WORST Notifications When Someone Has Your Phone (/r/AskReddit) Reddit Stories

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what is the worst notification you have received whilst someone else has had your phone [Music] was showing my mum some cake ideas for my wife's 30th that i was considering my wife text me and my mum for unknown reasons got a full view of my wife's spoon with a caption guess what you're eating for dessert tonight dart i tried to grab my phone back and my mum went back to browsing cakes without skipping a beat as i was leaving my mum thought it would be funny to ask would you like second dessert tonight because i have a trifle in the fridge dart i nearly died of shame while my friend was using my phone my mom texted me remember not to have hanky panky with thomas he has chlamydia i was ordering food off of doordash on my ex's phone when she got a text from guy saying he couldn't wait to see her that weekend she told me she was going to see her mom this happened to my friend i sent him a text of a wet cat and said look at this wet [ __ ] while my other friend's mom was holding his phone she just awkwardly gave him his phone back titty pig while my mom was holding my phone a couple of years ago met a guy from tinder in a pub for our first date things were going well we were having a laugh and flirting after about an hour i took out my phone to show him a funny meme and up popped a notification from my new period tracking app saying today's the day you're ovulating i swiped it real quick and i don't think he got a good look at it but i was still worried he'd think i was some child obsessed weirdo who timed my date so random tinder guys could impregnate me i turned off ovulation notifications after that edit and i was the sender once when i text my friend who was planning to break up with her bf hope you're okay how did gary take the break up when gary was using her phone and hadn't yet been broken up with sorry gary not my notification but i sent to my best girlfriend you're right future husband's dad is weird and a little racist and her future husband saw the text luckily he laughed and agreed with me but i was so embarrassed that he saw it [Music] i was the one doing the sending i moved to japan a couple of years ago and early one morning i was at a market and saw a tanuki statue that had the full cotton balls on display i took a picture of it and thought it would be funny to send my brother a message reading unsolicited dick pic then send a pic of the tanuki statue little did i know halfway around the world my brother was doing some late evening car shopping he had recently been in an accident that had totaled his car and was in the market for a new one my brother said the guy nearly dropped the phone trying to shove it back in his hands other way around i was holding ex-husband's phone while he was driving me and the kids to the airport text comes in from a work colleague asking if we'd left yet it was then that i realized the marriage was over showing my aunt to pick when a text saying i'd frick the poop out of machine gun kelly appeared we both pretended we didn't see it and quickly started talking about something else new job alert from zip recruiter while at work border patrol had my phone and my buddy sent me a text in which he jokingly said something like what makes you think they'll let you in this time or something like that my mum was looking up stuff on my prescription app on my phone when a message came in from a group chat i'm on a group chat named pornographic material i turned instagram notifications off after that edit no the chat was not full of porn it was memes with some of my edgier friends my soul was staying with me for a week which i wasn't stoked about my sister knew about it and messaged me how are you dealing with sill's name do you need to pretend to have an app again lol unfortunately my cell was borrowing my tablet at the time and saw the notification pop up she hasn't stayed with us since years ago i was working at an apple store as a genius technician and was helping an older woman with her phone this woman had to be in her late 60s early 70s as sweet as could be and was having some minor issues with her phone i think it was battery life or something so she hands me her phone and just as she does a message pops up with a picture of a toilet full of poop and the message reads how many times do i have to tell you to flush the freaking toilet exclamation point not knowing really what to do i just hand it back to her and tell her she has a message she takes the phone half smiles closes the message and hands it back saying sorry about that sweetheart my daughter can be a bit of a [ __ ] potential contact with a corona positive person a friend of mine sent me a message for the first time in four months that was just daily right as my gf held the phone my friend made this fake account on twitter and followed me exactly at the time my teacher had taken my phone away the notification read at an alphysta 6969 has followed you my friend sent a poop pic while my then girlfriend was checking the weather for us one morning i was showing my grandma some pictures she chuckled a bit and quickly handed me back my phone i looked at it and saw that my boyfriend now husband had texted me saying i hate it when i'm pooping and my pee pee touches the water big pp problems we laughed about it but my husband is still horrified by the thought of my grandma knowing about his big pp problems not exactly a bad message but i lent my jacket to my crush and it had my phone in its pocket someone sent me a message so she got it out to give to me but unfortunately she had sent me a message before that and saw that her name was marked with a heart awkward night after that gonna freak your ass so hard tonight mother when i was in high school my friends and i had the habit of giving each other funny contact names on our phones based on jokes we came up with to this day my high school friends contact names are things such as river [ __ ] jeff the [ __ ] baby america sugar mama etc when we were juniors a girl who was obsessed with my friend led to his contact name becoming booty lord with some rather suggestive images following it everything was fine and andy until a few months later when i had forgotten about it i was applying for a leadership position in a club i was a member of and was required to get to letters of recommendation for the second letter i asked one of my teachers who happened to be a very conservative man in his late 70s if he could write one for me being the lazy son of a [ __ ] that he was he told me to write the letter myself saying all the things i wanted him to say and he'd sign it after i finished typing up the letter i handed him my phone to let him read and approve it before i printed it out about 45 seconds after i gave him my phone he very loudly and incredulously said booty lord question mark question mark question mark and gave me a horrified look and shoved the phone back into my hands that was hard to explain my aunt was like hey is that the new samsung can i see it i say sure and then i got a text from my gf good news i had my period my boyfriend and i send each other poop randomly during the day like fedex me that pecker or flap them tits my way i was showing my mom something on my phone once and he sends gonna slap you with my pp tonight not really my phone but i had text notifications on my computer was working with a vendor and sharing my screen my so picked that time to send me a text that said that was the most amazing hanky-panky we've ever had last night i silenced the notification as fast as i could but the vendor went quiet for half a minute and then said good job so got out of that awkward zone pretty well i never shared my screen with notifications active ever again story apps can give really interesting ones my favorite that popped up while my boyfriend was holding my phone was something like mike misses you come back and play or something like that of course all he did was pull the drop down menu down to see the full notification and laugh he teased me about it for hours more of a poopty contact name but two stories one of my high school buddies put himself as jew boy in my phone made my jewish roommate super uncomfortable understandably the other is that i have a friend named richard this quickly became dick penis willie see men scrotum in my phone boy does my mom regret using my phone to take a picture this actually happened recently i gave my dad my phone to call my mom because his phone was dead and my gf sent me a text that said something along the lines of hey do you wanna have some fun at my house tonight my dad lost it edit just to clarify he lost it by laughing he didn't ground me or anything edit two it never happened i wasn't ready for that kind of commitment and i'm still not so i broke up with her edit three i'm 14. imagine my conservative 15 years old little brother's face when my bf texted i'll destroy your [ __ ] while we were watching some stupid got on youtube [Music] i was chatting with a guy and it was going well nothing sexual maybe mild flirting so i didn't care when i gave my buddy my phone for some reason then across the room he yells yo this dude just asked if you'd be down for anal it was embarrassing edit i'm really surprised this got so many upvotes this is not how i wanted to be remembered by but i'll take the fame edit too no i would not be down to do anal especially not with people i barely know not me but a friend we'll call bob bob some friends and i went out one night to watch a show in town afterwards we decided to go get some drinks and decided to carpool bob's phone was dying so he asked if he could charge it on the way over with the car charger while it was charging it had apparently connected to the car's speaker system and without a warning the car read a new text message out loud to all of our surprise hey baby it's been a long time since you came in my mouth how about we hook up tonight so i can taste that juice again needlessly to say he was mortified and the rest of us rolled with laughter on our way to the bar i've had the reverse of this situation happen to me i was using my flatmates desktop mac and as ios users will know any notification you get on your iphone will appear on screen on all of your other apple devices i was on the computer in his bedroom while he was in the kitchen grabbing a snack and he received a phone call from an unknown number i saw this notification on his computer which gave me the option to answer the call for him i thought it would be funny if i took the call before he could answer it on his phone meaning he would have to run through to his bedroom where i would be silently laughing myself to an early grave i clicked to answer expecting it to be some kind of cold call the voice on the other end amplified by my flatmates gratuitous on a speaker set up said hello this is the police my soul left my body i absolutely cannonballed out of his room making the most apologetic eye contact i have ever made with a human being turns out he had been caught red-handed in a traffic incident on his way back from an interview and they got his contact details from the dash cam footage of his registration plate they were calling him in for some questioning it was a wonderfully devious experience which i was absolutely not prepared for and we have never spoken of it since this post shows us that phones just need a simple side button to temporarily turn off all notifications edit for your information i appreciate that you are you and that your comment is unique and meaningful but just so you know 40 people have already responded with the suggestion of using airplane mode do not disturb or on a plus chatting to a guy in a bar handed him my phone so he could type his number in at that moment a message pops up from my friend sat several tables away saying shag him my friend texting me i'll eat her ass while i was showing my mom a meme comma never swiped away a notification so fast in my mf life edit we are both girls and it was a joke i think probably not though knowing her edit too imma tag them in this post you not today junior 98 edit three stop asking her to eat yours ass my ass is the only snack she's getting me and my friend used to do this thing where we'd make weird noises on the phone mostly just to annoy the other person comma i decided to call my friend and when the call was answered i let out a groan that progressively turned into a screech turns out his dad was the one who answered and all i can hear is him yelling why the frick are you friends with this guy in the background i never saw this as a competition but if it was i think i won my friends on discord had the name child predator as joke my parents saw that and yelled at me a pimp texted my father-in-law's phone advertising transsexual prostitutes while i was navigating for him while he was driving hi there look if you enjoyed the video well why not go ahead and hit that like and subscribe to reddit stories in fact if you want to see even more responses to this thread well then take a look there's the link in the description below and remember show some love to those authors while you're there and i look forward to seeing you next [Music] time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Stories
Views: 112,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, funny askreddit, askreddit stories, best reddit posts
Id: cD1tLfQ_tMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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