The XboxEra Podcast | LIVE | Episode 184 - "What the Hell is Happening?"

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[Music] [Music] if this is your first time or your usual time with us then welcome to Xbox era we provide a platform for the Xbox Community from our forums and Discord our main site with the latest news and reviews and our podcasts like the Xbox era podcast and you have me at Halo We Exist our focus on the Xbox platform front and center because so many media Publications out there don't we love this community and believe Xbox really can be the very best place to play if you love what we do help us you can join as a YouTube member or even better subscribe to us on patreon you help us grow and get plenty of perks to enjoy as a token of our appreciation just head to xboxer and as always thanks for sticking [Music] around this podcast is brought to you by executive producer torn Raptor and [Music] [Music] [Music] top Hello friends and welcome to the slightly delayed is definitely all of my fault episode 184 of the Xbox era podcast the Xbox Centric publication funded by and for our wonderful Community uh welcome to another Saturday night podcast in the middle of an epic and ongoing extra live stream hosted by Jesse for the majority of today before we even check in on that we need to obviously acknowledge that I'm joined as per usual by special Nick what's going on it's actually half it's actually technically I would argue my fault we're late because I messaged you yesterday I did that thing I do I did that thing that I do and anyone who knows me knows I do this any I did that thing I do where I'll ask a question or I'll explain something and I assume the person I'm talking to understands what I'm thinking in my head so yesterday when I said to John hey we're doing the podcast that this time and this time I think we were technically talking about the movie podcast we did yesterday but I kind of internally applied that I just internally applied that to the normal podcast cuz John always complains about how late this podcast go I'm like John will want to start this at 10 for sure possibly true we just I mean it's probably my fault it's proba my fault it's I should have checked because like I was sitting playing trival Pursuit for movie soft which is 75% 75% off on the Xbox Live marketplace mostly because we were bored and we were killing time and it got to 10 and she went you sure the podcast isn't at 10 I was like don't think so and then she okay I'm gonna go to bed I was like okay I'll go I'll go see what's going down and then I looked at my phone while I was upstairs I was like oh oh the podcast is now so here we are um yes whoops sorry about that maybe maybe and Jesse if would be so kind maybe we run a poll to see what time the audience would prefer this show to be on and I'll stick it on the Spotify Q&A when we publish the audio episode do you want this show aired at 10: on a Saturday night my time or an hour later also hi Jesse how's the stream going how many kids um let me see we right now are at $1,381 raised of our $2,000 goal you can go to xboxer XL if you want to donate I still have a bunch of game code incentives and whatnot there it's been a lot of fun I'm eight hours in hello nice nice I'm making the poll so I want to get that done fast that's that's that's fair that's fair um yeah so hi chat it's lovely to see you guys uh I'm just reading back in the chat of like oh where is sick sitting on his ass complaining that there was too much choice I had a proper moment of uh you know like when you flick on like Netflix or a streaming service of choice um streaming and you're like I don't know what I want to watch like there streaming service with the abyss yeah that's interesting that's that's unique how surprising anyway I've noticed in the chat a lot of people are like where's Nick right now so if any of you you didn't but if any of you watched the patron exclusive movie podcast we did yesterday one or two of you it was it wasn't the one was me the one were up to three at one point oh were we okay if you watched our movie podcast I said I was going to be doing the podcast from my parents house I'm at my parents house cuz my daughter is having a birthday sleepover with all her friends so like a wise man you bailed so my wife was like you and the boy should probably go so we're at my parents which mind you though my parents like hold on 100 m in that direction if you walk out of this house and 100 meters in that direction is the beach yeah you're on the sand and you're at the beach and so it could be worse um and it's 24° today so for some people for you weirdos that's probably hot enough to be at the beach 24° Right strip down to you c unies yeah for for me it needs to be about for me it needs to be about 10° hotter than that 34 before you're being wow man skinny as a ra of the Sun so oh no I I can't go in the water unless it's 35 or more like I can go to the beach in 28 29 30 but I can't physically go in the water unless it's at least 30 it would have been incredible if you ever visited where I grew up because for a lot of the time what's like 65 degrees Fahrenheit 15 like in the 20s yeah something let me see2 c in the 20s let me see 65 18 18° c oh my God what yeah that was like spring day that that's nice yeah no that's that was the water temperature at the beach it could go even lower it can get in the 50s like it could get really cold cuz I mean we're way up there in the North in north in New England and hey good on Callingwood with $15 donation if you redeemed the game I will get the code to you tomorrow uh if you're so right now we're we're essentially co- streaming because I've got a stream that's been going for eight hours hasn't dropped a frame in like six hours John um tou [ __ ] wood but um it's still streaming now it's literally playing this podcast so hi everyone um but yeah it's uh $15 good old Callingwood thank you very much we've had some big ones we had some 70s with those uh ex there's I think one more game pass code 70 bucks you get six months a Game Pass which is a a bit of a bit of a good that's a good deal thanks Mar there's only one left though yes thank you Xbox for that there's still there's still more over there if you go to the the URL down there I'll if we get I think it's another 100 bucks I have to go to at least 10 p.m. tonight which means still keep going after the podcast so nice nice well hopefully if there's still people watching at the end of the podcast had a lot of complaints about name a game a lot of complaints yeah getting a lot of complaints hey hey towns end I'm watching in the chat yeah I can't put control anywhere in the background but mate I don't go anywhere I don't go anywhere without my control don't worry and if you go to www.r Xbox era you too can get one of these amazing shakers to get some control so use our code to get 10% off Xbox hereo mate one time could bring the empty bag I couldn't bring the empty bag with me to place in the background like I normally do because there's just nowhere to put it here but don't worry mate just nail it up on the wall pack the most important thing for the podcast sorry about that fair anyway um yeah it's bit man it has been a it's been a week it's been a week for a multitude of reasons um I'm gonna tell a story weird it's been a strange week I'll tell a story before we get into the news of the week because I I feel like it's fun as you may have seen now thankfully and this is this is Bittersweet I'll wonderful backers and our community indeed some of you in the chat May well have started to receive your copies of Xbox Z celebrating 20 years of Xbox oh really I didn't get it no you haven't had yours yet but it's it's it'll be very much on the mine is doing Monday yeah so they are coming out now here's where it gets moderately terrifying and I want to be careful how I word this uh I got contacted not not not just to be clear not every book has shipped yet there's more to ship next week um it's a somewhat slow process and it's had a slight hiccup because I got an email with uh the bill so far um and to be clear to backers and to the community because of the wars and the economy the prices of delivery had gone up a bit we shared that publicly a couple of times right and some people have been absolutely brilliant and sent some sent along some extra cash because as the as the face of this campaign to get this book launched uh yes we've got some money that you guys put in as part of your backing donation or whatever uh but it's going to be more than that and the burden of that additional cost falls on me and I got an invoice through earlier this week just before the weekend uh for the bill so far and instead of what I was expecting the uh deliveries to America to cost which is the majority by the way they were coming in at 90 a shot so for context uh that would put let's say we've got 300 more deliveries in the US that would put the bill around 27 Grand just for that and ladies and gentlemen that ain't happening so steps have been taken to uh not let that happen for the majority but I have been saddled with at the moment a rather larger bill for the first load of books that have gone out than one was expecting um that is in discussion be significantly I feel like it would be significantly cheaper for you to just go to your local post office yourself and individually post those books it it probably would have been it probably genuinely would have been and and that's part of the argument I made I was like 9090 that is a more than the book like like like if it was to sell at retail it's more than the book two like if I'm a retail customer and I did it when I got into an argument with these guys I was like look look if I send anywhere across East Coast to West the average average for this carrier is 40 and you're a fulfillment center that is meant to be getting wholesale prices to provide a service like where the flipper you get 90 quid from so yeah so I there was there was a momentary moment Thursday night where I went to bed and I was because you got to bear in mind uh if I was to be saddled with 27 Grands worth of debt ladies and gentlemen I am not a rich man I would not be able to afford it I would be severely [ __ ] as a dad single dad with a mortgage and tickets to pay for so uh yeah hopefully it'll get sorted but uh oh boy that was some drama this week um not to mention how crazy the industry's been in general um which we'll get into in the news but I guess before that we should probably talk about what video games we've been playing and lighten the mood somewhat so Nick what about you what have you been playing this week what have I been playing well I'm still playing through alen wake 2 which continues to be I mean it should be really short if you skip all the cut scenes in that game it's only going to be like three hours six hours of gameplay is it is it that short no I mean I am I am in the wellness center I'm in the well I'm I'm in the I I'm at the part where I'm about to fight what old lady yeah I mean you're you're pretty far in like half maybe I don't know without being too spoilery I just got the bolt cutters I just got the bolt cutters yeah like maybe half Miss I'm back in the nursing home but if you say too many specific things for a game that's only been out a week people get annoyed with spoilers so but I know where you are okay yeah um so yes it continues to be amazing there's a discussion to be had about cut scene skipping that I'd like to have um but we won't do that now cuz it'll make what have we been playing go forever uh I'm very thirsty I'll be right back the game is just yeah Allan Wake is so good I kind of want have the discussion about Cuts scene skipping I'm happy to have it now I'll put it in the time stamps it just means that this part's gonna go really long be succinct with our points like yeah we all know that you're an advent Cene Skipper right yeah because they're unnecessary like so here's the thing because I put out a tweet the other day cuz I told this story to you and Jesse yesterday and how I was very proud of my son so my son got my son used some of money he had saved up and he got one of the very last Spider-Man 2 dual sense controllers left available in Australia and that's not a joke it is was literally one of the last handful left in Australia he was very excited so we got home and I'm like you know what his PS5 is set as my home console so I installed Spider-Man remastered on his PS5 gave the permission for him to play it cuz he's got a child account and then yesterday morning he started playing Spider-Man remastered now Spider-Man remastered starts with a cutscene as son's games do it started with a cut scene and straight away I hear him he's pushing the buttons and he goes can I skip this I just started laughing so much I'm like this kid is I bet you were delighted oh my God he's like I'm so proud of your son so I picked up the controller and I'm trying to push a button I'm trying to press start I'm trying to I go sorry buddy you can't skip this he's like why he's like that's so silly he's like why can't I skip this I'm like man this kid continues to Astound me every day um so I you know I put that tweet out and God some of the responses like I I look if you enjoy cutcenes I'm fine with that I have no issue with people who enjoy cutscenes as a way to further enhance their enjoyment and their immersion and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah fun fact whether this is a minority opinion or not it's it's a fact if your video game at a fundamental level at a mechanical level at a conceptual level if your video game cannot be enjoyed without watching movies you haven't actually made a good video game I'm sorry if you don't like hearing that truth but it's it's an unfortunate truth now there's exceptions to the rule like your Telltale games where you know you're there literally to watch a story unfold and you have limited interactivity it's basically an interactive I don't know call yeah there's exceptions to the rule but if you're playing a video game you're playing a video game and I saw people on Twitter like so do you skip slow parts of movies it's like are you serious did you just advertise to the world that you don't have the mental capacity to function on a daily basis like why would you make that stupid comparison if I'm going to a movie I'm going to a movie I'm going to watch a movie I'm not going to play a video game in the cinema I'm there to watch a movie you idiot if I'm reading a book which I would never read a book but if I'm reading a book not even the Xbox era book I'm not going to complain that the book doesn't have videos attached to it or pictures for me to understand what's going on I'm going into this book to read the book I know what I'm doing I don't go to McDonald's and complain they don't have KFC's fries so when I'm playing a video game I'm playing a video game I'm not there to watch movies your game should be able to stand up on its own two feet as a video game mechanically without forcing someone to watch a bunch of movies like I don't disagree with you I don't hear people complaining about Super Mario Brothers wonder and like talking about the incredible immersive story and you've got to watch these cut scenes the game's still getting n out of 10 everywhere why it doesn't have an amazing story it doesn't all those cut scenes you're not watching them it's just a fantastic game mechanically that is fun to play I understand cut scenes can enhance your enjoyment of course they can more power to you just don't force it and it shouldn't be required to enjoy the game I would say to you though as a alent cut scene Skipper that in scenarios of certain games like Alan Wake 2 which is arguably a story about writing in and of itself and the tropes of genre and blah blah blah blah blah yeah y that by skipping that element you are robbing yourself of the intended complete experience to the player so you're at the end of Alan W 2 when you roll credits I'm still enjoying the game and that's fine on a personal level I'm just saying to you that you might end up with a lesser appreciation for the story overall and the and the themes of it and the the way the mechanics have been enhanced through gameplay that are relevant to those themes because you have chosen to skip all of that introductory elements to bring that whole narrative together into one thread I'm not saying it's wrong like horses for different courses I don't give a [ __ ] it's your game your time not my problem but I do think in some scenarios like another game that I would say was enhanced and made all the more enjoyable for cuts scenes was HiFi Rush right all skippable but it was also like watching a Saturday morning cartoon and it gave the game this additional wonderful feel of watching like heroes and villains so like I said for some it can enhance yeah yeah yeah of course but I'm saying nothing wrong with skipping but I think in certain cases you're gonna Rob yourself completely of the meaning behind a game you're probably right if the game is enjoyable on its own then It ultimately doesn't matter like Alan Wake 2 I've been skipping 98% of the cut scenes I think I've watched like two of them it's still probably going to end up my game of the year it's still mechanically unbelievable I still have a rough idea what's going on because of the case boards and because of the self because of the internal talk of alen and Saga so I've still got a rough idea what's going on between those two things the game has been designed well enough the game has been designed so well that I still have an idea of what's going on without watching any of the cutcenes remedy is not forcing me to watch them and they've made such a great game that it's incredible without having to watch them that's called good design if your movie if your movie if your video game can't be enjoyed without taking in the story and without watching cut scenes you don't actually have a good video game you haven't made a good video game I'm sorry but you haven't I can't disagree with I can't disagree with it I just think I think in some cases watching a cut scene is gives you a better experience but I also think the games that are the best are the ones that deliver their story via gameplay but that's that's just me anyway go on Jesse like Halo CE like Halo CE Halo CE I knew exactly what was going on I knew exactly what was going on all through the game I didn't have to watch the cuts scenes and they were just link levels together anyway those cut scenes they weren't cutcenes in the way that we know them yeah they were just linking the levels you about you Jessie what's your take you're going to the extreme like people who think oh you you can't you can skip it just fine feel free but it will like if you're doing a review I would say you can't skip them because you won't get the whole picture of the game if you're just playing for enjoyment I don't care if you skip it will make me pay less attention to you your opinion on the overall game but for gameplay and everything else yeah it doesn't matter but in the end it just comes down to it's not that they can't be good without them it's that they are great when they are enhancing things so first off gaml is King yeah gamep play is King gameplay matters the most but you're but then you jump into the whole well if your game can't be good without the cut scenes then it sucks and I just say at that point your game was ruined by the cutcenes which is a kajima thing like Metal Gear Solid four which had awesome gameplay for the time but you got to do it for like three hours and then you watched for nine but that is the extreme that's not most of them I've just seen a great example in the chat Nick you play Mass Effect uh I haven't gotten very far into it no Mass Effect 2 one of the one of the greatest sci-fi cutcenes of all [ __ ] time right where you built up this [ __ ] collection of characters and you go through the Omega relay and your ch and what you've done up to that point all play out right then and there in a real time cut scene and it's [ __ ] awesome and if you skipped it you would know who lived who died what the [ __ ] happened until you loaded into the level you're like oh I've lost three people why because of the choice happened to me before in games Happ games bug you that would not if the game was good not if the game was good at its core like and I used to watch cutscenes every now Alan Wake the first Allan Wake I watched the majority of the cut scenes and they were pretty good but I will say there's only one type of cut scene I've watched consistently throughout my entire life in video games and that's the ending cut scenes when I've beat the game I used to love getting to the end of Street Fighter so I'd beat the eight fighters in Street Fighter to watch those cut scenes at the end Ken and Eliza Ru wondering the world you know I used to enjoy those cutscenes at the end of the game um but even when I used to play Punch Out and I'd see Mac riding his bike through New York or whatever it was and then dock behind him I'd be like come on come on come on come on let me get to the next fight let me get to the next fight like I just I'm playing a game I'm playing a video game I'm not curious movie have you played what remains of Edith Finch oh remind me which one that is there's one that I played for the achievements one that I play for the hour play through indie game you go to this weird house that's all like higy pigy yes I have played it right that is that game tells its story entirely in game zero cut scenes no point skipping anything brilliant yeah those are the examples of the best games of this medium I think e think was like a 10 out of 10 for me incredible game wasn't for me but I understand what you're saying yeah yeah but did it all in the game but I don't think anyone should like beat you up for skipping cut scenes or or go mad get angry with you it's a personal choice I'm just saying I think there is a case to be made that you are robbing yourself of furthering your experience in certain scenario that I can agree with I can agree with that I can understand why I'm robbing myself of enjoying a game I'm already enjoying even more yes that I can get on board with like if you had no idea why they were all sad about Dom and gears yeah I don't even know I think I watch I think I watched that I think I watched that cut scene at the time again that was the earlier days when I used to watch cut scenes but I think gears may have been the actual turning point for me when I started to skip them because gears was pissing me off with a slow walk and talking what's going on and then the force what what I think I think gears was actually probably the turning point point for me when I started to get over that [ __ ] and start skipping I think it was Gears of War do you know what does make me skip cut scenes what when I'm bored when a story hasn't engaged me I've been playing Robocop and I'm like it will stop and I'll just see like some punk head dude hey man I want a helicopter like and I'm just like [ __ ] off like yeah do you know what I mean I know what the story is I'm going to shoot the Bad Dudes there's probably going to be some on ocp that's right douchebag in charge you do have to make choices if you want people to live so it is good to know what's going on sometimes yeah but like there when when a cut scene is painful to watch and I'm just dying I'm like this acting is bad the animation is bad and I just want it end I will skip it like yeah I I get it and again like Jesse said middle Gear Solid 4 was another one like games that have cutcenes that just go for too long at least Le Allan wakes are fairly short the ones that I've watched have been quite short um but some of them like the ones where Saga has a re Revelation all she's essentially doing it's it's a cut scene where she's saying what you've just read and discovered anyway in the clues you've put together on the on the what's it called the case board um so they're just not unnecessary per se but yeah maybe they are a little bit Superfluous so I've been skipping a lot of those um I don't know I just in 30 something years of playing video games I'm yet to come across one where I was enjoying it at a mechanical level and then I because the movies were bad I hated the game and vice versa yeah I never saw a game where good cutscenes suddenly made me enjoy a [ __ ] game yeah that's fair I'm I'm playing a video game I'm not not watching a movie it's not it's not that complicated like uh I don't know I just I found some of the replies and again it's not about [ __ ] on anyone who watches them if you want to watch them more power to you I I can't sit through them but if you want to watch them great I I just some of the responses the way they were worded and maybe these people on Twitter didn't intend it that way but a lot of people are quite bad at getting their point across on Twitter they made it sound like it's impossible to enjoy a video game without watching these movies and I'm just like I could not disagree with you more if I tried but they're also like they're also a lot of times they're just enhancing the stuff you're doing they're not a movie they're might be a minute two minutes like they're not generally super long it's it's kajima that are normally unbelievably long and I end up wanting to skip cuz I don't care about it but a lot of the other stuff they're like Sony where not only are they quite long there's a million of them yeah like the number of times you'd walk 10 m and then there's another cut scene then you'd walk 10 m then there's another cut scene it's like oh my God like yeah there are always bad examples of stuff but there are great examples of to if you if you blank it skip it all then you just end up missing some great stuff I don't know I just just like John misses the podcast he miss is hitting his mute button he misses pressing pressing his mute button I need to pause the action for a moment because you know cut scene skipping we'll put the time stamp there I do want to give a shout out to my nephew Aiden who is watching right now he's he's a young you know he's approaching his he's just started high school or secondary school say over here um shout out to Aiden hi buddy go to bed what are you doing up what time you bir isn't a Saturday night though it's Saturday I don't mind he's he's like he's nearly a man he can he can step up as late as he likes doesn't bother me but hi Aiden um anyways anyway so outside of that you've been playing the wonderful and wake too have you been doing anything else with your time um OG fortnite so which you won the first one you played yeah epic epic have decided to try and distract people from all the horrible things they're doing by um releasing fortnite say look look at the Shany look at the Shany to distract people but I have to say it's actually amazing like it's so good like having the having the OG map back um oh I was just I was landing at all the old places again and it's all still there and the old weapons are back and I mean they have I'm sure they've got probably got two versions of the map like because they've got zero build now which wasn't a thing back then so my guess is that they've got a version of the map that's slightly tweaked for people that can't build for zero build and then the straight up OG version of the map for normal building um but you know there's no vehicles except the golf cart which was the earliest vehicle to come in there's no swimming swimming is out so all the water is like knee height and you like trudge through it which is like driving me crazy um but aside from that it's oh man they've made everything OG the store the like they've they've turned back time on just about everything uh I hope they keep this as a mode going forward cuz it's so much it's so fun it's this Perfect Blend of old and new uh OG fortnite um really really enjoying it I've downloaded jant but have not started it yes in their review guide they literally say this is how you pronounce it they did a Tik Tok as well or a YouTube short one of those um did you watch my review uh I watched a bit of it yeah there there's the good news is there are cutcenes in J uh but they are very short and they are just little little connectors they're just showing does the mountain you're climbing die in the end or does the I'm I'm not going to spoil it I'm not going to spoil it to you because it's relatively new game um yeah yeah and I love but yeah it looks nice looks very nice and it's very different for don't not isn't it don't no usually does The Telltale style games they do though their next one is the one you leak so they probably hate you banisher uh new Eden whatever the heck it's called that is their don't nod mhm is it yeah I forgot about that I mean I I it leak it I didn't leak it leak it I I teased it and no one knew what it was like everyone was guessing games they already knew so I would argue I didn't leak it I just knew about it teased it and then after the fact said this was bishers um that game actually looks quite good um published by Focus who only publish good stuff yeah uh what else what else Mario Wonder um which I'm still just I have my switch here with me you can't see it on camera it's like just there I have my switch no matter what I always believe you have a switch near you I don't care where you are it's the whole point of the switch isn't it is the whole point of switch that it's portable I can take my console anywhere with me um so yeah so that's that's what I've been playing mostly OG fortnite and Allan Wake on the subject of um obviously if you haven't watched the Xbox ER review um they gave us a really lovely amount of time with that game two things one game's great um it gets a bit wonky sometimes it's control pattern but this is uh 100% a scenario where don't know have gone this is a cool mechanic and then that's it they've made the game so there's nothing really but climbing in in just um and it's basically a set of you get to a place climb and it's great in that there is no yellow paint slaved over walls that gives you the optimum route you can kind of bastardize your way up like they're at easier paths and trickier paths but you can just do it um but the soundtrack for juon absolutely slaps and thank you to don't n and the publisher for Lending or giving us a copy on Steam for the use in the review um I picked two of my favorite tracks in there including the ballast which I learned after I'd written the review ballast is the name of the little companion creature that your nameless protagonist has with you um and it's actually a really lovely story it goes it gets a bit out there um but it's really cool go on does it have any agency to it like can you die can you fall off can you stuff up your climb and die you can stuff up your climb but your your rope will save you you just have to start your climb again um and it can get trickier but it's yeah it's a really chill it's a chill I was about to say so so I feel like it's a Vibes game yeah it's you just want to sit back relax just not concentrate switch off your brain for a bit and just whatever yeah yep yeah that's really good definitely um I I can I still enjoy it if I skip the cut scenes is that there's barely any to skip all right the genuinely is barely any to skip they literally just explain how you got from this area to this area or like okay I press this thing now you don't you won't want to skip them simply because they will tell you where to go and you might not know otherwise because it's just a 10-second cut scene to show you what you just did and where to go so if you skip it you're not gaining much time you're going to have a loading screen anyways to wait through for the same amount time you're just going to be confused on where to go you know like in old school games when the cut scene would play the animation it would show you like what you just did and then it would leave the camera lingering on your next PATH that's kind of kind of what it does so okay um but it's a it's a neat game it's another great one for for Game Pass and uh yeah definitely would add it to your download queue Game Pass f is it is a Game Pass f is it they're really good at what they do I think don't know um yeah I've also released a new Squad battle map into Forge for hello infinite it was really a lot of fun to do considering that everything I've made thus far has been for 4v4 and the realization that the challenge was to make it look as pretty as all the other ones but it's twice the size um and it's built for 8v8 but it supports 12 V12 btb definitely recommend checking it out uh it's called command U and I think it serves fans of older more typical Halo experiences than you know go with the day or the nighttime Sunset got the I remember I saw your Tweet where you were like showing a picture of how it looked at night and then a picture of how it looked during the day that was it I went I went for the golden golden hour um and funny enough big big thank you to Tyler uh 343's lighting Guru who hopped on for uh 20 minutes to kind of give me some pointers on good tactics to make it look really vibrant is that postums no no he's I don't think he's with 343 anymore posts oh isn't he okay um but yeah it's good it was good it was good or is it Connor I can't remember his name now anyway wow yeah I know he mustn't have left much of an impact on you well people have their like gamertag name and then their Discord name it gets all confused in my poor old gotta be consistent I have actually already got a live tested version of command with PVE so against AI um but you remember the very first forge map I made the kind of cyber Punk City thing yeah we've we've we've been testing like I've now got a banished Cruiser up in the skyline all this Lightning's going off and GNA scrips the laser to come down BL up the buildings but then all the drop ships start coming in and and all the covant start coming over the top so yeah I mean man the new uh the new forges it's really cool so yeah ah anyway Jesse extra live streaming the week of reviews that you've released what have you been playing um the latest thing I released which I think is getting an unfair shake from everyone is the Invincible it is essentially a prequel to a 1967 polish novel that was that John might really like if he's never read before it is very hard sci-fi um about a future Earth that or future civilization where technology took off in one very specific Direction and that is space travel but we're still very 60s in they call it Adam punk where it's like very Soviet space era looking everything there's no digital screens or atom atom at atam up punk up um so very atam Punk analog space travel future super cool looking it is a it is a glorified walking simulator it's like it's a walking simulator with gameplay in it very light puzzle mechanics and moving stuff around it is extremely cut scene and dialog heavy there is no point to playing it if you don't want it's it's a game about listening to two people having conversations and making very important decisions on where your character is going to go with stuff and you have to make them quick too you normally get like 5 to 10 seconds and you got to make a choice sometimes you get way more um it's great it even has driving which most um walking simulators don't have um looks gorgeous runs really well um has fantastic voice acting and even though it is a Polish game it is only um voiced in English and they did an incredible job so the book is about a very specific thing that I don't want to really say because it would spoil the game but the game is the prequel the story of leading up to the start of the book and you are on a planet called Regis 3 looking for signs of life because their atmosphere has everything that it should to make life and you're trying to figure out how come there's nothing here can we get resources because you are the Commonwealth and you are going against another group who are the actually the stars of the book um things go real bad and you're you wake up confused with no memory of how you got there or why and over the course of about six or seven hours you'll figure it out you'll make a ton of choices that ended up really mattering I went back um and looked after the fact because the the one of my main complaints is you can't do manual saves it is only one autosave so if you do something and don't realize that was a choice you cannot go back and change it unless you play the game again which was very annoying for that type of game cuz there was one thing and like it said go do this and like oh okay I'll go do that do I have to and I did it and it said you chose not to do this it's like a for [ __ ] sake I could have done the other thing it didn't end up mattering in the end I still got the choices I wanted but that was that was the one negative but outside of that I think it's like a 30 or $40 game and it's really really good and I loved it think I gave it an 8.2 cuz like those that genre generally does have like a a ceiling if you're not just world class in the tale you're telling but um it's it's very very good because an 8.2 for us should mean very good I know we tend to score high but it's mostly because we don't review the things that are bad it ends up because it's all for free we're not getting paid if we were getting paid we' we'd review more shitty things that I'd make people do it and I'd go hey you're going to get 50 bucks for this visually it looks really nice oh it's really it's real Engine 4 it's really pretty there are some textures that are like a little me on the on the ground and whatnot um a few times I got stuck in the geometry but I just jumped around and got out of it it's a really good game I greatly enjoyed it that wasn't your only review though right you also did Robocop Robocop I did and I've been playing RoboCop Rogue City on uh stream a lot today um it is exactly what it's trying to be it is trying to be a good B tier s that is it is the good seven unlike what people said about Starfield a Seven's good well no starfields aiming for a 10 Rebel cops aiming for a seven so get getting there is good for it like evil West evil West was like 75 evil West was even better than a seven maybe evil West was close to an eight cuz it was it was so fun to play what the hell did I give you West I had dinner with my parents last night and for the first time ever my dad mentioned a video game for the first time in my entire life and it was RoboCop he was talking about a Robocop wow oh well Dad you know we've just reviewed it so I did I pointed him to Rie I was like we reviewed RoboCop we got RoboCop it's supposed to be RoboCop is a little bit of swearing a lot of Gore no nudity or anything it is going for that mature Gore rating no boobs unfortunately well America's fine with blowing heads off into a billion chunks but you cannot show a I know but don't show boobs yeah and I did I gave evil West a 7.5 I remembered but um I know RoboCop's really fun RoboCop does play a lot better on PC um it is Peter Weller tra he's it's his voice and it's his face he uh he's the only one from the movie that's cool I don't know if it's her voice but it's her face they definitely modeled Murphy uh it looks like her but if you actually look it's not it's definitely not her voice um yeah it might not voice but it's a look alike it's like the porn parody version of her if you actually get her face it's but that's most of the faces in that game the only face and the only model that's really good is RoboCop everyone else is very much at home in a farming simulator 2022 like they they all look like something that they flipped from the unity asset store maybe um but overall I think the game still does look nice because it's just there to be this giant sandbox for you to mostly use your auto 9 in full fire mode blasting people into bits and it's it's just good dumb fun I really feel like I feel like if this Robocop game was made what year are we 2023 if this Robocop game was made in 2003 it would have been a light gun shooter oh well I mean wasn't that the OG Xbox had in Robocop game didn't it i' have to check our book I believe it did um but this this same group ton they made the 2019 Terminator game which reviewed horribly but people are like no it's actually not too bad and I have a code for that I actually might maybe that'll be the one I play after stream since I just did a bunch of Robocop I'll hop over and play The Terminator uh Xbox series X version that came out that I actually accidentally played a week early on stream cu the game's four years old so I had no idea they had embargoed it and I was really surprised when I then looked at the Embargo at the thing and they were like you can't play this till the 27th I'm like this game's four years old whatever but um it's a series X version so yeah they like to do that on updates but yeah no that's um rooc cops one it's might be wait for sale fun but it's fun yeah maybe maybe it will come to Game Pass yeah you never know Terminator game never did so I'm not sure who knows um but yeah there you go uh coming up uh next week or this coming week we've got uh the did principal 2 review coming or was that already done um we've got Robo Quest we've got tear down and yeah I did mention this last week but two of the guys are doing just thing oh so sorry the the first the first five John are what's come out this week and then then is upcoming so yeah yeah yeah oh okay Talis principle we've already dropped yeah just an article from genas he gave it a 9.4 I actually have that one to stream too wow 9.4 he loved it yeah it's an 88 on open critic he's not far off wow another game of the year Banger out of nowhere that's lots of great guys this year 88 disqualifies it I saw an 81 get nominated Nick sorry them's the rules if you're less than 90 your game sucks but because because I'm stupid um and I was I was saying November's gonna be slow and then I gave myself Robo quest which is leaving early access on the 7th it's already in PC and console Game Pass and has been in PC for two years and console for almost a year tear down which is coming out on like the 15th or 16th so a review closer to then and then branching off a bit for our site I'm doing Assassin's Creed Nexus The Meta VR game because why not you know Ubisoft asked if I was interested I said sure I have a meta too it's literally right there nice so be I'm I don't know what captured footage is going to look like on the quest you can capture clips and then transfer them over so I I will see if I can do a video you you did yeah I remember that conversation was like you should get a quest you should get a quest I've used the three Jesse I've used the three my brother I want to get one I've been trying to get them to send me I've been trying to get them to send me one but they never respond and I don't I don't have the money to buy one so I played this alien shooting game on The Meta Quest 3 it almost made me want to buy a meta Quest 3 and then I remember that I probably will never use it but it was one of those AR games so what happens is aliens start breaking into your house and it looks really really cool and you've just got to shoot all these aliens and build the highest it's like a it's it's almost like a wi Sports type to give you an idea of what the meta Quest is capable of like a Wii Sports type demo get premium bowling and you'll use it all the time it's so good I just bow all the time the way they did it was very clever like it legit looked like these aliens were breaking inside the house of like the you might actually really like old Resident Evil re for VR on the Quest 2 is phenomenal like they completely rebuilt that old game cuz you know the worst part of that game were the controls but now it's VR so it's actually it's just it's really good probably would they got some stuff asgard's wrath coming I reckon you'll like the meta Quest 3 it's quite good if they would ever respond to me to send a review unit I would be able to let you know but they won't we're not big enough okay happens hey what I do like is when people hit like on on the show so hey if you're sitting in front of your phone right now or uh you're watching it on your desktop just hit that Thumbs Up Button because it helps it makes me feel good inside um and I really appreciate it on that note um suppose we should get into the news because it's been a week right yeah it's been a Carnage filled week so let's get into the simple stuff we'll do the simple stuff first so Xbox game pass another wave of games uh was announced um W fod has brought back to life uh our day one Xbox game pass uh videos which is great the only way it can work right away or else no one cares yeah yeah pretty much but they do very well if they're right away it seems um but yes so and again podcast crew Community if you're listening head to day one. and you can have access to a really cool apid driven app that shows you everything that's on Game Pass shows you what's coming what's leaving soon you can rate the games you can create for OTS for them it's very very cool and you should definitely check it out um also it's really cool at the moment there's a whole Xbox series X power your dreams Banner takeover on Xbox which is like I normally don't like ads but it's quite nice see m s advertising on our website um but there's lots of stuff coming out and another game that I did try today which was Headbangers Rhythm Royale which we had a review for um which is a pigeon based Rhythm based Battle Royale game with 30 players um so that's out on a Game Pass based Rhythm based instead combat you play Min games to a rhythm okay it's it's quite entertaining and you play as a pigeon and you can move your left stick at any time and his head goes um but we've also got W tals we've got football manager coming on November the 6th uh we've got dungeons 4 November 9th wild Hearts November 9th which was reviewed quite well but apparently now all support for is ending according to I'm one of the few that R it reviewed okay um it wasn't meant to be a live service game like a monster hunter because it's a smaller thing and there but I I it is it is an easier Monster Hunter meets Green Lantern powers where you like you build up you use boxes to build things and then you get these big ass glowy effects that you can do it's very fun I really enjoyed wild Hearts yeah and then we've got the last but not least we've got Spirit which was recently shown in the in the partner preview uh show that Microsoft did and coral island on November 13th and 14th respectively so more stuff for your subscription isn't that lovely um Microsoft also announced they're going to get well they didn't really announce that this is the way they would do it but the Verge said Microsoft is about to get better apps and web games on Xbox because Microsoft is letting Xbox app developers use the new or the current on PC anyway chromium based Edge rendering engine for media apps and HTML 5 games so um everything that edge is capable of on your desktop would be able to be capable of on your Xbox which is kind of be a hell a hell of a lot better for apps yeah yeah it's very it's very cool the day Chrome Edge came to Xbox was amazing even without this latest update it was just great because of the because they were the only ones that got to use Chrome Edge everyone else was still on Old less functional Edge yeah I I i' I use Edge now chrome chrome is only used for work I've been using Chrome Edge since the day came out it's amazing it took me a little while to switch but oh very easy it is yeah hands down it annoys me sometimes with some of its like sidebar interruptions that's the word I'm looking for a it can be a little um heavy we'll get into that in a little bit it can be a little obnoxious at times don't get me wrong although I have to say Safari these days is quite good too but believe it or not fun fact streamyard does not work on Safari no does not work there's something about Safari that streamyards Tech doesn't jive with very weird it probably wants to do something good and Apple's like you must pay us$5 million a year if you want to do that more money no you must pay us $5 million each time someone uses streamyard on Safari we get a 30% cut in our app store for even though it's a browser yeah speaking of uh giving money uh there's a link at the bottom of the stream right now for Jesse's ongoing this is the third year running for extra life uh folks help us reach the goal this is all for charity right it doesn't go in our pockets you're not going to enable Nick to get another 100% to charity no it kept sticking ads in I had to fight very hard to get it to stop trying to show ads because I turn monetization off but it still shows ads so YouTube wants to take money even though we're not like just please for [ __ ] sake YouTube stop it yeah but hey head to the tiny xboxer XL um big thank you as well to joyant bomb for putting us on their team page as well which is super cool I presume we have a Mr grub to thank for that courtesy they they're pretty open you can just um apply and let them know you want to be a part of it and they they let you in and by the way there's still all of these uh there's still all of these incentives all these you give 10 bucks you give 20 bucks 15 and you can choose if you want these games and they're Global so hey you want to bang on balls Chronicles this is a global Xbox code for bang on balls Chronicles which is oddly enough supposed to be great really well reviewed game Wizard with a gun on Steam Dwarf fortress on Steam those are North America but Xbox Global correct me if I'm wrong but no matter what you donate I think a minimum of $5 Ines you into a raffle to win yes if you choose this incentive signed copy of from Phil Spencer signed copy of the Xbox era it's a little bit bit up it's not like the books fine it's just got a small dent here for it was traveling in my suitcase for a very long time so it might smell of me that's a bonus you do have to choose that incentive it's five bucks you can enter as many times as one would like to enter and as soon as we have a winner I will pop to my post office pay 90 quid and get it shift where you are yay but yeah but if we get to 1500 which we're very close to that's the last stretch goal of going at least 12 hours which would be at least 10 pm tonight for me so I'll go if we get that I'll go for midnight good cool make it happen Community anyway let's talk about some of the drama there's there's I'm gonna I'm gonna quick fire because I don't have much to say on them apart from that their news I'm going to Quick fly through some basic stuff and then we'll get into the meat and potatoes uh grounded got a good big old update with its own for you might be into it maybe I should go check that out um I do know two my two of my best buddies are really love grounded I think they've played it to death um but it gets its own for mod so you can create your own kind of modes and ideas using gred's soundbox which is pretty cool like what a what a unique game to be able to that Dev team just keeps Trucking obsidian um really really cool stuff um Starfield uh still doing well has a big patch going into beta on Steam next week I believe dlss is finally coming with this one with frame genin and everything it works perfectly on Alan Wake to by the way it looks really really good um in the biggest news biggest headline Xbox out sold PS5 in Japan M because because of new PS5 the rain of PS5 is over I don't want to hear any context cuz context doesn't matter it's it's done see Jim resigns all these financial troubles all mate even they've even lost their home country they've even lost their home country now an Xbox the console nobody wants you don't want any context no I don't want any context context we can't being on Twitter don't give me the labor pain just give me the baby just give me the baby what are the facts the facts are Xbox outsold PlayStation in Japan that is all that matters the numbers that's what matters sales is all that matters no context numbers Mas yes what are the numbers what are they mean um and uh yeah okay uh I guess last last couple of little ones um lots of pictures have been emerging of the PlayStation 5's new model um um out in the wild the still ugly sleep yeah a lot of them have been deleted including the link that we had there um that post been deleted so it looks like Sony lawyers are doing something why everyone knows what it is like I don't understand I can't I can't even bring a picture up um we all know it's ugly guys it's fine like it is what it is I have to say you know with them deleting everything it's probably good to not put up a picture because then they come after that's but I will say if you want to know what the stand for the horizontal is it is a piece of plastic shaped like this with a bar in the middle that's it it's just a little thin clear piece of plastic they've done the same thing they did with the PS4 and Xbox One it's half gloss half matte I'm like why it's weird it's a full redesign too like it is a 100% shape in everything redesign that's worse like why they didn't have to be they could have made it look however they wanted they could have made it not require any stands like yep I don't I don't get it yeah I would argue it's I would argue it's uglier it's smaller it is it is genuinely smaller but I would argue it's actually uglier which is Quite a feat like how do you take the ugliest console ever made and then its revision is somehow uglier yeah that's just that's incredible like that has to be intentional at this point like they're just [ __ ] with everyone son's designers are like watch this like look what we did and they'll still buy we can make it worse I bet you we can make it worse and the idiots will still buy it oh man I'm telling you now like it's it's actually stunning it's unbelievable how it got worse yeah it always it always cracks me up when I think about back back to when both consoles had been seen I was Xbox is so boring but like you said you swap those designs around and if the if the Xbox had revealed like the PS5 my God so brutal and minimalist oh my God it's just like it's a represent it truly represents what we've become as a society today I feel and it really tells the story of a young child and you would be hearing all these [ __ ] stories about why it's an incredible design and then we'd see the Xbox which is if they swapped imagine if the Xbox look like the PS5 imagine if the Xbox looked like the PS5 and that's what would be revealed everyone would be clowning the crap out of it yep the absolute crap out of it okay I'm G to quickly quickly share just the paperclip hold on this thing kills I cannot believe that this is real but this is the horizontal clip that's it that's the horizontal stand it's just a piece of plastic with a bar in the middle that you stick there to hold it just sticks in it just I don't I don't get it cost cutting cost cutting mate what happens design it so you don't need it design a system that doesn't need it also thank you for the $5 the joke how can they continue the joke if they design it properly did they charge you for this stand I don't did they charge you money this is this is the free one the one they charge you for is the the circular standard upright one is 30 bucks the first one came with like the first one came with we all got the stand for free for the first one the stand that's required both ways by the way um it's just the worst designed console in history I don't anyone that IU otherwise has no idea yeah it is an ugly console anyway enough about that um and last but not least of the non-dramatic news uh Phil Spencer once again proves he is a man of the people or at least he's a man of the Xbox this was a weird situation I mean it just smells like me like someone in the bean counter's office was like how do we how do we save this one by uh oh God we're giving everyone an 11 or 14.99 Game Pass subscription as an employee perk soon to be $17 we can cut that they don't need that and and then Microsoft employees here's a question though here's a question so did all those Microsoft employees just have the subscription or something they probably had to apply for well you have to you have to go to and get it like there there were a lot of people that like I didn't even know this was a per I could get like you could go and get it yeah fun enough this whole situation will make a lot more people actually use it now that they that's right like for all we know there was probably only 5,000 people that actually were making use of this game pass Ultimate Sub for all we know now there's like quarter of a million extra now there's like 280,000 Microsoft employees all getting gay pass we'll get an announcement next week of New Game Pass numbers oh we've just tipped over the next barrier es does Microsoft have around 200k yeah there's no way known they were all making use of that sub so they were going to cut it for non-gaming employees so everyone who works for Microsoft employees yeah x Xbox emplo Microsoft yeah Xbox employees keep it and they were taking it off Microsoft employees um and then Phil that's most of them but then Phil who didn't know that was happening allegedly supposedly he's just hanging out yeah then stepped in and said well no everyone can have it but like JN said I reckon it's 100% that case where hardly anyone was actually activating their sub but now they're all like wait what we get Game Pass Game Pass okay now moft is bankrupt I wonder if they just give you a code on like the Microsoft employee portal or you have to put in like your your live address and it gets added to your account d z and ask like that yeah well I do wonder I do wonder I need to do a couple of call outs Brit with 15 Barry donellan with 10 and then Barry donellan again with 55 wow who for the children extra life donations they're probably they're probably um grabbing incentives I can't see exactly what game they grabbed but I'll get them to you as soon as I can it'll probably take me a day or three hopefully one but thank you yeah appreciate it guys thank you thank you community for being awesome good guy Phil once again yeah man the world how it's done yeah now there you go while we're on the subject of Xbox still let's get into please come on our show Phil you think do you think you can get him for show 200 again a second time second time round it was hard enough the first time we'll try not to piss PR off this time it was hard enough the first time to get him on uh um before we answer that question Super Chat Super Chat from Good Old Collingwood more small news for siik Australia's Choice magazine voted the Xbox mini fridge as this year's most shunky device does not surprise me shuny is in a bit rubbish yeah yeah shy dodgy bit I bet you they were worse but it was a mediocre little tiny mini fridge so I'm not surprised most of those mini Frid is a well that at that price you're not getting something good you you want a good mini fridge you're like 500 bucks you're spend say probably six or 700 Australian mini fridge yeah um ah Emil in the chat R it's an interesting question em it's an interesting question I I am actually meant I am actually meant to have a rumor mill Nicholas it says no in my show notes I didn't I just didn't touch that section oh you know how I put out that tweet I put out that tweet about showing a screenshot of my one note and in that screenshot it says Wolverine info the Insomniac Wolverine game oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so I was told like you can do it for the podcast but I don't know if I want to you don't want the Target on your back right now man yeah I don't know if I really want to there's play early like that game's probably not coming out for ages so for all I know whatever I've Been Told will change yeah and I'm just like I don't know if I want it I don't know if I'm I don't know if I'm interested I might just you see why other people give you stuff because they don't want to get yelled at either yeah true story um speaking of getting yelled at um Microsoft wasn't all positive news this week Brazil let's talk about Microsoft and Xbox and Brazil first of all what is happening there what I don't understand so what is happening there the economics in Brazil as I understand it there's there's like a lot of corporation tax and sales tax and all sorts of taxes and stuff and just suddenly out of nowhere the Xbox series s shot up in price to be worth only yeah only the S to cost more than the series X and A PS5 no it's just Bel almost it's almost as expensive as a digital PS5 but the digital PS5 is being discontinued don't know what the price of the new one's going to be because that is $50 more in the US but still it jumped up 43% which is way more than people were expecting it to be that's a lot and then IED and then it's not reversed but then it's not actually reversed and then it's what's going on so what I the one thing I know about this situation is Xbox Brazil doesn't exist it's now run by Xbox Mexico Mexico and some people like well was Mexico trying to get people to buy from them and import like I I don't know it's just there's been no communication which I think has been the most annoying and frustrating fart for people they just they don't understand what's going on and why sounded like frustrating f f and and the thing is like Brazil's one of their strongest markets like legitimately one of their strongest fans in Brazil lot of Gears fans and this is this is gonna hurt them in a very real way like that that's supposed to be the affordable option and it's no longer an affordable option like I just I I feel like at some stage like I got I I got a DM from a Brazilian follower saying Nick my God like this is what's happening with the series s blah blah blah blah blah you know can you help I'm like look I I did do I'm not going to say what I did but I did do a thing to attempt to help I'm not going to say what that was um but I yeah it's I feel like Microsoft should Pro probably say something if it's possible you know what it is their regions are all a mess their Regional stuff as we can attest to with how the UK's been up and down a bunch like with things changing and all that um I bet you fing them probably don't really know yet and they haven't said anything because they want to find out why is this happening like what is going on they're digging into it what's the [ __ ] yeah yeah it's a bit frustrating though for especially for Brazilian Gamers that there's just been such a long period of time without an update like it's still very unclear what the situation is is the price going up is it is it back down again was it a mistake if so why did that mistake happen because this this communicated out to retailers and things like that so like it's very bizarre in terms of how and there's a lot of mixed messaging in terms of there are some Twitter accounts that are like oh no the price has never went down it's always been up then there are others that are like no no no it has gone back down and it's just it's not like MSRP versus their actual like store what do you what are they actually charging versus what the MSRP is is is also like it's almost never actually sold at MSRP so yeah I don't know it's it's an odd one but you know like as soon as we hear anything we we'll put an article out or something to that effect um I just find it hard to believe that they like some people are fully blaming like Brazil or Mex or Xbox Mexico others are fully blaming Microsoft I feel like the reality is probably somewhere in the middle yeah cuz I find it difficult to accept that Microsoft has played Zero part in a massive price increase of their console in a region I find that difficult to believe yeah someone has said yes that's fine please put it up yes someone at Microsoft has has to be aware of this and has possibly ticked off on it which so it it's like we said last week where it kind of matches with the increase on Steam Regional pricing for digital because Brazil has been one of those like gray Market countries where people people will go to and buy codes and resell them yeah because it's so much cheaper so the fact that they generally don't always sell at MSRP it could be you raise the MSRP knowing it's not going to sell at that it's still going to be lower but you are getting more because the percentage is gone up so now even if they're still 30 40% below MSRP you're getting more because you know they these are such heavily subsidized consoles speaking of getting more can you open up the extra life Xbox here page for me right now sure thing because I've got some bad news for you bro you're staying up for a while oh no so funny thing I'm actually seeing I see all of it it's I still have OBS open and I I mute myself here and then I pop the microphone open there and say thank you to people because Boop we broke 1500 hooray thank you list and Spartan and Barry that'll be going until about midnight tonight that is good thank you everyone you guys rule we've killed last year's total of 1300 nice I I really I'd love to wake up tomorrow and see you like hit two grand like I think that would be awesome but let's let's see let's see if we can make it happen um so yeah the the situation is weird we don't know what's going on Xbox here fam um and to our Brazilian followers and listeners uh you know hopefully you've already got your Xbox and it's not too big of an effect on you but uh certainly if you're thinking of buying one maybe for a bit the reason the series X didn't go up is because they don't get series X's they only get s's which is what makes this extra shitty wow total dick move yeah hopefully we hear about it soon about yeah Phil and everyone else going hey no B yeah and and like one last pie like couple of pieces of news that I want to tackle before all of the stuff about Bungie and and Playstation um which is the biggest drama of the week I think uh so I have seen that um IGN is taking some fire this week and I don't know why really because from all I all I've heard about the latest Modern Warfare game is that yeah it definitely was a half ass campaign thrown together out of a mismatch of other pieces and but it wasn't see this is the thing it's not it's not a halfast campaign what is it this is the issue have you played it I haven't played it we heard a year ago we heard almost as soon as Modern Warfare 2 came out what did we hear we heard that there was not going to be a traditional Call of Duty game this year yeah there was just going to be like an expansion to Modern Warfare 2 that is what we heard a year ago and at the time we were like good give them a break you don't have to do Call of Duty every year we said it in 2020 when Modern Warfare 2019 was still the top selling game we were like you don't need a Call of Duty every year because the good ones keep selling for two or three years give the devs a break sell some expander loans sell some DLC you've got war zone pumping out money like crazy you don't need a Call of Duty every year so when we heard the rumor that this year's Call of Duty was just going to be DLC like an expansion for Modern Warfare 2 we're like great y unreal then all of a sudden we heard that oh hold on no we're actually going to get Modern Warfare 3 I think I know why because the deal was hopefully to close by June but then it didn't and so Bobby kind of panicked and is like okay if it doesn't happen we need this thing to make us a a jillion dollars again as a full $70 thing it's carrying us well that's what's happened so it's clearly this is clearly the Modern Warfare 2 DLC that was rumored but they've now decided to sell it as a full priced game and I think I again I haven't played it so I don't know if it's genuinely terrible I don't know even as an expander loan if it's a genuinely terrible thing I don't know but I do wonder if a lot of the scores and the backlash are because we're being charged full price for what is actually a DLC for Modern Warfare 2 to the point where the achievements and trophies show that it's a DLC for Modern Warfare 2 and it only goes for like 4 hours so yeah it hasn't even got a platinum trophy on Playstation no because it's it's just DLC for Modern Warfare 2 as had been rumored so I think the real problem here is the fact that they've decided that they're going to call it its own thing Modern Warfare 3 which means that name is now ruined and they've charged full price for it it is also like it's 70 bucks for the campaign zombies and um multiplayer stuff so it is 70 for that package they're reviewing essentially a third of the package but then complaining I can say if it's not worth like if you were saying it's not worth $70 on its own if you just play Modern Warfare or if you just play Call of Duty for the campaign you wait for a sale on this one it is not worth full price but to really score it against that when the actual $70 does get you three things I think is not the way to go about it because both IGN and Gamespot gave it a four which for them generally means broken bad terrible in every way and the most they said it was it's kind of boring ing it's not broken it's not bad it's not worth 70 bucks just for this campaign but like that's that's that's why people are kind of outraged and they're definitely over the toop console Waring morons on social media but it's it's the inconsistency this is not a four for that site like Quantum error was a five and that game is bad and it is broken and it is not worth the full cost of it is that like when that website is that like when the website gave Hogwarts a zero yeah to to make a St feels performative talk about the yeah not actually talk about the product yeah the entire review is just about how much JK rolling sucks instead of that's what I'm saying this feels like a reaction to being charged for what is clearly DLC and what was always planned as DLC like everything I'm hearing about it when it's like you know there's there's someone that I'm friends with that works for um I think it's for who reviewed it and everything he's described I've seen on Twitter it's really clearly sounds like this was DLC as was rumored it it clearly sounds like it's an expansion for Modern Warfare 2 yeah but I feel like that doesn't mean it's a for in and of itself like it may be just meh or okay but especially in the modern day scale four is like a oh my God an unplayable mess it's right around Gollum or um Skull Island of Kong that's like three that's what they gave them I've seen a lot of reaction on Twitter from Xbox fans um that are uh oh you know look oh now they've been owned by Microsoft the Xbox tax is coming through that's not what this is this is that it's clearly not up to the usual package that would be sold for $70 what if I said it doesn't it's a price doesn't hurt look I think I think the fact that the deal closed two weeks ago has added a little bit of salsa to it I'm sure I think there's a little bit of extra salsa in there from ABK closing that has just given some of them a little bit of extra motivation to just push it below that 65 Mark but I think the majority of the negative reaction is to being charged for something full price yeah for something that was quite clearly DLC like quite obviously DLC to the point where they it doesn't even have its own achievement list yeah like that's I think what 90% of the reaction and the negative scores are about and then the fact that it's now owned by Microsoft is 10% of the Sala just little sprinkle of it we were going to give it a 5.5 but now it's a four that's just a little bit of Suter um oh great but oh God some of the crap I've seen on Twitter like again like you know there's there's arguments now like I again I put out a tweet because there was some more on who was like see what happens when Microsoft touches stuff yeah I this on two weeks they've they've owned them for 2 weeks and the people are like you got to take your L's you can't claim death in you it's like what are you talking about like what console trism on Twitter is a weird oh my God like I don't understand how these people are allowed to live in society with us you know what it is it's people who are trying to get enough Impressions every month to make money on Twitter because they've never been able to do it before and now the only way you can do it I mean there's a lot it's led by Blu tick though they're you you got the simps the blue simps so they don't have a tick they're just simps for those who do um and it's just it's like it's leading these conversations that are entirely focused on just shitty engagement at all costs and it sucks it's not enjoyable to be a part of it all mo most of my replies though have been oh you can't claim you know you can't claim this I mean a don't bring that [ __ ] to me because I don't claim anything like I we make we've been making jokes about haaha first party release Call of Duty first party game Call of Duty which is actually a fact so that aspect of claiming Call of Duty as Xbox is accurate it's now owned by Xbox tweet I was quote tweeting this guy was trying to blame Microsoft for the quality of Modern Warfare 3 a game they've owned for two weeks how can how can Microsoft the reason I got to turn those off I got to turn them off no that's the only time they're good J I was Doom scrolling Twitter yesterday and I saw Jesse like good old always there with a hot take tweet the ca of like because ghost was really bad and this is worse than ghost and then Jesse just an 8.8 quote tweeted IGN score of 8.8 and I'm like it's it it honestly it cracked me up and I just put I I didn't even want to tag anyone like I didn't want to go fishing for reaction I just I literally just screenshotted that interaction and just cuz cracked me up and I was just like God damn and yeah congratulations John you've now got a console or tribal tweet with everyone just arguing in the replies about sad people those are good though John cuz then you can just block them all and they get pissed and you feel great Ah that's true I I never block anybody it doesn't matter what what neither do I I've only got since you gave me access one person blocked have you been blocking things on Xbox series Twitter the truly shitty people that [ __ ] up our replies yes the like the people that when they so when I would be like putting up a post about the the the um the extra life stream why don't you have Phil Spencer do it he's got a ton of money or I'd rather just burn a stack of money no [ __ ] you're gone you're never applying to us again see you later fair I I officially have one person on my block list now after 13 years of no one on my block list on Twitter I have one person on there who and you might say cuz I I think blocking is weird like you're on a social media platform like you're there that's how Echo Chambers are formed I don't want to hear anyone else that's right I don't want to hear any other opinion I just want to hear mine to me blocking is weird the exception to the rule is harassment yeah if someone's like literally just out there harassing you that's Nick where gears at I'm kidding no it's it's not it's not him it's someone else someone and I'd rather not even talk about what they do publicly I'll say it off I'll say it off air what they do but yeah um that person's the only person on my block list oh the guy that shows up at mackers every time yep yeah but it's just weird it's like yes Xbox fans have been claiming Cod and claiming Diablo and claiming claiming claiming but they've been claiming in so much as well it's a fact they now own it diao first party IP like Call of Duty is an Xbox first party IP that like that it is what it is they own them they bought it but you can't take credit for Diablo being good or bad because it came out before they were even owned and have nothing to do with the development you can't CL you can't say Xbox was responsible for COD 3 Modern Warfare 3 being bad because they had owned them for two weeks and had nothing to do with its development like this isn't rocket science like this is you know the next couple years they're not going to be heavily influencing much they might be guiding but like the integration process for ABK is going to take so godamn long that their plans for the next 3 to four years are still just going to be their plans for the most part it might change scope it might change timing it might change platforms definitely but it's not going to like their influence with with Bethesda is really starting now like redfall got more time needed more like redfall got more time needed more time but they didn't they didn't even know then that they could go and ask and Microsoft's like that was their Communication Breakdown they needed more time they have felt okay to ask us and so like just AB is five six times bigger literally in the amount of people that are there so it's going to take a long time before they are truly influencing things on a day-to-day basis but in terms of claiming yes it's all Xbox first party now so from that perspective yes it's they are we get Game Pass that's why we are happy because people who use a platform it's part of our sub now glorious isn't it um and the last sort of Xbox related drama of the week before we go into PlayStation was uh there was huge huge uproar because Microsoft started sending out error code messages for third party unauthorized is that what we're going to okay yeah yeah I'm I'm dopping around um trying to do all the Xbox stuff and then we'll we'll wrap up on on all the PlayStation buy drama um third party I'm unlicensed wireless controllers and auth unauthorized devices so this is initiative because obviously they have partners that pay a licensing fee to be an officially licensed Xbox partner product right so they've got a g of care to their Partners it looks like that yeah you've got that badge on there now obviously if you can just release anything and it will just work well then what's the benefit of being a part of that program right so there's there's that aspect to it but the Uproar has particularly been from fighting game communities right um because there are lots of people that use devices to to get fight sticks to work and you know hoping for a STI too yeah yeah so I'm very curious to see how it all shakes out but there were there's not a lot that's actually on the unauthorized list right like places like and things of that nature they've all got these this feels like again without knowing too many of the dets I just saw a lot of Max's reaction to it and I retweeted one of his tweets this feels like one of those things where they're reacting to a minority and they're going to affect a majority who are mostly fine and aren't doing the wrong thing and it feels like one of those situations to me and that's without knowing all the details the biggest thing that this is going to fix and why I'm very happy for it is um the fact that there's going to be more wireless controllers because they're like part of this is also opening up third party for wireless making it more affordable right now it's it's literally just razor um scuff no that's it I thought it was just razor no SC scuff because a Scuf an instinct Pro is a series X controller that they take and chop up and mod so they get it for that reason that's part of the um the back button patent for elite controllers cuz scuff owns that patent so they just get free controllers mod they give them free controllers mod yeah Razer has the same shell yeah I think Razer who knows but um it's also it's Zim and cronis which are use your mouse and keyboard on an Xbox and cheat in shooting games or cronis whichwich is fullon go right on people's heads kill them all the time but those are huge extremely you cannot play Rainbow Six Siege ranked without a zim you simply can't you will lose every time and in most competitive PVP Shooters a zim or cronis like OverWatch 2 are mandatory you have to have them or you cannot level up because everyone at the Top's using them because a few players did and it just grows and grows from there so the the way they can go about making this yeah the the the the thing they need to do and hopefully they will is like Brooks or some of those other ones it will be easier for them to become licensed because if they're going to do it easier for wireless then that sound cuz Wireless was the hard thing no one could get it you could get you could get wired easily and all the fight sticks are wired generally so if you can just make it easier to get that for the fighting stick Community then I think it's perfect because I [ __ ] hate Zim in chronus users they have ruined Battlefield and OverWatch and every goddamn competitive PVP shooter I like to play they suck yeah and they're giving they're giving plenty of heads up I think the big yeah Brook gaming you mentioned Nick is the biggest one that Max was talking about who build uh adapters for other fighting game steps to work on Console right um so fingers crossed they can go out they can get a license and it'll be fine but they're giving plenty of Runway to this so like 11th of December for users to sort their lives out so it's a bit over a month so fingers crossed it'll all it'll all shake out okay um can you can you can you bear with me for like 5 Seconds yeah cuz you saw me talking to someone in the background just you can do we can cover few I walk away from the mic all the time yeah yeah don't worry about it um anyway so yeah that's all the that's all the drama chair so now we've just got uh well everything else um where do we even begin here um I guess this can start with what who who broke the story first wait that's not what we're going to for next what we were going to continue on with his story after talking about Modern Warfare can we have a talk about dashboard ads can we have a talk can talk about what the the nonissue that this is well here's the thing I think it's a more in-depth and nuanced discussion than what Twitter allows for so my instant reaction was why is everyone panicking over this like they did it for Starfield yep they did it for Forza yep for Modern Warfare this is the sixth time actually they did it for the January direct January direct was the first one June showcase Starfield Forza when they bought APK and put the YouTube trailer out Modern Warfare I only saw it for the games yeah it's been all six they're tar they are always targeted though so not everyone gets them I haven't seen one oh okay I've only had the games ones all three games I the Starfield one the forza one the Modern Warfare one um it's a it's a weird situation like I've seen both I see both sides of the arguments so I've seen people on Twitter that are like what's a big deal and people posting videos of themselves just pressing exit and it's gone I I get that argument I understand it it's really not the end of the world it's a first world problem right it is and I understand why Microsoft does it like I think it makes perfect sense for their big first party releases to Game Pass particularly for the for those who are not terminally online though like it's Call of Duty how many people need reminding that call of dut like I understand it for Starfield it's a u IP they want to push it maybe not a lot of Xbox owners are aware of Starfield whatever for everyone knows forer at this point Call of Duty everyone knows Call of Duty Horizon they know not Motorsport so I feel like there's situations where it does and doesn't make sense at the same time I get why Microsoft does this I get why Sony does what they do I get why Nintendo does what they do they've got the Telemetry and the information that probably tells them this stuff works and it probably does like already you know I complained about the new Dash and how it's a big game pass ad and it's a this you know how many times I've actually found myself clicking on a store button or like it it actually works and Nintendo the same they they've got the little notification icon at the bottom Nintendo and they trigger my OCD by having the little blue dot that tells me I've got an unread notification which makes me click in there and then I see ooh indie games are on sale so I click on that tile and then I go into the store and shop around to see the bu so it it works so I get why they do it Microsoft Nintendo and Sony are also in a tricky position where they've also got to think of developers CU developers are always screaming out about discoverability how do we show up on your store how do we show up how can we be discovered on your console and in your store so the three of them have to also balance that as well so so I understand why they it at the same time the other side of the argument is okay we say what's the big deal they've done it for three games and you can just click exit Okay but then how far does it go is it going to then progress to doing it for every single major game is it going to then progress to doing it every single time you boot up the console is it like where does it end do you know what I mean they treated you go John they're all questions you can ask right and I I think I I just find it curious that you know Jesse's point stands yes you could go down that route and ask like you know when's too much is too much but the the more pertinent question is they've done this six [ __ ] times already why out now because this is the first one that wasn't in Game Pass yeah and it's the last time that'll happen if they only do first party or or is it the ABK owning Sala is it the Sala I feel like it's a little bit of the Sala I think the Sala is involved here just a little bit sprinkling little sprinkling of the Sala little bit of Tabasco on the just I just find it so odd that the vitrio was not there like when it happened for staford I was like nice you know like cool that's a great people yell they're finally marketing yeah yeah and now it's like this is gross because and I'm like don't want to buy it exit the end you know like no I I know and like I said I get it you can just exit it and it's fine but then what if they start doing it every time you turn your Xbox on are you still going to have the same reaction I hope they do it and it's a 5 minute long ad you can't skip at full volume just to piss people off forac extra volume 130% volume somehow go it somehow UPS your TV volume Honestly though you think about it from a from a Microsoft perspective you have a console user base and not you know I would argue that the majority of the Savvy ones are subscribing to the game pass so it's the ones that actually play more video games than your standard FIFA and cod every year right or rocket league and fortnite you know the the the standard non-f freet to-play stuff so you want to tell them you want to shout from the rooftops those guys already know those games are coming but what those ads should be for is hitting your non Game Pass subscribers the ones that are not subscribed and they go oh this brand new game's out oh my God it's a triaa game from Microsoft oh and it can say Buy on store or part of your game pass and then that's that's the avenue to more Game Pass revenue and Game Pass subscriptions and that feels like a smarter way to do it showing it to an existing Game Pass subscriber that plays hundreds of games a year probably not worth your while and maybe Microsoft Telemetry will even that out but like as an example in in in my household my son's console displayed it but mine did not yeah but like they are T if we bring it back to Call of Duty why would they need to do this for Call of Duty does Call of Duty really need that marketing no yes do you see the amount of marketing Call of Duty gets every year it's nonstop it is literally marketed everywhere forever yes Call of Duty is the most marketed game that is made yes so does Call of Duty need marketing yes no everyone knows is coming out everyone knows call of dut coming out the the number of people they're going to piss off right the number of people they're going to piss off doing it for Call of Duty specifically again I'm not talking about fors I'm not talking about Starfield I'm not talking about freaking developer direct the number of people they're going to piss off doing it for Call of Duty specifically will outnumber the number of people that didn't know somehow that a Call of Duty game was coming out and bought it because that ad came up you can't possibly know that you're just saying words you can't actually know those numbers and it's Not Gon to who it pissed off a handful of annoying whiny internet people who are always like a 2% bubble for the actual audience it does piss them off [ __ ] them B how many people how many people are going to buy Modern Warfare 3 because that dashboard ad came up enough that they feel it's right to do it they have the numbers I don't so I'll just go yeah they and even if it pisses off 5,000 people you're talking about things that sell many millions of copies just it's like game review scores how important are they H A little but it's still it's like 200 people's opinions on the most like Elden ring had 210 reviews or something so you got the opinion of 210 people and there's been like 25 million that have played it so in the end how much did it really matter yeah I don't know anyway yeah me it's just I get both sides of the argument for me my I guess if I was going to have a concern my concern is how far does it go I hope it goes as far as it can three hour long videos let's watch this SP I have no doubt that Microsoft are aware of the overreaction of certain folks over the last week oh there's been an overreaction don't get me wrong like the Sala has obviously generated some serious overreaction to this cuz that was my first thought I was like yeah I don't like it either I'd prefer it wasn't there if given the choice but I'm like why weren't you guys cracking the shits when they did it for Starfield and Forza well I mean did you also see what PlayStation the PS5 store like when you loaded your PS5 it was a giant it just it didn't pop up over everything but the whole storefront was a giant ad for C Modern Warfare 3 like that was the whole page for people and they stick tiles on there for games you don't own to try and get you to in America they do luckily Australia doesn't seem to get that in in America you guys probably have good consumer protection laws we hate consumers here we just say yeah yeah iation I remember seeing on Twitter there was a bit of controversy because Sony just stuck a destiny tile on there or something like on everyone's PlayStation 4 back in the day like the YouTube video album yeah they just full on stuck a destiny to on everyone's Dash and everyone was like what the hell oh I got destiny here tell yeah we didn't get it here so I think that plays a bit of a part as well yeah um but yeah I just I know I saw that blow up and I was just like I don't understand why this like clearly this is a bit Salter driven this one just a smidge just a just a bit of this one here and I like the idea that from here on out we're just going to call it sua and everyone's going to know what we're talking about oh man we years of spice to come when we say there's a little bit of salsa involved here everyone's going to know exactly what we're talking about yeah um speaking of spicy spicy things playst in theic h hot ice cream should that look yum yum oh my God PlayStation been in the news a lot this week along with PlayStation owned x Microsoft first party studio and Destiny developer Bungie um where do we even start with this who broke this first was it shrier or Paul tassy because I know he's pretty close with the bunge community and Destiny Paul tassy remember where I it was rumors of people being let go of bung that's what started it off and then well no this all started even further back with playst like various PlayStation Studios laying people off and letting people go um and then bung ins the latest yeah even Insomniac lost some people um it was something that I had mentioned in the Discord a while back and didn't really want to do it publicly cuz I think the think it was a good look yeah I remember you Sayo publicly post on Twitter saying uh oh I'm hearing losses well yeah you don't like you don't want to look to floating it's gross you wouldn't you're not gross despite what people think about you yeah I'm not going to sit there going oh yeah anyway um and then we heard that there was a few longtime bunge vets L MC for one like a long long time that's in time yeah days bunch of people um and then people started people started blaming Sony again as they do because they blame Microsoft they blame Sony but then it seemed to be like it was a bunge Le thing bunge failure Le thing so yeah Destiny 2 missed Revenue targets by like 45 a lot that's a that's a [ __ ] big deal a lot and and I just keep thinking about all these discussions I've had you know like Last of Us factions the multiplayer spin-off oh it was put on hold because Bungie the experts in Live service have said I do know I do know why they missed so bad it's because lightfall last year had um or earlier this year lightfall had the best pre-orders they've ever had and so they started setting projections based on that but then lightfall [ __ ] sucked it was so annoyingly bad and people just lost faith that now it's come time and people are not um pre-ordering uh the final shape because they just don't trust it after how bad the other one was and I am still here Trav I'm just eating and you don't want to see that because I'm very hungry fair and this is a good opportunity before you do another five hours of streaming yum yum um yeah I just yeah and then Pete Parson's put out a tweet like almost immediately after sacking a bunch of people it's like yeah they fir they fired all the communication people who would have been able to actually handle a situation like this they literally let go of everyone who would have known how to tweet or not to or just not tweet yeah yeah it's it's an interesting it's bad bungee Management's bad interesting yeah it's an interesting situation um and that sort of got tied into all of Sony's financials as well yeah as PlayStation the corporation Sony's financials because we've always said PlayStation is like borderline propping up the entirety of yeah um which was probably part of the reason Jim was pivoting to game as a service and I've seen a lot of uh conjecture and and theories that are you know because we had we had this other person that was let go last week what was her what was her name that David jaffy reported on Connie Connie boo con Bo I always think of her 4y talers she was great in 4y tals um but yeah John C's ex-wife as well um but yeah we we we've had I've had these theories where you know yeah Jim Ryan was pushing this big games as a ser route all of the internal Studios at Sony were like no boo this is bad and now Jim Ryan suddenly resigning Connie Booth suddenly apparently fired Studios cutting staff bunge cutting staff like we've we've read I've seen excerpts you know where staff have been cut on um from Insomniac as well even though they've just pushed out and like look when a project ramps up and then releases it's normal for a certain subset to to then shrink down you go back into pre-production and then you ramp back up again that's normal um but overall the sentiment is that PlayStation has a problem right now even Gib Biz put out an article like well what's your actual plan because you've gone out on record and said that these multi multi-million dollar single player AAA games they might Garner all of these Awards but the reality is the reality is I have a console base of 100 million and I'm selling 10 million 12 million copies it's not enough it's not enough to keep me in business and now their situation is Microsoft succeeded they own Activision Blizzard King right so your extra bump of cod Revenue that you get well that's going to go back to standard what are you going to do PlayStation what are you what's your what's your t Target and there's a lot of thought on like what what's next what a PlayStation actually going to do are they going to Pivot back are they going to double down are they going to change their they this is the thing like people are like saying what's going on at PlayStation nothing's going on at PlayStation nothing we everything happening at PlayStation right now once again sorry uh who's the patron I don't like um you don't like a patron so sorry no sorry my least favorite Patron all our patrons we love all our patrons oh was that but you love this one just did you turn it off no I turned it back on hold on oh no I did turn them off okay we love all our patrons I just love Steven brein the least out of all our patrons but yes sorry sorry Steven I'm going to self arisee again the Xbox era podcast has been talking about this for the better part of two or 3 years we've been saying the way the AAA Market going and in particular Sony's is unsustainable they can't like the Fanboys and all the Twitter console Warriors can't keep demanding the best best graphics best physics best motion capture best best best best best hour game um it's got to have all of this you can't keep demanding this stuff but then you also don't want your games to go up in price but then you also don't want microtransactions but then you also don't like it can't keep going this way and I know 10 million copies sounds like a lot for a game but these days it's not the number it once was like back in the ' 80s and '90s remember when in the old days a million copies was number yeah oh my God it was huge if you sold a million copies of a game but you got to remember do you want to know why it was huge back then because the game cost about a th000 bucks to make and the console Market itself wasn't very big the console Market in total across all consoles was probably maybe 50 million if that so selling a million copies on one platform was huge back then or even across multiple platforms it was massive yeah but now it's but now it's not the same number it was and I'll keep going back to the last of us two cuz that's the game that everyone talks about is like oh my God two 10 million copies of that specific game is not huge because that game cost such a ridiculous amount to make and Market yeah so it just it didn't you know people and and I see so many people do this and it's Baff cuz I'm the stupid person and yet I see people dumber than me people go oh 10 million copies at $60 us a copy that's oh my God it made so much money that's not how it works guys that's not how it works different like there's there's taxes there's retailers take their cut a lot of the copies get sold on discount uh bundles uh there's all sorts of factors that go into making up that $10 million yeah once all the costs are taken away they probably didn't make that much money on the Last of Us Part marketing budgets alone crazy you know Game of the Year Awards aren't dollars they're just Awards they don't get you more money because the last I heard it takes two didn't make 10 billion cuz of one game of the year like it's the way Sony does things can't keep going and it's crazy to me that I a person who's a co-host of a next X Box podcast is the one that's saying this as a way to actually help Sony longterm because if you keep listening to your fan boys that just want the bangers all the time you're going to go under eventually like how long have I said Jim is a smart man but he's caught between a rock and a hard place he's trying to further PlayStation's business and make them money and expand but then he's being anchored by these Fanboys that only want things done the old way so I wonder how they're going to feel when when PlayStation go PC day and date they should have done that ages ago I know they should have done that going to be you already see people in the media or you still see people in the media like well PlayStation 5 is specific hardware and they can't it takes time to make things for PC it's like well no it's it's not that it's just that they don't have the expertise Microsoft didn't Microsoft took years to set themselves up to be able to do day and date on PC and console you just you just need the experience and to put in the work there's nothing special about consoles anymore it's just knowing how that's why they that's why they bought nix's and that's why they've bought other porting Studios yeah but people just don't want to accept that they really want to believe the SSD stuff and the special why think they bought nix's why do people think they bought nx's like like seriously I'd love to ask one of these PlayStation Fanboys why do you they are Port they are the masters of ports arguably the best in the industry arguably the best in the industry like that's why they bought them because they're like we got to get more games on PC we got to get a games on PC but we need to keep the standard and then naughty dogs like we are doing it ourselves but like you look at you look at Ratchet and Clank you look at returnal like these were very highly reviewed games up for a lot of people's game of the year and they sold like [ __ ] they sold like crap on Console they sold like crap on PC most of Sony's PC Sports have not sold very well like even compared to what they did on PlayStation 4 and five the Spider-Man games did okay God of War did really well and then everything else has just kind of gone and went like 800 people was the max player count for freaking Sack Boy like when they they can't keep waiting like Horizon on PC was a shitty Port so it didn't help but it was also too late but that's them learning so Horizon two might do okay but it has to be day and date if you want PC players to really buy the [ __ ] out of your stuff and it's not going to hurt your console Market because especially if you have your own storefront but either way you're getting people who weren't going to buy it otherwise yeah because there's just there's no point not to doing it I'm curious to see when that when that Penny will will drop and and and they'll have to do the announce I know but but Microsoft when they said hey you know look this is how we're going to do things now and there was uproar and push back from the Xbox loyalists oh you know what's the point in having a console it's was like do you want to sit at a desk or do you want to have a PC in your front room no that's the point in having a console like that's that's it it's plug andplay device it's a user preference and it took Microsoft a little while but now no one bats an eyelid when it comes to day and date releases it's the norm and if anything it's a convenience and if anything it's applauded now because you get this broader hit you get more players into your games crossplay is more standard um that's not always a good thing because sometimes some games are better on PC from a controller aspect than than not but overall I like that new world I love personally as as a as a a console kid at heart but that someone that has a very powerful PC I love that I can just flip between do I want to sit here and play best of the best frames and all of that jazz or do I want to just chill out and play over that I can choose cuz a lot of Microsoft first party titles in particular I play anywhere and I love that I wish more games adopted that Mantra like I hate it when I have a game that isn't play anywhere and I'm like I want to see what it looks like on PC in this resolution I'm fine that's still I'm I'm I'm actually I just said I'm fine I find it weird that that still exists non-play anywhere games yeah well I can understand it for non Micosoft first party stuff because s almost any game pass game now is play anywhere like most of them even um like all the Sega stuff Persona and Yakuza and all the the like of dragons they're all play Anywhere now you look at it so it pretty much when I was doing the when I'm doing the video and I list what it's on they're almost always Cloud console PC so I have to say though I do wonder if the delay in going date and date on on PC is related to their rumored PC launcher and getting that up and running I would think so like you want to be able to have that 100% cut that could be Cross by and cross save between your console and and PC cuz I had heard quite a while back it was on the episode with Diana yeah um I I think I accidentally said I don't know if I was meant to that I had heard that they were doing a PlayStation launcher like a PC launcher that would go all out Cross by cross save streaming the streaming would be done through there all of it now where that is where it sits if it's still happening no IDE it makes sense with the streaming too cuz streaming is only console right now you can't do it on PC yeah uh you can only do Remote Play you can do remote play on PC but I assume PlayStation now or I know it's all part of PlayStation Plus but for the for the sake of argument let's just call it PlayStation Now to separate it from remote play but PlayStation Now is not on PC is that right or is that wrong for the I think stre PlayStation what was formerly PlayStation now it is only on PS5 in select markets weird and PS4 I think only PS5 PS4 I don't know if it's now streaming console streaming so PlayStation Now was but the actual one they do the new version that I I think it's just PS5 I could be wrong anyway so outside of outside of the the Sony Sony's problem um a lot of the discussion has also pivoted around its acquisition of Bungie as this master of only only um so they they bought Bungie for what was it three and a half yeah over three something like that um um and they and I understand from like the Articles I've read from PA tassi and from from Shri that included a $1.2 billion fund for staff retention so keeping Talent after acquisition um but regardless um the developer is now laid off a number of employees right um a lot of the social team have gone there was stories about how they've invited a load of tarov escape from tarov players to come and play marathon and then they did hey who if Marathon released tomorrow would you play like crickets that is a normal thing for early game testing though like they had the same thing for God of War 2018 and then that did Gang Busters but yeah thing you never know think think about what what an extraction shooter is like toov and stuff like that never played anything like that so I don't not exactly like a big Mass Market genre now arguably neither was Battle Royale until it was do you know what I mean so like extraction never had the same it extraction Shooters have kind of come and gone already though Battle Royale had this huge you know yeah and extraction Shooters just never got there because the biggest one was tarov and then that just got killed by cheaters yeah but you know a lot of could be just that that game hasn't come along to make that genre VI that's true and it could Marathon could be it but the question is marathon is a really old early bunge IP right which only now owns via the acquisition and it has it has a place in the heart of people you know probably my age and above you know but if does that mean that Sony ruin that play test I have no idea does that mean it was so cuz Sony made it Sony must have influenced what they were doing and they wrecked every everything maybe lightfall sucks because of PlayStation you're you're doing the connect thing to that's why yeah I mean that must be why lightfall sucks I gu so PlayStation ruined it I just I wonder why they use Marathon at all as an IP it holds no weird it holds no affiliation for anyone that is 20 or 30 years so oh hold on so tell me then is Marathon did did Mata become Marathon well that's people don't know was mata mata was a a trademark I believe it was registered it was like the rumor was a hero shooter like an OverWatch type game and I remember seeing concept art of like these flying flying steampunk type balloon ship things I was about to say there was it was colorful as well and yeah it was really bright no one knows is that cancelled is that something else no one knows but it as always as always with this stuff Bungie management keep all their jobs and it's the lower paid and including some veterans but it's often like the the the community teams and stuff they just get gutted these are the teams that are actually talking to your player base that gives you the money by the way I I just think it's shockingly shortsighted the biggest thing that bugs me is Bungie is a historic studio right they did make Halo right and I I fondly remember back in the day looking yeah and this this is kind of my point I remember looking forward back in the day to all of the the weekly updates and the feeling of community and the Forum that they had and thinking Bungie could do no wrong and then it swiftly started to change after reach came out like reach for me a lot of people love reach and it is the greatest hits of Halo kind of campaign wise but it was for me personally this downfall of the series with all of these re weird design decisions that seem to indicate to me that the people making the game didn't understand what made their game call and then 343 picked up that ball and continued some of that Trend before kind of pivoting back in some areas um but if I look at Bungie's history of development Halo one fluked in in at the last minute Halo 2 rebuilt at the last minute in nine months terrible Halo 3 had a very strict Microsoft going do this right we're not having another Halo 2 iio and then ODST was okay we know all the tools now we'll do this as a small one in the side and Microsoft made them charge like more of a full price was incredible but Microsoft in in my again in my opinion seemed to be a good thing to get them to rain in and get it sorted and make their you know who also was Activision because Activision gave them an insane amount of help to make Destiny and they could never get that Cadence back with without and they had to Pivot to the do less charge more Philosophy for their games as a service and people got really furious at that because they they had a talk and they were all like yep we realized we just we're going to do less and we're going to keep charging you the same or more and very quickly after that talk people were like yeah this has turned to [ __ ] this game sucks we're getting less content we're paying more for it it's just the same type of grind dressed up differently over and over again it's just it's not enjoy sorry St I'm going to do it again mate been saying it for years Bungie fluked Halo and they were at their best when they had a tight leash on them Bungie was not one of those Studios you could just let them do whatever they wanted with free rain they they were like that from the start always like that and I used to get people used to tell me off and people used to get upset when I used to say to about bung even when they were owned by Microsoft like it is funny was a fluke there's a lot of people in the oh sorry I thought you were done because you just said go go go there's there's a lot of people in the extra life chat chatting like it's the the Podcast chat because I have the podcast playing so anyone watching in the extra life chat um if you look up I've put the link to the actual podcast so if you want to talk with everyone in chat go there yeah bu it's funny Sony has Bungie to get advice from Bungie on their game as a service I'm telling you now if Sony puts a tight leash on Bungie they could probably get like Sony in in conjunction with Bungie if they put that tight leash on them they could probably get amazing things out of Bungie yeah they could probably get amazing things out of them I'm very you know who get amazing things oh sorry I was trying to do something slick no who does amazing things go on do the Slick thing who does amazing things for our Channel fasel with the $7 super chat hit that like button do it please Community we love you the algorithm requires the likes demands um it demands it I I want to you know like I feel my heart goes out to anyone that's lost their job uh as a result of poor decision making uh particularly right it's just lost their job in general just lost their job full stop it's not a great economy to go out looking for work especially just before Christmas it feels hard lless um and they have my sympathies I know that there was there was some less than safery uh discussion around Bungie in the Discord from one person and I someone I know and I've known for a long time from the days left the Discord because of it um did kind of tar us all with one brush I was like hey one person said something a bit out of order and that person was the public Discord um oh not not not not the super secret squirrel s it was just like hey maybe these you know maybe they were just cutting fat and the other guy's like don't call my friends fat it was just one of those types of things where you talk about people in a business term but then people who know the actual people get annoyed by they feel upset yeah and I get it there's a lot of emotions running high but um it is definitely nutshell do I think that an extractions shooter made by Bungie which from all reports now suggests it's been delayed to 2025 again I I'm asking a question here out loud for loud for the people in the back of the room what is Sony releasing for the PlayStation 5 from a first party perspective in the year of Our Lord 2024 and anyone well they'll publish hell divers too that one has a okay yeah again like I'm sorry stepen I'm doing it again how much how much crap did I cop how much crap did I cop when I made that offhand comment that Sony only releases one or two games a year we were having a very similar discussion about how unsustainable Sony's model is and all that sort of stuff and they only make one or two games a year and everyone's like no they make like three people will hand them the ones that they get exclusive yeah but you can't just hand them exclusives they didn't make fores spoken they didn't make Final Fantasy 16 they they're just money hats not first party made games they are just money hats like I was just Spider-Man I'm really looking forward to reading the drought articles that the main main stre media will be prepping over the next I mean years it's been that it could just be that we don't know maybe Sony internally decided that they weren't going to reveal their games four years out anymore okay there is a rumor there's a rumor about a God of War Ragnarok DLC like an expand alone yes maybe they listen to me wonder how much they'll sell that for um also for fun you want to hope they sell it appropriately you hope for funsies though um earlier this week IGN released an article that copped a bit of flack and it was a gift guide for PlayStation on their they did a Nintendo one today they did yeah and they're pretty normal right but I saw a lot of people I bi the wording was a little over the top phrasing was was a bit but everybody if everybody hits that like button and Jesse gets to to 2K I'll do a satirical Xbox era gift guide article uh on Xbox just for last that's a lot of money we need 500 bucks for that yeah I know well see what Happ a little bit Yeah address Force remains a dominant for force in gaming they're so dominant I'll do something like Xbox has bought dominance now in gaming and now that Xbox owns everything why don't you want to own everything for Christmas and buy all these things do you know it's funny I was having a conversation with um a friend of mine a mom at the school was dropping the kids off and we were chatting because it was raining and we were both in the queue for a coffee and she was talking about uh her kid playing games uh and it's like oh yeah but we're on Playstation I was like oh it's like man does it does it how much like do you spend on games she like oh so much money I was like you know what game pass is right I just had the conversation and she was like what's Game Pass I was like it's like Netflix kind of for games like you pay $7.99 a month or $8.99 something like that 10 a month and you get 400 OD games you're like what I was like yeah so like they released all the games and you just get them you just download them she was like how much is the console I was like the cheapest one's 250 what it's it's going to be an interesting turning point I think as people kind of catch up to this notion that there is another option out there sorry this one killed [Laughter] me oh man it's really funny um my partner's uh son's dad is is a Playstation guy right and uh her little boy has an Xbox because it's cheaper to run and I think you know he knows it but like there's a constant like a little bit of trolling going on like he he bought like a gt7 wheel and thingy and there's pictures of her kid like playing it and stuff and and Cat like on a wind up because she knows his PlayStation guy she was like oh is that is that the new Forza motorport I've heard it's way better than gr sis boom off you cu Wars it's great it's going to be a fun Christmas it's funny I was wearing my I was wearing my PlayStation t-shirt the other day when I went you were on the movie podcast yeah I was and I went to get a coffee after that and the lady that owns the cafe saw my t-shirt she's like I really like your T-shirt like okay thanks PlayStation gets you the ladies the PlayStation t-shirt the get laid station that's where all the cool kids are at performing surgery and stuff playing PlayStation I agree with you remake station 5 console Wars are definitely beneath you yeah they're a [Music] rem that that could be truer than people think yeah over the next 12 to 18 months that could be trer Than People yeah The Last of Us remastered part three yeah well The Last of Us Part three remastered will come out before part one $10 from Roski thank you rosi if you two want to contribute you can go to the link down below one remastered now that's all the news now I've got a very important question for the chat and this is going to be a quick five poll we're leave open and I end I ended the first poll so it is 66% stay at the time we did today hey that would be 5m us 5:00 P p.m. Eastern us an hour earlier it is what it is okay 10 10 p.m. all right fine I'm actually like I'm loving it a little bit because right now I'm looking it's like half 12 so like nothing no biggie we have gone a long time and we still you might actually have a chance in this uh next thing if we still do because I'm a little bit more energetic and awake I doubt it now on this next section and this is important and for our audio listeners particularly if you're listening on Spotify there will be a q and a on your app to ask you whether you value this or whether you want it to change we are as a as a Community Driven platform we're here for you and we're here to listen now as big and as and as as immobile as Nick's ego is we understand that name a game isn't for everyone right we understand we have fun doing it because you know we're Pals and we're all having a laugh and it's it's all in good spirits and banter but we understand that for some it's got a little bit old hat you know a lot of people like duck out so we want to understand from you right now in the chat there's a poll up do we keep name a game do we mix it up do we maybe take a break from it so we keeping it or you need to know it wouldn't be replaced with anything it would just be a shorter show yeah that's true um and also for us I would say we always used to lose most of our viewers when we went to community questions so it wouldn't really change much for us other than we would just have a 15 minute shorter show every week yeah so vote now I wish we had the countdown music we could play but it probably be uh copyright it would definitely be no not that countdown Countdown the clock yeah I know no not that one that's that oh that just makes me sad did you see the Dutch Church playing uh friends themed tune funeral he just had his funeral man it's so sad I'm so sad about Matthew Perry it is cool guy but pretty much I can just make name a game snappier less time on each question it's like 5 10 minutes wow why why are we react again why are we reacting to the minority most people like no well this is what we're checking is it a minority and the guests the guests that take part in name game love it yeah I agree they love it why are we reacting to the minority like remember it's always a vocal minority I'm checking that it is a minority in the interest of the house I'm willing to bet that it is a right now the poll is 64% saying keep the shenanigans of 700 um accounts and I keep voting get rid of it so I have less to do every week but I'm losing I actually made name a game on the stream earlier because I completely forgot about it this week so if either of you go back and check the the instav VA on that goddamn extra live stream off with your head uh okay G I'll be right back 63 votes I call that enough 63 votes 63% name a game rules man name of game name of game is is okay it's staying it's fun it's fun it's think we don't have something to replace it yeah like it's it's not taking away from anything else cuz we're just going to go to community questions anyways yeah so okay the community is spoken it's fun there you go and I got to remember to actually go do buzzing great when I'm listening to the radio in the morning and I hear someone's doing a quiz or something I listen in I love it test my knowledge code is in the chat for you guys okay thank you there you go all right I mean in the end it's the end of the news regardless yeah so getting of it like if we put name a game at the start of the show or the middle of the show then I could probably understand it a little bit more but it goes at the end of all the stuff that the wiers want to listen to anyway like it comes at the end of it so I don't understand what getting rid of it actually achieves aside from ruining our fun that's not a cat that's a dog that's a cute dog banana Savannah what a cute dog an absolute sweetheart one of the the bestest animals you could ever hope to meet what breed of dog is that is that Stephy um what breed that they think she was again yeah some sort of American Hound don't know what type probably mix probably yeah there's a little bit of St I by the looks of it yeah yeah she's uh the best temperament you could hope for just a lovely dog now I'm hitting that button okay [Music] yeah so the category this week for name a game which I can I can get rid of name game n y is going to be one that I had to get into really quick and figure out so I just went with video games released in 2023 okay I stand a chance I mean there's there have been a surprisingly many thousands of games released this year but uh yeah okay I mostly chose on you should know okay all right getting right into it which means I need to I'm on a wide screen I'm on a massive wide my dad has a so you're making sure you can see chat I got it no I'm making my adjustments so I can I was kiding see what I need to see ready bu I still want to see the feed to see buzzing though before you do anything uh name again we play it for our patrons so if if you are a patreon subscriber you get a chance every week for Nick or I to choose one of you and we will act as your champion this week Nick is playing for you forgot I'm senior bean from the he's from he won't want anything I have to give away and I am playing for Don johnon Johnston who I think's in the chat he was ear he is in the chat he in theat he was in the um he was in the extra life chat too send Good Vibes please folks I haven't won in a while um also if you want to become a patreon supporter I would wholeheartedly recommend heading over to xboxer you can pledge some support for us for as little as a cup of coffee a week or a month even a month what was I saying a month it's nothing and it helps us to do all the cool stuff that we do so yeah do that anyway this week's theme is games released in 2023 let's get into it number one is Lane legionaire [Music] 6 Lane legionaire 6 Lane Legionnaire 6 six 666 I'm trying to think what came out with a six G Street Fighter 6 oh my God Street a game reviewed by Nick all right number one goes to the Bri game came out this year I thought it would be an easy one because it was one that you know it has a number before and I got it in the past oh yeah three there's a billion of them it's easy to have number two pod uh reset the buzzer oh he's buzzed Nick cocoon correct nice reviewed by John back to back all right let me I wish I could update this scoreboard without oh I gave the point to Nick too Nick didn't complain that time I wish I could update the scoreboard without H hiding it first that would be nice what do you mean you gave the point to me where I wasn't even looking the first time on the the scroll down below I I put it on you okay all right the next one is and I'm putting them in chat for everyone to get right away Neptune's realm of luminaries Neptune's realm should be it's one word should have a hyphen in it hold on I can't change it without hiding it Neptune's realm one word word us luminaries before three words total being one of them 2023 this game holds a specific distinction that if I say it you'll get it immediately a smaller game how's that genre role playing did gengas do the review for this who's Neptune who's Neptune if you have a guest John you should you should just buzz and do it I'm pretty sure gengas did the review of this and it's sea of stars correct Neptune's realm Poseidon the sea Lin Stars if he had said Poseidon's realm I might have got it it makes it too easy got to got to change it up all right two to one W JN could win right off the bat bring it back [ __ ] back the next one two words those words being swine swells consequence swine swells consequence swine swells one word it's a high one word two word total one word for swine swells swine swells this is not Peppa Pig it's the first Pig related one that would actually that would actually be one of the times when if they're saying Peppa Pig it might apply swine swirls consequence consequence jalapeno swine pepper pig swine swells people hate how long this takes I'm going to have to start up the timer yeah go just do it like keep us I mean I can just say it's the bestselling Game of the Year timer started it's the bestselling Game of the Year yes it's the bestselling multiplay game of the year two one Hogwarts Legacy ha hog oh warts yeah okay W I'm thinking I'm thinking Call of Duty I thought that one would I thought that one would give it to you Hogwarts Legacy is by far the best selling game of the year not but they no one talks about it because yeah right reconciles cing the buzzers making sure everything's good the next one is Vista Bellow of the Alp Alp you can read it oh uh uh uh [ __ ] yeah I know what this is uh ah Nick horiz and call of the mountain you were your voice was cracking when you were saying that yes you are correct we are tied of to call up the mountain that's the was the VR on isn't it vrs yeah the VR game not that on it's a full game oh okay all right the next one neither of you will probably get cuz you've probably never heard of it but it's a game with a stupid name so I was able to make something dumb out of it it is killer Twitter dying later payback of the killer this is an Xbox game pass game day one [ __ ] off I want to see if anyone in chat can get this kill's Twitter I'm being I'm being snarky with Twitter what does Twitter mean now what is Twitter X yeah oh my God you've probably never I'm going to start the timer because this one will just take forever but it made me laugh when I wrote it at 5 Seconds you've never heard this game something revenge of the something okay it is Slayer X terminal aftermath Vengeance of the Slayer wow yeah now literally yeah I knew that one was probably I wanted to see if anyone would get in chat but no one no one got it so all right next one as we move along fast to keep neag game from being too long also you go to Xbox era don't give a [ __ ] if you want to complain about us pushing it but we don't want to have to do clickbait the next one is excavation h and trade mythologies is the first is is excavation trade one word it's a two word game two words total okay oh oh uh uh I think you're going to win I I can't excavation you really John you should get this John [ __ ] John just think of what you've done this year oh God this one I've reviewed I'm in real trouble how you come on [Music] man oh no excavation I'm starting the timer I'm so disgusted it's right there excavation trade time is going you got 8 seconds he's going to kill me it's right there oh my God God it oh sick literally I've just been going through like from January what games I reviewed that you got it with 0. five seconds on the timer [ __ ] off Minecraft Legends no what [ __ ] are you serious it I'm like I'm like wait well I must have been thinking something wow a victory it only took me literally yelling at you that you reviewed it [ __ ] yeah man like if you hadn't done that I would have been like what is that I was like January what came out janary I could see it was right there for you Nick but I was waiting for you to do ebing tide as a thank God uh oh yeah for thank God senior be didn't win I don't have anything he'd want oh okay congratulations DM me on the Forum if you're on the Discord send me a message all right next one for the funsies is going to be three words those those words are I'm upda I'm waiting fine those words are levels of Terror n sick layers of fear of fear correct I reviewed that it's okay you did I didn't realize the Remake came out this year that's all right it's it was them learning Unreal Engine 5 really okay and they they added a lot to the couple the first couple all right the next one is two left everybody's great grappling scuffle endlessly everyone's great grappling scuffle endlessly everyone's great oing uh endless uh uh oh wait hold on you're not going to remember the you're not going to remember the last two words are you I reviewed this one I know the first two words and scored it with your blessing Nick what the first three words are just letters in the name of the game these are what those letters stand for oh then then this is not the game I thought it was wow this is not the game I thought how do you not grappling grappling oh for [ __ ] sake thank you Nick what's the name of it aw wrestlers forever forever fight forever yes you know what I was what because it was allar I got the allstar part and I'm thinking wait Nickelodeon allar I'm thinking is the Nickelodeon braww thing I'm like wait is it that one I coming out in a that's actually coming out in like a week or two we still haven't gotten it yeah yeah we need the bluey game that's what we need in our lives I've sent messages to everyone I can about blue I'll let you know if I get it yeah I'm sorry if I don't very last one in this terrible segment is explosive race computerized hyphen sadness three [Music] words computerized sadness it is not it is not hot wheels too explosive race computerized so bad it's the computerized sadness it's the computerized sadness that I because the last word of this game is unique platforms mul platform game first on switch and then came to PlayStation and Xbox a week later you keep up with the news race computerized S one might think of the Sega Dreamcast in early original Xbox when they think of what this game is inspired by hey if I just say jetu setu radio you're gonna you're not even going to get if I say it's it's the jet radio game come on okay Nick bomb Rush cyber Funk correct oh yeah you're in a funk s yeah cool cool cool see they work logically they just you might not always get it I don't think anyone no one in chat got that one oh no yeah assassin entertainment got it he got it so that's why Nick got it but there you go that's name a game we're done through it in what 10 minutes you gave me the answer and then you're like looked at the chat you gave me the answer GG's everyone g g hold on I didn't have fade in on let's get the music going again so it doesn't just go oh faded out beautiful beautiful well there you go beautiful thing there's a lot of questions this week I know yeah let's just dive into them we can do it and we Travis we will give the questions are due I know some people are like we go through them too quick but sometimes they're more statements and not questions so we just go ah I agree with that statement or I don't don't we want to say how much love our patrons except for in particular except for I I I I love all our patrons even Steven um I don't I lost for senior be lost Rand is a patron yeah everyone's brilliant oh so yeah definitely I love all our patrons we love there's lots of love lots of love in the room um yeah I love them so much I'm going to put them down below cool that's a good idea um big Kudos and Shout out as always to our MVPs top and torn Raptor um our highest tier patrons they get all the thorn Raptor spent like a hundred bucks on the uh extra live stream today you bought one of the game pass codes what a Legend um what we also need is for John to change the login email address for the patreon website do we oh do we is that on the list of things for me to do sorry I've been very distracted this week I gave the details for patreon but it goes to this old ass email address that we don't use anymore uh well yeah it's there for some stuff but yes okay sorry let's talk about it after the show but yes Community questions if you are a patreon member for xboxer you get the opportunity to annoy the entire podcast crew with a question every week now we could limit your characters to like 250 we could do all sorts of sensible things but we don't so we have these lengthy lengthy question tries that we go through every week from all of our patrons which we're going to do wasn't as bad as the early days remember when I used to pull out the robe and pipe car's Corner was fun car's cor was fun anyways uh talking of Steven yeah Community questions you want me to read this question out if it makes you feel a bit sick are you sure no I could save it till the end when everyone's well and surely left do that it's too late it's on the screen Shady Pine theve Nick the feelings Mutual buddy now what he's referring to is the fact that I called him my least favorite Patron that's okay because what he doesn't realize is your money's going to me too mate so you can beg me all you want and you can be like Nick's the worst what is he even doing on this podcast he still giving us money try not to dissuade our patrons from comp you know they're kind of I'm I'm the main reason for that I'm the captain now mute his mic please mute his mic name chamard if name a game is as unpopular as you guys always joke about it being do we joke about it being unpopular I don't uh I think we did the last show like we we half the audience drop you know if anything we joke about it being the greatest game show in video games if anything sure um why do you keep doing it well that's why cuz it's the best surely there are other ways you could award game codes to patrons if there was a way to download a version of the podcast that didn't have that segment I'd certainly take advantage of it I do appreciate that you put music under the entire segment to make it easier to know when I've reached the end while skipping ahead John and Jesse keep up the good work well the patron thing the giving away codes to patrons that was my idea I'm going to just doing name no I want to ban him fine I won't ah fine I won't show his information I was gonna dox him okay I was I was gonna ban him but you me you had me panicking there for a minute ban who I know that's why I scroll fast okay B who stepen for hating name game so much not allowed ah um the the the giving away codes to patrons that was my idea at first we were just doing name a game just for the fun just as a fun thing and I was like well why don't we get the patrons involved and we play for a patron and we give away codes once again that was me that was I have I have fun with it every week it is a laugh but I I get it it's not for everyone but hey you know like it doesn't detract from the rest of the podcast and yeah people are well within their rights to drop off and watch it another time it is worth saying though that if you're in the Xbox era Discord xboxer which is the main public Discord if you are a patron goodness gracious me do do do a lot of game codes get given away like a lot so yeah but what if you can just go on the forums and complain about it and not because you don't know that well there you go now I'm letting you know so there you go there's an answer to your question Stephen and the guests our guests that take part in name game they love it it's like their favorite thing like this this is crazy they absolutely love it so what once again Nick just I I know I know what needs to be done it's just one of those things okay don't make this about you come on next question I'd be the greatest dictator on Earth next Tor rabor hi jents you should really try to get some females on the rotating guest spot for a nice change while I'm thinking about change name a game is now a year old Isn't It 2 years old or am I wrong know time for to Nick something else from the radio change it up next year and come back around to name a game the following year because who doesn't love seeing old favorites return sick are you planning on extending your expertise with Forge to grounded playground mode okay I'll have a g probably not we'll address the first part we've had females on before and I have gone out of my way to try and do that but again as I keep saying we don't we don't just have our pick of the litter in terms of guests we can't just pluck and choose whoever we feel like and like put it this way I've been in a DM now with one of the lead devs of dead static Drive who is from Melbourne for months and it's been incredibly difficult to get him on because people because remember our our podcast is on at an awkward time for just about everyone we get on yeah so for Aussies it's hard cuz it's early in the morning for Brits it's it's hard cuz it's late at night for us people it's hard because it's during dinner time on a Saturday night it's we can't we can't just have guests whoever we want whenever we want it's not that easy I would also say we're at this point now if if XBox ER just started and the people coming into it you know came in eyes wide open like I'll give you some context we had an email and I'm not going to give names I think I might have briefly mentioned this last week I can't actually remember we had an email earlier this week I think so I don't think I mentioned it that was a a well respected games video editor for a large brand write to us and say hey I'd love to come and work for you can I come work please I read that email the other day God we get a lot of we get a lot of emails of professional people in this industry who look at how we go about our business we they look at the quality of our website they look at the quality of our video reviews and the content that we put out and they think that we are a well-funded large organization reality check we're not and I had to write this guy an email I was like I hate not replying to these I couldn't let this one go because it was such a well well-written was a resume of all this stuff impressive ass email it was like in in any other Universe we would love to have him work for Xbox I'm will pay him yeah I'm willing to you don't work for free because I do and so does Nick and so does Jesse and so does everybody on the Xbox era team and the little money we do get from our patrons it goes towards keeping everything going servers cost money delivering books to America cost money it all costs money and it's a pain in the ass and if we were three years back I would have loved if we' have had a couple of women on the team genuinely would have loved but I can't now at this point go out and say hello lady in the industry would you like to come work for us for free it just ain't goingon to fly like it it just probably get canel for it yeah right so there is it's really difficult and yes I would love to and it's one of those things that we can only get what we can get until we get to the point where we can actually employ people um and one day I hope that that happens and and in all honesty it's thanks to the folks watching this podcast the patrons that contribute uh the people that send super chats the people that subscribe they're the ones that are helping make that happen and it's it's weird to think that you know this show is listened to in 50 countries across the planet that's nuts right 50 countries across the planet gets millions of hits that Xbox here is a brand every year and we are growing year on year on year I want to get to the point where we're up there you know and it's just a slow grind but one day yeah more ladies please just for a different yeah you know maybe just keep Nick behaving himself and acting a little bit more like our awkward time our awkward time makes us very appreciative that any guest jumps on live and does the podcast with us yeah like because like we get it it's awkward for everyone like this the the lead Dev of dead static Drive who said he's going to jump on because that game looks unbelievably cool dead static Drive he's from Melbourne which means he'll be getting up early in the morning and one of the things he said to me was uh I do a lot of family stuff Sunday mornings I'm like yeah dude trust me I get that I assure you buddy I understand that so it's not easy I've got a wife over there who's like oh we just don't we are never going to go anywhere on a Saturday huh I'm like you guys can I'm I'm kind of stuck that's what I mean I get questions John's muted and he's sitting there talking you know you point that out I notice when I do it and if you didn't point it out no one on audio would know uh on the subject of a Mand it's worth pointing out Amanda Jesse Miss's has done loads of work for us you know FOC you know like it's hard it's hard to get more people in now because the people that are in we trust you know we've had people join and it's been like yeah anyways it's all tough you know I see Ace in the chat can't you pre-record interviews even that's hard we I work during the week when I'm am I going to pre-record the interview like it's this is what I'm say it was it was a lot to get Phil's interview done like it was ni getting up at a different time nice and early and because like it's it's gonna be during Phil's workday it's not going to be late at night for him because that would also be like 3:00 a.m. for John like it's gonna be in the middle of the work day which is like mid like 3 4 a.m. for Nick it's it's a lot of work for the for all that timing Oda if we managed to ever be able to do this full-time this would probably not be the time slot for the podcast it would suddenly become a new time that's probably better for viewing better for our lives better for everything cuz if I had to get up at 4:00 a.m. to do this podcast if it was my full-time job it wouldn't be the same problem would it yeah all of a sudden I can do it once a week at 4:00 a.m. because it's my full-time job cuz I can know I'm working from home and I can sleep in to make up for it or whatever and all of a sudden the the views go up and all of a sudden we can get more interviews because it's at a beautiful time for all the US developers and all and it's a snowball effect but while we're doing it the way we're doing it this is what we're Shackled to we have a we have a lot more questions yeah I know but I feel like we answered that one quite well yes we did we certainly did um and Ney game is going nowhere Tor RoR so bad luck it was nice it was quick it was good I'll just I'll keep it quicker sometimes it it's a little long yeah okay uh Jesse brother happy 184 my dudes I strongly disagree with the posts above me as you should name a game is the best part of the podcast and I'm not just saying that because my brother makes so many hilarious questions and I can join in the joking around in chat with others about the answers being Peppa Pig or Ace Attorney okay I totally am doing that for those reasons but yeah I vote to keep it about the bunge situation not sure who to blame Sony Pete Parsons both I just know I'm relieved Microsoft didn't acquire bungee because they seem more cursed than Allen wake speaking of which that game does keep getting better my question this week is for Jess in Allan Wake 2 now that I can swap between Saga and Allen do I have to play as Allen or can I always be Saga because I'm liking her a lot more oh and question for Nick where gears at yes you have to play as alen okay because I've got that too I've got the ability to go to the mop and change into change reality yeah you at that point you can choose who do you want to be but with both of them you will hit a point so it's it's linear open linear it goes back to linear at the end where you have to you have to get to a certain point for each of them to then carry on so if you hit this point with Allen it'll then say You must now play as Saga to advance the story you can still play as Allen and go around and search and find stuff but to continue the story you will have to go back to um Saga to to do that it's funny your brother that cuz I find I find I'm enjoying Saga segments more as well I'm loving yeah um his his early ones are a lot more closed than hers ever really are um his his later ones really do open up um but if you don't like the scene mechanic versus the Mind Place mechanic um I actually preferred the scene one over time the Mind Place one was is always the mind Place one it does have some stuff but the actual scene changing mechanic with Allen when you really get into that you find his words of power and he becomes a hell of a lot more powerful and better at combat and stuff um I I they they both get good so hey fight see what it's just the fact that Jesse brother was like where Nick where's gar is at he's in the chat where it is see just crack me up your brother is where GE at your brother that is I would put that Beyond his capabilities for um he's on a phone that's it okay see see I find see I like Saga segments because to me with Allen's I would prefer I would prefer Allan's sections are purely like puzzle exploration based with no combat and then Saga sections are the detective third person shooter parts I'd like him to separate those two even more from a gameplay perspective not complaining adore the game but if I was going to be a nitpicky person about it a Nick I think I think with sagas go heavier in the third person shooter Direction and with Allen's less combat and make it all about puzzles and exploration Al Allan all the way if I was going to adjust anything um I know you said there's a lot of questions but I'm actually seeing like the next lot people replying okay there's there's like three there is still there is still a few okay next uh hi them G with those employees that are fired from Bungie do you guys think Microsoft should hire those employees to come back and work for 343 to help out with Halo uh some more your jents honest take PS have you gents ever picked your nose in public when someone saw you Jens do stuff like that your Jens gross public stunt or picking your nose what uh I have I my wife complains constantly about how often I pick my nose uh even publicly and it has rubbed off on my children who also pick their nose a my my daughter she picks her nose and she gets the really long stringy ones and she sits there she's like this with them and like I'll always get her I'll be like digging us some gold out there Harriet and she's like just pick a Winer just pick winner every now again my wife will only catch the tail end where she'll see me go like that and or sometimes we'll be driving and all of a sudden I'm winding down the window and she'll see oh she'll know exactly what I've been doing um cracks up but do I think do I think Bungie Dev should work for 343 yes well if they want to if they want to if they're good devs they're good devs there's loads of devs everywhere like it's up to them but if you're operating under the assumption that people at bung are magically better at Halo even though they haven't made the franchise for like 10 years years yeah probably not like probably maybe don't worry about it that much you know like it's it's changed hands a lot um but they're in the same area they're all in Seattle so right the Nick anyway thanks next question spider link I believe spider link apple apple should have an emoji for see look still do it do it okay uh let's skip through the discussion okay spider link yes hello panel God we haven't been called panel in ages feels good feels professional um with the ABK discussion closing finally and the new leadership configuration for Microsoft gaming indicating new dedication to gaming do you think that Xbox will become less of an afterthought when it comes to third parties I feel as though things have been getting better overall but we're still not where we deserve to be if so how long do you think it would take I'm getting a little bit tired of situations like this did world of horror ever drop on Xbox I know it did on switch probably not I'll check that looks like a Discord DM uh it hasn't at the end of the day I have more than I can reasonably play regardless it's just that the uncertainty can get a bit tedious it didn't come out will it get a late Port if so will it be full price or maybe it'll be on Game Pass thanks for what you doing massive props the Jesse for pouring so much of himself into this endeavor agreed there's a lot of me aort um yeah um well I mean that's we've talked about that what why they you know ABK makes it harder for third parties to ignore them um and anything else they're going to buy if they go and buy Sega if they go and buy Crystal if they go and buy a Soo if they go and buy whoever everything they acquire makes it harder and harder for third parties to ignore them like they ain't seemingly they're not going anywhere so I can't add anything more to that like the game has changed now and we'll see it more over the coming years fun times good Dogo yeah yeah how old is he she sh he pink color is it like eight right oh okay interesting okay so yeah I mean it it'll make it hard uh Q Tang qen Q Tang uh changed his icon changed a few things if that's the same qtang I think it is qtang CL just says hi hiang just says hi hello big low 25 hey Nick any news on Microsoft Xbox doing anything with the increased budget especially for marketing that just talked about on Twitter and about the disc add-on you talked about last time is it still coming with the refresh series X or just a rumor for now thanks for the podcast everything's a rumor it's all a rumor it's all it's all just stuff I hear about um that that's what I heard I heard that they were looking at a disc add-on actually I had heard it was for the series s that's what I had been told at the time that I was told about it a while back um but then seeing the digital series X leak makes it obvious that it would now be for two consoles it would now work across I assume both devices and hopefully it doesn't get tied to a specific one Sony I think yeah I think it probably will to some degree that's nuts like my household is a two PlayStation 5 household so I've got a digital and my son has a disc let's say we decided we both wanted the new one so you're telling me that we both buy that new PS5 I buy the dis drive but then I can't just plug it into my son's if he wants to play a game we own on dis cuz it's tied to my PS5 what no know yet that better be the case that better not be the case um with the marketing well I mean it looks like they're going all out in marketing have a look since ABK closed look how much we've seen in just how many did short short weeks that since ABK closed um they've done the third party partner showcase they've done the intrus the intrusive dashboard ads they've done all sorts of marketing since yeah the sphere they've done all sorts of marketing ever since that deal close and that spear one had money put into it cuz it looked awesome yeah that was really good the way they did that but yeah that was something that Jesse's been saying all along during ABK they're waiting for ABK to go through because they need to be hely and appear that like they suck and they can't afford to do anything while they're trying to buy ABK now that they've bought ABK they can go we're trillionaires again look at all the money we can spend plus and they the entire fraking corporate structure so that they are marketing like marketing reports to them their budget is suppos jez was like their first party and marketing budget way more like they are they are the all-in thing that they were waiting to be when they had to make the FTC and CMA and everyone think oh my God that Sony really is dominating the high-end console Market huh yeah and hopefully seagar is next and soon you really love yakas I like a dragon I hate uh I tried the demo of one of them and it was incredibly boring they are 95% cut scenes y selfish burrito hello sick Jess and the ever stunning Nick you know what just once I would like a little lift I would like a little just a little compliment throw burrito selfish burrito is more than canceled out by Steve more than canceled out by Steve um XBox era fundraising for extra life still time to give to the extra life campaign yes there is plenty of time don't get rid of Nea game either we will not uh edit shout out to the finals jumped on in the beater last night and it was class I've heard good things that that time to kill is still too long for me it's it's a grously long like visually though oh boy it's is an incredibly goodlooking game um okay thank you selfish burrito scaddle one of the ogs to I for one sorry totes he's totally one of the ogs I for one would like to show my support for the ney game segment see uh which the listeners can feel a part of that's right think of the truckers needing to keep their mind active while driving or those on a lake shift trying to get through the night exactly however why not have it right at the start when John is wide awake and Nick is still trying to wake up see if we can get JN some wins also it would make a great warmup segment as people are gradually tuning in and stops there being an exodus of listeners later on it's an interesting point we get the Exodus at this segment anyways it doesn't really it just slight it just makes it 10 minutes earlier yeah yeah that is an interesting the news being the last segment would be the thing that would keep the Exodus from happening but then people would be mad yeah that is an interesting way of doing it to do name game right at the start but it's also like our live views are so different like you look at other places that have like 7 800 900 people live but then when you come back to each podcast a couple weeks later and we maxed out at 250 like we've got Twice The Views over we many Watchers we love you VA Watchers yeah you guys um okay what I would like to see you guys introduce is a game Game Pass segment talking about what is being added as well as what is being taken away not necessarily having to worry about having played said games but maybe a little about the game developers or their history some examples including roller doome finally coming to Xbox oh yeah heard about that that's great what roller Drome is an r in there is it yeah ah oh yeah roller Drome okay yeah yes I just we' had this idea well you can finish the thing then I'll talk um coming to Xbox having been a timed exclusive on PlayStation for over a year dead space and wild Hearts being added an added benefit for Game Pass ultimate members which we did talk about last week the friendship with Sega bearing fruit with football manager 2024 and like a dragon the man who erased his name Rhythm Royale pitting you up against 29 other players and the review scores for including now we've had the idea for a while and I'd like to do it especially if I do get login access on day on um patreon is having a day one podcast where you know once twice a month whenever the new things hit I just do a pre-recorded show talking to various team members about games that they're interested in goes up uh one to 3 days early for probably a day early for patrons get to see it um early on because it will be time sensitive it's not something I want to do a month early yeah and yeah we did we did kind of touch we actually did that today we talked about what was coming to Game Pass so I think we we will add that I've added that in yeah I've added in a little bit of let's actually do some some Xbox era promotion and talk about like when whenever game passes up I make sure to put it in the news maybe we can have like a day one like use our day one thingy logo and come up and we talk through it then something if I if I start doing it again on OBS absolutely I'm now how many 10 hour or freaking nine plus hours in and I haven't dropped a frame John yeah I'm happy I'm happy for you if I just if this could be this consistent all the time sign me back up to the OBS stream I'm not telling you about the the first four hours where it kept going and having problems then I restarted and it's been perfect good again if we could we could get full time if we could be fulltime we'd do it all do it all day do all of it live and breathe the games you hear that rich people you hear that Bill Gates come on yeah man there got to be someone out there that's like I remember I had a mate once I'm going to tell a story I had a mate once who I don't know how I don't know where he got the he used to make short films I thought you were going to start singing Little Mermaid then they were like the Aussie they were they were trying to be the Aussie Cohen Brothers right and he was telling me once how he came across this group of like investors and like he was saying that there was guys that with a lot of money and they I don't know if I I don't think it's money laundering but like it's um Angel Investors kind of and they it's almost like they're so wealthy that they invest in stuff as almost like a tax write off knowing they're not going to get that money back almost like kind of again I can't remember how he explained it to me it was all above board so what I'm describing Probably sounds illegal no but apparently it was all above board and I'm like man that's diving taxes is the biggest industry in the world yeah we need someone that's like yeah yeah we need Tommy he described it to me and I was like man another story about that guy someone paid him a lot of money to make a porn film too he he was telling me all about it I was like dude then it was thrusting and then they were thrusting I think the dude that gave him the money was Russian as well oh well that makes sense yeah that was fullon he was telling me all about the behind the-scenes stuff of making porn the behind yeah it was quite it was pretty cool okay that's that question answered next question please it's long as wi oh wait yeah we're not up to Hughes yet we're up to okay there go aizu hello Jens now that the Xbox has 30 some studios it's like closer to 45 would you like to do a weekly Deep dive into each Studio no who they are where they came from what have they done and what to expect maybe you might be able to recommend some good obscure games from these Studios to add to everybody's backlog ASU wizu you're on the Forum we have the studios OT where that I've put together with all their background and everything about the studios it's it's also worth saying proven uh and I think a couple other teams but mostly driven by proven are working on uh and then I I will be doing the video for it and adding some you know British class and flare uh Xbox game studios World Tour Part Two where we will look again at the Behemoth that is Microsoft Gaming's now enviable first party development capability um and we'll do a we'll fly around the world and we've got some really cool animations and stuff planned um I think once the busyness of October November has now died away we'll be able to have some time to knuckle down and uh make that video but that video is going to easily be probably one of the longest videos we've ever made I am if the original Xbox game studios world tour video which is is on our Channel you can go find it in the in the video playlists I think it was 35 minutes long to cover 20 something Studios 23 I think so you do the math all right we're talking about a feature film here it's gonna take but also we probably won't break it down by blizzard one blizzard 2 blizzard three blizzard four blizzard 5 blizzard 6 even though that is more people than all of those 23 Studios combined yeah yeah yeah but yeah I'm looking forward to making that video like it is another one that is if it was fulltime we'd be all over it those types of segments and stuff it's just it's a lot of time a lot of work nose picker yeah yep Xbox yes so but for now use my OT it's there all the info is there I do update it whenever I remember and have the time like I was working on those new banners and everything for ages and then got distracted and forgot about him and anyway uh Hugh how do you all hope you had fun uh had a fun Halloween now the dust isci to settle on ABK when do you think Xbox's next acquisition will be and what type do you think it will be smaller Studios like II Crystal lios a SOA remedy crytech people can fly a small publisher like Focus or devolver midsize Publishers like Sega cdpr or Square retro Publishers like Atari and Amiga uh with ABK content they could make a massive retro portal into Game Pass mobile Publishers like playrix moonactive Mi and Roblox or another large SL difficult publisher like t two epic valve WB and EA which I personally doubt will happen for another decade or more if ever although Xbox have stated they are all in which they have clearly proven and further Acquisitions are planned I wondering if their future intentions lean towards mobile and PC Acquisitions due to it being their largest growth areas in terms of time scale I think we might see at least one announce before the end of fiscal year yeah most likely it'll be next year that the next one is announced I think I I don't think you'll see anything massive I think you'll see smaller single Studios yeah I personally don't believe you'll see like anything on the level of a take two or epic or whatever I'm sure they looked at those prior to ABK but I think now post ABK you're looking at anything Sega Square Capcom level and below I I personally think squ adidos I honestly think if they do anything soon it would be embracer we you're desperate for money will'll sell you someone you really want yeah they'll they'll get some stuff flipped from embracer um my personal guesses everyone knows those Crystal idos Soo um probably like I don't know about II anymore maybe II I feel like II may have happened already if it was going to II but I don't know let's see how the partnership guys with with what they're developing for Microsoft first yeah you know and maybe Square just for the salela bit of Salter for square there's a certain form that would explose Ah that's all I want Square for they can they can shut Square down for all I care I just want I just want Square actually shutting them down would be even better again for the Selter say we're going to give Final Fantasy 17 to 343 we're going to give we're going to give halo over to sledgehammer and square is being shut down as of tomorrow they wouldn't give they'll never give anyone to ABK because then it has to go on the cloud for everyone yeah ABK can help but ABK cannot publish their big IP yeah okay but square is a salsa Choice uh Omen bco happy weekend now that Activision Blizzard as part of the picture which one of the panel members is truly the biggest fan of Xbox P party games yes still not me still not me I absolutely love blizzard I got 10,000 hours in Warcraft I probably get a combine 6 7,000 hours in Diablo like yeah it would be me yeah the only way it becomes me is if they start to mine the old I PS and start bringing them back they're not bringing back rock and roll racing a single tear just Che left speech for the first time I mean even like with Sega sega's not going to bring back 95% of the things you'd want I like a lot of Microsoft franchises but I I don't like every single thing they make um Halo is obviously the big love as evidenced but um I I think nowadays just the way I am if a game isn't really good I I you know it really has to do something special to grab me and I love a lot of smaller games so that's not always Microsoft their big first party for you is game pass because you get so many good Indies on it so I'm a fan but yeah and Nick likes Nintendo so best controller best platform best Serv yeah we take it for we all take it for granted just how good play Anywhere everything is like best everything except games just best everything else just not the games yeah but if they start bringing [ __ ] back Tony Hawk Rock and Roll Racing uh you put Rock Tony Hawk a beloved series Rock and Roll Racing right alongside it like they're equals Rock and Roll Racing is the best it is such a did you ever play that game on Mega Drive or Super Nintendo you've never played it you've never played Rock and Roll Racing I've never played half hour show three I've never played most of their games but also yeah I got to get back and it's blizzard Rock and Roll Racing is Blizzard your favorite developer mate play rock and roll racing yeah but I was like freaking eight I didn't get to play every there were like 7,000 such a good game and the soundtrack is incredible all licensed rock and roll soundtrack Deep Purple Black Sabbath like so good chip tune versions of them oh yeah of course ah so good anyway uh d game hey everyone editing my question because you talked about Modern Warfare 3 today so I'll ask this instead looking ahead to next GE we have the following titles confirmed sloft confirmed avowed hellblade 2 uh Microsoft Flight SE 2024 toborn Cod Gulf War o is that the rumor golf War news to me piss me off the way they handle everything else that would make me sad I'm also going to fix this for him here I nor don't edit people's posts but I'll put the two instead of a W for the year what he had 20 W4 I changed it to two in the Giant Bomb couch interview early this year IC if I recall correctly mat booty and Dominus Maximus aurelus alluded to few other titles not yet announced for 2024 what do you think we see personally I could see uh I could maybe see a new Spyro something from Bethesda team so maybe Quake or Doom and either Contraband or fable slip in what do you think PS IGN wrote an Xbox gift guide but as yet to tweet dominant Force discourse spook him maybe uh they funny if wouldn't it be funny if the Tweet IGN had prepped for the Xbox holiday guide and now they've since changed it after the backlash to the PlayStation one is it was like boy Xbox sure does suck but you know what doesn't suck our Xbox holiday buying guide man I guarantee you that's probably what the Tweet was oh man oh God that would have been good uh so what do we think next year a hill Blade 2 flight simulator torn I don't know about whether it's golf War but I mean I think you'll have some smaller stuff I don't I I Contraband I think might be an interesting one because that team typically goes very quiet and then boom six month very Bethesda like and we haven't seen anything from ID in a while I don't think anything from Activision you what about indie no I don't think that one's CL next year I think ever wild would be closer the amount they've been tweeting about it and stuff ever wild ever wild but I think they they were tweeting about Indie to like start hiring people yeah and also supposedly Clockwork revolution's further ahead than people seem to realize but they didn't they didn't give that one a year so yeah understandably just opening up my one note for a sec and there could be things like there could be things like Tower born that are publishing deals that we don't know about because you never know and also like just Game Pass deals that's weird why south of midnight oh yeah south of midnight yeah look really good I don't know if it'll make next year but there so much man why didn't I update my one note with that ever wild info you're lazy so I did make a um I made a new article I can show off if you're uh you're wondering these are all the confirmed things for uh 2024 Xbox game pass like there's already a lot here like just going through all the this is an everen article right yeah so this is this is one I'll update all year long I created it a couple days ago cuz like oh yeah the other one did 100,000 views I'll do this one little kitty big city already game of the year if you like cats that is I'm not even kidding that game's incredible like stalker 2 like there's already all of these day one including that static Drive uh Game Pass games for 2024 Hollow night silk song like it's boy boy is there a lot coming three a uden updating now there's a lot of [ __ ] coming I thought i' had been told something about ever wild I had I just searched ever wild in the DM and it popped up thought so are we am I hitting the the button or you just no teasing okay I was just curious yeah just being a smart ass now everyone's going to be like tell it Nick tell it you're going to be like no was never tell it tell it no no no not telling it uh I just as soon as you said ever wild it made me realize and then I went to check my one note and I have an updated it in a long time and I'm like I swear I got told some stuff about ever wild just recently and then I went and checked and searched and I have uh okay next question two left 99 ruken hello everyone hope you're having a great day if not then a terrible day just kidding I I just want to say how is IGN going to give Cod a lower score but give Quantum era a high score media bias I say because it's owned by Microsoft now I think that's a lead bit of Sala my question today is with everything going on in the world why do you play video games I do it to escape reality what's your reason PS when it comes to video games in my personal opinion it's best to keep your personal beliefs out of it why do I play video games I know because I love them and I've been playing them since I was a little kid yeah I I play them enjoy them unwind to experience different places and realities and worlds and experience different stories and I play for Cooperative fun I play to socialize there's loads of reasons I play video games but um I you know the last statement I don't know if I can agree with keep keep personal beliefs out of it I you know I'm not sure it it reads to me like to keep politics out of it and it's like well no keep politics out of art like well no I mean that is a lot of that is the driving force art are made by people and people are affected by the world in which they live and uh any story wortht telling is told from someone who's lived it or breathed it or is a personal piece of themselves that they're putting into it you know so I don't see how that can be true you know like you have the personal choice to not play it if you don't agree or you don't want to experience that person's output but that's the Free World that we live in right everything's political in theend at the end of day it's just video games like you don't have to oh this video game is is very like anti- whatever or this very Pro whatever who gives a [ __ ] do do you have fun with it yes or no if you don't have fun don't play it it's not it's not a problem no one cares but you I'm not speaking about you 99 ruken I'm talking just attacking the poor guy I'm not attacking I just there's always like a a feel like a bit of a cop out keep things I don't agree with out of video games yeah well now you're bringing personal beliefs into it do you see what I mean like it works both way oh [ __ ] how the turns table the tables have turned anyway question yeah last question I play them for a variety of reasons Nick doesn't think so we don't have to it's not a think to ask him I play them um for a mix sometimes they're just fun to experience with other people when I stream I mostly play them for reviews because people seem to like my uh thoughts and opinions on them except for the people who do say keep your subjective opinions out of your reviews and I'm like what the [ __ ] do you think a review is I if I don't have any opinion on it then it's just it's just a list of facts it's not a review at that point but yeah for for the most part it's just always been the cheapest constant entertainment it's really fun it's a lot cheaper than going to the movies every night or going out bowling or going to a bar or something like I can spend 60 bucks and get a th000 hours out of Diablo like it's just there's nothing else like it and it's why it makes the most money because it lets me do all these different things experience all these different stories because I love cutscenes when they're well done and I get to do all these this great gamepl just go to the movies watch those movies but I can't play those movies in between watching them ratchet and clanks 2016 the Remake had it right so ratchet and Clank they to Insomniac took all those cutscenes stitched them together and released it as a movie and I'm like there you go there you go everyone you want to watch those stupid cut scenes there's a movie there's a dedicated movie full of them go watch it and let me play my [ __ ] game okay last question good old Callingwood happy member John Nick and Jesse we have our Mo uh so Microsoft is going to invalidate unauthorized third party gaming accessories from the console partly because some Bad actors use these accessories to cheat have you ever cheated in a video game boy nope I can't tell I can't tell my story uh yeah I've cheated when I was a kid in single player stuff I've never cheated online um I wouldn't consider I I wouldn't consider using things in the game naturally as cheating yeah I never Game Genie or anything like that yeah like although I cheated once I'm not telling the story either for fear for fear of this podcast being watched and for what will happen like you cheated against somebody who knows you and watches this I am pretty confident that Microsoft monitors our messages on Xbox Live our DMS because I was cheating in a game for a long long and and when I say cheating it it's weird cheating is the wrong word for what I was doing Nick what I was doing was exploiting I was exploiting one of the most random quirks that I discovered completely by accident I discovered this thing this loophole this exploit completely and utterly by accident and I used this exploit to become very high ranked and unnamed video game yep okay and when you were very young yeah no I made the mistake of mentioning this in a DM oh not long after that DM I was banned wow not long after and I had been getting away with it for a long long long long time so you can't tell me it's just a coincidence that after sending that DM to someone on Xbox live bang I was suddenly banned part of the terms of service is they they go they comb through things that's how they get racism that's how they get attacks like I cheated in a video I'm not gonna say anything else that's all I'm gonna say I cheated in a video game today today I was playing Trivial Pursuit two live from Ubisoft which was on sale 75% off I mentioned it the beginning of the show so I bought it for £46 pennies and my go is a trivia Mastermind she just knows all sorts of random [ __ ] drives me insane I've never beaten her it it genuinely drives me nuts so we're playing and I am ahead right and she's won one and I've won one it's best of three and it's on the last one and it's like this question where it's like two options and you've got to pick one and they're usually really obvious and we were playing on one pad which we were passing back back and forth and I just went and just answered for a wrong I like there you go she went you cheated I was like oh did I press it right I'm so sorry it was mostly for jokes but I feel bad I'm sorry k no same I'm really good with general knowledge stuff like triv Pursuit who wants to be anything you're not incredible at Nick there's some things I'm not great I can't play go my my aunt bought me Trivial Pursuit Lord of the Rings once so specific just not golf just not golf I'm not much of a b yeah I'm not great at golf most other sports though but yeah well there you go it's the end of the show show um happy when I end this said Collingwood so it's it's November should we all shave off the bids and just roll I'm not no I look like a total per with just a mustache I would look horrible without my beard and mustache just a mustache look horrible if you get Jesse to over two grand today in extra life he'll he'll have a mustache for a month not a CH I mean I have a mustache but I'm not going to shave my beard yeah no way i' rather I'd rather do no nut November than sh my mustach should be but with the show being over if you don't want to immediately leave the moment I hit end stream it's going to kick you right over to the extra life stream you can say hi and maybe drop a little money get a game yeah win some games we had ass signed Xbox here a book from Phil Spencer uh hang out raise some money for charity do all the good things um because you know why wouldn't you it's for the children uh but on that note it's it is the end of the show we appreciate the community for hanging out much love to our patrons as always much love to our Xbox Z Discord members and our Forum members much love to you chat on YouTube as well our YouTube members you you all rock um and Jesse good luck with the rest of the stream yeah good luck much love um and congratulations and all the success so far I look forward to waking up and seeing it smash that 2K barrier I have no doubt I think it'll happen but yeah now my dad can get his study back he can have his study back I'm going to go to bed at a reasonable 1:40 a.m. it still feels like why did we go 4 hours we went three and a half yeah three and a half hours today so was a lot time yeah it'll be 500 p.m. Eastern for 5:00 p.m. for that 6 months I'm starting at yeah okay at 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. is nice for now I guess okay thanks everyone CH for now see those who stick [Music] around
Channel: XboxEra
Views: 13,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox, podcast, xboxera, xbox game pass, alan wake 2, bungie, the invincible
Id: iYc3hqnbC-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 28sec (12748 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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