The WORST Things Your Teacher Ever Said (/r/AskReddit) Reddit Stories

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users of reddit what is the worst thing your teacher has ever said in front of a class [Music] during english class we were watching tomorrow when the war began those of you who have seen the movie know they start the movie talking about sex the teacher goes sex is not that great i have actually not had sex he's a full 30 year old man and says that to a bunch of 13-14 year olds those were the days his name harry balls no really he was a substitute teacher who wrote his name on the board and said i will give you three minutes to laugh but then we gotta get to work double quote freshman year in high school a classmate called someone at chodinjin class the gym teacher asked him what that means and the student explained h ode is a good student next day the teacher welcomed the class by saying good morning chodes honestly at 13 stroke 14 that's about as funny as it gets at least half of you will be dead by the time you reach 20 years old to a class of 11 year olds edit clarification teach was using an example to illustrate a concept he was a very nice bubbly man we all liked him he points at a random student and says for example bob imagine you're adopted about half the class cringed as they knew what bob was about to say um i am adopted you could see the gears turning in the poor teacher's mind on gafrick i can't say sorry because that implies that being adopted is bad omg the silence was palpable as he tried to think of something to say he eventually just turned to another kid are you adopted no okay so imagine stephen is adopted lol poor guy the father of a classmate died in a motorcycle accident he went into a corner too fast and crashed into a tree a couple of days after the accident which was the first day my classmate went to school again our physics teacher decided that it is a good moment to teach the speed doesn't kill you acceleration does lessen with the example of a motorcycle driving into a tree recursion is better than sex ninth grade c plus plus teacher going through a rough divorce during one year of high school in a bio class the students were fooling around in class not doing their work and the young had to be in her late 20s professor yelled you all stopped jerking off then turned red as she realized what she had just said you can only imagine how that went in a room full of 16-17 year olds lol he told our whole english class quite seriously that for his 30th birthday he wanted two 15-year-old girls to sit on his lap and he even named them i don't know what he was telling us for maybe he thought we would pressure them into doing it or something new year new teacher and his introduction was if you are loud i will hit you with the chalk we all thought it was very funny but the next day we learned what doom was because he never missed i had a prof that had given us an in class assignment he was a poopty teacher and we were first year student so we didn't finish it and he told us to take it home and finish it and when we were done to bring to me bring it to daddy he was greek and didn't know the context but he was the head of the department so we all held back our giggles and left she read out my name and looks at me and says your parents named you this i had an art teacher that got caught drinking apparently someone from the previous period told on her the vice principal came into our class and told her to come with him we all heard her yell they drove me to drink from the hallway she ate dog food when pregnant because she was craving it and a doctor said it was okay too she would stick pins in her baby brother's feet to make him cry when the brother was older and wanted to play she would lock him in the sewers that the virgin mary was called that because she wasn't married nothing to do with not having had sex apparently she was our religious studies teacher [Music] worst thing and also best thing history class kid punches the kid in front of him in the back of the head teacher sees this and says now he's gonna punch you in the head and you're all gonna sit there and watch because there's nothing you can do about it [Music] i will be in your but our band director was trying to fire us up for marching season but he had never given a motivational speech before so he freaked up all the intense parts and made them mildly sexual said that all we had to do to understand the reading was to try harder this immediately after someone who was visually impaired told her that no accommodations had been provided so trying harder was kind of out of the realm of possibility we all lost a lot of respect for that teacher that night the morning after parents night boy in the class was talking over the lesson for the 100th time that term and the teacher says johnny this is exactly what i was saying to your mum last night the class burst into laughter the teacher went red at the implication and johnny didn't talk over the lesson anymore a student handed in a blank sheet during a test teacher took it and said students sheet is as much a virgin as every girl in this class we were 13-14 he's done other stuff that made students uncomfortable but we weren't taken seriously had an english sub he was clearly in a hungover state taking naps on an hourly basis when he is awake he's not being a good teacher he would cuss openly in front of the class ask us what we were doing we didn't know and one time he was hitting on some freshman girl loud enough for his flirts to be heard by the whole class he was later removed for unknown reasons i'll squeeze your balls little man it was an all guys high school and the teacher was the headmaster a catholic brother teacher he was saying this as a follow-up to a kid acting up and being a wise ass he says oh you think acting up means you have balls kid says yeah amd then he responds to the kid with that gem everyone was weirded out and thought a line got crossed [Music] classmate explained he couldn't get through the 20-page assignment in time due to his dyslexia old to me teacher says there's no such thing you're just lazy only about six or seven years ago two had a high school color guard instructor say that she didn't want to see and jiggling when we came back from thanksgiving break so you ladies had better put your fingers down your throats if you can't control yourselves one of the members had recently been hospitalized for anorexia nervosa her comment didn't not go over well looked at a mentally handicapped girl and muttered just loud enough for a few people at the front to hear seventh grade math teacher heard some ninth graders saying that he probably never gets any proceeded to explain to his seventh class that he freaks his 10 years younger wife a lot and that they are in an open polyamorous relationship he was also our homeroom teacher there is a poopton of law behind this teacher and a myriad of other things he's done and our class actually met his wife on a class trip that's why we know college history professor called me a mongrel after finding out i'm mixed race the class laughed awkwardly with me my ap bio teacher was a little behind on the times and on the first day of school called a student daddy safe to say everybody busted out laughing and never let her live it down edit i completely forgot about the time my history teacher called a kid in my class a one pump trump we still call him that in the locker room to this day i had a teacher when i was 13 stroke 14 years old that said to a girl of the class she was going to end up prostituting in front of the whole class same teacher said to another girl that she was going to end up working at mcdonald's if she kept having bad grades same teacher told the whole class our parents were ungrateful to the pedagogic team that takes care of their children because she didn't receive any chocolates for christmas a teacher once got fired because at the end of a workshop class she asked all the black students in the class to stand up told them that they would be staying behind to clean the workshop after class and then dismissed all the white students not in my class but one of my professors once said you look like you enjoy riding a bicycle without the saddle edit wow this exploded just to clarify it was said to a girl so yeah it was that inappropriate in college btw when i was in 10th grade in 1995 96 our geometry teacher told the whole class she had leukemia she was an amazing and beloved teacher broke the hearts of the class i am not proficient in math at all and the sub teacher they had while she was on key mode didn't teach the subject well our original teacher returned for the last semester of the year and basically passed every one including myself that had showed effort to learn even if they should have had a failing grade she died that summer sometimes the worst thing someone says isn't ignorant or cruel just a statement of fact a hard lesson for people to learn at that age edit this was like 25 years ago i assure you i have coped by now comma fluttersh i was in fifth grade and there were a few students who weren't getting great test scores so during our lesson one day she calls out some of those students and basically paints a really morbid picture of what their future would supposedly be she said they'd end up working at mcdonald's for minimum wage barely making enough to pay rent in a poopty apartment with no way to pay for food electricity or anything else old guy history teacher told a student in my class to go home and slit his fat wrists edit this same teacher would also state after the last class of the day well time to go home and beat the wife he also once fired a gun in class although it was only an antique blunderbuss the dude still fired a weapon in class at the start of class our teacher just sat in silence for five minutes we waited for him to begin he then said you have just wasted five minutes of your life you will never get that time back a bit harsh on a class of 9 year olds assembly in front of the whole school ages 3 and up let it slip that santa isn't real edit for people wondering if they went to my school it was a small religious school in wales i don't know why there are so many girls in this class you're supposed to be married and have children already 11th grade advanced physics teacher not me but my older sister once had a class where the teacher got so fed up with kids acting up that she said you kids make me so mad i would hmn which one of you won't tell on me you the teacher picked a small quiet and bookish student brought her up in front of the class and physically shook her saying this is what i would do to you all if you were my kids my sister told my mom about this and my mother brought down hellfire and brimstone on the school and got the teacher fired for abuse our yoga instructor fat parents give birth to elephants i calling me her daughter and i am a boy [Music] my sister once had a teacher tell the class that they had to write a paper on a famous egyptian you know like socrates my sister was given in school suspension for disrupting class with her laughter she appealed it and in the appeal meeting with our mom and the principal the teacher insisted that socrates was egyptian the suspension was cancelled my sister didn't have to write the paper and a fake that teacher is still working at the same school as a teacher i was 13 7th grade my homeroom teacher was mr baker i lived in a neighborhood a few blocks away from a park and i was finally old enough to get to walk there myself i was overweight and i had started walking there almost every day i would walk the track four hours and then walk back home it was a positive for me and would have probably led to healthier choices down the line one day during free period he called out my name in front of my entire homeroom kids i'd known my whole life plus a few new people he told me that he had seen me walking down the road laughing now he said that he to wait 10 minutes for me to move out of the way because i was blocking half the road most of the class laughed with him i had to sit there holding everything in until the bell rang then i went to the bathroom and sobbed i never walked to the park again i was afraid to leave my house for a really long time that poop was so uncool and freaked me up for a long time people really suck for absolutely no reason and it's just a thing we have to accept and i hate it i remember sophomore year of high school we had this seriously obnoxious kid who annoyed us every day he would make some sexual joke and like every joke became a dead horse and complain how hard his life was in school and claimed that the teacher loved making us do this our teach had enough one day and snapped he looks at him dead in the cockeye and yells you don't know what i put up with you little freaker to give clarification this teacher has had many years of teaching experience was a us army ranger and was an emt very nice and friendly individual who could be lenient he also taught both algebra classes an ap physics and an ap calculus course that kid only did three things eat smoked weed and played video games he's been arrested three time now edit typo [Music] hi there look if you enjoyed the video well why not go ahead and hit that like and subscribe to reddit stories in fact if you want to see even more responses to this thread well then take a look there's the link in the description below and remember show some love to those authors while you're there and i look forward to seeing you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Stories
Views: 17,988
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Id: 9X58BRvL03M
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Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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