Classroom Horror Stories (/r/AskReddit) Reddit Stories

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what is your sexy horror story [Music] i was filling in for the 9th grade life skills teacher while she was at an appointment and she left a chart for the kids to fill in with different birth control methods their percent effectiveness any side effects i'm at the front of the room leading the discussion with the info they need to fill in their charts the last method on the chart was abstinence i said there are no side effects one of the freshman boys raised his hand and said i know a side effect of abstinence carpal tunnel i couldn't even pretend that it was inappropriate i laughed as hard as the kids did not a horror story but i got detention for asking if you have crabs and scabies at the same time do they fight not horrible but we were supposed to play a health jeopardy game but the teacher accidentally chose a hanky-panky positions one split us up into boys and girls with the girls going off into another room for instruction then two teachers screamed at us for what must have been 20 minutes that if anyone laughed or made a joke we would be suspended nice intro thanks we did a thing in ninth grade where anyone could write down a question anonymously one was about average pp size this was in the early 90s so that wasn't something we could just google the hanky panky head teacher who was highly trained at coaching football but probably not at hanky panky head told us between seven and nine inches probably every guy nervously glanced around the room and tried to put in their shore that sounds about right face i was convinced for about a year that i had a micropenis there was a kid in class who raised his hand and asked what's it called when girls spray out that liquid during sex the teacher responded girls don't do that he said trust me it's real i've seen it a bunch of times in videos she never responded that was sixth grade [Music] student in fifth grade asked at what age males grow a penis fifth grade they separated the boys and girls into to classrooms they must have thought the boys were too young to need denny sex ed late 1980s so we were read a short story ray bradbury's a sound of thunder where they go back in time to kill a dinosaur by the school principal a man in the classroom with the girls they papered over all the windows and had a teacher standing guard outside the girls must have gotten the straight truth from our cranky female teacher about how they were all about to have their periods get boobs grow pubies needing deodorant for body odor everything this was probably the first time many had heard some of this stuff because when the boys came back into the room all the girls were shell shocked some were crying i asked the girl who sat next to me what story did your class read exclamation point [Music] in sixth grade i had honest to god never heard the word masturbate before in my life the teacher was explaining stuff or maybe it was a video about safe hanky-panky or abstinence i can't recall which but the word came up and nothing explained what it meant i asked what is masturbation and an awkward silence fell over everything maybe because the teacher a man thought i was joking or trying to be funny he slowly realized i was serious and then struggled so hard to explain it appropriately it's when you know you do things to feel good with yourself you touch things or and i felt terrible for asking to this day i don't know who was more embarrassed me the teacher or everyone else i was in high school in the 80s for some reason they must have really really really wanted us to learn hanky-panky ed because it was taught to us in home economics social studies and science there was a boy in our class who was terribly shy on a normal day reading aloud from any textbook gave him anxiety but on that day the paragraph that fell to him was all about female genitalia you could see his face turn purple the closer his time to read came he could barely articulate but he asked to go to the bathroom and was denied the teacher made him read the paragraph anyway he did but he shook and trembled so much that not a one of us even thought of making fun of him it was so painful to watch then the teacher said that wasn't loud enough read it again we all sat in stunned silence he tried to say no he pleaded she persisted he did read it again through tears and clenched teeth she then released him to go to the bathroom and he bolted i don't think he came back that day and i think he learned more about human nature than hanky-panky ed a teacher asked the class who can name a part of the male reproductive anatomy and this one kind answered with full confidence a vagina read it wow holy shot this blow up one kid in my class asked if you could get stds from having hanky panky with a chicken kind of put him on the spot and was a little suspicious not really a horror story in high school hanky-panky ed our teacher had a big section on condoms which culminated with the class betting on how stretchy they were to prove that no one should accept them i'm too big for them excuse well one air pump and one condom later we had our answer at about the size of a long watermelon as our teacher was going to try to pop it to prove they tough our principal was doing his rounds and opened the door saw our teacher smacking the poop out of an inflated condom and just backed away slowly i found it hilarious 9th grade hanky panky ed teacher got a wooden pp to show how to put on a condom and the condom ripped in front of everyone and our teacher said in my 27 years of living i have never seen a condom rip and someone in the back of class said damn teacher be getting hella [ __ ] and he legit laughed nervously this isn't too much of a horror story but more of a moment that made me queasy first when discussing testicular cancer they showed us a video of the skinny ginger guy in the shower filling up his bowls to check for tumors then they gave us this fake nut sack to pass around and feel it was pretty life-like and you could squeeze the balls and they'd kind of pop slide around the sack all i could think of was doing that to my own zack and it just made me feel uneasy the whole experience was just awful we watched a video that tried to be hip and cool about hanky panky ed and puberty direct quote during puberty a woman's hips and breasts grow insert poorly done animation of a girl's hips and breasts enlarging to ridiculous sizes no not that big probably 9 or 10 years old mid-1980s sex ed was taught at an after-school event that lasted about a week my mom and i and my best friend and her mom went there were two rooms girls and their moms in one room and boys and their dads in the next room over we learned basic stuff mostly about anatomy slides were shown probably dating from the 1950s awkward then at one point the male teacher came over and asked for a few of the moms to come next door to help with something my imagination went wild especially since my mom went with the man i thought for sure that she and the other mom who went were being forced to show a live demo of what their boobs looked like or worse even though i didn't know what worse was yet they were in there for what seemed forever what were they doing to our moms how is my mom going to explain this to my dad when we get home why is nobody alarmed because they were moving desks well i didn't think it was a horror story but it stunned a few people when i was five and my sister was six we had a fish tank one of the fish we had was a pregnant molly we liked quite a bit unfortunately she died before giving birth so my sister curious creature she is asked our aunt a trauma nurse who worked on life flight with a passion for teaching if we could cut open the fish and save the babies this would eventually lead first to my aunt dissecting the fish for us then to her explaining reproduction and ended with a rudimentary version of the talk my aunt would take every chance she got to have a very graphic and factual discussion about hanky-panky and reproduction so we would always be armed with knowledge and never have anything unknown but it was in hindsight a bizarre way to get educated on the birds and the bees edit so to answer the burning question no the fish babies didn't survive i have a very vivid memory of the little babies spilling out on the paper towel not a bad memory because it didn't freak me out just kind of made me more curious about the world i guess so glad to hear how many nurses out there are similarly educating kids edit two monies give live birth not all fish lay eggs people that keep fish tanks can confirm all you gotta do is blink in a tank with live bearing fish and you've got pregnant ones my friends mom bought a sexual reproductive pop-up book it covered both male and female so you would open it up in the uterus and fallopian tubes would pop up at your face you can only imagine the fun we had with that we played std in a cup everyone gets a cup of water one cup of water has a bunch of dissolved starch in it the std dart we went around swapping fluids to represent sex and we're supposed to see if we could safely avoid stds without protection swapping fluids at the end we find out who had the std by dropping iodine into each cup turning the starch blue if it turned blue you tested positive everyone in the class ended up with the std even me because even though i only had one partner and they had only had one before me the one before them was a salute and had everybody's fluids honestly a very good exercise and warning except for that one kid at the end he dumped his test results and refilled his cup at the bubbler in order to claim he didn't have the std and he was good for more fluid swapping honestly another good lesson on [ __ ] who will lie about being clean use protection kids being singled out by the teacher because i had a unique name for a scenario along with a boy who i didn't like she used our names in a scenario talking about how a relationship develops we had to stand in front of the class while she described random scenarios where we might end up having unprotected six and why it was bad i was not attracted to this boy and i'm sure he wasn't attracted to me either hearing her talking about us having hanky-panky was nightmarish sixth grade hanky-panky head at the end of the class the teacher opened the floor four questions she said we could ask anything as long as it was a serious question the only question i remember is when a kid male asked it's okay to have hanky-panky with your sister right dart the teacher stared at him for what felt like a minute and said no my hanky-panky head teacher brought a kid up to the front of the classroom wearing a shirt that had two long sleeves and explained what an uncircumcised pp looked like teacher hit a girl in the face with a dildo we did not learn how to put on condoms that year [Music] it was taught by a jesuit monk whose english language skills were latin and by the end one one-hour class total i sometimes couldn't even identify which hanky-panky the diagrams were showing it was all line diagrams my mom's the hanky-panky ed teacher no context needed [Music] in sixth grade i learned the term popping your cherry from some friends in hanky-panky-ed class i went home with this newly found knowledge and accused my older sister of having her cherry popped she broke out in tears and my mom grounded me for a week more of a lack of sex said horror story and thankfully short a guy who i had a crush on both of us seniors pulled me aside one day and asks so when a girl has her period she just lays an egg in the toilet right i'll be honest i'm not sure if i answered him or just stared at him in my school hanky-panky ed was co-ed until gender-specific issues came up so when it came time to learn how to self-check for cancers we split into groups when we were sent away to watch a film on testicular cancer i said all right fellas let's watch the ball game and got detention i still think it was a grey day joke edit holy poop this blew up overnight thanks for my first reddit awards got it too late it caused a lot of stress when we found out we were using birth control pills wrong 9th grade health with mr lam dude was an absolute gem of a human being but his voice sounded exactly like barry white like all the time so anytime he tried to say anything remotely sexual it sounded like the voice over for a wrong er and amp b song which made the freshman erupt in laughter constantly poor guy just couldn't get through a lesson for three straight weeks mine was basically if you have hanky-panky you're gonna get diseases get pregnant and die i was scared to have hanky-panky for a long time a horror story in terms of education in grade nine we were given a paper that had an equation that said having safe protected hanky-panky was equal to satan it went condoms and birth control lead to pre-marital hanky-panky and hanky-panky without the intention of procreation pre-marital hanky-panky and hanky-panky without the intent to have children as a sin choosing to be sinful is the job of satan condoms equals satan needless to say we had a lot of pregnant girls in our graduating year hi there look if you enjoyed the video well why not go ahead and hit that like and subscribe to reddit stories in fact if you want to see even more responses to this thread well then take a look there's the link in the description below and remember show some love to those authors while you're there and i look forward to seeing you next time [Music] so [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] you
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Id: eXuoVPJJwdE
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Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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