Your Highschool Crush 20-Years Later

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how did your high school crush turn out as an adult [Music] he had a roller coaster of a life i admire him more than ever and more than most people i know but can't wrap my head around why i ever found him physically attractive maybe it was always just his heart by age 25 he had a phd a wife and was a captain in the navy by 30 he had two phds a small business where he made a metric ass ton of money and his wife was pregnant by 31 he was diagnosed with stage four skin cancer that swiftly spread to his lymph nodes bones esophagus and a few other places he was told he had minimal chance of making it five more years even with the best health insurance money can buy it still basically wiped him out seven years later he's living a comfortable but not extravagant life as a civilian contractor for the navy same wife and two happy healthy kids and spends most of his free time at vacating for better public health care she committed suicide found out later she had a crush on me too frick life sometimes began acting it's weird every so often i'll see a commercial or something and be like oh hey i know them my crush is an incredibly sweet person so i'm glad i remember walking up to her and asking if we could talk in private and she said you can say what you need in front of everyone her group of friends were all around so i asked if she wanted to go on a date she burst out laughing and said yeah um no was rough man looked her up last year and she's a cage fighter now what i had to unrealize crushes in high school one is a teacher and musician she is married and has either one or two kids we've kept in loose contact via social media and ran into each other at an eye party shortly before she got married i was introduced to her now husband as favorite ex ever he seemed like a decent dude and i'm happy for her i believe the other became a u.s attorney i have not heard from her since google plus almost became a social media thing i imagine she's still very productive and would be disappointed in my life choices he's an attractive gay man i am none of those things my only gf in high school was my crush her mom banned her from dating me after about a year because my gf admitted to her mom that we were fooling around this was about 20 years ago she's still living with her mom no kids and as far as i know never again dated seriously after her mom broke us up still has the same job from high school too it's like her mom went way into protective overdrive and my former gf never grew up i met her in 1987. we got married five years ago we used to go to the same punk shows that's where met mine was my best friend she turned out to be a pedophile she always liked younger guys like when she was 17 she had a 13 year old boyfriend which was weird but we were kids and i didn't think about it much turns out she continued to like younger teens as she grew into her 20s and 30s found her on tinder she said i was hot pointed out that i was that loser she used to know in high school had a big laugh been a little over a year now we send each other memes and hang out occasionally when the pandemic isn't being a dead by 32 drugs she's still hot successful and wealthy entrepreneur and married someone with the same first name as me and who quit his job to brew beer i crushed on her for a bit didn't think she was interested so i dated others then come to find out she crushed on me senior year i was too dumb and blind we connected freshman year of college she wrote me letters and by the time i wised up she had moved on no one to blame but myself they both ended up as great guys one has a huge family and is a minister the other only has one child and is a college professor both married nice people and are happy they were really good guys in high school and ended up being really good adults i've got both of them on facebook and we keep in touch peripherally as we stayed friends over the years making me wonder what i ever saw in them i was a freshman and had a crush on a senior to add to it she was a cheerleader and her brother played qb for the football team and got a college scholarship komashi showed up at a football game a couple of years later with a baby in tow she's married now and back in her hometown that's about all i know an insanely talented molecular biology researcher at boston and she's still insanely attractive at it it looks like a lot of people feel like they know the same person it's crazy how many molecular biologists people know about to be my fiance if all goes well he's doing good for himself he's grown emotionally has a seemingly healthy relationship with a longtime girlfriend and is working healthfully on all his career and personal goals my first high school crush who sat next to me in freshman year english was a really cute punk rock girl and she's gone on to become an incredibly hot fitness model haha my husband our first marriages didn't work out and we reconnected after our divorces if only i would have confessed i had a crush on him in high school might have saved myself a lot of trouble lollied it thanks for the awards everyone his friend murdered him over a girl my english teacher still looks fine as frick back when i was younger and crushing hard i got on aol instant messenger and had gotten my crush's screen aim from a friend i worked up the nerve to start a conversation with him and soon after some awkward small talk he sent me a message in comics on black background red lettering and in french i then went to google for translation and found out he had just called me a pig in french being a seemingly awkward and chubby teenager i was literally crushed the heartbreak was only made worse by remembering that a few weeks prior i had selected to take french class the next year and couldn't change it years later now that i've blossomed he follows me on every social media platform has reached out a couple of times to try and flirt hang out hard pass i believe he's moved away and is a teacher now i don't know about you guys but i had way too many crushes in high school became a professional cheerleader died of breast cancer at 34. googling names from high school is crazy edit to at thanks for all the support reddit family i'm also surprised how many on here know her and in a way makes me feel better that such a beautiful girl did make an impact on people's hearts and assured me she is not forgotten my friend's high school crush was tom holland like they went to the same school ended up committing suicide a few years after high school she was a teacher and got caught having an affair with a female student edit read it is weird off some interesting comments here [Music] still hot af i never made a move in high school about seven years after graduating i saw her on social media and said what the hell and asked her out we've been dating for about two years and i'm about to pop the big question she has a dog and i don't i briefly worked with mine and didn't realize it was her until i left for another job she looked almost unrecognizable but it was 15 years after i last saw her she's married with a couple of kids now so pretty standard life i guess she ended up getting knocked up by a freshman shortly after we graduated she passed away our senior year six months after she agreed to marry me after we graduated hot douche who doesn't really do much except go to the gym to be fair that's how he was in high school i just liked it back then i had several one of them is still a close friend and he became a primary care doctor he also officiated my wedding i have no idea what happened to another one we didn't really have overlapping friend groups and she doesn't do social media one of them is a math professor now so that's pretty cool my biggest crush in high school was my long time neighbor but it also fizzled out pretty quickly after we went to homecoming together we are still good friends and our families still keep in touch he's also the guy who introduced me to my husband overdosed and died last year i got to see him before he was taken off life support with a really good mutual friend we shared organ donor too it was surreal seeing him dwarfed by all these machines he had won the largest hearts i've ever come across edit graduated back in the early 2000s and last year 2019 wtf is time even anymore there was a girl i really admired for a while she didn't really give me the time of day after freshman year though she was co-valedictorian and hugged me as i crossed the stage at graduation and no one else got one i'm still really confused about that six years later she went on to med school and is either married or at least engaged to a guy she met there overall she's doing really well and i'm happy for her edit thanks for all the warm wishes and thoughts guys i'm just happy for her and glad she's doing well going to an all-boys school sucks for having realistic crushes however ran into one of the teachers years later and she still looks bellissima we reconnected through facebook though i can't stand fb anymore when in our late 40s and now she is my wife she's still beautiful still a 10-4 looks i'm sure she kept on as the amazing kind person she is she moved to another country speaks multiple languages and is more successful than i imagined she seems happy but we haven't talked since the time i told her how i felt about her about 20 years ago went on to be a teenage model for hair products graduated from yale toured europe opened her own successful ceramics company that is sold worldwide and is often written up in magazines makes me feel like poop every time i think of her it was one of those days where they just suddenly pop into your head and you decide to try and look them up on facebook found him he ended up being a pilot added him and we became facebook friends turns out he has a flight attendant girlfriend and they were traveling together and then few months after being fb friends they shared the news they were having a baby haha i had three one from the first two years and two from the last two the first one is now after m trans who walked to colorado to join a cult commune he is now in arizona recording rap albums the second girl moved to florida and lives in a swamp she periodically hits me up to tell me she misses me how dumb i was that i didn't follow through that we should get married the third was a missionary she wasn't really into it once she grew up came back home and i introduced her to one of my closest friends they've been married for 15 years zero stroke three made me check and she is actually a very successful artist and an art teacher at a renowned university in france she even got decorated for her work chevalier desert set des letra edit thanks for the attention i'm not really willing to give much more details i'm just going to add that she's french and she's not teaching in paris she ended up dating and marrying the guy who bullied me all through middle school and high school they seem like a functional family from what i see on social media she turned out great she married me we actually met in kindergarten just checking in to confirm that i was no one's high school crush carry on he is still hot got a part-time scholarship to study engineer and is dating a miss spain runner-up my high school ex randomly sent me a text years after we split up that went i know you don't like metal but i thought you'd like this and a link to a clarinet cover of a metal song i played in hs little did he know that i hated playing clarinet and i was now a total metal head hedge fund manager with a trophy wife one of them is homeless and a druggie it's very sad the other one is famous in his home country is a best-selling author and is regularly on tv don't have a crush on him anymore but i'm glad we are still friends and i'm happy for how well he's done i guess they balance one another out turns out i was attracted to losers and burnouts lol that hasn't changed much he was this nice cool guy who would consistently post memes and stuff on social media then two or three years later he deleted all of his social media i don't have his phone number or know any friends that know him so i don't know how he's doing but i hope he's doing well hi there look if you enjoyed the video well why not go ahead and hit that like and subscribe to reddit stories in fact if you want to see even more responses to this thread well then take a look there's the link in the description below and remember show some love to those authors while you're there and i look forward to seeing you next time [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
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Id: XgijeugAmPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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