The Unused Pals on The Fringe of Palworld | Palworld Theory

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but either way this is where the pal deck at least as of Early Access update 1.4.1 comes to an end or is it let's just leave that for next time shall we there's something I haven't told you guys about the full roster of Pals within the game of pal World in a recent video I went through the entire pal deck and read aloud each and every entry in the game and until the very end of the video I played that list up to seem like it was complete a full disclosure of every single pal this game has to offer but while I did really look at every pal that's been released in the game so far what I didn't include in that video were all of the pals that haven't been released during the production of any game it's not uncommon for more than a few assets NPCs or pieces of set design not to see completion but in the case of pal World a game that's gone through redesign after redesign since first being announced the assets and particularly the pals that we've left behind in the process are of particular interest some of these Pals were seemingly only removed from the game near the very end of development While others have been nearly forgotten entirely due to their seldom appearances even in early material but regardless of how or why these Pals were scrapped today I'm going to be going over the full list of unreleased or majorly updated Pals from pal world's past consider this something of a bonus video to go along with the mysteries of the pal deck upload from a few weeks ago and unlike that upload since we have very few Pals to actually discuss today I'll be doing as in-depth of an analysis as I can for each and every entry here I hope that you guys find some of this stuff interesting and without further Ado these are the pals that exist beyond the pal deck halt I bring some breaking pal world news that in typical fashion dropped while I was almost on editing this video recently pocket pair the developers of pal World dropped a trailer teasing the very first Raid Battle ever to be added to the game which consequently also will bring with it a new pal a pal that is technically unused at this point so I wanted to make a brief mention of them within this video even though they're going to be added to the game probably any day now as of recording in fact pocket pairs already updated steam to reflect two new achievements one for the pal itself and one which presumably reflects a new subspecies judging by the 402nd trailer used to reveal the feature raids will be accessible from specific sites left behind by the ancient civilization of pal world's past which I talked about in this video and we can reasonably assume that these fights will be one of the most if not the single most challenging pastimes in all of pal World in terms of just who or what we'll be fighting inside of the Arena well meet belloir a pal that we can assume will probably be a dark type not altogether dissimilar in appearance and theming to lilene Knocked based off what we've seen from belloir so far I don't have any assertions as to their significance to the lore but judging by the veil of meteors which seem to fall from the sky when they're summoned I wonder if this pal may have a link to one or more of the calamities stated to have taken place in pal world's past and future I've previously said that I thought upcoming content may elaborate on these areas of the lore and I'm feeling optimistic that upon taking down belloir in this new raid we may gain access to a pal deck entry that could hold some of the answers we've been looking for for now though we'll just have to wait and see only time will tell so I'm not going to dwell on this too much more I just thought it was cool since I was already talking about unused Pals and speculating on future content a lot within this video just wanted to add this in as a little bonus here in the beginning but that's all so anyway back to your regularly scheduled programming the first three unused Pals that we're going to be discussing here are not only the most well-known of their fellows but are likely some of the most poured over unused Assets in all of pal World these three are very welln and I would bet that nearly everybody watching is probably already familiar with them at this point but I'm going to go over them here anyway for the sake of being complete the reason that these three Pals have already been explored so thoroughly is that unlike the others that we're going to be talking about today they are current currently in the game or at least within the game code and because of this through the use of a couple of mods they can actually be obtained even if they are ultimately incomplete because of this there's a lot that we know about these Pals almost as much as any other species that actually does exist in fact since lots of information such as names abilities stats work suitabilities and even pal deck entries are available for most or all of these guys and out of all of the big three arguably the most well-known or at least the most infamous has to be bolt M bolt m is an electric type pal with a level two in kindling but otherwise nothing additional in way of work suitability this pal possesses the ride partner skill which requires bolt M's saddle which as the name suggests probably made it possible to ride upon bolt man's back and Traverse the land its pal deck entry reads the more it moves the more it heats up and the hair tips increasingly glow brighter at its peak it becomes so dazzling that you risk blindness if you stare at it directly well in principle the idea of a pal that glows as bright as the sun when moving quickly is pretty interesting sadly the glowing effect upon its model doesn't actually seem to be reactive within the game but I guess that makes sense since nobody would want to engage with this pal at all if they just got flashbanged every time it ran by obviously though at least without mods nobody has had the ability to partner with this pal at all owing to its existence purely as a scrapped element and not an official part of the game but why wasn't bolt M included to begin with well if you thought it might be because bolt man's resemblance to luxray is a little too close to safely be considered its own thing you may not be far off apparently the models are nearly identical just with some pyroar flavor slapped over the top and I'll admit that's pretty strange in earlier pre-release screenshots this Pal's main is colored a shade of yellow which is obviously more consistent with its identity as a lightning type while the ingame model presents a much stronger resemblance to a fire type pal of sorts this has long been a topic of discussion in the great pal World versus Pokémon copyright debate and admittedly this has struck me as odd as well if boltman actually bore the Hallmarks of an electric type then I don't think this would be too big of a deal to anyone but being presented as it is is sort of questionable one thing to note is that within the code boltman possesses the alpha modifier which potentially suggests that this pal was meant to be used as a field boss or perhaps even a tower boss at some point in the past I personally can't help but wonder if boltman may have originally been intended as a replacement for either feris or orer within their respective boss Towers since it always was a bit strange to me that the lightning and dragon type orer fought alongside Axel on top of Mount obsidian a volcano where one would usually expect a fire type pal to be and conversely that the fire type feris battled alongside Marcus at the pidf tower in the desiccated desert where a number of notable electric type pals are generally found I guess put another way a sort of intermingling of the fire and Electric types is not exactly something new in pal world so perhaps boltman is just another victim of this I don't really know either way though a pretty cool pal it would be nice if they were altered slightly to actually fit the element they're meant to evoke but I think there's a definite nonzero chance that we see this one added to the game in future content the second unreleased pal present within the game's code on like boltman doesn't have an official name attributed to it when loaded in with mods only the placeholder title N Text is given but many in the community simply refer to this pal as dark mutant which seems to have been its placeholder name at an earlier point in development the design of this pal very clearly draws heavy inspiration from Mega Mewtwo Y although its coloration is obviously quite a bit darker almost reminiscent if you ask me of Shadow Mewtwo the unlockable poken tournament variant of the character and although to my knowledge Shadow Mewtwo was never portrayed in either of its Mega Evolution forms I definitely think that this could be a viable render for what that may have looked like ENT text is a dark type pal with a level three in handiwork a level three in medicine production and a level two in transporting it has a few unreleased items associated with it as well including ENT text saddle andent text shotgun both of which appear to be depreciated but most notably there is also ENT text's power converter which is needed to unlock its partner scill called teleky explosion so there's definitely some psychic type theming left over from the Mewtwo inspiration as well it's PC entry reads some say that a beam from an text that has perfected its technique can tear holes into other dimensions it's even believed that certain species of Pals were born from such phenomena perhaps the technique referred to here is in fact teleki explosion then again perhaps not I'm not really sure either way but I do have a theory regarding some of the pals that may have their Origins Within These dimensional Rift bear in mind that this theory is all in good fun since we're dealing with elements that haven't seen official release but my head cannon at least right now is that meddling from this pal may have been what allowed hell Zer aagon and menting into the palpo islands from another realm each of these Pals which occupy consecutive pal deck entry numbers have very clear imagery to Hell Dimensions associated with them and I've mentioned before that something about these three has just not sat right with me ever since I first discovered them as if there was more to their lore that we just weren't quite seeing so far I think this brief bit of flavor text has strong potential for explaining some of this away and could potentially even make for some interesting narrative development should Ian text ever see release with a real name of course also I nearly forgot to mention that many in the community also believe that this pal may be a subspecies of lunaris but for me personally I think that a lot of the smaller details on each Pal's body causes them to be just dissimilar enough enough that I'm not quite inclined to believe this instead I wonder if maybe these Pals have a relationship sort of similar to penit and Pen King where they look very similar but they're not actually related if that makes sense then there is the third and final unused pal within the game's code that being of course dragr who I may add is positively massive I believe this may be the largest pal in the game at present though I'm not 100% sure I haven't done any real comparisons but even if not they're definitely larger than your average pal it's important to note though that this particular specimen like boltman is an alpha variant so undoubtedly that does fluff up the size a little bit in early beta footage of the game the dragon and dark type dragr was definitively shown to have a field boss encounter hence its Alpha attribute and was shown to Bear the title lord of the darkness in spite of its intimidating title and stature though dragoste wouldn't have exactly been the most useful pal around the base having only level three in transporting but otherwise devoid of work suitability its partner skill the black-winged shooter is apparently intended to be accessible after crafting drost's shotgun which evokes some crazy imagery and its pal deck entry is a carbon copy of aagon which reads a silent beast born of the Abyss Thou shalt not stand before the Beast Thou shalt not heed the Beast perhaps indicating that drophead PL place or maybe it's just placeholder text that's since been repurposed the Pokémon that daghe is inspired by are also fairly clear I think of course there's a lot of raram and zero influence in here but some of the facial features and the red coloration are also indicative of Zoroark so overall I feel confident that in general dragr may just be intended to evoke that Gen 5 Vibe I really wish I had more to say about this pal it's certainly pretty cool and a very interesting addition in my opinion but sadly other than appearing in this logo screenshot associated with the time around the 2022 official trailer release as well as a brief segment where they're present in that trailer itself there's little else to discuss about them so let's move on now we move on to the unreleased Pals that are not currently included in the game code Pals that have been seen in previous material but for which a lot less concrete information exists Beyond simply their appearance and I want to start this section off with one of the oldest unreleased Pals ever to Grace the screen which looks like this the only time that this greenish blue wolf cub has ever appeared is when it cameoed in this pre-alpha logo render and it's been completely Mia ever since like all of the other Pals from here on out this fella is also completely nameless as of yet but one thing that's particularly interesting is that the pal is also so old that it actually predates the jump to the modern games art style and graphic Direction instead presented only in this initial rendering style now to be clear the look of virtually every other pal here hasn't changed all that much so it would be reasonable to imagine that it wouldn't look all too drastically different in the modern Early Access version of pal world but even so since it is a different style there's probably going to be differences in texture and shading and stuff like that however despite that being pretty much all we have to work with there are some hints within the image itself and in the Pal's design that may clue us into a bit more information about it first of all the coloration along with the shape and placement of its man seem to suggest this may have been an ice type pal and when viewed alongside dire Howell it almost seems like these two may have had some sort of ontological Link back in early development I once again evoke the penlet pen King comparison and I think that potentially a similar dilemma could have been going on with these two as well that's only a theory of course we've never received any official word from pocket pair on the significance of this pal and of all of the unused pal that we're going to consider today I'd say that this one at least in my opinion is squarely at the bottom of the list for likelihood to be added to the game anytime soon but the wolf pup isn't the only unused pal within this pre-alpha render next we've got this pal right here unlike the wolf cub though the feather Dragon also has a short appearance during the initial pal World announced trailer now something that stuck out to myself and many others who have seen this footage is that this pal seems in many ways to be the antithesis to drag ropy not only does the white and blue color palette directly contrast drost's black and red but the pal also seems to take similar inspiration from the likes of the Gen 5 dragons as a result some of the community have come to refer to this guy fondly as drop's cousin and if we operate under the assumption that these two really were meant to contrast then I think it might be safe to Guess that this pal would have been a normal and dragon type or perhaps just a regular dragon type unfortunately though as we already know the feather Dragon isn't found anywhere at all within the game code which insinuates that as development proceeded any potential for association with drost may have fizzled out after all if they were to be presented as a pair we would expect that both would be at least present in the files but that's just not the case that being said although I'm not hopeful for it I do think it would be pretty sweet to see this one added although it does take after reram the design is certainly unique enough to constitute its own thing in fact similarly to the wolf pup of before I think this may actually be one of the more unique Pals in the game I really hope we get a look at this guy later on maybe they'll be added in a raid or something like that but like everything else in this video I guess only time will tell next up though we have a pal that many people will probably recognize but may have forgotten about also seen in the 20122 Gameplay trailer and that's this large flying whale despite not being present in the game files this pal seems like it may have had a unique aspect that isn't seen anywhere else in the game as of yet and because of that I'm kind of leaning toward the idea that maybe we could see it added in the future as we can see in the trailer a player and a partner pal should have been able to ride upon this thing's back and as of recording no other flying mount in pal World offers a feature quite like this so this seems like it could be pretty cool and part of me wonders if these whales would have served to fairy players back and forth from places on the ground to structures like this one which seem to have been planned to be located in the air around palpo Island I'm not sure if reducing this thing basically to the role of Taxi really makes that much sense but either way they've got a cool design and it would be nice to see more of these large Pals added but this Pal's also interesting for a completely different reason and that is because even though it's not technically present in the game its remains actually seem to be if you look at the giant whal likee skeletons that can be found especially in the astral mountains you'll see a strange little bony Fringe or Halo which Loops up around the back of the creature's neck and this is the exact same type of design that we see present on this whale pal so it seems like this skeleton may have actually belonged to a member of the species perhaps even an alpha member judging by its size at some point in the past because of that maybe we can consider this pal sort of Canon but maybe they're just extinct I don't really know I'm not sure what to make of this from a lore perspective but from a gameplay perspective it definitely seems promising I really hope that we see this one added at some point and I think that the game itself gives us ample reason to believe that that may not be out of the question question just yet then of course we have our final completely new unused pal of today's video and that is the giant worm or serpent now we've seen a lot of giant Pals today but I believe this is probably the most massive one of all there's only a couple of different shots of this thing that actually exist the first being here off in the distance of the 2022 trailer and the second being this really imposing view of the thing's eye from a closer distance which sort of suggests at least to me that this thing may have actually had a cutscene associated with it at some point in time I wonder if this could have perhaps been a field boss or maybe may even serve as a raid boss at some point in the future but what really strikes me about this thing is that I just can't Envision it whatsoever as just a normal encounter I just can't help but feel like this thing must be important somehow but I can't quite figure out how or where it would be conducive to the story of the game perhaps it's just the sheer immensity of this thing or perhaps it's the association with this shot but my personal theory is that this may be a candidate for a legendary pal to join the likes of palladius necromus frost alion and jet dragon I also think that of all the pals we've discussed today this one has the most lore potential once again obviously nothing is confirmed and this is just my own ramblings on the subject but could this pal potentially be responsible for one of the other massive snaking skeletons found on the astral mountains I mean if the unused whale pal can be connected to one of them then perhaps this thing can too I don't think it's out of the question it's definitely an intriguing thought and I for one will definitely look forward to seeing if and how these elements may come to life in pal world's future before we round out this video today I just wanted to highlight two more Pals and both of these stem from the very early pal World announced trailer surprisingly though almost every pal seen in this trailer is included in the final product almost unchanged that is except for masarina you know that weird pal that's always overflowing with milk whether it's male or female well there's a very brief scene where we see what appears to be a very early form of masarina here in the trailer although as we know this pal has been changed pretty significantly over time obviously while this pal is not technically unused this version of it is definitely nowhere to be found so most likely mazen's old look will stay firmly planted in the past but it's cool to speculate that maybe it could be added as a alternate version or a subspecies or something probably not but it'd be a neat little Easter egg the other thing I wanted to mention from this trailer though has to do with the pal Norman tide which looks exactly the same as it does during release but at the very end of the announced trailer we're shown an NPC that seems to be riding a Norman tide not thematically dissimilar to what we see with the tower bosses in Early Access now obviously a lot of the tower bosses are based off of characters from Pokémon such as how Zoe rain takes after Marne and this character is certainly no different appearing similar to Nessa so I think it's almost a given that this character was intended to be a test of skill of some kind once again this doesn't necessarily have to do with a new pal but more of a new version of them since all of the boss Pals in the game are considered within the code to be different variants of the pal which they're based off of and up until the most recent patch they were even obtainable through a glitch I don't know elements like this are very exciting to me regardless of how old they may be because it shows that there were other characters and NPCs created or considered for pal world at some point as the game develops I definitely think it would be cool to see if we get some new tower bosses or even bosses that may be present outside of towers in different areas of the environment which seems a bit like what they were intending with this one I personally would be all for it and there's certainly a lot of possibility there so ultimately I think that's probably the coolest part of all of this but that's just what I think and although I've watched these trailers and reviewed these topics a lot of times in preparation for creating this video it's almost always you guys in the comments that lead me to the really interesting stuff especially concerning Theory videos like this one as a result I'd love to know what you have to say if you have absolutely anything to add or if you want to challenge something I stated at any point if there's one thing I've learned from having this channel the past couple of years it's that sometimes it just takes one comment from someone kind of off the cuff to put a spin on a topic that really changes my perception of it in addition if you enjoyed this video then maybe consider subscribing this is a little bit different from the type of content that I usually upload but I love covering all manner of lore theories and analyses on this channel not just relating to Pal world but to other things as well so if that sounds cool to you then I'd love to see you stick around anyway that does it for me for today this is a verber on I'll see you again soon and have a good [Music] one
Channel: Everberon
Views: 11,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld guide, palworld gameplay, palworld best pals, palworld tips and tricks, palworld tips, palworld update, palworld news, palworld new pals, palworld best pal, palworld pokemon, palworld review, palworld secrets, palworld legendary, best pal, best pals in palworld, palworld world settings, palworld secret pals, palworld hidden pals, palworld datamine, palworld boltmane, palworld dragostrophe, palworld roadmap, palworld lore, palworld game, pokemon with guns
Id: gWhblXmihk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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