Things People Were NOT Supposed To See

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what's something you saw that you weren't definitely supposed to see [Music] my dad gave me his phone to award us something because mine was out of battery and on google the first tab i see is how to tell your child a loved one is dying my mom has been ill for years now and i've been in denial about it getting any worse but this finally broke me a text from my wife to someone else i can't wait to feel every inch of you deep inside me divorce is going okay i have the same first name as the cfo of my former employer the ceo was not very technically savvy and emailed me confidential company documents more than once edit wow thanks all 30k upvotes just because my ceo was an idiot i was a nosy child and i was looking through my grandmother's address phone number book she had little post-its tucked in random places i came across a note that was a list of things she wanted to do to be happy and one of them was find a man that loves me my grandfather had died a while back probably eight years previous it didn't make me sad then but it really does now because she has dementia and can't remember things that happened a few seconds ago i was living with my girlfriend and her parents one day i run down the stairs real quick to use the bathroom to see her parents getting down and dirty under the blanket on the couch at this point it was too late to turn around so i just ran past them i use the bathroom and come out to her dad waiting in the kitchen most awkward moment i've had when it comes to parents lol when i was young maybe 6-8 i was at my grandparents house i was talking with my grandma and said i wonder if there is a website named after me she was just as curious as me so we go to look it up i type in my name then common to both of our horrors it was a porn website [Music] when i was around 10 years old my mom and i went to visit an aunt and uncle as my uncle my mom's brother had just had a major surgery during the visit my aunt and my mom cooked a big dinner and my aunt tells me to go call for my cousin to eat dinner i go to his room and open the door to be greeted by the sight of guns lining the bed and i vividly remember seeing bricks of what i later learned were cocaine and big burlap sacks of weed i blurted out your mom's ate comey and immediately slammed the door shut it was no secret to anyone in our family the type of business that our cousins were in he came out of his room a few minutes later and scolded me for not knocking i was scared poopless but the young kid brain in me was also extremely fascinated to see that they were real-life drug lords definitely going to go with my grandmother's vibrator i needed a usb drive at work one day and asked one of my co-workers if i could borrow one it didn't work though for some reason files wouldn't transfer to it i started looking around for clues and found an absolute massive porn collection on there the co-worker was looking over my shoulder the whole time the only thing i could think of to say was hmm interesting saw my upstairs neighbor and another man push a crying girl through a door i knew they were involved in drug-related business so i felt it necessary to call the police despite suspecting that i was being a bizarre body i'd asked for my name to be kept out of the case so i wasn't told the specifics but my neighbor was gone for good so he was definitely up to no good living out in the country when i was 10 years old my parents went to the local video rental place and brought back a few vhs they told me to pop in planet of the apes i didn't whoever had it before didn't rewind it and it started mid video and all you heard was moaning and all i saw was an eye full of peepee and vagina and i stared glued to the tv and my parents freaked out and ran to turn off the tv apparently the small video rental store back then doubled as an adult video store as well and somehow they accidentally grabbed a copy of playmate of the apes by accident i went to pay a ticket i got while driving with my headlights turned off i walked into the courthouse office i was supposed to be in and look through the glass to see the elected mail sheriff giving the female magistrate a back and shoulder rub they both went white when i knocked on the glass the sheriff immediately stopped and walked to another room the magistrate gave me the weirdest look and said i guess christmas came early for you stamp and gave me the receipt of the voided ticket sometimes it pays to see something you're not supposed to see when i was eight i saw my mom have a seizure due to being physically addicted to alcohol and her trying to quit it was a very violent seizure and i went into shock in the terms of traumatic childhood events i probably was not supposed to see that but i have quite a few my mom's suicide plan she had a small notepad that she kept in her dresser drawer it had her planning on trying to make it look like her accident so my dad could collect the insurance money she almost even went through with it one day but from my understanding my brother unexpectedly came home early from either school or a friend's and she didn't go through with it one time i went to a concert at a dive venue that was tucked away in some back alleys was having a dart with a buddy out front during the show and amidst the surrounding abandoned housing i saw two dudes make an exchange of what looked very much to be a bag of guns and a bag of money the bigger dude instigating the handoff immediately noticed and made eye contact with me he slowly started reaching towards his waist i held my cool and casually looked back towards my buddy who was drunkenly ruining a joke and followed him back inside i know what i saw the man you i saw him i didn't look back [Music] my mom and her male friend freaking in our barn when i was nine years old after that our parents divorced and never spoke with each other again i'm now 37 my mom's old friend came over she is a little crazy but sweet 2. she said i look just like her daughter and then spent about 10 minutes scrolling through her camera roll with me to find a picture of her in the process i saw like 2-3 pp picks she was a bit embarrassed but just said i'm sure you've seen a pp before sorry i assured her it was fine honestly by the looks of the pp i was more concerned for her grandpa's porn stash after he passed away in the hospital i went straight to his room and purged it i was definitely not supposed to see my former boss banging the woman from the housekeeping agency i was also not due the 35 percent raise that came my way the following month but hey seeing one of my neighbors committing suicide by jumping out the window nothing like i've read on this post so far but one time right after turning 21 my dad takes me to one of his friend's new bar and we're drinking having fun i realize at one point i lost my dad so i go looking for him and i find him in the back room he's with one of my friends that works in the kitchen at the restaurant we all work at together and my dad is instantly get out of here don't look just go it took me a couple years to realize they were doing lines off the pinball machine borrowed my now ex husband's laptop one evening while i was at home and he was out with his friends browser was open to his gmail account including an ongoing chat with his mistress he must have been chatting with her from his phone because their convo continued on the screen as i looked on in horror i scrolled back through the previous several weeks of their chat he mentioned having a wife he sent her pp picks so many ppics he gushed over his feelings for her but she mostly seemed to want to hit him up for money it was horrifying of course but also a terribly sad look into that douchebags in life divorce now thankfully good riddance to bad rubbish my ex is read it where he was asking for relationship advice my mom blowing a guy on the couch edit i also remember walking on my dad jacking off guess he should have worked it out with mom when i was younger i was at a friend's house sleeping over playing video games on the n64 we wanted a late night snack and went downstairs to get some cookies and we saw his mum with another man kissing wasn't sure if it got to the other point on the lounge as he cried and said you're not my dad and sadly this was the last time i spoke to him because he had to move away with his father edit cue and amp aq games played on n64 a smash star wars squadrons banjo kazooie diddy kong and golden eye he had a mixed bunch of games and was pretty well off q what is your friend up to have you reconnected a friend is starting a family with somehow to find him through linkedin and chat through there other than that we never spoke about what happened q where was the dad a dad was out for the night weekend for a fishing trip from memory album and a show box full of polaroid hanky-panky shots of my grandmother vhs tapes of my grandparents having group hanky-panky with other people their bestiality fetish tapes their nazi paraphernalia found it all while clearing out my grandfather's trailer after he died also found jars full of piss but i don't think he cared whether i saw those or not [Music] when i was a kid i was playing with my dad's phone and stumbled upon a video of him and his co-workers fingering the receptionist just a couple days ago i was trying to find the power supply of monitor i haven't used in a couple months soon enough i opened a drawer and found my brother's girlfriend dildo i only found out what it was as soon as i touched it i teach high school while i was taking attendance at the beginning of a zoom class a few months ago one of the girls in the class was clearly video chatting with her boyfriend on the side because she lifted up her shirt for him and flashed the whole class that made for an awkward communication to her parents my brother and i were very curious children one day he pulled me into our spare bathroom all excited because he had found a huge surprise in the garbage can beside the toilet inside the garbage can there was a tortilla chip bag with a whole bunch of rolled up things inside we opened it up thinking that they were surprise toys like kinda surprise left inside the bag by accident nope they were my mom's bloody pads when i was about 11 i found my mom's diaries and read them i found one from when she was pregnant with me and was seriously contemplating adoption then one from several years later where she wondered if she made the right choice edit i read through all the comments i did just want to clarify a few things while i don't feel this way about my own children i can certainly understand people blowing off steam for what it's worth when i read the entry we always had a strained relationship even from the time it was a young child she just never want the responsibility of having a child i think i would describe a relationship now with her as superficial and i would describe her as very emotionally stunted in many ways she reminds me of a teenager and i've definitely taken on the more sensible adult role in our relationship the bottom line is whenever she feels slated she will lash out emotionally to make the other person feel hurt i think she has deep-seated control issues that probably stem from being hurt herself i am doing my absolute best to finally break this cycle if anyone has any resources particularly books or podcasts avoid overcoming things like this i would highly welcome them i believe i am a wonderful mom but i also can sometimes feel my mom's tendencies creep up inside me a gun pulled on someone's head over a shoe that was left at another man's house my wife's stepmom dated a guy who shared my name she sent the titty picture the wrong contact she was around 60 at the time i deleted it and took the opportunity to get off my ass and down to the cell phone shop for a new phone and a new number i then texted all of my contacts saying i'd gotten the new number and may have missed anything they sent in the last four hours i created a perfect excuse for us never to speak of even the possibility of something so wrong but i still haven't drunk enough to forget it a sext from my dad clearly meant for my mom also unfortunately my dad's penis thankfully not in person he did not delete his photos before giving 12 year old me his old phone rookie mistake edit i'm a woman btw edit too probably a little late but here's full story when i was young i'd say about 12 or 13. i got a text from what looked like an unknown number no name popped up with it it was clearly from a man it said something along the lines of i'm just sitting here playing with my balls wondering if women play with their etc it was gross to young me lol i thought nothing of it kept it to myself cause i didn't want to feel embarrassed showing someone it a couple minutes later i received a text from my mom saying that text my dad sent me was meant for her and to not tell anyone if she had of shut up i wouldn't know that my dad accidentally sexted me instead of my mother my dad never acknowledged to me he freaked out and it never got brought up again [Music] in the seventh grade i was walking out of the locker room i heard the girls lock a room door open and me being a human responded at a certain noise and looked over to see one of the girls walk out we make normal human eye contact at this point everything is normal but in the corner of my eye i was somehow at a perfect angle to see one of my classmates with her pants down needless to say i worked hard to consciously not look in that direction again hi there look if you enjoyed the video well why not go ahead and hit that like and subscribe to reddit stories in fact if you want to see even more responses to this thread well then take a look there's the link in the description below and remember show some love to those authors while you're there and i look forward to seeing you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Stories
Views: 29,127
Rating: 4.9402986 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, funny askreddit, askreddit stories, best reddit posts
Id: 5pwwDMZQjDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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