The worst sequel you haven't seen

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He’s really good when he makes a non-drama/YouTube reaction format vid. I really hope it does well, his critiques are well constructed and seemingly genuine with the right amount of comedic seasoning.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

They should review shrek has swag

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/beenbom πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

His essay videos are actually pretty good even though if he might be exaggerating the quality of a product sometimes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/grvoda_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
a couple of weeks ago I made a video talking about Logan Paul's latest movie a film that was just a complete and total ripoff of an actual funny movie 1980s airplane and nobody who did all right and actually managed to get response from Logan Paul comes in and ruins the scene by giving the stands another excuse to jerk off by ripping off his jaw but today I wanted to move away from youtuber movies and look at the realm of cult classics films that didn't do insanely well and release someone I'm read it found the film years later and now it's popular and the film I want to talk about today is cube and more importantly how horrendous its sequel was but to do that I need to talk about how amazing the first film was I think the best way to explain how great the film is is to show the intro a man wakes up in a room unfamiliar to him dazed and confused he rises to his feet trying to understand how cold and alien this place is he reaches for what appears to be a door twists the lever to reveal another room similar in design but pale blue in color he ups to stay in the room he woke up in and tries another latch revealing a similar room but red finally he opens another hatch and must is the courage to climb through the hatch shuts behind him trying to understand the room he takes a few steps forward and without even realizing what's going on he's already game ended and we presented the title card this intro is amazing and for so many reasons it conveys the entire film in just one scene people are inside a cube they don't understand it and there are traps the scene has no dialogue or music apart from the cube itself moving and shifting like imagine instead of this scene you just had a tech scroll or opening narration explaining the cube ruin the immersion this intro provides people who are trapped inside the cube the cube is bad there are traps I have to pay my ex-wife's alimony the film begins proper with the main cast being slowly introduced to each other and every single person brings something unique to the table one thing I really respect about this film is how it plays on how deceptive people naturally are you have Quentin the first character to physically appear and comes across as your typical protagonist assuming the leader role by being the first person to take control and calm the others down it's alright and opens up a dialogue on what other people's jobs were before the cube telling the group he's a cup with three children worth the glazed iron I list who knows more about the cube that he's initially letting on leavin the youngest of the group and the most innocent wearing her broken glasses she woke up with Holloway the doctor of the group she's the first to lose her sanity inside the cube ironic as doctors are meant to help people and keep composure also Ren the knowledgeable old man of the group teaching the others the basic rules of survival and Kazaam someone who is incredibly mentally challenged and plays for night all day [Music] these are all pretty surface level descriptions and probably roll into other character tropes from other horror films but keep in mind all these people have only just met each other and want to work together to escape some more than others but would you really share your entire pass with strangers chances are you wouldn't you just give them a superficial overview that makes you appear as best as you can possibly be and as the film goes on this mask starts to slip and we see what happens when people are presented with their most primal instincts by the way the traps in the cube are great they are just terrifying and plan a lot of body horror but honestly they take a real backseat in the film only two people actually die from traps the rest of the deaths are caused from mistrust betrayal building up in the group ironically the traps aren't the real danger in this film it's the people the only concrete thing we have about any of these characters is the surname printed on their shirts and no one knows how they got inside the cube let's all just relax from it does anybody remember how they got here characters tried to speculate who or what made it but each Theory sounds as far-fetched as the last everything in the cube reads hasta la the cold surfaces the unfamiliar circuitry dancing on the walls the only thing telling one room apart from the other is the color used which does play into the film with white being a clear color and characters usually learning something new here and red representing blood and death where characters are usually dying or being injured in these rooms the cube really comes across as this malevolent force that can't and will never be truly understood the film also has no real soundtrack apart from montages showing a large passage of time and most of these sounds are die jet when the cube itself shifts around or kazane tapping his head to keep himself calm [Music] as characters progressing to each room they learn more about each other while simultaneously losing their grip on San a is the Ren the bird of attica flew the coop on six major prisons one character I really like is Ren he's the one who teaches the group how to survive he's basically the tutorial NPC and is killed off only when the other characters have learnt everything they need to from him and he dies in the most poetic way by having his face melted I get any sense of personality from him is gone but he still lives on by the quirks of the characters picked up off him live for example when he shows the group that's sucking on the buttons from the shirts keeps their mouths full of saliva suck on it keeps us alive Authority you can see characters sucking on buttons throughout the rest of the film Quentin who I mentioned earlier starts off as the do-gooder protagonist he groups everyone together and by his logic get naughty here no matter what but this does bring into question a lot of protagonists wanting to get from A to B but what happens if the protagonist can't do that what happens to them then do they compromise or do they truly try to reach their goal no matter the cost Quentin has a narrow viewpoint like most basic heroes while other characters when a question what's around them Quentin always asks what's directly in front of him keep your head down keep it simple just just look at what's in front of you also as a side note he probably has the best one-liner when testing traps in the other rooms but the film goes on we understand that Quentin is slowly becoming unhinged we can see his gaze change whenever he thinks that no one is looking at him summing everyone up for their worth he also begins to prey on leave an obsessing over Oh which gets the attention of the others and doesn't go down too well [Music] and of young girls there's this scene where Quentin unknowingly sets up a trap escapes alive but injured and you can see his real character come out aggressive and brutal a lot of people will be angry in this scenario but with Quentin you can tell this is something he's been harboring a long time is initial introduction you can see his hand covered in blood and his excuse as to why is pretty weak his chemistry with the other characters is incredibly volatile as the film goes on the dr. Holloway begins as a nervous wreck but slowly adapts to the cube respecting its rules she's actually the first to build up enough courage to directly confront Quentin and he's not coming of course he is when we get to the edge we can come back for him but he'll get somebody killed here am i right they may have taken our lives away but we're still human beings she always questions what the cube is and who put them there why would they throw innocent people in here are we being punished she looks at the bigger picture which goes directly against Quentin's logic of what's in front of them she's someone that has no one to go back to when other people lament about missing their family all she wants is her materialistic things pissed off they stripped us bare they took my rings amethyst she later develops into a leader from taking care of Kazan the mentally challenged character they find later in the film your boys having a conniption [ __ ] in their convictions this shows that she's still an empathetic and caring character and this worries Quentin because he knows he's only leader by strength later in the film when the group discover the outside of the cube Holloway makes the sacrifice to go venture the vast abyss she nearly dies but he's actually saved by Quentin only for him to help her off to the last moment and they drop her he only saved her to prove to himself that he's still the leader and he decides who lives and who dies it's a nice touch that Holloway has the same expression with our first and last encounter with Quentin Wirth is another character who clashes with Quentin initially the nihilist of the group I could only really compare him with Nick from left 4 Dead's hey Alice shut up contest ready 1 2 3 girl someone who has such a cynical tone he initially pushes everyone in the group away from him he's actually the first to accept the cubes rules but doesn't see the cubes be able when Ren dies everyone is in a panic while he just stares accepting of his death unknown for the girl he's actually one of the only people to openly mock Quentin making us initially believe that he's the antagonist but Wirth is someone who's afraid to show emotion as cynical people are usually scared of getting anything less than they hoped so worth disappoints himself before the world can do it for him and just a guy I work in an office building doing office building stuff I wasn't exactly bursting with joie de vivre before I got here life just sucks in general you can see in a lot of scenes he's really only happy when the group is entrenched in misery this isn't actually him happy of course it's just his way of coping with the situation Werth's later found out to know more about the cube than he lets on and this is a pretty common trope in horror movies you know that the character that knows the law of the monster but here even though Werth knows more about the cube than anyone else he still knows next to nothing I don't know anything about the numbers or anything else in here I was contracted to drop plans for hollow shell his only interaction with the they the big bat was a phone call in his office over a plan for a giant shell to go round a cube I talked on the phone to some people other guys like me specialists working on uh none small details nobody knew what it was that's how they say in you keep everyone separated so the left hand doesn't know what the right middle is doing the brain never comes out in the open were things the cube is a blunder a failed experiment and while the group believed that they're being monitored he believes that no one is watching life is out of control and this is another one of its dead-end projects because honestly the only thing scarier than a big corporation or government watching over you is no one at all why put people in it because it's here you have to use it or you admit it's pointless only later in the film does Wirth evolve into the protagonist Holloway was becoming helping the others try to escape Quentin coming out of his shell because he was shown kindness by the other characters there's this great scene where Holloway and Werth exchange first names they are the only characters to do this in the film and the very next scene Holloway is killed by Quentin I think that this scene signified Holloway signing over her character to earth so he can pick up the mantle if anything were to happen to her he only really evolves as a character after confessing about designing the cube it wasn't humans innate instinct for survival that was driving him it was him trying to remove the guilt from his shoulders I feel better worth completes his character arc as the hero by sacrificing himself to stop Quentin allowing someone to escape but sacrificing his own life being granted the reward of being the last person alive inside of the cube he'll surely die soon from blood loss or dehydration but his conscience is clear worth statement about the cube being pointless does have its weight though early on in the film leavin finds numbers on the entrance and exit to each room and deciphers that rooms with prime numbers are trapped this theory works until it doesn't she later finds out that the trapped rooms are powers of a prime which are near impossible for humans to calculate they were identified by prime numbers but they're not they're identified by numbers that are the power of a prime so for a large chunk of the film they've been blindly wandering into rooms with the wrong information and still surviving the cube seems to have this logic if you make a mistake it's instant death but it's obviously flawed if they've gone through so many rooms and survives Quentin even falls into a trap and manages to survive so worth is right the cube is flawed and its only purpose is to keep existing instead of acknowledging its pointlessness talking more about leavin she's probably the most blank slate during the entire film a lot of these characters go through massive shifts in personality but leavin stays fairly neutral she's just a confused girl that wants to escape the cube her character actually helps build a baseline for the others like how Quentin begins to prey on her later in the film going so far as to kidnap her when everyone is asleep and he opens up about his logic my [ __ ] x-ray everything without leaving we never would have got this scene of Quentin opening up and honestly after being able to get any sentence out of him that isn't hidden behind a mask is terrifying also as I mentioned earlier she's left with her glasses something she needs to be able to see the numbers on the cubes crawlspaces she's the only person in the entire film who has a personal belonging left with her so this helps us understand just a little bit more why people were placed into the queue they're not placed there just to die but to try and understand it and escape and finally you have Kazan he's introduced about a third into the film and comes across as mentally handicapped and a complete liability we later find out that he's a savant and able to understand which rooms are trapped and which rooms aren't but what's more Sol is throughout the entire film he's always been running the group about traps it's just that no one wanted to give him any attention there's one scene where his muttering trap to himself over and over and when he shouts it into the room not only is the room trapped but it's a sound activated trap chances are it's just coincidence this is the only sound activated trap in the entire film but still there's many theories that he was one of the people who helped design the inside of the cube and that's why I love this film it gives no clear answers because what we can think up in our own imagination is infinitely more interesting and terrifying and something wrote up on paper he's also the only person to actually escape the cube at the end of the film he sees a bright light as most people would question the light cautiously Kazan just wanders straight into it without a care in the world unknowing an uncaring of what could be on the other side because all he sees is a bright white light [Music] also another cool fact is that each character is actually named after a prison that fits their personality Ren the teacher of the group is also the name of a French jail that set the precedent for many prisons of today San Quentin is a prison renowned for its violence and is the only California prison that still conduct s-- executions and Kazan is a Russian prison hospital for the mentally ill so yeah the cube is just baller it's an amazing film that does this fantastic character study on the human psyche and shows how quickly our masks can fall off when put in a life-threatening situation and now I've explained to you how great the first film was I need to talk about how terrible the sequel is cube - hypercube is a pointless splatfest that ruins the entire philosophy of the first movie it somehow does the amazing job of undoing all the Foundation's the previous movie self the opening shot shows people being prepared for the cube sealed up in this plastic bag spot why would you do this the first shot and you've already made two fatal errors you've shown the characters before they've even been introduced killing any kind of suspense of a character reveal in the film something the original film reveled in in its first act and secondly you're showing the outside of the cube even just a brief shot of this and you're humanizing the cube in the first film we didn't know why people were placed into the cube or how and half the film was the characters speculating you know coming up with outlandish theories as to why they're there or who put them there LaRue Scaramanga the bad guy in the man with the Golden Gun gets some rich psychos entertainment they also lazily copy the closer I shot from the first film making it so much worse by adding these brief shots of her being taken from her job also this intro has music totally going against the silent tense intro of the film because you know you need music to be told how to feel now we get to see her ID card with accompany on it literally one minute into the film and you gave the people behind the cube a name which makes it more understandable and infinitely less terrifying also I don't know whether it's just me but eyes on sounds like a 2011 quickscoping Klan and yeah that the woman's yanked off the screen and yeah that's our intro and yeah if you haven't noticed the cube is a bright white and this isn't just one room like the original cube this is every single room for the entire film some of the rooms were white in the first film but they were symbolic of the saying and even though white is the brightest color the shapes and patterns imprinted onto the walls still made the cube feel unsettling while here it's just it's featureless I feel like I'm in a dentist's waiting room and the thing is bright whites don't exactly convey claustrophobia so the film tries to compensate by these horrible close-up shots to create this bottled-up feel when it's the equivalent of someone filming very also remember these simple intro graphic of the original now it's CGI blueprints because you know what salty look look at all this math you know it's been about two minutes into the film how could you make your sequel even worse by acknowledging the core premise of the original and removing it so without any numbers there's no logical way to understand and beat the cube making it even more pointless than the original he also has a briefcase handcuffed to him with nothing inside it this never has any use in the entire film and goes against the original people were only given what they needed to escape like for example leaving with their glasses so she could understand the numbers also everyone in this film is dressed in the clothing they were taken in in Cuba one everyone had the exact same clothing meaning they're only individuality came from their personality characteristics and the surname printed on their shirts in Cuba one when everyone lost their shirts when Quentin dropped Holloway it was a heavy moment because if they died then there was no way for other people in the cube to find out who they were in this film everyone just seems to have an ID card on them just saying who they are and what they do the guy then starts praying after realizing what a dumpster fire of the film has been put oh by the way until we actually learn the characters names I'm just gonna call them whatever I think fits best a hatch opens and we're introduced to our lead woman begins checking on another character to make sure they're okay taking on the initial protagonist role that Quentin had from the first film the man then wakes up to attacker and this is when you can see Quentin's two character traits as two separate characters one a goody-two-shoes and the other a complete psychopath cube 2 does not understand what complexity is so instead of having five traits in one character there's five characters each with a single trait that do not evolve as the film goes on this woman then finds other woman and says that her name's Kate and the others Sasha that's a beautiful name again she's being compassionate to other characters basically taking all the good qualities of Quentin and Holloway from the first film we were introduced to another guy Jerry and all he does is fiddle with his watch whether you took I mean no we're doing it here if you couldn't tell already they add a watch fiddling sound in post that sounds like a glazed ham being cooked Jerry explains that this cube doesn't abide by normal space or time basically the writers wanted to one-up the original film but what we've learned is that this cube can't be beat so what's the point also this cube makes a lot of groaning noises like in the first film but instead of it creating a full bowling sense of dreads that everyone could hear but no one wanted to acknowledge here people just scream about it ruining any kind of subtlety we then see the old guy tried to get out the film as fast as possible but unfortunately he's safe by the cast this brings up another point as to why these people have their belongings in the original it was hard or impossible to game in yourself because the point of the cube was to be killed by it or to try and escape [Music] the next scene you've got the psycho guy from earlier and he appears and we find out that his name is Simon Simon greedy also really nice dubbing of his character by the way also we find out the old guy as a colonel from the fortnight military I don't care and the guy who initially tried to save him he looks and sounds a lot like Todd Howard so I'm just gonna run with that for the rest of the film hey max I was writing games when I was you know 12 whatever we actually find out he's a computer hacker and he hacked into the Pentagon but he might do 10 to 20 upstate so at this point it's pretty obvious everyone who's here is only here because they worked with or against eyes on which removes any mystery about who anyone is inside the cube I'm sorry I didn't get your name I'm Todd Howard a game director for a fallout 3 after words were introduced to some boomer woman mrs. Paley like any scum addict she forgets the person she's talking to 30 seconds later that's your name don't you remember me she's almost like has an from the first film but instead of being mentally handicapped and a sivan she's just like any elderly woman when they don't have facebook totally delirious and incoherent we've also got the blind girl giving her insight but honestly it just comes across like mama Murphy from fallout 4 oh my naked I need help the problem is here if you haven't noticed there are way too many characters and still with more to come many of them overlap into each other with traits quirks some are mysterious summer leaders all of them Lobato mites after they talk for a bit the cubes walls begin to close in and they have to escape apparently one upping the original is having traps only kick in after 10 minutes of exposition the colonel handcuffs himself and swallows the key so no one can help him Kate tries until the last second to pick the lock but she has to abandon him now after those 25 or so seconds of non-stop action we really need some down so let's have a montage of the group making progress through the cube and instead of having a Dietetic soundtrack like in the original let's just have a windchimes yeah how how much the film is our sweet Jesus Christ now we find out that the nerdy guy Jerry actually help build the cube much like Werth from the original that designed the door panels in here both worked on the cube and don't know its true intentions but while Werth was a nihilist who eventually developed into the protagonist Jerry is just a straight dude gotta know like every good character in a film he wants to blindly help everyone and never questions their actions the film has two sides good and bad with absolutely nothing in between oh yeah mrs. Boomer from earlier she sees a shape on the floor and points out that it's a tesseract a cube which every face is its own cube basically meaning it's in 4d so rooms in this cube collide in and out of each other ignoring our concept of space-time Jerry is so happy with this discovery is laughing track loops twice a tesseract also todd wanders off to find a woman and tries to sell her fallout 76 fallout 76 he finds out her name is Julia I I tried to find some like deeper meaning with that name all I got was a stock image of a woman and also a pastor I mean I got nothing they also nabbed that part from the first film with a group whose their clothing as a rope although this scene has no tension because the drop is about five feet they also have this scene where they all try to explain where they last were before ending up in the cube and this time they actually show footage of them doing their jobs outside of the cube firstly this is incredibly unfitting for the rest of the film you know showing all these panels like it's GTA Vice II [Music] it shows them doing general things like you know going through folders driving in cars so they could still be lying but you didn't need the footage to tell us this it even shows an empty bed for the girl Sasha so the film is telling us mysterious girl isn't being honest dollar store Quentin fun to watch which is an exact replica of one they already have down to the engravings if you didn't get with him fiddling with his watch 50,000 times watches are important also they have this scene with a gravity in the room shifts and instead of anyone actually acting like it's changed they just flipped the camera like someone's filming vertically again they find this guy who they believed to be dead and then he does a jump scare because you know all horror films need a jump scare this dead guy seems to be the remnants of Wren from the original cube someone who learned the rules and dies but instead of having a guys slowly teach them the basics this guy solved the entire cube for them because having to solve it themselves would have been too boring apparently you know what whatever gets the movie over quicker I'm really not complaining missus boomer also opens a hatch to reveal herself only to be killed by Simon now this scene would have actually created tension if Simon didn't already portray himself as a total douchebag he's already threatened multiple people with his knife and mrs. Paley has done nothing wrong so far so you have no reason to suspect her of any wrongdoing private investigator and if you're wondering if that's the big twist that she's the bad guy and Simon's the good guy it's not the film is not that clever guys literally the first thing Simon does is start giving people menacing looks with tense music I think oh this is a hoax okay and I think Jerry's either full of [ __ ] or part of this experiment I never [ __ ] up because again you need to know how to feel you don't know the film needs to tell you how to feel remember how Quentin used to do this when no one was looking so it wouldn't break his character also he starts threatening people with the knife again his excuse for having one apparently he collects them I collect knives we cut to another montage and in the first cube the dialogue and the montages actually meant something for example when Quentin and leavin' were talking to each other deepening their relationship but here it's just Sascha saying she's thirsty really thirsty you're one of them special folks ain't you and also this montage shows people going through the cube in slow motion like isn't the entire point of a montage to speed things up also Simon opens up to Jerry saying that he's a private investigator so here's the deal it's like that scene where Werth and Holloway are opened up to each other near the end of the film but here it just comes across as really forced as these two have had no friendship apart from Jerry explaining stuff and Simon waving his knife around why did that even need to be kept a secret from the others also what one of the traps comes out finally God I hope it kills them all it's like this Paulie CGI square that multiplies and starts attacking them Jerry acts like his entire back got chewed up but when he falls to the ground he grabs his shoulder and then he's picked up again and actually killed which you know it just shows the Cuba's flawed traps only seem to activate after montages or exposition Dom's then the truck disappears and we find out it's motion detected see the thing is in Cuba one traps actually had rules but in here they just made up as they go along there was this one great trap in Cuba one that was excel-based so the entire group had to move through the room without making any sound the scene goes on for about four minutes and is terrifying with no music to accompany it in the original when characters were killed it greatly changed the group's dynamic but here they're just killed for the sake of it there's too many people if someone dies three more people are gonna pop up also there's this slo-mo shot where the two girls are like panicking even though the CG is moving at the normal speed I think they've just gave up also just to prove that Simon is the bad guy for more he's tied up mrs. Paley and threatening her with his butter knife and then the same trap that killed them both earlier appears in front of them now Simon does actually make an attempt to save her this is like the only character depth he has in this entire film and then he ruins that by just killing over for the trap even can like do you guys get that evil yet and just to make him out as even more of a bad guy the trap doesn't actually kill her she dies of bloodlust beforehand and then Simon just you know he starts chasing people that are left alive with his knife I think Todd Howard hit a like switch or something because he he starts phasing out while he's running away now you guys remember how Quentin started off as the heroic Lea is only to descend into villainy Simon just starts off as a brain lit and gets worse from there that there is no redeeming character trait he also finds Jerry from earlier who's alive and well which means that no one who dies in the cube stays dead and this lowers the stakes of the film even more because what's the point if no one can truly die this is meant to be the point Simon fully snaps knowing people who die in the cube will still be alive somewhere else now this would have been a really great turning point if he wasn't already a douche in the first cube Quentin gets this one humanizing scene when he's gone off the edge when the group looped back and end up in the first room they started off in Quentin looks petrified not just because all the progress was for nothing you can really see him questioning himself if it was all worth it the choices he made that led him to the kind of person he had become but here now forget salty bro and then after which he finds another Jerry and kills him you guys get it they trying to prove he's bad without actually killing important characters we also find out that Sasha the blind girl is this infamous hacker called alex trusk who escaped into the cube to get away from eyes on of course Sasha's nickname for alexandra alex trusk Simon finds Rebecca young the girl from the intro who got yanked off and he was actually employed to rescue her what do you think Simon does to her no seriously honest question what is yet yeah exactly also we find out the cube is compressing into itself all the rooms are becoming one so Simon and Kate and Nevitt ibly meet each other but Kate manages to stab Simon in the eye only for him to be behind her more aged with a hole in his eye you know what for the sake of the film I'll accept the fact that he survived the I stab despite the fact having no medical treatment inside the cube or the look of him is aged drastically so how did he survive with no water so he killed Sasha okay it manages to knock him out and finds out all the watch has led to a countdown of when the cube implodes she escapes the cube in the the worst CG I have ever seen in my life on ironically remember how cube one had mostly practical effects with very brief CGI and even when the CGI was used it was hidden by how dark the cube was this is where the lighting in cube - doesn't work like showing everything is not a good idea also when Kate escapes we find out she was working for eyes on the whole time her handler looks like Gus fring she gives like a USB stick that Sasha had and then she gets shot nice shot overall cube 2 is a massive disappointment and misses the mark immensely it's not even funny bad it's just a very bland movie that doesn't understand what made the original great kind of like all those uh Disney live-action remakes ah but you know what I don't want to be mr. cynical before I go I will state some things that the cube 2 does right now we learn at the end of the film that Kate was working for the company the whole time she actually subtly shows this by downplaying when people make discoveries and trying to get info out of people when it seems like she's just trying to make conversation now let's just get ridiculous you know her role wasn't to actually kill anyone it was just to get a MacGuffin and then leave you've also got this cool scene where you can see Kate see yourself only further to be in that same position later you know the only subtle thing in this entire film also this one bit where Kate and Sasha stumble into a room where the entire cast died of dehydration now this would be an interesting take if the film was done better in Cuba one people only died from traps or from other people's actions we never actually looked at the perspective of people giving up entirely worth in the first film was close but only stuck with the group because some small part of him clung to freedom I will admit it is an interest in microcosm of what could have been and finally if it's saying a cube well has shown me to say man yes I'm aware that there's another sequel cube zero and apparently Lionsgate when I remake the original film and call it cubed that film is still on hold as of 2019 look all I'm saying is if you don't have a carrot to say boo it you're not getting my money thank you for watching I know this is something different but I really enjoyed making it cube is a classic I've seen many times and never actually got around to making a video on it if you like my movie reviews please tell me in the comment section and also share on how much you love your wife [Music] yes [Music]
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 7,132,433
Rating: 4.9585166 out of 5
Keywords: logan paul, logan paul youtube, airplane mode, review, commentary, satire, parody, cube, cube 2, logan paul vlog, pyrocynical
Id: 6FjmELC_6mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 41sec (2261 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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