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but I wanted to sit down and make a video addressing all everything that's going on right now because they've also here okay my last James Charles video that was gonna be the last one but when someone uploads some piping hot tea I'm James Charles and it gets 20 million views of the day how could I not resist welcome oh man so as you know James my neighbor Charles has been involved in some drama in the past month and they really helped me my friends out with sisters security because it was crazy you guys probably already know about their iconic hair at vitamins but they just came out with brand new vegan sleep vitamins and fur swab it's so bad you couldn't read your paper for updates about the fourth Anglo Ashanti war without some little ogre telling you about his Bovril he promotes some gummi bears which went against his longtime friend Harry Westbrook his extremely cheap and affordable ticket prices meet James Charles and get a goodie bag only $500 yes please also allegedly he was trying to manipulate straight guys into being gay when they were just bicurious at best this guy called gage uploaded a pretty lengthy video talking about his situation with James Charles the videos in black and white shada is and he's also just eating Doritos for the first half of it it's a very serious video but somehow that video that gage made was nowhere near as bad as James chance apology video but before we get into that meme let's breakdown tatty Westbrook's video on James Charles 20 million views in a day my channel went downhill as soon as I didn't pursue makeup welcome to today's video obviously from the title you know that this is gonna be intense different and this is absolutely not a video I ever thought in a million years that I would be making okay she begun the video by saying this isn't something I wanted to make now you know the video stars like that this is coffee by the way I don't drink tea yeah but for real can we stop with opening videos like this Lee make this video just say you want to curb stomp someone okay considering limited ads are a thing you probably don't want to do that no obviously want to know obviously what I want is you can't talk about that yet we can't I really want to talk about that video my hands are literally shaking from out which I want to talk about that video but we can't just chair I know that he has a way of just getting what he wants and I've always blamed it on his age I've been like I he'll grow up like it's fine he'll grow up like that same thing I was planning on hopping in my car and you know sitting down with him but I changed my mind very very quickly when I found out that he had been giving his side to drama' channels he had been in contact with plenty of them I immediately knew that this was all about damage control why would you ever get in contact with a drama channel first to get your opinion on something but you've got all these tsp channels and they literally exist solely because of drama like if there wasn't drama they wouldn't exist at all their main focus is to leech views of people she's not wrong like I've seen all these tsp channels and James charles's gave like a DM response to them so yes engage with them with a couple I think you just don't followed them but like you don't talk to T spill sure if they have T spill in the name that's a bit of a red flag you want to resolve something speak to that person in private and resolve it there because now it's reached the point where everyone's uploading these big 40-minute exposed videos talking about everything because nothing could be resolved in private there was speculation when Shane Dawson came over to hang out with me who I adore I don't know terribly well we've been talking for a couple of months ah yes now this is my prediction I would have put it out there for the tsp channels I want this circulating already it when it happens a couple months from now Shane Dawson will film the documentary series with James Charles and that will be James child's redemption arc James will get his career back and we put back in the spotlight and Shane gets the by another mansion this will happen I am 90% sure it will I'm already imagining it now like replacing Tanner Mungo with James the bit where she's crying and like personally he's crying I wrapped as much love as I could around this kid more from like a parental stance than like a best friend stance I don't really like points like this you know I helped you I made you grow it seems like an on point if anything but with Terry she genuinely did help James out in so many ways there are so many video examples of her just promoting James or his more Pecola life just helping him out in general James is here to do my Bridal makeup which is what I am wearing right now I just wanted to congratulate you on almost a million on Instagram I want to say huge congratulations to James Charles if you have not checked his channel out on YouTube and you want to be inspired he's a freaking teenager and he's like a genius with makeup James Charles is the face of their holiday collection and I saw him do a really cool look and it just made me want to try this palette other white guys with all this tea spill going around I have new much it's really really nice please buy it limited time only it's so cool I pray that word anymore and remember guys parasitical merch not ethically made anything we made all this stuff of Thai promoting James it just makes him look even worse when he was promoting the gummi bears which went against Tati's own brand pate just promote some get some all this stuff James is like no kill me bezel really nothing oh don't know so we helped him get into a style Hall back when basically no one wanted to work with him because of his Ebola scandal and everyone was really afraid that he was very toxic but once again you know we had his back so I literally went on to Google pubs in James Charles Ebola which is a bit with it but then looking at this you can see CoverGirl's first spokesman jokes about Africa having Ebola apparently James tweeted I can't believe we go to Africa today oMG what if we get Ebola James we're fine we could have got a Chipotle last year oh dear you're this girl below saying no longer supports the company she tweets a cover girl twice yeah I mean one that would have been enough but thank you man as a sis white male I recognize my privilege and would never want to take that for granted I delete everything before my plane took off Oh God why would people make an apology they just can't take responsibility for it themselves why can't they say I messed up I don't why are they gonna make it into a bigger picture like they're almost trying to generalize stuff so they don't take all the flak like say you done goofed and then say you're sorry it's as simple as that look at this man's Bible entry just say you're [ __ ] and he was super upset he's like I can't sleep I'm I feel so upset I don't know what to do I'm so stressed out oh my god what do I do and it had to do with his morphe deal because the percentage they were offering him was not great to be honest hey Murphy parasitical here makeup extraordinaire I was actually doing makeup way before James Charles there is video proof of it on my second channel daddy gave me scars as a child and now I am Batman to arch-nemesis now James complained about the cut I won't complain about the cut fuel to curl up with me you give me naught point one percent I'd be more than happy to do that so hey monthly hit me up for the email on screen now because I would be more than happy to do a collab with you guys I'm thinking we have a palette every shade is dirt not normal dirt minecrafter you know I had mentioned to him that you know it did kind of he had never had me on his channel and it's just really funny that we didn't end up collabing until it was in his favor so he was popping off online about exposing the beauty community and doing a docu-series and I was like know how entitled do you have to be to think that you have it rough you are a 19 year old millionaire you do not get to wake up and you know stress out about how unfair your job is like that's just so ridiculous to me saying it really does resonate with me as youtubers or the other term influencer whichever one you want to use preferably not the latter one we have one of the best jobs in existence it's absolutely amazing how you can use so much creative freedom do what you want and you actually get paid for it I mean it it's justified that sometimes we're allowed to complain you know YouTube makes a change and part of everyone's channels get deleted and then some trending channel loading endgame in Spanish gets two billion views stuff like that isn't fair it's out of our control I think we're allowed to complain but our jobs are absolutely amazing I mean there is burnout as well I created burnout because as a youtuber you never really get a holiday you just need to upload upload upload and whenever you're not uploading someone's getting closer to overtaking you you know there's a lot of ups and downs I guess the job but at the same time it is an amazing job and I know for a fact that pretty much anyone would rather be a youtuber than work 9 to 5 and some office cubicle you can make up your own hours when you're working and I know that being your own boss can sometimes be your worst enemy I've had so many problems with time management and I'm still trying to get to grips with it now it's kind of funny with James Charles and a bunch of other youtubers and influencers you'll notice the more money someone has in their bank account the more sailfin tile they seem to become yeah more fee you wanna see on a hit be hit with a brand deal I don't like greedy millionaires but I would love to be a billionaire I think one of the biggest reasons that I'm doing this video is because all of us are somehow forgetting that his audience is made up of 12 to 14 year olds like dominantly and he is role modeling to them his behavior his behavior online is what they are seen and what they're emulating as how they should behave to be successful and adored by the masses the majority of your fan base are just gonna be young kids like Lauer on kids are like you know morgues and all these reaction toys channels but at the same time I understand they're going to meet & Greets a lot of people that watch my content a young kids and it just makes sense you know kids are the most free time they're not held down by a job they're not working that nine-to-five I just talked about earlier they have a lot of expendable time to watch other people or the content craze that's why you've got all these greedy corporate people trying to like tap these brains and influences is the kind of bridge to gap that I mean James Charles hasn't said the best things on this channel to his impressionable audience like for example the one time where he said I think liking trans men doesn't make you gay so you're not even forgetting I mean know there have been girls in the past that I if I thought were really beautiful there's also been like trans guys in the pasta too that I would really into for a moment in time yeah trans people aren't really the agenda they want to be let me make an apology tweet and stick the LGBT flag on the end yeah that's the huge underlayer to this all that I finally have had enough the last phone conversation that James Charles and I had he said some things telling me about a situation that happened in Seattle at my birthday and it literally made me want to vomit oh my god you tried to trick a straight man into thinking he's gay yet again and somehow you're the victim apparently James was like briefly seeing someone who was bicurious or like I guess exploring what their sexuality could be and the thing is as well it really doesn't help that you take one quick search and you can see the amount of times James Charles has expressed his love or attraction for guys they're straight over and over and how dare you laugh about it and make me master meme and retweet and this and that and I love straight boys I love straight boys and make it a joke James then saw this as an opportunity to manipulate me as a person who may or may not have been trying to figure things out about their sexuality after the fact of telling him that I was straight multiple times and you did it at my birthday dinner and I made excuses for you then you were talking in detail about things you wanted to do to the waiter and when I said James he's straight your response was doesn't matter I'm a celebrity so freakin gross and you said that in front of my family in front of my childhood friends I had to call every one of them up the next morning and apologize on your behalf because it was so uncomfortable [Music] oh my god wait it's almost like a spoiled celebrity you can say whatever they want to whoever they want and think that they can get away with it keep in mind that isn't the worst thing James Charles has said he wanted to do to a man there is a this tweet as well why are all these teenage minecraft youtubers so cute like wow I want one for myself to play the Hunger Games with all night I do need a minute you went to Coachella somehow had a security issue and magically sugar bear hair is there with a contract in hand to save the day for you and all of your friends no company would ever go out of their way to have an extra you know handful of passes that cost thousands of dollars apiece like just in case there's a value there and there's a value exchange with this I remember the original sugar bear had promotion that James Charles did and he was like in the promotion he acted like it wasn't a paid thing or a sponsored thing it was just him helping out a company that helped him like returning the favor but he literally had hashtag ad in the top left corner and I think if you're promoting someone like if I wanted to promote a famous youtuber I'm Alan I wouldn't put hashtag ads great him saying that he's had anxiety and this has helped him sleep which no he didn't say it was an anxiety pill but I think alluding to that to children with a vitamin that looks like a gummy bear that tastes like candy it's actually surprising how like predatory this business practices it's a pretty common fact that young adults are like the most anxious and the most depressed of most age groups and really without thinking about it James has preyed on that by professing the promotion with its help with my anxiety I don't think he meant to do that he was definitely preying on a demographic of people there but most importantly I've been dealing with a lot of anxiety recently and it always comes late at night when I'm laying in bed thinking which is not fun or fresh first of all anything an influencer says take it with a pinch of salt okay like if you have anxiety or depression there is actual licensed medication for that there's been a proved you should probably start with that not with a gummy bear that someone selling to you he's so Bob patty made him tatty ended him perfectly balanced as all things should be so guys why have we learned in today's video hey westbrook gained a million subscribers James Charles lost a million trust no one every youtuber hates you and also stop stop eating gummy bears alright stay tuned for my next video James Charles apology top 10 things you missed also guys subscribe to join neither bro army it's like the bro army but we're a little bit cooler you know so the bro army make sure to get that out there guys [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 1,962,540
Rating: 4.9532399 out of 5
Keywords: james charles, james charles is sister cancelled, tati, tati westbrook, BYE SISTER ..., tati westbrook james charles, james charles tati, tea, james charles is over, james charles tea, BYE SISTER, makeup videos, makeup, beauty vlogger, bye sister, pyrocynical, pewdiepie, satire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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