The XboxEra Podcast | LIVE | Episode 130 - "Merged Entities and Partial Foreclosures"

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your ass today it's all about me it's all about this the next show let's Rebrand it uh the show it was last week it was the Nick show I'm before we get into what we've been playing and other things I was secretly kind of glad I missed last week's show because as soon as I saw that Mario movie trailer and you do not have my permission to rant about it for any additional amounts of time no I don't know but I was like he's gonna go off on one on that show like I'm so glad I'm glad that I listened to it I could see Soul Blazers slowly dying inside so yeah it was fun it was fun uh we've got Jessie here as well in the background making things hello um and we're going to do things a little bit differently today we'll still start the normal way we're still going to start yeah then there'll be an exciting moment um video games lots of drama this week but before we get into that been playing anything new uh uh I was I downloaded scorn have not started it yet apparently according to XBox error it's not the best game it's it's allegedly quite divisive I um I've played it for about 10 15 minutes and uh you know graphically it looks it's it's very pretty and if you really love Geiger I get it okay but everything else was just felt very Bare Bones and honestly I got to the first puzzle and I was like okay these rails can be moved I can spin this stuff I can move this thing I've got to get up this elevator and I was just like just oh I've got to go back up there and you know trial and error and figure this bit out I was just I just I just it's short isn't it it's pretty yeah it's only five hours I'll probably go back you know if you know what to do you can beat that game in two hours and 15 minutes wow the achievements easy no you have to well I mean you do the entire game you'll probably get 10 of them there's only 11. some can be missed but they're not too bad all right so I might I might guide it I might just play the whole thing with a YouTube guide open to the side and just go through it to get the Thousand then if that's the case but yeah it's divisive a bit divisive that review right yeah well I think I think us and VGC with those games there was four there was four of that or below there was a bunch of fives and then there was like a bunch of pizza names for people who just really like horror and Geiger yeah yeah I didn't I wonder how much the visual style played a role in those scores um I don't know well it's interesting I'm not going to name other reviews right but I read a couple and they were very much like the looks the feel the atmosphere yeah and then like the short paragraph that vaguely touched on is there an actual game to play here played a role in those scores which probably quite a bit I've never been a fan of like graphics I don't know the visuals they're not the least important thing but I don't know they've always been right down the totem pole for me in terms of what's important like and we've had this discussion to death about how most of the biggest games in the world aren't the best looking ones like Minecraft like Roblox like fortnite like I mean fortnite is still a great looking game in its own way don't get me wrong but yeah it's just I don't know but speaking of uh Graphics above all I did finally beat The Last of Us Part Two did you love it um nope but I will say I'm doing my and I tweeted this out I'm doing my trophy run where I want to just clean up now and get all the trophies and get the Platinum and I've switched on basic what is ostensibly god mode so unlimited ammo Unlimited crafting unlimited uh what's it called The Vision thing you have um all this stuff so I've basically turned on God mode and it makes the game so much more enjoyable like it's kind of like tunic yeah it's so much better once you turn on God mode in The Last of Us Part Two and I've been skipping all the cutscenes of course so the game but I I will say it's funny someone on Twitter was telling me how the second half of the game is much better than the first which I did notice through my first playthrough but then playing through it again now I notice it even more the first half of the game it really goes out of its way to slow you down and just waste your time with the second half the Abbey half really really picks up like it's the The Abbey half is far far better than the alley half but um yeah so finally beat that and thanks to console sharing I've got Last of Us Part One to go through and I'll have God of War Ragnarok in a few weeks to play nice nice so yes it can't be bad I I've been cleaning up um jumping back into Lego brick Tails um which add the review for it dropped was it Tuesday this week yep um so I wasn't really allowed to talk about it much uh last episode or the episode before even um but they gave they gave me a good chunk of time with that um that's a really lovely little game I've played it on the iPad yeah uh wait are you thinking Builders yeah something you build this journey sorry Builder's journey is brilliant I love Builders Journey but this is this is very much about building and yeah it's also got like some platforming stuff in there like in terms of going around and finding solving puzzles and all via building things of course but it's also got some little metroidvania type hints where you've got different powers and then you can go back into the original levels and finals all these new routes and unlockables and it's just a very nicely made Lego game um yeah that I I quite enjoyed quite enjoyed it um have a pretty Stern hand on the on the rudder yeah uh for these Dev teams definitely I I find that all the Lego games regardless feel very tight and Polished and just nice if that makes sense they just feel very very polished all of them I would say it's good that you know as much as Travelers Tales Lego games are insanely popular and great fun and full to the brim of content it was really nice to play a Lego title that focused on what Lego actually is and not on the IP on which we're gonna make a Lego game over like Star Wars or Harry Potter or whatever um so there's less combat and you know automated building where you just hold a button and the building goes and it was more like build this bridge it's going to be structurally sound and you're like huh okay and you you have to test it and redo it it was it's it was Zen the only problem is the controls were a bit iffy um in terms of placing blocks yeah and and I would say for younger players like if you're a parent listening to the show or watching the show today and you're thinking oh Lego game with building I'll get that for my five-year-old six-year-old uh my son is eight uh he's pretty clever love you boy um but he he he's a good chat but he he struggles right and there are even I got to certain points where I was like oh come on like you get a set amount of objects and you've got to find your way to like four different Bridges and it's all got to connect and it's all going to be structurally sound it's like oh it gets tricky um so yeah and they're noticing why I keep looking off to the right it's because I've actually got the show on inside here for once so I can actually see you the footage that was just on screen that water puzzle like I only could include a small clip of it but honestly two hours of various builds trying to capture all these water physics and eventually I've got one and every time I ran the simulation one little water pellet was just like just on the ring it didn't count as complete I was like are you kidding me um yeah fun but it's a good game I would recommend just be wary of of younger Minds trying to grip battle with that control setting and system and stuff uh it's funny you say that you know what my son started playing I know this is supposed to be about us but it was just totally random I had no idea he did it and that's the beauty I guess of Game Pass and game sharing and stuff out of nowhere I'm watching my son play some gaming I didn't know what it was he's like oh it's a zoo game it's like what oh let's build a zoo no so I press his X I go press your Xbox button so he presses the Xbox button he was playing Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Edition oh wow like what he just passed he just downloaded it on his own started playing it and he's sitting there building a zoo mucking around driving the buggy around I was like I'm weirdly proud of him that he just wow but did that all on his own he'll be proud of my son I know it's not I know it's not the first one but he came to me today he's like Dad can you check your phone I was like it's like I really want to play it I was like you really Titanfall 2. oh yeah and I was like what are you doing the campaign and he went I want to play with Aiden online it's his cousin I was like hmm okay Aiden's holding you he's gonna kick your ass but okay I thought it was broken as well I was like are you sure that's still up and working I know it was hacked before one I don't think is anymore Titanfall 2 was hacked for a while but I think they've gone back and fixed it for the most part okay okay well I'll let him I gave him permission uh because from memory there wasn't any Gore in any particular way no not really not super bloody or anything no so but yeah that's that's gonna be a Titan and punch people into a bunch of Red Mist ah Red Mist Smith hey it's not gonna warp any children's Minds I've got some whopping movie and TV tangents for you guys today as well but let's not do that now let's do something crazy let's do something crazy and uh let's hit the rumor mill button Rumor Mill yes right now [Music] you know they may not come true [Laughter] the Xbox error podcast is not responsible for websites presenting these rumors as facts uh yes we're going a bit early so there is a reason we're going early and I hope I don't even know if he's watching because I haven't seen him in the chat we've gone a little bit earlier with the Ruby Mill because Tom Henderson doesn't want to be up all night uh because normally we have the rumor mill at the end of the show so a while back we had the rumor mill with Battlefield 42 where we collaborated with Tom We've ran some stuff by him and he did an article we did the rumor mill we're doing that again um because they're about a year ago there was a bit of a data mine slash leak for a new crew game what was believed to be the crew 3 uh at the time it was called I want to say it's called project Orlando um and I I think Tom was the first uh he just abused me in this chord by the way uh and Tom Tom was I believe the first to like report on the project Orlando leak in the last few weeks I got a whole bunch of stuff about this thing that I had never heard of at the time uh which is believed to be a new or the new crew game info was a bit sketchy I sent a lot of this stuff to Tom or all of this stuff to Tom and I've been chatting with him back and forth uh because he had already had some info so he will have an article up probably like now or very very soon about it so uh I can't we can't show the screenshots but we can describe stuff and give stuff so this game was believed to be the crew three I'm not sure if it still is the crew 3 because there's no mention of the crew in any of the screenshots everything is like a modafest branded so this seems like it's gonna go head to head with Forza Horizon interesting look at the screenshots if you look at the branding of everything the style of everything it all looks um very very Forza Horizon it's set in Hawaii and at least the map I got is Oahu the island of Oahu I don't know I don't know if they're gonna do it across the other Islands or not I'm not sure just Oahu is the map I have [Music] um you know there's there's a like a battle royale mode like what's it called uh I'll look at the screenshots as we speak demolition Royale so I assume that's its take on Forza Horizon's um elimination what's it called Eliminator I think it's called that yeah which credit where credit is due with split seconds mode first um but you know there's there's all these different characters in it pilu I think his name is Tommy Tong corn night I don't know if these are like fake player names or if they're character names but The modafest Branding is very prominent throughout so I don't know if this is going to be called like the crew 3 motor Fest or if it's just going to be called The Crew motor fist because because I think this started life as Crew 2 DLC I think this is how it started life and it started to grow into something a bit more but I'm not I'm not sure if it's I think Tom's actually trying to find out um but I'm not sure if this is full-blown crew 3 or if it's like an expander loan type situation that all that sort of stuff's not clear yeah this is Ubisoft right so yes it would not surprise me you know considering ubisoft's Mo they've looked at how much of a successful uh games as a service Forza Horizon must be yeah um let's do what they do um we've got a franchise yeah it does look I mean wasn't Test Drive Unlimited I know that's not the crew but that was set in Hawaii Test Drive Unlimited two I'm pretty sure I think one of them was um the car that seems to feature prominently in all these screens is remember the Honda S2000 yeah that was a cool little car that's like that again just based on the screenshots I've got it's almost all the Honda S2000 so I don't know if that's just the car that was being used at the time or if that's going to be like a feature car um but yeah the game does look nice um but if you see the visual style of everything and the way it's structured it almost looks like this could potentially again this is me just speculating now please I don't and I don't think Tom's article is going to mention this this is me speculating it's almost looking like they may go free to play with this it's interesting um oh just this is the way everything looks and the event stuff is structured but I'm I'm not too sure [Music] um but yeah it's it looks nice like visually but it it does seem very much like the big focus is on motor fist so Forza Horizon head The Horizon Festival yeah this has motor Fest so that's the sort of stuff that makes me think this is um gonna be like their Horizon competitor interesting so yeah so even though the project Orlando thing because I've got a screenshot that literally says project Orlando as well so the project Orlando stuff had already been out there the stuff that's new is this motor Fest stuff like that's what I ran by Tom and I said was this stuff known this motor Fest stuff and he's like nope I was like cool well yeah his bunch of motorfest stuff so it looks nice how how it's gonna all pan out I don't know when it's coming I don't know I don't know any of that stuff um I just know what I'm looking at here and it's a it's a nice looking game it's a nice thing I mean the crew games were pretty good looking anyway they were always quite pretty yeah um yeah and it's it's I mean it clearly showed Forza Horizon has clearly shown that there's there's an interest and a love for this type of genre of game in the market I mean if you think back to if you think to Arcade racing yeah I mean well we've seen the recent reveal of Need for Speed from EA right oh God looks good yeah so that that's a new a new take to try and bring a different perspective I really admire it I don't know if it's always going to land but it's cool um but Forza Horizon has had the arcade racing scene kind of onto itself yeah um so yeah I could I could I mean Ubisoft knows how to do their games as a service so I could see I could see this carving out a nice little niche like there's this really nice shot of like a almost like a big giant oversized Warehouse slash garage where all your cars are there under spotlights and these cool hexagonal spotlights and yeah the way they've done it it looks really nice it's it is it look it looks nice but you know Top Banana when it's coming and all that sort of stuff I don't know well we think we can then presume uh that uh to look at uh Tom's take uh via Insider gaming I'm gonna go ahead and have this again he's posting an article on the inside of Gaming um his new website which seems to be doing well yeah well man they they only follow two people on Twitter one of them isn't Xbox Hero by the way and they've already trumped Us in followers in in in like four weeks which is demoralizing to say the least but uh that's you know that's leaks isn't it leaks for you people love the leaks you know yeah I don't know why I'll have to have a talk to Tom about why none of us have followed well I know what it's like with a branded account Xbox here it doesn't follow anyone like just anyone they'll follow relevant industry people are you a relevant industry person who knows who knows Nick yeah um that's an interesting and quite substantial there it is his article's up now oh cool so there you go so we'll stick a link out in there yeah yeah put a link in the chat yep yeah he's got old he's got I think like an old promo shot on there he doesn't have any of the shots I gave him but um yeah the article's there so that's that's the room Bill the rumor mill is about whatever this new crew game is I'm not not really sure if it's full-blown crew 3. it might be like this Horizon like offshoot but not sure wow interesting time there's Tom Tom's in the chat he is he is wrecked he's in the chat hi mate we're promoting your site mate don't be like that live I quite like I quite like how minimalist Insider gaming is as a site yeah but it's purple purple's the best color it's a great color scheme it's good that it's purple purple is the best yeah it's very nice I'm curious what he's using is back end is it is it WordPress I'm curious we'll chat with chat with him after actually don't chat with him after the show because he'll be asleep he's probably he'll be able to sleep now he's made the request he's like you do the rumor mill early he's like can you do the rumor mill early I'm like that's the face I made I didn't type like I made that face but that's the face I made when she said that I was like are you see are you seeing the chat Are You Still Loving Tom or are you feeling a little bit less Love Now Insider gaming won't follow scrubs that lie sorry Nick if you really want to rub that in Tom just give give my account a follow and just let that one sit for a couple of weeks oh just cheer him up inside let's marinate yeah Tommy is Tom a Brit he uh I think he is yeah I'm pretty sure he is well then the the wonderful Suki brood has just popped on to say hang on if he's a Brit why is it remorse on on Insider gaming and not rumor as is the correct spelling uh maybe I don't know I thought I thought he was a Brit yeah he paid you a bunch of pounds earlier this year so yeah yeah I'm pretty sure Tom's a Brit and the way he was swearing at me would indicate he's a Brit yeah it's interchangeable between Aussies and Brits the way he was swearing at me it would indicate that he's a brick all of my uh office applications uh default to American spelling and it drives me nuts when I look at documents anyway so that's that's the rumor and in other news and it was slightly spoiled by a very impatient uh interior supporter named somnia um we've made the decision to turn on YouTube memberships um which is live right now and you can become an Xbox series supporter on to YouTubes uh we haven't fully lined out the Kinks um but across YouTube memberships and patreon we are going to be working on some form of exclusive additional content that will stay with you guys first and then follow like you know the next month for for all of the uh the the non-supporting folks that just consume um so yeah if you if you wanna if if patreon's not your jam and you want to live your oh look at that life on YouTube Tom is one respect how about that look at that that's glorious so it really helps us out um we we've got a bunch of initiatives um as well coming forward uh over the next couple of months we're just kind of foot to the foot to the floor uh in finishing the book um I think with genuinely nearly there there's not much more to say apart from a massive uh editing and proofreading process more or less now holy there's your answer somnia my good Lord wow congrats hold on how does that work I have no idea like they're they're a thing on um it's gonna start popping oh wow look at that it's just redirect wow wow today we learned once again it's a pretty generous guy I take back all that horrible stuff I said about you you mean all the stuff off there before we hit live yeah all that stuff I say about you can tell Nick and sick you know do much on um twitch because yeah it's not 100 a month um 20 of them at once says yeah wow that's crazy man oh wait is he subscribed for those 20 I I think it's only the gift will only be for him gifted memberships do not Auto renew yeah oh that's God I suppose a meal oh my God a meal got one a meal got one I love it so yeah so we're doing all of this because we've got so much stuff going on there's something cool we're launching in early November um the book is nearly finished and and honestly after that as we head into Christmas the genuine hope is we can all take a little bit of a rest this year has been crazy I've been working like I think Jesse probably is the one that deserves the most did Tom just gift another 20 or am I going insane no he didn't it looks like yeah he did what's he doing Tom I'll just DM you my bank details uh did that did that crew article make that much money already did it yeah what an absolute ledge oh wow that's so good well come on Folks by the way I wanna Bob lapel became a supporter so I want to thank him for that because he's also a patron he is I will admit Bob for a while they might I was disappointed in you I thought you had left us he came back jizz and ran because I was watching desert rain and I saw your name pop up I'm like wow Bob Bob left us and went to jizz and rain and like Ran's a horrible person I'm like you shouldn't be leaving us for rent horribly funny with how much he makes fun of you I'm sorry about that yesterday Nick [Laughter] [Music] on this show but ran doesn't give just crap anywhere else just on this show you know I think it's just a spot of Bounce wouldn't it um I I jumped into Xbox too and someone's like Nick go watch the start like they were actually saying really nice stuff about you but now as soon as I read that I like I don't believe that for a single second and then when I woke up later and I was at home just watching the kids um I was like oh I'll go back to the start and I'll watch it man seriously yeah it was all in all in good uh humor so I wish I knew you would take it in that way right so yeah did I though did it secretly inside would you like a roundtree's random they'll make you feel better no I believe Tom gifted all those memberships my God Tom Tom's an absolute Legend as I am typing right now yeah there's also a Super Chat where is it it's been buried by all the memberships soulless curve I'm normally a quiet listener but thankful for you that's good oh I love it I feel the love I think I love bringing Xbox here a podcast tonight some kind of entertainment or help pass time away for people well let's be honest with with all of our new with all of our new YouTube members and our patrons uh the very good likelihood is is there'll be some form of movie discussion podcast as an extra maybe once a month kind of thing yeah so we're looking to see what we can do to support that kind of thing we've got ideas we've got ideas so we're fleshing it out baby we're fleshing it out um there's another one from Nick did you have to get the canoe out to go shop I thought it was someone in the chat in Australia there's floods in Melbourne like the whole Eastern side of Australia is like hardcore flooding um I'm lucky I've like it's rained heavily but I've escaped the flooding uh there are Parts there's a couple of little parts around our suburb that have flooded but there are parts of Melbourne that I like whoo full underwater very heavy rain I can't wait for the weather to get better the weather coming up this week is supposed to be really good though which is good oh well I'm glad I'm glad yeah um blimey well what a what a start to the show half an hour in and we have not started talking about the news yet no true but cool there's been a lot of drama this week oh wait well the one thing I did want to start with and I had like this this way of thinking and now it's popped out of my head there was something specific I wanted to uh cover off I suppose for wanting a better phrase but it's gone right out of my brain so yeah um I guess we can start off with uh the smaller stuff Phil Shelf should we talk about Phil's shell Phil's Shelf what do you reckon that was so uh what was Phil doing there with that shelf what was it an interview was it a just he was showing off uh The Fallout vault boy 25-year anniversary statue thing he didn't come to visit right and had taken up situ on on the Shelf uh okay and everyone noticed that white I actually thought that looked like a white connect that's what it looked like to me it looked like a white connect no I can I guess because you can't see how long it is yeah I'm not saying it is a white connect I'm just saying it looked like a white connect it looks probably looks too small to be a connect because it's next to a controller there and the controller looks quite big next to it so I assume it's not a connect because the connect was quite large um but people are obviously speculating that that is the streaming device yes the Keystone is the rumage but don't probably gotta have a decent sort of uh chip you know chip in it to decode streams and it's going to have an HDMI it's got to have Bluetooth for the pad it's got to have Wi-Fi six it's a little bit more than just a puck right or a dongle like a fire stick or a Chromecast so the size I wouldn't surprise me that's not very deep I would imagine it's like yeah big it's probably as deep as a pad is wide if you know what I mean I don't think it's it's probably a little more than a square at a very small size but it doesn't look deep from what I'm saying it doesn't it's on the top shelf in it so we can only see its front face and not I understand that but like again this is all about angles and perspective now but if you look at the stuff on the extreme left of the Shelf you can kind of see their depth if that thing had depth you'd probably see it yeah I suppose so sorry somnia just gifted another test I was just like oh my God everyone's going insane wow why is everyone do it are these are these memberships like a few cents each or something is that what everyone's gift five bucks really um which is which is incredible so I'm just like oh wow this is on the Fly we keep getting more and more slots so I can add more and more emojis well the Emojis are coming all of the and I think we're getting something to take some zero themed emojis we'll have to take some from the Discord so I think that's what Jesse is used um I don't know to me it doesn't look that deep like the perspective that looks skinny it couldn't be skinny maybe it is skinny if it doesn't have any hardware that needs to run games then yeah it could actually be really skinny that would be interesting wouldn't it design wise because we don't really get that much in the home entertainment electronic device space we don't get stuff that's wide and thin we usually get long yeah yeah generally so that would actually be quite interesting if it was wide so I guess what they want to do there is when it's in your living room you know they want it to be prominent front facing and you see the Xbox logo this that the other but then it's not very deep so you can just have it right up against the wall or it's not taking up much space like its footprint is real small it's very interesting like I mean we know Phil has hid Hardware in the background before like the series s so yeah I'm really interested to know if that's the thing we think it could be well um it's interesting and this takes me off a little tangent right so we obviously heard rumors to this device we also heard that from Microsoft I think they made a statement at the time where they were like yeah it was a thing we're rethinking things a bit nothing to announce so they admitted its existence right so this is obviously probably got to the point of full-on take-home tests in some capacities is what I would imagine um and earlier uh a few weeks back we saw the announce of the Logitech Cloud only streaming device the handheld today we saw a Razer con they announced their 399 Android based gaming focused handset I can't see that with the Kishi Pro 2 as an attachment to it with all of its you know fancy stuff um for 3.99 as well I didn't see that yeah it was it was like six hours ago something like it doesn't matter because it's us only yeah it's not it's not over here yet because it's I think it's probably handset you know carrier yeah it is tied to Verizon at the very start so that that was a cool announce but it just got me thinking we've got the game awards coming out do you remember like when when the the Uproar when Microsoft revealed the series X at the game awards out of nowhere and how they kept the whole thing was muted no like every come on the general reaction was like holy what you know it's the series personal response there you go guys series X the ux Box anyway but anyway that's Last of Us Part Two I just mean the the general core positive reaction from the community because it was just such a surprise there was no leaks there was no teasing it was the I think the first time we'd seen like Hardware like that revealed yes completely not on a Microsoft stage and I just got to daydreaming seeing all these handhelds coming around is what if Microsoft have their own and they're going to show it off and what if it but here's the thing here's where I started to worry I was like they've got Partners right I'm just spitballing here this is not based on any knowledge right but if if I were Microsoft and my partners were coming to me and saying hey we've got this Hardware idea we want to share it with you hey we've got this Hardware idea what do you think yep yep we'll work with you we'll allow you to have you know access and the app and all of this great now in a similar way to how surface is meant to be the best of Microsoft yes and then the OEM Partners like HP or you know Lenovo will go and do their takes on on Windows devices what if we're going to see the surface version of of that type of handheld so not not a series s in a handheld but a Microsoft Xbox branded has Cloud handheld and and My worry is that that's what the handheld that has been rumored is actually going to be and that would make me really sad because I want nature I reckon I reckon eventually they're gonna do a full-blown Series S portable I think I reckon we will I reckon they'll give all these Cloud ones room to breathe because like if they were to release in a hypothetical world where they release a series s portable now it would cut the lunch of all those Cloud Portables like no one would touch them yeah like that's what I mean start to compete with the switch because people are like well hold on I'm getting a portable but it's more capable than the switches and it can run my fortnite's and my War zones and my halo infinites and my rocket leagues like it's it's gonna cut their lunch Microsoft's not going to want to screw over the partners that are trying to push that are helping them push cloud gaming yeah do you know what I mean that's that's that's my thought I'm like huh maybe that is a ways off oh it probably would be like I wouldn't I wouldn't be surprised if if the series s portable exists I wouldn't be surprised if it's probably gonna launch like with the mid-gen refreshers or something like that speaking of which that was the tangent that was in my brain inside of Gaming was with one of their articles was around apparent PS5 Pro and Xbox series Pro Dev kits being enhanced with Developers how sure look I know I haven't read the article I did see it when I was looking for Tom's crew article but how because didn't that come from the kid that lead the Rockstar stuff yeah the data Miner Tes 2 has stated mid-gen upgrade Dev kits and I'm like I'm sure is he of that like because my thing is remember Dev kids have more of everything so is he getting confused between the fact that the dev kid has more RAM more this more that into it is this more Dev kits that have been refined but are not for new hardware it feels it feels early to have the mid-gen refresh Dev kits it feels a little bit early to me um but I could be wrong again I haven't looked into the article or looked into any of it so I don't know it just yeah it just feels kind of early to me that's all um yeah I I wouldn't expect the mid-gen refreshers till probably closer to 2025. this Hardware is very powerful we don't need the mid-gen refreshers as desperately as we did last gen yeah so to me it feels more like a 2025 thing and have the Gen last 10 years makes sense to me so last gen lasted seven I reckon they'll be pushing for this gen to last 10. so but yeah just me but it popped into my brain on the on the whole new devices from Xbox Tom Tom gifted 50 memberships I know he gifted 50 in the end 250 worth of memberships God which is 400 pound no it's not it's a hundred pounds worth of memberships now so our country's screwed uh but we have a couple of super chats as well while we're talking about memberships curve again also appreciate your love of games and no biases I mean I'm a little bit biased yeah Nintendo a little bit boss [Laughter] like Solas and Jay the Earp uh giving the cma's attitude towards the ABK deal if it doesn't go through I don't see the CMA allowing Sega or Capcom either also Nick are you going to keep your helmet on for Halo season two I don't know I've discussed it with the producers to see my face my very handsome face so right I don't know I think the helmet you know got to give the people what they want I understand wanting to save this I get it I get it um on the CMA stuff Sega and Capcom I know there's been talk about like what if Microsoft doesn't get Activision we'll get into the all of the we'll talk in a bit but there's no there's no definitive record Beyond uh was it Imran saying uh he's heard Japanese Publishers are having conversations but that's all conjecture and rumor at the moment it's an interesting uh purple water bottle you got there Nick um yep okay yeah yeah all right oh God what's the next time going crazy tonight it's gone crazy what's the next topic hey because Okay so we've got two topics that effectively link into each other so let's talk about that so scale bound was in the news recently yes it was again because yes because Platinum I think was being interviewed or something and someone like flat out asked them about scale bound or was it Phil I can't remember either platinum or Phil were asked about scale band and it was effectively a no comment it wasn't uh we're not it's never gonna happen again it was effectively a no comment and I apparently Phil I can't remember if I'm getting Phil and Platinum mixed up but one recently said no comment and one said no comment a while back yeah it's no longer a no yes this isn't in development it's like now it everyone's seeing the no comment and obviously the people that are excited and want it back like oh no comment no comment I wonder if they would explore bringing it back I don't know why people get so like super hyped about it it's not like this first this first trailer was good I'm sorry but this first trailer I got excited for too the first one all the subsequent trailers yes did not look the best but this first one looked pretty damn amazing but like the thing with this game is now it would have to almost be started from scratch wouldn't it or no I just if it was Unreal Engine 4 which I can't remember you'd have to correct me if it was I'm wrong if it was an Unreal Engine 4 game then yeah you could theoretically just go yep we'll just keep working on it and move over to series X which has the hardware to run this properly yeah I don't know I mean look for people that really loved the IP of a game they never played didn't only looked okay all this once I mean this looks the premise is great a pet dragon kind of thing you just go around Dragon riding and doing cool stuff yeah but it looks cool to me I don't know hey Jessie can you what are the chances of you putting up a poll about whether people want to see scalebound back takes three seconds one sec okay let's see let's say what every one of the communities if I want I'm gonna vote too let's see if everyone wants skull bound back I I'll click my vote look at that one vote it's mine's like the only vote um yeah I don't know I I wouldn't mind it back I wouldn't mind Scout bound back if it needs to be adjusted and maybe uh scaled back a little bit in ambition I don't know but I I don't know I think it can work I think it could work I mean I won't say no more games is always fun and it's and it's it could be platinum have a lot on their plate they have often seemed to take on a lot they're a studio for hire you know so yeah maybe the relationship yeah maybe maybe they've been acquired or they're going to be acquired and that's why it's coming back is the relationship a bit damaged from what happened with scalebound but then they've said publicly they'd be happy to work with Phil again to bring it back I think yeah I mean that got canceled in the well it was in the before the Rejuvenation right yes yes it was you know before the good times started to roll in yeah um which are still on the way still on the way the good times wait for E3 wait for E3 laughing I wouldn't mind scalby I'm back I reckon it has a chance I reckon it has a slim chance but we'll see I guess 2029 um the return but speaking of platinum this happened like just now like just in the last few hours so hmm it's been revealed so Helena Taylor who is the OG voice of uh Bayonetta she was not the voice in Bayonetta 3. and she has allegedly broken NDA to say the reason I now I didn't see the Tweet there's a tweet where she talks to a camera yeah I assume her camera you did watch it I watched it yeah she's like look you know I don't you know I was only offered you know I was professionally trained I went to such and such Arts Academy yeah I always post such and such I was only offered seven seven years at the school of London yes yeah you know like very very British um yeah but she was only offered four thousand dollars to do the voice work for for Bayonetta three and what she's asked for in follow-up video was uh the boycott of the game which is a bold move uh if you're going to break NDA and just tell your story fine but then to to request it I mean I get it because that's an insulting figure of money um yeah but it's only insulting if we know the context of the work do you know what I mean like what if what if the role only required a handful of lines I I mean I don't know how voice acting pay structure works but like if you're paid per hour and you don't have a ton of hours involved that you're recording four thousand could be the right figure based on the number of lines or hours you're working yeah but I didn't see the video to know the greater context so this is just me speculating I guess yeah I did see a tweet from Josh Sawyer um who's obviously the dev for pentiment obsidian where he was like this is a really piss-poor offer like for any kind of standard voice voice work you think about it right you're putting your voice your talent your skill um because it's not just you say the Lions you might have to say the Lions a bunch of different ways it's Grunts and jumps grunts yeah yeah all sorts of different stuff but then if the game is sold seventy dollars a pop across the world it would only have to sell 60 copies or 70 copies or something like that you know it would less than a hundred for that foreground to have been made so if you think about how many copies of Bayonetta were likely to be sold that is an absolute joke of a figure I understand how annoyance yeah it's just tricky when you don't know voice actor pay structure you don't know the standard rate you don't know what her actual role was going to entail but as a sideshow to this kamiya got his account block haha sucked in [ __ ] um his account on Twitter got suspended ah he put out a tweet basically calling her a liar yeah I saw that which is a bold move in and of itself because I mean she's been in voice acting for how long what reason is this for her to tell a light to put it online for a lie yeah where kamiya is a known [ __ ] so don't reply to me in English you know the rules oh what you typed it in English [ __ ] yeah you type in English and then you're like don't respond to me in English are you all right like you were right in the head dude ah does anyone know where I can get Forza Horizon 2 oh here you go come here son here's a free copy of Forza Horizon 2. no you're blocked you replied in English shut up what a [ __ ] so yeah I mean look I assume he got suspended because people just started reporting the post like crazy so probably not right it's um like I noticed that something's going on and that they're looking into this account oh yeah because he would have got absolutely report bombed um for calling her a liar but I've got no issue with him being suspended from Twitter he's a jerk off but yeah there you go um I did see uh with your santoso in the chat it's just saying voice acting is covered by Actors Equity pay scales um I don't know if that applies worldwide I presume they're all part of some sort of Guild or Union or something yeah yeah um but yeah it sounds like not a lot of money no it doesn't sound like it but it's hard without knowing the background stuff like it's easy on the surface to say oh my God four thousand dollars but what if her involvement in Bayonetta three was only a few hours again I have no idea I'm just saying like I mean you put it this way there's a lot of people if we take the average wage four thousand no average weight in the UK yeah if it was four thousand pound that would be a month and a bit of a lot of people's work but voice actors would be contract they wouldn't be a salary voice it would probably be a fixed fee of some description that's that's what I'm saying so it's it's easy to just get the pitchforks out but like and remember this is me like I hate come here like I'm not trying to stand up for him or platinum but like it's always good to know she's the main character she would be doing the most talking because talks quite a bit in those games yeah she's always quipping yeah she's always quipping when she remembers I've played the first one not all the way or anything I've played a bit of the first one and I don't recall her talking too much but that just could be because I haven't played enough of the game I don't know I remember her making a whole lot of noises but I don't recall too much talking um but yeah I found that interesting uh Jay the Earth with the Super Chat Xbox can't have skull bound because it would cause Sony partial foreclosure yeah I understood that reference [Laughter] I understood that reference oh God uh bloody APK I was going to talk about the Game Pass thing oh okay go in there yeah no go for it I was gonna say so one of the one of the other pieces of nose that came out kind of because of the APK deal right yes they revealed uh console only Game Pass Revenue I think I'm saying that correctly 2.9 billion dollars that's that's like that means that's 2.9 billion Game Pass subscribers on the one goal on one dollar incredible on one Dollar's so scared they got 2.9 billion subscribers Microsoft no wonder Sony's so scared you can't match 2.9 billion yeah that's a lot of that's a lot of one dollar accounts very jealous how many subscribers games and then the the controversy was around I think cult sparked a little bit of discussion around saying it's definitely profitable or he thinks it's profitable but the problem is in terms of what um whether where the game pass is profitable or not because people are like well they're not saying it's profitable it's like well it's not that you have to understand like it's not about them if they're not saying it's profitable that doesn't mean it's not profitable Microsoft's in the Microsoft said this weird spot in the market and they're acutely aware of it where anything they say is scrutinized to the nth degree more so than the other two so if Microsoft says that game pass is profitable that won't be enough well how profitable is it if Microsoft says that right now we're in growth mode we're still blah blah blah blah we it the profits are 10 million dollars then the story is oh game pass only made 10 million dollars oh my God what a waste of a service so you can understand why Microsoft's not going to turn around and give that number because it's just always going to be spun into a negative rather than saying wow Game Pass is profitable with you know they've only got 25 to 30 million Subs it's in growth mode where they're giving out money like crazy to devs to get on there and yet it's still profitable wow imagine when they get 40 million Subs 50 million Subs imagine and when they get more first party content on there and don't have to rely on as much third-party content they're going to be even more profitable that's the positive spin the negative spin is oh my God they have no competition they've got 30 million subs and that's that's all they made oh God yeah it's profitable but might as well not be so that's why they're not going to give that number they're just not going to um and how do you determine what the cost of that of Game Pass is so are you including 70 billion of ABK as a cost of running game pass or are you strictly going by the game past deals that they do for third parties in Indies but then you turn around and say well hold on it's a cost to run these Studios but then the counter to that is well hold on Game Pass isn't the only thing paying for these Studios so what even is the cost of Game Pass what is it I I don't think we're going to get an answer to that anytime that's what I'm saying it's more it's a more nuanced discussion than probably we even have the cognitive uh bloody capacity capacity to support like it I don't think there is a a clear-cut black and white cost of running game pass because I would say very year on year it would because you're absolutely right the minute that those first party studios are up and running well okay we don't have to run out and go and get stuff from bigger third part I mean you're still going to oh yes but they don't need to like they do right now so yeah the offers are less on the table Yeah they may not need MLB the show after next year to be on there because they've got all their other stuff or they might not need another outriders or a back for blood because they've got redfaller they've got you know whatever else they have so it's not that simple because you can't I don't think you can include the cost of running their own studios in the cost of Game pass because they were running those Studios regardless of whether they had Game Pass or not yeah yeah I I personally this is just my view on it I would look at the cost of Game Pass being third parties in Indies that's what I would look at and from that perspective I doubt they're spending 2.9 billion on Game Pass deals like I think it was revealed that Arc cost them 2.5 mil but yeah it's only got chips Sony pay 5 million no yes it's not about it's not it's and this do you remember I said this a while back on our show isn't it funny how it's so interesting that that came out and no one remembered that I had said that I told people third party deals on PlayStation Plus would probably cost so many more than Microsoft why bigger install base yeah more lost sales this is where the big install and that's probably another reason why Sony doesn't like Game Pass because that's where your bigger install base actually hurts it doesn't help so that is why I kept saying to people Sony's not going to do their game pass competitor yet they're gonna wait till they have their first party up and running and cranking out games because they're not going to want to rely on third parties that are going to cost them more because of their larger install base and it's going to cost them more than what it's costing Microsoft because Microsoft has the smaller install base so there's not as many lost sales on it I don't know man Sony need a lot of protection you know they're really they're struggling out there but the proof was in the pudding Ark cost them more and that was an arc cost them more for one month on plus not for in perpetuity I think Ark was on game passives might still be on game passes on Game Pass for like a year or two yep it's the own version of plus though not the rent version of plus so it is div it's one of the games was called The Game Pass but you don't own if you don't sub to plus you don't get it yeah but technically those people they just have to have they just that one month everyone can then technically own it yeah nothing different yeah yeah that's right but it's only for that one that it's only a one month window that they have to grab it outside of that month they can't get it again yeah they keep it as long as they're sub but there's only a one month window to grab it while it's on Game Pass anyone with a Game Pass sub can grab it that's crazy and yet it costs so many more why big game store base so in theory you have more lost sales that you have to account for yeah this is why Sony doesn't want to do the sub thing right now because they want to have their sub being represented probably 90 first party and maybe within this because the Indies wouldn't cost them quite as much as a third-party AAA game sure so there's a lot you know it's there's a deep discussion to be had about this if we had a six hours to talk about it like there's a very deep discussion like the big install base and again this is about Microsoft would have thought of this stuff that's why why do you think Sony's that's part of the reason Sony is fighting this so much well and speaking of fighting this before we get into it two things one hey if you're watching right now and you're new to the Xbox here podcast welcome please cast your eye to the thumb icon at the bottom of your screen and use either your finger or thumb or the mouse pointing device if you're watching on PC and just click that like button for me I would really appreciate that like button if you're not subscribed do that too and ring the bell just got a free membership from Tom insomnia hit hit that like button yeah and obviously you know we've announced our YouTube membership program today so that is now live uh feel free to uh join the crew um I don't think and we'll have to research this if we can link The Forum to YouTube in some fashion to produce some sort of badge oh yeah lucious lucious Augustus that's right I forgot about that the 2.9 billion Revenue that was 2021. wow so I we don't know if it was at the end of Twitter I don't know if it was at the end of 2021 or not but remember they announced the two the 25 million Subs towards the end of 2021. yeah or in January 2022 so yeah that that Revenue could I mean I doubt it went up this year because I had no games to put on it but mental and just for the record as well final thing before we get into the real meat and potatoes of discussion on the ABK drama uh scale bound almost right down the middle but the eyes have it with 50 of the vote and those 49 percent um where that one percent is is an odd number so I guess yeah where's the one percent it probably rounded down so it was like 50.2 and 49.8 uh yeah so scalbound one just just yeah good anyways uh one thing to say if you uh if you haven't turned on accepting gifts on your YouTube account you do that right now you probably get a membership because we've got yes yes turn on turn on accepting gifts so you can actually get because otherwise Tom insomnia threw their money away yeah um until people do it why is Tom still here he made us do the rumor mill early I assume because he wanted to sleep my energy is feeling energized after doing so many gifts he's still here in the chat he's so why do I do it early for Tom he's he's he's a good thing it was fun look out I'm not complaining Tom just gifted 50 Subs to our community I know I'm just saying but I imagine much like us when sank call goes down as you watch all the reaction and the discussion around it you know I thought he wanted to sleep I was helping him go to sleep or I will put you to sleep remember um Happy Gilmore now you would go to sleep or I will put you to sleep I do remember you know that's Ben Stiller it's so easy to forget that that male nurse was Ben Stiller in Happy Gilmore yeah I just I can't I Adam's on the phones just can't ah come on I watched you know I watched Billy Madison with my kids the other night did you yeah they loved it they loved it there was a few moments where I was like oh I probably shouldn't be watching this with children but it was mostly okay well I watched uh movie tangents um I watched uh batteries not included yeah I saw that that's a good which is Spielberg produced but not Spielberg directed but a very good movie and you know what I noticed um this is a movie tangent sorry ladies and gentlemen but this happens you know what I noticed about this film next I watched this we should call the podcast Netflix hey Sick flicks Nick Nick and sixflicks actually sick flicks is probably a really bad idea for a name yeah it might not be yeah you know Netflix specifically you watching you know what I'm talking about um but yeah I was watching this with my eight and five-year-old and you compare it to a modern kids movie today now I would describe batteries in not included as a family film yes and not specifically geared towards children correct but as you compare it to any kind of modern family film and it's all Glitz and licensed music and very little substance very little character development and yet battery's not included took a little time with all of the main characters to give a little bit of backstory about who they were it wasn't CGI ladies and yes you had the cute little uh alien robot UFO creature things and their children but they were very few and far between the scenes a lot of it was some slapstick yeah but they were completely engaged there was no distractions necessary to keep them watching they were bunkered in like this is and they were asking me questions they were laughing at the bits you should laugh at I was it was a magical experience seeing them and like the little baby robots when they fill in the soup and when the dad got the yeah and they were like is he gonna be okay don't worry of course a family film chill out the only bit I was a bit surprised at was well I've raised an eyebrow because I forgot it existed there's a scene where he paints her the painter Paints the pregnant lady and he's just he's just a perv and he just paints her with her boobs out and then suddenly my kids are like oh we can see her boobies and I'm like I don't remember I don't remember that that's in the film or at least it's in the cut that I downloaded x-rated cut from so yeah go figure I don't remember that I saw I mean I saw it back in the VHS days yeah well I've I've got my VHS that's how old that movie is but obviously yeah I made that on anything modern so my parents back when I was little my parents both worked at a video store so I used to watch everything as a kid yeah like glooming obviously now that explains a lot of how I was shaped with movies because like I grew up just watching movies all the time like so yeah battery's not included was good Nick and sick Tom said he's been drinking whiskey I think which is keeping him awake whiskey has said stay awake oh well we got the room in Mill done early and avoids everyone going Rumor Mill this week remember you know this week we got it out of the way yeah anyway ABK let's get into it and the c m a embarrassing themselves again so let's let's try and and and lay this out so uh obviously this decision and this this this posting was given to Microsoft back in September and it was then made public earlier this week is is my understanding and that's probably why we saw Microsoft put up their web page with the all the info about the the acquisition of Activision was King and why it's going to be good and knocking down I guess in advance some of the arguments that the CMA have suggested um so the CMA talks about a lot of stuff um and I try and I'm trying to I'm using the wonderful thread from idas on um to kind of help frame this but they posted a bunch of stuff about the industry and the transaction they posted about the relevant markets um they posted about ABK content at Call of Duty and I think it would be useful to go through each element and just kind of talk through each of these pieces right so the first thing that is kind of summarized is hey the gaming industry is worth 7 billion in the UK in 2021 um it's the largest video game Market in Europe and the sixth largest gaming Market worldwide physical sales accounted for 21 of Gaming revenue in 2021 falling to 19 in 22 as compared to 55 in 2015 that's a hell of a jump um and Playstation currently has the larger share of console Market gaming than the next box but they the CMA consider that the Call of Duty is sufficiently important that losing access to it or losing access on competitive terms could significantly impact Sony's revenues and user base now we've heard this bothered them and this is what's unusual you are not a regulator to protect the market lead that's right this is what I and this is why I get angry with the Fanboys on Twitter that are like oh but they're protecting competition no they're not and I was sure to grab this this is off the cma's website our response abilities we work to ensure that consumers get a good deal when buying goods and services and businesses operate within the law we do this in a number of ways we investigate mergers between organizations to make sure they don't reduce competition so where is the competition being reduced by Microsoft buying ABK and making Cod exclusive so right now as of this moment consumers have three choices four choices Xbox PlayStation Nintendo PC they're the four major platforms to play videos okay and mobile so they're the five major platforms to play a video game natively oh my God my throat okay I muted that last one they're the five major platforms to that you can choose to play a video game right now if Microsoft buys ABK and makes Cod exclusive do those five choices for a consumer not still exist they're not shutting any like you can still buy a PlayStation you can still buy a switch you can still put together a PC and you still have your mobile phone so what competitions being reduced well so if we're going by the consumer perspective the consumer perspective what changes they point to a network effect within the console Market we're a console with lots of Gamers attracts more content which in turn attracts more Gamers and they think that Call of Duty and any potential exclusivity of that title on Xbox will create a network effect on Microsoft's platform that's the nutshell and their direct quote for this is as follows the CMA is concerned that having full control over this powerful catalog especially in light of Microsoft's already strong positioning gaming consoles operating systems and Cloud infrastructure could result in Microsoft harming consumers by impairing Sony's Microsoft's closest gaming rival ability to compete as well as that of other existing Rivals and potential new entrants who could otherwise bring healthy competition through Innovative multi-game subscription and cloud gaming services so again they're worrying about competitors not consumers they're worrying about again why are they so worried about Sony I don't understand that like this is why people are putting on their tinfoil hats and saying well Jim's gone and doing some work behind the scenes to probably get the deal blocked or delayed because they say stuff like that that makes it look that way how can you not put your tin foil how can you not put your tin foil hat on when you read stuff like that like in the end they're supposed to be and like when the Brazilian Regulators came out and said what they said they actually thought of stuff I'd never thought of but in the end they said it doesn't affect the consumers the consumers still have the choices so if the worst case scenario of Microsoft making Cod exclusive is that a PlayStation owner has to buy an Xbox okay boohoo too bad so sad I didn't like that Sony money had a street fighter 5. I just had to put up with it I just I have a PlayStation 4. I bought Street Fighter 5 because I wanted Street Fighter 5. it's called competition the fact that Sony's wallet isn't as big as Microsoft's well bad luck you know it's interesting as well I'm reading uh and just going through some of the posts remind us on the recetera thread interesting staff communication at the bottom of that thread that says official this is an official staff communication accusing a government regulatory body of being in the pocket of Sony Microsoft anyone else falls under are accusations of Shilling rule suggests this stops now further breaking this rule we met with consequences and even itis who is running the thread says I think it's possible to point out how objectively biased and poorly researched cma's commentary has been without trying them of being paid to make this commentary they could legitimately be embracing poor arguments but you know whatevs um but this is this is this is the thing right the cma's arguments don't make sense there's other stuff here as well so there are other big concerns I will say Microsoft said some silly things too and unless I misread them or I miss unless I'm misunderstanding Microsoft's doing themselves no favors like they said something about Xbox cloud gaming not running on Azure I might uh what so what's it really not the same Hardware it's running on bespoke series Blades not the Azure platform itself yeah they're making a distinction and so so to to do this properly let's say that's the first one so they talk about Call of Duty exclusivity right so Microsoft um didn't share figures but they said hey you know this is their argument the suggestion that the incumbent market leader that's Sony's Playstation with clear and enduring Market power 20 years top selling platform yeah Untouchable could be foreclosed by the third largest provider as a result of losing access to one title is not credible and they shared some they didn't share figures but they made a suggestion this is where it gets a bit vague from Microsoft highlight rand's comment like rand's comment this is my show I'm I'm not supposed to be getting cut down on my show it's enough it's bad enough they do it on Xbox too I Rand hey buddy or is that's the uh um so Microsoft made a suggestion that if every single Call of Duty player on Sony's console switched over to Xbox tomorrow the PlayStation gamer base remaining would still be significantly larger than Microsoft's on Xbox um so the other thing it probably would be but this is they didn't give any figures for that so I guess you could you could sit down and try and do some math on install base there or in a nutshell but the cma's other concern was around um cloud and subscription services so the direct quote from that's a bit that's a bit more fair enough a little bit more fair enough I I don't necessarily disagree with this one and I think Microsoft should be more wary of the supposed impact because Microsoft is one of a few companies that have the necessary infrastructure that's already theirs so they don't have to invest in building one or paying someone or at least if they do pay internally they pay mates rates if you know what I mean Counterpoint Counterpoint and this is where the CMA is a bit inept so once upon a time Sony actually had the Monopoly on game streaming did they not when they bought gaikai and on live and they chose not to do anything so substance with them it's not the cma's responsibility to protect Sony's past business decisions Sony had the opportunity to be the first and only player in game streaming and chose not to invest it's not the cma's responsibility to help them out 10 15 years after the fact just because someone who is more prepared for that future is there and ready to go like this this is what's odd about this whole thing the CMA aren't actually doing their job they're doing Sony's and that's the weirdest part about it like just weird comments like this the CMA found a pattern of Microsoft acquiring development Studios and making their upcoming games exclusive to Xbox what else were they gonna do can I get insomniac's future games on Xbox can I is insomniac is Wolverine coming out on Xbox is it can I access that game so Haven's new game that's not going to be PlayStation exclusive insomniac's new games uh Valkyrie if they make a game like what a stupid comment to make what's this money buys and doesn't make their content exclusive this is this is what's hilarious so this is one of the direct quotes from the CMA the CMA recognizes the abk's newest games are not currently available on any Subscription Service on the day of release but considers that this may change as subscription Services continue to grow after the merger Microsoft would gain control of this important input and could use it to harm the competitiveness of its Rivals that's not true death Loop one of bethesda's games is on certification Services Bethesda actually has a lot of games on PlayStation plus plus plus plus plus yeah like not just that Microsoft could have canceled those contracts and didn't yeah the Quake remaster that came out on PlayStation and switch then yep the irony is I actually think that once this deal goes through I reckon the switch will end up getting caught streaming version of it why not yep I reckon they'll find a way or they'll wait for the switch too and do a 1080 60 dumbed down version Maybe that's the irony of this whole situation but the switch doesn't count apparently according to the CMA Nintendo doesn't count even though they make a video game console that competes directly with Microsoft and Sony they don't count like are they serious are they they're reduced to using Twitter Fanboy arguments Nintendo doesn't count it's ridiculous this is just they're embarrassing themselves like it's just oh my God like in that example where they're talking about uh Microsoft making Studios games exclusives they talk about Ninja Theory in Exile obsidian it's like of course they're gonna make look why would Microsoft want to acquire these Studios if not to have their stuff be exclusive look what world are they living in like it's it's farcical okay the cma's arguments are farcical so Sony as well I think Microsoft pointed out that Sony's recent but smaller Acquisitions but they also said hey there are over 280 first and third-party exclusive titles on Playstation 2021 which is nearly five times as many as on Xbox and they actually said in short Sony is not vulnerable to a hypothetical foreclosure strategy and the referral decision incorrectly relies on self-serving statements by Sony which significantly exaggerate the importance of Call of Duty to it and neglect to account I love this bit for Sony's clear ability to competitively respond because they're effectively saying Sony does this all the time guys what are you smoking yeah that's right and they do they do it's like like where was it I I pasted it in there where is it where Sony was like um but it was basically Sony are effectively scared that Microsoft's going to do to them what they've been doing to Microsoft for the last 10 years and it's like okay so again why is that the CMAs problem so because Microsoft's going to give you a dose of your own medicine you don't wanna and the CMA is worried you're going to Copper dose your own medicine as well that's so ridiculous like just like listen listen to this stuff absent the merger Rivals could still hope to compete against Microsoft by offering a different value proposition that is stronger on at least some parameters of competition now I think this is uh yeah for example by offering a better gaming catalog at a lower price yeah okay because Sony's gonna lower prices following the merger it may be significantly more difficult for Rivals to compete against Microsoft on any parameter of competition as Microsoft would have by far the strongest integrated offering across Cloud computer os's and gaming content the investment required by competitor to develop an offering that could compete effectively with that of Microsoft could be significantly increased following the merger so again why are they worrying about the competitors when it's not going to affect the consumer it's this is going to have no effect on consumers outside of maybe they have to pick a different console which is the entire point of competition company a company wants you to buy their product not the not the competitions product that's the entire point so mentoring if if the consumer is not affected in their choices of options and Microsoft's going to give them more options because right now they can only get Call of Duty on PC Playstation Xbox yeah if Microsoft makes it exclusive or does what they want with it you're going to have Xbox PC cloud as well which doesn't require a 500 console yes the experience might not be the best but maybe people don't care they'll be able to play COD on their TV via a Cloud app they'll be able to play on their phone on their tablet on their PC on their Xbox and guess what odds are Microsoft's probably going to find a way to put it on switch and reverse the situation it wouldn't be going on cloud streaming no not at all it would come to PC still but they would cut that Xbox version as soon as they could but then we'd probably see Microsoft trying to make very similar arguments in objection to this as well so um it's interesting though Nick Microsoft agree with you they actually said should any consumers this is a quote from Microsoft should any consumers decide to switch from a gaming platform that does not give them a choice as how to play their games PlayStation to one that does Xbox then that is the sort of consumer switching behavior that the CMA should consider welfare enhancing and indeed encourage it is not something that the CMI should be trying to prevent I think that is fair comment uh this is why it's fairly obvious that I mean Jim's from the UK I'm sure he has relationships with certain people there I don't think it would be too much of a stretch same way Microsoft has sort of greased the wheels of the US government over the last two decades I wouldn't be surprised if this um wheel greasing there from Jim at the CMA either probably trying realistically they understand they probably can't get the deal blocked but I wouldn't be surprised if they try to delay it as long as physically possible they'll try and get a concession in some form the best concession in my opinion that Sony can hopefully out of this is to uh having assistance not only do they get Call of Duty for a even longer period of time I don't see them getting a contract in perpetuity because no company could be asked but what they could get is either you're not allowed to put it on your cloud uh or your game pass subscription platform or if you do you have to give it to us too I wouldn't accept that that's that's a that's a concession I could see them gunning for and they'd be happy with that right um but it's interesting the the stuff about Cloud streaming and and you know the earlier point about Azure um CMA were talking about oh you know you own Azure um so you think you think you know you're going to have this infrastructure now Microsoft has data centers but you're quite right all of the x-cloud stuff is not running off an Azure server right like a multi-tenant scenario it's running off of customized specific blades for Xbox Hardware within the data center so it's a bit of a gray area and that's what I was saying before and that's when rand's like come on Nick it's still part all part of azure like it's a bit disingenuous to be like no no it's a completely separate thing well no it's not like and again I understand legal speak if Microsoft want if if the CMA wanted to dig more and Microsoft Microsoft knows exactly what they're saying Microsoft could sit there and break down at a granular level why Xbox cloud gaming is not part of azure but let's be honest it's part of azure like they're just being they're just being clever smart asses there being a little bit disingenuous but the CMA is saying oh you know if you get so big in Cloud you're going to be able to foreclose rivals in cloud gaming services and Microsoft have said consumer adoption of cloud gaming remains low harming or degrading rival Services would significantly set back adoption of the technology protecting Market leading incumbents I.E Sony on Console Apple and Google or mobile as well as Steam on PC um Xbox as a platform which is last place this is Microsoft making Xbox sound really [ __ ] it's great Xbox is a platform which is in the last place in console seventh place in PC and nowhere in Mobile gaming distribution globally it's not wrong that's kind of some Humble Pie from Microsoft there instead our incentive is to encourage the widespread adoption of cloud Gaming Technologies by as many providers as possible to encourage that major shift in consumer Behavior required for cloud gaming to succeed zdox will be in the background you know yes cloudy loves him he's still reeks of the CMA sitting there trying to stand up for come for for billion and trillion dollar companies that made poor Investments and decisions like you know now we've got stadia being all I blame Microsoft because they bought with this though so that's why we shut down our Studios nah man you launched a service like crap and you were sitting there showing off a red carpet with failed consoles you didn't want to make the proper investment because you thought it was going to be so easy to just leverage all your Google servers and then when you realize that you have to bleed billions of dollars to get a foot in the gaming industry you didn't want to and you just noped out like I had nothing to do with Microsoft buying Bethesda and it's only the same Sony saw a future where streaming was going to be the future just like Microsoft sees it and then Sony gave it a go they invested in Geico they invested in on live and then realized uh okay this is the future but it's a future that's probably 15 20 years or more away we're not going to worry about it that's not Microsoft's fault and it's not the cma's responsibility to worry about that yeah in the end as I read earlier the cma's responsibility is to Consumers it's not to the companies that are competing yeah like it's it's a bizarre one it's funny as well there's a whole website on the uk' website that you can read and it's even got the names of the people that are doing the inquiry group as well as an email which I can't bear to think how many Sony Fanboys have emailed this this contact email which is a microsoft.activision at how many emails have they got saying you know do not let this go through can you imagine just like Angry all caps sorts of nonsense what's so embarrassing about this is the same Fanboys that are crying about this stuff are the same ones that talk about how amazing Sony's exclusives are and they're the only place for all the best exclusives it's like well if exclusives are all that matter what's the problem yeah let Cod Go Let It Go like you're you've got your exclusives don't you so why do you need to worry about Cod don't worry about Cod I mean you're gonna have to let it go anyway it's not going to be there on PlayStation 6. foreign use one of Tom Warren's tweets or Microsoft did in a response back as well funnily enough I don't know I saw is it was it Stephen tatillo and I think he also in the same way I'm misinterpreted the Azure thing I think he misinterpreted so he was saying that Microsoft basically said their consoles weaker than the PS5 and it's like I don't think that's what Microsoft was saying he was like oh you know people Microsoft statement was something like Microsoft people aren't buying a PlayStation because of Call of Duty they're buying it for the consoles technical superiority and people are choosing to interpret that as superiority to our console it's like no no I think they're talking about the strength of the console the power of the console like I mean you see it now Fanboys all over Twitter have been like well technically the PS5 is more powerful than the Xbox because of the SSD and all this other [ __ ] I've got no idea about um but people are like aha Microsoft said meaning that the series X is weaker than the PS5 it's like I don't think that's what they're doing I think you're misinterpreting the language there uh I just wanted this to be over oh my God we've got some super chats though yeah Jay the Earth is the first one I think yes uh Jay the Earp uh Sony has to pay for cloud and Microsoft has to pay for running Cloud both have to pay in some way Microsoft I think even builds their own Studios probably which I find bizarre like what's the advantage of being able to competition and it's like legal stuff for yeah keeping things Fair I always found that odd uh great Super Chat for one of my favorites I might skip that I might skip banana peel Jack was nice enough to just give us two dollars with no comment at all and then there was no other super chats no come come on Mr rule we don't we do this even for people like um what's his face Xbox sucks clowns guys for ages obviously I think they finally ran out of dummy accounts so they're yeah yeah hey John and the guy who does nothing also hi Jesse my fave was the CMA comments on Nintendo and how they aren't in the same Market LMAO well that's what I said on Twitter I'm like what a dumb comment like they're saying well Nintendo is family friendly have they been on the eShop and seen all the anime titty games that are on the eShop of course they they haven't I mean Nintendo store has more adult content than Microsoft and Sony's it's ridiculous like it's this whole idea that Nintendo doesn't count it's the dumbest thing like they do count they make a console they're a direct competitor to Sony and Microsoft the fact that it doesn't suit your narrative because Nintendo is kicking both their asses so heavily in the only metric you guys care about console sales doesn't mean they just don't count like if you care about console sales then Nintendo is Far and Away the market leader if you care about Revenue then they're not the market leader it's Sony with Nintendo second is written a second or Microsoft second number one in 70 seconds yeah I know but I mean between Sony Microsoft and Nintendo Sony's number one and I can't remember I think Microsoft is third in between those three yeah Nintendo second so no matter what metric you use Microsoft ain't anywhere near first in any of them so the city the CMA like I don't know I find it odd that they're willing to just so publicly embarrass themselves like this because if this goes to phase two like phase two goes more in depth doesn't it phase two goes far more in depth than they really pick apart everything like it will just get worse for them in Facebook it's when they get actual people they know what they're talking about they get experts in the field this is all just people oh no that could get even worse think of all the Sony Fanboys they'll hire as experts in the field games here is a jam ruin this guy seems to know a lot about Sony in their business his uh famous Bloomberg reporter Tai Kim uh coming in with an objective clear-cut XX Bloomberg yeah for Revenue I thought they might have been like for actual revenue or whatever between the three yes I thought Xbox might have actually been number two um but you don't see Nintendo funny how Nintendo's got no objection to it oh but they don't care according to the CMA seriously you're stooping to like literal Fanboy arguments as a regulator like saying Nintendo doesn't count like you have to be joking Me Maybe Sony should just make better games and then they wouldn't have to worry about having God Nintendo does it Nintendo just makes games that people actually want to buy their console for maybe Nintendo Sony should do the same you're muted John sorry I was typing so I was protecting the audience from my keyboard um but yeah it's it's I'm bored of the APK stuff I mean it's gonna it's it's constant drama in in hilarity it's gonna get pettier as well I reckon oh yeah it's definitely going to get worse um it's going to get pity Microsoft issued a response uh to the Brazil except right after our show basically like last week we had our podcast and then like not long after Microsoft issued a response to Brazil which I don't have in front of me uh well I I do yeah it's a long statement but it's in Portuguese right um but effectively um they've concluded that the gaming industry was always competitive at least it is in Brazil and the shares in the markets in which the company is trying to compete are pretty low 20 of all potential segments um digital distribution of games and Microsoft holding Call of Duty you know at gunpoint uh which seems to be obviously Sony's biggest talking point um they didn't see any reason for Microsoft publishing its games another platforms because there's no incentive for doing so right now um but yes I think Microsoft were pretty pleased with it can I cut you off yes you see the formatting on our news story on this yeah I'm gonna go fix that what the heck what happens look at look at look at this formatting this guy's just got giant gaps here and here my goodness I'm gonna have to fix that is it is oh okay yeah I have to oh yeah look at that I didn't even notice that I just said my balls in it actually I think I think proven used Elementor which is uh doing Special posts and I was like why did you use that oh I don't know so I didn't take the time to go in and fix it so you're probably not wrong um but yeah yeah I like I don't know their response was like you know Brazil brought up a good point like and then immediately dismissed it because they realized it'd be a silly thing but like it it shows that Brazil were actually looking at this properly like they said that hold on well in a world where they own ABK and cod and have all this dominance thanks to Cod they could turn around and go well we don't need third part other third parties we've got ABK and they could shut those third parties that was a consideration I had never even thought of and then obviously they logically said well why the hell would they release less games on their platform but the fact that they even thought of it shows that they're actually doing the proper due diligence and looking into this thing in in a holistic way saying okay so what are the possibilities if Microsoft gets ABK they could shut out this console they could shut out other third parties because they they think they don't need them they could shut it like it's good that they were doing it the right way CMA have just gone oh God Sony might not be number one anymore yeah well that that can't be what kind of world would you be living in if Sony wasn't number one I I just want to clear up in the chat I can see uh some back and forth uh Zach was a sec um XBox didn't lie they they take when they talk about Gaming revenue they take the whole Market into account so 10 cent Apple Google yeah yeah yeah Sony Nintendo Yes but when we were talking about yeah when we were talking about where Microsoft sit and we would we were just at that point talking between the three PlayStation Nintendo and Microsoft so yeah yeah just just to be clear um you know there's no there might be some legal legalese going on but uh there's no outright lies yeah um okay while we're here can we do the two super chats that are at Super chats the community questions that are on this topic yes it would just make more sense I agree um to have those Community questions while we're talking about it uh so where is the first one where is the first one okay it's from our friend it's a community question from Bob lapel who I thought had abandoned us for Rand but had not or at least welcome back Bob welcome back and he became a YouTube member hello most amazing panel first I prefer xboxover place that PlayStation but I'm a gamer first with the APK merger with Microsoft I believe Microsoft's making some mistakes and helping Sony with the CMA when they made that website with a chart stating six ways that ABK merger will help consumers and gaming industry only one is true and that is making work environment better by Microsoft good working conditions with unions will make other devs want to work for Microsoft and in that end make EA Ubisoft and others improve their conditions to compete for devs the mobile market is false statement because King already is already in the market but will just be under new ownership the other four Microsoft does not need APK to make happen and the CMA will see through that also by stating many times that they're going to buy more Studios and Publishers can make the CMA and others nervous in approving this deal yeah that's a pretty good point like they've been open and busy saying yeah we're not going to be done after ABK uh also the only thing Sony did wrong is to make the fight public outside of Brazil Jim Ryan's job is to protect Sony's interests that's right I personally think they did a great job in convincing CMA that Nintendo is not a console competitor with Xbox and PlayStation and to convince the CMA that Microsoft turning Sony is bad for the consumer everyone else has to remember Sony's very far ahead of Microsoft in Great Britain and Europe for me it is 60 40 the CMA will approve the deal even if it does not hold up in court and it'd be years before it be decided they try to block it I myself want the deal to go through what do you guys think oh and what is your favorite ice cream [Music] I love that little random at the end you're muted again John I love that little random at the end what is your favorite ice cream uh strawberry cheesecake hagen-dazs is the uh from cold Rock I like cinnamon donut good choice literally has chunks of cinnamon donut in it it is so nice um but yes I I think Microsoft also said some odd things that were obviously trying to spin things a certain way but just like what Sony are doing but I mean in the end most of the cma's arguments flat out hold less water than a sieve yeah like just insane arguments that you only expect to see on Twitter console Wars which is baffling to me absolutely baffling in the end I mean I took that extract from their website that talked about their responsibilities their responsibility is to Consumers and there's nothing here about consumers there's nothing in their arguments about consumers like in the end we are ultimately talking about luxury items yeah so we're not talking about Necessities we're not talking about bread milk water electricity pout look we're talking about video game consoles if the worst outcome is that a PlayStation fan who only owns a PlayStation 5 may need to buy an Xbox as well or switch to Xbox to get Cod bad luck that's competition so it's just competition that's just how it works a company gives you a reason to entice you over to buy their product and join their ecosystem Apple and Google have been doing it forever and a day like it's that's the whole point of competition that that's literally the point that's why it would make no sense for Microsoft to not make Cod exclusive at some point otherwise why spend the 70 billion yeah if you're not going to make it exclusive that's the hilarious thing they talk about oh you know PlayStation will be cut off but Microsoft with their games comparatively to PlayStation who are you know now more on PC but Microsoft make their games available on everywhere but PlayStation predominantly and then pretty much but far more Avenues and ways to get in um I get why mobile you know I get Bob's Point here about you know oh King King already a big player but for Microsoft they're not a player at all right and mobile for them means that they have a foothold that they can then use to expand Game Pass and bring AAA gaming via streaming to mobile and that's and again all three have tried the mobile space and only Nintendo is the one that's kind of carving out some success so Microsoft's traded mobile many many times and failed Sony's tried and failed they've got mobile games too the only one that's had some successes Nintendo by leveraging their IP but even Nintendo I don't think have been like wildly successful on the scale of the major mobile players um so Microsoft wants ABK so they have King so they do become a major player in Mobile but that doesn't mean others can't come along like I mean Microsoft tried to go up against twitch who was the biggest player and Microsoft still tried yes other competitors may not have the money to to just throw at it and hope it works but well what do you do I mean it is what it is don't you wish mixer was back oh God the timing of shutting down mixer all they had to do was hold on I don't know six months more and we could be in a very different world right now just six months like I think almost within a month of them shutting down mixer there was some massive twitch controversy and everyone wanted to leave twitch all they had to do was just hold on just six more months I reckon and it would be a different world now so okay uh the other the other community question on this topic Jessie is from diogame uh hello panel my question for this week is simple do you think the moves by Sony Google and CMA will make Microsoft significantly more outwardly aggressive going forward I think you can only push a nice guy so far myself but I don't want Microsoft going all Michael Douglas falling down on the place great movie P.S CMA is basing Nintendo doesn't count on two factors if I recall correctly one of them we fit and games like it is dumb the other is that Microsoft supposedly doesn't see them as much as a direct a competitor due to synergies between the firms differences in Tech and audiences and overlapping audience Market I don't think they should discount Nintendo if anything it showcases how firms can co-exist by offering alternative Diversified offerings at different price points something I'd argue Sony could easily do and Thrive with they may just not be the market leader to which I say who gives a [ __ ] come back when things are Wii U plus Xbox One PS4 and GameCube Xbox PS2 levels unbalanced and we'll talk PPS sorry Jesse and this is what I'm saying this is what I I find a baffling and makes this whole thing reek of like collusion the fact that ultimately the concern is over Sony's market dominance did the CMA get involved at all when the PlayStation 2 had 150 million consoles versus 20 and 25 of the other two I think he existed or was anyone worried when the PlayStation 4 had 116 million while Xbox had 35 million for like seven years or the Wii U was at 12 million their whole line of argument is is just it's it's Bonkers um there's a part I did see some some discussion that was kind of saying oh um what was it uh they're just taking these talking points because because of the size of the deal Jesse disappeared for some reason which means I wrote in the chat I was just refreshing real quick um they they said that something to do with um the the size of the deal they had to put some reasons forward to take it to phase two which you know that's flimsy yeah yeah that was just someone's speculating yeah oh we've got it we've got to do something to say what I can't speak and now so we better do something that's ridiculous but the whole government in the UK I mean have you seen what's going on over here in the news we've had four chancellors that control the budget and announce the budget and everything in four months here in the UK we've got a new prime minister who came out announced a mini budget it tanked the pound it shot inflation up mortgages were withdrawn because the bank went and then the IMF and the bank of England were like you can't do this the markets say no they were like we're not going to refuse and this was like two best buddies and then she turned around and said yep I'm firing the chancellor and I'm you turning on all the stuff and now she's brought in Jeremy Hunt I wouldn't normally pronounce the h I'd usually go with some other letter to come in it used to be the health secretary here ah evil evil guy um to come in and be the new Chancellor and all of the promises about how they're gonna keep prices okay and look after the Public Services it's going to be gutted like the next decade here in the UK is going to be even worse and we've got two years to the general election so it's a complete night to Australia yeah if I could get loads of money together um and then maybe you could come down here and we could build ourselves a big stage to do that oh they're kind of funny kind of funny and the dream of Xbox here are just like living like a bunch of Frat Boys in a giant Studio that's a big investment I hope it works it's a big investment I hope it works out for him looks very cool um but yeah I wonder how much money it costs to run that thing they have a lot of patrons I mean look UK can't be as bad as Australia we had like three prime ministers in the space of 12 months or something Madness yeah we're on we're on record for that but oh it's crazy but yes um there you go that was one thing we didn't cover while we're still talking about this we forgot about this or did we talk about the potential foreclosure the partial foreclosure strategies well we mentioned it a little bit when they're talking about how because of Microsoft cloud streaming and everything they're so big that if they got APK it would make it so difficult for any other competitors to come in they're partially foreclosing that line of business for new competitors and other other competitors in general yep um which is Microsoft bullied their way into this industry they they went right exactly and and Nintendo bullied Sega as well like they they've all done it like you know it's actually a third party views also cover the merge entity's ability to engage in partial foreclosure strategies Sie told the CMA well I mean they're admitting right there even if Cod games remained available on Playstation following the merger the merged entity would still be able to engage in partial foreclosure by increasing the differentiation between the versions of cod available on Xbox and on Playstation according to Sie Gamers may expect that Cod on Xbox will include extra content and enhance interoperability with the console Hardware in addition to any benefits from membership in Xbox game pass Sie submitted that these factors are likely to influence Gamer's choice of console is this a [ __ ] joke Point that's the whole point like so that's Sony crying that Microsoft may do to them what they've been doing to Microsoft for years oh like am I taking crazy pills like the fact that the CMA would even listen to that argument without laughing at it is laughable in and of itself so Sony's like oh but but they might have exclusive content with Cod if if they buy this so yeah isn't that where you you're literally doing it right now with modern warfare 2. like I just it's hilarious isn't it oh my God it's laughable it is absolutely I mean Jesse's got it on the screen now what so so they're worried that Microsoft's going to do exactly this to them uh liners Tech tips getting involved love it also Sony oh my God it's just embarrassing like just stop embarrassing yourselves and again this is coming from a person that's got no issue if this still gets blocked but if you're gonna block it block it on it on its merits block it for a genuine reason don't yeah stoop to Fanboy arguments because you care about Sony being first that's not your job man it's not the cma's job to care about Sony it's the care about consumers and this doesn't affect consumers but have concerns raise concerns say look we're worried that if they have Call of Duty and it's one of the biggest franchises on Earth they may turn around and up the price of Call of Duty to 150 dollars knowing that people are going to pay it because they absolutely have to have Call of Duty that's a concern yeah that is a concern that should be explored because that is something Microsoft could do they could leverage the fact that they own the biggest one of the biggest franchises on the planet have it exclusive to their platform and double the price of it knowing you can't get it anywhere else that is a genuine concern being concerned that Sony might not be first who cares yeah it's really absolutely actually that could benefit the industry it's only not being first could help the industry because then maybe we won't be chasing this Triple A best graphics in the world story driven Nirvana that everyone seems to be going for at the moment which is bankrupting Studios because of how much it costs to make these stupid games instead we'll see some Innovation originality and creativity yeah maybe we'll see some variety in our games instead of everyone chasing the third person over the shoulder AAA inflated budget unicorn that they're all going for it might help the industry like it's just embarrassing like it's oh my God just Super Chat from Jason yes from Jason oh it's been a while since uh we've seen Jason uh I'm starting the new Xbox era Studio Kitty fun do not use this money for anything else uh yes we will build well first we have to pay for John to get down here because I'm not going to the UK I already hate our cold weather during winter and spring I'm not going to the bloody UK I'll tell you what though um I think we should make a deal we should make a promise right now on this show we're 100 episode 130. yeah episode 200. yes at a minimum the three of us in the same place so we find a way you know maybe maybe we all meet in the middle I don't know but we'll find a way to get all three of us in the same room during the podcast live on one setup for episode 200. I think it would be gonna give me a good gaming laptop to uh host everything on then well we'd probably just use my rig I would imagine or something but I've got the MacBook Pro the tool of the MacBook Pro what does the audience think of that episode 200 and then we and then we'll get Phil to come back on for episode 200 and get him there too get him on the sofa with us it was the kind of funny studio did you see that Jim Ryan ain't turning up to that is he yeah probably not that would be around February I think episode 200. that's soon which is Australian summer no way is it that soon no oh no sorry no no it wouldn't be sorry sorry sorry sorry it would be the year after February sorry 2024 February roughly really yeah I suppose it's it's 70 weeks away Australian summer where else would you want to be may as well be in the nice hot weather here with us that's true come down and your flights here would be cheaper than my flights everywhere else yeah so you should just come here investigate I think that's I think that's what we're gonna do we'll have to do that episode 200 is both of you should come here and we'll try and get Andrew Wilson here for me yeah he's Aussie laughs like he's this uh if I get this Hawthorne Sharon for review I might not ever want to leave my house I'm sorry I hate you bring the chair with you I've been whinging about my chair and I saw that one and then I saw your I was like you son of it I hope they don't let you keep it I have to say please box it back up and send it back our way yes for a chair no guys are all exactly right look at everyone's in the chats like Nick just doesn't want to leave I'm like that's right I hate flying I hate I hate traveling like I had to virtually be bribed to go to Greece in 2018. I had to virtually be bribed like I I'm not I don't like traveling and then I was sent a sign from up above in February 2020 I finally caved and I said yep for my 40th birthday gonna do Vegas gonna do a week in Vegas booked it all in paid for everything the whole lot and that was February 2020. so I was given a sign from up above saying do not travel give up on this traveling thing you're not meant to travel stay home so that's what I do I stay home so those two can come to me their flight would be cheaper and our weather is better so just come down here and it means that Jesse and John will finally get to experience good coffee good food nice restaurants be great I'll take them around have you have you bought yourself a mocha pot yet no come on come on bro I can't be I can't be bothered for someone who proclaims coffee superiority yeah but I just you're using a pie hardly make them myself I hardly make them myself bro you'll be like okay this is Heavenly I prefer coffee at home than in any fancy coffee shop anywhere in London it is incredible coffee that's because you guys don't have the coffee we have at Shops I have lots of really really nice coffee shops that do amazing they are the they're the ones that are run by melbournians probably yeah that's why they're nice or Italian but yeah so it's pretty much any place that they've conquered from the person is Nick doesn't want me involved Rand if you want to use all your YouTube Millions to fly down here mate come down and I'll punch you up in person come down I think I think rand's like six five I think he's pretty tall I don't care yeah just slightly think I've ever been scared of someone who's taller than me I don't care nice whatever squaring up brand I wouldn't that works yeah I work out I go to the gym I can hold my own I've got a good center of gravity I'll be all right uh okay I think we covered ABK and how embarrassing the CMA are fairly extensively yeah yeah um I think that just leads us straight nicely comfortably uh into thanking our patrons uh yeah and our YouTube members and now our YouTube yeah and now our YouTube um I wonder if we can collect a list of YouTube members to give them all of the love in this uh sure yeah I've got it it's just going to take me a long time to add it in yeah so we'll do that for next week so we because it's new we love you lots YouTube members you're all incredible but big thank you if we want no no we'll do it but now the list would just be somnia and Tom because they gave so the list is real short it's like Tom somnia Bob lapel and Jordan and like a couple of others and then the rest are all the freebies all the freeloaders I love it but big thank you to all of our patrons I know if you're running the banner as usual Jesse he's not now he's no he's there you go to you guys you're enabling us to do some cool stuff um some of which something new you'll see later on either very late October or very early November you'll see something cool and new um in other news we also did some minor mostly cosmetic upgrades to our Forum today you'll see a new sidebar on the Forum which I really like so within that sidebar you can customize and and see everything you're tracking um so your bookmarked posts you can go have a look what you've posted you can edit your profile as well as quick links to all of the the categories within the Forum from off topic to announcements to the patreon lounge if you are a patron and we've also added um a bit more of a cosmetic change but featured topics So within the forum's main page when you first log on you'll see three featured topics which will change up every week or so it might be the biggest game that's come out that week we'll put a review up there or something that we've got going on but it's all very nice looking and as always The Forum is running super fast and we have affiliates oh yes we do good bench yeah people that are paying attention on the main homepage you'll see a little partner network uh tag um in which you'll find connections to um I guess fellow splintered off from or uh friends which is the sales Community install base and their Forum as well as the Nintendo from you to see at Fama boards yeah if anyhow there's no Splinter PlayStation Community isn't it very funny I don't know I wonder why I wonder why everyone else splinted off from reset but the PlayStation guys didn't I wonder why that is serious da game I apologize you shouldn't have super chatted that you should have just like DM me on Discord or something because part of his question and we technically didn't address it do you reckon Microsoft stays nice after Sony and CMA nah nah I Reckless clubs are off now they're gonna go Goblin mode they're just gonna be like oh really this is what you were trying to stop guess what we're just gonna try and buy everything now and we're not giving you jack [ __ ] yeah I would really reckon we're gonna go Goblin mode they're just gonna be delightful to see you know violently Spencer awful hilarious yeah but yeah sorry we should have addressed that you shouldn't have super chatted that you should have just thank you for the super shape you shouldn't have super chatted that you should have just dm'd me like you could have just hit me on Discord around calling us out the Xbox 2 patreon Banner runs the whole show no no they run it the whole show it's like Rand if Rand watched our show he'd know that we'd do it during the patron Shout look I gotta be honest and I love Rand but we do a lot more producing and having actual webcams and stuff in between things like there's we don't have just one scene that we stick to yeah you know just sitting there playing games off camera and just chatting you know yeah we don't put their drinking in on screen or drinking secretly in the background playing games tweeting all that sort of stuff while we're on the show we're a bit more professional than that I just sit there you know I have seen like the Xbox time the Xbox two guys they've got some merch we've got some merch merch still going on now yeah including a t-shirts for kids with cartoon Rands and Jess's of a younger age I really am tempted to get and make my son wear in pink um oh God I love it I saw I saw jizz change their logo and there was a shrimp in it yeah the the the Xbox bucket or something or the Xbox yeah the Xbox bucket or something like that apparently I'm the shrimp oh that's nice allegedly I'm Legendary logo allegedly I'll take that oh yes okay you said I did say allegedly I know I did I was being silly actually I don't actually believe the word is supposedly [Laughter] supposedly irregardless a whole nother Americans [Laughter] okay no thank you very much I might go down that tangent love you patrons deep breaths oh yeah God all right all right another perk of a patreon membership aside from the free video game we give you which jizz and rent Jess and Rand call themselves an Xbox podcast but we are the only podcast that gives you a free Xbox game with your patreon membership I mean you can't get more Xbox than that the very neat little Omega Rally Championship which has a driving model that should be stolen and implemented into a new rock and roll racing after Microsoft gets ABK I think anorexic maybe I'll join him well DM Phil and be like Phil here's a free code for Omega Rally Championship this driving model when you guys get ABK you get one of those Studios or get turned 10 a small team from turn 10 or playground to make a new rock and roll racing implementing Omega rally championships driving model oh man maybe a very happy man wouldn't you that would be so good like ah be great it's really good ah okay Community questions we'll get to community questions now yeah maybe yes yes we'll start Community questions which is also another perk as well as the Xbox game you also get to ask Community questions that we read out on the show okay I have a call in sorry I have a call in though like I saw that that is so risky what if you get some psychopath that just Rings up and like threatens or abuses or I don't know man like that feels risky to me to have a live calling that feels really risky it's cool from like an interaction and a community involvement standpoint but feels dangerous too you never know what happens if you get like Xbox killer and he rings what happened to all of us likes makes a third you know Smurf account and that's exactly that Smurf what happens if I just ring from my own account and just abuse I think you have to be a certain tier of Patron to to get up there and do that I'll do it for a month and spend four weeks of their podcasts bringing them and abusing them both just they're abusing them with the foulest language that they've ever heard and I'm Australian you can't beat how we swear like we swear with the best of them so that would be that would be a sight to behold okay creaky legs so any spooky season games you're interested in playing this month I'll probably be playing scorn by the time you read this but I'm also looking to replay or maybe dig into the backlog I never played The Evil Within so maybe I'll give those a go keep up the great work man I wish I could be playing dead space remake oh I want to play that game so bad I don't get a code for that a video review and it's 110 oh no I've already called that one I just reviewed the original uh Jesse you don't like horror games um that's not a genre you're familiar I don't like I don't like bad horror games how about that sorry yeah little little scorn reference uh for this YouTube comments mostly oh anyway creaky legs come on let's get on with it yeah horror games again I'll probably try scorn um oh by the way speaking of horror games in Dead Space didn't Dead Space get a perk in Game Pass did it yeah didn't it I swear I have no I just got a perking Game Pass I'm almost certain about it can you look that up just um Game Pass I'm pretty sure it did I need to I don't need to redeem that if that's the case although I may already have it but because I I've got everything customize your dead space gameplay experience with the add-on bundle this bundle contains some previously released DLC to help you better survive the horrors that await Isaac Clarke is that for Dead Space one yeah just a 25 uh character code well there you guys see that and I've got the original Dead Space mate I bought oh best Resident Evil game Dead Space is a better Resident Evil series than Resident Evil is Dead Space is amazing I don't know if you haven't played Dead Space play it even like the remake's coming but don't think that the fact that the Remake exists means that the original is like unplayable or some like the original game is still fantastic and it's backwards compatible so Xbox is the only platform where you can get every Dead Space game I think wait yeah yeah okay yeah I think I think that's right I think that's right yeah Dead Space one and two aren't on PS4 or whatever uh what else is a good horror game play alien isolation alien isolation is amazing nope um what else is a good horror game they're probably two of my favorites aside from some of the Resident Evils like Resident Evil 4 is very scary but it's basically unplayable now with those tank controls like Resident Evil 4 is not fun to play now in 2022 Resident Evil 5 is passable in terms of how it feels to play and control uh but Resident Evil 2 remake play that as well that's another amazing game super super good I'm I there's no point coming to ask me for horror game favorites I don't have any I don't it's not a genre I'm interested in I'm a complete horse it's not for me it's not for me I don't like playing games to be uh terrified I've played I've played you know Outlast I quite like admired until I was too terrified to continue uh Outlast was pretty good I I turned off alien isolation when the alien showed up that was me darling Oh alien isolation and it's quite a reasonable 1000 as well it's quite a reasonable one thousand it's not my jam it's not my jam man even though I got the trophy I got the platinum trophy I haven't played it on Xbox I got it I don't know why like I used to get into this habit where I just bought some games on PlayStation just so that it would have games like I felt sorry for PlayStation has no games man oh wait because I I bought everything on Xbox and then Game Pass came along so I just sort of bought some kitty kitty games kind of like Shadow of Mordor I bought on PlayStation Diablo um there was a few and then all those games came to Game Pass and then it's like well what does for nothing never mind hi them G quick question John oh God he's doing it again you weren't here for Highlands Christian last week but you're here for it this week I I read it last week so I can answer it this week quick question John have you ever smoked a hooker aside from this is that how you pronounce it hooker hook because the way I say it with my accent makes it sound sex worker yeah wow my accent my accent makes that sound like I'm saying a hookah but it's a hookah is it like h-o-o-k-a-h I would refer to it as a shisha I think what what yeah but it's h-o-o-k-a-h you can see it can also be known as a shisha pipe um okay but yes I have I have smoked one yes um it was blackcurrant Flavor um and yeah it was it was quite Pleasant um back in the day when I used to actually smoke cigarettes which is a disgusting habit and I would recommend no one ever takes it up um The Vape I use currently um have you ever smoked a hook outside the cigarette and The Vape that you used to and currently smoke as of now and you have ever attended a convention like Comic-Con where I've been last Friday and destroyed my wallet also when do you guys hang on wait that's just that's that's one question okay yes I've been to uh uh conventions video game conventions I've been to I went to XO 19 um got to chat with the CEO thieves guys for a bit and uh some other bits and pieces and I've been to uh egx back in 20 I won't say 2013 maybe in 2014. funnily enough that is arguably what gave me the initial contacts and people to speak to within Microsoft to kick start the dream of what Xbox here eventually became um which is crazy like go out the far back but the nutshell I'll try this do this in a really succinct way when Master Chief Collection was launching um they were advertising like crazy and they were inviting people to come into a booth and give like a little conversation around what Halo meant to them and I was with three friends that had all met each other playing Halo 2 online we went in we did some talking about the lands we used to do and I got a call back from Microsoft I don't know a month or so later saying hey would you come in and do a TV advert thingy for us it's the only time I've ever worn a full face of makeup um it's a hilarious image will someone remind me on Twitter and I will post it just so you guys can have a good laugh but uh yeah I looked like I was made of plastic it was ridiculous um and then yeah did a couple of TV spots thingy YouTube spots uh they made me do the grunt voice which was irritating um and then yeah it led to doing the launch event for Master Chief collection and playing in the kind of Arena playoff in London then I did the launch event for Halo 5 and played on stage with like some YouTube personalities funny story about that one of the people couldn't get on a plane in time or their flight was canceled I'd invited my mate Tom it's my best mate he's uh Thomas no not Tom not Thomas Tom Tom isn't worthy of no neither of those Toms a real life Tom um and he's this really tall six foot and a six foot five guy dreads down to his back he's a Sparky by train so he's covered in crap and he turns up and because this person had turned out they were like do you know anyone I was like yeah like covered in crap turning off at this London event had to come on stage and play Halo 5 for the first time in a tournament event and he had no idea what he was doing it was hilarious but yes uh comic book pensions anyway okay there you go there's more of the question also when do you guys uh award chess video on your podcast because I have a list of video game studios don't have to read them all or some little tangent of a studio you guys might want to talk a little bit about but this is just a suggestion when ABK hopefully gets certified without Regulators being stubborn then you do a war chest video uh yes we've already put yeah we did one didn't we a while back we did the Xbox game studios World Tour following the acquisition spree uh the first acquisition spring yeah and we did a deep dive on each of the studios what they were rumored to be working on where they were located how many employees they had blah blah blah it was a pretty epic undertaking if you think at that point they had 23 Studios the video minute or so each Studio the minute was about heart the video was about half hour long we've already got the animation prep work done uh and we were obviously optimistic that that video would be ready to go this side of Christmas it's not going to happen but we'll we'll make one when the acquisition closes to talk about the new war chest and what all of the teams might be working on um and it should be a pretty good watch it will also be 30 40 minutes long which is gonna be nuts to render and Highland's got a list of a bunch of Studios oh my God EA take two Square Enix WB Bandai 2K Capcom Konami Sega code Tecmo THQ Nordic it's a KX system 10 cent games embracer group next on netease net marble marvelous Hollywood city project RED Epic Games valve from software Platinum Games Atari Falcon and if there is any Studio I didn't name please name a few I reckon you covered most of them yeah that's pretty much everyone that's out there yeah just about um I I look I just want seeker and Capcom I don't care about any but that's a selfish like you know there's perspectives on this from a personal perspective a purely personal perspective if I get Sega in Capcom I'm happy I just want to see again Capcom from the perspective of watching people melt down on resettera and Twitter Square type 2 you're muted you're muted your keycap for getting Capcom would get some meltdowns bro Capcom would get some meltdowns but not on the levels of Square Enix or take two um or even Konami so there so it all depends on your perspective I care more about me like I I want seagay and Capcom because that suits me and I get you know sega's content on Game Pass capcom's content on Game Pass there's a chance of Reviving all those old IPS because they need more content for Game Pass so there's a better chance that I get a new Maximo game there's a better chance that I get a new power stone golden ax Shinobi all these amazing IPS that Seagate and Capcom have as in amazing to me I understand that my taste is much better than most of my colleagues and peers and they will not want all the same stuff I want but that's the stuff I want see and there's Rand right on cue God Sega is so boring figures Nick wants them that's this is what I'm saying not everyone's taste is as refined as mine so I understand that that's why I said from a personal perspective sea game Capcom just purely personal Randy's wrong okay um what about you John who do you want from a personal perspective Rocksteady oh man Studio wise the dream um yeah it's really tricky because I I feel like I'm talking about pick one for you we know the Meltdown ones the Meltdown ones are easy I'm talking about picking the one for you that matters to you uh yeah see I I don't think I really really have one now at this point on the list like in terms of I don't really care about from stuff I don't really care about sega's stuff the only Throne game I really liked was from would be a good meltdown one yeah the only the only uh from one I really liked was was Chrome hounds um and they certainly don't seem to be going back in into that stable of Ip anytime soon um yeah it's it's really hard to say I don't think I don't think there's one I can particularly think of like I would really love um play dead like just um I love all their games I've always loved all their games but yeah no big Studio because look I don't play as much AAA stuff as a lot of other people I I prefer my games a little bit more unique um it's just mostly because I have a two jobs I don't need another trunk that's a good one I might get to see that he may he said I can probably go and visit him at the studio and see you should ask for a cameo oh yeah you should ask for a character that just goes any any of your cat's phrases or just a guy that pops up and goes what's going on some dude that just drinks coffee at a cafe by the side of the road yeah that looks suspicious I should have asked if I could do like a voice or something in the game how cool would that be he doesn't have the baby I just want to say my name [Music] Union I'd imagine what the reason that they got all those super famous actors is because through Annapurna and when you're hiring Union actors quite often everyone needs to be Union yeah yeah but I just it should be like three words man what's going on it's just me three words I don't have the they don't have to pay me or anything it's fine yeah actually that's a topic we didn't cover but we'll talk about it after the questions yeah I've already seen it in the chat big new controversy um okay I think we covered that I want Sega in Capcom uh top hello panel with more and more games being open world what uh what do you think game hold on what do you think makes a game need or warrant an open world over just the linear story path P.S how on Earth do my fellow patreons have questions each week some questions get repeated yeah um what makes it need or warranted I don't think I don't think there's much that needs or warrants an open world if I'm being frank it's an interesting question I think more often than not it's a more often than not it's clearly a choice because they want you just living in the game and not leaving it open worlds can be great at them yes the problem is is that uh Unfortunately they can be mostly padding yes when they're too big I mean and they that can get a little bit boring and ridiculous I get why people love them because they love map games or whatever um I think games that have arguably done open worlds in in more unique ways that isn't just stuff like GTA I think GTA's and red Deads they are the Pinnacle of tech coming together to create that kind of open world like I don't particularly like the way they play but all of the the routines and the systems doing their thing is is really really good stuff like Zelda breath of the wild like I don't I don't particularly like like the game but the open world was designed in a way that really supported it whereas if I look at something like hello Internet whilst I really enjoyed my time in it it is a big big way to just put missions in and just let you just be on a Halo ring right so there's a bunch of different design decisions that go into doing them I don't think games like 90 on that list probably don't need to be open world but you know what it is though I think the term open world is a bit I don't know if it's even the right term anymore because there's open worlds and there's open worlds like I think it's more sandbox now like I like sandbox as a term yeah there's there's an open world like red dead and then there's an open world like Shadow of Mordor they're both open world games but one's world is way way smaller but within that world you can still do anything and go anywhere so it's still an open world game to me I've got no problem with open world I like I actually enjoy the idea of just being able to go around and do my own thing that's why I love Crackdown so much crackdown's an open world game too but it's small and it's focused and it's the focus is on the beauty what makes Crackdown great is that the focus is on what you're doing as opposed to oh how do I explain it because you're still collecting but the collecting has a purpose so yes the game wants you to collect 800 orbs but there's an incentive to collect those orbs because the more of those orbs you can collect the more powerful you become the more accurate you become with your gun the faster you become the stronger you become you can jump higher to get to other orbs like it's this they struck this really nice balance of giving you the carrot but it's not just like in most open world games in the vast majority of them ball games the Collectibles are just there to be Collectibles yeah they're those services so they give you a gameplay enhancement no there's no they're just there as a checklist of stuff to do there's no real reason for them to exist aside from that Crackdown and I'm not just talking about Crackdown three I'm talking about Crackdown as a franchise Crackdown Rand be quiet Crackdown the way it's designed yes it's an open world but it's only small so it's not like it's overwhelming you the focus is on the verticality so it's not about oh look how big our world is and look how many icons we have it's about look how tall these buildings are see if you can get to the top and it's so much more fun as a result of that yeah like it doesn't like it's just that's that's why I loved Shadow of Mordor Shadow of Mordor wasn't a giant open world it was too it was effectively two sections two maps very very reasonable in size and like Crackdown the focus of Mordor was powering up so that you could take down armies Of Orcs that was the that's what I like I like when the Collectibles give me a reason to collect them rather than just being a collectible for the sake of being a collectible like another game that I think does open world if we just take that as a term sea of Thieves the whole purpose is it's it's Open Seas and then you've got these islands where things happen but because they've designed the game to be a Sandbox first so what's the phrase they use tools not rules so like again you know I know Nick you get very bored of my love of sea of Thieves even though I've kind of I've not played it for ages now because I've ground the game into a fine powder but it's still provided me with some of the most memorable moments like the moment where they first just after launch everything was a bit ropey but they first introduced the speaking trumpet and suddenly we could communicate with other players and just out of those rules and the sandbox and the tools that we were given this emergent moment appeared where we had to get a minimum of five players which was more than one crew to play the song to summon the big shark and to fight it and we'd already done it and we'd met a ship earlier in the night they're taking us on and tried to sink us and we'd beat them up and then we saw them doing it like three hours later they'd obviously found a crew and they'd all camped out yeah we went and ganked them and we could hear them over the over the speaking trumpet why are you doing this and it was like delicious like Cartman drinking tears because if for us it was revenge and that's only possible because of the sandbox elements in play and the fact that it was Random Encounters and that's that's why I love co2's game design I don't think they get everything right but open worlds can do incredible things for games but they can also make me just turn it off because oh yes I've got 1 000 icons yes that's right because that's because there's two types of open world games there's the Assassin's Creed collection style of open world game where it's all about just collecting stuff and then go here and do this Mission and then there's the breath of the wild style open world where it's about systems working within the open world or the sandbox and how you use them and that's where Halo infinite tried to go and I think they mostly succeeded but breath of the wild the reason everyone keeps referencing back to breath of the wild is because breath of the wild effectively executed on the idea of systems pretty much perfectly like there's almost almost nothing you can't do in breath of the wild and people that keep discovering things they can do and how they can get to certain places and blah blah blah and I think that that concept works even better if your world is not overly large I expect tears of the Kingdom to be an evolution of that concept and a refinement you're muted and a refinement of what breath of the wild did so well um but I like that something like Mordor and Crackdown still take that concept but simplify it so Crackdown you can still go around and just blow stuff up if you want to or you can just do what I did which is just go for the um orbs and keep powering yourself up see Assassin's Creed one and two so I've seen brick mentioning the feathers in Assassin's Creed one and two Assassin's Creed one and two got a pass because back then did it OBS Studio disconnected uh YouTube went down we're back up now though you guys may need to refresh YouTube crashed on their end not mine uh okay oh uh so people watching um if you have any hiccups in your video it might it's just do a refresh it should be fine yes it's good we're still live we're still good it's all fun online yeah we seem to be okay I don't know what I was saying at the time we got cut off yeah waxing poetic about breath of the wild even though it's not that good be quiet um it's better than Mario Odyssey I'll give you that oh yes Mario what is he another game no so hey blame Jesse he mentioned it so breath of the uh Mario Odyssey is more in the vein of Crackdown like as in it's a bit more refined smaller open levels and but the stuff you're collecting doesn't really technically have a purpose aside from allowing you to travel between worlds so there's still a purpose to the Collectibles you can't go anywhere unless you collect the moons that's there that they're the open World sandbox games that I prefer the ones that give you a purpose to the Collectibles Assassin's Creed one and two got to pass because they were the first so people weren't burnt out on that formula of here's a million like I loved Assassin's Creed one and two loved them loved Grand Theft Auto 3 and Vice City and said Andreas but back then that genre and everything like that was still new so we weren't as burnt out on it I am glad though that Mirage appears to be going back to the roots I'm not talking about Mario Odyssey anymore I'm not even talking about Mario Odyssey um yes Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed 1 and 2 though were at the time like do you remember Play I'm I still remember playing Assassin's Creed for the very first time and I was blown away I'm like how cool like because I'm big into stealth as well so it was amazing to have this guy who was just cloaked and he's walking through the crowd and disappearing into the crowd you get your little knife out and it's like this is the greatest thing ever and then you get you get away from them on the rooftops I would die for Assassin's Creed to go back to that I can't wait for the ninja one the ninja Assassin's Creed I reckon that's going to be amazing if they get it right and it's all about the stealth and sneaking around and taking guys out silently that Assassin's Creed Japan game that's with Ninjas Oh good Lord that's gonna be good as long as it's not just this big map filled with icons I need to get I reckon that's going to be so good we will see we'll see good question though thanks yeah for such a short question ended up with like the longest answer uh skedaddle Nick let's show some love to the recently released Halloween themed DLC in Ko the kangaroo Jesse make sure the little girl pointing her finger shows her displeasure with Jon for missing last week's episode as is the little girl up is she up oh she's a you go it takes like seven seconds for you guys to see it but yeah she's there she's pretty pissed yep there she is there she is bloody YouTube lag finally we were on mixer that'd be better what about Kayo the kangaroo I haven't played that game I actually haven't played it is it any good uh uh it looks fun yeah I think so like it it we did a review didn't we someone said it was all right soul Blazers did it didn't he okay but he is pretty big on giving high scores like it looks like a game reminiscent of the action Platformers of the late 90s early 2000s yeah it looks fun I wonder if it's on Game Pass it's not on Game Pass no I don't know it's not maybe gift it to me skedaddle because I've been told us don't do that skidel well at least I admitted it I admitted that I'm a tight ass oh dear God unless I'm buying an Apple product in which case it's a little bit different okay um the Asian co-109 two questions what is your go-to game at the moment hello rocket League what was the first ever game you remember playing as a kid whoo well uh for go-to games still Halo infinite Forge is that a game does that count I have no idea but it's definitely my go-to Proteus is coming up in second place though um first game you ever played first one generate first game you remember playing now uh it's either and kudos to Jesse if he can find some footage of this it's either Elite on the BBC micro or Repton I think it was called on the BBC micro good luck finding footage for Repton the first game I remember playing it's one of two and I can't remember which the first game I remember playing and it's because my great uncle so my isn't that what you call your grandfather's brother is your grandfather's brother your great uncle yeah yeah my great uncle had one of those TVs that had pong built in with the paddles so yeah so when I used to go to his house because he lived around the corner from my grandfather I used to make them take me there so I could play because it was a game in a TV so I think I think it was pong or my cousin who also lived in the same suburb had an Atari and I remember playing pit for Harry on his Atari so it was probably one of those two I'm just my memory isn't super clear on which um Nostalgia Lane right now I'm watching isn't that boulder dash nah it's Repton man that looks like boulder dash did boulder dash copy that or did that copy Balderdash I don't know man this is most of the games back then just we're all IP theft yeah but that that's Balderdash I used to play the crap out of Boulder dish I used to have it on PC I need to look up which one came first Repton or boulder dash I need to look that up I used to love boulder dash it was so good wow hey right now Repton is a ripoff of boulder dash which came out one year before 1984 1985. I used to love boulder dash Balderdash was so good someone needs to remake boulder dash just a nice little 2.5 day thing to me that's the sort of stuff that could go on Game Pass cool little stuff like that I promise you I've got a lot of stuff like that maybe not you know it's 95 years old but there's a ton of smaller games on Game Pass I'm sure looks a hell of a lot better than boulder dash well Dash looks like [ __ ] I didn't say it was the best most graphically intensive game I just said I love playing it we're talking about 1995 dude like what I should think I was five years old that other game was only this was 84 and then Repton was 85 and it looked so much better disgusting well that's because he had boulder dash to rip off and improve on it's like our Saints Row looked better than Grand Theft Auto three like visually looked better that's not I'm sorry I thought he had the gameplay up here you go this is boulder dash oh my God we're Repton is way cooler yeah but that's like there's there's other ports of boulder dash that look a bit nicer than that I didn't play that one I played another Port which looked a bit nicer it's probably the PC one which looked better than Repton anyway the boulder dash Boulder this was ugh I love Balto Dash such a good oh God that's bringing watching Jesse Play that video now it's bringing back so many memories I used to love playing boulder dash so much look at that like that's a puzzle game then you gotta then it starts chasing you and you've got to figure out to get the boulders to draw oh I love stuff like that they actually made uh I had never heard of this game before but they made a tribute to it in that arcade Paradise game that I reviewed earlier this year that has all like the little bespoke arcade games in it there's one that's almost exactly like that yeah ah Balderdash I loved stuff like that I still love stuff like that when I see it it's cool like I love little games like that short they're just or they're not puzzlers but like I don't know almost like time wasters bother this was great like that I'm so old okay cute howdy guys hope you're all doing well my question to you this week is hopefully quite simple outside of jrpgs and Fighters which genres do you think are Xbox's biggest holes from their first party output then as a follow-up question do you feel Xbox need to fill these genre holes and who would you choose to fill them I have listed a few genres which may apply below you don't need to read them out and it's got a whole bunch here party trivia puzzle board game Sports Family Games Live simulation cities I am anyway turn-based strategy four times strategy foreign stealth horror survival pop culture superhero games third person action adventure games cinematic narrative adventure games yeah jrpgs and Fighters um cinematic narrative adventure games third person over the shoulder like that's that's it really I mean EA covers Sport and 2K I think genre wise now Microsoft have have a lot of those everything I do need more more kids games directly yes kids games kids games first party shows like when I say kids games I don't mean low budget you know kind of boring stuff like astrobot like high quality stuff that's robot ratchet Super Mario Odyssey stuff High budget high quality stuff yes yeah a banjo remake or a new banjo sure would be swell or a blinks or uh yeah I don't know they've got so many IPS they could utilize like well I mean they're gonna have crash they're gonna have Spyro so those would appear to be no brainers um yeah like they have the IP they just got to use it yeah well they need the teams to build them lots of things but yes they're going to have like 74 Studios like the teams are there oh Jesus gonna be great teams that they need just give me seeker and Capcom don't worry about ABK who cares about ABK okay Ed forever oi brubs I was watching Xbox era's number one Nemesis Colin Moriarty joking don't ban me I was about to say why is he out Nemesis you know really interact with him no and he had a really good segment about what games actually deserve to get proper remakes like Resident Evil 2 and Final Fantasy VII rather than have this [ __ ] Horizon nonsense so I ask you fine gentlemen what games do you think is deserving of this as I was thinking about it two games immediately immediately came to mind Banjo-Kazooie and Tui the other Jet Set Radio Future fun Snapple effect for you flamingos turn pink from eating shrimp affect the living it's true that is true they're gray when they're born really um yeah did you not know that no yeah they hate grapes no there's a specific chemical in shrimp that causes the pink tint to their feathers and skin right so it's not like a camouflage types of jewelry no no it's it's not like if they eat camouflaged food they turn camo colored it is orange yeah no it's not having great stay tuned green um but yes um games that deserve a remaster yes Banjo-Kazooie Maximo Maximo Maximo and Maximo versus army of Zen remaster or proper remake because I think you see the right either or either or Maximo there is nothing like Maximo on the market at the moment as far as I'm aware Maximo is just like a third person Adventure platformer but it's melee there's no it's not it's not like Ratchet and Clank with like guns and weapons it's it's ghosts and goblins in a 3D action platformer that is what Maximo is and there's nothing like it now and the original game outside of its camera controls the original game holds up so if you can remaster it with all brand new and it's slightly more modern controls and modern elements I mean look at that Jesse's playing it now look at that ah yeah it's amazing double jump and look at it look at it look how good it is oh Maximo was that they're the sort of games that I could just sink my teeth into like you know you could upgrade your your stuff and uh Maximo was so so so good uh like imagine that like remastered and it's all moderned up and remade more than remastered yeah sorry remade remade sorry sorry sorry yes see how you could upgrade your stuff and you have certain abilities and and this was all back in the early 2000s it's like it's all commonplace stuff now but back then this was fairly new Concepts look at all the hidden spots oh look at it man look at that look at Maximo so good looks okay did you ever play it no really did you have a PlayStation 2 yeah yeah it appears too and you never got Maximo I never got Maximo oh man I've bought them digitally on PlayStation 3 as well like those gate like yeah and especially like because Microsoft needs more kid-friendly games that if Phil was watching this podcast I'd love to DM him dude go to Capcom and say to them guys you're doing nothing with Maximo we will help you fund it we will fund it get it on Game Pass we'll we'll pay for the remasters to get a gauge of the interest check them on Game Pass and then we'll do a Maximo three let's do it I've just seen with you in the chat with the much better idea go to Australia go meet with the team Bluey Bluey game oh a Bluey game would Smash It smash it [Music] but you have to do it in that art style you don't do it for 3D exactly yep yep 2D like I don't know like the Peppa Pig game like the game how it looks no but you know how the Peppa Pig game looks like the cartoon yeah yeah yeah exactly you have to have the bluey game look exactly like the cartoon oh man did you um did I tell you about the episode that got banned no did I not tell you then where bandwidth in America I was about to say it probably wasn't banned here it was banned it was not allowed on Disney plus and it was the family meeting episode which is an absolute cracking episode which is where Dad is accused of fluffying in bluey's face oh he's accused of fighting yeah Dad's fluffy in my face and I have a family meeting to get to the root cause of who fluffied I mean what was that band because it's about farts so it they allowed it through eventually but initially why it's fighting why like I don't know what's with America like I don't understand that country like the right Wingers here who are extremely conservative have generally been in charge of a lot of the rating stuff so our rating systems just by default are don't match what people actually think for the most part like at least in Australia like we're heavy-handed with video game Banning but at least we're Banning like drug taking and like stuff that's actually bad for kids to be seen why are you Banning farts like but we've been anything body especially nudity as you know unless it's murdering the body and then that's fine yeah you can dismember a body that's okay but God forgive you can lip ahead you can't show a butt yeah you can't show a bum or boobs but oh God you can chop legs off and heads off that's all okay mental but yeah sorry random tangent on blue but yeah I'd love a blue game but remasters or remakes for me um Maximo I'd love to see uh a fully fledged remake of Mac assault in some capacity um I would love to see a remake of freelancer um and I'd love to see a remake and total selfish reasons um Ninja Gaiden black no is this Brute Force not Brute Force um if any game needs a remake um man I remember getting this oh that's the Halo killer oh wait same engine yeah that's the blam engine that's the Halo infinite engine on display in all this um but yeah Mecha salt for me would probably be the big one like just all the destructible City environments and stuff it was a lot more arcady you know maybe bring in some more strategy to it online play was really fun never mind it is what it is um random interjection of a Super Chat by the way yeah Super Chat uh what are your games of the year so far my one sifu I still haven't played Seafood I'm waiting for it to come to explore it's all right I played it on PC it's pretty good my brother loves it it looks fun it looks like when I first saw and I was like this is it looks like something actually it's one of the hardest things I've ever played so you probably don't like it yeah but I like the combat other I like the idea of just that martial arts complete absolver no yeah it's it feels a little it feels better than that one but it's real tough I'll wait for it to come to Xbox or maybe I'll buy it on switch on a sale so I don't have to worry about getting really difficult trophies yeah I'll either get it on switch or I'll wait for it to come to Game Pass because I don't think it's got like a lifetime exclusivity or something like that no but my but my game of the year at the moment is Tunic yeah I'd probably say my it's the same for me tunic really tunic on God mode you have to add in because neither of you would play it without that no I played it both ways the combat wasn't enough but I played it on God mode um not because I found the combat bad though I don't find I didn't find even before I switched on God mode I did not find the combat that bad it was pretty much what I expected a Zelda clones combat to be yeah it's it's just it's for me personally game wise this year it's not been that great for me just on a personal taste not a lot has really like made me jump up and pay attention immortality got me for a few nights so I was like this is mental like and and I love the the unique take but yeah tunic was like this is so wonderfully deep and it's considered in its game design that I could not I could not think of a of a more polished it was just really really really good yeah Kirby Kirby's up there for me um as well the Kirby Kirby my god I've already forgot its name um but Kirby's Dream World whatever it is the new one that's up there but I think tunic right now I haven't played God of War yet um I will be playing that come November so who knows maybe God of War I mean God of War was my game of the year 2018. who knows maybe four years later God of War Ragnarok is my game of the year 2022 but as of right now it is Tunic so it's not a Nintendo game so at least on the Xbox zero game of the year thing you won't be seeing a Nintendo game under my name like you do most other years yeah yeah last year was Metro dread um one of the other years was a game like tunic Zelda the Remake a link to Zelda's Link to the Past remake that looks like a lot like tunic so it makes sense that those two games would be my games of the year I just like little games like that yeah I I mean the only other one that really I had a lot of fun with was um Escape Academy it's nowhere near game of the year it was just I had fun and it's nice to have fun and just and have to think through a game yeah um otherwise yeah it's just it's not been a great year for games for me yeah I mean personally but arguably that's probably a good thing because I've had a lot on yeah yeah next year is going to be off the charts though yeah next year I'm going to be very very busy um yeah it's good uh next year starts with dead space it starts with dead space it's gonna be a long long can you get me a code for that Jesse if they have more than one yeah yeah make him do something no no I want that game more than anything I do play my favorites I do plenty my contribution my contributions not as like Invisibles yeah yeah yeah sure why do I keep doing so much and it's because I really want to play these games yeah my contribution is more at a support foundational level like yeah it's just a talent mate it's the talent keeping it all together like you can't you can't really put a work measurement or a price on the abuse I get being the face of it and being the umbrella that Shields all of you from the abuse you've got her you've got her this time the little girl's on you man uh Jesse price on that can you do me a favor I did play this I'm sure I played this on the PS2 I want to say oh I I future cop LAPD why does this ring a bell yeah that name does ring I really really remember it I really remember loving this Playstation One it may well have been PS1 yeah that name rings a bell to me too I didn't play it but the name rings a bell I used to work at EB so I used to see all the games yes I've played this I loved this game holy [ __ ] that looks like Syndicate it does that's probably why I picked up I used to love The Syndicate Wars back in the day was an incredible title yeah yes I can remember Crusader No Remorse oh how good was Crusader No Remorse that was so good do you remember um it was on Amiga it might be on other platforms because I know that obviously everything went everywhere and I think it was called Walker and it was like you were this Mech and it was 2D and you stomped along but then you had like Mouse control in front of where you were walking and you could kind of shoot the ground and then flip it up to something yeah there it is that was really good fun Walker was pretty cool remember that um looks interesting and well said that but as you as you can all see this is why when you hear old people like me and John talk about games we don't care about Graphics look what we used to play you don't we don't care about Graphics we used to think hours into games that looked like this for us this was our best graphics we don't care if the shaders aren't the most amazing thing that's why we care about 60. murdering all the little guys that there was more 60fps games back then than there is now yeah so there's there's loads of stuff like that I remember from from the Amiga days I remember one there was pushover which was sponsored by quiversary but there was one in particular um cannon fodder which we've we've seen yes great um and I used to play a game on the PC and I think it was called it was either called Lone Ranger or Army Ranger and it was like uh you you'd start at the bottom of the map and the map would kind of be going up and it would be trying to pretend it's 3D like that but it wasn't so everything everything like all the Sprites were kind of like angled to make it look like yeah and you just have to stealth up oh and desert strike do you remember all the desert strike jungle strike helicopter games oh but can you imagine a modern like yeah actually nuts Graphics desert strike game yeah I know and they don't have to change the perspective just take the existing no that's not it Jesse I'm gonna find it modern film modern up the controls a bit but just give it new graphics like sometimes that's all you have to do you don't you don't have to complicate it sometimes you can keep it simple there's nothing wrong with that I found it it's Airborne Ranger 1998 PC dos by micropros what it goes there's a game oh my god Jess you used to have to pick up the parachute uh yeah yeah oh I remember that I loved this game so freaking much you had the little trenches and you could like hide underneath yeah there's so many old games like that that you forget about until you see them again you just fall in love with them yeah oh it's nuts anyway yeah random tangent thanks thanks patrons Atomic runner on the Mega Drive oh stuff like that was cool okay good good old days yes uh good old colleague hello John Nick and Jesse but especially John because I don't think there is any better reason to miss the podcast than to go to a performance of The Book of Mormon hope you liked it so this week's question is just for John Forge is coming I know the NDA is still in force so you can't tell us anything about the final plans regarding the launch of the beta but are you going to do something special to introduce Forge infinite to the gaming public something like a video introduction or a basic tutorial to get started with Forge what a wonderful question um yes I can't talk about anything yet I'm hoping that changes in the last few weeks as we run up to launch they have one last video on Monday coming out they do they have a video on how you can share content and publish content um across their ugc platform I don't I don't even know what this is going to look like yet I know how it works currently in the in the current builds but I have no idea what the front-facing web side of things is going to be um so yes excited and are we going to do anything cool here we are come on of course we are so I will certainly be um I'm not allowed to record my build uh so as and when I don't know if if I'm gonna get the public build on the day for me if I'm going to get it a little bit early but it doesn't win I would um record some tutorials I'll definitely put some stuff together we will obviously as a team be doing something uh for launch and I'm looking forward to actually giving people a really proper tour of curfew how it was made a lot more of the details so people can see it and obviously get it into people's hands and do some play tests that'll be fun maybe we'll do a community play test of the new map um you can even stream yourself how do you make stuff I think that's what I will plan to do sir so yes there's lots of cool stuff coming and we'll make some noise about it as we come up to Launch there you go that's the answer to that one and yeah Book of Mormon was great as always really really good show you should go see it Nick if it's anywhere near you okay you would love it it's been here before it's been yeah it's it is hilarious okay um hello there favorite island in Greece and why hugs what saturating yeah that ones I've been to Santorini yeah that one like a big Santorini yeah when we went in 2018 to Greece Santorini was the most the Fondest Memories I have um and and look that's a little bit spoiled by the fact that we stayed in a really nice expensive Resort in Santorini that helped cloud my judgment on how good Santorini actually was but I did enjoy the shopping there and the way the island was laid out [Music] um also the hotel I stayed at I became really good mates with the barista shocking I know because he was like the only person in Greece that made me a coffee that was like close to the level of the coffees I get here in Melbourne so we became like full-on mates like we added each other on Facebook and Instagram and stuff like that like we became friends so every night that I was at that hotel I'd go out of my room at like 11 o'clock at night and just have a chat with him and Ella let's have a coffee and get him to make me a coffee um but yes Santorini was my favorite by far yeah I can only concur s yep when I was very very young I went on a holiday with my grandparents um I went to a visit a water park a very Burly man this is a true story and I'm making light of it because it wasn't that big of a deal it's a brick thing the water park is a Brit thing because oh yeah when we went to the water park in Greece there was Brits everywhere I was hearing more English than I was Greek when I went to those water parks it was just Brits we don't have the weather for water parks over here really like the closest we get is like a Center Park so it's mostly indoors right um but yeah I I was in a water park and uh I did kind of uh I don't want to use too strong a word let's just say um manhandled Under the Water by a rather large 50 year old Greek gentleman um to which point I my head came up out of water when I realized what he was trying to do I was like Granddad that guy like I've never seen a fat dude run so fast it was uh it was funny as [ __ ] but yeah go figure buddy grease never went back funnily enough was wasn't that Pleasant maybe that's where we could go for the Xbox era Meetup seven years of patreon money live from the Santorini Water Park someone splash the PC s never mind I I could be a light source with how pale and white I am I could literally act as a light source for everyone okay put you under a neon beer light you look pretty cool Maybe uh last question whew fullaxis uh hello John and the scrub that lies it's been a while between questions hope you're all doing well many many years ago roughly 1987 I was on the kids TV show in Australia called Romper Room oh God I remember that show pretty sure it was in other countries too and the host was Miss Kim last night I was out for dinner with my wife celebrating our sixth wedding anniversary at a nearby restaurant quietly enjoying our dinner and my wife notices Miss Kim at another table I sat there awkwardly pondering whether I should ask for a photo I'm generally a shy person and couldn't work up the courage to do it I knew I would regret it if I didn't get one so I asked the waitress to help me out she obliged and I got myself a pic with Miss Kim so my question to you is have you ever been on TV I don't think I have I don't think so not that I'm aware of I have not been on TV no I don't think I have been on TV I think it was uh we had to pay it was a showcase gig thing for a bad about my band at the time when I was a kid and you had to we had to travel up to London we had to pay and sign all these forms and it was for like a middle of the freaking night like almost like cable Access TV show they didn't have really have those but I think it used to air on I want to say used to air on Channel 4. I can back this would have been in 1999 Maybe yeah and yeah we did that and we we ended up watching it and it was as terrible as you could imagine um oh God what would it have been back then Marta you'll find lots of as in as in m-a-m-a-y-m-a-m-a-r-y-m-a-r-t yeah yeah that one Mar yeah yeah yeah yeah I doubt you'll find a video like on on YouTube anywhere I certainly I might have been in the background on something like a like a variety Footy Show because I went into the live audience and it's when it pans across stuff I may have been yeah in the background on something but not in any real way no there are um there are videos of of my my band out there like there's a video of a song called pions which uh one of my friends who was at Uni studying Media made a music video as one of her projects um and it's like lots and lots of Clips uh from the early noughties uh with with all of us kind of like monging about and being idiots but it was a good laugh um but yeah that's the only time I've been on TV really the YouTube adverts I did for Microsoft I don't think they ever aired on TV but you can find them on YouTube somewhere and you can find me doing a grunt voice um for some reason yeah yeah so that that's it for Community questions are we going to talk about Gotham nights or not uh Jesse has not got a lot of time um so I don't think it'd be a long one it's just pretty much the I don't know why they would decide to not have a mode that could do 60 frames per second so that there was a very recent controversy where I think akami games the Twitter account economy games was the first to mention it I think um because they they found it on resettera a poster on resettera who alleged to have a copy of the game early was like ah this is only 30 FPS and doesn't have any performance modes and that caught fire and everyone was like what I mean I post them in even my tweet about it I was shocked at how much engagement it got um because I was like yeah no if it's only 30 FPS I'm not interested I don't do 30 anymore like even PlayStation's games I've been playing them when they get patched for the PS5 at 60. I just don't do 30 anymore I'm I'm willing to sacrifice any graphical options to get to 60. yep I don't care um and then the developers confirmed it and then there was this Rock Steady developer who yeah not sure he should have opened his mouth with his tweet history yeah with his Vendetta against the series s and basically blaming the series s again doing the Twitter Fanboy argument thing of the series that's holding everyone back when isn't frame rate tied to CPU yep predominantly usually so given that the series s technically has a better CPU than the PS5 wouldn't the PS5 be holding back Gotham Knights well RAM on the series s is another bottleneck but yeah this guy clearly clearly has a bit of a weird Vendetta um and probably will be a spot of bother come Monday morning with his leads um because there's no way that's not been seen by many of his colleagues um and it will probably get a bit awkward um yeah but someone dug up his history he hates the series s like he has a surreal hate boner for the series s like it's bizarre and it's like dude you know that the last two years that no one's been able to buy a series X and A PS5 the series s has kind of saved people and allowed them to play next-gen games at a reasonable price yep like maybe developers need to stop constantly trying to push the envelope of visuals how about that like did any of you guys ever think of that like there's only so far like when you're playing a game at some point you kind of stop noticing the visuals no matter how good they look there's exceptions to the rule obviously like everything but you kind of forget as I said earlier the most popular games in the world aren't the best looking ones like I don't what more like I feel like now I reckon our visuals even back in gen 7. were pretty good like I don't know how much better graphics need to get I know they can get better gameplay now gameplay and responsiveness and I don't I will never understand this whole world doesn't matter to me like it should it should that's what you're doing that's literally how you interact with the game is how it feels and how it plays like look how much better all these Horizon zero Dawns and Last of Us Part Two they all play and feel better on PS5 because they're running at 60 now yep Graphics the graphics are still the same actually if anything at 60 they look a bit nicer 60 actually helps improve how they look too like that that should matter more how a game plays and runs should matter more than whatever if you can achieve both awesome but like they're sitting there saying oh sorry guys we can only do 30 because it's 4K in raytrace so get rid of it they've said the reason is that it's because it's an untethered open world so either Co-op person and it's always drop and drop out so it has to be ready for that at any time so they're saying because we have this big open world and you don't ever have to be in the same place we don't have a tether that just ends up using up too much CPU and we couldn't push to 60. see I hate that excuse as well I hate that excuse as well like untethered Co-op so then why play co-op why play isn't the whole point to be together so if you want to be on one side of the map and there on this side of the map then you're not really playing Co-op anymore it's just like a shared World online game that you two happen to occupy like this point of Co-op is I never understood the untethered Co-op thing now I'm not saying you should be tethered next to each other but the way Halo did it was great and I never noticed and thought Oh God it's not letting me get away from my Co-op partner in Halo in Halo CE it was well two or whatever it was fine and the way Gears of War did it was fine like I'm playing Gears of War Co-op because I want to be there together with my car partner taking people down I'm not sitting there thinking to myself man I sure wish I could go to a completely different part of this game and be away from my Co-op partner I never understood the tethering thing in co-op games and I also don't understand how the series s would hold back the X and PS5 from being able to hit 60. plenty of games have a 30 FPS mode on series that's what I mean that's why I'm like this feels like it's just they're not being hot completely honest about why it's dirty because they're like oh it's 4K and it's um Ray tracing okay so get rid of the ray tracing because Ray Trace Reflections are a waste of space anyway and make it Dynamic resolution and reduce whatever else you need to reduce and don't make it untethered Co-op like I don't understand like to me a game like Gotham Knights you're playing Co-op to make it look like a comic book movie with the two of you together kicking everyone's ass why do I want to go do it on the other side of the map just weird decisions weird it just sounds like unnecessary stuff like that to me now that game's gonna feel sluggish to play now at 30. yeah yeah okay the new and the News pops right before launch right not even it wasn't even a post it was just a Discord message like that's not that's ridiculous well and it was a forced Discord message because of the controversy that blew up from a person on reset that had a copy like it's just get your bad news out of the way early so that way by the time the game comes people are over it or have forgotten about it like there will be people genuinely yeah there are people now like I was even looking forward to this game now I'm like what 30 no thanks all right if a person performance patch comes later and they can get it to 60 on series X and PS5 and work it out somehow no worries I'll have a look at it there might be another game that's coming out this week that is 30. yeah now I have heard rumor that there's a day one patch for performance mode but it's only rumor as far as I know it's only 30 FPS but I haven't yes but at least with blank towns on Game Pass where Gotham Knight you'd have to pay 110 is Australian not gonna pay 110 Australian for a 30 FPS Dame just because they chose to go for Native 4K and Ray traced reflect is it Ray Trace Reflections I assume that's the only Ray tracing it just says retracing on the store page I don't know that they've said specifically what is rate raced or not well I mean this generation that's the only type of Ray tracing with baseball no it's mostly it's actually been a lot of Shadows and like some ambient occlusion like there are a lot of different forms of Ray tracing Shadows ends up being one of the more popular because it's less computationally heavy I don't know to me this generation has been mostly unnecessary stuff and I agree Bradley Jones and Nick should stop crying about Microsoft not having Capcom he does sounding who's crying I'm not crying I'm just saying that that's who I'd like I'd like Capcom and Sega I'm not crying somebody catching up on the show I'm just saying that was about two hours ago buddy I uh I'm just saying that's who I'd like I'd like to come and see you just I I cry apologies for appearing distracted so I found uh I I was doing some digging first of all for everybody's entertainment as we wrap things up here here's a picture of me with a full face of makeup um which is where is it oh wow you almost look fake yeah it's almost like I've got a filter on before filters existed or you look like a Madam to sword met him to sword wax model I had to go back to work after this it was ridiculous and I found it a bit of digging and it's actually not on Xbox's channel it's on um goddess looks weird doesn't it I don't know like a human being um I found the video the advert that I I think one of the adverts I've seen I think there was like three or four of them oh yeah there he is [Music] so there you go go figure um weird but there you go those were the days me talking I love the way Jesse keeps trying to capture a shot where you don't have your eyes closed or whatever but it keeps on happening please have your eyes closed in every pause the makeup though ridiculous it's way funnier yeah anyway so hey he's like [Laughter] doing duck clips in the middle of talking and it is like it's the worst facial expression um there's one more Super Chat at the Isaac to close out the day um oh yeah Mandingo uh any chance of a Manhunt remake oh man that'd be cool I don't think so but I think that'll be cool uh if you want me the closest you're going to get to a Manhunt remake is playing it on Xbox series X at 4K 60 where it's all upscaled and stuff let's see thank God I bought the discs I can play it in Australia because that game got banned in Australia right but at least that's a decent reason to ban a game oh man I'm wearing that hoodie because uh uh I brought a Halo gaffe back when Neo Gaff was okay and they wouldn't let me wear it oh it's branded you can't wear it so can you please wear this hoodie instead I was like okay it's like four sizes too big for me I need to make that as an emoji for this YouTube Channel please yeah okay strong guy I don't know I think makeup face is more hilarious but there you go um before we wrap things up then for the night Jesse uh anything exciting going on on the channel and on the site next week oh boy yes there is going to be I can't give time frames because it's all embargoed but we are going to have a plague tale Requiem review we are going to have Persona 5 Royal which I've been playing all weekend and that game has been out for three years so I can say I'm actually liking the game quite a bit but I can't talk about the port quality um so I have flag tail then we'll have Warhammer 40K Shooters blood and teeth which is a 2d side-scroller's blood and Tafe that's better but uh yeah so then potentially Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 potentially Gotham Knights they're both supposed to be coming I just don't know when um we also have some more coming from Genghis he did some smaller NIS America titles and I think that's everything we also had like five things go up this week so if you haven't caught up there's a ton of reviews and yeah it's a real busy time it's mad and look I forgot to mention it earlier but we read out a community question and I remember seeing creaky legs his name and then thinking I'll make sure I remember this and then I forgot um creaky legs with all of his hilarity and his little shorts that he does on Twitter um we've actually asked him to to sort of help out the team and bring some of that quirky fun uh to our YouTube shorts um and and do some other fun things uh so he's he's in behind the scenes now helping us out which is awesome of him giving up his spare time to to do that um but also means hopefully even more people get to see uh his sense of humor which is often on point Jordy Jordy just pointed out to me there's a boulder dash Deluxe on Xbox and there you go go have some fun it's 22 boulder dash Deluxe that's a lot it is a lot for a boulder dish I'm having a look at it now wow look at that exclusive World designed by Peter Lipa the original creator of Balderdash wow wow wow and it's made to look kind of like the original Graphics but in with voxels that's cool but then it's also got the new modernized graphics oh man I may need to buy this oh and I did add into the description that we're doing a charity drive on November 5th on a life so we can find in the chat as well yeah so there's lots going on um and uh one of my one of my IRL friends who is watching the podcast live because he's stuck in a hotel late on a Saturday night and I guess there's nothing better to do he's actually found the one video where I'm on the thumbnail which I've just linked in the chat for Laughs I think I do a grunt impression so you can go laugh at me directly but there you go been a good show ticked over that three hour mark by quite a way three and a half I know what is wrong with us get a grip three and a half I expected a long one though with the topics we had I expected a long one yeah fingers crossed bring back the Christmas podcast where it's nice and quiet and relaxed and there's nothing to do what do you mean like I I'm I want to turn that Christmas one into something with Jeff grub like I I need to work on like some leaks and stuff at that show and turn it into like something that competes with Game Awards [Laughter] you just need to put an open call out hey if anyone here got rejected by the game awards will will Premiere yeah can we have your next game yet yeah yeah if we if we don't if someone didn't make it under the game awards and they get onto the Xbox era grubsmith's special tacular yeah we just do one you still have to pay us 10 grand though just like the game trailers leaks oh man how good would that be that'd be pretty good oh my God I just realized that video I linked isn't just it's not me in a bunch of randoms that's me and three people I met playing Halo so that's KP I didn't even know this existed what the hell Vinnie I don't even know how you found this well I'm probably gonna go watch this myself now I think I'm gonna buy Boulder this right well that's one way to end the show it includes the original game the original games in there the key word is ending the show ending the show I can just I can mute them if you want okay but he has to say ciao for now it doesn't work we can't just end the show are we going we're going yeah we're going to care for now all right you can do it ciao for now bye everyone [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: XboxEra
Views: 74,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xboxera, xbox series x, xbox, xbox series s, rumor mill, xbox game pass, scalebound, cma, ABK Acquisition
Id: p_u2jPmW9WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 0sec (13200 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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