your character pure balanced or Bass and you can seamlessly pair with all major platforms with the click of the button I'm using my raycon wireless gaming earbuds right now to do the show to hear everything right that we're about to hopefully hear at the uh and see at the the Showcase itself I use them all the time you know I use my gaming earbuds to actually go for walks trying to get and fit and stuff like that but you can use them on your PC and your gaming consoles if you want to so if you're ready to pick it up you could head to buy xb2 today to get 15 off your acon order you also get 20 off raycon's gaming earbuds or ten dollars off their gaming headphones that's buy xb2 to score 15 off and you get even more savings so thank you to raycon for sponsoring the show the link is in the description thank you guys uh for being here and thank you raycon and the patreons for supporting what we do yeah let's go all right so how much time we got left we got 37 minutes now there was one thing I was thinking about there's one thing I was thinking about and let me know what you guys think so Xbox has this double feature right they have the game showcase and they have the Starfield direct now the thing I was thinking about is and I know they've said this on Twitter how it's immediately following but do we expect any sort of break in between the actual showcase and then Starfield direct like are we thinking there's going to be something like that and shout out to Quicksilver the newest member of the channel appreciate you man enjoy the emotes and all that stuff but could there be an intermission of some kind like hey the show just ended we just saw Fable and by the way a new countdown starts and it's five minutes and then the Starfield direct begins because I I don't know like I sort of feel like there could be one I I don't know maybe they want to separate the shows a little bit by like a little get a little time maybe if people like hey you know what you've been sitting down for an hour and a half you got to go to the bathroom or get something to drink go do so I mean I don't know it's just something to keep in mind um that you know I was thinking about like intermissions hopefully there's not because I want an hour and 52 minutes of goodness greatness of games games games games games games games um I you know I mean if it's a five minute one that wouldn't be a big deal but you know 14 says ran they said immediately follows the Showcase yeah I know but you know immediately could be five minutes you know what I mean you never know with wording and PR and stuff like that right so I know uh so I know let's see um we have a lot of uh how much Japanese presence do you think will be at the show I mean we know Persona is there Persona 3 and Persona tactics Persona 5 tactics are we expecting anything else are we expecting a new Yakuza game like who's eight uh because I thought the Yakuza The Man Without a name was actually going to be at the show that's why I said I thought it would be there but it was at the it was at the sgf it was that Jeff's show that's the difficulty about this it was like well I think this could be there but it wasn't and I didn't and I didn't think I thought cyberpunk would be at the summer games Fest which is why I didn't say it would be at the Xbox One and now well it didn't show up at the Xbox one so now it's here so are we expecting any more Japanese support are we expecting Square Enix to show up with something I mean obviously not like Final Fantasy 7 remake or anything but are we expecting them to show up with I mean God forbid phone stars or something else some other smaller games just to show like hey we don't hate Xbox here's some games for Game Pass OR Bandai Namco or something or a Persona 6. I mean I think it's a little bit earlier for Persona 6. so I doubt that's really there but um I I think they'll I think obviously they'll probably be some more presents I mean there's rumors of Jet Set Radio you know the Persona 3 remake is real why not Jet Set Radio Joaquin says bro did you hear foam stars is actually good uh we'll see about that we'll see if it's actually good uh leaky home guess the third party game that is CGI in there I mean it could be anything really it's there's a lot of third-party games that could be there that are CGI sin Vendetta buddies is random pulling for the hellblade 2 to release this fall for you because I know that would make your year but I'm feeling in my gut that hellblade 2 is 2024 my gut is wrong yeah same I think I've been as you guys know 50 50 all year about whether or not it would come this this fall I wanted to I want it to be like that November game right that uh you know that that game awards sort of experience that people love third person over their shoulders cinematics great storytelling and stuff and so I think they probably are targeting this fall but you never know what game development how things are things always slip at last minute I mean look at Spider-Man too everybody thought it was going to be September in fact a lot of people thought it was going to be the same week as star field and we find out it's October 20th you know basically kind of a month later so who knows with game development things might you know things might come up and they're like all right we can't make November but we can make February stuff like that right yeah let me know in the chat where you guys are from I see someone says here that they're from South Africa man which I'm sorry if I mispronounced that I'm not the best with names let me know where you're from I am from Chicago Illinois well not exactly Chicago I'm about 30 minutes outside Chicago but basically you know the southern suburbs Chicago Illinois um and I'm always astonished to see all the different uh places people are from here right like I love seeing the worldwide appeal that not only Xbox has but people that listen to Xbox 2 and you know the fans of Xbox in general so Fort Worth we've got Tennessee got Sacramento California yeah a lot of people here a lot of people from a lot of different places Rockford Illinois hello what's going on London and Ontario Canada Peoria all right people from all over the world whoo Wagner so what's what's the aesthetic like at the uh the thing what what is what is it looking like down there what's what's the vibe at the uh the little the little Showcase Event oh man so we got about uh half an hour before the festivities begin yeah hopefully when the me the music kicks in for it I can kind of adjust that you know and uh you know see if it's too loud or if it whatever I'll do all the adjustments when I can so we just need to kind of wait for that to happen right oh look there's my there's my mouse cursor get that off the screen oh okay one click that Ryan do you think we'll see metro metro four announced today I mean I guess it's possible I mean we know they're working on it and it definitely could be a game that could be at the Showcase for sure how many games do you think we'll see today I mean depending on how long the Showcase is and how long the Starfield direct is because we don't have confirmation about how long either are right we know the combined show from the YouTube metadata that's an hour 52 minutes 19 seconds obviously that's going to have some intro stuff there'll be some talking there'll probably be a collage that they always do at the end so it's going to be less than an hour 52 but we don't know the actual time splits for either the show itself or Starfield direct there's a show in hour 20 and then the Starfield direct 30 minutes is the show an hour 30 and the Starfield direct the rest of the time is the show in hour 10 and Starfield direct like we don't know we don't know how long the Starfield direct is right I guess it could be as short as 15 minutes could be as long as 35 and I think we've seen what 15 minutes of it 15 minutes of it last year so um I guess yeah I mean it could be anywhere between 15 to 30 minutes and we've seen a lot of the game already what's up has hope you're uh doing well I know you're getting ready to make a lot of tweets about everything so how many first party games do you think they show hmm that's a good question they showed seven last year if I'm not mistaken but I think they're gonna show a lot more this year so I would expect minimum 10 minimum 10 first party games and that includes stuff like what's up achievement that includes stuff like uh you know Halo infinite if that's there sea of Thieves and grounded and stuff like that I know I know I know we really don't want to see any sort of live service things right during the Showcase but Xbox hey I mean those games they have a lot of players they wanna tell everybody that those games are are played by millions so yeah I would say 10 is a good minimum maybe as much as 15 depending on how long the Showcase is and how much they want to go into it right how many first party games they want to showcase like I feel pretty good that we're gonna at least see Fable and a vowed and hellblade 2 and Forza Motorsport and Starfield right I feel like those are going to be there and they should be I mean they're all announced games it's not like they're unannounced right it's been a while since we've seen Fable in a vowed so I feel I feel very good that we'll see those as far as like unannounced titles that's a different story right uh you could get something from Global publishing like wandering Tower uh you know maybe maybe maybe that like project dragon game or project Shaolin although I think Jazz revealed those earlys I mean I would like to see what Contraband looks like would that show up again and then there's like still first party games in Exile compulsion um you know double fines working on a couple games right like so what is like compulsions game could be there and maybe it is um and then there's Bethesda themselves right like is Bethesda there outside of Starfield we really don't know we I hope so I'm gonna hopefully see Indiana Jones I would love to see what its software is making wouldn't you whether it's a new uh new Doom like a Doom 3 or like a or or essentially like a new Quake or something or xenomax online there's a lot of things they could announce they have a lot of games in development oh man Smurf somebody always brings this up how do you feel about scalebound being at the show God forbid if scale about what if scalebound actually opened the show I was thinking about that what if scalebound literally was like we're back baby and it opened up the show I would just probably turn the show off immediately I would just be done done and over with be like all right guys I'm going to bed uh the Showcase ain't for me if they're starting off with Starfield right but yeah they have a they have a lot of things they could show that's what makes it all the more exciting they're not going to stick to that 12-month thing that they did last year so you know star field and it has its own segment red falls out and they're probably not even going to talk about that I don't think they'll mention Minecraft Legends so you can't rely on the old stuff you've been relying on for the last two years so you need to show new stuff and getting these games that they've been working on from these Studios that were acquired in 2018 are all kind of coming to the end so it's like yeah where's that where's that road map what is uh 2024 looked like Beyond achievement any guests jumping in today I mean I don't think so nobody hit me up asking if they wanted to come on you know so probably just going to be me unless you know after the show people more you know people want to come on because I do have like when we do the show the Discord chat uh for the Xbox 2 is kind of hidden that like you know people just can't join so I would need to give them permissions they'd have to join the Discord and all that stuff but you know everybody wants to do their own thing which is great everybody wants to stream the show on their own channels and they got their own things going on which is awesome and I only really started doing this a couple years ago honestly because sometimes I just like to watch and I'm not much of a reactor uh I kind of just I'm sitting there taking everything in but a lot of people ask for me to actually like watch the show hear my reaction so I was like all right why not I'll do this you know yeah 11 36 how long before this starts what is uh what does it say on YouTube it says what it says uh premieres in 23 minutes all right we got 23 minutes to the premiere can't wait um Naru hen we want to see Perfect Dark gameplay I mean I'm with you I want to see Perfect Dark gameplay as well it's one of my most anticipated games from first party Crystal Dynamics really good developer see what the initiative has kind of built but I don't know I don't think we'll see it today I think we'll see it next year I think we'll you know the 2020 games that haven't gotten an update I I think we'll see stuff from Fable and avowed and obviously Forza Motorsport um hellblade 2 but I think the other ones like stated K3 and ever wild and Perfect Dark are next year like ever while you know that game was sort of completely rebooted by all accounts so probably going to be a little bit longer uh State of Decay 3 is probably yeah I think state of the K3 and those those games will be next year right what unannounced game would you like to see announced um I mean if there's a game you could show off with the logo that logo that would get people hype could it be Killer Instinct too right if you have a Killer Instinct 2 and development that would really excite people I know banjo would excite people too but just like a logo tease a Killer Instinct 2 will return right that would get people super excited especially with like the Renaissance of fighting games not even the Renaissance because it's been great for a while but this year like Street Fighter 6 and Tekken and Mortal Kombat 1 and to like oh by the way Killer Instincts coming back that would be that'd be killer or as Jaime says a new Wolfenstein right was Indiana Jones the only game they're working style working on what about Wolfenstein 3 like was that a was that a secret project by them uh I don't I don't know I mean I don't I think they put it on the the back burner but I would love if that was kind of like the Ender like they were like by the way machine games is here with their new game and it's releasing this year and you get a trailer with BJ bass blaskowitz and it's Wolfenstein three could you imagine that would be so amazing Splinter Cell yeah that'd be a great one I mean I'll say that every single year please Splinter Cell come back we need you New Vegas too well I mean they could do they could do a title car tease for New Vegas too and that would be pretty damn hype for a lot of people I mean because it doesn't seem like we're getting a Fallout game anytime soon right I mean who knows 20 30. but obsidian would be the ones to make it and they're tied up they got a vowed and they got outer worlds too which maybe we see Avada worlds too next year or probably not because a village probably next year I guess unless savout is out already at the time which it may be I'm predicting a vowed is more of a fall 2024 type title you know what I mean blue dragon too yeah a lot of people say like let's let's see Lost Odyssey too let's see some first party first party games or Japanese titles that are you know Microsoft like exclusive that they funded like they did in the 360 era what's up Umbra Splinter cells in the is in the work so maybe Microsoft could work on a deal to bring it to Game Pass day in day upon release yeah I mean they possibly but the thing with that is Ubisoft has their own subscription service and I don't know how they would feel about putting a brand new game that they would put in their own subscription service that you can subscribe on Ubisoft Plus on Console to get their stuff day one but then also it come to Game Pass so I I sort of doubt that they would do that with Splinter Cell uh because they would want to push their own subscription service unless like Xbox really just threw him a bag right Final Fantasy 7 remake I would I mean I would remove all hope of ever seeing a Final Fantasy game on like of that count I'm not saying other final fantasies won't come but seems like seven remake and rebirth probably aren't going to come to Xbox ever I mean maybe five seven eight years from now or something it could but it seems Sony's really locked up the Final Fantasy VII stuff now have they locked up the rumored Final Fantasy 9 remake or the rumored now rumored Final Fantasy 10 remake I don't know I don't know maybe they just lock down seven because that's the one that has 11 Nostalgia for people maybe they haven't locked down nine or ten or maybe jazz is right maybe there is some sort of you know Bad Blood between Xbox and Square Enix even though like they they do still sometimes release games so I don't know I I there were a rumor pointing out that like even Final Fantasy 9 the Remake is not like a full remake remake like seven was that it's a little bit lesser so we'll see we'll see maybe maybe those come and it's just like Final Fantasy VII that doesn't uh Ryan says ran since Kojima was absent from sgf do you think he will be at the Showcase that is a good point he wasn't there but he has you know that stranding too I mean there were leaks that people had seen in the trailer for his game last year overdose so I guess in the realm of possibility that maybe they show that this year I mean you never know with how pumped it seems Xbox is about this show I mean it's maybe it's possible I don't know I was expecting next year for kojima's gamery I don't know I don't know how close the Kojima games really is are they is he more focused on um is he more focused on death stranding too we just don't know right so I was thinking I was thinking next year oh Jimmy says ran Kojima himself said he wanted to share info on his Xbox game sometime this year I mean yeah okay I mean if that if he said that I mean there's also the game awards there's also Tokyo game show that they could do something on the Xbox would probably rather have it here this is the big the big time right tme says Ray Rand hope to showcases plenty of great games that come out soon me too man I'm just really excited to see what's coming out the rest of the year and then what hopefully their 2024 looks like and then anything they want to announce for the future right gotta excite the fans Jamie says they have to been hyping the Showcase up it has to deliver uh yeah I mean it would be it would be a shame if it didn't but I agree yeah no jazz is not going to be live on stage come on now Platinum might show project GG I mean maybe Platinum could be there you never know what they're doing I know special Nick says they're doing scale bond which I hope is not to God Emperor Sofa King lil no way Aaron is wearing hold the line I mean you said he would didn't he said he would be wearing it during the Sunday during the Showcase so the question is is Phil wearing it is Phil gonna be on stream wearing Hold the Line probably not but wouldn't that be something if it was [Music] um all right let me give me give me your guys's prediction on this one hellblade2 this year or next year what do you guys think you guys think it's this fall after Forza Motorsport or do you think it's 2024 I'm kind of curious to see where uh where everyone kind of sits a lot of people are saying this year it sort of seems split I guess this year 2024 okay what about what about Fable that's a that's an interesting one is Fable 2024 Fable 2025 fabled 2026 what do you guys think I know there's some some talk it could be 2024 I've been saying I thought it was 2025 but uh when do you guys think Fable's gonna show up fables 2025 it says yeah and I guess the other one let's see um will there be a shadow drop this year right we know Hi-Fi Rush was a big success with the shadow drop there are some achievements that popped up on Steam do they like do they surprise Shadow drop a um expansion of some kind today that'd be pretty cool or Fallout 4 next-gen update could easily be Shadow dropped as well it'd be cool if there was like if you're gonna do a shadow drop I think it's got to be something Hi-Fi Rush related it fits exactly what they did in January it's like by the way you can play the expansion for Hi-Fi Rush right now right I think that would be perfect you probably don't need to do the Fallout thing maybe they keep the Fallout 4 drop until closer to the Fallout TV show hey at least we're not going to see any TV shows today right we're not going to get a sneak peek of Fallout or gears or Halo right because that seems to be it all right how awful how awful was that sneak peek of um kind of Twisted Metal on on Jeff's show I couldn't believe how bad that looked it's like Twisted Metal the game known for Carnage in vehicles and they started off the show with just some basic awful dialogue in a casino it's like what does that have to do with Twisted Metal like really come on get out of here jelly have fun with the Showcase ran thanks for the positivity you and Jess bring to the community well thank you for being here and thank you for the support we try our best I know some people think like oh you know you're too sometimes you're too negative and stuff like that and it's like I just kind of say what I feel you know sometimes I'm excited like right now sometimes I'm not you know I'm not looking to try to keep it real like some people are obsessed with that you just gotta keep it real and keep it 100 I just say what I feel you know and I don't want to really talk about it but redfall disappointed me immensely mainly because I was a huge Arcane nerd fan and you know I'm not going to just say things opposite to how I feel like yeah I was you know but I try to I try to be I'm more positive than I am negative like I know a lot of people they they like to to play the negativity and stuff like that but I I don't know it's this is my hobby bro I I love this I love gaming right and I don't know like sure you can be cynical because we've been doing this for a long time but at the end of the day I want to be excited about everything that's coming out because I love this right and once that love if that love ever was gone I would stop doing it I would stop making videos I would stop doing the podcast I'd stop gaming so like I always try to keep everything more positive uh than just everything's just crap or everything's just you know sometimes you get that sometimes when you watch people's reactions about the stuff like that Prince of Persia game for example I thought that pressure game looked kind of cool and I'm excited to see it but like everybody was just crapping on it and I just like I don't know I think I think I think negativity seeps in way too much sometimes for a lot of things you know obviously the console Wars are a thing people are negative about what Xbox is doing or negative about what PlayStation does or Nintendo does and stuff and yeah I know you know me and mine hold Nintendo stuff which is mostly just it's just I don't care about Nintendo but it doesn't I know people love them so I'm not gonna be like screw Nintendo it just they don't matter to me but I'd rather just have a positive outlook and be excited for everything that's coming rather than just you know constantly be a jaded you know cynical person I don't know that's just my my view on it all Diana Ross most people only want photorealistic looking game yeah that is true people want their graphics on their you know 500 bucks you know that they spent on their console which fair enough it's a lot of money right and if you're not happy with what's on the console then yeah you can voice your displeasure I would just get rid of it you know [Music] how much time we got left ooh we're getting 11 minutes away we're almost 10 minutes and under yeah make sure you hit the like button this is gonna be I hope I mean I got my fingers crossed I'm knocking on wood I got a good feeling about this show I got a very good feeling about this show and I think it's mostly going to be based around stuff that we wanted to see updates on from 2020 those games right not necessarily like brand new announcements or like super surprise stuff but I think I think those games are gonna it's like all right finally a vowed how cool does that look right hellblade2 what improvements did they make right I mean because they were small any team like 12 people that made hellblade on a 10 million dollar budget right it's it's incredible but you can definitely see the limitations they had but now they're under Microsoft they got a bigger budget they have like double the amount of people working on the game right they can do bigger and better things like like show me that you know I want to see the Step Up same thing with obsidian like look at their previous games and then what are the vowel's gonna be right so you can finally see oh yeah that's why the acquisition was good because now you can create bigger and better games not only like the the passion projects which allows them to do that but like the bigger experiences #hold the line yes someone sent me a DM of Aaron wearing the shirt it's true he's wearing the shirt Hold the Line officially part of like Xbox vernacular wouldn't that be hilarious if it actually showed up in the Showcase I tell you man hanging out with you guys talking about this stuff has made this time go by really quickly I mean who'd have thought that we're nine minutes out from the show whew so it if they do Fan Fest again next year which they probably will in the watch party all right more of you going to try to go because I'm probably gonna try to go next year for sure uh you know because I wanted to go this year but it wasn't in the cards but I'm definitely gonna go next year right uh Rand is the VOD gonna stay up it probably will yeah unless like there's some copyright claims because you never know with copyright stuff I know all those the reactions to Summer Games Fest were basically blocked worldwide right and you never know like sometimes they'll block the stuff for music so if there's any copyrighted music I might try to mute it on my end and then like obviously unmute it when it's over but you just never know with with YouTube and you know copyrighted things Gunstar you have more than double the audience of iron Lords right now good for you and no Shades running on them I mean eye Lords are amazing I don't know you should everybody should be watching them not me I mean I do have a bigger Channel and a bigger podcast but you know that doesn't mean much you know and it's just me here so iron Lords are the best bro I love them datas definitely deserve more viewers it's one of the best podcasts out there I never like to rip them of like hey it's the best Xbox podcast which you know when you got King David on there of course it is right of course it's Xbox but they're amazing they're one like I know they put on a long show like us and I usually try to drop by everybody's shows to see what's going on for a little bit 10 15 20 minutes here and there um but iron Lords is one of the only shows I actually kind of watch one hour one and a half hours two hours because I love the chemistry between you know King and addict and Cognito and Sovereign like it's it is such a great watch and a great listen Joshua Candler Jones is a showcase make or break no nothing's make or break I mean we've lived through the Xbox one generation every single time for one of those shows it was always make or break nothing is ever really truly make or break and it's not like if the show disappoints all of a sudden you know Xbox is going to go out of business people might be disappointed uh or whatever but I do think it's imperative to have a good show it's imperative to really energize your fans after you know redfall situation and things like that so it's important it's just not like the be-all end-all because even if the shows like say this show is a 10 out of 10. Shades is absolutely amazing does that save Xbox then are they suddenly going to outstart outselling PlayStation probably not you know but it would be good for the Optics of hey look what's coming to Xbox that's what's coming to Game Pass the fans are passionate again so definitely would be a good thing but it's not all of a sudden gonna be like well we're number one right Thanos tomorrow iragaki or uh itagaki of the Ninja Gaiden was rumored to be in talks with Xbox I think we can do acquisition announcement at the show probably not they're Neck Deep with ABK so I don't think we'll see anything acquisition wise Lauren thank you for being the newest member of the channel appreciate it start the Stream uh I mean that's on YouTube's end isn't it kind of just waiting they uh says the premieres in four minutes so it's just waiting for them to start right now let me hide the chat over here we don't need to see the chat and then when when it gets when it actually starts I'll go I'll uh obviously uh Go full screen so and I'll move my my mouse cursor at the bottom so you guys won't see it either switch to Twitch is Twitch up and running hold on let me let me switch to Twitch then I guess hold on twitch uh Twitch TV uh Xbox okay okay that's up and running then um let me full screen this and let me full screen this on over here uh hold on stick with me here all right so let's see you can tell I'm I'm a Noob at this stuff so one second uh uh window capture here we go we can transform this and stretch to fit screen there we go we are now full screen uh okay let me bring up the chat again yeah twitch is only 1080p but whatever uh go back to YouTube why would I go back to YouTube I'm only I'm only streaming in 1080P so uh you know it wouldn't be 4K for you guys yeah I know it's cheap and it's 4K but I'm not streaming in 4k and I I don't have a 4k monitor so I wouldn't be able to even see it so plus I always watch these things later let me know do I need to adjust the volume of uh can you guys can you guys hear it well yeah it's low on their end too oh it's it's very kind of like low music so it's it's even low on like for me and I'm sure it'll uh it'll the volume will get a lot more when it actually starts I mean I have a 4K television I just don't have a 4k monitor I just doesn't I don't know like that stuff really doesn't matter to me on PC I just don't really care need to speak see Phil Spencer in 4k I know they said like the YouTube Premiere would be in 4k but the YouTube premieres are always stuck at 1080p so unless they're like they're the first ones ever to do a YouTube Premiere in 4k I don't know yeah it would if I gamed on a PC that is true but I don't game on a PC a game on Console which hooked up to my 65-inch OLED and I I love it on that so so we got an out we got a one minute 46. we're getting close hit me up with a hold the light in chat let's get ready everybody we're almost there a minute and a half who's who's nervous who's nervous that we're gonna see a great show here bring back the connect uh no thank you have you tried gaming on PC sure I've tried gaming on peace it's not for me it's not for me you know I know I know love people love that but I it's not something I care about all right ooh we're moving look at that right it slides to the side so we know that this the Xbox game showcase look at all the little pretty graphics and stuff we're we're there we're there guys 45 seconds away yeah here's so here's a tip for you guys twitch is always ahead of YouTube by a good 30 seconds every single time always so if you actually want to see things happen sooner always watch these things on Twitch sure maybe the bit rate's bad or whatever but you'll see these things earlier all right we're 18 seconds away let's go I'm happy you're here uh Welsh nightmare uh oh got the countdown eight seven six five four three two one oh baby let's go oh with funny doing this really because I was gonna make a sandwich oh this is Fable they're starting with Fable oh crap let's go let's do it Heroes well we've all seen them haven't we swanning about the place with their disproportionately high cheekbones and comically massive weapons roughing up Bandits because they like to rough up Bandits don't they living it up with the common folk every single night on a day-to-day basis I'll say the two Heroes me someone who's breaking you ground with fruit with veg on the agricultural side of things not wafting around mythical creatures I mean I have everything maxed for the sound wafters see I'm not here I'm here to conquer the vegetable not a euphemism let's face it the age of Heroes is over this is the age of innovation this if you will one moment foreign [Music] thank you World premiere and a fable looked pretty good I look pretty good oh here we go compulsions game back to back [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] be gone don't have no mercy shaking bones in a while very stylized [Music] so I'm looking for a creature huge sneaky teeth like knives no well hi how about you guys no nobody not helpful yeah the art direction for this is pretty good [Music] south of midnight okay [Music] that's probably an engine look because I wasn't really getting any gameplay which they said would be a thing and no year so yeah 2024 maybe 2025 that's interesting starting off with Fable and then immediately going to compulsion these are dangerous times oh Star Wars games okay but the world here belongs to syndicates I want to survive I have to play their game I didn't think this would be here it's a big this is a big game looks like I'm all in [Music] all in she's in here and now I just need a chance to finally be free wherever that takes me I'm here to offer you a way out okay get off my ship Jalen who's this trust me risky but if you pull this off you'll never look over your shoulder again [Music] I mean I'm always down for a new Star Wars game it's a big Galaxy out there and I'm gonna risk it off [Music] all right Star Wars Outlaws okay okay that was a big big game here oh coming actually next year all right ah see this is what I thought they would do for Splinter Cell be like here's the trailer and then Welcome to our first ever double feature the Xbox game showcase followed by a deep dive into one of the most important RPGs ever made Starfield gaming is the most powerful of all entertainment it transports it challenges it connects us and it's just incredibly and awesomely fun that is why team Xbox is committed to building the greatest place to play by partnering with the most ambitious of game creators and by unleashing the power of the Gaming Community enabling all of us to play the games we watch with our friends anywhere from mobile devices to PCS to consoles the lineup we have for you today is just incredible these are the works of the very greatest creative teams from around the world we made this show for you the largest most engaged and globally diverse fan base in Xbox history you are the heart and soul of Xbox your passion drives us and you are the inspiration for The Visionaries whose games we showcase today from me and all of the team at Xbox thank you this next game is from Thunder Lotus the award-winning Studio behind Spirit Fair who've gone back to their combat roots with an amazing Co-op raid focused action game that is uniquely theirs all right everybody it's time yeah I mean for those of you saying the volume's low can you not hear it because it's low on my end too and I have everything completely boosted so is the volume just low or can you not hear the volume at all so I didn't play their last game that looks cool yeah the volume's low on my end too uh I'll turn myself down a little bit but there's nothing I can do to make it louder yeah Morgan I checked them the mixer it's maxed out at 100. it's just maybe this is the audio on Twitch hmm I wonder if this is coming again this looks like more of a game for me rather than uh their last one so [Music] 33 Immortals all right it is coming to Game Pass that's cool yeah I'll turn myself down way more simple job payday three I think nothing to it [Music] everybody hit the floor foreign I mean I'm not the biggest fan of payday so now that we know Fabe will open the show I guess that maybe means but Bob will close the show coming to game pass on day one okay that's that's interesting guide for Game Pass Co-op Heist game probably won't play it though I'm not really interested in Payday I didn't play one or two really I play I think I played two for a little bit Atlas okay this is the Persona stuff this would have been a big surprise for a lot of people that didn't get ruined [Music] ah it's a shame that that leaked people would have been really hyped for that and the fact that they got it to Game Pass as well I wonder if everything's going to be Game Pass except for the Star Wars game ooh first party game all right all right let's do it interesting what's this oh are we doing about already people don't like you very much do they send here to the living lands an emperor who couldn't bother to come himself I did not expect about to show up this early damn the cowboy closing then Souls they want us to trust you but the truth is you scare us yeah it's kind of a mix of gameplay and in engine sort of cinematic stuff resembles a lot of what I've seen before it's Yuki a very uh more colorful version of Skyrim will destroy us now that you have all this power what are you gonna do with it damn that's a really really good trailer now I'm really curious what they're gonna close with holy my my predictions were wrong no another first party game oh they're bringing it huh damn they're bringing it that's rare sea thieves oh wait what lucasfilm nope what could it be Pirates of Caribbean again no oh Monkey Island Maybe yeah there we go Monkey Island welcome to the scum bar the most notorious Tavern on melee Island wall to wall Rogues and scoundrels which ship is right for you A big ship a luxury ship a ship with just a splash of je ne sais quoi Legend of Monkey Island you mean Governor guy brush but freeport's not set foot out of that Mansion for almost a year hey what do you think you're doing I told you no autographs so I see you have a meet and greet ticket and I guess it's not every day that you get to meet the mighty pirate guy Rush 3 wood the legend of Monkey Island the Chuck has turned the memories of this island into a prison for guybrush well well what do we have can always kind of see if you use the show up at these shows I think they'll shut up 3-1 since uh 2018 as it should it's a very popular game I actually did go back and play a little bit when the uh Pirates of Caribbean one happened but I probably won't check this out July 20th okay okay World premiere World premiere of a new first party all right let's bring the first party the Sobo okay what is this oh flights him okay I thought it was gonna be something different should have predicted flight Sim would be at the show because of course it would be it's different sort of stuff you can do in this game now I only played this game for like 30 minutes and then I stopped very popular game seems like they have a lot of events they're doing in this one so cool for the people that enjoy it was a part of me that was like man if sobos making a first party game and I remembered oh yeah laughs thank you how about a fighter Jeff for shooting down enemies and that is pretty damn cool dune stuff all right it's always cool when they add stuff like that right are we getting Halo since we're doing like live service stuff hi Melita yeah speaking to you from a performance capture stage at Ninja Theory where we have just wrapped our shoots for Sanu Saga held late too really when we first showed gameplay for hellblade 2 it was a look at some of the games cinematic and immersive action where senua faced off against a gigantic troll on the Icelandic coastline her personal Quest her unique perspective on the world and the intimate Journey that awaits you in senua Saga what you'll see today is all captured by the team on Xbox series X this is all right this is what I need to see bro let me just shaking my guesses were completely wrong slipping through our soul following the threats of her mind she's here to find them I want to hide she needs my stem as a prize there's always a part of you that changes a part of you that darkens and a part of you that the pool they are watching you should never time to time to find out you're waiting for watching more than one are they where are you what do they want I don't like it I'm scared of their eyes what do you want me to do how to find us anymore are you ready for what you will find here fine fine what if it's often for nothing dude I need to play this game like ASAP please tell me it's coming this year [Music] four parts of here that are broken you can be whole of the grief all the rage everything I've done has led me to this place we've come so far far enough I am here no if we get lost forever happened what will happen to you I will not let them tell she is ready go what you said off those you have saved early 2024. damn that does look incredible but I wanna go I wanted the combat come back okay include the game I guess oh you cause eight all right all right I need to play the the last one I played it for a little bit but something else came up this is kind of funny [Music] oh my God foreign [Music] oh early next year okay I thought it would be end of 2024 Bethesda all right here we go please not be followed 76 or Elder Scrolls [Music] of course you knew something like this would happen [Music] Wonderland fruit of the year years of prudent progress and determined Reclamation and 15 million dwellers worth of keen imagination from the heart of West Virginia to the depths of the pit no matter if you roam alone or spend your time with friends you'll find a home in Appalachia where the good times never ends there are relics too yes you can always count on Bethesda to show off the Elder Scrolls and follow up to explore you've seen it all hey well how about this pack your bags for an escape of Epicurean Bliss put your rad shield on and fix your hair up pretty because we're headed for the boardwalk of Atlantic City so there you have it now you know there's a million ways to make the Wasteland your waste home and when you hear it Venture calling when you're looking for does anybody actually play fall 76 [Music] answer the answer to the call of all 76. play it now with Xbox game pass people are saying the valve looks mid nah thought of I'd look great well for me let's see the first party or third party third party Capcom what is this some new show it's not Dino Crisis Devil May Cry six could this be I don't think it's pragmata definitely not Dogma foreign interesting whatever it is path of the Goddess okay brand new and Game Pass all right this is pretty good it's pretty good all right first party let's go a lot of first party at the show foreign Motors historic commitment to Performance is embodied in two of its iconic Brands Chevrolet and Cadillac the V series dot R elevates Cadillac's competitive Spirit to a whole new level with its thunderous V8 and Hybrid Power the legendary Corvette has been a celebrated Champion for decades the all-new Chevrolet Corvette e-ray continues that tradition General Motors is proud proud to usher in a new era of competition with the innovators behind the new Forza Motorsport s of Motorsport and General Motors are pairing their strengths and Technical excellence and sophisticated modern design to take bold steps into the future and bring that experience to Gamers I actually have a car on switch to welcome the cadillacv series.r and the Corvette e-ray to the home of competition thank you I know you're ready you've got this let's tweak the car's performance for the next one how much more of a Forza Horizon fan myself but I mean I'll play this when it comes out yet October 10th that's sort of leaked now we know we knew it was uh October anyways all right Bethesda are we going are we going for Elder Scrolls online or is this Hi-Fi Rush Spider-Man's the 20th one who knows is one thing you can always count on Xbox to do is Showcase their uh live service games right this is the third time they've shown ESO and Fallout 76 so I guess they're going to be Staples at Xbox shows moving forward disconnected from Facebook hungry for forbidden knowledge to all kept hidden that threatens to unravel reality itself foreign with gear six you know maybe announce the gears collection for that later this fall and then gear six maybe that ends saved real [Music] 20th no wonder it's at the show they gotta hype it up uh live service stuff C6 unit 37 . Difference by the way we are pleased to announce we have closed on APK and the rounding up omnics they need our help answering Vincent's recourse and we have so much to teach them we can stop now sector maybe we can save the city coming through it's been a while as if I didn't have enough problems already too bad they killed the single player stuff in this game to interrupt the moment but I'm picking up reports of more attacks in other cities it's a fight they want I say let's give it to him [Music] let's go shall we do this together these are all the new characters right yeah I don't know I always kind of get bored when they show live service stuff that I just don't care about Premiere this always happens for all their shows [Music] what is this place it looks like we're in a palace what the hell is going on who are these people no idea but if they're attacking us our only choice fighting back hey look over there so you're telling me your thieves who steal hearts and you just happen to stumble into this world the rebel core will always help the Phantom thieves just as the Phantom thieves have helped the rebel record never forget that we're United Force who can rely on each other unfortunately returning will be no easy somewhere deep inside I know you realize things can't go on like this so will you take a stand beside us [Music] okay probably something Persona uh the uh Persona fans really like Bethesda hmm not live service Humanity has always hunted in the unknown the Wonder is I figured there would be a trailer I thought it would be closer to the end but we have measured it [Music] man I'm really looking forward to playing this it's my like second most participated game of the Fall after Allen week two we're all here because we're committed to the biggest question of all what's bad you're part of constellation now part of our family we do not fully understand all that is at work here no finer group in the stars to be unraveling this mystery we'll follow you from here on out to Captain grab jump is ready these artifacts could be everything we've been looking for another great secret the universe is asking us to unravel human settlements throughout the Galaxy could be at risk we are not stopping looks great whatever can't wait for the Starfield direct I mean we'll change Humanity this looks absolutely forever freaking awesome my voice is a little lower because people said they wanted it lower compared to the show so I'll turn it back up when the show's over this This Is Where We Belong September six baby let's go that look really really good that was there that was the best trailer they put out for that game by far God the music is so amazing too still still out like two for me number one that's just because of the first game our world premiere Xbox game studios no what do we have [Music] thank you foreign [Music] they didn't say this was the first part of the game so I don't think it's anything from first party unless I missed it but it was ever wild it was definitely a change in visual Direction with the main characters all right don't they have another game that just sworner just saw one of their other games at the Jeff show [Music] laughs sometimes does kind of look like a rock climbing simulator somebody said in chat even got like a little rope tied to you for if you fall well this year okay well at least Game Pass as well I'm I checked that out for sure World premiere super mode okay Chinese room Chinese room usually doesn't put stuff on Xbox do they [Music] [Music] [Music] um ing still wakes the deep that was a short trailer oh quite evocative a lot of game pass stuff which we knew [Music] I mean we all you know knew the Game Pass stuff and Indie stuff would be here she can't pull out like a full full show of just like first party and stuff so the next box says we know Sarah Bond said it earlier they like diverse content that means like you know different graphical styles of games things of that nature [Music] hi I'm very honorable to be returning is Johnny silver damn in the upcoming expansion for cyberpunk 2077. Phantom Liberty this new adventure reunites Johnny and V on a dangerous spy mission and introduces Idris Elba as secret agent Solomon Reed it's really amazing to share the screen with you Idris it's cool to be a part of this game with you man um as a player you'll get to visit Dogtown an unexplored part of night City and rescue the president of the new United States of America expect a massive expansion twists secrets and plenty of stuff to do I know the team at CD projekt Red just keeps raising the bar when it comes to telling cinematic stories and video games and I really can't wait for you to play it on Xbox series X and S but enough talking I'm guessing you want to see for yourself and so it is my honor and pleasure to give you and introduce the official trailer for Phantom Liberty uh stuff like that is cool it's too bad it couldn't be live you know there's got to be a way out of this I still need to play this game and maybe it's about time when this expansion comes out you know I'm dying there's nothing can stop that V my name is Songbird I'm an nus intelligence analyst I know about the bomb ticket in your head and I can save your life what's the catch I need you to get to Dogtown attention man's got a thousand and one reasons to want Myers as a hostage sleeper agents it's time to wake them up so nusa is tossing us back into The Fray huh stay sharp we're in the Wolves then now Myers out of there time to eat back her safety is the top priority catch us out here this game isn't broken they have not worked well at launch but I think it works perfectly now doesn't it ratted us up you know the treason ain't never black and white it's a charade V wherever she goes people get hurt let's drop just one what Songbird promised me cure the situation has changed I need to know if you're with me illusion of Freedom draws in the desperate take your truth be come on got iron in your head you've got to put it to someone you definitely need to play this game or trigger just find the time to put 70 hours into it or something I'll die September 26th not that far away September I wonder if I could play it by then maybe I'll play it during the summer [Music] [Music] yeah that's a good call City skylines too it's a good call it's probably what this is because it is coming to Game Pass [Music] thank you Now jazz loves these type of games [Music] like the Forex stuff October 24th man October is packed Jesus [Music] World premiere other Atlas game so all of them didn't leak what is this [Music] Xbox says foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign okay interesting World premiere all right first party Halo infinite that's one game they haven't shown from their live service stuff stoic okay this is a Humanity wandering Tower have fallen survival Sanctuary here in the belfry you must explore this world finds the origins of this evil and to bring hope back to our people [Music] my predictions are pretty good just not what opened and closed the show I guess it's wrong on that maybe an Exiles game closes here's six it's software I don't know together I would imagine this is 2024 Tower Barn okay it's not wandering Tower yeah I figured it was 2024. World premiere all right another first party stuff oh we are here with and I'm glad I changed the said they would be here okay [Music] this city is a miracle of progress a finely tuned delicately balanced machine oh wait some time travel aspect okay but it only takes one rebellious little gear to ruin everything if you resist my rule okay I'm digging this all right Bioshock steampunk you threaten what I have built there is nowhere in space or time where I will not destroy you with a little bit of rewinding time oh man they are it's like this game was almost made for me dude I mean there's your big daddy I guess it's a friend Clockwork Revolution oh man yes yes yes yes coming in due time all right so not next year figured all right man this steampunk Bioshock with time travel speak to me thank you all for joining us today is a special day for me and the team I'm excited to see 11 games showcased from our first party Studio 11. we I didn't say one minimum from playground games which will bring the franchise into the modern era while staying true to its British style and humor compulsion and an exile shared their first original experiences since joining Xbox with south of midnight and Clockwork Revolution and we are thrilled at how a vowed is shaping up for release next year from the RPG Masters at obsidian in addition to avowed our Studios will deliver hellblade 2 an all-new Microsoft flight simulator power born and More in 2024. later this month players can look forward to Elder Scrolls online necron and sea of Thieves Monkey Island as we look to Holiday we will launch star field and Forza Motorsport both built for Xbox series X S and PC we are also honored to share 14 games today from our creative partners like Star Wars Outlaws from Ubisoft massive in collaboration with lucasfilm games 33 Immortals from Thunder Lotus kunitsu gami path of the Goddess from Capcom and more Persona games coming to game passion partnership interesting Activision so like to congratulate the studio zero team on metaphor refant to Zio it's great to be able to Premiere what is next from the creators of persona here in our showcase I guess there is going to be an intermission I can't imagine and game creators first for that long in everything we do no matter if you choose to play on Xbox PC or over the cloud all gamers are welcome here at Xbox when it comes to our consoles we have heard your feedback on two fronts first we have significantly increased our supply of Xbox series X making it easier for fans to find globally second we know you've wanted more storage with Xbox series s and I'm excited to share we have some news there as well are they doing a upgrade to this a black series X okay or Black Series S I mean [Music] okay 349 but raising the price but also also delivering more storage September 1st and now for the one more thing you've all been waiting for prepare for the most comprehensive Deep dive we've ever done for the one more thing we've ever built so sit tight and enjoy Starfield Direct okay so there is a 10 minute intermission or maybe not starting right away is it's supposed to be an hour 52 that means they got what 47 minutes of this hey everyone thank you so much for joining us today and welcome to Bethesda game studios you know we've been so lucky over the decades to make the kind of games that we love here and that's thanks to all of you from the Elder Scrolls The Fallout we love creating these worlds and playing in them just as much as you do and throughout all that time we'd often talk about and dream up the space game what if we could take that feeling of being who you want to be and exploring a new world but set it in space where you weren't really Limited in where you could go or what you could do and that is Starfield obviously we've come a long way since then with the games we've built our technology and all of us here in the studio we've done so much together but well we've never tried to make a game like this today you'll get to hear from many on the team and see so much of what we think makes our game special so let's jump in and take a look foreign is our first new universe in over 25 years but it's still a Bethesda RPG through and through where you step into a new world and you get that feeling of unlimited possibilities but this time it's not just one world it's over a thousand worlds because the choice of where to go it's not ours it's yours well actually you know you're doing the story so and it wasn't about the story path it is that we had the technology to create it from the rocks at your feet to the mountains in the distance to the people and creatures that live in these worlds that isn't just a backdrop that moon is actually there orbiting the planet yes you can visit it too simulate see around you our next Generation lighting model uses real-time Global illumination to light the world based on the type of star and the makeup of the planet's atmosphere we also have an all-new animation system and of course you can play it in third person and you can play it in first person we love exploration and rewarding it but you do explore differently in this game given its scale what do you guys usually involves exploring an area you've landed first person or third person you can collect resources maybe even stumble upon something unexpected thank you we do love stuff and all of the items allowing you to pick everything up and you can I think it's gonna be a really great game in your data menu this is the hub for everything you're doing from your skills to your ship your missions and your inventory we love to pack a ton of detail in every object from all of your weapons to spacesuits to food we just obsess over the details and food we obsess over food when you're done exploring you can walk back or fast travel to your ship we have Companions and crew you can take with you I left vosco here back at my ship welcome back Captain Howard and he can even say your name let's head out our mission was to convey the Wonder and Majesty of space exploration to evoke the Romance of the golden age of early space flight and we've been referring to this approach as NASA Punk this means a design language where the tech is advanced yet still looks grounded and relatable for us it's a contrast that's where the visual interest is obviously the NASA which is the rigid pod function over style and then Punk which is all about Style you can see that visual style coming through in your ship your ship is your home for you and your crew and like many of the spaces in our game it has a slightly retro and analog touch a bit of Lo-Fi rather than sci-fi where everything is well used worn and lived in alrighty what's the plan cap can get out and going around your ship huh this is your star map it starts with the planet you're currently on you can see all of its info and resources you can choose a landing spot or fast travel to known locations backing out further you can view all the planets in the system obviously the game is big and it's here you can see planets that have key locations missions or life on them versus the many planets that are Barren but resource heavy zoom out even further to see all the systems in this part of the Galaxy course to ones that are light years away this uses your ship's grab drive to fold space and jump to these systems and you will need to upgrade your shipping skills if you want to jump to the most distant ones but for now we'll plot a course to the Alpha Centauri system where we can find the city of New Atlantis people are going to play Star field for so long with all the different planets and everything so what happens if you have controversy as soon as you land in a city like new Atlantis your eyes are guided upwards to just these boundless vast buildings it's the biggest city we've ever made not just in size but also in the amount of custom art crowds and quests so the main focus when we're designing a city is obviously what supports the story we try and tell as many small stories as possible this is a colony war memorial it's a few moments of gameplay that make the space feel like it's full of real characters that are going about their day-to-day lives it's paralyzed if you really stop and think about it buddy it's coffee it's also where your adventure with constellation begins welcome to Constellation we have a lot to talk about by the time you meet them constellation is sort of seen as this mythical group most people don't even know they exist anymore they're the last true explorers in the galaxy and they're trying to find the answers to some of Humanity's biggest questions the artifacts are so different so alien and I'm certain one of them reached out and spoke to you the artifact if you could place it on the table here oh my God look at how it's built by an intelligence outside the settled systems it's definitely an Eclectic cast of characters you've got Sarah Morgan the ex-soldier and adventurer now constellations leader Mateo the Theologian who believes that there's definitely something else out there Noel the gifted scientist and Sarah Morgan's Protege and Walter a very successful businessman in the settled systems and constellations financier anything goes as long as you have the money there's also I mean this looks good see it looks like the Formula compared to last year and this looks way improved resistant to my otherwise irresistible charm the journey you take with constellation is just the first of many you'll embark on the settled systems is home to all kinds of different stories people and Adventures for you to uncover the United Colonies is where you'll find new Atlantis the first major human settlement in space who live here value law discipline and the legacy of humanity they consider themselves the true children of Earth you ever think of joining up with a Vanguard of the United Colonies even get your UC citizenship new Atlantis isn't the only city within the United Colonies the city of Sedonia on Mars to this day serves as the largest Mining facility for the United Colonies beyond the United Colonies reach you might find yourself in a much more wild and independent Coalition of star systems this is Freestar Collective space of the freestyle Collective is Aquila City Stone route inn is an Aquila City fixture Ranger relies on judgment and intuition to do best for the people neon started out as a fishing platform but is now known throughout the summer systems as a pleasure City where almost anything goes if you've got morality issues this definitely isn't the job for you ryugen is hiring the best and brightest of today for our future tomorrow everyone has been chewed up and ground up by Neon try not to get yourself killed alright outside the bounds bound civilized there are still plenty of unclaimed systems to explore but these areas are also home to the most hostile factions in the galaxy a new face how are we feeling about Starfield so far guys here to challenge the red mile they think the Galaxy is theirs they are wrong it belongs to the Crimson Fleet it always has in Starfield we're pushing our cities and settlements further than we ever have before it's all there waiting for you a slice of Humanity's future that's cool so ready to get out there throughout the Galaxy there are so many things to see and stories to experience but the most important story is that yeah I don't think I'm going to play in first person I'm not in character creation and excited when they see all of the improvements we've made one of the biggest overhauls was done through our character generation system we scanned a wide range of faces from different age groups and ethnicities and by mixing and matching all that data we were able to create a highly detailed and diverse characters we use that exact system to create all the characters and NPCs you're going to see in the game so any character you see almost always is a character you could make yourself number of it hey come on come on okay take it easy you were out cold uh no physical damage mentally the jury's still out you know who you are new recruit for Argos extractors ring any bells any of this look familiar you start your character creation Journey as though you're cycling through employee records you'll pick from a lineup of 40 presets and that'll be your starting point your journey from there can be as detailed or as quick as you want it to be this new system has more to offer than ever before it's also the simplest character Generations this we've ever had we let the player get as close as possible to make whatever they want with the various facial morphs you can blend together or the thermostatic and makeup blemishes scars piercings teeth settings it's a lot but I think it's the most fun to use character creation is more than just how you look this is also where you start to decide who you want to be that's where backgrounds come in backgrounds give you a bit of backstory and starts you out with three basic skills from Chef to Dusty you know the crew still has a bedding pool about which restaurant critic you must have crossed to wind up here what's great about backgrounds is you never know when yours is going to come in handy you could be in the middle of a fancy restaurant talking to some guy and suddenly you learn he needs a beast hunter to help track down a monster fine I probably should stick to professionals anyway given what happened the last time we're also giving you the option to customize your build even further by letting you pick up the three traits traits are completely optional and they come with their own advantages and disadvantages you could choose to meet your biggest fan he'll join your crew and give you gifts to put up with this constant commentary I can't believe I get to stand near you breathing the same air I've got to have every molecule my favorite trait is kid stuff you have to pay some credits to support your parents but they're very sweet and it's really fun to go visit them honey we got ourselves a visitor oh my God I came across some hostile zealots in space but because I had chosen a treat that made me the same religion as them I was able to get by without any issues there's another great one that gives you a damage Buff when your health is low but mercenaries will randomly show up and try to kill you and mercenaries are always trying to kill you there'll be plenty of ways for you to tell your story and if you want to remove a trait there are ways to do that too what a view it's a fee defeat for the eyes we'll let you discover that on your own trail backstabbing once you've built the perfect character that's when your journey can really begin we took what we loved about skills and perks from our previous games and put them together to create an all-new skill system each which can be used to unlock or rank up skills ranks are unlocked by completing challenges associated with that skill ages become increasingly difficult as you work your way to higher ranks with our five different skill trees and four ranks per skill there's a lot to choose from geology skill mind control aliens okay seems like it could be useful out of the gate I'm boost packing everywhere for the Boost pack I like maxing out my physical tree so I can get neuro strikes and just punch my way through combat yeah that's good I don't know about playing a melee build your playstyle stealth player being stealthy is slowly creeping through vents like you're in a movie and then jumping out and springing on people whenever possible I like to talk my way through situations is there is off limits fine I'll issue you an access card I'm more of a run and Gun player I like doing a death from above thing where I'd boost pack over guys and I throw land mines at them oh mama I like blowing stuff up I mean combat looks way improved like the different variety of guns I don't know if I'll play that stealth either that'd probably be all like an assault build with maybe some speech stuff to get around some things is a key aspect of all our games in Starfield there are full star systems with new life resources and Adventures team worked hard to strike a balance between fun and realism we study data from NASA and a multitude of other sources to help us make the world feel believable from the way we approached planetary atmospheres to the way we place biomes based on the planet's distance from the Sun once we had created a grounded world we could start looking at all the things that make that world fun when you leave a planet and head into space you'll be navigating asteroid Fields having chance meetings with interesting strangers dog fighting in space and exploring derelict ships it's all out there ultimately it's about rewarding your curiosity because whether it's on the surface of a planet the alleys of a city or the vastness of space you never know what you'll find but I don't know how much shipbuilding I'm gonna do I'm not much of a really great crafting or creative guy like face exploration is possible thanks to your ship your ship is almost like having another character or home you can make all your own I think you'll be blown away by the amount of stuff you can do you can buy a ship I'm sure you can find something you like customize and upgrade that ship and hire a crew to keep it up and running and it all starts in spaceports every Spaceport has a ship technician where you can purchase sell and modify ships anything I can help you with maybe you start off with a speedy fighter that's perfect for bounty hunting then you might round out your ship roster with a hulking space freighter to run cargo missions or even do a little smuggling for now though we're going to take our starting ship the frontier and make some changes you can customize and upgrade everything I know people will love this like building your own two ways to do that but you can quickly upgrade individual systems like your weapons or Shields or you can deep dive and enter the shipbuilder mode here you can change anything from the systems to the look and layout adding a new habitat module can give you more room for crew adding cowling can change your ship's overall silhouette an improved grab Drive allows for longer distance space jumps you can even fully customize your paint job to get the exact look you want that's cool looking the parts you choose to build with don't just affect your ship's stats they'll also affect what you can do inside your ship you can have modules for crafting or for storing and displaying your weapons starfield's in-game ship manufacturers bring their own look and feel to every piece of your ship from living quarters to cargo holds mess halls and control rooms for our modified Frontier is a practical ship but with a little creativity your ship can look like almost anything you want different ways of customizing ships is a I make them look like animals I'm sure people will like HMS platypus make the best ships and then I'll just copy them you know what I mean we're ahead of like a giant tail to it the most efficient ship that we've done what spiders we've done mix okay that's cool that's really whatever but your imagination is the voltronome Among the Stars the way you want it's a freaking Voltron you're probably not the only person who will call your ship home ready to lift off when you are captain engines ready tear is fueled and ready captain some of the members of constellation can join you on your journey these companions can serve on your crew and they'll always be there when you travel we'll be traveling together until we either find an artifact or this lead Runs Dry each companion comes with their own valuable skills for your ships and outposts as well as unique quest lines eventually some friendships might blossom into romance I don't know that I've ever really loved anyone except you and if you're looking for a little extra help on your ship you can always hire additional crew at spaceports got any room on your ship for someone like me you'll also meet potential crew members out in the world for ship or outposts and their unique skills will affect how they run and just like companions most crew members can land I'm totally gonna have a robot companion like Bosco for instance these designed around the corporate it looks so cool please avoid getting shot you might die I still want to give it almost a humanoid personality so I elongated the limbs this tends to make him feel more human-like and give him a little personality it is a shame exploration requires so much bloodshed using the shipbuilding tools and crew selection features in Starfield you'll be able to build and Captain the ship of your dreams and now let's take to the sky I wonder how many people are going to build like Max and stuff or like things from popular culture just because you can even if it's not like efficient we'll get some dog fighting we're putting you in the cockpit of your very own spaceship and telling you that you can do pretty much anything and that is really cool for us as Developers should be exciting and dangerous and you should feel like you're in complete control every step of the way we've extended that sense of control to ship combat it's not about just hitting your triggers to fire your weapons it's a complex dance between your piloting skills and our power allocation system boosting power to your engines will make your ship faster the ground dries will shorten the amount of time it takes before you can make a jump power to your weapons and shields means you're ready for a fight you should always be on your toes because you're not alone out there it's important to get this sort of a control system skill will allow you to zero in dogfighting combat is good that you actually want to do it you know after destroying an enemy ship you can loot The Remains from your cockpit you can always turn any ship that engages you into scrap who take a more personal approach by docking with the Enemy vessel and boarding their ship okay you can Dock and board and then like have it as like uh something for your Fleet could you have fleets or you just once you've taken control of an enemy ship it's yours at Deer Fleet and retrieve it at any Spaceport okay that's cool but space is way more than fighting for your life just like when you're PlanetSide there are plenty of sights to see and stops to make on the way to your next adventure like these massive star yards Walk The Halls talk to the crew maybe get talked into buying a whole new ship a civilian let's see about getting you a proper ship one worthy of you maybe you'll dock with a gigantic Battleship like the UC vigilance or rub elbows with the Galaxy's wealthy Elite on a cruise ship fit for the Stars there are plenty of personal encounters to be had as well you can hail any ship you come across to trade swap info or maybe even commit an act of piracy let's do this when I'm playing I generally go crazy um I definitely go like the more piracy routes I want to take over ships I'm going to board ships I'm like this is now mine I steal all these sandwiches and put them you know in my cargo hold that I have specifically for sandwiches I don't want to play the hero but I want to go out and just start taking things from people as quickly as possible some strangers they listen for a little human Connection in the darkness of space hello stranger I just finished cooking up some food I'm gonna come on over just pop on by some of the best moments are the ones you discover on your own the thing I love most about Starfield is that it is a Bethesda game through and through it's really about going to strange new places meeting interesting people and getting sidetracked on zany Adventures then realizing two hours later that you're involved in a completely new story you'll DNA is so present here it's in our Random Encounters it's in our handcrafted quests and it feels so cool to play it and just make your own path in this universe there are over a thousand planets out there just waiting for you to visit we want you to feel like explorers breaking ground on new planets exploring every inch of a mostly untouched Galaxy we want you to feel hopeful we want you to feel this sense of awe and wonder and sometimes a little fear and just setting you free everybody we've shown you so much stuff but we thought we'd just take a little break and show you something a little bit different we put so much detail into our game worlds and we love the opportunity to bring that into the real world with our Collector's Editions and for this game uh we've done a watch it is the constellation explorers watch this is the watch that you actually get in the game that acts as part of your HUD where it's the compass and then environmental information it connects to your phone to give you notifications and other information and we've also designed this really cool case that it comes with eastvan yeah we really took as much care and designed as cases we did to watch our attention to detail and to gain totally translates to this inspired by the cases that the astronauts used during the Apollo era to bring back samples from the moon it's got to intricate locking mechanism authentic heavy comes with a constellation patch NATO strap and the overall functionality and believability of this pretty damnable cool looking box is really really nice 300 bucks though a little bit expensive we actually have something else now that we're part of Xbox we get to work with the amazing people on the Xbox Hardware team and together we have created this custom limit controllers type controller it's awesome it is now you know our favorite controller we love this because it's inspired by the actual controls of your spaceship and not only that we've created the first ever custom headset with Xbox and this very nice perfect pairing with that because you got to make a custom console that mirrors those right departure in every one of our games we always put so much care into all those little details that breathe life into our worlds but Starfield isn't just a Bethesda game studios world it's a Bethesda game studios Galaxy so why go this big with Starfield because we want to give you freedom on a galactic level freedom to experience both the exciting planets and The Quiet Ones scanning a planet before you land is a great way to get a sneak peek at the available resources you can use for crafting building and customizing I think what's cool about this whole system that we we generate the planet itself as a procedural content but the handcrafted content itself comes as the player Explorer our system builds a planet as the player approaches it we stitch together the luck of terrain after that we have the system that adds interested in locations for the player to explore creatures to encounter or and plans to pick up it allows us to add that touch of environmental storytelling that the tester is known for teachers have been disrupting our experiments their habitat isn't far from here if you could take care of them for us we would be in your debt so even if your friends were to visit the same planet that you had you would have a different story to tell really enjoy when they do things like kind of unedited gameplay combat scenarios instead of like the quick cut stuff well they're just doing a quick up stuff but still it's completely up to you how you want to interact with each planet whether you want to explore and see what you can find Harvest resources and be on your way or simply take in the views with the help of your scanner you'll chart the Uncharted and discover exotic wildlife if you have the skills you can even figure out that certain creatures and plants you can build an outpost and produce resources from those plants and animals you can get experience and rewards for fully surveying planets and fully surveying a whole system when we were concepting these creatures we really wanted to think of them as natural to the environment we didn't want alien monsters we wanted native wildlife something you've never seen before when it comes to our exteriors when the sun moves all that light is calculated in real time through the atmosphere our biggest goal for lighting with Starfield was to make the game feel more filmic to use lighting and color to really make it feel more cinematic thank you [Music] foreign [Music] exploring you can find a spot to set up a base camp outposts can be built almost anywhere on any planet and the habitat modules come in all shapes and sizes filling all different purposes you can even live in them assign crew and companions to work at your outposts for added bonuses and set up extractors to harvest resources while you're away something cool we have this time is we have a new fly cam where you can toggle between on foot building or you can now use a top-down isometric camera which helps plan out larger parts of the Outpost and placing those larger halves so that way you can really plan your structures and what the overall feel of your Outpost is and then when you're on your feet you can really decorate and fine-tune things much easier foreign [Music] [Music] larger magazines a selection of grips and barrels different ammunition like explosives but they did say it would be a deep dive and that's where we're again stealth players out there will surely need a suppressor suppressor okay well now maybe I should choose to go Hands-On with melee weapons it's always a delicate balance between like what's realistic what's Sim and what's Hollywood and I think we sort of err on the side of like what's fun for the player Starfield we've completely overhauled our combat it's more Dynamic the animations when we're fluid freezing people it just feels great it just works we probably have more mods and more weapons in this game than I want to say any other game we've done before there's a lot of variety upgraded gear is just one of the many factors to pay attention to when engaging in combat you may need to switch things up based on your environment it's different for each planet and boost packs are excellent for getting around for giving you an edge in combat sometimes you'll even feel like you're flying [Music] zero gravity environments pose a different challenge firing a ballistic weapon in zero g will actually push you backwards on the other hand offer a more stable shooting experience we also have mag weapons these are high-powered electromagnetic induction ballistic arrays each Barrel has its own targeting laser and can dish out some serious damage whether you want to get up close and personal with your own two Fists people like more compact weapons like pistols and submachine guns or maybe you prefer something bigger if you covered [Music] uh watch out for the deadly robots foreign Space Magic thanks again for being with us today we are just so grateful that you've taken the time and spent it here I know there was probably a lot to take in there's a lot to the game even more than we could show here you know as we play it we're always sharing these unique and special moments that only a game like this can bring when I think about what makes it special it really is the people here this game is a reflection of the incredible and passionate team that made it all of them putting something special of themselves into it so let's hear some of their favorite moments I love the way that our final combination of all the new tech has come together to create some of the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises we've ever had many of our games I love the creatures the exploration every biome is different the word that comes to mind is vast I like to use our photo mode to take Rockstar photos I just love that constant feel of Discovery and wow I can't believe that there's more here I'm most excited about our Outpost Building Systems my favorite part is every time you step out on a planet it's a unique experience you spent all this time building your ship and you see it on the landing pad these things are gigantic it's the kind of thing that you just can't get anywhere else there's something about seeing a tower over in the distance and going I know the gravity is low here I think I can make that jump my favorite part is biomes spaceships audio design planets the day night cycle those details matter to me diplomacy exploration Freedom the ending basket obviously I love the robot so much the incredible amount of Worlds we created sniper rifles come on lever action rocket launcher brain sprout I love but some people might find creepy no that's all right bam the thing that I enjoy most about the game is the freedom to be who you want to be do what you want to do it's what you've come to expect from a Bethesda title but on a much bigger scale on behalf of all of us we can't wait for you to play Starfield and make your own special moments all right that seems to be it right that was the show that Starfield direct September 6th all right because I think the show is supposed to be what hour 52. that was way more Starfield than I thought we'd get for sure the main show seemed a little bit shorter than I was expecting up to five days early access so they are doing that okay okay five day early access so that means people are gonna play it September 1st how many people are going to be getting that uh that version done to play it that early and here's the hype trailer [Music] [Music] in these trailers they always put together are always really good away all right [Music] let's see here all right let me bring everything back up all right so how we feeling how we doing I mean let me put let me put something in chat here let me uh put up a poll let's see uh Paul Paul Let's see we gotta start a poll how would you rate I mean I don't know uh it looks like Starfield at least I thought it looked like it was gonna be 30 frames which remember in my video I said my head was saying 30 and my heart was saying 60. I should have went with my head as I usually do but I got I got caught up in the moment how would you let me let me turn myself up back to what I what I was uh all right so okay let's see get this back down here and how would you rate the Xbox games showcase and Starfield Direct uh we'll do four simple ones a a b a c and a D so I'm very interested in seeing your guys's reaction A B C or D and you know if you're a B plus or a c plus or whatever obviously those would fall under B right if you're anywhere in between those be interested in seeing your guys's reactions um sin Vendetta solid a so many games I want to play a few pop moments uh For Me overall very solid showcase Starfield is the dream game I've always wanted I'm gonna lose so much sleep playing Hans hours of that game I thought the best game at the show was Starfield because you got to see so much gameplay and I was excited for the game before but seeing that seeing the Deep dive and everything bro it's given its running you run for its money for Alan Wake too like alewick 2 I'm super excited for because of the first game it's a dream game I've always wanted but like watching that whatever 40 minute presentation for Starfield yo like my expectations for Starfield are through the roof seriously I think was probably the best I mean it's a Bethesda but like you got to see so much of it that I feel like it was the best thing they showed uh uh like the story trailer during the conference and then the thing later right um yeah but if you guys enjoyed you know the reactions and stuff I know the the sound was a little low I don't know it was up to that it was even low in my headset and my my earbuds or whatever so um yeah but hit the like button and subscribe it's going to be very interesting when Jess gets back we could talk about um you know everything so let me let me kind of minimize uh oh that one off screen uh let me try to minimize this window capture down let me get this down here all right let me just hide that window capture hidden no all right yeah so let's just talk shall we all right let me know what was your favorite moment of the show what was the game that you liked or you know what I guess I'll start off with my biggest disappointment in the show and I think everybody knows what I wanted to see the most from the show and my biggest disappointment and probably the reason I wouldn't give this an a I'd give it like a B plus is for me I needed to see hellblade 2 gameplay I needed it we've seen the game twice even like three times if you count the you know the uh the other footage that they showed but I was expecting all right let me let me see the combat and I didn't get that and I I figured it was last year I figured it was coming in 2024. so that that's my biggest disappointment of the show was really the lack of gameplay from from hellblade 2 and lack of gameplay for a lot of stuff at the show a lot of it was kind of Quick Cuts which I don't mind but the way they sort of hyped it up was like we got gameplay and stuff and it wasn't too much of it uh but yeah Hellboy 2 was just like if they had just had that there this was probably would have been an a show for me um but I thought everything else it's it's like compulsions game which um I'm kind of blanking on the name right now because I don't have a I don't have the list in front of me but they're obviously going for a very like Southern style and a very uh artistic take on on something but it's when you look at it it's like okay that that has my attention but it's hard to think in your head what that game is you know what I mean uh did you see Phil's hexan shirt new ID game well hexen is a I believe an Activision IP I want to say it made or something back in the day so but yeah like surprise in Exiles game for me holy crap I haven't really played any of n Exiles games so to me when Jazz always talked about them I was always like ah whatever you know I was like we'll see but then it was like okay it's project Cobalt it's uh gonna be a Sci-Fi RPG steampunk shooter I was like okay it started to get more interesting um but man the fact that it's basically bio bio Punk steam you know Bioshock steampunk RPG like time travel sort of like clockwork Revolution that has my in like out of all the new games that were announced at the show even as much as I was looking forward to seeing a vowed Clockwork revolution had to have been like the biggest new announcement for me by far like considering what my expectations were for an exile game and then what that was with what they showed and the type of game it looks to be that is the one that was like rocketed up the list um at least for for me for for my estimation uh where's the Indiana Jones game now they're working on it that's the thing about these showcases when people you know complain about lack of gameplay and all that sort of stuff and even myself it was like there was like kind of a distinct lack of at least pure gameplay outside Starfield but devs don't really give that stuff really early anymore so it's all in engine or CGI or you know an engine with some maybe quick Snippets of gameplay without a HUD or what have you Indiana Jones I mean they announced it in 2021 I don't know how long they've been working on it and I mean who knows when it's coming and it does look like my initial thought about Bethesda was that they wouldn't be here outside of Starfield and their live service stuff and that was the case you know they already had shipped redfall and and and Starfield had its own thing so I was kind of worried I took a leap and said okay Indiana Jones might be here and it wasn't but you know maybe they show stuff at quacon um but yeah I wasn't expecting anything I wasn't expecting its game I wasn't expecting stated K3 or Perfect Dark or ever wild and those didn't show up I think like most of the games like when I look at my predictions like let me let me look at my prediction list to see um let's see uh to see what I got let's look at my predictions Xbox E3 did I say my predictions huh I thought I did I thought I saved my predictions uh uh I've weird it doesn't look like I have them that's weird oh wait no here we go I haven't saved them so my predictions were a vowed which we saw 2024 which happened Forza Motorsport October release which happened compulsion's new IP which happened didn't get Age of Empires 4 our history Untold surprising because Age of Empires 4 supposed to be this year maybe it shows up some other point in time and our history until probably not this year Hellboy 2 showed up and I said March 2024 we did get 2024 but no other time frame wandering Tower showed up 2024 Indiana Jones didn't show up Hi-Fi Rush didn't show up uh in Exile did with Cobalt but Fable 4 didn't or Fallout 4 didn't and Fable did and then for live Services I said halo infinite sea thieves and grounded well we got sea thieves and the new event with the the monkey the monkey expansion we didn't get Halo infinite surprising they haven't shown that game since 2021 and I don't I mean I don't know did they not feel confident in it I mean season four is coming they didn't they didn't show it off here and they didn't show off grounded but they did show Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls and flights him so they did still show three live service titles uh third party no silk song Persona 3 remake was there no replace the no flint lock which are games that they had revealed before so it was all new on that end which is it's always cool to see brand new games Starfield direct we got the controller and headset uh but we didn't get a performance mode at least not one that they talked about so I mean for the most part I thought I did pretty well I know everybody thinks I know everything but that's not the case Connor what are your thoughts on a vowed really excited about the game looks like Arc attraction changed where it was previously shown as always ran love what you and Jess do for the Xbox Community thank you well I mean I liked it it's looked similar to what I had seen previously in 2021 like I think I always described it as a more colorful version of Skyrim which kind of seemed the case I mean I don't know it looked it looked very interesting to me uh uh but yeah um do we have what'd you guys think of the Fable like I guess cutscene uh in engine talk over thing whatever you want to call that uh cinematic what'd you guys think of the Fable reveal I'm very uh Curious let's see what one of the votes we got here we have thousand votes and I don't even know how many people are watching this watching me right now I have no idea I need to get better at reacting because like I'm just zoned in watching and just you know like I don't really react like a reaction person would um but right now we have a thousand votes for you know how would you rate the Xbox showcase 10 minutes in and uh we have 65 of you have voted in a 28 voted a b to five percent voted a c and one percent voted a d so I mean it seems like the vast majority of you 65 were very happy with what they've shown even if you go to the 30 for B you got what is that 90 90 80 was no 94 of you really like the show um so yeah I'll leave the I'll leave the it up up some more yeah face there wasn't any Fable gameplay but I wasn't expecting it I don't think that game is uh coming until 2025 which is why there wasn't a date and the last probably wasn't a date for n Exiles game which is you know because Phil said the vows coming next year so like it kind of looks like 2024 at least somewhat you have a road map of some point in time hellblade 2 is coming I think early uh February March Time is what I would pick it at and Nevada is coming at some point which I would pack as end of the year I think like later in the year and then you have towerborn at some point during that um I'm trying to think any other uh well the flight Sim stuff uh compulsion didn't have a date so I don't know if that's set for next year or if that's later as well um you know the gears collection in gear six didn't show up uh so but then again if the gears collection wasn't coming out this year then I I don't think it would actually be at the show there's no reason to announce that a year in advance so maybe it could be something that shows up uh next year um interesting that they have Starfield DLC well not not Starfield DLC but Starfield essentially five days early a lot of people are going to be paying a lot of money the replay or to re to play that game five days early I probably will you know if I don't get a review code which I didn't get one for redfall uh I definitely will probably be playing whatever it is to play it early uh Faye said did they say if Starfield we have a 60 FPS mode I mean they didn't say anything about that and I don't really to me it looked 30. I'm assuming it'll be 60 on PC if you want 60 frames and uh but yeah my head was always saying uh no no 60 FPS for Starfield I got caught up in the hype that I was like oh it'll be 60 but it doesn't seem like it uh interesting that they ended this they didn't end the show in a game they ended it on a one more thing of a series s because a lot of people had talked about Supply being an issue for the series X and Phil said we got a whole bunch of supply for the series X and they announced a new console which is a black version of the series s but an increased price of 349.99 um and what is it one terabyte hard drive which is a lot more than I mean double than what it currently has at 512. um so you know if you're in the market for that that seems like a really good deal I mean I I don't really see the need for Series S for me personally uh so I'm gonna stick with my series X but I like the black it matches the grill it's just interesting that it's like okay here's a series s with more more storage uh you know Tom Henderson has all the rumors about a PS5 Pro next year is Xbox doing that would we see that next year I don't know uh star field someone asked me uh Roz Randy you're hyper Starfield enough to get the watch or the controller probably not I don't do physical stuff I'm not really a collector's guy um so the one I don't wear watches either I haven't worn a watch in a long time so the watch does look cool the case does look super cool if the pricing is like 300 bucks then I probably am not really that interested in spending that type of money to get it I will pay the money to play it early though like whatever that uh the uh the the middle version is that gives you five days early access I definitely would pay that like I didn't I didn't pay that to play Diablo early but starfield's a different thing I thought star Starfield was the game of the Showcase but I mean when you're showing 40 minutes off and explaining the whole thing I mean of course you have to feel really confident in that right I'm sure a lot of people a lot of you agree with me but of all the new announcements let me see if I can bring up a lit like this there's a list somewhere there has to be right like uh let's see here let me close let me close that let me get rid of that uh and let's see here it's got to be like something um let's see here unlike the every announcement revealed so uh yeah we had an exile Clockwork Revolution I wonder if they kind of if that was supposed to end the show sort of thing but they they changed it last minute or something as to go before it sin Vendetta okay I'm probably one of the few people out there that got really excited for City skylines too so excited to play that no my buddy's really excited to play City skylines as well and I'm sure jazz is but I mean people wanted first party and Microsoft came with first party in this showcase uh 11 first party titles the thing that the thing okay I can only speak for myself right I am not interested in their live service stuff that stuff to me is just it sort of kills the pacing of the show when you see something that you have absolutely zero interest in uh so like Elder Scrolls and Fallout 76 and sea of Thieves uh those stuffs are always kind of the lowest point and I get they they need to show it because those are people like those games they bring in a lot of money it's all business they have a new expansion right um I mean Phil said 11 so I'm assuming he's correct right you got nxl would be one Fable would be two forza's three flight Sim is four Sunny was five south of midnight is six uh star field would be seven towerborn would be eight and then you know I guess like Fallout 76 would be nine Elder Scroll Elder Scrolls would be ten I guess that would be that would all add up right yeah I think that's that's all the the first party games that were there unless I'm miscounting Elder Scrolls Fallout 76. OverWatch 2 well that doesn't count as first party sea of Thieves yeah I mean down there's 11 if you count like live service stuff and all those sort of things yeah weird that they stole sharfield in the middle as well yeah I mean that that Starfield trailer in the middle was amazing uh but I did think it was weird to have that trailer and then also you're about to have like a 40 minute direct I thought that was interesting I thought they'd have a trailer at the end be like oh now see more of it but uh sin says also sorry my God was right Hellboy 2 coming on 2024 but the game looks so good it does like I was getting I was getting chills watching that imagining what Sunny will be going through in that game you know the only problem was it's like God I really need to see that combat right I really need to see what the game actually is like I have no doubt they are going to nail The Cinematic aspect the voice acting the visuals the story absolutely no doubt in my mind that they'll nail all that but it was like after all this time like where's the where is the gameplay and it's just just man if if they had that I'd probably be in a show for me it's definitely the best show Xbox has done since 2018 in my opinion I love the focus on first party I wish there was a little bit more gameplay uh Starfield was incredible and raises the you know raises the stature of the show in my opinion you know some people might think differently uh but yeah we got we kind of got a road map of 2024 so no movie trailers which you know would have been an l uh Jace Slayer says why do you think they don't want the show hellblade 2 combat it's weird we keep asking for it and they've shown a scripted combat I don't know well they haven't even shown any combat really it's just cinematics I don't know maybe they have a plan of how they want to dull out you know how how much of the game you want to see and they have marketing beats and obviously they gotta have stuff to show as you lead into the launch of the game in 2024 right so maybe they didn't want to show everything right now you only have a couple minutes to be like hey here's your piece show it and uh but they said that what the game's performance capture is done so we'll just have to wait and see uh Michael Mooney says once you have an idea of of your four 2044 games why put a year on the game so it looks like a midgen refresh isn't happening on the 10th anniversary of State of Decay one and State of Decay 2 fifth anniversary there's no State of Decay three yeah I don't think state of the K3 is happening until 2025 or 2026 but that's kind of to be expected um and who knows about a mid-gen refresh I don't think we'd see one from Xbox next year but we could see a similar situation where maybe they do one in 2025 like you know where Xbox did it one year later than PlayStation I'm not sure maybe they're not doing it I don't know have they said what's going to be at the extended showcase uh not yet but I haven't looked at Twitter I've not looked at Twitter so I don't know if they've said anything about that we know they have an extended showcase what um at noon I think noon on Tuesday and I'm sure me and Jazz will be doing Xbox two because Jazz will be back then we'll probably do Xbox two after the extended showcase so we can talk about uh everything that they they talked about at this show and everything they showed and and maybe they'll reveal Hellboy 2 Gameplay at the extended showcase maybe that's where they're gonna do it and it was just that here I guess we'll we'll have to find out yeah it's the 13th so let's go back to the the poll we have 1300 votes 1379. how would you rate the Xbox game Showcase in the Starfield direct and it's still 65 percent say an a 28 say a b six percent a c and one percent a d so not much movement there there were a lot of people in uh some people in chat because I know people said the audio was low but the audio was even low for me and I was listening to it and I had it cranked as high it could go I don't know I don't know if that was a twitch thing or or whatever but it was even low in my years so I'm sorry if anybody had any problems with that but um I don't know what happened uh Nate Starfield was an A plus saved the show Greenberg talks about not showing CGI and then show like two minutes of gameplay in a 60 Minute showcase and DD Raptor Xbox and Atlas are definitely best friends now yeah the atlas showed up Xbox and sake it wasn't just Atlas but it's Sega Sega showed up with Yakuza 8. um so Xbox and sega's relationship is pretty tight you know no Jet Set Radio maybe that's later in the year Tokyo game show thing no Square Enix I don't know what's going on between Xbox and Square Enix uh but they didn't they didn't have anything but yeah Xbox Atlas Xbox Sega getting real cozy who would have thought you see the day where Atlas is bringing almost all their games to Xbox and what was the other game that they showed of theirs was that was that a new IP because I don't really know much about Atlas really because I don't think I've ever really played any one of their games but I mean Xbox was gonna you know Phil said they you know they've heard people on the lack of Japanese content and they're going out there trying to to get it and Capcom showing a brand new game game pass as well and they had that big AAA game the reveal of Ubisoft and massive's new Star Wars title so J Jerry blue uh blueberry it was awesome but not don't temporary expectations material I'd say uh see so if I go down through the announcements again so the Fable interesting that Fable opened the show I wonder how many times they were like should we close should we open with it uh and then we sort of set of Val to launches in 2024 with what Phil Phil said it says um it's a land that feels foreign someone interested to you a place calling out for your help in this first person RPG players will explore diverse ecosystems and meet companions along the way a vowed will be released on 2024 for Xbox series X and S Windows and steam it'll be available on Game Pass um what does it say about Clockwork Revolution creators of wasteland and Arcadium are bringing an incredibly time-bending steampunk action RPG to Xbox and PC after stumbling across an incredible invention that allows you to travel into the past you discover the city you call home the vibrant steam-powered Metropolis of Avalon has been carefully crafted through the alteration of key historical events by traveling back in time your interactions and choices in the past with a butterfly effect on the Deep narrative driven world and the characters of Avalon causing them to change and react in unprecedented ways interesting easily the the biggest new announcement for me at the show like reading this seeing all that stuff like apps like absolutely rocketed up there for me um maybe maybe I'll show uh uh you guys when I'm reading so let's see here yeah I'm reading this from the blog so let me just there we go all right and then um what does it say about Fable we got playground games presented Fable it's upcoming open world action RPG A New Beginning for the legendary much love franchise welcome to Albion the home of Heroes and where Fable takes place it's in this immersive fairy tale land of Adventure that Myriad challenges treasures and stories await not a lot really said much here about Fable huh but I mean definitely a lot more said about Clockwork Revolution uh uh and a lot more said about a vowed obviously a vowed has its release date you know 2024 and nothing here for Clockwork Revolution nothing here about release for for fable Forza um we got it coming October 10th uh I will say this the stuff they showed at least in Microsoft flights that makes like there's more I don't even call it like gaming thing right um yeah but there's nothing like here about like all the stuff they added to Microsoft Flight Sim so sending with Saga let's see um everything is lists anywhere this moment sink deep into the next chapter of sending a story with the Showcase of cinematic immersion beautifully realized visuals and encapsulating sound from the team at Ninja Theory an intimate journey of overcoming the darkness both within and without I mean yeah like everything here sounds incredible but where where's my combat where's my gameplay I wonder if this is like gonna be the box art too that's pretty pretty good looking box art I'd have to say like where is it all right yeah well I needed more of that we got south of midnight from the creators of contrast and we happy few south of midnight is a spellbounding spellbinding third person action adventure game so finally a third person game from Xbox set in the American Deep South which is basically this is like kind of ripped right from what Jazz had talked about the game coming to Xbox uh as Hazel you will explore the Mythos and encounter creatures of Southern folklore and a Mac Macabre I know that word but I have trouble saying it Macabre and Fantastical world when disaster strikes are Hometown Hazel is called to become a weaver a magical mender of broken bonds and Spirits imbued with these new abilities Hazel will confront him to do dangerous creatures untangle the webs of her own families shared past and if she's lucky find a way to a place that feels like home I don't know this sounds cool third person action adventure game set in the Deep South uh uh you know encounter creatures of Southern folklore and a Mac like that sounds really interesting and the art style was you know different very interested in seeing what that actually looks like when you play uh scarecrow member 39 months my man that was an A plus showcase we held the line and it delivered I mean that's what everybody's saying in chat hey it's just B plus for me that hellblade 2 Gameplay if it was there would have been an a I don't know maybe I had my my my hopes that so so high on on seeing how big gameplay and stuff that it was just like when it was over I was like man where was it um Armando hellblade in about and more games not shown today to be shown on the 13th updated on their blog okay did they say that all right I'll get to that blog in a minute because we're going to look at the rest of this if you guys are enjoying everything make sure you hit the like button and subscribe so we'll have to find that Starfield direct uh we have we we watched it all together right a lot of info there towerborne so this is the other game so towerborn is the newest game from stoic creators of banner Saga packed with fun combat customization options and lore to be uncovered Tire Barn is something for everyone you'll find yourself in the ruins of the city of numbers but the lone Tower keeping Survivor safe from a losing evil you play as Ace a hero destined to bring hope to humanity in the time of Darkness multiplayer supports up to four players at a time so join your friends and start off in a on your Johnny solo so yeah I mean it kind of looked like Castle crashers-esque but four player co-op game coming 2024 okay and then here we have some World premieres 33 Mortals Co-op action roguelike for 33 players interesting we'll see what that's like uh City skylines too I know people love like Forex stuff coming this year and Game Pass as well dungeons of hinterberg okay two cent is unique climbing based attemptor Sega debuted first look at Dragon infinite like a dragon infinite wealth which would be Yakuza 8. coming early next year I'm gonna have to play the last Yakuza game before I get into this everybody tells me I should so this is a new game by Atlas metaphor refantazo first fantasy RPG from the team behind persona so there was a leak today from the Persona leaker that said persona 6 is like 2026. so this seems like to be their next actual like new game uh and here's cat like one Capcom when they showed this this is the first thing I thought of was it was Capcom or was it was uh amnucha but it's kunzisogami path of the Goddess a new tale of the Kami awaits so what does this say fend off foul creatures and leave the spirit Stone Maiden on her path kazamigami path of the guys is a brand new title which upholds capcom's Legacy of original and Innovative Works labor of love follows the nutrition of truly unique titles such as Okami and shinzaki Into the Depths explore an incredibly Incredible World in which traditional Japanese Aesthetics are brought to stunning Life by the power of the Resident Evil engine enjoy a unique gameplay experience blending action and strategy okay payday 3 coming to Game Pass I don't really care for payday Persona 3 Persona 5 tactics Persona 3 next year Persona 5 tactics 2020 that's well Persona 3's next year and this tactics game is this year Star Wars let's see what they say about Star Wars experience the first ever open World Star Wars game Star Wars Outlaws set between the events of Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars Return of the Jedi wait a minute I mean isn't Star Wars Jedi Survivor also an open world game I mean that Kobo planet is pretty large but I guess it's like okay well you have multiple planets so maybe that's what they don't mean by that maybe this is all sets placed on a huge level or something explore new and iconic locations across the Galaxy and risk it all as cave s an emerging scoundrel seeking Freedom the means of starting Life along with their companion Nicks fight stealing out what crime syndicates as you join the Galaxy's Most Wanted okay that was not something I expected to see at the show Chinese room plunges in the narrative Horror oh that has my attention still wakes the deep as a return to first person narrative horror genre from the craters to critically Acclaim Dear Esther everybody's gone to Rapture and Amnesia a Machine For Pigs a glass Legion oil rig worker must fight for his life through a visceral storm claustrophobic surroundings thick and dark and perilous North Sea Waters all Communications are cut off all exits are gone only way to defeat the horror board is to face it all right I mean I was sort of interested when they showed it but the fact that it's a narrative horror game and then we have uh the new Xbox series S one terabyte of storage black console uh star field limited edition wireless control and headset controllers 80 bucks headset is 125. and then we got cyberpunk launching you can pre-order it now but it's launching on September 26th that's a game I need to get into I need to play that Elder Scrolls Online Fallout 76. kind of cool that Dune is coming to Microsoft Flight Sim on November 3rd OverWatch Legend of Monkey Island for sea of Thieves see it says comprised of three Tall Tales delivered installments as free updates to owners of any sea of Thieves Edition beginning in season 9 on June July 20th okay um okay so that's not all for Xbox however join us on Tuesday June 13th for Xbox game showcase I send it the event will offer deeper Dives than what you saw from a vowed towerborn Sunny was Saga hellblade 2 The Elder Scrolls online and Microsoft flights in Dune as well as games from our creative partners that we didn't show you today so there's new games that they haven't showed us that are going to show up there in-depth interviews behind the scenes features gameplay walkthroughs with brand new footage oh please let this be hellblade please and more and you may even see some very special guests show up perhaps even one celebrity are they talking about Keanu Reeves or somebody else maybe it's Paris so we get to see more of a vowed towerborn hellblade and some other newer games so crossing the fingers that we'll get to see some some gameplay you know demos of maybe maybe like a vowed and sunny with Saga but maybe that's just going to be interviews and stuff it's Jazz you think jazz is the celebrity I mean it'd be interesting if it was wasn't it oh by the way jez is here Hold the Line I say what's uh what's the poll up we're up to 1700 votes 35 minutes ago we have 66 percent a 27 B 5 C two percent d I mean okay right so what else do you guys want to talk about uh the Don says so with starfield's frame rate clear I mean they didn't say anything about it and it wasn't like listed in the footage anywhere um maybe they'll talk about it more before the game releases or maybe they're not sure yet but no they didn't really say anything so I would say no talk about a valid Rand um a vowed I mean what's their I mean a vowed kind of resembles the outer worlds and then it's kind of like Skyrim very colorful uh uh you know a lot of gonna be heavy RPG stuff as obsidian does I think it looks really cool and we get if we can get more Gameplay at Tuesday's showcase we'll know more about everything my favorite game footage I mean Starfield was clearly the best thing at the show for me because it got me super excited for the game in a way that some of the other trailers didn't but if we're talking about new announcements for me it's Clockwork Revolution that nxl game like what it is like the time traveling stuff the Bioshock Vibes that rocketed up there I mean Hellboy 2 showed off exactly what I mean I know Hellboy 2 is going to be amazing so like that cinematic cutscene had like I'd like Goosebumps on my arms um but yeah for something new Clockwork Revolution by far absolutely foreign that you can build Voltron like did you guys see that when they built Voltron and you could fly it around that you could basically build whatever as a ship and fly it around people are gonna like make ridiculous spacecrafts and then they'll post it online and everybody can kind of go and make your own so uh yeah do a poll for the Showcase and not including their direct was sad they didn't show the fighting in hellblade and Ant-Man says the Star Wars game though okay if you want me to do a poll for just that all right I'll end this poll so I guess it wants me to do start a poll here how would you rate just the Xbox games showcase okay we'll see I mean I don't think the I don't think the people's voice votes are going to be any different okay all right it pulls up uh I guess maybe maybe you think it's gonna go down more but how would you rate just the Xbox game showcase Grand wizard the series s should have been black instead of white from the jump yeah but I get why they wanted it to be white because the series X was black so they wanted it you know the colors to differentiate themselves right I know the size does that but it's also a clear visual thing white versus black but it's been a while now people want more storage on the series s so it's like you increase the price you change the color to make it different than the series s and you're good to go I mean I guess I don't know I actually kind of I actually kind of like that it was white and black for launch because it will I think it would be a little weird if it was black and black KS says underwhelming show Saved By Atlas and Capcom I mean everybody's got their opinions I'm sure some of my friends were like seriously some of my friends were said horrible show uh uh saw a couple of them gave a c one of them said a d one set of B so it really depends on on what you thought and what you were excited for so people are you know if everybody liked the same thing and thought the same thing about everything it would be a boring world that we would live in that's what makes this everything so in intriguing is that people like different things because if everything was if ever like the same thing we'd always get the same thing from everybody there'd be a lack of diversity lack of different types of movies and TV shows because everybody's gonna like the same thing so yeah I'm not surprised my friends did like the PlayStation showcase more um for whatever reason but you know everybody has an opinion uh Luke Skywalker from the 2024 games on what order did they release I would say Hellboy 2 first then um towerborn and then a vowed and then I don't know if there's more stuff in between but that's how plus there's a chance Forza Horizon six is next year right Cyprus Smurf says any new friends ah no I don't like I'm not gonna get mad at them for their opinions about a game showcase you know what I mean not at all I mean why would I why would I let them why would I let them like that get me upset where it's like I need new friends you know sorry not not happening I've known these guys for God like since 2008 why would why would I care if something if somebody likes something less than what how I liked it that'd be weird um but what was I saying uh what was I talking about I lost my train of thought that's what always happens when I try to ReChat sometimes when I'm trying to make a point I don't so I don't get sidetracked because I'll see someone say something and it'll just kind of I'll just get stuck on it and be like I just lost my train of thought so right now we have what 300 votes what would you rate just the Xbox game showcase and it's still 62 a 31 B so more people voted B and I think D increase but C decreased so yeah I mean it's still basically roughly the same same percentage is it not no Hollow Knight silk song yeah but I mean they did just announce that the game was delayed to the end of the year maybe it shows up at um you know a a Nintendo Direct or whatever it would be nice if they put cyberpunk on Game Pass you would think so like hey here here's cyberpunk it's on Game Pass and oh by the way the expansion's out and you can buy the expansion like a lot of people there are companies that do that where they will give the game away for free and it's like but we have this thing to sell you but they didn't do that for whatever reason maybe cyberpunk comes later at some point or maybe it never does I don't know if you guys have really noticed but a lot of like the bigger AAA games they used to would come out and then like six or eight months later they'd come to Game Pass but that hasn't happened really that much anymore so I wonder if either Xbox isn't pursuing that or if third parties don't want to do it anymore um or they're just they're just waiting I don't know cyber Smurf did you read jez's article on Phantom Liberty I did not read his article but I I'm I'll definitely check it out uh so I know people are asking me what I knew was going to be at the show so do you guys want to know what I knew was at the show what what what some of my predictions actually weren't predictions and it was things I knew is is that something you guys want to hear about because I mean I think it's I think it's pretty obvious uh how long was I talking about Fable being at the show like two months I know I I had heard for a while that Fable was going to be at the Showcase which is why every time I talked about it I said it was going to be there so I had heard for quite some time that Fable was going to be at the show and I also had heard that a vowed was going to be at the show too um so those two I I definitely knew for sure that we're both we're going to be there was a vowed in Fable um I also knew wandering Tower was going to be there uh and Persona 3 remake like Persona 3 remake I was told was going to be there like a month ago like all like those games all these games I'm talking about like basically were told to me by multiple people essentially a month ago that those games were gonna be there uh uh and they were there but that's it that's like I said that's like those that's like the four things I knew was fable about wandering Tower and Persona 3. that was it I didn't know anything else like I could guess that hellblade would be there and stuff like that but I didn't know for sure and all the other stuff was all just kind of guesswork you know but yeah those are those were the four games that I knew were there what was the deal with that rake tweet by grub I don't know did he tweet that today I haven't uh I haven't like I said I haven't been on this uh on Twitter since the Showcase started basically was streaming and then I haven't really looked at it since besides looking at my disc the Discord I'm in my my friends with they were they were all in a little Discord chat talking about the Showcase but I was streaming for you guys yeah and the docs is Obsidian or avad looks like an obsidian game it's their look absolutely it was definitely absolutely their look um yeah no double fine yeah no double fine they do I think they do have two games in in the works I know they paused two games if you watch that documentary double fine pause two of their games to finish up Psychonauts two so I thought maybe one of them would be in a place to show but you know maybe maybe it would if this showcase was longer I will say I was taken aback at how short the Showcase was like when Phil came out it was basically like what an hour I was like okay that was really short that was almost the length of the Showcase in 2020 where it was like all CGI because I did not expect Starfield to have as long of a showing as it did so it's kind of like okay Phil's out here early maybe if the show was its typical hour and a half length maybe you would have had more first party announcements but I doubt it because those take time to build and things like that so maybe we wouldn't have gotten more first party stuff maybe we would have gotten more known things like if it was an hour and a half maybe we we would have saw Flintlock again or replaced or things of that nature but moving forward I think everybody should realize that at every showcase sea thieves is going to be there and Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls Online are going to be there basically you can count three three of those games are going to be there because they're always there the sea thieves has been in like every show since 2016 since it was like revealed the first time the collection of games that John Doe says yeah who knows what film meant by that did he really mean gears or fable or did it just mean like we have a collection of games like look at September and October it's absolutely stacked with the collection of games I don't know those are things we'll just have to I mean if the gear stroke if the gears collection is real I would imagine we'd see it next year and if we don't the knife I don't know it's probably not real at that point grounded wasn't there surprisingly they did just put new bosses into the game so maybe there's like we already have all of our content and we don't have anything any coming anytime soon because that's the sort of thing you want to do for live services like stuff coming soon which you know Elder Scrolls in Fallout had as well as OverWatch right um you know the a lot of this stuff here it's like okay these are these are stuff coming soon that people can like watching but okay I want to go play this stuff yeah Rick we we went read through the article uh about the stuff coming uh at the end right here about towerborn hellblade2 and more games so it's definitely a reason to check out the show like I said we'll be doing me and Jazz will be doing our show I haven't talked to Jazz I don't know how Jess feels about the show but um we'll be definitely doing it after this event so make sure to mark it down on your calendar we got Xbox two coming at you live on Tuesday most likely and uh we'll be doing probably another show on Friday we'll get some guests Lord Cognito Cody Eastwood maybe a couple other people and we'll just have a big Xbox 2 party with some of the people that were at La and uh seeing what they think thought of everything and any like behind the scenes stories and stuff like that so we got yeah there'll be two shows coming up for for for me and Jazz and Xbox two so it should be a lot of fun I wonder if they like when Jazz leaked the name the wandering Tower they decided to change it to towerborn right I don't know uh but yeah you know what let's see what are we back here in the votes we got 529 63 say a 30 say B so still a very much a uh you know people really still really enjoyed it I have to take a look at uh what Jeff keeley's poll was right how did he feel so uh that's probably gonna be it for me I am going to download the show uh and I and I'm I don't know do you guys want me to make a video I can make a video going over everything and have it out you know later tonight talking about my thoughts and maybe in more depth or whatever um so if you guys want a video it's probably something I'll do um but get more of my thoughts talk to some people um see how I feel and every all that so yeah thank you guys for being here so much I'm not tired I just uh I I do have to go to the bathroom like I've been holding it in since we started and just like all right so I do have to go and I am hungry because I didn't eat before this so I'm gonna download the video I'm gonna think about making it making a making a video and yeah look forward to seeing Phil and Matt Booty's interview with uh Jeff Grubb tonight I think that'd be that'd be really cool see what they have to say and then we'll see what happens but um thank you guys so much for being here make sure you hit the like button and subscribe and uh love you all and we'll we will see you uh I don't know maybe later today I suppose all right later guys
Channel: Rand al Thor 19
Views: 38,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o50nlCpTvCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 23sec (13463 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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