Reasons Teachers GOT FIRED (/r/AskReddit) Reddit Stories

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why did that teacher get fired from your school [Music] she embezzled thousands of dollars from various club funds there were also rumors of her sleeping with students but the administration never bothered to look into that high school gym teacher apparently he showed up to a hotel room expecting to bang a 13 years old but got busted by the cops instead arrested by the fbi for credit card fraud it was a few months after the arrest when the reason why he disappeared came out in the open our new band teacher was a young guy fresh out of college his first year teaching and he embezzled about a thousand dollars from the band's funds he got arrested and his possible future career ruined for a thousand bucks edit probably my favorite part of the story was that he went by the name mr e so once he was gone the ruthless band kids referred to him as mr embezzlement explained elasticity by pulling the bra strap of a girl another one for having relationship with a girl from eighth grade 14yo she was always drunk and drinking during class she would leave us to cry in the bathroom he didn't come to parent teacher interview night the next day he was late for class and crashed his pickup into a brick sign outside the school cops showed up obviously and allegedly he blew twice the legal limit he called the principal a as he was taken away dating a 16-year-old student he was the band teacher he also had a wife and kid he went to jail and is now a registered hanky-panky offender one of the elementary school teachers at the district i went to got arrested for making his class worship him like he was a cult leader he was totally bonkers students laughed she ate toothpaste turns out she was an alcoholic trying to cover her breath oh boy where to start elementary school nurse was fired for taking the kids medications hs band teacher slept with a 15 years old swim coach left a hotel that he was at with his mistress drunk and killed someone with his car my high school had like 400 students [Music] she had fallen off the wagon and was drinking a lot to the point where it was affecting affecting her memory we kept doing the same lecture on density in sixth grade science for a month until one my classmates decided to ask another teacher about it from there she went to rehab if anyone wants more context she was our home room and science teacher she was very nice and married to our assistant principal so she had a little bit morely way while she was able to remain so before a while she eventually passed away due the effects of her addiction a few years after this she never seemed like a bad teacher but she was always stressed to the absolute maximum always felt like she was working from behind and generally struggling to keep up you know the traditional tail end of the functioning addict lifestyle affecting rather than affecting that may have been one of the lessons i missed female pay teacher she got caught sniffing a girl's underwear while she was showering middle school pay teacher walked into the girl's wardrobe and asked if he could watch one of them change their tampon as a joke a co-worker teacher got fired two weeks in the new semester when instead of uploading a video related to his subject he instead accidentally continued a previously paused hardcore lesbian seen on the big interactive screen the computer he was using was slow and poopy too so he couldn't quickly exit the video it went on for a good 30 seconds before someone pulled the plug on the screen around the same time he lobbed the laptop about 30 feet across the class sending nudes to a student my math teacher was a volunteer first responder in ny she left school to help out during nine stroke eleven and was fired for not showing back up for two weeks geeky av teacher that everyone loved knew he was a geek and owned it caught in a predator sting trying to solicit underage girls the kicker was a spring school levy was coming up local police conspired with the school district to hide the charges for three weeks until the levy was passed someone substituted his class for three weeks yay everyone was both devastated and pissed the district ended the school year early two teachers they got caught freaking in a classroom one of my high school teachers was caught on to catch a predator he pushed some dumbest kid who hit him against a wall he was legally blind and ended up stabbing and killing his wife our beloved teacher mr morn had worked there for 29 years without incident and was one of the best teachers there his classroom was always a laugh riot he was the best roaster and encourages us to roast him properly he never failed to get us motivated and a lot of us owe our career inspiration from him he was fired because he had jokingly smacked a student on the back of his head for making a stupid comment it was like something out of a sitcom and all of us expected it and loved it yet one student who was new at the school was culture shocked by this he thought it was strange but hilarious he told his mom offhandedly and his mom became the karen never mind that the student was the teacher's godson no physical contact was allowed says the karen he was suspended with pay for three months pending investigation then was let go because the karen twisted the story and it blew up around the school a year later teacher won both the lawsuit against the school and libel case against the karen with her son being one of the key witnesses we still keep in contact and roast him for getting rich over smacking kids around he straight up didn't show up to work one monday didn't call into a ranger sub or anything he ghosted the school for a whole week and then tried to come in the following monday like nothing happened we also had a fifth grade teacher overdose on meth but i honestly don't know if she got fired or resigned it didn't happen at school dating a 16-year-old female student he was also a pay teacher reddit i should clarify that he did do jail time and is on the hanky-panky offenders register he was caught trying to solicit a child prostitute during a hanky-panky trafficking sting he was a social studies teacher at my middle school and the arrest made local news when i was a freshman really shocked the district edit because a lot of people are asking for details this happened in san antonio texas in about 2013. she wasn't enforcing detention letting students leave early or just signing their name for them she was also the mom of a student they fired her and all the students that regularly received detention rioted jumping on cars flipping trash cans they set one on fire and pulled the fire alarm seven times in a day i forget how it was quelled but it only lasted a day my ap chem teacher had an affair with the principal principal got fired too i felt bad for her they didn't do anything on school property and it didn't impact her performance in the classroom also the school wasn't able to find a qualified teacher to replace her halfway through the year so we were all fricked come test time at the end of the year not one of us passed that ap test i heard a rumor that my favorite teacher from 9th grade got fired when i was in 10th grade because he left his class unattended [Music] this one is actually sort of rather sad had an amazing but eccentric math teacher who was incredibly involved with helping students he made sure to always cover his bases so there was nothing really creepy about him the year i left high school was a senior at this time went on to finish my dead he was fired shortly after news an article that he had killed himself with a self-inflicted gunshot what had happened during this period of time was a student had come forward to the administration and accused him of sexual misconduct both of them being males and unfortunately there was no real way to prove a negative for the missing time outside of school hours so they promptly let him go being a gay black teacher in south texas rough he wrote a letter basically denying all of the accusations but had come to the grim realization that at his age his career was effectively over so he shot himself in the head later the student who made the accusations came forward and said he had fabricated the entire event because he was failing his grades and angry the whole event was quietly swept under the rug ripmr ethan you were a good person who was cut down by other selfishness one was such an unlikable teacher they were asked to retire one was watching porn in class one sent someone else's pp picks to a student's mom one robbed a bank i replaced one teacher she was young and pretty and was photographed kissing one of the seniors in the parking lot he got a female student pregnant at the same time his wife was pregnant his wife wasn't still as a gym teacher at the school [Music] he was playing his guitar for students at my elementary school he had been warned before but the kids enjoyed it so he continued to play it for them anyways one day the assistant principal was lurking in the hallway and wandered to his classroom she saw him playing his guitar and fired him on the spot a whole lot of students were crying that day because he was an amazing guy edit more information this took place in a small rural town in georgia back in the early 2000s he wasn't the music teacher he just used to bring his guitar and play songs randomly on some days and the kids enjoyed it he'd been warned multiple times by his higher ups why idk he was a great teacher he thought that before the break he could play something for us one last time during the last week of school it just happened to be the worst possible timing while the assistant principal was walking through the halls he didn't come back to teach at our school when classes started again if i recall he got a job teaching at a different school had a history teacher get fired for going off syllabus and spending time on the pre-judaic flood stories one of maybe two reasons i'm obsessed with mesopotamian anatolian egyptian history now my sociology teacher in high school was fired for throwing and chalk border razor at a sleeping student's head he was a great teacher and always did this in good humor obviously not a great idea in retrospect but we all knew that we could get away with sleeping in his class if we didn't mind getting an eraser upside the head if he noticed i heard he was fired a few years after i graduated high school and that kinda bummed me out probably deserving of a reprimand of some sort but not getting fired it's not like he was a hanky-panky offender or guitar player i still think about this all the time the assistant principal that kicked me out school for smoking lead got arrested for picking up a prostitute then fired one p e teacher got called out for having erections while watching the girls play sports got confronted by the principal to whom he told it wasn't true that it just seemed like he had erections because he has a really big pp the principal male was not amused the p e teacher was fired that same week the one that four fired was a substitute teacher and coach of a girls team for grade 7-9 he seemed a bit creepy and we joked that he liked coaching the girls and teaching pace so he could watch the girls run around in their shorts turns out that wasn't far from the truth his full-time job was in the medical field where he was caught doing inappropriate things to female patients some of whom being kids he coached and taught and he had two sons in that school this one didn't get fired but she was at the point where she had a few classes taken from her and if she did anything wrong she would have been gone why well she didn't know the subject she was teaching and would make stuff up rather than admitting she didn't know the answer she was always mad and we called her popsicle because she acted like she had a stick up her ass but the biggest thing was that she failed two grade 11 classes the whole class because apparently not one person including the smartest people in the school passed any tests kindergarten teacher would dig furrows into kids arms with her long sharp nails by basically holding their arms real tightly she did this if she caught them misbehaving during recess it happened to me when i was running when i shouldn't have i think this was nearly 40 years ago i showed the principal my arm as he was walking out one day and she was fired on the spot i think i was four at the time and didn't realize exactly what i did at the time crazy poop having hanky-panky with a student more like ten his wife wasn't happy to find out about that threesome with two guys in her english class and doing blow with a bunch of students [Music] the art teacher at my middle school was known to be very suspicious i've heard that he would take pictures of girls and touch girls and adding to the fact that he called two girls lesbians in front of the whole class it was just very weird all these rumors and he got fired eventually i can't imagine how his wife must have felt when she asked why he got fart hi there look if you enjoyed the video well why not go ahead and hit that like and subscribe to reddit stories in fact if you want to see even more responses to this thread well then take a look there's the link in the description below and remember show some love to those authors while you're there and i look forward to seeing you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
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Views: 19,049
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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