Logan Paul's documentary is worse than you can imagine

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logan paul is someone I love talking about he is incredibly charismatic he also breeds positivity other youtubers wish they could have a key and most importantly he makes a lot of money my expenses just surpass my income for the first time ever I think it's the at the beginning to end come on move over Shane Dawson with your honey sponsorship with one log and poor video I can feed my family for a whole five minutes so if you guys don't know Logan Paul and care so they're gonna have a little battle royale soon I'm not sure why I think Kay so I stole Logan's copy of halo 2 on xbox or something I wasn't even playing dude I was getting something to eat kind of respond to that at a press conference in LA I made a video on that then they had a second press conference in the UK that no one seemed to care about probably because during the entire conference there decided to play copyright music to deter all the commentary channels making videos on it so of course to monetize this video I had to go ahead and double the music anyway so here's a checklist of what happened the crowd inevitably started chanting sake mum god bless the UK let's go chat man said let's go champ a lot and then the let's go champ man actually having more of an input than Logan Falls but don't do you probably point that as well he's not regret taking his fight hey shut up versus care sigh or care so against the let's go champ man okay so Logan starts making a bunch of empty threats they go absolutely nowhere ah man I'm uh I might I might kill this man I might kill this man y'all may not know but JJ's on his big abortion also the let's go Chapman he just starts reading a book in the middle of the press conference I assume he's panicked because he does not know any of the words apart from let's go chat and yeah [Music] and of course because it's the UK press conference more people start throwing stuff on the stage also when they square off no one actually has a mic so here's my interpretation of what they're saying I'm killed far worse than you isn't that abandoned house er a bit spooky go bother someone else also after the press conference one of the cameramen left their mic on and he just starts late in the event that's really [ __ ] annoyed if you're a professional boxer also guys I wanna do a little segue here I have brand new merch I'm not wearing it now just can we edit in a PNG of the merch that's so cool I feel like I'm really wearing it it's incredibly comfortable fits all sizes please buy it link in description god please I do want your money I will never have enough wealth I am a narcissist anyway with that out the way press conference done the fight is in a couple days Logan thinks oh my god I don't have enough money my 17th bank account in Switzerland is not yet overflowing money how do I make more money I have their tickets for the fights I have the sponsorships but I need more money I know what I'll do I'll upload a documentary about the fight we're in the thumbnail I look like a big fan of snaps I'm sorry but less than 10 seconds in he's already jerking himself off let's have a look at what happens when we define pyrocynical a submission from Norway says the name pyrocynical meet bro you guys aren't funny you aren't funny at all you're never getting pets cop 2 of this right let me tell you they've also got this scene of a kid picking up a camera I guess it's meant to be Logan as a child but the thing is when I see this scene I just think if the flashback scenes have Logan as a child from airplane mode I remember it was us having fun with whatever it was when we were always like bored yeah okay can we get the clip of him prank calling people when he was a kid please buttheads G max mofo will be heartbroken to know that he copied Logan and Jake Paul yeah absolutely gentlemen who had the idea first and I was happy that they were doing that and not I don't know getting into other trouble I thought she would have said you know they're not in the house all day they're getting out but nope let's say drugs and fortnight literally the same thing he also like certainly flexes in the documentary how many of you gets as well [Music] honey honey have you seen MLG Teletubbies honey have you seen car sex honey I was impressed with their self-esteem because they were willing to take risks that other people were either guys you don't take risks unless you show of body in a video and then taser a rat afterwards if you're not doing that you're not taking risks I've made a severe and continuous I have someone judgment and I don't expect to be forgiven I'm simply here to evangelist I noticed knew how to react right a few I should have never posted the video people hate me and it's obvious there he goes into the comment section and he just picks out all the seven to eight year olds I mean one of them is a zoomed in picture of a Glock and then the other is just an alien smoking of blood recording I'm only joking guys I don't condemn game ending in any way this channel is serious business only you know I want to do I want to check out beast mode tacos just to see what kind of amazing content this guy makes okay for 94-94 and i fortnight and then first vlog clickbait okay can't even hear what he's saying this is epic is to literally be drowned out by the music you know I don't I don't care give that give that kid a sub begin ad did you know thousands of companies steal your personal information each year that's right we know about your search history for free punch a b-movie online and now you're off to jail for life for stealing from the internet plus you go to super hell but the only thing to watch is morgues videos for all eternity my god this is cringe why didn't I just hide my browser history now you can free text-to-speech bar with nord VPN go to north VPN calm /pha cynical to keep your internet browsing anonymous and protected alright fine you're out of super hell now you're just in regular hell where they can watch between fortnight aimbot videos and people crime when they get caught plus you can get region unlocking some shows are exclusive to certain regions for example in the UK I can't watch The Walking Dead but now with Nord VPN I'm in America and can watch The Walking Dead he's gonna watch The Walking Dead come on guys also you can get a cool map of the world wait Norway only has one tree come on guys that's crazy used coke pyrocynical to get 70% up a three-year plan with two months free think of all the things you can do in two months create a one-to-one scale of pewdiepies whole country minecraft make pets cop 2 or cry for two months straight in envy of Shane Dawson's bank account that's Nord VPN comm forward slash parasitical do it now do it now now now I'm what your money also I do want to say like the rest of this documentary he's played copyright of music from an artist that he just nabbed from and that artist has gone ahead and claimed the entire video I don't want that to happen to me so little bits throughout this video I'm gonna replace what they're saying with text-to-speech it is my second time dropping solo first time I dropped a fat Dookie so I perfected the art of distracting myself to take my mind off the negative energy the thing is with Logan he's trying to portray himself as a Down Beat and protagonist you know like Disney Princess and the products but the thing is he's literally wearing a helmet that is promoting his merch on the side of it guys and it takes it's a dead body but also I don't want to miss out on mote sales don't pull his bandana that's a source of power without that he's nothing find someone in that crowd that is above five because you want unless it's apparent hey man look there's nothing wrong with having a young audience you know like we here at the parasitical channel seven-year-old fanbase going strong but five that's cringe bro this is deus ex 3 as you can see there's some issues so it's not deus ex anymore I've had quite a few people tell me not to touch this never taken an L and for him to have all these w's in this corner and then this L that just will not leave him alone I like how his mom is referring to the recording of a dead body as an L yeah remember when Hitler invaded Poland that was such an L remember when the UK got blitzed and parents have to send their kids away and they might not ever see them again yeah finish it finish finish you know you want what the Frick are you doing you stupid [ __ ] what the Frick is wrong with you how rebellious don't worry though we can write down as a business expense it's part of the video but for real it really does scare me how much money this guy has that he can just break part of his house and act so nonchalantly about it you did the same thing in Japan oh you got me hehe you know Greg's frustrated everyone around him is frustrated because he does take it out on the people around him that's why I took the alimony honey I get your divorced and you want to try and salt on your ex-husband but he had every right to be angry there your son smashes a window what about it and then when your husband is angry your son tells into sharp silence broken like he needs to grow up I genuinely don't think Greg Paul is in the wrong here by the time they left my house it was all back to call cause my house was like that no stress no one happiness and no fortnight of course only someone in the poor family would use a documentary to throw shade at their ex they also have this bit where a care size just roasting Logan and Logan is sitting there doing absolutely nothing you know he's acting like the victim when clearly 'he's PR team told him dude it it's a hundred to one you're screwed up they just don't say anything and he's trying to act so down vien but then back at the LA press conference he's just chanting Walmart over and over [Music] also they shown Logan being harassed by some kids on a roof but keep in mind that is not him that has a YouTube channel called nightscape Logan nabbed the footage from the sky and then acted like it was him who's being attacked [Applause] [Music] nearly cried not actually cry but nearly cry yeah I just I just got this [ __ ] kicked out of me and then Jake was like come on keep fighting and I'm like well I'm gonna get emotional uh I was like I've kept fighting before oh my god quick he's going to show a motion shut down all higher brain functions we cannot have our Android crying anyway the rest of the documentary is pretty sleep it's just a recap of the original fight and Logan as a funny smile with this maverick mouth guard that just looks like something from a made-for-tv purge film and then Logan cashes in on is next million before the fight anyways I hope you all enjoyed I'm gonna make a really brave statement right now Logan Paul bearer's if you agree like and subscribe to the channel and donate money to my mother-in-law yes more alimony money [Music] [Applause] [Music] one down one down
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 3,203,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: logan paul vlog, logan paul, maverick, logan paul documentary, logan paul ksi fight, logan paul boxxing, logan paul japan, ksi logan paul fight, ksi vs logan paul, jake paul, logan paul training, ksi vs logan paul 2
Id: TBvQTOPuy04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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