Episode 5 | Flash, Bang, Alakazam! | Fallout: Zero

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everybody welcome back to fallout zero here on arcane arcade how you doing thanks for joining in on today's game dude isn't joining in on today's game colton store colton still at the gucci store in vancouver unfortunately so yeah that's that's happening but thanks um everybody else for joining us marshall you're finally here you weren't here last time yeah but uh you are here this time and then you won't be here next time yeah sorry so no you're good you're you know what it's all about it's all good i want to go to disneyland that day so are we not going to play maybe not so it's going to happen i want to go to disneyland if that works out maybe we won't play i mean yeah i was going to be out of town all right well maybe we just won't play next excuse so there you go until six yeah yeah exactly um so a little bit of announcement we have not not been really announcement just um i've updated a bunch of rules again i'm sorry um if you're watching this and you're just con so upset about how inconsistent the rules are um i changed up how junk items work it should be simpler now i've added a lot of new perks and i'm almost done with 1.4 which i will be sending into the patreon soon when it's done um and that will be available for you guys you guys can check it out and see all the rules and stuff but for now it's a little um out of date uh with what's in the patreon right now but um hope you guys are okay with that we're just here to tell fun goofy stories anyways and have a good time roll some dice so hope you guys enjoy that and um stay tuned for that all right um i don't think i have any other announcements other than how awesome you guys are look at you guys you guys are so cool also i like that you always consistently wear that shirt every time we play i try to yeah this is the only time i wear the shirt i used to have a vault boy shirt um i don't fit it anymore but i really liked it because it had all of them on it and i was like oh and yeah i need to get that one again but in big chunks size i have a shirt i could go throw it on real quick you could that'd be no you're good you're fine you don't have to do wait i still have this shirt i i keep anytime you have a cool shirt that you don't do anymore i keep it all right [Laughter] all right so uh last we left off in fallout zero um marsh why did you do the recap last we left off people were threatening to kill alabaster so now he's like you know what so okay this is not gonna try and kill you and maybe don't actually heal them i was joking because you weren't in your last game but you don't you watched last game i did so yeah um hey spencer why don't you do the recap class um we cause i think tyler did it last time i believe that we went to the super duper mart and we knew that there were going to be some ghouls in there because our new friend victor who's also a ghoul hangs out there and the ghouls that are feral that live there don't attack him because he thinks they think that he's one of their own um you guys developed quite a plan to get in there yes and to fight the horde some of us were like up on a billboard we thought it was gonna be a good idea billy was gonna throw some mines more schools than we thought were gonna be there came out and they were really fast which we knew can you just did not go well pause for a second i can stream i'm going to mute for a second because i'm going to make a really loud noise and you're not going to enjoy it so we'll be mute just let it sit you know i just might just do it my order is going to pass by walgreens i can get some yeah can you give me some stuff for that bubble but you got going on how funny would it be if i was like i got a new crate it was like it shook the walls dude oh my god all right uh continue i don't know [ __ ] mud butt right i mean because i never haven't seen it before but fart jokes i can't say that i have i don't know i don't know if you understand that i don't think mud butt is farting let me be very clear no i don't i don't know what it is it's mud butt i'm concerned your butt becomes you've got some mud in that butt you know what i mean juicy we um you guys bought some mud but they fought some mud butt in the you know the wasteland um we went to like this hotel there was um that sounds like like a mister oh no it's mud but we'd go we'd go down to that robco facility but it's covered in much like this now this is something you get in the game that's the condition you can get like i ate some bad cup of noodles and i have some wicked mud but i have two levels of exhaustion yeah and my speed is halved we went to a hotel there was mr handy there that was taking care of the hotel we convinced it to let it go in the rooms we looked around we stole some stuff um is it stealing if they're all dead no it's not but the mr handy may have thought it was stealing um the mr andy also thought that cerebella was a police officer um and then they had a breakdown and went into a room and said that they were going to clean it then we dipped we went to the super duper mart yeah the asbestos we went to super duper mart we fought those ghouls billy almost blew his legs off and he blew some ghouls legs off okay i just said we were watching spider-man yesterday and the part when he gets thrown into the building and goblin throws the bomb right in his face and he goes there's a little legs that was billy um yeah we uh killed those ghouls hillbilly up um yeah i killed him ghouls we went in there was some rad roaches they didn't really bother us we collected some food and we rested for the night i think okay very cool that is what you guys did yeah you guys woke up the next day um in the super duper mart the sun rising um it's actually a pretty clear day today it's not super dusty and um kind of just like this orange overhaze instead you can see a bit of blue coming up in the sky i'll be at a sort of grayish brown blue but at least blue um you guys wake up to the super duper mart um what are you guys doing as i look for my dice still because that's what i'm looking for um where are we headed today all right billy hand over the um billy just holds out his arm and you guys crowd around his pit boy do you want to open it tyler cause you have like a pretty good version of it you could put it flat right there if you wanted to so the string concealer we are at the super duper mark oh okay okay there's this thanks frozen shepherd yeah we um mud butt mud bud what's up so there was a donation just to show you more of the area got it got it we want to we want to go west right because the east is where all the well this is the um red star territory yeah and this is the nuke zone yeah we came from that direction and we're trying probably to leave this way yeah but we wanted to go explore the west first because the east is like heavily yeah so we're like armored and well i think we were planning on going down here or checking out the hospital i think we're trying to i think victor said that we turned off that there was like a power plant near by the um i was muted because i was doing my dice yeah um there is yes there is a um there is a in one moment he told you that there is a power plant yes it's in the crater right um very specific i think it's beside energy yeah there's a positive energy station okay sign energy station one of these over here um if we turned it off it will mess them up over here remember that um to the vault okay so if so we're kind of making our way through here kind of collecting stuff making sure that we're ready to venture into here got it i'm worried the hospital is going to have a lot of a lot of ncr right i mean red star yeah i think that's why we were kind of exploring a little away from it see what we can find and then maybe head over there yeah i'm down either way billy pipes up with some out of game knowledge that colton probably doesn't know but i'm going to give to him because he's vault dweller and he says you know it's kind of weird that the vault is powered by a power station in the city why well my vault was powered from generators on the inside made our own power 14 was assigned by any kind of luxury says victor are you sure that's um is it that it's powered from the station and victor goes i'm pretty sure they protect the [ __ ] out of it so i mean and i know that they had to restart it up in order to get power back into the vault maybe they were saying i haven't really been to very many vaults but um what if their generators broke they're using it now that makes sense and billy goes maybe what just a completely off-topic question yeah how much of low is a half-minute suit so it does not say um would there be any other reason why they'd want the power station who you asking victor victor is there anything else over there it seems like yeah provide power in other places in the city so i mean isn't it in the crater places that they want what isn't it in the crater yeah they kind of watch the south side of it okay so they're not exactly inside them they couldn't get inside unless they look like me but then how did they turn it back on it's been on it was turned on by old ghouls came through the city sometimes traders turned it on in order to get to certain places and um well it's kind of remained on sometimes it breaks sometimes people repair it i don't keep track of everything that happens in this city well well we uh headed to the hospital or should we be going west you guys are going to make your way into that crater you're definitely going to need what's in that hospital not only it's dangerous for even me to go into and i don't even take the rats a lot of monsters big creatures red scorpions those snake things you were talking about snake things the oh those guys know they like to stay in buildings right i don't think you were here when i was talking about them huh no i had mud but yeah yeah oh of course i remember that smelled terrible it took took a while clean all that up i don't even have a nose and i can smell it pretty bad oh yeah um ate too much tapioca where did you find tapioca it was radiated that's why you got the mud butt um he says you can ask your friends about that one pretty dangerous creature but no rad scorpions um one time i went in there i saw a deathclaw i thought at least i think it was how do you mistake a deathclaw with something else uh i just kind of vaguely assumed it was a deathclaw in the distant green fog of the crater and uh just kind of made my way around that why don't we just leave i don't think we should go in there anymore hearing all this well you could probably avoid it let me do that i think we should go west and maybe hit some of these points of interest and we could go right out of town if we had to head west anyway i mean are the red stars really a problem if we're leaving here if anything if we get rid of their base they're just gonna they're just gonna go find somewhere else to live yes and it'd probably be bad to create enemies oh um you'll also uh if you kill them it's very likely the same thing will happen that happened the past two times people lived in necropolis what all the ghouls ruled this place uh-huh super mutants came in and killed all of them and then a bunch of traders and merchants moved in then they got killed by they got taken over by the ncr then the red stars took over red stars die someone else is going to find this place to make multiple of their own you mean you know i like your idea let's hit up a few more places get the [ __ ] out of here not even mess with all the people and stuff here huh well if we go i think if we were ever to come back here and we need in that vault we know where to go you know i agree with you i think we should complete our mission right we should gather our stuff and keep on going maybe we can tell the ncr would be a good idea a bunch of those guys are there i'm sure they already know if we just wanted a small detour we could hit this furthest one on the west go down maybe here to this one or that one i should pull up my map as well i mean yeah we're pretty cool we could make at least some of it no some options let's go then did you send the map in the chat i can oh now mine i cannot oh wait no i have a number now i can we talk about things secrets [Laughter] so um where are you guys headed then we're gonna hit up a few places on the way out you wanna come with us when we leave are you gonna stay here leaving acropolis where you headed um i have several names i think all of them are incorrect yeah um where is it do you guys have that map the hub the hub is right here yes go to the hub yeah you wanna come with us yeah if you laugh me sure yeah i'd love protection on the way to the hub oh yeah you got our back we've got yours yeah no problem he's fine with me oh so we're heading west to the city then and try to find some more stuff before we head out so we're we're currently here i don't know yeah he showed me on the pit boy which is here what's here where is that super duper bar all the way on the left side yeah that's where you guys are sorry guys um i don't have a good method to making this map visible to you guys yet um i will in the future and i have a lot more time to prep so after this week yes yes we could hit that one on the far far west side that's still up in that upper left quadrant and then on the far far left side like down or the one like kind of on the top left side oh the top left side i got you the other one didn't you say they patrol the highway that's true uh yeah is that taking us on the highway it could be on the highway more like do you want to for sure run into them on the highway or maybe run into them in the middle of the city with um other stuff get more risk going through the city all right well let's take the highway then i guess we'll for sure run into them there though you better be ready for a fight on the freeway on the highway yeah it's do we would you rather fight red stars or you ought to fight things like scorpions probably red stars or maybe maybe a death club or two uh no no thank you no i've never seen one in one city i just think i saw one in the crater i'll leave it there it might have just been a yellow one even either way those are both yeah those guys are really nasty and if we take the path through the city me we might run into those things you were talking about rattlesnakes he's ridiculous i had a friend that told me he could take on a yaw guy with just a knife and so i held him to that bed and uh we uh we we we tested it he's dead he's dead now yeah i imagine so yeah yeah he didn't even get the knife in him he died immediately did he even get the knife out what no he got it out and then he was dead yeah that's all you're able to do that's about what i would expect yeah that makes sense don't [ __ ] with them what is it a hairless irradiated bear oh that's horrifying yeah they are pretty scary i guess you think it's kind of funny that the cow the new california flag is a two-headed bear but i don't think two-headed bears even exist oh i'm sure one is out there somewhere yeah do you think that's what uh what aradesh saw a long time ago i saw a two-headed bear that's what she saw she was like i'm going to make my republic after that yeah it's probably like how you saw that deathclaw out in the green fight all right all right why is that i mean so make our way i think so are you guys headed over hearing rattling we just won't go in there yep uh in the next quadrant there's another little marker we haven't seen yeah we're taking a little little peek all right um so you guys um if we're going that direction at some point alabaster would like to climb up on a building pull out a sniper rifle and see if he can scope out okay that region um yeah so you you guys are currently in the in the quadrant with the super duper mart um you want to get up on a building right now and look around sure okay go ahead and roll a perception check the advantage [Music] um 16. okay so um if you look at the map right now and you see that you guys are um in that hex with the super duper mart and that qua in that area you guys are in you know you see that one that question mark two to the left to the west you can actually see what that is it is a um huge mountainous like like you just look over and it's like destroyed buildings destroyed buildings buildings and then this huge mound what looks like garbage and you can see like creatures moving around it like things like moving around and as you like kind of look in and you look a little bit further um you you can see that you see like the reflective domes of like four or so protectrons just kind of like walking around picking up like pieces of trash and like smashing them together and it's like they've accumulated this enormous pile of trash i relay the information like so it's a it's a big old pile of trash over there and it looks like there's uh tektrons over there maybe some of your brothers i'm filming i don't know um but they seem to be just smashing trash crushing stuff that's possible we had many jobs back in the day i mean it looks like i don't know if they're hostile or not but probably only if you mess with them yeah yeah um but does it look like it's a like a disposal site of some sort like a uh is that well it could be that they're just they are just continuing to do their job free war i mean also if that's a whole bunch of trash and then that's a lot of i mean the red star central the red stars did say they wanted to take me and i wonder if it's they wanted to take you they didn't say that they wanted they were particularly adamant on killing you the doctor and they said they'd take me so maybe that's right somehow maybe they work for them or serving in some way performing some kind of tasks they don't want to do i don't entirely know why the redstones would want them to pile up garbage but they'd be curious i was thinking the same thing though i was thinking maybe it's a big opportunity for uh materials you know it's good points to investigate all right would you like me to go first i could maybe if there are red stars maybe they won't you recognize that i'm not reprogrammed maybe it's not a bad idea i'm not going to to be able to deceive anybody but maybe they won't even question it if they do i'll get one of these well we have a few people here that are good at dealing with robots two robots themselves and robots don't typically bother me if you want yeah yeah i think you can hang back and uh sure yeah and if they uh start trying to kill us just show them yeah like a good idea if you can figure out a way to allow us to come in that'd be good if you if you need someone to reprogram them i'm available as well all right it could be a way to cause some ruckus right to that stores that's very true as well send them all down to that bowl all right all right let's head out you got it nice and automatically calculated that's a good idea it's good it's okay yeah i like that they don't get a new thing of food okay one here that goes up here it's perfect just makes it so much easier yeah exactly so you guys are walking and you're making your way over to this um trash heap um yep um i did not write this information down i uh when we're going over there alabaster is going to stop a ways off and see if he can look for a vantage point to like set up his sniper rifle and like be able to watch them yeah yeah but like obviously close enough where i can actually shoot like not out of my range oh this is the sniper rifle you got from the red star that's right okay so yeah you um so when you get there or like along the way uh i'm assuming we're gonna walk to a certain point where it's like hey we should stop here you guys should go on ahead and we should wait yeah sure um so uh when you guys get there um if you look at the map a little bit you can kind of notice that this um there's sort of like this um this like uh like like dried river that like goes through it like a basin that kind of like runs through the middle of it there and as you guys get over you can see it's like completely dried and it like it go there's like not as many buildings it's kind of sparse and then it like it dips down into sort of like a like a ditch and this heap is like built on top of this ditch um so as you guys uh kind of get over you stop you get on top of like a building and you look down you can see it much better now at this point you guys do discover the trash heap it's just called trashy 50xp also um i wrote this down on the rules i didn't realize this whenever you guys roll combat sequence with a type of creature that you have never fought before um when you guys get out of the combat sequence and get your xp you gain an additional 50. so keep that in mind if you ever fight something new you get an additional 50. i will keep that in mind just remind me to keep that in mind um and that's the all right keep that in mind um okay can you keep in mind to keep in mind that i keep them like well i will keep in mind that you need to keep in mind that i need to keep in mind that you need to keep in mind all right sounds good yeah and then marshall if you could actually remind me to remind him to write me the right hand remind who and this is the location all right tyler i need you to remind marshall to remind spencer to remind me to remind spencer you guys are my dust or remind me or my heart or my hand this will work it'll all work guys sorry tyler what do you think this is the location almost directly the rest of the super duper correct yes okay so make sure um and it took you guys what each hex is what two hours took you guys about an hour to get there you just gotta it's like bring the handbag yes every hex is two hours um unless you're on the highway then it's an hour uh so it takes you guys about an hour and a half to get over there um and just like i said a giant pile of trash and um you step up on a building you look down you can see four protectrons and they are in like this like yellow sort of paint um it's kind of like uh worn off and and um rusted a bit with like um orange sort of like construction lines on them and they have um they have like um instead of like little grabby hands they have almost like power fists for hands and they go over and they just like and they're just like crushing things and it looks like they they've like they're not crushing they're crushing everything and putting it in this giant like reflective pile and as you look at it it's kind of hard to stare at because it's all just like pure metal and the sun is hitting it like refracting it everywhere so it's like uh it's like kind of hard to look at so while you guys are here you have disadvantage on any sort of ranged attacks because of the refracting light um the creatures um and perception checks um as you guys kind of get over you kind of look over and you see all of them and there's kind of ones like in it you see like one walk over it goes into like a house it pulls out like a the door like a fridge and um and it says uh um and it says scrapping and like crushes it and then it like it um it goes over and like picks up some of the pieces and throws it into the pile um you guys see other ones on the back side as well and then in the ditch you see one halfway in the sand sort of like and it goes help i want to help it help let me help him you're going to slide down and go help him all right you you kind of slide down the dust um and get into the ditch and you walk over it's really really like sandy down here in fact as soon as you put your foot in you sink in a bit uh i have rope can i get back out um what are you gonna do with the rub i'm going to lower the rope once i get back out to try to help oh he doesn't have hands huh your foot is like so you you could understand that okay i want i'm asking you can i get back out you want to try to pull yourself out yes okay roll a dexterity check okay sorry agility how far away than dragons um from you uh that's up to you how far away did you want to be i mean i had 50 feet oh that's good that's perfect i was gonna say my range is 60 feet with the sniper rifle and you're 50 feet away okay perfect 10. perfect um you go over and you try to pull your leg out and your other leg sinks in uh sorry bella i need some need some help here and you guys watch as huck is now like kind of sinking into the sand help don't need to breathe but i will sink i don't think i have rope i have rope can i like pull it off my side and throw it up hell hell how can i help you but i'm going to help you protect the room and serve construction zone citizen beware help help help i threw my rope up okay you throw your up up to cerebella cerebella you grab the rope and you're just gonna pull huck out yeah all right um roll straight can can i try to grab on to the protectron oh yeah now real strength in url strength is roll one wow oh where's our ball caps oh yeah you guys have karma caps hang on i got new ones uh you want nuka orange yes all right what what are we at do you guys remember if you guys were flipped or not still flipped i think everybody's flipped yeah because you didn't flip anyone's caps like that yeah i don't think you did what would you like marshall i got a blue nuke yeah classic do you want sarsaparilla tyler uh i'll take the blue ones with the blue i think this is quantum probably um and what do you want victory the dark one you could dark you got it i freaking love these they're so cool all right it's yeah no i don't think actually everybody's camp is full no i'm not flipped marshall oh nice all right um i got a 17. you grab it on the protectron and you look over and you're like all right cerebella pull me up and you look over and you watch as the snapped rope comes back down towards you as cerebellar is holding a foot of rope that is just snapped in the middle of it i only have one hand you think you're good to try again maybe not good all right i'm going to try to collect another agility sorry guys an agility check yeah i'm gonna split oh 16. okay you stop yourself from sinking in further you take all the rope up again you throw it up to cerebellar and now it's kind of like taut at this point it's like as like you only you don't have like that little extra bit left and you're going to try to pull it up go ahead and roll strength once more me too huh me too yes so i get rolling real dice 2014 okay you ground on the protectron you take the rope and you begin to pull and eventually huck you get you get pulled out and you guys watch this huck is basically like holding rope here and holding protector on here and he's like floating in the air as he's like being stretched out and then like captain america you just pull the um pull the uh the protectron out and as you pull it out you see this creature attached to the fro to the side of it both of its claws dug into the to the front of it as it gets pulled out this completely sandy enormous rad scorpion just gets pulled out everybody am i out though you you're holding on a protectron with wit with a rope on you if you let go of either you're still in the pit you're out you're out your legs are out okay but i'm not out of the pit you're not out of the pit you're not out of the ditch yeah you cerebella is holding on to a rope that you're holding on to the protectron and holding onto the protector on it is the scorpion right i understand gosh dang it um no and then he goes help i'm trying to help yep danger detected [Laughter] all right yeah then the crafting for some of the armor they're in the i forget which ones one um um not all reinforced and hardened there is a section that says crafting material needed five or something like that there is no specific it's just crafting material i think it oh it's just what you need to make the armor okay yes there's one it's just the crack so if it's mounted just crafting material you know no no um okay um cerebella what'd you get oh boy equal to one oh you minus oh five to one huck seventeen uh alabaster uh sixteen and paige good luck fifteen give me luck huh i'm not going to write it this is the rad scorpion oh well that's good a little scorpi well scorpi and this is the um other protector the one that i'm construction the constructron the one i'm holding on to um yes the one you're holding on to all right huck you're first what are you doing can i try to swing the projection up the pit yeah it's gonna be really hard okay i want to try all right because i can't do anything else you're all right you're real real good all right well i've rolled a 10. a 10. yeah no you grab onto them you pull and you pull actually wow you take it out of the rad scorpion's claws though and it kind of like didn't that's not good nope but you you know have the protectron loose and actually at this point you kind of like you slide away from the the scorpion so the scorpion is now uh like three hexes away from you guys want to get on the map yeah yeah all right let's do it can we flatten it out it's kind of like wrinkly a little wow emma thanks barton for the donation appreciate it tyler read it i'm messing with you you're fine uh hope you're all having a good game for marshall what's up playa good luck with your roles tonight man keep being awesome wrestle the party you know you're cool too i guess cheers all right thanks thanks brother thanks that is that's a marshall line all right what's up what's up that is what i say i don't think about that it's you what's up players are you looking for the scorpion i have a scorpion it might be you make me nervous with encouraging my roles cause i feel like you're gonna jinx me now but yeah i already had a first good roll that was fifteen that was good i mean i meant to have this you know it could be in the that one perhaps it can also be in the one below that or heaps um is it a monstrosity because it could be in the big monstrosities on the bottom part not the bottom part on the shelf like i just saw it i'm gonna come help you why don't you look for it while i draw a little can i have that x-bow marker that i give you guys ready to blast some fools yeah jacob what's it's monster type it's a beast beast yep is indeed this map is a little yeah bumpy bumpy this is the ditch um let's say there's like a building here and a crack the giant trash heap is like all that and this is where the protectron was uh we'll say there's a another building here another building there there we go it's like perfectly sized too all right so um huck let me hear me you are here cerebella you are here this is 20 feet okay it goes down 20 feet um paige i'm gonna say you're there albastor you're like pages oh sorry you know what you guys can be over here because i was keeping my distance from you we're both keeping our distance away yeah i'm gonna be mixed in with that protection that i have uh yeah that's fine he's right next to you all right you end up with the camera yeah line it up with the camera a little bit nice there we go and then we'll lower the combat look at that that's sexy how many action points was that for you to uh try to pull them out yeah uh three three can i can i use the rest of them to just try to pull myself up further oh just like pull yourself up the rope further um yeah you can move up at half your speed my speed so i would that was three i would have six more action points there's six so you can move three spaces the top then if i could get five ten feet five feet up okay so you wouldn't be out but you'd be about halfway okay so one one space then you'd go one one two yes about one space but you'd be you'd be vertical a little bit okay do i need a roll no yeah you're all used to it am i also pulling the thing with me yes so dude yep there you go cool um all right uh huck it is your turn all right sorry i'll master it you said i was only 50 feet away so can i move my guy closer um is that about 50 feet no i'm like 80 60 years i'm like 70 feet away yeah then you need to be quiet at the corner there you go yeah sorry i didn't you're good sorry 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60. perfect nice nice uh yeah i have my sniper rifle out i'm gonna try and shoot that pool go for it um you know what man let's start off fun can i get advantage and put my cap oh yes you can go for it i'm going everybody else sounds good oh come on let's do a good shot oh the crit yeah all right martin didn't jinx you no no no you're indeed no yeah uh dude this is going to be awesome um so it's 2d 12. and is the crit times 2 crits times oh my gosh so it's times four whatever you roll okay so what if i roll in this time okay even your modifiers so whatever your total is times that by four goodness gracious um bang sniper rifles kill it in one hit that was easy super cool man okay so that still i do not add guns to the damage you add your agility and my agility to the damage okay okay it's okay rule uh so that's 14 uh times four what is that 52 you instantly kill it how do you feel not even with the agility yet either as soon as he pops it out and he sees them like pulling up he just lines up the sniper rifle and his aims read it it's like like the i guess the face part of it and just it just blasts right through the carapace of it and just kind of like you hear like this the like like the squeaking of it like falls onto the ground and just goes limp um and you watch as it kind of like slides back into like some of the dirt again and it's it's that you guys are out of combat and you get 90 xp for the new enemy yes it would be 40 but 50 because new enemy there you go very cool very awesome that was awesome yeah dude all right um ever so slowly you pull huck and huck you pull yourself up as you take the protectron and you throw it on to the other side um you hear this like clunk of like steel as it like hell can i help okay and you and cerebellar kind of push it up and it didn't like stands back up and it says thank you citizen and it turns to you um and uh uh it he says for your services to your community and he kind of reaches into like his bag he's like his little back pocket yeah he gives you a little thing he's like wearing like overalls a little hard hat cutie um and he he he pulls out a box of sugar bombs and he hands it to you and then as you take it it's really heavy like it's way heavier than cereal and he goes enjoy your snack and it starts walking back over the trash pile you open it and you see like a bunch of wires and like and like like like some sort of like explosive sort of going on here and as you look at it oh you're like oh this is c4 explosive and you pull out a small little detonator that comes with it as well so it's a bomb disguises the cereal box that's awesome thanks little guy wow under placed explosives it is c4 plastic explosive it does 10 d6 explosive damage and a 25 foot radius and it has a detonator to allow you to do it that's awfully useful it's for load i'm at 69 load again guys yeah actually i'm at 69 wow 69 kevin has 69 69.5 to be exact one keep that spicy barton came with five bucks again told you marshall you'd have a good good rolls man bless i'm not worthy i'm not worth it you guys good down there yeah i don't think they seem to mind that we're here so um i think we should risk people a protectron walks over and looks at you guys up on the building and it says citizens step down from there you will hurt yourself yeah i don't think they'll hurt you i'm worried there might be more of those things uh inside the sand hey friend you seen any more of those uh are you talking to one that you helped yeah yeah and it turns at you have you seen any more of those i point to like the dead scorpion dangers are always present in this line of work um all right so either there are more or this happens a lot where you have a good day you too [Music] morning officers um could you see about no one sure getting some like materials from the pile what do you what do you need um well i'm always looking for well i'm assuming most of that stuff down there is metal so lead what all right hey friend you got any lead i am not authorized to uh [ __ ] can't think of any words i am not authorized to allow citizens to partake in trash heap what if i joined your crew i'll work communication error where's your boss our boss has yet to clock in in nine nine nine nine nine nine days boss but the dust why he is dust probably all right well i'm having a good look around over there is that okay have a good day thank you i'm gonna try to go where they aren't walking around and find some lead are you gonna go in the giant pile i'm gonna go around the giant pile you're gonna like go to the part of the pile where they can't see okay yeah you do so roll a um what are skills in this game um maybe investigation real perception perception survival is like scrounging so if you want a real survival you can as well be a nine nine um you find a lot of steel you're not you're like is this aluminum or is this steel is this lead or is this a this is tin and then you're like what is metal i am metal this is metal what am i are you looking through like your own flesh we don't have blush we've got plastic but some of it fell off so yeah are you all together at this point is that what's going on i think okay i'm just gonna assume you guys i'm assuming we should maybe go with them and not get separated too much yeah probably i think it's safe down here okay try not to get too close to the protectron just in case they don't seem to be they don't seem to be openly hostile but we don't want to provoke them does the sniper rifle or any of the rifles is getting a strapped for a rifle so that it slings over your back is that something i can build make this already come with it there's any benefits i feel like your car already comes with it okay so i can just yeah it still costs three ap to do that though yeah in combat yeah yeah it's like a quick draw perk there is and it completely removes that oh you take quick draw and you no longer have to spend a few days that would be nice that's awesome oh so many perks yeah so many things how many perks you can get to level 30 in this game so i plan i plan on it i hope you get level 30 you guys just have tons of perks wicked spend ten minutes just looking through a per turn yeah i know there's so much [ __ ] i can do um yeah we're gonna try and make our way around to where they are and yeah you go with them um you kind of walk over and um the every time you walk by a protector on it says have a good day citizen and uh do you guys how do you guys get into the pile over there are you with hug yeah did you just go through the ditch oh did you go in there no i'm not with you i'm right there you have to go to get down in the ditch to get to the pile oh you want to just go on this side yeah got it never mind you guys could just go down you want to say looking at the pilot right there yep you go over and you're with you you all are together at this point and as you're kind of looking through things one of the construction protector arms does walk by and completely ignores you okay hey paige am i made of of of what were you looking for in lead am i lead well it depends you might have some could you look like more more steel than lead maybe not less than okay there might be some components of that in you but not for an hour roll science okay um huck is made of of steel components copper bits on the inside but has a um has a plastic polymer plating except for the parts that the plating has either eroded or broken which is like his hand we kill this thing we'll level up and get lots of materials even more benefit you know this thing has ears and can hear you well they're just following the programming that they were left with probably since the war we could set them up they seem less good sentient than this one here this one do you know where what your origins are vegas somewhere somewhere in nevada somewhere something ridiculous in that area okay just i'm just curious because you have such a much more advanced ai than most other potential artists it's not as advanced as you think it's more than them wow you can actually have a i can actually have a conversation with you hello citizen hi see volunteer work will not be compensated that's okay have a good day have you seen any lead oh excuse me there uh where where is your guys's uh like uh you know your main place you came from where's your factory or like here in town somewhere it says um i wonder if there's like a terminal that maybe controls these guys you know we could reprogram them our directive terminal comes from robco sales and service center speak with jimmy is it here in town yes where is the right choking on cat hair or something uh it says prime remote detected east hmm okay i don't like east yeah i don't like it either i just felt like walking west was downhill that was good anyways um well maybe never mind about that yeah may i search for some latins a pile of jobs citizens are not authorized for volunteer work have a good day citizen and it walks away well that wasn't a no not authorized but we'll see what happens when we start yeah i'm gonna go in there and look for some junk too they don't do anything no and then just don't care perfect you certainly yeah you're kind of noticing it's like they're they're supposed to tell you no but they're not also programmed not to do anything if you do something so yeah um you go in you start searching the pile go ahead and roll either survival or perception what are you looking for specifically lead okay you're looking for a specific lead and it may be adhesive i'm assuming that it really isn't okay i'm looking for after you roll that roll electric um i will so survival or perception survival or perception and i will survive folks that's one more i'm looking for uh screws adhesive and crafting material crafting material it's for armor right oh it's just whatever material yeah so no oh yeah leather screws adhesive okay um survival 21 21 and what'd you get on your luck uh 15. okay you do find um a couple of pieces of of scrapped kind of like lead um like bits like it led is really um uh it doesn't stay together very well yeah so you kind of have to like grab it and then like kind of like um gather a bit of it you but the most you're able to find is two um what'd you get my survival was a nine okay you go through and really are only finding steel sort of scrap steel um you're trying to go through it um but you do at one point kind of find a piece of metal and you're like oh please and you kind of turn it around you're like then scrap this part and you move over and you're like huh you find one screw i'll take one screw it a little bit helps here yeah really but that's all you find and it's five make a load uh yes i set up a google drive spreadsheet that that all calculates for me that is so nice that was smart sorry you have to have a whole [ __ ] google drive stat sheet to check your inventory but well it is what it is yeah um all right you guys doing anything else with a giant trash have sabin make something for this game oh my god we should that'd be really cool i bet you can make it like this that's like auto fillable yeah and then you could have a another one that's just inventory and i don't pay him to do that yeah that would be awesome yeah all right we have our own dnd yes so you know all the items in the game and then can you also do that how do you that'd be cool too and you can add it like database you can just add it into your inventory sorry okay i was looking up for what exactly i did do you want to search i need to figure out what i needed to search no worries yeah that's fine so do i just specify like one of the materials i need for the you can you can specify whatever's in there but it is kind of a big pile of destroyed trash so if there's just like a specific sort of like type you want to look for like you can find i'll no matter what you can find steel that's not difficult okay cool if i'm looking for steel and a ski and a squeeze roll um roll luck and what 12 12. you do not find a scheme unfortunately not a lot of people are skiing out here and that's right you do find um as literally as much steel as you want hello um just all is there like a like an office that like a person would have worked in here you look around yeah you do see like an office right nearby it doesn't look like it's entirely destroyed either as you go over towards it um you find uh like this uh wooden door um and you go over to it it's currently locked lock pick you can pull out your bobby pins yes all right go ahead and make a lock picking check lockpick gives you advantage script um oh you have lock picks yes yes then you have advantage and what kind of role is that oh the lock pick is a skill oh no that's on the floor we're just like 15. okay you got 15. 16 to unlock the door uh 16. yeah you easily can and you um you open up the the lock and you push open the door and you look inside you see this dusty old um uh uh uh place um you still haven't found a place that like isn't full of dust um but you kind of look in and sort of go around the floor is like this kind of like like tile it's just covered in like sand and dirt and as you kind of look around you um find the small office space um and you see like four desks each with a terminal where did you go sorry there's like a like an office that people worked in oh okay which is one of these buildings that was nearby i had a search i'm not really interested in the terminals okay you just want to search around this room yeah um yeah sure can't let me get that really interesting what i'm just laughing at that phrase i'm not really interested in terminals yeah no yeah um yeah you find a desk fan desk fan um and you find um go ahead and roll look at the list gears you can get gears from a desk fan can um i actually do have a random loot table now it's a halfway working we can try and see if it works go ahead and roll d20 roll a luck check both just a like check fyi our food is at the 15. okay hey emma emma i don't know where she went oh she might be vaping outside um she gone 15 15. um 15. all right so you um you find a bunch of stuff so go ahead and roll another luck check do mr i want you to die you don't have the um the cap scrounger perk do you i don't think you know it's hurt well you would find double the amount of caps right now so you don't um would you roll did 13 13. um roll 2d6 or here i can just do it but put my pretty dice um you go through all of like so you're just like searching around desks and yeah you go over and you actually find tape to one of the bottom of like the the chairs um uh no like under the desk like where the chair goes like it would be like right here you find like a like a box full of caps and you go over and you like shake it and you open it you find 75 caps holy crap my goodness um you also find uh three dirty waters um two jet dang and uh you also find a magazine you didn't roll high enough for a magazine sorry time it's all right um you also find a uh a shiv oh in an office yep someone was plotting office politics manitoba a flare gun a flare gun christmas two flares that's good two sticks of dynamite it's very clear that somebody was living in this space before after the war and um and you also find um uh two blamco mac and cheeses that's it uh i say screw the trash pile let's start searching all the buildings [Laughter] hey guys i found a lot of crap in here that you you humans can eat oh that's coming over there's also uh terminals well that's always helpful for me at least we can get some information yeah you guys go inside see this dusty old office space huck looks to kind of gathered everything together and kind of put it all probably is there like a like a place of reception it sort of said is it that type of office office or is it like just four desks um it's like a hallway and there's there was like there so i'll say that there was like two rooms that you could go into the one on the left is gone it's just destroyed the one on the right is this small office space probably just sat everything on the table um what what food did you get um there's also a bathroom in the back three dirty water and two blamco mac and cheese and then there's one two three four five what time of day is it it is like nine am sorry nine thirty how much food do you have on you um not a whole lot you know uh see i got some pork and beans i have a potato um what's this dust mouth i think that's actually all i have oh goodness but that's currently half these deaths are made out of steel so we need to get some food we need to get some food other chairs we're doing poorly fast yeah there's chairs in there they're like a bunch of food yes colton has it ah who's that well uh billy's got it yeah billy and victor you don't really know where they went as soon as you guys got here they kind of kind of disappeared i thought victor was hanging out with us yeah yeah that's what i'm saying as soon as you guys got here i've seen them got it and then like you see billy and victor walked over towards you guys and they're like there's stuff in here yeah you want some caps oh yeah i don't take 11. did you find any food thank you yeah i found those mac and cheese oh lamb come back now if i have one yeah you can billy just goes like this why do you want billy the mac and cheese but you have food on you and i don't i like mac and cheese okay well what were you giving shade for it he takes off his backpack and he looks and he says you can have the mac and cheese without having an inventory i'll take the mac and cheese and then did you find any uh anything like a drink yeah these waters oh they're dirty though that's okay there's a sink back there i don't know if it's gonna run clean though go to the bathroom open the door you go to the bathroom you find one of those like little med boxes um actually it's just a first aid kit you find a first aid kit i like first aid kits i have a lot of those and then there's like a shattered mirror um there's a there is two toilets both of them are like empty and as you go over the sink you turn it no i'd like to open the back into the toilet see if anything's heated no perhaps a nine millimeter gun roll up [Laughter] yeah oh yeah go go ahead and roll it natural 19. natural 19. yeah wow uh you find three caps oh sweet no they're they're bone dry they're not even like if they're drunk there's no water there's no water okay do i find it familiar no no no no familiar familiars here all right uh suppose we should did you want to go through the terminals yeah sure that's good most of them are just like work logs from before the war and you're like boring it's very clear it's like it's sort of like you're very much nice to you sorry huck is handing everyone 12 caps there you go i'll grab our food all right i don't know where i'm at there's a thumbnail um and then uh some of them are just logs it's very clear this place is like a um like a like a trash site um and then you go to one computer and it actually has the um controls and designation for the protectrons and with and it was not locked and you find um personality subroutines you find um designation and their current work designation is is um is uh is um what is it um construction yeah it's like trash destruction is what it's currently set to it looks like you could set it to like a bunch of things you could set it to like search and retrieve you could set it to um to uh um to uh organization you could set it to um like building like it there and then you go into building and you look down you're like they can like like build like a house like there's like things that they can build it's pretty weird um and then you also have like like you could just shut them down like remotely just kill all of them if you wanted to or um you could uh remove them of their of their subroutines last week well i just found this shiv billy [ __ ] no you probably leave it it's a shiv made out of a toothbrush too and you put it down i'll tell you a toothbrush i also found uh jet i think that's what this is called oh i think billy would be interested in that billy you like drops you know uh billy you probably would but billy's not here and i don't want to add things billy's inventory sorry can you take the check now take some drugs um take this do you want to do anything with these protectrons i'm roaming about can you free them you can shut them down can you free them you let them like go off do whatever they want or yeah i said you can free them from their subroutines well could we program them to uh follow our instructions maybe we could use them to help us fight the route i don't want to go fight those guys that's right that's right fighting them is going to lead to basically i'm saying free them really what you would be doing technologically is you would just be going in their subroutines and putting nothing and they would just kind of do whatever i'm more afraid of just letting a bunch of protectrons with what can they do besides trash collection we can we can can you make them like um possible to give them a new routine could you make them like a police police officer it could be like protecting this area not a bad idea you know if we can find a subroutine for them possibly because i don't have a full code for that type of thing on me you go through and you notice that they're there's the availability to put them in but they're not the code is not there yes so you would need to find like a hollow tape that has the police subroutine but even then you're aware that like because of their hardware they'd be protecting a place with like crusher fists so anything that came nearby they'd like run over and smash them yeah so yeah so if you found a police station then that has or somehow or if we go to the labco site they might have a hot tip with a subroutine on it but yeah it seems like a lot of work find any medical supplies no i found some jet yeah i found some drugs that's pretty much it oh and i found the first aid kit oh nice yeah that hospital is looking sweeter and sweeter why are you dying or something no it's just really good to have that kind of stuff right yeah i agree i bet there's a ton of rat away in there yeah a lot of ghouls left here they didn't have any use for it you guys think we should have check out the hospital yeah definitely before we leave um yeah we want to go further south on this map or something south would be difficult maybe uh just let them keep on crushing stuff they're not hurting anyone i think that's a better option yeah i mean remove their purpose they're just without anything they might as well be dead anyway yeah they'll they'll probably just end up roaming about the city and just getting in yeah maybe even spreading getting into trouble so we we should just leave them here at the hospital and then you guys remove their sub routine you come back two months later and you find it instead of pile of trash piled bodies the red stars are gone yeah i mean they take on all the for me to write a code for them to just march to vault to the vault and just wipe everybody out die um yeah you need to roll a science check it's going to be really good too that i'm staying here i'm not going to immediately but i just want to know if it's possible um it's possible if you roll well if you don't then no you can't okay i mean i could do that just to disrupt uh i'm not even here well let's do this role science i'm also worried you might be attracting some attention we may not want you know the question well i'd be attracting attention to we can almost use them as a distraction yes but if these things if they know that they're here and then suddenly they're going off fighting things they're going to know the people around the city but they're probably already some of them might already know if they already knew that we're here we'd be dead i'd rather go for a might notice here then definitely know that we're here yeah i got 19. so you could how many are here uh four four that's five counting the one in uh i don't really care about these robots you guys do what you want but uh i definitely don't want anybody hunting us down as we're trying to make our way through the wasteland well i think lying as low as possible getting the hospital and then leaving is our best option i think if we decide to go to the hospital we should go there now and then leave through this caddy corner here because there it is we should just head out that direction that's not a bad idea we get down here the heart is going to be to double back and we should just do the hospital and bounce out there all right let's go it's a good idea yeah so you guys are going to go west again to hit the hospital is that what you're doing yeah all right how are you guys getting there freeway well let's try do we want to go through the city we'll take a little peek is it too early at some point to take a break so i can or unless we oh it's 8 30. uh well we need some growth can we start at seven i want to do too early but i'm 15. 7 15. yes we'll take a break in just a second because i don't realize what time it was uh what was that where that space this gorge what giant gorge oh that's like good it's very irradiated um let me see on the way to the hospital mm-hmm it was it was a water in there that was everything but we could go oh it's water is there a bridge to get over it the highway highways well then we're gonna have to go on the highway probably fight some red stars let's go then oh the hospital is down in is it the hospital down there yeah oh it's okay there victor says there's another way across it's at the dead lake what's the dead lake um and he goes to the map and so if you guys are looking at the mountain um you see uh uh where the super duper mart is so one heck's down one more hex down yeah two hexes south the it's that marker there is there there's a bridge there um but there's also i think uh lake lurks what's a lake lurk uh a kind of like um i like monsters right sit in lakes kind of like have you ever heard of a meyer lurk yeah i like that but they're not a they don't have um really big protective sort of uh shells but they're really fast would you rather take on a lake lurk or a red star also for our human friends but you also don't have to breathe right i mean you can just it's really a toss-up here's the thing a lake lurk is dangerous no matter what [Music] but the red stars they're either going to be more dangerous or less dangerous we're risking it with the red stars but we might get lucky we could you know catch them on an off day with the lake lurk there's no risk there it's basically we're just the radiation at the lake like a lot no if you fall in don't fall in pulls you in oh will it pull you in yeah i might try to knock you in let's just go to the freeway then yeah sounds good but we get more xp if we fight the lake look that's true and if we die we'll give it more exactly you guys get more xp if you fight a hard red star encounter oh and you die and you die and especially if you die yes if we all die can we start the next group at level 10 no crazy no we need four people to die yeah the next characters we make we're watching our characters yeah and they're like oh my god we were the red stars that killed our characters do you know how cool that would be if the character the next if you guys tpk'd you guys played the people who killed you yeah that would be so awesome i play a bunch of red stars yes so [ __ ] cool anyways um so uh so you guys are gonna head on on the highway yeah yeah all right cool so yesterday try to do a little maybe a little quietly probably a good idea and like two hours away from it yeah but once we get a little closer maybe a little slower yeah sounds good um all right so that's what you guys are going to do but before we do that we're going to go ahead and go that was really an hour and a half yeah well hour 15. hey all right we'll we'll we'll go on a little bit of our early break we'll be back in about 15-ish minutes i'll be sure to be on that because we haven't been on it recently we've maintained like 20-minute breaks so um see you guys in a bit but before we do that i'm going to read patreon marshall you can go you can go go do your thing okay let's go hungry sorry i'm just going to read out some guys here i want to give a big shout out to our patrons over here who are giving us money on our patreon hey did you know if you sign for our patreon not only will i read your name right before a break but you also get a cool little tag and and uh you get like either a pink or purple name on the discord so no it's just pink you just get a pink one so if you want a cool pink name on discord there you go um so big shout out to oh they changed it this is annoying never mind they didn't change it i'm just dumb all right uh dub mill digged in barton but how many caps can alabaster's blaster load if 50 caps equals one load wow whitetail big buff cyber reptar 13 mama love and papa joy will pratt possibly related to chris pratt addison henning jessica m reno res storm roarin verlaine kay zachary niece duncan york adam halek death to fire melody olvera pimpin to hood antonio oliver um notorious thief fluffy the barbarian argus fallen gerund dallas gaylord lane cal the god shuriken shawn hiding in vault one three three seven whoa michael ryan eisenberg 12 trout in a trout trolley ah instead of six seven uh tom michael alice lilly bottom laurent angriest bird god micah god of puns zad creator of double d and d snit dab creator of double d d snittys um kdl autism my friend is getting married today so no meme name well congratulations to your friend penguin culture teutonic knight mimi h colton still hasn't changed his name from but i never learned how to read burger josh travis the psychic pineapple the mushroom says necrophilia arthur souza hi i'm johnny knoxville and welcome to jackass zack k weasley 65 jonathan k murio style joel westerland and laird olive thank you guys so much really appreciate all of you see you guys in a few minutes uh whoa sorry question mama calm oh yeah we've been waiting it's launching like in two weeks and i'm really scared okay see you in a minute [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everybody welcome back um i am on me for some reason that oh wait there we go talk about my weird wave that i did i went like that oh sorry that's the sound of my own voice there we go all right so um i got the map out for you guys so you guys can see you can even like put like a little like mini on where you guys are gonna do one of those oh the minis are over there no okay and where are you guys going you guys are so um let's let's just go ahead and do that let's um here play some exploring runes music yes why right there while we were saying no all right because you were saying that you were there yeah you would just rather go to the oh is that this is where the lake clerks are i'm sorry i i thought up here is where the red redstone break you guys heard you guys talking about that i thought we can change our mind wow i'm also fine with i would prefer to shoot people then i'm actually going to get dragged into the desk let's do the other side okay that's a good point oh shoot i got one of these yeah okay it'll be about an hour and a half then travel and then get onto the road and then travel this way and then i guess [Music] we are going to leave that way oh i don't know if we should go that oh no no i think we were saying we'd go here and then we'd go out it's hard to tell because it looks like well this goes underneath this green thing this little road here well that's like a district yeah there might be no no yeah and it goes over here it does it does we should do this it follows that get out of town that way so go because this is definitely red star trek this is like vault stuff is that this gets really close to the bomb zone uh i'm assuming a lot of this area isn't just all right because i'd rather go this way and if we hit rats billy says otherwise we can find him around should definitely go through here why don't we just go out this way and then we'll travel around there's a wasteland even better this one that brings very close to about 12 and that's their base this is a mountain range it's um it's like it's like foothills that go up to the mountains yeah i think that it might be the best if we go here and then head here hit this travel through the city maybe a little bit maybe maybe hit this on the way out and then travel this way take this route right here yeah okay i'm not opposed to that so um let's go ahead and go by hour so um every um every hex you guys are going into is like an hour so let's go ahead and move your first hour which is going to be about there yep what's up poison yes oh you can make yeah yeah you could you could make poison if you had the poison gland of any creature that should be used as poison yeah like thyroid scrubian you want to take his poison gland yes you can you go down into the into the ditch roll a agility check to not get stuck in the sand quick saying should we throw you a rope as you're going down there all right tie rope around you don't have that problem again [Laughter] you go into the um into the uh into the ditch you kind of slowly go through you go over to the carapace of the rad scroping you tear it open you go over to its tail um and you pull out its um intact gooey um sort of fleshy um sack of poison you squirt it that's i'm not a 69 load anymore um give uh put that i'm trying to make a joke if i'm not your friend thinking i'm not a 69 mode anymore but you do have a second do you have a stack load you do have cyclones it was funnier that you said that then whatever you were gonna say um okay so you guys travel for about an hour and a half that way so let me just keep track let me just keep track of time here so you guys went out it was about an hour and a half there let me see these guys spend about 30 minutes there about an hour and a half back so um it was eight in the morning when you guys left it was 9 30 and then it was 10. now it's 11 30. um you guys can you guys are going to start having to roll endurance checks at after 4 pm that's when you guys are going to start getting tired full time we got 4 hours because we need sleep or because we need food and water because you know because you're traveling got it yeah it's still only eight hours of travel and so you guys are walking for like eight hours sorry gotcha okay yeah right yeah travels 4 30 actually technically go probably will you probably get to the hospital yeah because hospital sleep mm-hmm like as in we go to the hospital we do the clearing of it then sleep that okay it's gonna take you two hours to get to the um to the highway entrance then once you're on the highway entrance you guys can go down the highway to the hospital that's what you're gonna do hospitals here so it's going to be two up two and then one then two it would be so uh go back to super duper mart yep um go to the highway um we'll kind of go like on the where the green kind of touches it yeah like right there go right there so now it's 1 1 pm and then go all the way to there to yep yeah keep going just go to the hospital it would be 3 p.m by the time you guys get there all right that's plenty of times perfect so we're going to backtrack a little bit you guys are going to be about uh you guys are going through the city you're about here and you're making your way this way over to the um towards the highway and as you guys are traveling making your way over there's dust and dirt everywhere though you don't really see any incoming dust storms that are going to make their way in anytime soon which is good the skies are pretty clear there's like no clouds very just clear day and um as you guys find the freeway entrance you guys kind of walk up it and start making your way down and you kind of get a pretty good view of um around the necropolis you see all of the enormous destroyed buildings um uh there in in the times of the coming years uh bakersfield certainly became a much larger city um there were a couple of skyscrapers that were built and uh they thusly were destroyed after the bomb fell um in this in the city um and they're these like enormous sort of metal that sort of like um 1950s era aesthetic of like these like huge tubes and like bright colors that have like fallen over and like destroyed way off in the distance the area you guys are heading to you guys see cars along the um along the freeway that you walk across there's giant concrete divider that goes down the middle um as you go over and it kind of like shortens out it becomes like a pretty standard two lane and it actually kind of lowers down and goes flat onto the ground um um as you guys uh continue along and you guys get to about maybe here about there um when you guys come to this huge area right here where it goes off into different exits um um different on-ramps different on-ramps and it's um and it it just becomes this jungle of concrete i know i said the same thing twice um and as you guys get here you can see a bunch of um uh uh cars and trucks and um vehicles and you can see a lot of bullet holes explosive marks and as soon and like victor gets over here and he says i don't like this you should move quietly then yeah can i make a perception joke world perception yeah yeah you can roll for something he's back to the store he's a year he came back from the gucci store [Laughter] hello welcome back my friend thanks how was how was the trip it was good i'm gonna go sleep all right oh god yeah i may or may not have told everyone you robbed a gucci store and were in prison by the canadian government because i feel like it's kind of accurate actually yeah close all right nice my sources available all right so you guys um are would you roll in your position but my passive is 13. okay did you want to roll as well oh yeah oh a man of taste over there with the yellow red bull i see nothing i rolled uh yeah um huck you only notice one thing what um kind of um in front of you you have this um this kind of like pretty straight road um uh kind of like dust on one side of like um like there's like a bit of land that meets one side and then it like cliffs off on the other um you go over like a car and you see a corpse is there anything on the corners um you go over the corpse they're wearing padded armor looks like a pretty recent kill actually there's still blood on the ground oh it's reflective and shiny there's a bullet that's clearly gone through this person's brain and you can notice another bunch of other bullet wounds that have gone through their body as well do they have like a weapon now um you go over you find um yeah you find a nine millimeter pistol on them um and as you like turn them over this is a red star oh he's dead something killed him i was going to specifically try and look to see if i could uh see people specifically red stars hidden in the area royal perception hey guys this is a red star looks like someone's on our side around here that's good or they're just killing whoever now 22. that's fine too you look around him and as you stare at the roaming highways around you you don't see anything out there it's quiet and then ahead of you there's like a couple of trucks it's like a truck a couple of cars and you don't see or hear anything instead underneath the truck you see movement of like foot foot like foot movement behind a truck like there's someone standing behind it how far away are is this truck probably about 80 ish feet 60 to 80 feet i will never get there can i keep my eye on the feeds as i like i'm not even going to like announce this at all i'm trying to pretend like i'm don't notice this necessarily okay i'm keep my eye to see if when they move i'm trying to walk forwards about 20 feet so you want to walk okay so you do get about 20 feet okay page what yep we're not here right we're over here yeah you're right there yeah okay just making sure you get forward about 20 page past me now like because i assume i went forward now paige is in front of me all right and as you do you notice that the the the feet underneath the the truck they suddenly start to flash red and then you hear and running out from behind the truck is this an enormous green creature uh you recognize immediately as a super mutant he's about eight nine feet tall looking over you chains around his body and in his hand a mini nuke glowing awesome everybody and then out from other bits of cover around the um uh the highway you guys are on you see three more super mutants pop out hunting rifles and boards ready to ambush you that's not good good dang can i make the um shoot the the case that i get advantage since i was watching those feet move and i was saying i was watching this see when they start moving sure ma'am that guy was over yep go for it in this case the enemy of my enemy is not my friend no dang it and you just hear all of these voices kind of yelling just here human nope die not over here not one of those no soul oh humans we'll tell them yeah yeah you want them dead all right dang it um sorry let me just get these real quick they are our new enemy though they are our new enemy taste still not encouraged by that extra xp how many are there sounds like four four five i think four four sorry i i misspoke there's okay four there's the there's the suicider and then there's three more the suicide is excused okay 25 to 20 to 15. uh 22. 22 of course well let me of course i i made a chart that's one to 20 and it's like of course i didn't put [ __ ] 20 to 25. um uh 20-15 17 17. uh 15 to 10 12. [Music] to win and ten to five nine yeah nine and um i'm gonna have uh uh victor roll uh billy ran off he's so scared of the super mutants he couldn't handle what a freaking [ __ ] um all right uh he ran off again okay guys you know uh a bit of the bridge underneath billy falls and he falls down into a place i'll find you guys his good luck getting him out okay um oh he's trapped let's just run and leave him for the oh yeah eden eat this guy don't you do you eat them colton's not gonna watch this whoa victor um then okay it's paige oh hello each blank [Applause] which one's the suicider yeah whoo super saiyan which was so [ __ ] scary yeah they are absolutely i'm assuming craig you can tell just by the name of the of mini nuke um yeah it's a nuclear device this big that's a just a tactical hit within like an hour it's bad it's not good no good okay so oh dad am i not part of it oh shoot that's not good um this tyler is the suicider okay okay top of the round is paige how far is the suicide from me oh let me get the map up for you guys sorry i'm taking forever here i lost the cap to this pen and i can't find it help me thank you um this is a nogu um i'm reusing a map but um instead you guys are gonna be on that side over there that's the truck that they were like hiding behind so like right here yeah and let me go ahead i was a little bit of heads in there i'm just gonna assume the corpse is like here and i'm looking at it yeah probably i see the can you see me looking out of corpse and this is five is that where i would be if i'm looking at the corpse or am i like over here that's the suicider hey jacob yes where is the corpse that i was looking at right there okay so i'm here then red is difficult train whoa i'm gonna don't be here thank you so sweet all right um paige what are you doing totally [ __ ] far away yeah yeah it's good it's good i'm gonna take out give it some time [Laughter] i'm gonna fire my laser rifle okay at the super moon suicider okay targeted attack is on nice good job yeah i figure all right give me one second i gotta calculate something real quick it's gonna do the same thing probably one of the best ways to take a suiciders yeah just aim for that bomb dude aim for the bomb it is a disadvantage for me and its target taxes lower but i still have a plus okay um yeah so the target attack is what minus three minus four minus four okay i have a plus seven so it makes it plus three in the end go forward it is within my disadvantage range yep you go for it i don't wanna wait till it's not in disadvantage because otherwise it's like right here i don't want a bomb going off in my face yep go ahead and uh roll your attack roll oh you peeking out are you the bomber i roll two thirteens two thirds both are sixteen okay that hits roll damage it's awesome do enough damage you will set off that nuke and hopefully he'll kill all of his friends everybody uh chain reactions to other vehicles and the cars blew up too did you throw a hot pleat crock pot yeah that was really good he lost his life over that he almost did yeah that's as good as that that is eight damage eight damage damn it goes right into his stamina points so uh you lowered down his stamina points he's like running and he's like dude and it's running around you what do you fire with the gossip uh no the laser laser it fires and it goes over to go right past the nuke and it freaks him out now he's like he's like panicking and running and not dodging as much you've lowered his stamina points but you haven't hit his arm okay so that's [Music] six would you say that i had to equip my weapon or not um yeah i would say you did okay then let's just stand here all right um this is um okay um one of the super mutants goes next give me one second as i'm trying to track um sp and hp here real quick how much damage you did eight eight all right uh all right um this next super mutant goes it's not the suicider though um it's gonna be that one over there is gonna go um and he pulls out his hunting rifle and he points over at page and just takes a shot i think it's disadvantage though yes he has disadvantage so he fires over at you a disadvantage he gets uh eight that will miss yeah you just you as you fire and like um you're just like trying to take out this this mini nuke um a bullet just you hear like like go right past your face and then that guy is going to run forward um i can do it actually he's going to go let me see here he goes there uh victor is going to oh we don't have money for him let me get a let me get a mini for victor zombie not this no i didn't think so i knew you didn't want that no yeah i figured um yeah let me get like a zombie i'm using a lot of zombies i should go through all of those tomorrow actually fix them again yeah there's a bunch just right there this is victor there's no uh there's no hot plate on this guy no there isn't uh put him next to alabaster and he's going to he's gonna he's gonna just yell oh [ __ ] paige has the right idea and he uh walks forward two spaces uh he'll walk forward one more because he needs to be within range and he's gonna take a shot at that super mutant's arm he meets it beats it um and he does he has two stamina points left as soon as he takes damage to his hit points on his arm that nuke goes off um he goes over and he fires 10 millimeter um and it just like goes right past his arm um huck it's your turn all right um i'm going to fire at his arm too okay minus three um yeah what are you firing it with i'm firing with my cowboy repeater at disadvantage okay go for it um that's only a seven seven that misses um you aim down the sights and you look over and you fire just just goes wide with the rest of my movement i'm gonna go is this like off over here or is this the freeway um that that's off on that side that side's off so i can go over here yeah but i would say the barrier ends um right around the edge there okay so like is that right this would be off one two three go there all right um just in case it does blow up because i can't shoot again that super mutant right there is gonna run 11 spaces closer to you one two three yep and he has a board and he's just like he's running at you sarah bella it's your turn oh no what i'm getting a little closer it's on it's on cerebella basically yeah oh yeah it is because it goes here shoot his arm off uh i can't shoot that far no i can't move that part either so um unfortunately i can shoot this guy sure i'll shoot him twice so she should be twice in his little head all right go for it where's big head what kind of size that he got so bad that'll be a uh what my [ __ ] roses are uh i believe that's a 12. a 12 hit okay oh i'm sorry so it's actually not 12 or 10. i changed everything so much now energy weapon is my arm laser an engine weapon uh yes it's an energy 15. 15 damage yes no i'm sorry 15 to hit 15 hits yeah yeah it only does two d6 plus one all right let's do those two ones so that does three hands and i'll shoot him again there's three downs uh three damage yeah go it goes into the stamina point hit uh that one won't be as bad though that would be nine nine nice yeah um he's looking pretty low on his on his stamina points as he runs over you're like firing right between he's he's dodging each shot as he's taking his board trying to get over towards either victor or or paige um and then the uh the one the one over here is going to know that one right there he's going to go to that next car forward yep right there which was one two three four five six um i would say five five that means he has exactly enough to try to shoot victor i'd say six [Laughter] he didn't crit but he would have but he just does shoot him well he didn't crit thanks we're getting all his hot pot we also get 500 xp not bad i'm okay with that i don't want him to die we should ask more people to join us tons of people i'm going to take that perk yeah you should i will say all the time all of victor's stamina points are immediately depleted it just goes right past him and he goes oh [ __ ] and uh yeah he's he's completely out of stamina um the suicider runs 11 forward but he can't do anything else he's just like this like he's like he's like about to touch down the the the nuke into the ground alabaster it's your turn back the [ __ ] off yep especially you do i have any knowledge of what the rate range radius is the radius of the of the sky yeah it's um do you watch me one second i i can tell you right now uh well i know what the fat man is because i just looked at it but yeah i have oh it's a 30 foot radius yeah that's all of us no it's not i know i show you i'm just within range so a minute is there anything over here that's like is it just what this is it's just that okay so there's no like vehicles or cars [Laughter] this is a cliff this goes 30 feet down the street you wanna go down there no there you go good job okay um i need to think really hard right here i need to get one two three are you far enough five or ten i am cause i'm not sure i'm also afraid he's he's going to have him go and then blow up the bomb yep because tyler you would live if i rolled all once i mean yeah but there's three you have time to flee right four yeah five that'd be twelve damage if i rolled out once right now that's set i have seven points left i've looked at what batman smee it's about the same forty i don't know if you wish um switch it out do you mute yourself hey guys all right you know when you just you know you inhale water yeah all the time you know when you uh cough and you cover your mouth huh huh oh what is there like pandemic or something yeah you think into my eyes i'm gonna please it's all right though put my shotgun away and pull up my sniper rifle okay sounds good i think it's going to cost me great the rest of my point well that's six right away and then three people unless you drop this i'm not dropping my okay paige it's your turn sorry i would have one point left over so i'm just gonna move over there just make sure to be out of there just really getting out of the way look over you and the super mutant is looking down at you with crazed eyes staring over you and it's like slow-mo it's like dude if i only had that perk i could ask i could offer some kind of health plan once i got out of debt yeah well hmm dental that's true like pale trauma team yep there are types of protectrons that have um have uh their medical protectrons and if you set them up to be like sentry mode they use um they use defibrillators as weapons that's awesome what a way to die clear which means we need to find one of those oh yeah dismantle him yep and then make shocking gloves yeah [Music] scream for that i can also use to shock you guys and oh yeah give us a little supercharge maybe you can work on both of you like them but also recharges batteries i mean you shoot him in his little mouth i think that's the only thing i can do because if i back up he might just blow up on him or he just is if he's running after me he just runs up and throws it in can you catch the bomb huh is the bomb gonna blow up like is it already set to blow up what or does he need to like throw it for it to blow up no he needs to slam it into the ground okay yeah so she should run forward but he might just follow he'll he can fall he can probably still throw into the ground because i have nine and he if he can move eleven yeah but has enough that probably other people's turns will be during that time and so we still have other people's turns here as well no matter what so if we try and kill him now all right he's well within range with me i'm gonna shoot him okay i'm gonna try and target attack his head okay go for it it's minus six six why is it minus six oh for the head yeah for the head we'll just miss all the time for me there's no like disadvantage or anything for shooting ranged weapons at melee distance right um i think we come on i'm kind of hoping i get a specific um you get the meltdown effect no there's a specific head effect um where he where he dies if he's not gonna die so he can get stunned for a round oh we know that's just a normal super moon this is suicider he doesn't have all the armor on that the other ones do i'll take it 10 is fine yeah because it's just 11. but i added that for their armor he specifically doesn't really wear armor i removed half damage so you don't no longer do half damage when doing a targeted attack i guess i will also try to shoot his head we shall just shoot his head just oh shoot in the head shoot him in the head 11 damage okay i don't have disadvantage he's still up i roll a d4 and he gets a one second an effect so uh two of his stamina is out so that means uh eleven minus two and then he has a doesn't have the damage threshold because he's not wearing armor so um that means it's nine directly into his hit points um and then you can roll on the effect two hold the one damn what does it do target bleeds profusely taking one d6 damage at the start of their turn until fully healed oh [ __ ] what did you shoot him with the laser rifle laser rifle so like how to like describe like how that happens oh it's this jugular so i mean i guess you could have gone for the neck but it's up to you and how it happens i would say so it wasn't like those clean this is she's having to like almost shoot right in the face so she was trying to go for the head but probably like hit the neck instead and um and it would normally cauterize the wound because it's a laser fire damage but um because it hit the the jugular yeah yeah you watches like it like the blood like blasts out and like spatters over victor and he's like ah there's just like blood everywhere she's like going down with the with the um with the mini nuke um all right your turn good turn it's on you it's on you guys whether or not i die um okay uh the super mutant um over there sees you huck and he goes all right hi any turrets um i'll give you some caps if you don't shoot me uh buy things humans hate me i'll buy for you okay he can't he can't get you with a board but he can do an unarmed attack so he runs at you and he punches him wow and he goes gonna take your eyeballs okay and he gets a 13. that'll do okay well how much does an unarmed strike do that'll do big your strength modifier is that what it is well i don't know i don't know i'm straight i don't know i don't have it on my sheet but i know that's what d d is right yeah there are weapons unarmed strike here it oh is strength it's just a strength it's just strength yeah uh okay you um so super mutants have a special ability called strong where they gain plus two to all damage with melee attacks so he doesn't have a 21 strength but he does do six damage so that goes to my stamina yeah so you he just goes and you just walked right out of the way of that it's almost just you know crunched your face it's pretty bad crunchy crunch um all right um next up is kale is victor and victor's like it's strength or jelly are you just firing panicked into the dude yeah he can make two attacks uh one hits so good so manic yeah please just die yeah the guy's got a mini nuke and he's about to spike it right in front of him we're both dead if he does he does nine damage crispy he is um what's mortal low 10 what is immortal what is which for most things is 10 below half their maximum hit points then he's mortal boom all right yeah he's he's he's mortal and victor's like if we die here i i don't know i didn't have anything cool to say get your turn i'm gonna try to shoot the big boom guy okay with my gun are you aiming for the head yes i i deny it [Music] that would be a not natural one i believe a non-natural one just a one oh so if it's not a natural one you're fine yes yep it's minus six right to shoot the head yeah yeah you like turn over over there she's just so wide like they're [ __ ] this guy's got a board the dude with the board um right there uh is going to run at victor and just click clothesline him as he runs by he's gonna go one two he's gonna spend uh five to board him well let me find out let me find out if the board is five bored because i didn't properly read it it's four let me write that in there um all right so then he goes he has one two he hits him with a board um and get in definitely hits man rest in peace victor we're going to steal that crock pot from the second you're dead victor is mortal moo he's like he's like if we die here i just want to say he just gets hit in the head she remains like and he continues running um and he goes one two and then he spends four to do that and then so he's got one two he can move five more spaces where's he going and he's gonna go towards alabaster what three four five yep he's going there frick um and then um cerebella it's your turn inside you because it was at least 10 now well it's less than 10. uh that is eight eight eight eight eight oh no not dead that's right cause i can shoot again get him in the side 18 hit yeah okay i think that's the sixth right eight you fire at his head because it's fun his brain just kind of um like cauterizes and burns and he watches the mini nuke falls onto the ground and it's still it's still like flashing but it didn't go off but it didn't go off i know megaton everybody breathes a sigh of relief um i have three points left so i'm going to recycle them okay um that super mutant right there is going to here let's see okay yeah like a century one moment that was close that was close guys bad times yeah i mean you would have also got hit by that too i just i have a lot of health yeah you have a lot of health yeah well i mean you would have left them uh four times you watches that one right there looks over at you this one right here yeah that one right there it's the deal i've done nothing there craig it would have been probably an average of 60 damage i would die yeah so but i would die yeah you're right maybe you could go for more than using the batman stats okay he goes over to his side and he's like looking at you and then he kind of looks over the other tune and he notices that that dude just died and he's like and he pulls a frag grenade and hucks it over oh no oh [Music] so instead of going 70 what's half 70 35 because 35 feet 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 okay it goes it goes right there and it just lands they can throw them up to 90 feet because of their strength explodes um wait it explodes at the start of his next turn so put the grenade there it landed there he threw it a little too early too and it's gonna explode on his next turn um and then he's going to go one two i was i think it was six to do that it was five so he's gonna go uh one two three four five six he's going that way he just in the range of his own grenade there hang on well how wide is the grenade it's it's 20 40. yeah yeah we'll go here alabaster it's your turn dead biscuit man shoot him i'm a little shooty i know it's like i need to switch my shotgun though now because somebody needs to pick up that [ __ ] new shoe man why i could do it right you know what um i'm gonna shoot the guy right in front of me okay go for it and i have a sniper rifle out so well i gotta pull it up because i don't have that in my you go i stay there because i'm pretty sure the grenade i'm trying to make the ball go yeah it's 20 40. so i'm flipping your cap and giving you disadvantage yes it might suck me sideways but you guys just move forward thankfully i gotta pick it up and run with it or i could reload run reload i mean i pick it up and you can hold six reload yeah i'm just going to shoot him again close okay go for it i think it's a 30-foot radius [Music] you're gonna use it right then yeah everybody wants this guy on me i tell victor to run disadvantaged and advantage how fun oh again dude you curry you suck a [ __ ] that [ __ ] cat has debated my existence go for it hell yeah dude i'm talking about right i flipped it over to give him disadvantage and then he flipped it right now he got advantage uh okay it's not a lot though uh so that's seven times four so that's 28 28 but with my agility as well so that's 36 36 give me a second i got to use a calculator all right 36. all right stamina points are gone some of it goes into his dt he is very hurt but not mortal so uh you clip him in his side and he ah but he just like keeps running towards you um all right uh cerebellar it's your turn oh sorry no no no no paige it's your turn bye bye all the way over there sounds good you run all the way over there is that your turn that's every single one of my action points um that one right there who's hunched over um oh no no it's that one over by huck uh he's gonna walk over towards you he's gonna spend two he's going to um that's two he's got nine that means he can board you twice and i'm gonna flip your cap he's gonna have advantage i felt so bad sounds so bad eleven that hits all right and then the uh second attack i'm just gonna do both it doesn't have advantage um that's higher than it was previously um how far can you move first attack is 13 damage six six slams um this is gonna it's gonna crack some things everyone gets all of their stamina points back as you guys watch as huck in the distance is smacked with the board you all look over and your companion is hurt huck is is hurt this is not going well you guys you guys suddenly are invigorated with inspiration as huck is going down you have to protect each other you're gonna live through this and you all regain your stamina points screw you cerebella what does that mean exactly how uh how many stamina points do you have currently well i use the not all all of mine stamina not agility oh stamina oh true you're right i'm dumb have you taken any damage to your stamina i have not have you survived well [ __ ] all y'all no i'm sorry victor gets them back he goes i'll help you out buddy don't worry that's actually really good what is this like a perk you have what is this it's called ferocious loyalty and whenever i take damage to my hit points for the first time in a combat everyone gets their stamina oh that is pretty cool um i will go ahead and make it so that you heal half your health oh that's a lot of help yeah that's healthy amounts of health it's because i'm yeah is it minimum one but i mean uh do i multiply the minus the negative during the crit i forgot my sniper rifle has minus one damage but we just rolled a crit so it was times four so is that minus four for all that damage or is it yeah the whole thing would go into my calculation sodom and minus four from that minus four i'm just going to heal him four yeah no worries because it's kind of broken is it minus one because it's decayed oh yeah sorry i think like the ability is broken i was like what's broken about you know no it's just a broken what yeah broken weapon cool um he's still not mortal okay um all right uh who's going what was i doing you did uh the guy before victor's turn he hit me with the board twice yeah did you take the thirteen yes okay you that was just one attack right the second attack is uh 12. i'm unconscious oh [ __ ] really you guys watch as huck do you have dt [ __ ] dt no i'm at four hit points well dt only applies when you take your uh tf how much dt do you have two what both of those were to your hit points yeah okay just making sure dt only applies to your points but i'm pretty sure you know that yes i i cool you reduced my stamina and my hit points yeah hits you twice you're not really feeling good you're you're feeling sparky and i'm boomy and boomy um all right uh victor goes um i'm yelling at him to run uh he runs one one space this way this way yep he picks up the mini nuke oh my gosh and then he goes one two three he no he's going to he's going this way this way oh is he going to throw it off the yes he's like going that way to throw it to throw it that way yep one two three four five six seven that's it back one no back one more that's it you can't throw it um he's out of ap okay he's fine oh no no he's not 60 40. he's actually pushed into it i was gonna say what's he doing he's picked it up he's running with it oh no how is he just dumb yeah yeah he's sorry what do you think he's getting he's put us in rings it's gonna blow and now it's gonna blow him up okay sorry not he's not keeping in range about you guys he knows you're in range of it the grenade he would just stay out of so push him one more that way one more back so this way i think it's still back one yep he's still in range in other words what it looks like he's doing is he's grabbing the nuke and running towards us yeah yeah so here here is he on our team what type of grenade is that it would be better for him to run this way yeah i understand one two three four five six is it a frag grenade five ten fifty twenty i think so he's out of range of the grenade guys it's 20 40 isn't it it's no it's 2010 it's 30 yeah he's outside of it we may have been fighting previously actually i was jimmy oh there we go he's just just we are just getting the range of the nuke it's my turn because 5 10 15 20 25 30. yep yes so we're just out of range um i'm gonna shoot this guy she is just out of range of connect yeah i've been so nervous about what the frick dude shoot victor stupid idiot 18 18. yeah um 18 to do what just shoot that guy yeah roll roll roll uh damage all right i will um [Music] that's eight damage all right that's uh his stamina points are out how much ap is it to use a robot repair kit um same as a stim pack i believe it's 6 ap oh really let me look it up i should have looked that up before i don't think a robot repair kit is an item yet no it's not but um i haven't added it uh it's pretty much some pack stacks yeah i got that five ap to use again five ap all right um it heals you um sorry let me look real quick my healing rate your repair rate i believe well yeah yeah you heal hp equal to your healing rate um your repair it so yeah how far down is the drop um 30 feet 30 feet okay that would kill me um jump okay you watch his hawk jumps heroically to safety and then scatters into a million pieces everywhere uh let's return oh you just run away all right cool well i did damage to him yeah yeah you moved that's what i meant to say not run away like a coward um oh i am bleeding out um yeah that one right there is going to uh fluid you guys are kind of cornered in there he puts away his board he's awfully close to you you're a and he's too dumb to realize that the mini nuke is right behind him he can tell you just shoot him and pull everybody up but um see how it goes uh he does he does have a gun one two three he's more trustworthy than his strength he's gonna he's gonna go uh all the way up to you two and melee with both of you i don't know how much that costs him yeah one two three four five five um so he then so it's five he can he can only do one board attack um you hit him pretty hard alabaster he's going for you that's fine uh you know what i'm gonna flip that cap over and get advantage oh not a crit but my luck at 18. but but in 18 plus seven so you did get a crit no i didn't get a [ __ ] oh they said you got a crit but an 18 you know it's not a good but it's a 25. gotta go um yeah i don't care um jacob yes can i use my cap to give someone disadvantage on attacking me um no okay just checking eight damage yes f i'm worried maybe though i'll think about that one i'm gonna say no for now but maybe in the future um okay cerebelle uh can you move me just one heck this way yep and i'm gonna throw which is a 11 for the first on that guy over there yes that guy um 11 on the front let me double check here just go through explosives i'm sure you're fine typically r um it is uh 11. um yep let's redesignated and it's molotov explodes where you want i'm gonna do my second one uh that is less than that that is uh a nine on that one hey you're still good okay uh you'd have to roll below five foot to go half the distance okay uh and yeah just to make sure that i'm keeping track you'd have to roll one for it to just go oh that's good okay um [Laughter] 25 on the first 25 damage on the first yeah on on that one right there and then that'll be oh that's even better that's nearly 30 across the line he's gone he's dead that's nice you the first one hits me and then second one is him and he just falls to the ground he's just burning until he just stops moving and he's dead go ahead and remove that one over there get some xp on this very cool all right i think it was out of top molotov only had 10 to start with i guess yeah something i had that was two or three and um the super mutant over there is gonna go one one two three three left four he's gonna look at victor and shoot him in the leg probably make some more we gotta find some should we find some booze somewhere or how many have it so our bella killed the one that was after you with fire yeah for you or have a gift of fire where's that three left though so i've downloaded a couple times craft they're cheap victor um is shot in the leg but he moves to the side and goes straight to into his stamina points nothing happens to him and he's like ah [ __ ] he's um alabaster it's your turn uh shotgun i know yeah for real i'm gonna i am gonna drop the sniper rifle okay put it on the ground whip out my shotgun right up on this guy and just blast him go for it that's our blind blast oh yeah that's good i'm having some good rolls is that donation 3d6 i believe 36 okay three six on that shotgun and all really low rolls one and a two nice man we said that too early that's two four six damage six damage i guess unfortunately he takes cost me three to switch weapon five to shoot that's eight only leaves me four action points left you fire him he kind of goes into his side a bit but he kind of absorbs most of it especially action points is it to punch somebody uh three can i just shoot him and then i almost imagine you fire and then you with the god yes sir yeah i would yeah that's awesome which turn is it yours all right i was just trying to figure out where you were can i aim for his head like you want yeah would this be considered a melee weapon attack it is a no it's an unarmed strike okay it doesn't matter the same bonus either one i'm not sure my rules are that good i might just go for regular just just not aiming for anything okay that's tuscari real or high risk high reward higher sky reward you have been rolling well ah screw the same for his head you can also use the cap though i know i feel like i used it all the time that's true about it look how pretty this is good for this guy's head that cap roll so many crits i did no crit no no girl but i got a 14. yeah all right sweet and what is it just one d4 oh 1d4 plus your strength i got it right here yeah okay no just uh uh your unarmed strike just deals your strength modifier damage minimum one your eyes is right here unarmed and mainly attacks deal one d4 plus you are totally right it does say that right there where i'm looking at the same page that you're looking at hey all right that's not bad man that's uh that's five damage okay and then roll 1d4 for the for the um in fact effect effect sorry oh four like a bunch of teeth come out and his lip kind of tears off and he's like oh cause he looks at you there's a minus two to charisma hey how do you get severe injury severe injury if you bring them to zero oh okay okay okay okay okay got it oh darn he's got a minus two to his charisma now no okay sometimes it's not always good i know that's what i was hoping for yeah i know because christmas currently one just wanna let you know they have a three and a half this is not good back on the head and be like you ugly yes actually actually yes kill him with his cr yeah this is like it's just like you just your personality is going to become like a vegetable i mean they say the hospitals people who have a positive attitude he'll recover faster he's just so depressed that his injuries are just so much more severe he's just like he just lets the room soak in you know just really that's so funny i damaged him on the outside but what really hurt him was on the inside yeah i think you convinced jacob that that's how that works yes um no he's not he has a one he's not he doesn't have a zero dude no sorry just kidding paige it's your turn psych um i guess i'm gonna blast this guy that's right in front of me go for it dr alabaster's miners in psychology oh yeah wasteland psychology wasteland psychology there's a lot of depression out here yeah i'm gonna shoot for the head too i'm giving you disadvantage and flipping that cap okay that's a badass hit the cap again just flips it back up oh um that is a three what are you shooting flipped the cap the uh there's a rifle just like he said [ __ ] like it's like this alabaster hits him in the head and you're aiming for the head and it just you're like damn it sorry about that um victor is going to run all the way to the edge he can make it oh i was gonna and he takes the mini nuke and he hucks it over the side and you guys watch as it kind of he hugs it that's pretty good you guys see the t the top of a mushroom cloud just kind of like grace the top as much of smoke hits him in the faces he doesn't take radiation oh billy wasn't down there um and a golf club lands in the asphalt oh jeez suddenly got smarter too you know when like in in fallout when people die and it's bloody mess and they just like they just turned into a bunch of bits with billy it's golf balls i'm gonna choose the whole book bag i'm going to shoot that guy that's uh pestering my friends all right go for it pestering yeah i think that grenade went off i don't think it matters oh yeah it was supposed to do that it goes off and it doesn't matter everybody's outside of it i got a nine a nine yeah a nine misses [ __ ] if i had my other gun off so much shot twice wow yeah well that'll that'll do that'll be my turn oh that'll do kind of joining in on the fight over here turns around no he doesn't have frag grenade that's the other guy that has those he doesn't have any he just wax paint with a board okay oh he has two actually so he's going to whack both of you he's going to do like wets two boards that's infection my friend he goes up to you and he takes his board and as he goes down to hit you you like i almost imagine you instinctively like to block like hold up your laser rifle and he hits it and the board snaps in half and he's like and then he punches you um uh with a 14. i just now touches him uh punch his page he rolled a natural one and broke his board oh oh a poor guy that happens um drink your board break your wood yeah break your wood working that one can happen nine damage you really can't oh [ __ ] one two three he's like punched you in the face can you move me watch me like i don't understand that do you know what i need it myself because i made it you gotta check that out [Laughter] oh do you want to aim for the head no okay i'm giving you disadvantage because i'm gonna flip your cap okay nobody heard the road the first world was probably the worst yep probably was uh 11. damn it you still hit real damage oh you're shooting man what the [ __ ] is this i gotta get rid of these dogs uh 11 11 damage on that guy right there yeah he is mortal i'm gonna shoot him again all right look at this oh oh nice nice good man that's a lot like a 21 21 yeah the [ __ ] bolt dice like this that's that's 11 again you fire into him and uh hits him in the back and he starts to glow and he glows and he becomes red and he's ah and he turns into dust oh i know that's possible yeah yeah very cool oh that guy right over there he hammer dice they're hard to look wait so you just killed this guy right yeah that guy's down that guy is just dust that one um right there that is in front of victor is like all right he's a big ugly friend just come on and kill me i'm right here and then it looks over at him he looks over humans and he goes oh [ __ ] and he pulls out a grenade and he throws one over at you too at us yeah oh you freaking turd man is that a crit right now no it doesn't wait until the end of his next turn it explodes now oh that's worse wow that is worse that's gonna hurt i hate it thank you am i range no i'm not freaking dang dude uh who's within 30 feet of um a dead guy out of the dead guy yeah that's where he threw it well technically me because i would have been three feet to actually 30. okay so it's the second blast zone yes i'm definitely this is not a mini nuke that is true that's very that's very good it could have been worse this is not great but true you both take 19 damage oh wow 19 uh explosives here okay and you take eight so i take three and that goes into our stamina prince as well so wait wait what so it's eight oh that plus two damage threshold only applies when you're mortal oh that's okay i'm sorry that's right sandwich how much uh just add two more um uh the two of you are also both deafened what exactly you got it um you are deaf or um what is your endurance modifier my endurance modifier is two two so uh you are definite for two rounds what's yours what's yours uh my endurance modifier yeah uh minus two so you're different for six rounds um not really though right what what no what tell me now i i've been sworn to secrecy you [ __ ] you [ __ ] uh yeah all right alabaster it's your turn what all right uh it's uh is it my turn yet i don't know maybe you just watch that grenade goes off your ears are ringing oh paige is unconscious do i see the pages on the ground yes um it was not a mine so you didn't lose a body part you're built you're you're spider-man you're an explosion in his face yeah can you move how much ap does it cost me to use my first eight ability six whoa expensive i was three last time maybe not so i convinced you a five because using a chem is even less and you're using the first aid kit you're taking it no not a first aid kit my ability i have the first aid perk where i can just lay on hands and be like ah heal you yeah it's a stem pack is just okay what you're doing is you're literally treating wounds fair enough fair enough [Music] do you have a stim pack yes i do i have a lot of stuff didn't you take the perk that lets you heal more too yeah just saying i know i know we can let me die and you can have a lot i have to really you guys are true though you guys well you would make a new character at least [Music] like he's about to lean over the heel and people over here [Music] yeah and you're like oh i have solar powered for some reason i'm gonna take a glance down the page and be like i think i think you could probably survive a little bit longer i think should be all right um what a game and uh gosh dang it man it's the uh your companion needs help it's like a guy over there needs to die yeah i'm now going to drop my shotgun and then just pull out my revolver drop the shotgun on the page so it doesn't get hurt yeah i'm like drop it on his head i'll place the shotgun down and pull the revolver and start shooting the baddie a ways away gosh dang i think they're out of range though 10 15 20 25 30 30 40 40 50. 50 feet yep dang this disadvantage yeah whatever i i it only cost me five so i'll just shoot twice okay and just reminder everybody does you have plus one to your death saving throws because of her lovely do you have a negative luck at all no okay well that's good ah what'd you get number one oh that's cool your uh your gun uh malfunctions a little bit and a piece falls off of it as it delays by one and you can flip your cap back over so it now has one one condition uh yeah decayed by one level great flip this over okay shoot it again shoot again with advantage yeah be a disadvantage that's a normal rule that's why i don't want to until the day yes come on whoops all right all right 17 17 hits 17 hits damn that's not a lot of damage this stupid gun let me find that okay real quick what's up um it's was it pristine it was pristine so it's that condition minus one damage minus one damage scuffed up uh all right six damage hi man all right on the mac dude over there goes right into his um into his stamina points and then i have three ap left or she's gonna have two ap left okay uh is it possible for me to drop to the ground and like get behind the mutants like the body use it as cover yeah um i believe cover costs one let me find out uh take covers three sorry oh never mind what mm-hmm um you can recycle one though for that next one all right uh let me get my tail light here all right paige roll a secret save yeah and have a plus one they sleep on the chairs at night so i think they're like ready for bed makes sense you like to blend in what was that face what about this huh it's a page dyed face yeah i have a crock pot on you so you can't die you're getting anything on the level we're gonna get that crock pot that's a cool drawing i just gotta say yeah wow that was awesome wow okay still deaf unfortunately yeah that's okay you're shocked on your head [Laughter] uh okay do your death stage at the end of your turn and start your turn oh that's a good thing or is it different it would be well if it was dnd rules when you started your turn yeah when you could you all right you can take it and come back go for it do it do it do it you want yeah you won't take your turn take advantage of things you can do in this game paige is just like i'll just stay here yeah you should pretend to be dead i'll just roll off the bridge how how much is it to pull out then pack and use it uh nine not yeah five yeah oh i will use a flat i know you're pulling it out but it's it's just five to use it yeah okay i will do that uh he'll feel equal right let me with six earlier um and that'll be the end of my turn i'm just gonna let's lay on the ground establish almost i'm recycling two action points how much do you heal uh i heal five thanks all right go get back up to six cool all right um victor uh he's gonna unload on this on this you do it victory kill him um i hit twice q um and i think completely depleted those um exactly depleted the stamina points so bloodied um and then he's going to move three spaces back here we go wait hang on he shot twice he can't do that let's put him back i will i'll shoot at that guy with disadvantage because okay i can do nothing else oh that was a 17. so 17. 17 is going to hit um man it rolled up there onto a 20. look at it it's cocked though no it's not yes it is for more i'm looking it is but it's not it's on its side yeah well [ __ ] you eight eight damage yes all right minus two because it was dt so you did cx you don't have to you want you don't want me to tell you that when that happens no i don't all right i won't i'll just keep saying i just want to think that you fire over you hit him um and into this what keep it safe yeah keep it secret don't keep them safe keep that dt sequence um cerebellum i'm always surprised it's my turn to be going already um it makes me happy because i like combat to try to be fast to get to everybody's turns really quickly so everybody's like oh me i'm like good you weren't waiting for it that's great uh i got him really then now we have no idea what the [ __ ] we're doing yeah that's true [Music] [Music] hmm do nothing oh yes it is follow three cycle five points all right waiting three molotoks all right uh the super mutant is going to oh no it doesn't have much yes you're right it is weird like 5 10 15 20 25 30 30 40 45 50. he can shoot alabaster scream another grenade here you go what's his name i want to hit it i want to get it back with my shotgun it's like a baseball bat um you can actually do that if it lands um on the ground it doesn't detonate you can throw it back that's just a really um catnip wi-fi five ten fifteen twenty twenty five thirty thirty five forty sorry for just that right now yeah he's gonna move how it works uh two one of the diagonally one yep two and then three and then that's all right you can go two more actually two more forward and then shoot you and victor's just like hey dick adam right here like he goes forward and he fires at um at alabaster oh you have a you have a flip cap i'm gonna have advantage go for it i feel like this one is like one of them like old master super mutants like he has slightly more intelligence yeah he's not screaming at all he kind of knows what he's doing yeah i feel like yeah um 15. this deep lore with different types of spoons 16 damage you still alive nope oh no and you watch as the super mutant kind of like sees you go down and you watch there's there's just like this this this kind of like the satisfaction like on his face as he kind of goes over and like continues to make his way over um alabaster it is your turn go ahead and roll secret death saving throw you can add plus one from huck's party nerf yep look at me down to 20. and just you can message it to me if you want um all right paige it's your turn does that mean you can't get an actual one i would yes you still can okay yeah yeah you still can roll a natural one no you can get you can't get two you can only get three i got really cool abilities if you ever rolled it if you ever hold a nine it would be a ten so you still have better odds of staying up i'm can i shoot at this guy without standing um can you shoot at that guy without standing just stay prone yeah um yeah you have disadvantage okay let me double check actually if that's actually a thing let me look at pro there's disadvantages the creature has disadvantage on attack rolls okay then i am going to stand up all right it caught i don't know how how much it costs to stand up stand up from cronus five five ouch so i have nine i recycled two that means i have 12 that means i have seven because i stood up you do you have nine normally normally yes you recycle two so you have 11 yes so then he spent five left six so six okay he has to shoot and just enough to shoot because mine is six so um i will fire most weapons are no more than are typically five to six it's a really fast weapon if it's four okay and then only like really really quick things are three it all right well fire and it's not within disadvantage range thankfully i'm just gonna fire and i'm not targeting okay just shoot him here we go okay um 24. 24 hits you never hit zero huh no you two hit zero though yeah extra xp 11. 11 damage hurt mortal mortal which is half hp so really it's like 25 ish um okay uh is that your turn page there's my turn all right victor is going to turn at this dude pull out his combat knife and attack him twice he eats them twice yes give me combat knife damage keel he might actually good my axe is my bunchy i take that when i walk oh [ __ ] some good damage oh well not if he rolls once what if he didn't roll once what if he rolled a bunch of sticks we did 11 damage minus four because it's two attacks and he has dt's of seven um he's not dead yet he goes over he's like slices into him the super mutant looks like it barely even takes it and at this moment you guys really see except for you um truly tough these creatures are he just he just buried a bowie knife like into him and the super mutant just shrugged it off um alabaster it is uh not your turn it is huck's turn what's up talking about how i would kill any of you with a bowie knife oh yeah soup right now i'm going to attack him with disadvantage i love all of you dearly but i would bury a bowie knife in your chest to have french onion soup right now i miss uh iron yes that's fahren 100 yeah once next game oh no um cerebellum uh can i move you can uh oh well done sir they're there one of those oh you're you need to turn yourself right no i'm not gonna blast this way all right you stand as your one yeah uh that is 13. 13. yay sir is that one attack that's one his d he has currently has 11 health his his uh dt is two so that's enough to kill him so how do you kill him uh i think i like the little thing really vaporized cool yeah on this one as well as he kind of goes over he is sidelined by you two attacks go into him you watch his body just like just like thanos just begins to get dusted away as he turns into like this uh like this red sort of uh uh energy sort of exploding out and uh his weapons and stuff fall onto the ground and he's gone um you guys are still in combat though because you should be honest um so we'll just keep going here uh weapons of destruction alabaster roll another save and uh paige it's your turn plus can i look over alabaster's body to see if he has a stim packer on him he does you go over and you find one okay you stand back on them don't take it and you like um thurman come to life but what's your healing rate something yeah yeah nice um what's your feeling right six all right you heal six health and you guys are out on that oh that i feel like i'm like that's you i tossed the empty stim practice like i really felt like crap you told me well no i i don't say that yeah you're deaf you guys can't hear each other when you you see his mouth move and that just smells like something just goes oh that really felt like crap oh you had like one round left so it's like immediately like your sound your hearing is coming back you have to wait like 30 more seconds yeah everyone okay huh are you okay hey okay i'm good victor uh you guys get billy's dead 310 xp nice snap oh new monsters hang on an extra 50. so 360. so that's five that should be 401 huh we're all at 141 sorry so 360 be 440 plus 60. that would be 501 that's why obviously i'm gonna say five five one we're already halfway to another level guys we just killed victor no no we're doing man no witnesses hey can i look he's near the edge if we just shove him over the hole that billy fell through did he die to that bomb you look down you just see like a crater and you see like coming out from under a car you guys good yeah what the [ __ ] guy i i'm trying to find a way around i'm really sorry there's a lot of a lot of cars looks like there's an elevator right there okay that's a slab a concrete hook i don't think that's like i don't think you know that looks like an elevator to me it's not that's not an elevator did you try behind it you know i'll go look i'm gonna use my first date ability on myself all right go for it i definitely need that sweet um how does paige look did she look pretty beat up too um on a scale from one to eleven nine specifically eleven nine clean stamina points i'm at a six right so you're fine if somebody said on a scale of one to ten i'm out of six i'd be like uh you're all right more or less i'm about half are you are you sure you're half i mean you look like you're fine to me on a scale of doesn't seem like you really one to 15 not including oh you know the other 15. you look the crap beating out of you yeah yeah i uh why don't i take a look at you there was like sparks and like live wires on the outside i tried to rip my eye out and i'll do first aid and use water all right cool what do i get mike what is your repair rate four plus four so eight yeah thank you to everyone i can do it once pretty much once a day i can do it and then i can't do it again to you until after you've completed uh since you have hit points you can actually do it to yourself and then it says after it just said after resting does that mean for a short rest any after any after any rest yes even if it's just a short run oh yeah that's awesome you guys are several times a day so right now my first day will heal your guys's healing rate and then i have efficient diagnosis it should be sleeping for humans it should be rest for them so after an hour for them short rest for you guys it would be like a long rest maybe six hours okay so okay so who do you do the healing on that i i did it both on them i'll do it on youtube heal you up all right for sure sure oh so i can do whenever i heal you guys you get your healing rate and now i have efficient diagnosis so now you heal one extra per your level no holy crap everybody heals an extra four from it yeah so what's your repair rate you might want to actually hold on to that not just for me just in case we get a fight later on or something we don't get a chance to sleep because i'm all right that's a lot of hit points and i'm wasting a lot of help oh yeah like how what is your repair with that that would be i heal 13. holy crap yeah because it's one per level i have right uh what level you have you know whatever level you have so whenever whenever i heal people it's always like their stuff like whatever your healing rate is mine's five plus four oh shoot so you can have a healing that's crazy well how much are you down right now five oh yeah i'm looking at you like you're good i don't know of one to 48. i'm 43. i'm marginally i'm still yeah yeah my healing rate's five so yeah you killed nine that's good i like that yeah there you go you're good you fix everybody up i still have i'm still a little broken but i mean do you i don't i guess never mind my victory is like can you look at me yeah i can't fix ugly oh yeah you need some all right no problem i uh yeah i try to pitch you what hurts um what did he get hit with oh the grenade i think the grenade got him and what hit him it was bullets like my legs yeah that's what you say but i mean i'm the doctor i'll figure it out all right then i'll heal him up thanks feels better [Laughter] and then we shoot them in the head looking at you i can tell your muscle enzymes look at him yeah he's not have to you're fold to a guy to a guy no what do these guys have on them uh they uh so a that kind of board broke i'm checking out this dude right here this freaking turd in a dress i'm gonna go over and find um a hunting rifle with two levels three levels of decay oh um yes oh i'll look at this i find two hundred rivals one hunting rifle with three levels of decay oh that's horrible and yet he did a lot of damage yeah he did so much damage freaking buffalo imagine if it was pristine yeah dead dead bird um one bird where the [ __ ] is the ammo um why didn't i look at what a hunting rifle does uses use 308 i think it does sounds like you're right big boy you probably nothing but a loincloth doesn't indeed use the relays my business oh my gosh and hmm a super stim peck oh sweet i think he didn't use that um that guy has nothing on him because he didn't have grenades and his board broke so he's a broken board so if you want a broken board turn it into wood yep it's one would might as well just do that um the one that you're the one with the mini nuke nothing and the one over there huck um has uh a board and a hunting rifle with three levels of decay and two packs of 308. does anyone need this 308s a hunting rifle and all of them have uh have uh leather armor on them um you can scrap the leather armor on them if you want for two leather i will take two other first so like the one right here has it as well so you can get my leather if you want it um we can also scrap that gun as well for sure couple parts how many packs of uh three weight did you get two if you notice on the on the thing tyler you can um you can yeah okay there's certain things you can scrap it for it um i know i saw any screws yes 14 packs of 308 i think that's the only one really steel um any weapons all these screws okay you scrap for some screws cool um you're going to get the gun first how much does a board give you one one i'll take it should really weigh more because that doesn't make sense but we'll keep it for now one load we'll say you like don't take the whole board you guys just like scrap down pieces of it to get one piece i'm what i'm trying to build doesn't he's gonna need that much wood anyway fair enough i need like baby wood take some baby wood baby wood that one's yummy yeah so is there anything else you guys do i want to roll this guy off of the bridge oh and since i'm going to say you guys spit oh no it takes an hour to get your things back you want to roll that guy off the bridge the guy that i'm next to you yeah you go over and you roll him off the bridge and you watch hey billy watch us you watch it he looks up he watches the um the super mutant's body uh tumbles off the side his arms uh uh spinning over one another as he goes down and he he doesn't hit anything on the way down but um as he goes it like hits the bottom but then he like bounces and like continues further down into the highway falling like 80 feet until smash splattering like onto the ground and billy goes like this that's for you you have any luck getting up here billy pulls up a comically large ladder and climbs up it you found that he says where are you keeping it no it was open pocket what what oh you killed the super mutants good job you knew about them i saw you finding them i hate you [Laughter] he from there all right let's get out of here billy found a really big ladder he looks back at it and it crumbles and falls apart he's like oh dang it well destroyed you really are lucky sure i have a plus like four and everything just because of pure luck bastard i just think it's so funny that billy can like lock pick things um hack computer terminals just like by pushing random buttons or even just crafting just like billy could you make a bomb and he's like i think it goes like this oh i did it just guess i'm here you guys continue down the highway making your way towards the hospital you actually make it across the highway and do make it there you find an off ramp go over and you see the enormous hospital before you it's um it's about three stories it's not like a huge like skyscraper or anything and it has all these turns and different um off buildings and whatnot and you've got the front doors that are right in front of you small steps that go up to the front of it uh you guys have discovered the hospital so you guys get 50 more xp yeah and i think it has a name let me double check bakersfield general uh nope just hospital ruins like that's the actual name of the hospital yeah even before the fallout they were like yeah yeah like an ominous name for a hospital yeah no we started building it and then lost funding so yeah yeah coming to traction all right what do you guys do is there like any signs of life nope head inside then i guess all right you guys head inside you just open the doors and as soon as you do the entire party stands there the front entrance the light kind of beaming in behind them as you load your gun and step in this dark hallway of the lobby of this hospital opens up before you you can see like this hospital is very clearly in a panic and a mess when the bombs dropped there are like stretchers everywhere you can see skeletons um and you can see like blood around the place too like maybe there was a battle here at some point as you step in look around you can see some pretty fresh corpses as well a few red stars even a super mutant or two as you look around the dark hallways of this lonely hospital you hear what sounds like the rolling of wheels from another hallway and turning around the corner is a bright red light as this enormous robot with three sort of tank legs and a metal grate for a face and two chain guns on its side turns and just goes intruders that's where we're gonna end tonight dang it you piece of crap thanks everybody for joining us for tonight's game fallout zero we will be back next time where the party is gonna die oh we're not gonna play for like a month actually probably we might play uh next on on the 11th but i don't think we will because somebody wants to go to disneyland apparently sorry you should go you should definitely go yeah marshall won't be here oh okay fine we will we won't be playing for like a month which sucks but um yeah we'll see you guys next time here um on our cane arcade where i will probably upload the podcast tomorrow because i forgot to do it this week so yeah thanks for finishing that craig all right uh we'll see you guys next time thanks everybody for joining and that's the end of the stream bye let me check something actually yeah might want to pre-record no okay so what did you not did you not do it why didn't you do it i'm looking at i'm looking at like our uh our next month we gonna begin oh you
Channel: Arcane Arcade
Views: 37,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeon and dragons, 5e, game, live, play, funny, characters, players, monster, idea, inspiration, rpg, dm, how to, pre written, xp to level 3
Id: rLdfCwjjfUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 44sec (12764 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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