Most Messed Up Thing People Saw at a Sleepover

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what's the most f ked up thing you saw at a sleepover [Music] sleep over in friend's basement with four of us there i think this was fourth grade sometime around midnight the host friend's dad opened the door at the top of the basement stairs to ask if we wanted snacks but right as the word started out of his mouth he comes tumbling down the stairs and hit his head pretty hard he didn't move for what felt like forever and we heard from the top of the stairs some delirious yelling my innocent self thought it was the host's mom afraid because her husband just tripped and fell my other friend later explained to me that no the host mom was drunk off her ass and pushed the dad down the stairs so yeah i guess i witnessed a wife try to kill her husband a friend of mine at school used to recount her side of entire conversations from the day in her sleep like a tape recorder it was both weird and amp highly informative i slept over a friend's house when i was around 10 and we were playing nintendo at some point he yelled poop and without a word his dad comes storming into the room pulled him up and just started spanking him in front of me then took him out into the hallway to scold him then he just came back as if nothing happened but with a red face and terry eyes it was the most awkward uncomfortable night of my life having to continue on pretending to have a fun sleepover after that but i felt so bad for him i did my best it was what i imagined sleeping over at butter's house would be like i have another sleepover story that always sticks in my mind too but does not deserve its own post so i'll just summarize here watched aladdin at a b day party woke up later that night to friends older bro jerking off noisily in his sleeping bag with a movie paused on a scene of jasmine not something i saw but one of my friends in high school told a group of us girls at a sleepover that she'd been babysitting the previous weekend and the girl reported to her that she was being molested by her uncle my friend was so upset and scared to tell her parents they were family friends and hadn't told anyone we made her go upstairs and tell her mom her mom called the other family and we basically heard both her parents sobbing off and on all night the other parents called the cops and as far as i recall the uncle was arrested and spent some time in prison my friend was really scared she'd have to speak in court but didn't have to my friend's older brother would get mad at her for small things went in his room lost the tv remote shut her door too loudly and proceed to beat the poop out of her pull her hair and hold her down and punch her in the sides literally throw her across the room he was almost 10 years older than us and easily had 100-100 pounds on her he would eventually tar from the beatings leave the room and she would go back to playing with me like nothing happened i remember being so unbelievably shocked by it but eventually became desensitized because of how normal it seemed to her and how unfaith she was by it not really freaked up but i was terrified one night i slept over at my friend's house i wake up in the middle of the night because i felt sick however my friend wasn't in his bed and both clocks were broken and stuck at some random time like 1 38 am or something i was convinced that time had frozen and everyone disappeared i remember crying and being too scared to go downstairs to check the microwave clock eventually i went into his parents room and woke up his parents my friend was sleeping in his parents bed too ella led it word when i was in elementary school i got invited with my sister to a birthday party of one of her friends everything was going fine for most of the night and then the catastrophe happened her mom came down to the basement and was clearly very upset but didn't explain why she then had each of us line up on the stairs from the basement to the ground level of the house and brought us in one by one i wasn't the first in line but no one was telling us what happened once it was their turn finally i was up and her mom took me into the bathroom and showed me a trash can with a poop in it she was basically on the verge of tears pointing to the trash can and asking me is this your poop is this your poop it wasn't we never found out as it was or at least i wasn't old we have joked that someone will finally come forward on their death bed but my sister and i have since lost contact with those girls so we may never know i was 13-14 and staying the night at a friend's house with two other girls when we were woken up by a loud popping noise from her brother's room naturally four curious girls went to see what the hell he was doing at three in the morning her mom came running up the stairs about the time we entered his room and quickly herded us back out of his room in hysterics it took my brain forever to register that he had shot himself in the chest luckily he survived and i never had another sleepover at someone else's house again plenty of nightmares though one time i was at a friend's house for a sleepover and he and another friend held me down on the couch and tried to light my hair on fire with lighters i managed to break free and ran upstairs and asked my friend's mom to let me use the phone mom came promptly to pick me up needless to say i was not on speaking terms with the other two again when i was in the sixth question mark comma great i was going to stay the night of friend's house but we ended up at another kids down the street this guy ended up talking about how he would hump his bed until there was a wet spot on his boxes he ended up doing this while we were in the room watching tv and then showed us the wet spot and that was how i learned how to jerk off kid who had a pee jar in his closet it was a gallon pickle jar if he had to pee in the middle of the night he had to use the jar once his mom put him us in his room for the night we weren't allowed to leave his room until she came to get us the next morning how did they make sure of that the doorknob was turned around backwards so they could lock us in holy poop my inbox okay the jar was for emergency use only and was emptied and washed in the morning if you used it probably rarely used it since most kids that age can hold it all night he was a bad kid and stayed in trouble pretty sure the lock thing was to send him to his room and make sure he stayed there don't know about the parents sexual habits but i'm not surprised that most of reddit immediately jumped on the drug fuel dodgers responses we were playing hide and seek with my friend's little sister and i went into the unlocked bathroom while loudly saying where could she be my aide in the year comma the little sister was five we were ten and the father was jackhammering his pp while staring at himself in the bathroom mirror and had his other hand tweaking his nipple i left and walked home i remember we did a secondary school bonding thing in our first year where you effectively go to a summer camp for the weekend with the whole year group about 211-12 year olds to get to know everyone sleeping arrangements were in dormitories with bunk beds separated by gender about 30 to a room lights go out in my dorm no teachers just 30 11-12 year olds that don't know each other that well a kid farts hilarious someone else farts a few others then i vividly remember a distinct sloppy sound followed by a panic toe a kid poop at himself i would also like to note this was not the only public pants pooping by this kid he did it again final year during our duke of edinburgh award expedition overnight whilst camping i was sharing a tent with him that's a whole different story when i was around 13-14 a kid i invited over to my sleepover birthday party decided to strip down to his thai tea that is right before cake and ice cream myself my parents friends and relatives were mortified apparently it was normal behavior at his house when i was 12 we went on a family trip to vegas i woke up in the hotel to my parents having hanky-panky in the bed next to me i was trapped and had nowhere to go my mom said something along the lines of stop we're gonna wake up the kids my dad gets up walks over to our bed and rips the blankets off our faces and said see fast asleep i should have won an oscar edit i had no idea this would blow up thank you for all the love strangers i have no idea how this works ha so this obviously messed with me going forward any trips after this i just waited my parents out they would say small things like going to bed anytime soon and i'm just flat out like nope they would fall asleep and i won in hindsight as an adult with kids i do feel bad for [ __ ] blocking every future family trip i grew up in a very rural area of the southern us a middle school girlfriend was having a sleepover and later in the evening her mom told us she the mom could talk to the spirits of dead people through her daughter she got her daughter drunk on wine and hypnotized her i don't know how long we sat in that room but a lot of time went by with her mom demanding spirits speak through her daughter her daughter admitted to all sorts of terrible things supposedly dead people's spirits speaking through her this was over 30 years ago and i still remember it i remember the mom sitting in a chair chain smoking and her daughter slumped over in a chair seemingly dog drunk slurring confessions of murder suicide being killed etc she told us sometimes spirits would manifest in such a way that her daughter would attack her and tear the house up it was really strange her daughter was a very quiet girl the things that spoke through her were not like her at all it was fricked up i had a friend whose dad had a fish tank of piranha i really wanted to feed them a hot dog but her dad told me they already ate during the night i snuck down to where the fish tank was and there was picked clean fish bones in the tank the dad was down there watching football and he spotted me and asked if i still wanted to feed the piranha being a small piranha obsessed child die nodded and produced the hot dog i saved from the barbeque dinner we had it was the most terrifying and awesome thing i have ever saw 10 stroke 10 would never want to watch 3p rania go at a hot dog ever again least not in person when i was like 9 or 10 i spent the night at a friend's house i knew his mom was pretty strict but holy poop did i find out how much he did something really minor like leave his socks in the living room and she started shouting at him like he left a turd on the floor or something then he pissed her off again that night and she wailed on his ass so hard that it scared me she was a psycho the way she was spanking and shouting at him i hated her guts after that night edit i have no idea how this guy turned out we moved away soon after and googling his common name is like looking for a john smith also another guy with the same name was murdered in the same town it wasn't him so it's buried pretty deep the dad's mistress came over apparently the mother knew of her existence and it had been putting a strain on things my buddy and i hid in the basement while the wife and mistress were screaming at each other upstairs shockingly did not cause a divorce found my friend's older brothers in a maybody pillow he had clearly did the dirty with it woke up to my friend watching porn on the ps3 [Music] i took a bath and when i got out my friend told her mom i had soap in my vaginal i never said that and her mom made me get back in the bath and washed my bits for me so wrong now that i'm an adult and think about it five of us at a friend's mom's house in high school 17 stroke 18 woke up and there were four of us one of the guys there was apparently in the mom's room freaking the guy's mother the worst part apparently it wasn't a new thing the mom had been picking off her sons his friends and f king them to make her ex-husband jealous edit no i did not get a turn but then again i didn't make a pass at her i don't think he knew his mom was doing it everyone was pretty cautious to no spill the beans to him until after graduation when he did find out he was more disappointed in his mother than pissed at his friends seems like a really weird family dynamic wasn't the night it was the morning after i was at a friend's house in the big city when i was maybe eight or nine i had gone to the bathroom for nr1 and gone out nothing strange then my friend goes in after me and comes back out about 10 minutes later his mom goes mental and screams at me at first i don't understand what it's about but then she points me to the bathroom where there's a big puddle of piss on the floor she made me clean up her son's piss because he'd told her i had done it needless to say i didn't really speak to my friend after that was an awkward breakfast when i was about 15 there was a couple in my cousin's congregation that offered to host a sleepover for some of the teen girls i was staying with my cousin at the time so i went with her to their house for the sleepover when i got there i realized that this couple only had one kid and it was a little boy maybe six or seven years old the couple set us five teenaged girls up in the basement it was furnished and carpeted not a creepy basement and the wife set out a bunch of snacks and then we didn't see her or the little boy the rest of the night but the 30-something dad spent most of the evening with us offering us sips of his car a drink and leaving the liquor cabinet doors open when he would announce that he was going to another room i was creeped out but i was so sheltered at the time that i didn't understand why exactly until years later hi there look if you enjoyed the video well why not go ahead and hit that like and subscribe to reddit stories in fact if you want to see even more responses to this thread well then take a look there's the link in the description below and remember show some love to those authors while you're there and i look forward to seeing you next [Music] time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
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Id: NR8DP29uafI
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Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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