The Full Lethal Company Iceberg - Lore, Mysteries, Cut Content & More

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lethal company chances are I don't need to explain this game or it's impact in recent months to anyone watching we all know that lethal company is a game that's achieved massive success after its launch in October of 20123 becoming one of the most played games of the year despite only releasing on Steam and only being in Early Access although its visuals and clipping prone Unity programming may not allude to it lethal company has succeeded in creating an atmosphere sphere of near constant suspense and a gameplay Loop that's as addicting as it is mysterious from the moment I picked up this title I knew that I wanted to create a video about it but there are so many interesting elements and intricacies of the game that I felt something comprehensive was in order and so that's why I bring to you today the lethal company Iceberg a chart that incorporates elements of the game's lore mechanics Mysteries and more into a format organized for obscurity I've created this Iceberg over the last couple of weeks to delve into to anything and everything that I found interesting within the game and I hope that as we explore it together you'll find something that you didn't know too now I spent a lot of time thinking about how I wanted to approach this project while I was putting the iceberg together I didn't want to overly bore people with the information that's more intuitive but I also felt that the Berg wouldn't be complete if I didn't include it in some way as such the first tier is really quite General it's more or less to make sure that everyone watching is on the same page but if you're already familiar with all of the stuff that you see here you're free to skip it beyond that the iceberg is organized in terms of distinct topics and ordered in terms of obscurity as I already said you will not see entries for individual creatures items or the like unless there's a good reason for them to be there and once again I'll go over all of that within the first tier I also want to thank my good friend Alex also known as chicken nougat on YouTube for helping me find some of the last minute additions to the list and generally just helping me collect footage of stuff I couldn't do on my own his channel will be linked in the description if you want to check him out anyway I don't want to waste time here in the beginning after all we have a lot to talk about today so with that let's get started making our way through the full lethal company Iceberg starting with our most General entry this is probably the most surface level information possible regarding the game as even people who haven't played Lethal company probably have an idea of the general synopsis this after all it's kind of in the name you are the employee of a nameless faceless company operating in the distant future the job of yourself and up to three other friends or more with mods is to travel to various different exomoons in order to recover pieces of scrap material to turn into the company in exchange for credits which go toward offsetting your quota which you'll need to match or exceed every 3 days in order to keep your job while collecting scrap you'll be subjected to dark claustrophobic spaces set within procedurally generated environments and it'll be up to you and your crew to exercise caution strategic planning and on thefly observation in order to ensure you escape each day with your lives if you ever complete a 3-day cycle without traveling to the company and offloading your scrap material you'll be subjected to disciplinary action and be fired by way of the ship automatically opening the air loock and leaving you to float for eternity in the void of space that's pretty much all there is to it but don't let the simple premise fool you there's a lot going on behind the scenes especially with regard to our next entry without a doubt one of the most mysterious elements of the game is the company an organization that we only ever really interact with by way of certain functionality on the ship and of course when we turn in our scrap officially there's nothing we can definitively say we know about the company other than the fact that their alleged Home Base is located on the moon 71 gordian which has no natural land masses to speak of and experiences continual storms even when turning in scrap we are never shown to interact directly with anyone at the company instead we leave the material at the window ring the bell until it opens and step back as a giant hook or tentacle draws the goods inside whatever this appendage may be we know that it belongs to Jeb an inhuman creature of some sort that presides within the monolithic structure of the company buil building but aside from the fact that he'll become very irritable if annoyed through ringing the bell or making loud vocalizations in front of his open window there's not much known about Jeb either the most that any players actually see of him is when they've angered him and he reaches out his appendage to draw one of them inside the ship that we use for transport is a company vessel controlled by an autopilot system that will navigate us quickly and efficiently between all of the various locations of Interest the vessel is rated to hold four crew members as signified by a sign found inside and comes equipped with a number of systems that come in handy throughout our Misadventures prominent functionality includes the main monitor used to survey crew members during Expeditions and the terminal a large system to the right of the monitor that we can use to navigate Between Worlds make purchases from The Company Store look up information and more there are a couple of terminal functions that are particularly important for the sake of this Iceberg the first is the beastiary which holds information pertaining to the various life forms hostile or otherwise that you'll encounter while collecting scrap after you scan a beast its information will appear in the beastiary additionally typing the word info in front of any of the moons and items within the store will reveal more information about them at present these two methods of info seeking are some of the most powerful tools when learning about the world and lore of the game as well as one other method sigur is the name of a former Company employee and crew member of the very same vessel which you now pilot throughout his time on the job sigur archived a number of logs within a secret program within the terminal which can be accessed by typing his name into the system as revealed by a small green sticky note you can find hanging on the wall just left of the machine sigur's first formal log was written on August 20th 1968 but he also admits to adding information into certain ENT of the beastiary prior to documenting his experiences this way aside from the first entry which can be viewed simply by opening the log database sigur's Communications can be found as collectibles in the form of cassettes on various moons and his logs will help fill in a lot of the gaps of the world that the beastiary or info sections leave to the imagination so we'll also be revisiting him and his findings quite a few times as this video goes on at the time of recording there are a total of nine exomoons to visit in Lethal company the first is 71 gordian the moon housing the company building that we've already discussed which is the only one considered safe aside from this there are three easy moons 41 experimentation 220 assurance and 56 vow two medium difficulty moons 21 offense and 61 March and three hard moons 85 Ren seven dine and eight Titan on each of these worlds you and your crew members will encounter the valuable scrap needed to meet your quota and the Unspeakable Horrors that comprise the beastiary I have this entry here because I think it's best to disclose all of the different creatures referenced in the beastiary now as I feel that having a separate entry for each isn't really in the spirit of the iceberg nor is it particularly productive at the time this video is being recorded the full list of creatures that you can scan for information consists of in no particular order roaming locusts Manta coils circuit bees hyro deers brackens Forest Keepers bunker spiders Thumpers isas dogs Jesters baboon Hawks snare fleas Spore lizards nutcrackers coil heads hoarding bugs and Earth leviathans there are however two entries that can be encountered but not scanned three if you include Jeb and each of these creatures will have its own entry lower down either way we'll still be referencing this list of creatures plenty of times when they're relevant to subsequent entries when you use the terminal to purchase something from the store unless it's a decoration or costume that stays within the ship it will be delivered to you the next time you land on a moon via a delivery drone The drone's Landing location differs from moon to moon but its arrival is always signified by it playing a rendition of the folk song turkey in the straw accompanied by a bright flashing light which can be used to locate it if you know where the Drone lands on your moon then make sure you're not standing directly underneath it when it touches down or you'll be crushed instead keep a safe distance and only after it starts playing its song should you calmly walk forward to retrieve your items if items are not picked up in a timely manner the Drone will take off again without dropping your stuff and your purchases will not be refunded by the company the service manual is an item that exists within the ship and functions as a sort of General instruction manual for using equipment ranging from your Echo scanner to the terminal of the ship and the procedure for turning in scrap to the company complete with a full list of warnings that will help you not get eaten by Jeb it's pretty handy and you should definitely take some time to give it a read if it's your first shift zers is the solo developer responsible for the creation of lethal company they've created a total of three other games on Steam all themed around horror elements in some way and they have a fifth experience welcome to the dark place on the way the way that most people know zers though is not through Steam at all and rather through Roblox a game that I had never thought I would have to mention on this channel but lo and behold here we are even here zers is most well known for their horror experiences and has garnered quite a following for their legitimately compelling Works released on December 9th 2023 version 45 also known as the frosty update is a relatively recent patch that included a lot of new material for the 2023 holiday season and although it's no longer the most recent update as of recording its content is significant enough to Warrant a brief mention it's also the version that the game was on for the majority of my time creating this video so I think it's important to address it in the first tier for a little bit of context it introduced a number of additions and changes as revealed in a promotional video and the patch notes were delivered in a Jolly Holiday poem format which is kind of funny the biggest changes were the addition of The Nutcracker creature type which is found most frequently on the ice moons Ren and dine holiday themed changes to the delivery drone which Now Sports Christmas lights complete with a star at the top and a new rendition of the signal song in The Styling of We wish you a merry Christmas as well as the addition of the spray paint can signal translator ship upgrade and the dramatic masks which we'll talk about a little bit further down as of recording lethal company is on version 49 but this update as well as the previous one version 48 are both hot fixes that address small problems from update 47 which is the most recent content update to the game and which includes several significant changes the biggest addition by far is the weekly challenge mode which is a singleplayer experience that ships players off to a weekly dungeon with the goal of collecting as much scrap as possible in one day's time players who participate will find themselves wearing a never-before seen purple jumpsuit and you'll probably notice that the amount of scrap found on these challenge moons far exceeds that which can be reasonably expected in a traditional playthrough before you ask though although these challenge moons may have unique names they don't have unique layouts they're basically just reskins of moons that already exist for example at the time of recording this footage the challenge Moon had the same layout as Ren and also the dungeon Interiors are not randomized in these scenarios despite the game still generating a seed at the beginning of the day if you survive the whole day and reach the end with scrap in hand you'll be added to that week's leaderboard which tracks the efforts of all other participating players and personally I find this to be quite the fun and unique way to keep lethal company fresh especially as someone who's found themselves hosting a lot of single player in the pursuit of making this video aside from all of this content though there's also been some new room types added to certain indoor door areas some alterations to Thumper and bunker spider behavior and a selection of smaller updates that I'm not going to talk about in full here but which are viewable from the game Steam page if you're interested in addition and this is a fairly trivial and minute detail for an entry on tier one but I'm not sure where else I would mention it so I feel I should bring it up here if you were to boot up steam and view the patch article after update 47 but before update 48 less than 24 hours later the article image which looks like this would have instead looked like this this sporting a rendition of Mickey Mouse in the classic Steamboat Willie Style likely a nod to the character's entry into the public domain as of January 1st 2024 that has absolutely nothing to do with the content in the update I just thought it was a weird little addition and one that changed rather fast but for now we're on to tier 2 most of the procedurally generated content in Lethal company is located within the indoor portions of the moons known as facilities or simply dungeons however there are some procedural elements of the experience located in the open environment one such element are these giant pumpkins which while you wouldn't be mistaken to think that there's some level of significance behind their existence doesn't actually seem to be the case when you visit a moon chances are you'll see one or more of these things scattered around but so far nobody knows what they are or why they're here on worlds like V or March they fairly unassuming but on more difficult worlds and specifically Titan the growths of these things can render entire zones inaccessible or nearly so making their generation a far less trivial matter circuit bees are another enemy that occur Outdoors on hostile exomoons their signature ability is emitting an electrostatic charge that can cause serious harm thus posing a significant threat to both lone explorers and groups alike it's by stumbling too close to their hives located on the ground or at top elevated surfaces that these beasts are generally provoked however the hives themselves can actually prove quite valuable if they can be recovered which has led to a subset of players intentionally seeking out the boldest and most effective strategies with which to procure them this has led this particular pursuit to become known as Hive running and the players who partake in it Hive Runners I've given a try to this myself with with some friends and it's a more difficult Pursuit than I had initially thought so big props to all of the skilled Hive Runners out there it's not as easy as it may at first seem each time the game is launched users will be treated to a short sequence meant to emulate the look and feel of a system boot screen and startup process on what appears to be a fairly archaic computer system this system displays some information about the in Universe terminal that we're accessing with a copyright attributed to Helen Electronics Inc from the years 2084 to 2108 it advertises a borson 300 CPU at 2500 MHz and a memory capacity of just over 5 1 12 GB making this a fairly underpowered Machine by today's standards say nothing of the distant future there's also something about some connected materials called UTF devices but I don't know if anyone's really sure what that means either way though it's a neat little Easter egg that gives us a bit more insight into the kind of technology that the company is using in a similar vein to the boot screen there's a special splash screen viewable on the terminal only when you have first started the game fresh with no save slots the screen cannot be obtained again even if you delete all of your saves and start a new one unless you also uninstall the entire game wipe all data from the Save and install folder and then essentially start the game Factory new that being said since every player who's ever used the terminal has necessarily seen this screen it ranks high on the iceberg despite its fleeting appearance the screen itself holds the same copyright information as the boot screen did and gives us a little bit more information about the terminals Fortune 99 bios as well as the current date and time where we learn that the year that the game takes place is actually 2532 the system will then field a couple of preliminary questions these being your favorite animal and your role in a team Dynamic your answer to these questions doesn't actually matter from what I can tell so feel free to input anything you please before you'll be taken to a welcome screen and allowed to use the terminal as normal ever since the release of version 47 it seems people have become more interested in or aware of the lore of this game and with that interest has come a number of resources generated by the Comm community and by news outlets that direct players on how to recover all of the various log tapes which we talked about in Tier 1 however prior to this point a surprisingly large part of the lethal company Community was conflicted as to the actual location or even obtainability of many of these logs in the first place you had articles from gaming Centric news outlets giving information pertaining to log entries that was misinterpreted or just flat out wrong but then you also had players who had seemed to have collected all of the logs but kind of refus to tell anybody where they actually were this was especially prevalent with the golden Planet entry in particular for some reason it was kind of a mess anyway that's not really the point of what I wanted to talk about in this entry no instead it's the number of logs in question that serves as the focal point of this topic ever since sigur's entries were First Data mined at a point prior to when some of their locations were even public knowledge it has been known definitively that there were 12 logs present in Lethal company's files but during update 47 that magic number of 12 entries changed for the first time since release sitting in between hiding and Desmond in the chronology real job is the first log to ever be added to lethal company via a patch and with its inclusion many players have been left wondering how many other missing logs or pieces of lore may be implemented in the future there are two types of dungeons that can be generated in the game and have different chances of spawning depending on the Moon being explored these two variations are commonly referred to as the industrial and Mansion style layouts and each one differs in appearance as well as some generative properties industrial types are probably the type that you're most used to seeing these facilities are meant to emulate the look and feel of an industrial Corridor system used in something like mining shipping or for military purposes the main material pallets at play are concrete and steel grading with these types of generations being the ones which lend themselves most to the exteriors of the places in which we visit Mansion style layouts on the other hand spawn much less frequently on virtually every moon with the exceptions of Ren and dine where their chance of spawning is actually higher than the industrial variant while industrial facilities open into small Chambers with up to three doorways leading to different wings of the location Mansions are immediately recognizable for opening into a large foyer with an ornate staircase in the middle and a second floor with a much wider selection of hallways to choose from aside from the entryway and general theming each of these dungeon layouts also hosts a completely unique pallet of rooms only accessible within facilities of that type for example these weird backlit window rooms only appear in mansions while this manufacturing area hosting a slag slide of some sort only appears in the industrial generation the beastiary entries for several of the game's creatures allude to them having the same taxonomic orders and families of real animals that we're familiar with on Earth some of these are kind of obvious like the circuit bees being related to other species of bees or the bunker spiders being well you know just a big spider basically but some are a little bit more obscure or odd the thumper for example apparently shares the same family as sharks and Rays despite not looking all too similar to either of those creatures this does raise some questions about why and how it could even be possible that these otherworldly Horrors share such an intimate link with our more mundane animals of Earth which is a fair enough question but one that's not all too well understood at this point and which we'll be exploring again in later tear of the iceberg on August 1st 2023 an official game trailer for lethal company was uploaded to zeker YouTube channel the trailer itself appears to be from the perspective of a hiring commercial of some sort and poses a really fun almost analog horror aesthetic there's also some really interesting footage in this thing that stems from the beta version of the game for example check out this creature which looks primarily like a thumper but has some elements that make it more doglike in appearance the trailer is definitely worth a watch it's chalk full of interesting beta images and I'll put a link to it in the description in case it's something that you're interested in checking out further for yourself [Music] perhaps the largest unsolved anomaly in this game is the significance of this object hidden underneath the landing area of the company building and accessible via the same trapo that's used to find these screams Behind the Walls log in order to reach this hidden area you have to do a bit of clever jumping and the goal is basically to continue working your way into this system of girds and Scaffolding until you reach a platform which will contain the object as well as a lever hanging from the ceiling that can be used to flick on a light switch many people presume that this object which seems to be a drill of some kind alludes to Future content yet to be added to the game in which we'll be able to use two apparatuses in order to power on this system and allow it to punch through the wall of the company right where this circle is spray painted the setup of the area in its current form doesn't leave a lot to the imagination in terms of what its purpose may be but there are still a number of remaining questions such as who put this here and if or when we'll actually be able to use it when you visit the company to turn in scrap and make your quota you have the option to turn in gear you purchased from the store just the same as any other materials if you do this Jeb will scoop up the gear just the same but you won't be awarded any credits for collecting It generally there's not really any conceivable reason to do this but I guess it is an option if you're you're trying to get rid of something that you bought accidentally most of the time I'd advise against it and just suggest that you save those things until they can be used more effectively though most players I imagine have discovered this the hard way instead by placing down a material that they had in their offhand by accident there are currently two types of monsters in the game that cannot be scanned and are therefore unlisted in the beastiary the first of these mobs is the ghost girl the rarest and certainly one of the most intriguing enemy Encounters in the entire game manifesting as the stereotypical little girl you might see in a horror movie like The Shining this creature is unique since they're not visible to all players and instead will haunt a single player at a time while remaining undetectable to everyone else she's a really interesting encounter that's bound to freak people out when they first discover her and remains a challenging adversary even for experienced players the other mob is the masked or mimic which spawns as a player wearing one of the dramatic mask items that I mentioned in the holiday update section The Masks themselves are actually a fairly common drop especially on harder moons there are two variants comedy and tragedy both of which can be picked up moved and dropped without any issue but the danger begins when pressing the left Mouse button while holding one which causes the player to raise the mask to their face as if putting it on the comedy mask is a lot more forgiving in this regard allowing you to hold it up for multiple seconds at a time in many cases without any problem though it can result in the object taking over your body and turning you into one of the masked the tragedy mask on the other hand will start the transformation sequence as soon as the left Mouse button is clicked one more thing that I realized I forgot to mention while wrapping up this section is that while you're in possession of some of these masks they may periodically let out some strange ambient noises such as a devious laugh or a sharp inhaling sound meant to seem like crying as a masked a player will die but their body will become the host of The Mask itself which will wander around in a fashion similar to a zombie and attempt to grab other players to turn them into masked as well as mentioned earlier though entities that look like masked crew members can also spawn independently on the moon's Ren and Titan finally both of these unscannable mobs the ghost girl and the masked are the only creatures in the entire game that can spawn in and travel between indoor and outdoor spaces Foresters and Brackin while very different enemies on the surface are apparently thought to share a familial link this can be pieced together with information from both of the species Beary entries first is the Bracken which is referred to with the scientific name rapex folium next if we toggle over to the entry for the forest Keepers it's stated that they are believed to share a familiar ancestor with rapex folium AO the forest Keepers and breens probably are related interesting stuff ever wondered what happens to the scrap that you leave at 71 gordian well a common theory is that Jeb the creature that accepts the material in the first place actually just eats it and the process of feeding Jeb is basically the entire goal of the company this one kind of goes beyond the territory of pure Theory though as it's actually referenced by sigar as being the definitive reason that we're doing all of this work the only reason that I personally consider this a theory at all is because at present we're missing some of the more nuanced information as to just how sigur and the crew came to the realization that this is what scrap was being used for to begin with me personally I'd say that this one is all but confirmed and a lot of people have derived this conclusion on their own as well so maybe the biggest secret of the company isn't really as much of a secret as we'd originally thought many of the monster encounters that lethal company has to offer are much like the game itself easy to learn but difficult to master each creature type has a different and distinct gimmick and while learning those gimmicks is generally quite easy and intuitive it's the creativity of how you respond to those threats that will define whether your crew lives or dies most of the time we think of negating these threats in terms of escaping from the creatures themselves but the game also has you covered if you're feeling a bit more on the offensive there are several weapons and pseudo weapons within the game that can stand to really help you out in a bind most of which are actually not that difficult to find in the first place first there's the shovel and the various types of signs all of which can be used for melee combat there's actually a lot of enemies that can be killed with just a couple of well-placed strikes such as the Bracken the thumper or the snare flea so this can be a pretty good way to ensure the safety of your team if you're able to get these guys into a position where attacking is a viable option next there's a small selection of weapons that can be used not to damage enemies but simply to deter them while you make your Escape or get into an attack position these are the stun grenade which can be purchased from The Company Store and the DIY flashbang which has a chance to spawn as scrap on some moons they're very similar objects except for the fact that the stun grenade will persist after use whereas the flashbang will not there's also the zap gun which as its name suggests is a gun that can be used to temporarily inhibit some enemies with an electric shock finally though there's the double barrel which is Far and Away the hardest weapon to acquire but also the most lethal you can't simply buy one of these like you can with a shovel or a stun gun instead the double barrel is exclusively dropped by nutcrackers who themselves take four to five shovel hits to neutralize this thing is pretty powerful though and if you have enough shells you'll be able to blast your way through more of the game's Unholy creatures than ever before a word of advice though make sure that before you drop or reload the double barrel that the safety is turned on if it's not there's a small chance that the weapon will fire on its own which wastes valuable ammo creates a loud noise that can draw an enemies and potentially can result in you accidentally killing your own teammate as we've already discussed there's a lot that you can accomplish within the terminal from buying items to scanning a facility for Loot and more but the terminal system comes with an odd Quirk this being that it generally only recognizes the first three letters that you input except in specialized circumstances this leads to a lot of shorthand codes being permitted just the same as their longer variations for example the next time you want to purchase a pro flashlight from the store you can save yourself some time by simply typing Pro and confirming your choice in fact this confirm option can just be shortened to the letter c the same principle also applies to many of the beastiary entries choosing a moon or even sigur's logs the list of use cases here goes on and on and it's also worth noting that most of the time it also doesn't matter if you're putting additional letters after those initial three as long as the first three are in the proper order this makes it possible to do all kinds of weird stuff like travel to the Moon Ren by typing rental car but it can also result in some interactions with the terminal being moderately annoying such as I went to take the bunk beds out of storage and typed bunk bed singular without the S which led to the beastiary entry for the bunker spider being displayed instead the apparatus is one of the few pieces of scrap that I think deserves its own spot on the iceberg being as it is a rather unique collectible within the game the apparatus can only spawn in specific rooms within industrial facilities and unlike most scrap they're thought to serve an actual purpose within the facilities that they're found you see the apparatus is a power source and once removed from the wall it'll cause all light in that facility to shut off permanently meaning you'll have to explore in complete darkness until you leave the moon at the end of the day when it's pulled from the wall the apparatus will also trigger this message to appear in the bottom right hand corner of your screen denoting an increased health risk due to radiation exposure in the order of 70 Mills for context 100 MTS is the recommended limit for radiation exposure in a professional environment over the course of 5 Years From a lore perspective that can't be good but in terms of gameplay the message is actually pretty much inconsequential the more pressing issue is that once one of these has been yanked from the wall there's a 70% chance that two monsters will instantly spawn somewhere in the facility so you'll need to be extra careful when toing an apparatus back to the ship if collected they're valued at 80 credits and as mentioned earlier may have something to do with the mysterious drill object underneath the company platform in a later update when traveling to the Moon vow you'll likely have noticed that there is a total of three different Pathways that can be used to access the facility to the right players can simply follow the terrain and work their way around the divot sitting in front of the entrance it can take a while and isn't ideal if there are monsters about but it does the job to the left is a bridge fashioned at top a big concrete wall or Dam at the bottom of which the fire escape can actually be found the structure provides a stable walkway and it's actually here where sigur's log entitled screams can be recovered Far and Away the fastest route though is using the central Bridge which takes you directly across the chasm and right to the main entrance but this bridge has a very noticeable drawback when players are landed on vow the game employs an algorithm to determine the durability of the bridge whenever players are standing upon the bridge its durability will decrease at a steady rate a rate which becomes more dramatic when more players or players carrying more than 11 lb are on the bridge at any given time if and when the bridge has taken enough strain to cause its durability counter to decrease to zero it will collapse taking with it any players that are on the structure at the time don't worry the fall is definitely survivable but you'll have to trk out of the Ravine in order to find your way back and from here on out all players will have to take one of the ulterior routes to enter and exit the facility it should be noted that players aren't the only entities that can cause the bridge to degrade as a monster standing at top of the bridge will actually cause it to lose durability faster than most player scenarios finally if you and your crew have an inkling that the bridge may have taken a lot of strain recently it really does pay to leave it alone as anytime a player is not standing on the bridge it will actually gain back durability and in time may even become a safe and accessible option again which could prove valuable later in the Run added in version 45 Arachnophobia mode is an accessibility option in Lethal company settings that as its name suggests changes the model of the bunker spider so as not to strike fear into any legitimately arachnophobic players that being said if you're anything like me then upon seeing this addition in the patch you might have been asking yourself well how in the hell is this even going to work I mean what are they actually going to do remove the model of the spider and just replace it with the word spider or something like that well I'll be damned yeah it's admittedly kind of funny I'm not really sure how many people legitimately use this setting but either way it is an interesting little toggle and if nothing else it certainly does let you know exactly what you're looking at so I guess that's to be celebrated at least chances are while you've been exploring a dungeon you probably noticed to these grates near the floor on the wall but although they may seem purely decorative there's a lot more to these things than some players may even realize you see grates are actually a fundamental part of the game's spawning process for indoor monsters and while I'm not going to go into extreme detail about the spawn mechanics of lethal company at this time it essentially works like this when the lever on the ship is pulled and a seed is chosen to start a new day a selection of entities are prepared and one by one they're assigned to the GR lining the indoor portion of the Moon they're also given a value that decides the order in which those grates will spawn their respective creature when it's time for a great to release the entity inside it'll visibly switch from a closed to open State that's right every time you've seen one of these open grates it means that one of the game's Monsters has already spawned from it but scarier still are the closed grates which suggest that the game still has a monster waiting to be released at any moment with that though let's move on to tier three Desmond was a member of sigur's crew and is likely the most narratively important member aside from sigur himself generally if people can name one other person on the crew other than sigur it's probably him Desmond has been shown to have had something of a knack for working the computer systems aboard the ship a talent which led him to most often be the guy responsible for opening doors and coordinating movement between the other three crew members during their expedition it was also revealed in the log titled Desmond which is the last of sigur's chronological entries that he is the reason we have access to these files today as he was Forward Thinking enough to encrypt them to prevent them from being wiped from the ship after the crew disappeared due to mysterious circumstances in the log titled screams sigard mentions that he's able to hear screams from inside of the company building using the walkie talk many players have wondered if these screams are actually audible within the game itself and interestingly the answer is still sort of inconclusive there's a strong subset of people that believe that wailing sounds are emanating from inside the facility but flicking on the walkie-talkie doesn't actually change anything and there's no sound that comes through the walkie when you're at the facility at least in my findings I tried using the walkie-talkie in a number of different locations and under a variety of circumstances as well I tried it on the ship I tried it in front of Jeb's window I even tried it by the drill and heard nothing if any of you have experienced something different though be sure to let me know inside the ship there's a poster that reveals a phone number which employees are to call if the Drone ship is experiencing technical difficulties and many have speculated that this number might be part of some kind of ARG or allude to a cool Easter egg related to the game alas though everyone who's tried it has always come up with the same answer this being that the number is unlisted and therefore it doesn't actually lead anywhere this is a theory that relates back to a principle that we mentioned earlier this being that the species of creatures we find in Lethal company often relate back to real species of Earth but this Theory takes it a step further and posits the idea that because we never see any of the biological counterparts to the game's many monsters they made no no longer exist by the time that the game takes place the issue with this Theory though is that there's no real evidence to substantiate it in this case the absence of evidence can't really be used as evidence itself since our view into the world of lethal company is fairly constrained but perhaps more damningly there actually is an earth species that we can interact with in the game the goldfish which can be purchased as a decoration for your ship for 50 credits the fact that the Goldfish exists at all throws a bit of a wrench into this Theory but since we never see a shark or a normal bee or a spider I guess it is still possible with regards to these specific species throughout your travels to the exomoons you probably have noticed that many share a similar theme moons like experimentation assurance and offense all have a desert Motif vow and March could be described as swamp or jungle moons and of course Ren and dine are host to the dreaded blizzard but what you may not know is that the similarities in climate and theme are actually explained within the lore by exploring the info page for each of these moons in the terminal we can learn that offense is believed to have actually once been a part of assurance which the game describes as its cousin Moon and that assurance and experimentation are twin moons discovered at a similar point in time apparently all three of these moons orbit a gas giant known as big grin this is Far and Away the moon system that has the most information about it but while we may not have a name for the planets or systems that the others orbit we still know their relations with one another the entry for March states that this moon is often overlooked due to its twin Moon vow and the entries for dine and ren are exactly the same with both saying that they orbit a white dwarf star and due to their identical entries I'm going to allege that that star is probably one and the same for both the television is an item you can buy in Lethal company to decorate your ship and as you would expect you can turn it on and view a small selection of programs that Loop every minute or so there's a cartoon where a crew member is struck by lightning a brief pass over a desert moon with some music and even footage of real life kittens but there's also one other program and it's probably the most interesting thing you can find on the air a self-defense tutorial that seems to have been commissioned or produced by the company itself if an entity has come in contact with a crew member please refrain from immediate self-defense instead ask the crew member the following is the entity being aggressive are you injured do you need assistance if the answer to all of these questions is yes you begin your self-defense measures if the crew member is stress strike a question like how was your day thank you for your cooperation and happy travels players that have experience playing with the jetpack especially if you're messing around in a a single player Lobby will probably at some point figure out that it's actually surprisingly easy to take this thing out of bounds on just about every Moon from my brief exploration on the moon's Assurance March and Rend there's not much to see out there but either way it's an interesting little Pastime and a good bit of fun that I recommend everyone who enjoys using the jetpack try out at least once there can be no doubt that the jester is likely to be the creature type that has the highest capacity for ending your run instantly despite looking like something Sid would have brewed up in the original Toy Story well-versed players know that this is one of the worst sites to see on your moon in this form the jester is completely harmless the most it'll do is follow you around and stay quiet it's actually kind of fun for the first couple of seconds to have a weird little companion by your side but all of that changes when the jester starts winding as it does a warped and distorted rition of Pop Goes the Weasel will begin to play and it's at this point that if you ever hear this song you should immediately begin seeking an exit as soon as possible after approximately 40 seconds from the start of the tune the jester will pop resulting in a fleshy appendage sporting a massive skull to emerge from its top it'll start to chase whatever player it was near when it started winding and gradually gain speed over time quickly starting to move at a pace which even an un enamored crew member can't outrun run at full stamina this makes the jester virtually inescapable unless you're fleetingly close to the exit of the dungeon and it doesn't stop after killing just one player either once its initial Target was either taken down or removed themselves from the building the jester will pick another crew member in the facility at random and begin pursuing them regardless of distance it will do this until every person inside the dungeon is either dead or has evacuated at which point after a short time it'll return to its unpopped State and you could theoretically enter the dungeon again although this process will repeat as long as there are players left on the moon the reason that I explain this encounter in such depth though is because there is a potential way to buy you and your team some time if you find yourself in a scenario where one of these guys is nearby if you happen to possess a stun gun while a Jester begins winding take aim at it once it starts the song If done correctly this can stun the jester for up to 20 seconds before it will resume winding and continue playing this in essence gives you 50% more time in which you can find and communicate with the rest of your team that they need to leave and while if you're spread thin this tip probably won't make the encounter manageable 20 seconds can go a long way in a game like lethal company the survival kit is a collection of items that can be purchased from the ship's terminal which isn't actually listed on the store Page at the time of recording the survival kit is always available for purchase and it contains four flashlights four walkie-talkies and one shovel for a price of 138 credits the only reason anyone knows this exists at all is because it's referenced in the service manual so unless you've read that or watched a video like this one this pack is completely hidden from most players snare fleas are a more dangerous monster than a lot of explorers give them credit for for they lurk on the ceiling and leap down onto the heads of passerby often taking them by surprise if you're exploring with at least one other person then an encounter with a snare flea is not a particularly dire situation so long as your comrade is holding a shovel or a sign as it can simply be smacked off but if you're exploring alone one of these landing on your head is pretty much a death sentence with that being said though owing to their main method of negation essentially being by squishing them it seems that many crews including cards have become all too familiar with the snare fle internal biology since sigard went out of his way to comment in the Beast are entry for these things that their insides might make a good milkshake I don't even know what to say about this one it's just kind of gross many have speculated that the company as we know them in the game goes by a different name in Universe one that we are shown repeatedly several times as a matter of fact and which if the theory stands could be said to be hiding in plain sight the strongest piece of evidence to suggest this probably comes from the service manual which boasts copyright information not simply for the company but for hen Electronics the same firm that we know to have built the terminal aboard the ship it's also one of if not the only other business organizations we know of in the lethal company universe so there's a strong case to be made that helden electronics and the company are the same thing while potentially a visual fright Spore lizards are some of the safest creatures to encounter with a familial link to alligators Spore lizards are completely herbivorous and are definitely more scared of you than you are of them these big reptiles will always try and avoid conflict where possible slinking out of view before turning tail and running away although if cornered they'll release a cloud of purple spores from their tails and will put potentially bite in self-defense though not with the intent to feed being as they are a very timid creature they're the only monster in this game with a presumed historical link to at least partial human domestication it's unclear exactly what if anything people stood to gain by keeping Spore lizards though maybe it was as simple as wanting to have them as pets or maybe they ate away harmful plants who knows sadly though The Story Goes that the domestication effort was quote set aside by an initiative to harvest their tails for their medicinal properties this actually makes me kind of sad we could have been good friends with these guys and instead we had to go and cut them up for their parts that's just kind of dismal in a similar vein to Spore lizards hygro deers are also a pretty non-threatening encounter these slow-moving blobs are composed of multitudinous microorganisms and although they are technically hostile they're so slow and clumsy as to be pretty much ineffective at actually harming a player in most circumstances if you find yourself cornered by a Hy grro deer you've got a lot of options one is to just have another player place a boom box on the ground and the creature will begin to move toward it eventually kind of dancing on top of it a behavior that was also recorded by sigurt in the related beastiary entry alternatively you can just kind of close it behind a door and it won't be able to get out or hop up on a railing to move past it one of the more interesting things about the hyro deer though is its name at first glance it kind of just seems like a nonsense term that wouldn't have a whole lot of subtext but in reality hyro deer is a Latin term which means to get wet a title that's definitely befitting of this amorphous goo let's talk a little bit more about what we can learn from sigur's logs specifically one entitled nonsense this log builds off of a story arc started in an earlier entry titled goodbye which took place on September 7th 1968 in goodbye sigur reveals that Richard another member of the crew was left behind on one of the moons after being killed by a Bracken then in screams which takes place 5 days later sigard tells us that he was the one to call the company in order to report Rich's death but can't get over the fact that the voice he spoke with on the phone was the same canned audio that seems to come out of the speaker at the company building as well as over the ship loudspeaker finally all of this culminates in nonsense where it's revealed that Desmond traced the phone call leading to the discovery that the call was not issued from the company building at all instead its source was located across the solar system in the opposite direction meaning that whoever is behind the company or at least responsible for fielding calls is effectively as far away as reasonably possible from the work actually being done on their behalf it's probably one of the biggest and most significant reveals in all of sigur's Adventures and most players who've taken a look at the logs will probably be familiar with this story beat even if they aren't familiar with all of the other material leading up to it getting jumped by a coil head can be one of the most nerve-wracking Encounters this game has to offer and for good reason these things work pretty much identically to the weeping angels of Doctor Who fame or the original SCP number 173 the statue if you're not familiar with either of those examples though then I'm happy to say that the concept is extremely simple as long as you have the coil head in your line of sight there's nothing that it can do it'll stand completely immobile with perhaps the sole exception being its head which may Bob back and forth since it's on a spring however the moment you take eyes off of the being it will begin to move in your direction at a frightening Pace these things are fast and it's no wonder that they're so feared since it causes your team to have to coordinate vision Vision in very specific ways in order to make sure that everyone can exit the facility alive anyway chances are you probably will have either died of a coil head yourself or have had one of your team members killed by one at some point in time but since many players don't want to deal with them for longer than they absolutely have to it's actually fairly rare to find the body of a player killed by a coil head if you do find the body though you're in for a surprise what you'll find is a Franken sinian desecration with the arms of the deceased removed and their heads placed upon a spring to emulate the coil head's own image it's an off-putting site but at least one which immediately signifies what it is they've died to so if you find one of these while playing with your friends or in a public Lobby be on your guard as there's almost certainly a dangerous entity just outside of your line of sight most of the time it's difficult to get an unimpeded view of the game Skybox but some moons moons like Titan may cause you to wonder what's on the horizon and well it's this this is the backdrop to most or every area within the game there's not much else to say about this one I just found it kind of funny although an interesting feature of the game the company Buy rate is not something that the average player needs to overly take into consideration if you're turning in your scrap on the last day of the deadline then the company will always purchase your Goods at a rate of 100% their value so unless you're someone who wants to turn in scrap a couple of days early there's almost never any reason to actually think about this feature however what some players may not know is that there is a time when the company may actually be buying your scrap at a rate over market value or in other words higher than 100% but it's not going to help you very much in your runs you see the only time when you can actually see this increased pay rate at least to my knowledge is when you've failed to meet a quota if you're looking at the moons page during the very brief period of time after you've left gordian but before you've been ejected from the ship you'll see the increased Buy rate of 123% to my knowledge there's no way to actually get to gordian with this P rate and make any extra cash considering this is the only time when such a scenario arises but it's still kind of a fun little Easter egg taunting us as one of the last things we see before being flung into the void sigur's dad is another character who we hear about through the collectible logs and although we never really hear of any of the characters actions directly we do get some insight into them and sigur's relationship with him at rare points within the story for the majority of my time creating this video I had sigur's Dad one tier lower on the iceberg than he is now but I decided to bring him up a little bit with the release of the real job log with update 47 the reason being because this log actually offers a lot of information about the character and really about the state of the world of lethal company as a whole at the time that the log takes place in 1968 I'm going to read the latter half of the entry now and we're going to be discussing it later as well so I figure it's a good time to go over this thing either way the latter half of the log reads I miss dad I hope he isn't staying on Titan people are saying it's not going to look the same in 2 years Jess told us they are about to go to war and everyone is waiting for it every time we go to sell the company building is shaking like there's a loud furnace inside they are too afraid to quit we can barely sleep to meet the quota and it gets worse every time God I feel like I'm being squeezed through a needle I wish we could go back it was better working for dad even when I got nothing just daily allowance I liked when he would drive us out of town to see the waterfall and we walked up those wooden stairs I just wanted a real job now I know that's kind of a loaded entry especially if you're someone who's been playing for a while and this is your first time hearing it but in terms of sigur's dad from my perspective there's really two different ways to interpret his part here either his father lived on the moon Titan before sigur went to work at the company or his dad simply worked there and they lived elsewhere it isn't really clear either way though we know that sigard worked for him before leaving for the job at the company but other than that there isn't much known about this man at all and sigard doesn't seem to have a chance to tell us before he and his crew mysteriously disappear eyeless dogs can be a pretty fearsome foe they're large carnivorous beings with gaping mouths appearing outside on just about every moon and the only way to really work around them is to remain completely silent and hope that they don't just stumble into you dogs can quickly ruin a good time and take out a couple of crew mates in the process if they wander into your ship but luckily their nature as a sound driven being is fairly easily exploitable in particular there are two key ways that objects in the environment can be used to your advantage one clever tactic that can be used to draw a dog away from the ship is to order something inexpensive from the store in hopes that the sound emitted by the delivery drone May draw them away this is a fairly popular tactic but there's another prominent interaction that's a lot harder to engineer to your advantage but which is still worth a mention what I'm referring to is the rare site of an eyess dog coming into contact with a baboon Hawk a territorial creature with a cthulu esque head that honks like a goose when it feels threatened in this case that honk is particularly important being as it is a loud and prominent sound which has the ability to enrage a dog just as the noise from a player would this can honestly result in a pretty amusing little display one which highlights the agility of the baboon Hawk as they Dodge back and forth between the eyeless dog's clumsy advancements now it's on to tier four this Theory attempts to explain the desolation of the moons that we visit within the game by positing the idea that since each one was abandoned perhaps there was some kind of Stellar conflict in the past which is to blame for all the Desolation what makes this Theory particularly interesting though is that as information has been added to the game over time more and more evidence has surfaced that seems to support this conclusion it started with the beastiary entry for the coil head which posits the idea that these monsters may have first developed as biological weapons of war and yet we weren't given any indication of what conflicts in question they may have been used in however as of update 47 we now know that the moon Titan was expected to go to war with somebody in or around 1970 which might give us some idea as to where the coil heads could have been deployed bear in mind there still isn't a whole lot to explain how a conflict on Titan would have translated to the rest of the worlds that we see in the game but it certainly is a start the thistle nebula is a location mentioned in many beastiary entries within the game but one for which not much information actually exists it's insinuated that the thisle nebula is the place where all of the Moon systems of lethal company are located and therefore also the region of space where the game takes place though this is never outright confirmed just heavily implied one of the few characteristics of the place that we're given to work with is the wide variety of ecosystems found on the moon host Ed in the nebula ecosystems which have played an integral part in the creation of the various diasporas and offshoots of Earth creatures found throughout the game according to the entry for the bunker spider it seems that this increased speciation took place after a vessel or object known as the boat seated Earth life around the nebula which is certainly an interesting area of the lore but sadly one for which this is the only real mention in other words aside from acknowledging the boat's existence there's not that much else to say about about it stormy is one of the four weather conditions that can arise on any of the moons that you visit much like the company's pay rate this condition fluctuates hourly and changes each time you board your ship at the end of each day when landing on a moon that's currently stormy there may be reduced visibility due to rain but more pressingly any metal items will have a well telegraphed chance of being struck by lightning at which point if you're holding or simply near those items you'll be instantly killed however solid cover can and will negate the effects of lightning even if you're loaded up with all the metal in the world so while you may hear the accompanying sparking noises if you're inside a dungeon or the ship the lightning will never actually be able to harm you however the bolt will still hit the ship's roof and if this happens it'll cause the lights in the ship to go out this can also happen at random and don't worry the lights can be turned back on pretty easily in fact all you have to do is flick the light s switch on the wall and everything will go back to normal but chances are if you've landed on a stormy moon and you return to your ship later to find the power off then a lightning strike is probably to blame golden planet is the name of one of sigur's logs and is the only log for which an exact date is unknown it's regarded as probably the weirdest and most out there log of the bunch which is kind of saying something considering some of the other documents we've already talked about it's so weird in fact that I'm actually going to read it to you in full and then we'll discuss but know that I've also done my best in my narration to correct some of the spelling and grammatical errors so while I'll show the text in its original form on screen you may find that you're interpreting it a little bit differently than I am just let that be known I talked to a voice on the walkie-talkie it was like a part of the screams he told me the golden Planet actually existed it's not a legend and he told me it didn't just hit a meteor he said the planet was swallowed up by the Beast and and they were in its body being digested I asked what the Beast is and he said he didn't know he said it ate the planet and they forgot everything I couldn't get him to stop talking but I said he was on the other side of a big wall and I could get him out I said he was inside the building and that's when he started freaking out I couldn't make out a word I think he said something about spitting out the Rind so I just turned it off what a whack Jess says the golden planet is just a story I said I know I'm not an idiot well she said I should quit and she quits if I do so she's staying I think this is probably the most mysterious of sigur's entries but also arguably the one with the most important lore implications and that's because we get a look at some of the in Universe folklore and legends which permeate this game from the look of things the golden planet is a somewhat well-known Legend maybe akin to something like El Dorado apparently the story details that the planet was hit by a meteor at some point in the past but this person who cured managed to contact on the walkie-talkie from outside of the company building instead says that the planet was eaten by the Beast or presumably Jeb and that its residents are being digested in the beast's stomach there's a lot of questions that I have after reading this and you probably do as well none of which I'm going to even try and answer right now I might leave that for its own dedicated video sometime down the line I'm not sure but just to name a few of those questions what kind of Beast could Jeb be to swallow an entire planet as well as its whole population what's going on in the company building that allows for an entire planet's mass to somehow be stored in there and what about the whole memory loss undertone that was mentioned seemingly at random it's all interesting stuff but it's also stated by sigur that since he's outside of the facility he might be able to find a way to get that voice out of there which has led me to believe that he may have been the one responsible for planting the drill that we discussed earlier that's only a theory though and other than this one document I don't really have any further Evidence to back it up though I think the possibility is rather compelling either way we briefly mentioned the forest Keepers earlier in this video they massive completely deaf Giants that will hunt down players by sight and if captured that player will be eaten at which point other crew members are left to either flee the scene or watch on in abject Terror well most of us probably see the former as the more productive and sensible option it turns out that there may be some legitimate reasons to hang around while one of your crew members is being devoured as apparently there's an incredibly small chance for a giant to emit something called a stink Cloud which is a type of fog that can be generated by Giants who are digesting the stink Cloud allegedly causes obstruction of vision and results in a loss of stamina and health but the kicker here is that the random chance of this occurring is apparently extremely low I'm not sure of the exact numbers and from what I've found they haven't been been published publicly online if they are known but I recruited my friend to help me try and farm the effect using a modded client and after around an hour we still couldn't get the effect to spawn the forest keeper page on the lethal company fandom Wiki suggests that perhaps these red blood clouds are actually the source of the loss of stamina and life and indeed it doesn't seem that the substance emitted by the giant during feeding is always necessarily blood so perhaps there is some legitimacy to this idea but so far any attempts to replicate the stink Cloud effect myself haven't been particularly successful I'll keep people updated in the comments and the description though if I do manage to get it I know that we just talked about memory loss a minute or so ago with regard to Golden Planet but as it turns out this is kind of a recurring theme within a lot of sigur's logs and seems to be a phenomenon that's inexplicably linked with the company itself in Golden Planet there's obviously the notion that Jeb or whatever other beasts learn work inside the company building might have an innate ability linked to memory loss when they digest people but there are plenty of other times when memory loss appears as a theme in the log hiding for example sigur writes quote I started wondering how I can't remember how we got here now I just remember little things like the shuttle flight to the building where we signed our contracts but I don't remember getting on the shuttle I don't even remember saying bye to Dad in my dreams it feels like the company isn't trapped in there at all it's just hiding I don't know if I'm going home from everything we can tell sigard and the rest of the crew have never experienced any kind of digestion or encounter with Jeb outside of the ordinary so it's kind of puzzling that memory loss would be a factor here at all it's really intriguing but at the moment the reason behind this seemingly paranormal lapse in Memory Remains unknown the insanity value is an internal variable within lethal company's code that's used in a couple of in-game systems the value is based primarily off of location and increases at a constant rate for all players depending on where they are inside the ship Insanity increases at the slowest rate at only 0.2 points per cycle while players inside of the building will have their Insanity increase at the fastest rate 0.8 points per cycle players outside will also gain Insanity at different rates depending on if it's before or after Sundown and in a single player game many of these variables are changed and simplified to more accurately cater to the experience the actual function that the insanity value serves is quite simple it's used to select the ambient sounds that play Within dungeons throughout your time on the moon but it's also used as a deciding factor in which player will first be haunted by the ghost girl if she is to appear this theory is exactly what it sounds like some people believe that the company has the ability to revive crew members from the dead and this is meant to give an in Universe explanation to the phenomenon of any player that died during the course of the day coming to life and appearing within the ship again at the day's end the supposed evidence for this kind of comes in two parts as the process involved in Reviving a crew member really breaks down into the Revival itself and getting them back onto the ship the latter part of this is no problem we already know that teleportation technology exists in this world both the teleporter and inverse teleporter are fairly accessible pieces of technology that company employees can work with if they purchase them from the store the other Factor though that of Revival is quite a bit harder to prove it's thought by those that believe this theory that since a steep fee is applied to any bodies which are not recovered at a day's end that this cost may actually be necessary in order to implement some kind of secret proprietary Resurrection technology that the company possesses and can use remotely if you could could tell by now though I don't personally believe in this Theory myself and the reason why is primarily because of the death of Richard as detailed in sigur's logs when Rich died sigur had to contact the company and a replacement member was sent to them in a process which spanned several weeks if the technology had existed then it would be reasonable to assume that rich would have simply been revived and returned to the middle of the ship just the same as anyone else that being said it's important to remember that card's logs take place about 500 years before they events of the game so it is possible that more technology has developed in that time although pretty much everything else we know about the company has stayed almost exactly the same below the patch notes of the announcement for update 45 zers wrote The Following quote for compatibility with mods you can opt into the previous branch on Steam to play the older version this alludes to a function in steam's beta menu which allows players of participating games to op into various Legacy versions or branches at their own discretion in the case of lethal company there is of course the previous Branch as mentioned in the post but there's also another version which is perhaps even more interesting by selecting public beta the opportunity to experience a working snapshot of an unreleased version of the game is awarded to You full disclosure originally in this section I was going to talk about many of these same features as are now present in update 47 since at the time of recording this section update 47 was not committed to the main branch of the game yet and was only playable by accessing the beta but I have to say it's been pretty cool seeing that update evolve and finally get pushed to the general player base so if you're into the idea of experiencing features like this before they see widespread release then the beta Branch might just be for you check it out it's pretty cool there are two different pieces of scrap in the game that are unique to specific moons this means that they can only be encountered and collected on a single world and nowhere else without the use of cheats or mods these two items are the dust pan found solely on experimentation and the chemical jug exclusive to vow neither of these items is particularly assuming but I will say that I find the chemical jug the more interesting of the two solely for the fact that the label on the side indicates that the vessel is filled with acetone which if you don't know is a chemical that primarily serves in household products such as paint thinner and and nail polish remover why anyone thinks they might need this much acetone on vow specifically is still up in the air but either way I did find it a little bit eyebrow raising whenever you go to turn and scrap at the company building you'll probably hear a message once the scrap is collected that should sound something like this your hard work is invaluable to the company the thing is though this is just one example of the various lines that can be emitted over this loudspeaker speaker there's actually a total of 10 voice lines to be found in the game's code which vary both in the messages they present but also in their intonation we value your commitment now while you may have not heard all of these as some are rarer than others you might be questioning why I've decided to put this so low down on the iceberg and truthfully the reasoning has nothing to do with the voice lines that we hear but rather the one that we don't while there are 10 lines to be heard each one following a naming Convention of mic followed by a number the final of these logs is actually called mic 11 which is due to mik 5 being skipped and resulting in a numerical displacement for the rest of the series this begs the question though was there ever a mic number five the naming seems to suggest it but if so what would it have said and why is it no longer in the game code it's an interesting dilemma but I promise things are only going to get stranger as we continue on to tier five [Music] this is the lasso man a creature made of red string that appears within the game's code but is never used according to data miners the lasso man's behavior is nearly identical to the thumper even patrolling the facility at the same speed but this is likely unfinished Behavior considering the lasso man has never been implemented and was likely scrapped sometime during development at present the ai's attack function has absolutely no damaging properties attributed to it meaning it's hilariously a technically harmless enemy despite being extremely unfinished though the lasso man still has a unique creature ID making it possible to spawn this thing through limited mod use along with that ID it comes with its own beastiary entry albeit a only slightly modified version of the entry for the snare flea at present it's the only unused monster found in Lethal company there's one aspect about the moon experimentation in particular that makes it a very different place from all of the others which we visit in the game you see when you enter a dungeon in Lethal company that dungeon itself is generated at the beginning of a round and is physically located underneath the map by opening a door you simply teleport to the floating space and because of this the action that's meant to simulate opening a door is actually little more than interacting with a teleporter that simply sends you to the predestined origin point of this Maze and you never actually interact with anything physically inside any of the external facades that we see in game in fact most of the time if we're to move inside these facilities directly using a free cam there's little more than empty space to be found here however this is not the case on experimentation experimentation actually has a fairly comprehensive and complete dungeon layout that is not procedurally generated not ever used in game and is inhabited by zero mobs in a normal playthrough it remains completely inaccessible but it is right there just beyond the door that you use to enter the randomized zone now I actually came back to revisit this area while collecting footage for this part of the video and before we move on there's one more really intriguing part about this that I want to mention ever since discovering it it's been one of those things that I just can't stop thinking about and it's so interesting to me I can't believe that I never saw it sooner While most of this area is composed of a kind of concrete pallet way up off the ground in the largest room room there's a doorway sized hole which leads to an area that looks like a sort of office interior or has an almost backrooms esque design and if you navigate all the way through this section to the other side you'll find another doorway sized hole that leads to the outside of the building just behind the fire escape and this is actually a pretty easy thing to see from the exterior of the building without any hacks glitches or exploits at all it's very visible if you know where to look if you're anything like me the thought process right now is probably well how can we get in there but sadly nothing that I've tried so far has yielded any results flying into it with a jetpack doesn't seem to work there must be some kind of invisible wall here or something like that but I'll keep you guys posted in the description and the comments if I end up finding a way in there's a variety of different suits that you can collect throughout lethal Company by spending credits at the store the most expensive and prized of which is the pajama suit but there's also the ha suit the green suit and of course the decoy suit but chances are not many of you have ever even heard of the decoy suit before and that's because it's never named in game but you've definitely seen it the decoy suit is actually the name of the default orange company jumpsuit which I think is worth a bit of questioning in its own right I don't know if anyone was under the impression that the company actually cared about its employees well-being but calling your standard uniform a decoy suit really raises some eyebrows it seems to insinuate that the company isn't actually all that concerned with what the employees are doing at all they're just distractions meant to draw attention from someone or something else inside of the ship if looking to the left of the terminal past the area where card's sticky note appears on the wall you'll find a poster that looks like this it advertises some sort of food conservation program or general information about food conservation and rations which struck me as odd when I first saw it I spent some time looking this thing up and found that this asset is actually a real image licensable for the low price of $20 on alamy but interestingly the poster itself apparently has some historical significance in game due to the art style and cell shading the poster can be a bit difficult to read but the clear image reveals that this poster encouraged conservation of surplus food for a war effort I'm not exactly sure what war in question but this would have seen display in and around the Pennsylvania area courtesy of a number of sponsors such as Community Food conservation Incorporated and the Navy League service the question Still Remains though as to what it's doing on the ship as this would be a Bonafide historical artifact by the year the game takes place if it wasn't considered one already but I imagine the answer is probably as simple as zers just feeling like they needed one more decoration for the ship's interior that's only a guess though we talked about going out of bounds using the jetpack on specific moons but there's actually out of bounds material even when you're not landed on a moon at all outside of the ship most of the world is defined by a black expanse but there are two rather large orbs that float out here as well which fun fact are these same planets shown in the game's announcement trailer insinuating that maybe this shot was actually filmed using some developers Tools in this very location The Fading nebula is a term mentioned only once in game which is a trend that we're going to see a couple more times before the end of this Iceberg it's referenced in conjunction with the boat which we talked about earlier as being the vessel which apparently brought Earth life to the thistle nebula sometime in the past and the only real clue as to the area's significance comes from the use of the word nebula plural as opposed to nebula singular if I were to Hazard a guess I would say that the fading nebula is probably a collection of different nebulas with thistle being just one of them that could be completely wrong of course but it does cause you to wonder as to if we'll ever see or hear anything more about the world outside of the thistle nebula because lines like this do sort of suggest that zers may seek to build upon the areas of the lethal company Universe outside of thistle sometime in the future when I first landed on Titan I thought that maybe I'd actually taken off to the wrong moon it's hard to deny that this area looks a hell of a lot like the company building and some theorize that this circumstantial relationship may have a deeper link we know that the company building houses some kind of eldrich abomination inside and at this point we also know that this horror probably ate an entire planet something like this is going to require a lot more space than just a big concrete slab in the middle of the ocean but what if the company building wasn't made specifically to house this being to begin with what if it was formerly used for something completely different and has since been repurposed to hold its captive the lore of Titan is that the whole Moon used to be host to one big Mining facility with massive tunnels stretching far underground but just like all of the other moons we visit they were abandoned sometime prior to our arrival so given the similarities between the company building and Titan's external appearance could it be possible that a vast selection of tunnels that were previously accessible from this platform form could be the thing housing the remainder of Jeb's body maybe this also alludes to just what kind of creature Jeb is we've already seen his tentacles but maybe they're only a small part of a much larger eldrich worm of some kind like an exceptionally large Earth Leviathan or maybe Jeb's true form is more closely akin to one of lovecraft's old ones could this Moon once have been a thriving mining world just like Titan and if so then what could be haunting all of those tunnels today with a character as seemingly mysterious as the ghost girl it ought to come as no surprise that many players are left wondering who she is and whether or not there are multiple of her like most of the other mobs in the game from the perspective of lore it's difficult to tell whether the ghost girl is one persistent entity across all of the moons on which she's found or if there's multiple of her perhaps one for each location additionally who actually is this being the ghost of a young girl seems to suggest that at some point a human child must have inhabited some of the facilities in which we find her which is already an odd and mysterious premise when you think about it after all who's going to be spending this much time in a place like this as a child her appearance in the Mansion style layouts makes a little bit more sense as once again it almost seems like a reference to the movie The Shining but her appearance in general really is one of those situations where the more you think about it the less sense it seems to make now it should be noted that on very rare occasions the ghost girl can spawn multiple times but this is only something that occurs in fleetingly rare instances so I'm not confident making any sort of speculation in terms of lore simply based on this mechanic from what I can tell there's no mention of a little girl anywhere in sigur's logs in the beastiary entries or anywhere else in game so at present the nature of her existence really is a complete mystery here's another entry that's related to something out of bounds and once again I feel like I should shout out Alex or chicken nougat one more time because without him randomly stumbling across this I don't know if I even would have found it we already know that there's a very limited area of the company building which can be explored in vanilla gameplay but once again through the magic of free cam there's a secret set of assets even here by turning to the right after leaving your ship and tracing the perimeter of the building way out into the ocean past where we would usually be able to access you'll eventually come across a couple of interesting things first are these player models which hang above an empty Square plane models like this actually exist in pretty much every one of the game's environments even way out of bounds when hovering in space so this isn't really all too big of a surprise the more significant Edition however is a clone of Jeb's window embedded in the wall just as the original is these are almost certainly just test assets but they are pretty neat and allude to an earlier stage of the game's development that I haven't seen a lot of conversation about online I assume that I probably don't need to explain the concept of a developer test room to anyone watching most games have at least one many of them are well documented and a rare few titles even make them accessible playable parts of the experience these small Chambers can take a number of forms and are generally used to test physics player and item interactions and more while a game is still in development so it probably won't surprise you to know that lethal company has a test room as well it can be accessed with mods and I believe it's most easily observable before landing on a moon the room hosts a large floor platform a tilted ramp to access and leave the ship two large concrete pillars some small outdoor details and perhaps most interestingly a test maze which boasts red green and blue colored walls as well as some basic parts of a dungeon layout such as a steel Great Bridge and of course a door unlike all of the other dungeons in the game this area is not procedurally generated and it really is just meant for the purposes of testing it's a really cool little space to play around in and is oddly peaceful in a sense just you and a small playground of interactable items floating in the void of space we started this tier off with a cut enemy type so why not round it out with a cut item the binocular are an obtainable object occupying item number zero and Visually they manifest as a giant pair of well binoculars being unfinished it's pretty likely that this item was intended to be scaled down to player size at a later point in time but if you were to hack them into the game as they are now they're going to be quite large it's thought that if implemented this item would have made it possible to see over a larger distance which may have proven helpful in outdoor areas however it may have been scrapped due to conflictions with how the game renders objects at a distance or because the use cases weren't as extensive as originally thought one weird Quirk about the binoculars aside from them being massive is that when placed on the floor or at top another surface one lens will always clip through the floor because apparently the Collision for this thing is mounted in the center of the object at a 90° angle or something like that either way it's always cool to be able to interact with cut content even in a limited fashion but now we're on to the final layer of the this Iceberg and with just five entries this is tier [Music] six the itda is an authoritative organization of some kind and it's mentioned in the beastiary entry of the bunker spider I'd wager that pretty much nobody who's even read this entry to begin with has thought twice about the mention of this here but the truth is that the goals of the organization remain a complete mystery aside from being somehow related to the population control of certain species within the thistle nebula most importantly though we have no idea what that acronym actually stands for so it goes down here at the very bottom of the iceberg simply because of the wide reaching implications from a one-off piece of dialogue we've mentioned Jess in passing within this Iceberg she's a secondary character and member of sigur's crew but there's an interesting phenomenon that occurs in the game regarding the name Jess which may or may not be intentional when we input Jess into the terminal we get the entry for the jester now I know what you're probably thinking I've already said earlier in the iceberg that the terminal only works off of recognizing the first three letters of the input in most instances so it is overwhelmingly likely that this is simply a result of that same phenomenon but earlier in time when there wasn't as much known about this game as there is today there was a small subset of the community that was convinced that this was actually intentional there's a fringe belief that survives even now that Jess and the jester are inexplicably linked in some way perhaps due to the fact that we never learn of her fate past that final log created by Desmond it's worth noting that from what I've seen there's no indication in the game code that Jess has a distinct command so I wouldn't Bank on this Theory all too much nowadays but I would be remiss not to include it here as I think it remains one of the earliest and most strange Fringe theories stemming from a time shortly after release when we didn't know as much about this game as we do today Trent is an internal name used to refer to the goldfish that can be purchased as a decoration for the ship or is it well no actually it's not but if you read the lethal company fandom Wiki at any point in the past month or so I don't think you could have been blamed for thinking so this entry refers to a strange phenomenon that has only recently been wrapped up in which the goldfish article on the fandom Wiki was either intentionally vandalized or mistakenly updated with incorrect information about the Goldfish maybe confusing some of the details with some mod or something like that I don't know either way some of what was said was pretty out there aside from the fish's name being Trent it was said that the fish must be fed at least once but no more than twice per quota in order to keep it alive but if the fish was to die a replacement could be purchased for half the price of the original from the store just were clear absolutely none of this is true there is no replacement fish there is no fish food and it was also this article that was responsible for perpetuating the rumor that the fish could be targeted by the ghost girl just the same as a player which also does not appear true at this time when I originally wrote down this entry around a month ago I myself was suckered into thinking that Trent really was the name of the fish but as the article evolved and got more insane with information that was verifiably false just by booting up the game the entry instead morphed into talking about this weird microcosm of falsehood that had been spread around on the wiki with that being said though I don't want anyone watching to derive any sort of anti- lethal company fandom Wiki sentiment out of this either at present there are two wikis that are kind of the main sources of information surrounding the game one of them is the fandm wiki and the other is the Mires Wiki which in my opinion is the preferable of the two sources but that's really only because of how bad fandom is as a platform the community itself is for the most part quite diligent and I really do appreciate all of their work cataloging Data Mining and the like I know this kind of got off onto a tangent at the end here but I truly do believe that wikis are an extremely important resource and the last thing that I want to do is discourage people from engaging with them just because I highlighted an error that I found kind of funny both of these wikis will be linked in the description and I encourage you to go check them out for yourself if you're interested we're on to our second to last entry in today's video but paradoxically this topic stems from probably the most unassuming piece of text in the entire game the manoil is one of only two creature types that are considered completely passive they're four-winged Birds which share a familiar link with corvids and which can be found in the skies and surface of various moons scanning a manta coil ought to be an easy task and they're almost always one of the first creatures recorded in any given playthrough but their beastiary entry holds a mystery of its own nevertheless quote Manta coils mostly feed on small insects but can also feed on small rodents they're highly intelligent and social they pose little threat and have a generally passive temperament towards humans although they are capable of transmitting rabies Reuben choria and pit virus well all right that sounds all well and good I suppose but what the hell is pit virus and for that matter what the hell is Reuben choria either both of these diseases appear to be completely made up and don't appear to have any analogous conditions in our own world light Googling revealed no medical results relating to the word Ruben choria and while the word pit virus is somewhat similar to pit Hopkins syndrome I think it would be a bit of a reach to suggest that these two are connected in any way so we're left with the names of two diseases that don't actually exist and which are placed innocuously at the end of a beastiary entry that were it not for their inclusion would easily be one of the most Bal and unassuming in the whole game out of the two though I definitely have a lot more interest in pit virus in particular I don't know I think it's just the way it's named it just sounds like something narratively important and it just seems like such an odd thing to include here if there wasn't some deeper meaning behind it earlier in the iceberg we talked about the moon systems which exist in the world of the game and how they're connected in Universe using the info segments related to each well this final entry combines that same principle with another that we've already talked about as well the out of bounds of the ship where you can see two floating celestial bodies there's something that I didn't talk about with regard to these Planet renders earlier on and it's something that I think only the most eagle-eyed of players would have even noticed at this point and that is that this is not the only planet render in the game in fact there's a couple of them the model that I've been showing thus far is attributed to the moon's experimentation assurance and offense as well as the company moon gordian but there's also this render if you're focused in on V or March as well as this one which represents Ren dine and Titan but that's weird right we're not supposed to be able to see any of these things from anywhere within the ship aren't we so why do they change well actually we can see them from within the ship but only in a very limited fashion so limited in fact that chances are you may have never noticed the difference at all they're actually picked up on this moving camera and I have no doubt that this is probably the reason that they're generated or displayed at all it's such a small inconsequential piece of World building that I'm not sure anyone else I know has picked up on naturally and I certainly wouldn't have if I hadn't been using mods to get out of bounds for the purposes of earlier entries such as the segment on the test room in fact if you were paying close attention you may have briefly seen that I was hovering around one of the ice moons when I happened to film the test room part in question so if you thought thought the planet looked a little bit different from how I'd shown it moments before you wouldn't be wrong and it's actually because of taking this footage that I even realized the difference in the first place so to me at least right now I believe this may be one of the most obscure pieces of trivia this game has to offer and with that at long last we have finally reached the end of the full lethal company Iceberg first of all thanks to everybody who's still watching when I started on this project around a month or so ago I knew it was going to be be a long video but I didn't know it was going to be this long it's been a lot of fun to make but I'm definitely ready for a slightly shorter project next time around there were some big challenges with creating a video of this length that I didn't even consider like trying to manage and normalize this much audio that was exceptionally difficult so I'm sorry if some of the tracks weren't balanced correctly or if there were abrupt cuts at parts or if it just sounded grading at times I tried really hard to minimize those areas as best I could but short of re-recording the whole thing there kind of comes a point where you have to just roll with what you have especially given the equipment I've got at my disposal or lack thereof for real though thank you for checking this video out I really appreciate it and I hope that you had some fun although this video may be over I think it would be a bit of a shame to let the iceberg simply stagnate as we all know this is a game that has and will continue to evolve over time and so I wanted to ask for the community's help in suggesting new entries organizing the iceberg in the future and generally just keeping it up to date I think it's a fun resource and I'm sure that there's entries that people would have liked to see on here that I didn't have or things that maybe shouldn't have their own entry and could be lumped in with something else I don't know I'm interested to hear what people have to say about it if you would like to contribute something then there are two different ways that you can make this happen the first is probably the obvious one you can just comment on this video with your ideas and I'll be reading them over but you can also use the first link in the description to access the iceberg page where this chart is host posted and if you have an account over there then it is currently flagged for proposals wanted and I'll be checking in on it every now and again and taking some of those proposals into consideration for updating the chart depending on how things go or how updates to the game come along maybe I'll even revisit this sometime in the future and make a video about the updated Iceberg but probably not for a while both because the updates to it will no doubt take some time but also because damn I really need a break from thinking about lethal company for a while and speaking of which I think that's probably all from me for today right now I'm going to go spend some time Outdoors but needless to say I'll catch you all again with a fresh new lore video sometime rather soon with that though this is a Veron I'll see you again soon and have a good one
Channel: Everberon
Views: 519,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lethal company, lethal company lore, lethal company mods, lethal company jester, lethal company all monsters, lethal company trailer, lethal company theory, lethal company update, lethal company gameplay, lethal company game theory, lethal company game, lethal company monsters, lethal company guide, lethal company review, lethal company logs, lethal company sigurd, lethal company story, lethal company mods best, lethal company mask, lethal company gameplay multiplayer, horror
Id: Ic5fAlCKC-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 25sec (5845 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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