The Ultimate Western You Need to Watch! | The entire Wild West feared these Outlaws | Western Movie

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tomahawk tomahawk [Music] getaw this is the tomahawk and Western railroad built into and Over the Rockies of Colorado where they said it was impossible to lay a track and run a train but the experts were wrong for here's the first train to go out over the high iron pulled by engine number one the Emma Sweeny a Narrow Gauge 10-wheeler of some 33 odd tons engine number one was built in Philadelphia by the Baldwin locomotive Works she is the latest designed sleek and modern and is equipped with a newly invented air braake her kerosene headlight which is the personal property of her engineer can throw a gleam 25 ft ahead of her she is very fast and can attain speeds in excess of 35 mph yes it would be safe to say that on this September Day 1876 she is the last word in 1843 was then I met sweet B MC and elegant girl she seemed to be one working on the rail An Elegant girl she seemed to be one working on the rail in 1847 sweet B McGee she went to heaven she had one child she had 11 while working on the ra had one chance she hadle while working the say this bother you that don't bother me what makes you so nervous I don't want to spoil your ride Mr Jameson what do you mean I considering all the people that want something awful to happen this railroad my opinion we're going too fast what are you talking about a railroad helps everybody who'd want something awful to happen to it stage company's going out of business on account of it there was another narage railroad just like this one the silver Short Line they were going to put a stage coach company out of business too first train out over the right away everything was great till it got to the bridge over Devil's Canyon so there wasn't any well if anything was going to happen to this rail it would have happened before this wouldn't it how the train had never been run before you mean that this is the first trip I do you mean I'm the first passenger you are the first and only passenger we are going too fast Let Her Go light for missed well anyway it'll hold him for a while pick him off like ducks Dakota don't be a fool Dawson said it was supposed to look accident like Glory Be I hope we didn't put a flat on our drivers everything all right Mr Sweeney all I got to say is this is mighty quick country not this quick though who's this what the passenger Mr Jameson that's terce Sweeney the engineer Sweeney pleased to meet you meet sad eyes Tatum smoke agent fire boy that is you were saying I was saying Mr Sweeney that somebody doesn't like your tea kettle don't call Miss Sweeney a tea kettle she's the prettiest 10 wheeler this side of the Rockies while she last she meaning what meaning that one rock don't make a landslide a lot of smaller stuff would have come now with her now no Mr Jameson nothing of the kind you get a board and relax and I'll walk on to epep and get some men to push this Pebble off the rails that's all right but I always thought proper etiquette was for a captain to stay with his ship and a conductor to stay with his train so it is so it is but I don't think we're going to need any help I think Miss Sweeney can push it off by herself well just in case she can I'll go on ahead I'll have the sheriff send some help the walk will do me good I'll meet you boys at the Overland office a drankers tell the colonel what happened here yeah right Dakota hey hey hey you fellas grab get them up no offense fellas no offense speak your peace dude well I was on my way to epot and this train had a little accident thought you fellas might give me a hitch drummer eh s inde d best in the west all right dude climb up and shut up thanks very much but you know you shouldn't throw down a scatter gun on a fell like that might get yourself punctuated not when I got the drop but you don't got the drop not that I hole with guns all I has to carry one but I don't ho with them would you mind holding this to me please thank you and you too thank you I'll just jump right up here if you give me a [Applause] sterup okay thank [Applause] you [Music] who's that K arson he owns the Stage Coach Line oh shut [Music] up what surprise fellas Hy how do you do friend my name is Johnny Jameson but my friends call me too something I do for you gentlemen you can raise your mits or I'll cut you off pocket High you kit Dodge kit Dodge who me no I'm Chucky Jones where is he Mr dod's in his office there he's busy he's tied up now fellas if I was you I wouldn't let Mr Dodge catch you hanging around here cuz he can put a bullet through your button hole and cool you and never even touch your shirt we'll wait Grandpa don't you pull away from me stop doing that I'm going to tie this tie no matter what grandpa will you sit still oh it's too tight oh it is not I say it's too tight come on kit For Heaven's Sake let her tie your tie last message we got said the train had passed 10 m Tower she'll be here any minute here she comes now I'm going to get you ready if it's the last thing I do get up here now now me get around no sh by Glory neither you and the own granddaughter going to hog time me in the store bought and closed Marshall listen to me there's a lot at stake in this little railroad I'm not talking about any personal advantages to me I'm talking about this country and what'll happen to Colorado when this railroad goes through it's the opening of the West kit it means getting the wealth of a Nation out of the far mountains there plenty of folks don't want this railroad Dawson and his Overland gang but these people are only thinking of themselves not their country this job has got to be done and it's got to be done right well since you put it that way Mr Bishop let's get it done Grandpa go good we're behold it to you Miss kit oh not me Mr Brink he was Grandpa cuse meet what will we do with this one miss kit oh uh put him in jail and uh we'll give him a fair trial this afternoon and hang him for a thing tomorrow morning well Chucky I call him Johnny behind the dees what's he doing around hi told me was selling subscriptions for the Saturday evening post that's the truth magazines and mustache cups Colorado and Utah here's my samples was he healed search him couldn't find him yeah friend nice and s in a mustache cup you could use one too or the Saturday evening post don't often see that in a town like this do you what's this oh yeah that's not for sale no you ever been to a neck tie party no well you're going to one tomorrow and it's going to be yours now wait a minute you can't do this to me I'm innocent you was in with those other coyotes how do you think I got this egg on my head do you think a chicken L it ask him he saw it that's right Miss kid oh Chucky how could you fall for an old Tri like that Why'd You Come In Here If it wasn't to turn Grandpa's lights off but tell Mr Dodge that engine number one of the tomahawk and Weston is stuck 5 miles out of town with a bower on its rails that's why I came into town that makes you just about the biggest liar in the state of Colorado but he was stuck Sweeney must have pushed it off look lady I'm no killer all you got to do is check with them when they get here they'll tell you I was a passenger now that sound reasonable if I was feeling reasonable and I'm not I'm going to give you a chance to get out of town but if you're inside the city limits by Sundown you're going to become a permanent resident just who do you think you are look lady this is a free country I'm a citizen I got a right to come and go as I please and I just got here Mister you just left go your Mighty son that almost a haircut next time it might be almost a shave she can't do this to me oh yes she can that g ain't no ordinary gal there's six Lonesome graves in Boothill on account of her Mr Bishop Mr Bishop she's here your engine's coming we can see the smoke get back there son I'll be right over well doctor Fair to Midland Fair to Midland get out of here doc yes sir Mr Dodge I wouldn't trust you with a dead mule yes sir scatter SP to mland For Heaven's Sake kit what are we going to do you're in no condition to travel I'll tell you what we're going to do kid honey come here Chuck he get a badge out of the drawer there raise your right hand you swear solemn to uphold the laws of the United States and state of Colorado so help me Grandpa give me the badge in the presence of these Witnesses I hereby deputize you United States Marshal llata County state of Colorado oh grandpa you don't mean it this is absolutely impossible why she can out ride out shoot and out spit any road agent this side of Pike's Peak and she's taking over you leave everything to me Grandpa I'll rest a day and then shortcut across the M Mr Tomahawk and a good horse I'll get there for you will yes sir Grandpa uh hold on granddaughter I got to talk with you about something personal that is I'll wait for you outside Miss kid uh kit this is the first time you hit the trail alone you know I mean uh I won't be there to keep any eye on you you know what I mean uh-uh yeah well down here a minute it's like the bees and the flowers flowers get the flowers get all full of honey and then the bees start flocking to them like when a girl gets to be your age it means well it means she ain't quite the same here and there like she was before she reached your age you know don't follow Grandpa you don't no girls are girls see mhm and boys are boys see and it's Nature's law that that well that child goes what I'm trying to say is I'm trusting you honey oh why you can trust me Grandpa I'll get that engine through in one piece no that's not the engine I'm worried about getting through in one piece I don't get you Grandpa you'd better get going honey and be a good girl sure Grandpa and you take care of yourself so long have Pony did you get the message well thank the Lord if any Sidewinder start sweet talking that gal you've got my blessing to part his hair with your axe hello Dakota hello Clayton hell hi Dakota I'm sorry about that congratulations to cour on the way you've handled things now take it easy Colonel it wasn't our fault that rock didn't work I told tranis trus is dead and hea will stretch a rope tomorrow morning what now listen to me and get this straight once and for all this is the way we're going to operate Dakota you join up with a posy that's taking the engine to Tomahawk they'll need a Top Hand now that old man Dodge can't go along B you and Charlie and Faro follow their Trail drift into their Camp the Cod I'll cover for you and then what when everybody's hit the sack you plant Dynamite under that engine and light it sure Colonel black wolf go into the hills find the arapos stir them up tell them what the Iron Horse will do how it'll scare their buffalo away if engins make war maybe they kill us too that's a chance we'll have to [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] take go that what a catcher come on get get away now stand back now and keep your paws off of me Sweeney I'll give you the back of your hand go on get off of there Sweeney huh my name is William Bishop glad to see you Mr Bishop I guess you're glad to see me too I guess you thought we'd never make it huh well I haven't made it yet let's go on the station take care of Miss sweee sad eyes all right now stand back no touching Mr Bishop sent the news up to Tomahawk but ain't sure it got through I think them Redskins the lines never rains but it pours what's all the Wailing for how far is this Tomahawk 60 Mi and you got to get there for Saturday noon 60 mil why Miss Sweeney can knock off a run like that in a couple of hours you'll find it'll take a little longer mountains they don't bother my girl none no track she built to take the Rockies themselves she got plenty of weight on her drivers and when she take no track between here and dead horse point that is the rails they shipped us from England got lost in the storm the straights of gellant we never did finish they're right away but at dead horse point the track begins again how far is dead horse Point 40 Mi 40 miles but Mr Bishop I got 33 tons of locomotive outside how am I going to get to Tomahawk without track I'm Mr Sweeny oh stop your squad in tender putting kill the fires in the boiler you haven't got all day chy chy get these Ms up and keep them happy hit them under of that dude out there in the front shake your Bo come on you heard what the lady said get them mes straighten around there come on boys bring them around there in the back right here bring them around in the back there bring them around you in charge here ma'am I reckon I was on my way up to Tommy Hawk and figured maybe you could use an extra gun on the trail and who are you they call me Dakota I'm just a ring rler you Notch that plow handle every time you rope a cat Fell's bond to pick up a few notches in the course of living or die and how to use that thing yes ma'am Wild Bill hit cot taught me they don't come no better than him or you me Pony go find a tin can for Dead Eye dick here you shoot from over there boys you be healthier with your heads down I need tosses that you draw on fire ready have been yes sir that's pretty good shooting mister why' you say you were heading for Tomahawk tell the truth ma'am I hear they need a new sheriff up there oh peace officer well we need every hand we can get Dakota you know how to skin a mule I'm stubborn myself we see those skinners get him hitched up right to that engine yes ma'am and uh if there's anything else I can do for you you just wiggle your little pinky he's kind of pretty oh boy oh you say that about all the boys kid here yes Mr Bishop trouble lots of it what's the hitch Mr laramore has just discovered something terrible and this Charter will have been fulfilled if said company shall be operating a train between epap and Tomahawk by noon of September 5th 1876 with at least one paying passenger given Safe Transportation between said City we've got to have a passenger that kid For Heaven's Sake go and see if you can't find some greenhorn who' be willing nobody's very for the Tomahawk Trail right now Mr Bishop but if we don't get a passenger we forfeit everything I can't promise I'll try Bonnie the oine will have Road agents all the way nothing doing and I don't want no rapo haircut not on your life we'll draw a straws not me brother I have a ticket please you want a ticket that's right old timer on the first train out of town they give him a ticket Homer Mister we only got one train well that's fine and it's going no place but Tomahawk that's still fine what time do she leave just as soon as you buy your ticket that'll be $2 hard money Mister you sure you want to go I couldn't be sure bear me witness dude it ain't on my head what ain't on your head your blood blood his Train's off a track who told you who told me why Mr Bishop what are we going to do we're all hitched to ready I can't find anybody you I told you to get out of this town by Sundown now wait a second Kat you can't talk to him like that you can't he's our passenger he bought the ticket to Tomahawk him well I'll be dog gone if I'll ride her on a toe that help put a blue Whistler into my grandpa for the last time I had nothing to do with your grandfather getting winged I am an agent for the Saturday evening post now hold on K personal feelings have nothing to do with it it's your job to take the train to Tomahawk and give its passenger safe conduct you mean I got to take care of this fella as if he were your own husband all right but the minute we get to Tomahawk I'm going to become a Widow deart on track one only got one track that's what I said dearon on track one the Tommy Hawk Trailblazer allo hey Mr Sweeney it's me I'm going with you then you're out of your head what's heting on damn you better get a board where do we have problem no cars no cars all right then I hold that lead team right there that's it now the next three team back up here give him some slack on this chain that's it back them up come on don't be all day come on back them up oh mini pear whoa I hit you over the head no track no track yeah well I think I this is your ticket there's been a slight misunderstanding I thought all right him [Applause] [Music] boys let me off of [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here what happened Chuck PE just stepped over the Trac we'll get him started in a minute wait you see hey killer your laundry is here what's the trouble Tommy Hawk I don't get you per he says he wants to come along he's got the laundry the laundry the laundry for Tomahawk and he's been waiting 2 months to get there I'll tell him we full up he can have my place you heard me look this fell wants to be a passenger I don't want to be you bought the ticket well I'll sell it to him after all you're going to need him up there you're going to clean up the town tell this fella no K oh thank you missy thank you very much you wouldn't take no for an [Music] answer hey you there f [Music] me and my troop Bound for Tomahawk we like to travel along with you well uh the outra isn't going to be any place for ladies man nobody mentioned ladies and The Show Must Go On you mean actresses my dear how sweet of you won't be any picnic and have to pitch in and help pitching will be no problem there all right ma'am fall in keep your inter girls girls Annie Ruby Clara Julie yeah honey yes honey come on girls get to the stage right away we're leaving gentl please please stand back you shake the light out of your pants we're hitting the road come [Applause] on [Music] [Applause] [Music] get him up and go [Music] oh I dream of my true love asleep on her pillow [Music] food is delicious but the service leaves just a little to be desired your shoulder please I've using a little while if you promise not to run away I'll give you the freedom of the camp I'll promise you nothing if he tries to jump Camp let him have it wait a minute you're supposed to be taking care of me he'll take care of you how do you like her how do you like that where did she get her nerve I couldn't say easy does it strangers I'll speak your peace we're riding line for the Durango Telegraph your Appo has been cut in wire would sure feel to Heap safeer bunking in your camp for tonight just the three of you make yourself to home thank you ma'am you fix these gents up with some biscuits and beans hey Madam how's about putting on the show for the crowd come on give us the show I miss the dog on thing in epat in this joint I ain't seen a lady's ankle in 3 years I ain't seen a lady in 3 years none of your lip fatty and we ain't opening here tonight you put it on in worse places than this indeed young man we have played the finest houses in Denver Dodge City Deadwood and Durango how about that one night stand and lost mule Flats you were there very well friends we shall put on the show [Music] only on one condition there'll be no flirting with my girls velvet fingers the curtain ladies and gentlemen the show is on oh yo Jose oh away now some men when paring are awfully shy and when you speak to them we scarcely reply while some are so forward you cannot deny they and a lady a way and then just the way with this fella named Joe whenever I meet him I'll have you to know he always insists on stealing a kiss then I him have to say Hey Oh Jo you let me go let me alone oh let me go oh what a forward young man Granda could catch me now I bet he'd whale a living tower out of me why well I've never seen a real show before isn't it wonderful so for one night stand oh I suppose you could do better go go [Music] away you see here before you a babe in the wood a gent who is constantly [Music] misunderstood maybe a little bit faster for kisses were meant to be taken today while gires are blooming and tender and gay but just because I like to show them the way I'm leading them straight to disaster they say and it's let me alone tell let young [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Applause] never never go kiss me again like a c you are you oh what a forward oh what a coward oh what a forward young man you are [Applause] woohoo fine Johnny thank you Mr Sweeney say uh I take it back you are good well thanks to you [Applause] too those was uh those girls sure are pretty aren't they they sure are grandpa says I'm homely as a mud fits he's crazy a a b at all you mean I'm as pretty as they are you're prettyer than they are you dry guling me didn't the fell ever tell you you were pretty Jim bayy was going to once why didn't he Grandpa shot him why oh he says that's Jezebel talking if a if a girl listens to it she'll fall into the pit haven't you ever known the other fellas only my grandpa oh no I mean fellas that were stuck on you you know gentle and kind my grandpa's just about the kindest man you'll ever meet well I recall the time the Hang buckin Tony and they didn't fix the news quite right and when the Trap sprung there was poor old buckin jumping like a frog at the end of that rope with his tongue sticking out like a black snake and you know what poor grandpa just couldn't stand it he got out his six gun and blew buckskins head off so he wouldn't choke to death well I got to check the camp there's no hurry lay low when it Camp's better down light a fuse and let her blow go good night Miss kit pardon me want something what in place Jes are you doing to yourself ma'am just trying to keep Body and Soul together meaning what you wouldn't let a good gun get rusty would you well no but I'm not talking to girl's got to build on what she's got because sometimes she hasn't got what it takes Savvy well I don't do all that to myself how do I look like a well-kept grave wait a minute take your hair for instance what do you do for IT rush it once a week got to keep the mors out of it but look girl if you just frizz it a little like this see you get real curls you're really a very pretty girl you know that's what Johnny said pair of pretty eyes they'll knock him dead at 50 ft presuming your aim is good aim sure pass a man he stares at you so you aim give him both barrels floody glmer like this bang he's a dead pigeon but don't shoot till I see the whites of your eyes remember I thought you'd hit the sack I can't stars are too bright it is a pretty night them stars are trying and twinkle like your eyes Miss kid my grandpa once buried a man for saying a thing like that to me might be worth it good good night thanks chug can you play that thing like a Spaniard good night Johnny good night Mr sweee what man get something in your eye do you think you want to sleep with the girls no I'm a light sleeper so am I what I mean is if that pistol goes off it's sure going to spoil my dreams if you go off it's you're going to spoil you you know you don't look like a killer how come you to take it up Miss kit why can't you believe me I'm not a killer I'm a drummer where'd you learn to speak Chinese San Francisco's Chinatown you speak any other foreign tongues speak them all learn them in my travels you take German you been to Germany oh Milwaukee Wisconsin that's a city where they make beer lot of Germans live there I was on the trip I made the Minnesota to see the Mississippi River what are you barking about the Mississippi River isn't in Minnesota I beg your pardon the Mississippi River starts in Minnesota it's just one foot across just imagine I stepped over it two years later when I was down in the waterers took me 20 minutes in a river packet to cross it what you drum in New Orleans cards and that's New Orleans Southern Louisiana and East Texas cards just cards just cards no take a look at these cards go ahead take one feel the paper it's the best quality there is no Mark decks no cold decks all high class stuff incidentally that's Deuce of Spades you got there that's right see that's quite a trick they don't call me Johnny behind the deuce for nothing how about the other one goad take another one you take one too Deuces Spades right Deuces Spades Deuces all [Laughter] Deuces is that all you do just go around selling things what's wrong with that no where's it getting you gets me every place I'm just the kind of a Fell's got to see what's on the other side of that next Hill grandpa says that some folks can't see the gold at their feet for the pyat in the mountains yeah well your grandfather would impress that on you the goal at your feet might be a couple of kids and a loving spouse instead of that Tin Star you got on your chest say what's so good about you you're nothing but a loose foot no roots where's your spouse it's different with me I married the whole world I get to go that's all Where Have You Been by PA took me to Durango when I was eight Durango well that's just a hole in the Rocks I've stood on South Street in New York City watch the great Clippers ships stick their bow sprits right across the curb you had to move them back let the horse cars by I've crossed the Black Hills of Dakota I've seen the wondrous spouts of Yellowstone I've ridden the Chism Trail in Texas and I watched the wedding of the Rails at Promontory point I visited the Alamo where Texas was born I saw him bury Mr Lincoln in Springfield Illinois yes ma'am from the rocks of main to the steak Plains of the Panhandle I've been I'm just a born traveling man I want to travel around always sort of somewhere bound with the sun hanging on my tail just let me follow my shadow singing ypp I on the Colorado Trail I want to plunk my guitar at the Silver Dollar Bar and flirt with a pink head frail and then I'll follow My Shadow singing yipp I on the col Trail on the colado [Music] trail that just in case something goes wrong you and Charlie better ride out of here now Fargo it's your deal five Aces Miss K huh wish whackers there he goes s hand over that Peacemaker butt first and start talking hand it over I got a m to give you the same he was handing over peaceful as a lizard and you bumped him in Cold Blood the man was fixing to drill you he was going to pull a road agent spin on you Road agent spin that's right man he was hading over butt First Look hey I've never seen that one before I thought every peace officer knew that one it's a c every road agent does I don't see what all the fusses about he tried to shoot you and I killed him that's all too bad you couldn't have shot him in the arm or something so he could talk you insinuating I shot him to keep him from Talking Dakota I am not the man to tangle with why not because I am a passenger on this engine and if I don't get the tomahawk safely there won't be any railroad so don't go picking on me how you might get yourself hurt that's all we're not going to have any personal grudges in this camp we got a long way to go so break it up and keep it that way you're right ma'am I'm sorry I lost my temper I'll just bet you are you shut up CH to you and the boys bear this fell and get some sh ey we got hard country tomorrow yes Miss [Music] kit hey F eyes better take a look up here in front I think the C is going to have a cab get up come let it's out oh yeah hey too starchy excuses always excuses morning Mr Sweeney morning Johnny he kit where are we we're getting near Mas Creek after we cross The Trestle dead horse points only 5 miles past hear that Emig girl five more miles and you can get your head of steam on again and we better make it fast too ma'am if you want this engine and Tomahawk by noon Saturday Bonnie and I go to Scott up yonder can I go with you got an empty horse there no now wait a minute I'm the passenger right you're supposed to take care of me right well then I demand to be taken in your custody oh all right [Music] then you know how to ride I'll try and hang on Dakota we gotot on ahead Dakota you ride point back on the engine keep your eyes open this engine country I'll take care of that piece of pig iron just like it was you miss kit thank you Dakota I'll be [Music] back thanks Dakota I'll be back you shut your face it's a good thing that theota quick triggered by sweet talking you'd be cooling by now oh no such thing you ought to be ashamed of yourself falling for that cowpoke I'm not falling for nothing on you can't see The Notches in has gun for the notch his chin I told you shut up yes ma'am and that goes for you [Music] too these rails are in good shape we get on here we'll roll in plenty of time you wouldn't roll her far they end on the other side Austin's had to get the engine look at that isn't that something yeah it's quite a gully makes a man feel about 3 ft away from Heaven it's too close for me let's get off this Trestle what's the matter listen I don't hear anything that's what's the matter not a bird nothing what do you think ponnie did you hear what he said a rapper hose around here could be we wait for the engine on the brim say I didn't know you could read engine signs where'd you learn one season when I was with waho Jim while West show peanuts popcorn and saddle sauce There Utah and Wyoming did you ever see a circus no no I haven't in your named crooker knife taught me the signs he was a trick rider did a good knife throwing act too had to quit show business when his Old Man Died he's chief of allos now cook knife you know Crooked Knife no and we were Pals what he's a dirty heeden that's been making war and causing all the trouble he is not a heathen he's a very high type cleancut aborigin you certainly can't blame him for making War you'd be doing the same thing if you wen't a Raa hoo there's the coded catchup like to be out of here pretty sceny though thought I could take his girl out here away if everything and do a little busing a little what busing haven't you ever been bused no I guess you haven't should I have girl hasn't live she been properly bused believe me I guess I just don't exactly understand what busing is you know it's kissing oh you know what kissing is I've heard tail you mean you've never been kissed you bet I haven't well now how do you expect to meet up with your Valentine get hitched and settle down to raising a family if you've never even been kissed grandpa says I'll get hitch when the right time comes now you keep on this way in the right time I'll find you a gun toen Old Maid have you ever been bused yes ma'am from me to California I been bus proper we better get than wait a second um tell me about it about busing well if you pardon me miss kick I love life huh oh maybe your grandpa wouldn't like it oh he's not here yeah but his friend is oh I can handle him it's kind of difficult to tell well you know what I mean no well take the Eskimo the who the Eskimo that's sort of a North Pole arapo well now the Eskimo approaches the problem of busing with the nose you see when an Eskimo fellow gets stuck on an Eskimo girl well he buses her like this well if that isn't the silliest thing well not to an esimo it isn't we supposing they had a bad cold oh well then there's a French now in France they're pretty romantic they do their busing sort of elegantly like this what does all that mean it's french and it means my darling I Adore Thee I love thee oh sweet talk go on well there's all kinds of buses there's the mother bus like this the uncle Joe I haven't seen you in 7 years kind of bus like this and then there's the friend of a friend kind of a bus like that yes but what I want to know is how does a fellow in Colorado bust a girl in Colorado when he's sweet on her and she's sweet on him oh that's not easy to do do it but you can't fake a genuine bus Miss kid a real bus only comes from Real Love it's very personal you see F has to be head over heels in love with a girl well the girl has to think he's the greatest thing since bottle of beer and then he holds her like this warm and tight cuz she's the one thing he's been looking for all his life you understand Nature's law that's right and he buses a little nose just a teaser and he Busters one of her pretty eyes just to show he was only teasing and then yes and he buses her lips oh yes why don't you keep your big mouth [Music] shut oh [Music] War py let's get out of here come on [Music] give him a gun I'll give me the [Music] rifle get those up there come on round fast let SM bring him up here a point come on let's go bring him around [Applause] [Music] here Dakota you and the Wranglers fight on that quarter and make every shot come Chuy so you take the East Side make him pay and all you green horn stay out of the way and beat out the fires when H the wagons came here I come come on you up jack stand still and I'll play a tune on you [Music] w [Music] man' it's just a war party and it's bad enough the main Camp ever lights on us we're finished well hold him off go dark you just won fight in the dark get barbarians what are you trying to do to me sweetie what you it if I can't get it out save my shirs P hey don't shoot across the wagons you might hit one of our own men yeah hey hey cck knife it's me JY hey no no yeah me hey friend of yours fair weather [Applause] they quit pulling out on us we won we won what a second that curtain I'm afraid not man what do you mean we chased him didn't we it was just a war party he's right they'll be back with the sun with plenty more of their breed we make our stand in the canyons ahead there one night when it'll be smart to have our backs against the wall especially us green horns you hold oh ho you're not hold up here what did he say he said he was afraid the fireworks he was carry would have turned the whole thing into the fireworks what fireworks fireworks for tah Hop chiny new year but that was last February be long time late where kid hey let me fix this for thanks nothing I'm sorry you got creased oh could have been worse Pony got that wounded Indian to talking yeah well Pony big Camp to the North 200 Braves yeah I heard him hey pawy ask him if we let him go will he take me to the camp you gone locco I got an idea you know what those engines will do to you they'll string up with rawh hide then they'll string a rattler 6 Ines from your face then they'll start wetting that rawh hide and it'll stretch and stretch look I have never considered myself a brave man I leave the heroics to somebody else but this is a matter of self-preservation if I don't do something tonight we'll all get it nothing doing Miss kit we've scared them off for now but they'll be back with that sun 200 strong now maybe you don't mind and sudden death but there's a lot of places I haven't seen yet I want to live we'll give him as good as we get and then what the Trestle gone how you going to cross Massac Creek we figure it out when we get there if you just let me go I could take care of you'd like to hit the alhood wouldn't you I promise you I won't run away I don't believe you well that's your trouble you haven't believed me at all not about anything but you better stop believing me this time and you're going to leave your scalp and everybody else is right here dude's got a point Miss kit I'm listening after all he's a city man maybe he has some slick ideas not as slick as yours Dakota now there he goes again ring me up he just ain't a friendly man I'm still listening all right Crooked Knife is a friend of mine I got an idea if I can get to see him I can persuade him now here's the plan loud enough for you [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] he I want to talk to Crooked [Music] [Applause] [Music] Knife ,000 Johnny Johnny behind the dece took you long enough to recognize me Chief what paint what are you doing here Johnny when I last saw you you wasn't it let's pile Chief Custer how is Wahoo Jim I haven't seen him in months he took that wild west show back East that was a good show we played The Standing Room in Lamy remember the night you use me as a live target that knife throwing AEG you had a mustache then the knife slipped a little and cut it off never been able to grow one since those were the good [Music] days Chief you remember what we used to yell when the show was in trouble we needed help hey Ru well I'm calling hey Ru d right now Johnny you were good to me like a blood brother we are friends my people will not attack your iron horse I don't mean that I mean I want your help to get that Iron Horse through the tomahawk we are at war with a pale face you remember this [Music] trick Deuces all Deuces it's a loaded deck you can't lick it well this is a loaded War you're fighting you can't win Johnny I know you're right but my people will never walk the white man's road if I can sell him an idea will you bring him you will only lose your scalp music Professor if you please there it is yeah listen to him yell all right mister set that stuff up in prto my people this one is very wise a man of big medicine he wishes us to help him carry his Iron Horse when the Sun rises in the East we spare him because he is your friend but if he is a man of Big Medicine let him show us a sign my friend that's exactly why I am here you say you want to see a sign well I'll tell you what I'm going to do inside my coat I have something that will show you a sign the likes of which that have never been seen west of the alagan mountains now if you'll just step back so these other gentlemen can see I would like you to examine this little thing it's nothing with a stick you notice and a piece of string nothing up either the sleeve no mustache to deceive you I take this stick place it in the fire will you step back sir thank you right here what did he say dog eater yeah well if at first you don't succeed try try try again now you fellas know we're just trying to make it how are you I beg your pardon oh I'm sorry I didn't see you standing there crowd right on in Step Aside man let that artist through that's right you stay right here I want you to see everything seeing is believing you know is that right Chief I hope there's a signal light up the whole shebang let's get out of here [Applause] fast [Music] [Applause] There's No Business Like Show Business listen it's Johnny he's back did it work like a they fell for it h oh nice work Johnny Crooked Knife says he'll have as many Indians here at dawn as we need whole tribe if necessary well well you don't say and what are the little shav is going to do swim across Massacre Creek with Miss Sweeney we're not crossing the creek we're taking her over funeral Peak do you think that these poor mules and them poor Redskins can haul 33 tons of locomotive over that Peak those mules and those Redskins are going to haul that she bang over the mountain if we have to take her apart down to every last nut and bolt with each of us carrying a h what what did you say you heard what I said and what I said goes is that so well if you were any other travel and grun figures to con this cab is going to be a con field meat this lung jerker was built to B the stack on Rust and if any ba and wi artist thinks he's going to graveyard he's going to hit the ditch what'd he say he said no is that so Pilgrim half SLA brother with chcka and short H horns before and if you don't hanger for me to shake the Lords out of this hog leg and ventilate your Bonnet you better abide prto what' she say she said if you don't let her take the engine apart she'll blow your brains out H she sure knows how to win an argument don't she you take that and I'll take [Music] this Amy girl what have they done to you so help me I had no it it's like seeing a great lady without her caution on don't worry Emmy we'll put you together on the other side of the mountain it's humiliating ain't it I couldn't [Music] [Applause] say [Applause] I'm freezing Miss kit how much farther oh dead horse points just down in the sink what time is it 2 8° what 8:30 oh well Tomah Hawk's only 20 M Beyond I better got on ahead Miss kid don't want any trouble on the trail now I think we'd have a lot less trouble if someone else Road point someone we could trust now there he goes again always pushing me a man can only take so much Buton up I still think you're making a mistake letting that fell go on ahead you're running as she bangers at Galo I'm running at Dakota and you go on ahead and Scout and you simmer down when I can watch you man Colonel what is it trouble come here quick they're crossing the divide with the engine and all that's impossible the Indians are helping them bu medicine Bad Medicine what happened pale face brought big magic him and Crooked Knife Blood Brothers you're lying you half breed you sold out didn't you no no I talk with straight tongues I'll teach you to double cross me all right Clayton we got to come out in the open you ride on ahead of Tomahawk get the boys together bring him back with horses and ammunition I'll meet you on the hill above Phantom curve if it's War they want we'll give it to them now PR right colonel wi take these horses sorry man' Bushwackers probably working for the Stage Company got them spraying lead into that she bang not more than 5 minutes ago took after him but they got away how many oh maybe 20 for getet their names oh you have thought the koses would have left track here of us no sign on this strong but yours the CL uh they was using Winchesters man from off that way I don't give a yell who's shooting from where all I know is Miss Sweeny ain't going no place without water in her tender well I don't think she'll take any more Mr Sweeny any more what water I filled her to the brim before we left epap what I told you to make that engine light as possible what are you taking on for if sad eyes hadn't filled the tender we'd rust here the thing that bothers me we having any firewood to smoke up with firewood what may I ask is that Pull It Away there man that pull hard on it come on all right now come on Lo this up here get on there sad can't build a get there come on about through here how you coming be about a minute now say Johnny go up in the cabin take a look and see how the head of steam is coming will you hey Tootsie put a little elbow grease in there I'm trying honey well try harder that goes for you too never mind the shaking just shine I still think there's a little too much starch hey Mr Sweeny glory be it works come on girls get down over here now all right boys that's enough Clen you drive those mes out back to AB we won't be needing them anymore and Crooked Knife you stay with these wagons and give them protection on it the tomahawk hire Yourself fast we'll be on the engine moving the same we got 40 minutes for 20 miles and 10 of them are gred up through the guard savy let's go I found these empty cartridge shells under the tank there thought you might want to look at him I sure would uh Excuse Me Miss kit these didn't come out of the Winchester he's a six gun shell that's right ma'am the six gun is a short range weapon we just sure found some signs on the ground well the only signs on the ground were doas yeah dtas ponie what' you say about Dakota the first time we met him that's too bad he sure was mighty pretty Dakota uh where did you say you were peace officer Deadwood Deadwood I was there last month to store Indians and iron grip fly paper nor in South Dakota he did you know Wild Bill Hickock I sure I was one of his deputies he's a friend of mine is a friend of yours you heard me when did you see him plan oh just two weeks back before I hit the trail for Colorado yeah was he looking well why because when I saw him one month ago he didn't look so good he was laid out in his coffin after a back shooter named Jack Mcall killed him dead you got 5 Seconds to get this engine going but I can't what do you think you're doing slap the a to before I D your CH holding on on us the real work tender putting H at Throttle Down his bad curves ahead she'll never take them worry about that when we get there [Music] Johnny you all right Johnny it's your engine Mr Sweeney kill are you all right no he hit me see what' you come up for like that far I was worried stiff I thought he was going to kill you full alongside came for a passenger if you can't hit the passenger put your bullets into her boiler hey we must be close to tomaha hey open her up we lose them fast now this sweey what are you doing to me come on Emy girl this is terrot soet speak to me Emma we lose your every man that's got a gun follow after come on they're empty boys let's get them P look let's get out of [Applause] here hurry Grandpa all you men got ropes tie on P glory be here comes the whole town of Tomahawk and Chucky in the wagon come on back it come on what time you got two minutes come on H only got 2 minutes left to make it we're trying honey I make it just over a minute his watch is wrong we can't do it we can't reach it in town There's the town limit that's shine but you can't bud you are you the mayor of this here Metropolis I am sir and these are the town councilman well listen Mr Mayor you're not going to let a little thing like a quarter of a mile keep this railroad from getting this franchise are you there's nothing I can do what do you mean there's nothing you can do the charter was issued under the laws of callado of territory and territori law says the railroad must be an operation 6 years from the date of that Charter and the tnw 6 years are up at High Noon which is exactly 45 seconds away don't you shake no chatter at me but listen Mr Mayor think of what it'll mean to you not only the gold and the silver you can take out of those mountains and the money you can put to work for this country but think think of what it'll mean in Commerce schools for your children why you can make civilization out of a frontier I'm the first passenger on that train Mr Mayor that's my ticket I'm proud of it I want to tell my grandchildren about it the territorial law never mind territorial law Colorado is the territory andm is a state one whole month now she's been a 38th state in the United States you want Tomahawk to grow with her now what do you say Mr Mayor the future of the West is in your hands young man go on down and get that sign y chy take me a hole down there will you but Pete say Curry time's a wasting I make a motion that we extend the corporate limits of the town of Tomy Hawk to the rear end of that engine tender I second all all in favor I motion [Applause] carry come on get it in there get it in there I tell you come on get it in there aoid Johnny get it in there plan there boys as May Tommy Hawk I hereby declare that the tnw has fulfilled his Charter as of noon this day September 5th 1876 [Music] I'm sure glad kid thanks Grandpa here's your bag you won the right to wear that permanent oh no so no you keep it I'm giving up gun playing what by Glory you'll do no such thing no Dodge ever give up with startley was dead in his tracks I know grandpa but I'm not a he I'm a she there's a difference you know how'd you find that out from the man I'm going to get hitch to Johnny I want you to beat my grandpa why you low down pre crawling snake no such thing he's a traveling man a traveling man a drummer why you varant stand back K get away from him stand back I say get clear of him I'd hate to put you away Grandpa well that's the way you feel about it give me my star take my blessing no no Mr Dodge Johnny no kid your grandfather's right I'm not the man for you you said it yourself I get a loose foot no roots but Johnny I love you I love you I love you and I wouldn't make you unhappy for the world but I'd always be on the go home to me it just be a one night Whistle Stop maybe you wouldn't have such a loose foot if if I gave you a permanent limp kid honey there's no use flying in the face of fate I'm warning you if you try to leave I I'll shorten your shoe size I'm throwing shorten kit because when we get back to epap I'm heading east rain for Durango alosa and Points East the bloody Basin Cannonball Leaving On Track one in 30 seconds you you're looking to say goodbye to kit She's Over Yonder how Mr Sweeny have you seen Johnny well I guess this is it Johnny I'll miss you well I'll miss you too you'll be good and take care of yourself and everything Johnny aren't you going to bust me they sure make a nice looking couple go and take it I couldn't [Music] say watch out for yourself dear don't you worry about me honey a man born to travel has a way with the world Johnny you forgot your hat well now so I did oh don't be late for dinner the tomahawk and Weston is always on time all [Music] about [Music] all right folks take a car take a Car Any [Music] [Laughter] Car Deuces all Deuces Johnny you forgot your Cy oh thanks bye kid come on darling girls wait for your father bye bye Connie barara Mar and maryn and [Music] Joyce [Music] bye [Music] me get me [Music] awk get me a towk haww get me aawk way I got to wind up watching a mustache up and for my hair I sure will be Hing it up as soon as I get they got the best Hawk Hawk Hawk [Music] shawk
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Keywords: best western movies, classic western movies, cowboy movies, free western movies, full movie, movies, western, western feature films, western movie, western movies, western movies full length, western movies full length free
Id: edrUPZEfYB0
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Length: 86min 20sec (5180 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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