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look my entire existence online is Pokémon I got to take a look at this so over the years there have been many Monster collecting games that have been given the coveted label of Pokémon clone but none of them were quite able to stand up to the big mouse and so Pokémon has remained largely unchallenged in the monster collecting genre but what these other games did not have was Guns enter power world if you've been online at all in the last month or two you know what power world is I pretty much don't use social media but it seems like even I couldn't escape the constant power world discourse being shoved in my face everywhere I looked were equal amounts of people saying oh my God power world is so much better than Pokémon it's the future no power bad it has stolen designs and so Pokémon with guns is at number two for alltime concurrent players on Steam but over 2 million as of late February it has over 25 million total players at least 7 million of those are on Xbox on which it is free on Game Pass but still that's more players than basically every Pokémon release except sword and shield barely and red and blue which are games with two versions it's a big deal Pokémon fans everywhere are shaken but even before release there were plenty of people not thrilled with power world and the scariest accusation of all the game is AI but fa not AI is not all scary let's see what Opera's new AI assistant Arya has to say on the matter she's here to answer the important questions she has spoken Arya is very wise and she can do more than just answer questions you can use the Highlight tool tip feature to translate text on the spot or to give you more information about the highlighted text okay let's give it something super obscure can it tell me about the Pokémon game for the Coco pad bear in mind that there was pretty much no information online about this game prior to my video on it so this is a really mean question let's see what it gives us [Music] wow I'm actually really impressed it's not even like it's just regurgitating stuff it's seen online it comprehends it and adds extra context that is legit really cool the OPA browser has even more cool stuff though it's got an inbuilt VPN and an inbuilt ad blocker to remove all those pesky ads except on my videos you can turn it off on mine that's okay my favorite feature is the tab Islands though because I'm constantly swimming in open tabs you can just close them well maybe I don't want to maybe I need to have eight tabs researching electric blankets well now I don't have to deal with tab overwhelm because I can sort my tabs into neat little collapsible groups this one's got my work stuff in it and this one has got everything I don't want to close but might need later the sidebar also has an integrated music player can even have text apps like Facebook messenger and WhatsApp built into it it's just ridiculously streamlined and everything's all in one place you can try oper out for yourself by using using my link down below but for now I'm going to heed arya's wise advice and look a little more into power world I will get to the actual game itself and how a play around in it but again my channel is literally Pokémon so this first section of the video is basically just going to be is power world a big mean Pokémon clone and the answer is yes of course it is but it's like a yes with an asterisk there are absolutely questionable elements about this game's design which I will get into but in a general sense I do think that whenever some sort of creature cting franchise pops up as Pokémon fans our gut reaction is to just start hissing and dismiss it as a filthy Pokémon clone I remember back in the day we were scared that jaban and yo-kai watch was going to be the thing to Dethrone our precious electric Mouse yo-kai watch wasn't even a Pokémon clone just a game that featured creature collecting the design Direction they took could not be mistaken for Pokémons at all it was just a creature collecting game and Pokémon don't own the concept of collecting little guys all that said power has committed some serious naughties as someone who likes to do art things I was curious as to how bad it could be at a glance there are quite a few of these designs that I'm vibing with we got a cute little MTH this really pretty cat Fox Mage thing and chillet is just the perfect being he and furet would go on the best walks together but it doesn't take long for you to start double taking at some of the PALS like huh that's a familiar color scheme is that one's face just a shiny Lucario oh this one's literally just lyan Rog it's the secret fourth form it's twilight lyan Rog in reference to this one in particular I've seen people saying stuff like well there's only so many ways you can design something based on a wolf so of course there are going to be some similarities and sure there are elements to making a wolf creature that are going to be pretty Universal it's probably going to have four legs a couple ears a tail but I think that argument kind of underestimates art like there's basically an infinite number of directions that you could take a design that's just based on a wolf you don't have to take it from me just Google wolf Fakemon and look at all the amazing designs made by fan artists over the years and the thing is I could not find one that bore more striking a resemblance to lyan rock than diow again I don't really want to send the wrong message like one person or one company can't own the rights to make a creature based around one thing one time I made a little fake one based on a king fisher his name is Rique I can't just take that and be like no one else can make little guys based on King fishes it is mine like I don't own the basic concept but if someone came along and posted a king fisher that blatantly looked like mine but with a few small changes hey look this is my 100% original Pokemon ruik I'd be a bit myed maybe a better example might be the pal pen King a big real Napoleonic looking penguin definitely the same basic concept as aolon but it's a different execution of that concept you can say it's un original that's fair enough but it's not really plagiarism and probably wouldn't get very far legally speaking there is a limited amount of animals to base creatures on so of course there are going to be similar Concepts but the problem is I can look at other franchises touted as Pokémon clones yo-kai watch nexomon temptem but I look through these selections Of Monsters And I genuinely struggle to draw parallels with the designs like I can with power worlds it goes Way Beyond the loose comparisons of like hey there's a fox pal and a Pokémon plagiarism it's more like this is a very specific shape that I recognize from a Pokémon design and I keep seeing these specific shapes a good amount of the pals look like they've had little bits chopped off Pokémon designs and sort of mashed together like if someone presented dinum to me as a fan-made Meganium and Goodra Fusion I'd be like wa that's amazing what a great blend of those two Pokemon then you realize it's from a game that has no affiliation whatsoever with Pokémon there are just too many examples for it to be a coincidence in my opinion I want a similar know I've seen this image making the rounds a lot as if to say while the original Pokemon designs were copied from Dragon Quest ha I mean I know literally nothing about Dragon Quest but really like to me the only one that holds up is the omite looking guy and that's just cuz it has a somewhat similar color scheme I feel like this is where the whole argument of oh well there's only so many ways you can design a bat would be valid look I don't know I'm not trying to protect my my dearest Pokémon company they don't need some YouTuber to fight the battles for him maybe I'm just not seeing something other people are but it feels like a real stretch to me especially next to a comparison like verd Das versus cinderace examples that make you legitimately question if assets were pinched to make it but these are just a few examples there's over 100 Pals so I made a nauy tier list which I'm going to show you real quick I know there's been a few of these I haven't watched any videos because I don't want to accidentally plagiarize someone else's PL ISM list I've made five tiers of power world design naughties there's the wonderful creature tier which just has all the pals I really like it's just full of wonderful creatures that need to be protected we've got the just a little guide here pretty self-explanatory just very inoffensive Pals I've seen quite a few of these ones picked on like kativa or pengala but I don't really see it there's the can I copy your homework tear this is where it starts getting suspicious you've got more specific Concepts like pancake still not plagiarism but very fair to call it on original or little lamb ball now did pocket pear see that wulu was very popular and think how about we have a round sheep guy too probably but Pokémon can't take him to court and be like you made a round sheep that is forbidden in this category we're starting to see The Familiar color schemes and little shapes here and there that I recognize like Robin quill has the same loose concept and similar color scheme to deui and has Blazer's legs there's the three Eevee look alikes this gutina looking thing next up is the getting dodgy tear there's only four in here so we'll look at all of them we've got Shadow beak which is just a black silver Ally they didn't even give it different law in game it talks of how it's this artificial Chima type Pokémon and it even has the archus arcs on it good Lord there's azuro this Superior Milotic primarina Fusion thing I don't know how accurate it is but if that hair comparison thing that was going around is authentic then yikes there's the one to one color scheme on this dude cabalion would destroy him in a fight I'm sorry fical is cute it still looks like a lolan Ninetales as long lost sibling and there's the potential lawsuit tear notice I haven't put many in there but the ones that are in there are just beyond debate this is a grass type Cinder rase this is a Meganium and Goodra Fusion this is a lyen rock this is dog with shiny Lucario's face so with all of my expertise I have found surprisingly most the designs seem original to me but the ones that are suspicious aren't subtle about it bear in mind this is just based on official Pokémon designs they could be similarities between Pals and fakon or creatures from other franchises I don't know I only really know Pokémon I do swear that the pal Daisy looks like it's come straight out of Steven Universe though the thing is that the questionable choices go beyond Pokémon designs though parts of the UI are just strikingly similar to Legends archus like I know you can't copyright a circle but it's just when it's all put together side by side like this it doesn't do power world any favors I've also heard a lot of people saying that perhaps AI was used in some way to help create all the pals which is really funny because people were saying the exact same thing when scarlet and violet came out these new Pokémon suck they look like they came out of an AI generator this point gain traction because the CEO has previously spoken favorably about Ai and pocket pair also released a party game utilizing it complete with these octopus crew mate dudes I don't feel like that's massively convincing so I took my time trying to get to the bottom of it I went back watched all the pre-release trailers and documented every single unique pal that I could so between 2021 and 2023 there were four trailers I could find making for a total of 62 unique Pals which is over half of the entire P deck most of them being revealed in either the 2021 trailer or the January 2022 one there's a problem with the do you remember AI really being a thing back in 2021 I don't the first image generation models weren't publicly available until late 2022 AI image generation models only really started getting good in 2023 so I'd be very surprised if they were utilized for anything in this game prior to that in my opinion at least half of the pals couldn't have feasibly been made using AI that being said there were more trailers there's one from December 2022 which shows nine new designs again I still think this is possibly a little early to have involved AI unless you think they were made using those super crunchy Pokémon generators from that time the most recent trailer was in June 2023 this one showcased a whopping 30 New Designs the most of any trailer now this was less than a year ago and AI was definitely capable of producing professional quality stuff at this point it moves quick then sure enough this final trailer has plenty of suspicious pal designs it's got the alola Ninetails the Garchomp guy the grass cinderes so could AI have been used for some of these more recently shown designs maybe I don't know I don't think it's quite as simple as hello AI please give me a new fire type Pokémon and then it just spits out this perfectly rigged 3D model that you can just paste into the game and that's how it worked everyone would be making their own Pokémon game maybe it'll get to that point soon I would really not be surprised with how fast it's moving but we ain't there if it is a part of the process I'd imagine it' look more like someone asking the AI give me a fire type Pokémon and it gives them something super Jank looking which they then rework into an actual design they're also image to IM models which is where you can give it an image and it will directly use it as a base for whatever it spits out I don't really know how it would work but I think most people can agree that the concept of say feeding an AI model a picture of lilligant or something and giving it a command like please take this and change it just enough so I don't get sued would be pretty lame again I don't know enough to say if that could be a possibility for some of the pals but just based mostly on Vibes since you can see questionable pal designs dating back to a point way before generative AI was a thing and we don't know when the later PES were even designed the game was in development for 3 years I'd lean toward any dodgy design stuff Being Human choices I have to stress again that this is based upon what was available at the time I'm sure this whole section won't take long to become outdated if you're going to go after poal or something I think the actual examples of likely intentional human copying make for a much stronger case and by you I mean the Pokémon company will go after power for that you can feel however you want to feel about the game but if you're one of those people that thought it was all cool cool and good to go and send threats to the developers at pocket pair then you suck if there's a case the Pokémon company will deal with it themselves they put out a statement a few weeks ago saying exactly that all right that's basically everything I have to say about the designs maybe I should you know play the game so what is our region called can banto this is the banto region pocket pair have clearly been listening to Pokémon fans grievances about all the tutorials and how long it takes you to actually get into the game here they just drop you in with no context and have you figure it out on your own In fairness it's much more of a survival game than an RPG so they don't really have any story or characters to introduce but come on I didn't play Pokémon to spend the first hour going back to school I think the best analogy I've seen for this game I don't remember exactly where I read it was that a way to summarize power world would be that it's basically like one of those crazy Pokémon scam ads that you'll see floating around where you go and download the app and it looks nothing like the ad but this time it's it's actually real not 10 minutes into the game and we discovered that this is a land that has few humans as they've all been eaten by Pals acquiring Pals is entirely the same process as in Pokémon weakening them and then throwing a Pokeball pal sphere when they reach paslo but I don't know it kind of hits different when I personally have to physically beat this little defenseless lamb ball right out the gate beating up wild animals is all well and good but you don't want to do it to people because that's called assault and you will get chased for one I'm actually seeing a consequence for Mindless violence in video games I always loved flaming money bags in Spyro and he just sit there and take it but not in the banto region you can also acquire new Pals through eggs which you can get through breeding or you can just find eggs in the wild you can just steal an egg right from its nest you've just stolen this little LIF Monk's firstborn child apologize having randomized eggs in the wild is honestly a stroke of Genius because it makes me way more invested in trying to complete the pal deck my little child brain has to know what's in it and since you have to incubate them and wait for them to hatch like I might as well Explore More of the banto region while I'm waiting the names for the pals are spot on some of my personal favorites include fak depresso and S every pal has its own unique cry listening to them of course I'm looking for similarities to Pokémon and I might have found a few like we've got Snivy and Bard or mudre and mpaka wow and kativa I swear sounds like that stock cat meow sound that you hear in every film ever all right this is very last minute I was looking for something to watch while I finished the last bit of the video so I just stuck on this cat documentary and listen to this it's the same it's the same sound I could really be reaching with the other few cries but I think they sound kind of similar there are plenty of cries that are really great though I find Tanz really funny for reasons I can't explain you know I'm really getting into this I like how most of the map is obscured and it sort of reveals itself as you explore it you realize you sound like someone who's never played a video game ever I've played games what games have you played Pokemon Animal Crossing Spyro's Adventure for GBA do you recall this ancient meme I'm an ego girl who plays video game starter pack that's you legit I have genuinely been enjoying it though it's very Moorish I'll be like okay I'll stop playing after I find the next quick travel point and then I see on the navigator that there's another new one nearby and that turns into me playing for another 2 hours all the little chests scattered around the world are little dopamine hits that keep me going I definitely wandered around areas that I was probably way too underleveled for but every time i' find a chest and get some items that I probably shouldn't have had access to but who's going to stop me it's a lot of fun roaming around but I'm so used to my atmospheric music in Pokémon that I really miss it that is something that Pokémon have always got pretty spot on the scarlet and violets has that one Melody that seems to be playing at all times a new feature in scarlet and violet was material drops when you catch something it'll drop cute little items to help you make TMS stuff like Meowth fur wingle feather in ink Howard has this too but it doesn't hold back Lambo mutton Chickapea poultry just if there was any doubt whether this pal that you beat up was in fact deceased Pokémon have always been a bit koi about whether or not people canonically eat Pokémon like the worst thing they had was the Slowpoke Tails which to be fair was pretty dark in Gen 2 there's almost this black market trade of seven Slowpoke Tails but then they backtracked on it more recently saying that actually Slowpoke Tails just naturally fall off and grow back doesn't harm the Slowpoke at all but po World leaves no Nuance it's like yeah you can eat Pals here I have a Lambo kebab or a nice juicy masarina steak it can't be said that PO world doesn't know its audience it truly does not mince words for example when a pal breaks out of its sphere it says Lambo broke out of the sphere she keep incredible I wasn't expecting British explo lives going into this experience but I appreciate it I feel seen I feel seen like there isn't an entire Pokémon region based on the UK there's more though the pal deck pal deck entries are just incredible long ago this pal used long objects like tree branches As Weapons after coming into contact with humans however it found something much more effective guns sniffing its scales produces a feeling of unparalleled Euphoria there was some effort to further regulate this byproduct but the free pal Alliance has vehemently opposed these measures putting a stop to them cinem moth over here just casually creating an illegal drug trade it has all the things Pokémon fans have been wanting for years you can buy and sell Pals on the black market you can create a production line with inhumane working conditions and work your pals to the Bone oh and you can make guns guns this is what I have always desired in my pocket monster game oh wait this one is specifically LIF Monk's submachine gun look at him go what a cute midal little guy you can use some of the actual Pals themselves as Weapons too like Fox Parks can be used as a flamethrower Toko Toco can launch its eggs as bombs and with Jolt hog you just eat the whole thing and he explodes thank you for your sacrifice loads of the other powers can be utilized in different ways there are so many riding mounts flying mounts hand gliders some powers of specific items you can make that'll provide unique benefits when they're in your party I've always loved random Pokémon having very specific uses like how you need relan than a WHL Lord to do the Reggie puzzle or how some Pokémon in Gen 6 have unique surfing models it's just an extra incentive to try out some guys that you might not have considered otherwise honestly I wish they had one of these for every pal so theyve all got some extra way to be used in the field I just think it's neat with there not being much of a story all law is given in tidbits through journal entries that you find scattered around some of these are golden most of them are written by a mysterious Castaway and tell the tale of their Many Adventures this one tells of how he murdered a dude it's not like I killed anyone directly there's no one to blame here then he finds a chicky pea and skins it to make fried chicken I know a lot of Pokémon fans have been a little frustrated with the more recent entries to the series for reasons ranging from dexit to a lack of Po game that you don't have to pay more money for to the actual graphical quality of the game itself I've never really cared that much about how realistic my trees in Pokémon look but scarlet and violet certainly had its fair share of visual quirks in that regard it's quite funny because power is really no technical Marvel I frequently encountered issues where textures failed to load properly or even worse sections of ground wouldn't register as ground and if I walked into them i' be sucked into a void this happened a lot to the extent that if I were not patient and didn't need to pay the bills this probably would have made the game unplayable and I might have just stopped it did add an extra layer of difficulty I had to take great care navigating certain spots lest I fall into the void never to return from what I've read this is a bug that only affects players on Xbox like you can make fun of me for playing it on an Xbox but I got it for free so I'm laughing you can say what you want about scarlet and violet glitches but at least from my experience it didn't have glitches quite this gamebreaking they were mostly just funny like a random spro stuck in the door he's not harming anyone it's not really great for any game to be having significant graphical bugs to this degree but I suppose the point is that pocket pair are an indie team of 50 people plus Freelancers and Game Freak make the games for the most profitable franchise in the world there's also the argument that power world is still an open Beta as opposed to a fully released and Polished title I guess some games say an open beta for years now so I don't know how much of a difference that makes I think a lot of the hype around power world is almost to spite game freak because players have been so frustrated the past few years like if there had never been a National dex cut and fans were truly happy with the new games and I imagine there'd probably be a lot more push back against power world than there has been people see a game that in their eyes fixes some of Pokémon's long sanding issues and innovates so of course they eat it of In fairness there are elements of power world that Pokémon would never be able to incorporate they aren't going to give rowlet his own machine gun and you're not going to be able to make your own little Pokémon sweat shops I'm generally quite easily pleased when it comes to Pokémon releases but even I could see where people were coming from with scarlet and violet but hey ever The Optimist for my dearest Pokémon maybe this whole power world thing will have a positive impact a bit of healthy competition if you will there's no rush for a new Pokémon game this year and next year's Pokémon Za looks to be another new direction for Game Freak apparently the whole game takes place within one city so I dare say I have my hopes up but for now my travels across the banto region have come to an end end but the saga continues pocket pair have shown that they can compete with Pokémon so who knows maybe this will Usher in a new era of games in the genre of collecting little guys
Channel: CandyEvie
Views: 172,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, palworld, palworld plagiarism, pokemon facts, pokemon trivia, pocket pair, candyevie, funny
Id: 2-NpaPN3YQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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