Fury at Gunsight Pass | Full Movie | Wild Westerns

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] it's all set you did like I told you every step that Satchel's in the bank vault just as pretty as a picture tell me WHYY tell me well I got that Banker right in my fist Mr Hanford I said if I can find the right property I'll be most happy to settle down in your nice little town for the rest of my life great WHYY great I can hear you too I told the bogs first you want to see the fancy Chapel he's got weddings and funerals all in the same place got a real Funeral Home organ paper flowers everything you know living like bugs has for the past three years can ruin a man's thinking now why does he want to help us steal money from the bank you know he could be one to get us caught and collect the reward did you ever see a scorpion catch a snake by the tail well that's his reason wife he'd give his right eye to get away from her he wants to come back ride with Dirk again that's why he's telling us what he knows bogs has been watching that Mormon collection come in all week long it's sitting there now waiting for the transfer to Salt Lake $35,000 after this job I ought to be worth more money on them wanted posters what are they offering for you now Doug 15,000 offered up to 25 for Jesse James you'll make it that high I'm going to die trying what about the sheriff well he's leaving town early in the morning right after a wedding he's riding the honeymoon Stage Coach into the next town won't be back till night when are we going in for the bogs figured about 1:00 it' be right 1:00 everybody's off the streets most of them will be asleep or drunk from the wedding the men anyway be ashamed to wake him up so we'll make a real friendly visit at 1:00 we'll play it safe you and three of the boys go in an hour ahead just like always I'll pick your men oh same gang O'Neal daily okay okay one these days I'm going to get me another sore to do my sewing who else would have you you know when this is all over I'm going to sit me in a barber chair for a whole week just stinking myself up with all those fancy perfumes that's going to be okay okay with me why don't you buy a bass while you're at it a bath and take off my gun all right you four men R in Gunsite at 12:00 the rest of us will ride in an hour later at 1 that's 1:00 sharp you and me will go into the bank together the others will cover us going in and coming up sure like [Music] [Music] always all right we're far far enough away from the others this is the day you mean we're going to take the bank ourselves $35,000 that's almost $9,000 a piece that's better than the four we get sticking with Dirk if Dirk catches up with us we won't be worth a plug nickel while he's not catching up with us the end of the day we're splitting up each man for himself that was agreed on that's okay okay just as long as I'm rich ah me for Mexico going to buy me one of them real fancy Saddles old cover with silver Kos all the way down to the ground get myself one of them pretty mixes and enough toquer to float a horse I'm going to Canada just lay on my back all day in one of them warm Lakes look up at the snow and the Rocks where you going Mighty ah what difference does it make I'm going to head back for the reservation $9,000 they'll make me a chief I'll have my own ha and I won't have to do no more sewing hey wait a minute we're counting wrong what about bogs this year I said we're splitting this four ways I'll take care of bogs it's 11:30 we better hurry up my hands are getting itchy now we're going to take our time we'll hit the bank about 12 I'll ask for my Satchel that's all over that gives us an hour to scatter before Dirk gets in he's going to get a warm reception maybe he'll get shut well it'll be nice if they hanged him [Music] 11:45 and that Minister ain't here yet since I've been living in this town we ain't never had no Minister arrive on time for a wedding yet or for a funeral I figured the wedding be earlier I always say the longer they don't get married the happy the couple will be you're not speaking for me squint Roy Roy how long do I have to wait darling I want to get married don't you look at a Roy Hanford it's unlucky you get to the altar you see my father I saw him going to the bank about 10 minutes ago and don't you talk behind my back if I do it'll only be the best marrying my daughter to a fine boy yeah Kathy deserves the best and so do you doc 20 years around here bringing us into the world listening to us praying with us bearing us yes sir you deserve the best hi Sheriff where do you think you're going this is reserved for the bride and groom oh I'm just chaperon as far as Springdale Pam leit wants me to witness his will you mean Square Sam $5 for the trip and $5 for my witness fee of course I could ramble on about honesty trustfulness Integrity but on a day like this son advice from from your father's downright modeling so I'm not going to give you do I need it you're the last person in the world I'd ever want to disappoint well maybe I should make you stay here and run the bank so I can get away and have a good time you're a little late with the offer aren't you why I'll be Chief Justice of these here United States before Christmas you didn't send me to last school for 3 years for nothing cost your father $3,328 there does money Andy excuse me ladies what you looking you to watch for Mr bogs you're not going anywhere I told you last night my dear I have a business appointment in Clearwater I should leave within the hour this wedding should have been over long ago what difference does it make this appointment might mean the sale of a casket wedding is more important than a funeral leave your watch alone here's the Reverend finally well this is it Roy keep right on loving Kathy as much as I loved your mother I will Reverend you're a m late but everything's waiting and ready my wheel came loose about 6 miles out of town I walked back down the road looking for the nut about three miles and never did find it there I was crawling around in the dust nobody to help me but the good Lord and that piece of rope just as long as you're here Reverend some of us have other appointments look could you make the ceremony only a little shorter this time marriage is nothing to rush into Mr bogs I never make the instructions short I always believe in giving them the full trimmings yes sir always start off with a long prayer then we go into a little organ music then I give him the sermon then a little more organ music and by that time everybody's in the mood and ready for the OS then I always finish with a benediction I got a real nice sermon here too yes sir a real nice one blaspheming the Reverend like that telling him to make his sermon short don't you suppose he knows his business by now and put that watch away or I'll smash it now don't forget you're my best man aren't you coming Andy everything's counted we'll be there we've got to lock up the shop well there only two of us left Andy four of us came to Gunsite now there's going to be just the two of us kind of takes you back doesn't it you and me and Mary and Little Roy yes and the $8,000 from the Pharaoh game you still remember the gamble we took don't include me you gamble with my $100 I never held with gambling and I still don't it's a sin and a fever in the blood once a gam well it paid off it's what got us started here gambling's the same with stealing it's like putting your hand in the other Fell's pocket a gambl is a thief Andy in all these years I've never once touched the scent of the bank's money we got a good reputation now nobody knows about your Wild Streak but me and you will never forget it will [Music] you what are you doing leave those Shades up I'm closing the place for the day there won't be any more business a bank has ours to Andy for once take a holiday even a half a holiday nobody in Town's going to mind well I'm opening up right after the wedding as it is we're doing wrong keeping clothes for a full hour Andy this is no day for us to be arguing now anything you say goes oh there's the warning Andy you're a contener old cuss but I'm kind of fond of [Music] you [Music] [Music] me and O get the money you and on will get the horses near the side door we'll come out there what about bugs he's going to meet us behind the town and that's where we're going to leave him behind the town you sleeping got to hand it to you iy you figure things out okay okay I said bog to cross us up they don't lock banks at 12:00 you said bogs told you the wedding must to start early what's that got to do with a bank being locked everything the bank is son that's getting married yeah the whole town the sheriff they're all over there what are we waiting for we'll break in and blow the Vault up anybody pops his head out we shoot it off no it could be your head first this was going to be simple and that's the way we're still going to play it it's 12:00 Dirk's coming at 1 weddings don't last forever as soon as it's over we'll grab don't blame me The Minister's buggy broke down he was late how long we got to wait I don't know 10 20 minutes at the most you hurry them up I'll try I'd better go now my wife will miss me all right act easy don't look so scared and sneaky maybe we can all use a drink come on squint when you finished wiping those glasses I want you to go out and get that large tub out of the back room Miss clear here he's ready to start making the punch and turn that disgraceful picture around now miss F don't argue with the committee we have rented this establishment for the entire day whiskey whiskey yes sir squint remember oh you see we're having a wedding breakfast here jents I'm sorry to disappoint you but we're not serving any whiskey till after the services and take out this horrible monst I can uh give you some water any charge for watching no everything's free today I can let you have some real good whiskey later on uh thanks we'll try to wait your strangers around here ain't you not exactly I was in town yesterday afternoon left a parcel over with Mr Hanford at the bank came in to pick it up we're looking for some ranching property to buy into oh you aiming to settle around here well maybe these are some of my men we're on our way to Arizona see about bringing up some cattle well Old Man Hanford and his son are Mighty popular people you see we're all trying to make this one day in this town that no one will ever forget well if we can help in any way we'll do our best a wedding shouldn't take all day you can't hurry Reverend Tatum any he's sermon for over two hours here at a wedding one day yeah we don't like to wait we'll wait you got a deck of cards cards yes sir here you are sir take your pick now these will do fine it's 20 minutes to one Adam set up real pretty we're going to get nothing nothing shut up Mrs clear said I could serve you some of the punch thanks we never touch it where D and there singing lousy weding we're not going to get 9,000 a piece D will come riding in any minute we'll have to split it like always we'll only get four must be over breaking up white it's all over got 15 minutes you only need 10 you and o' get the horses to the side door of the bank come with [Music] me hello Mr Hanford oh hello Mr Turner glad to see you again this is Johnny Oaks he's been with me for years howdy I hate to interrupt you on a day like today but I'd like to get that Satchel back that I left with you yesterday oh yes that cash of yours that's right I thought you weren't going to pick it up for a few days well sir that's the way it looked yesterday afternoon but frankly I haven't found any local property that attracts me I'm aiming to take a look around Colorado well if you'll just join me at the wedding party for about an hour I've already lost an hour Mr Hanford my plans depend on my moving on as soon as possible I'll take care of it Charlie you go ahead with Roy well now Andy I'll have to tend to this myself I changed the combination on the safe this morning you changed the combination without telling me why you yes Andy my mind was on Roy in a wedding I just forgot to tell you come along gentlemen now Andy you go on join the party this will only take a minute have some wedding cake and uh the drinks are free anything coming n not a sign 7 minutes to one shs P it that's what you get for trying to hurry you know a day like this a fell can hardly keep his mind on his business his only son leaving I know just how he feel had a meal one time so stubborn I hated him then he took sick had leave him with a fellow one day for Doctrine just one day mind you and I never missed anything so much in my born days save your stories Mr BS yes my de have the chapel cleaned up before you go to clear water yes my dear naturally a toast from the groom a toast from the a toast Roy give us a toast well I uh I don't know any toasts of course I I could recite the village Smithy stand or I could sing coming through the Ry sing coming through the R I love you honey but please no singing of all the toasts in all the world none could match this ring of gold Cut the Cake Cut the Cake Mattery can't figure Charlie changing that safe combination without telling me that's it [Music] drop the S and I'll bring out that church money you'll never get out of town it's 5 minutes to one come on get in [Music] there I can't ride carrying this thing now bring it open fill that Satchel come on make it fast there are four of us you haven't got a chance we've got 3 [Music] minutes help help the bangs being robbed Sheriff everybody they're in there now I don't know how many let got it that [Music] satel [Music] come [Music] on [Music] yeah [Music] I'll take this get rid of it later hide it in one of the [Music] coffins why he was to start anything but we got here he's in [Music] trouble [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] yeah [Music] to the bank there's more up there together at this [Music] out [Music] go [Music] ni this box is empty where's that money I don't know we ain't got it there's another one of them you ran outside come on that's him what you do with the money what you do with it uh the others got away with it they took it from me we shot two of their horses than Kevin you're safe father where's Ry he's in the bank something terrible is C Mr bogs where's Mr bogs where's Charlie Andy he's dead Charlie dead sorry Andy is the money safe this fell ahead it the others took it away from him and got away 35,000 it's gone hold back there hold back nobody's doing any hanging get him to jail we're going to hold it don't make any threats there I'll have to shoot the first man that lays a hand on the prisoners come on there's nothing you can do wrong let the sheriff handle them I've got to go down there ever wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute I want you to keep your senses I'm just as mad about this as any or all of you are we got Law and Order here and we're going to keep it not throw it away never mind the law they're entitled to it and they're going to get it what can us $35,000 they [Music] stole let's go after the others mik we got to get all of them get a py Roy about your father I know Andy thanks for how you feel well what are you waiting for let's get a poses squint Tom col I need 8 10 men get your horses me out what for for murder for robbery ain't that enough they killed Hampford they robbed the bank they didn't take our money we don't want anybody else killed they got clean away the bank was right wasn't our money my man ain't going on no wild goose chase we've got four of them the ones we're in the bank I say hang right hang what we got I found him dead Mr BS is dead they killed Mr BS I just found him you murdered my husband murderers murderers do what we can Mr bugs well doesn't that change your mind first handford and now bugs I want a py we're going to get those killers come on step up there's nobody going with you Sheriff you're a fool of you go we'd be ambushed we have a chance hate cowards all of you they killed my husband forget about the others let's get these here up sh we'll take them anyway they found guilty legal guilty I'll hang them for you you won't have to beg me you were Duty appointed Sheriff of this town you saw the money stolen you saw the men take it you're always shouting about law you got to at least try and get that money back yes you got to try to get it back you're the service your job you offering to come with me no I'm not putting my life in danger that's what we're paying you for I want that money I'll go with you Meer Roy please honey who else is coming nobody let's do the one job we're here to what about you Andy father were alive he would have gone you're his partner it's your responsibility too maybe your father wouldn't have gone Roy I know something you know what what are you talking about that hole up at the bank was no surprise to your father what Mr Ferguson don't say unkind things about the dead truth is truth Mrs bogs when I looked in the bank window I saw Charlie filling a satchel full of money a black one your father put in all the money if he did he had to they made him not from what I saw Andy what are you trying to say he was making them a present of it Andy your father fooled me every foot of the way since yesterday I saying I hate to say it Roy but he was in with the robbers it's an awful thing to say Andy AO thing you can't prove your words I saw him in there handing it to him without even a gun on him even had the shades drawn and that big fella was patting him on the back like an old friend did you ever hear of a thief patting a man on the back while he was taking his money from them unless they were in it together Andy you're lying now stop lying why was your father so anxious to take those men to the bank when I offered to do it there was a reason if he was alive he'd kill you for saying that I've been afraid of something like this why' he change the combination of that safe without telling me said he forgot to tell me it never happened before he changed the combination because he wanted to go into the bank with those men instead of me that's why then he sent me to the wedding breakfast insisted on it why yesterday your father talked and joked for 20 minutes with that one he told me about that it was strictly a business talk it was business all right kind nobody else hears I seen that big fellow coming out of the bank yesterday myself you sure did Mister after I fixed the deal what deal what you just saw we both took a gamble we lost what did I tell you what did I tell you he's a liar are you going to believe a thief you're calling me a thief I'll tell you who's a thief now wait a wait a minute let's not lose our heads want to be legal try them now I'll go on the story me too I'll get you a trial get a message up to the Marshall Tom tell them what happened here everything ask him to come down here tomorrow and bring a judge I'll send a message right away does that satisfy you you've already got these men locked up they'd be glad to put the blame on anybody but it's the others we got to get and we're wasting time you just try and get a py together on your way Roy get out out of time like you planed not now I'm not leaving here till my father's name is cleared I'm not going anywhere there'll be a trial tomorrow now everybody up my poor precious husband SW him handing over the money giving it to him didn't surprise me at all Ferguson's talking like a fool Roy it's like a nightmare first dad being been killed now Andy's wild talk I'm glad you said you weren't leaving Roy I don't want to go either not this way that old bird out there talking about Hanford being mixed up with us saves our necks they can't get us for murder not now anfred was a partner partner sure he was in this with us ran his own risks it's the law yeah yeah he got himself killed off his a bank robber and that old Ferguson's our best witness what happened to that money bgs got it he said he was going to hide it in one of the cpin well that'll work for us too sooner or later it'll end up under 6 feet of dirt Rob and the bank will only send us up for a few years all right suppose they give us more than six years six years we'll be back [Music] bound to get someone for sure we want Justice I can't get any message on our town I can't reach no place the wires have been cut now listen to me folks listen with some common sense I can't get any message out of town maybe the others are coming back to rescue the four we've got if they try it there's bound to be more killing there's only one thing to do get these men North now get him safe in a larger Jail who's coming with me Sheriff's right I'll ride with the sheriff bushley Cowley Mason let's back make her up enough I need about a dozen men Sam I'm leaving you in charge of the Town he'll be back in three 4 days at the most as soon as I turn him over you better give me the badge I'm going with you Meer no Roy you got things to do well maybe week month away they'll send down for you and Andy anyway you don't want to leave handy around to rile the town of against you being here you can start to put the pieces together you stay with Kathy I'm coming fair enough get horses have the prisoners tied and mounted Sheriff you're going to get your whole puy most of the men have calmed down little good we leave from out front better to send someone out to find that break get those lines fixed Tom's taking two men out now good all right let's move [Music] [Music] right you're just asking for more trouble remaining in gunsight pass Martin you knew my father well you know that he wouldn't I know one thing like father like son you're a bad taste around here we don't want you this town Sam if you want to leave town nobody will stop you Sam what do you say I live here you don't anymore Kathy what's the matter with [Music] everybody Kathy I was wrong Roy we shouldn't stay here I have to but they'll never forgive or forget but I can't run out on this Dad wasn't in with those thieves but you couldn't prove it in a lifetime besides they want us to go no now you go home honey but Roy this is our wedding day I'm seeing Andy [Music] now you know everything you said about Dad is a lie don't you your father was a Godless man he was a God-fearing man a good man and now you damned him why surely you don't believe what you said answer me your father was giving him the money they weren't taking it from him he was handing it to him and they weren't using any Force couldn't that why he have been holding a gun on him no I saw very clearly nobody was holding a gun on him nobody I was looking through the front window I saw your father's face and he knew what he was doing and he was doing it [Music] willingly [Music] I'm not a judge Andy but whoever tries this case will break your Twisted story nothing you can say will bring back that money it's a terrible loss not to you I'll take on every sen of it you haven't any money I'm selling everything dad owned except his interest in this bank I'll raise 10 or $12,000 and the balance I'll pay back out of my salary here and the bank profits not coming into this business oh yes I am by law and by Dad's will I inherit his assets and his liabilities if it takes a rest of my life I'll pay back every penny of that stolen money and your father's name comes down from both those windows his name stays up and mine goes up too make up your mind Andy I'm going to be around here for a long long time how come you're so trusting I ain't sure that's all it's not like him what more do you need to make you're sure Whitey and the rest of them inside the bank doing a hole up without us we lose two horses nearly get all shot up and you don't think it's a double cross if you lost your marbles you're told why need to wait until you got there wait you said do nothing stay out of trouble and cover us coming in and cover us going out yeah they'll cover Us in the face with the Spade shut up they figured to grab and run they had a whole hour their way just them I can't shut up my thinking bu he hasn't got the guts to double cross me we're going into town and take him out of that jail not using my hide you want that money don't you well it's back there and we're getting it tonight they'll be waiting for us Dirk you don't know where to find the money they could have taken it out of the bank and moved it somewhere else now we get the bog he know where it is what you figure they ain't riding like they're hunting anybody look they got white the others got them all roped inside right far to hang them n they could have hung him in town most likely that Sheriff's soft hearted taking them up North for a legal trial shares can get awful legal soon as they're elected well man and posy don't figure anybody will attack him either attack him I thought we were going in for the money yeah with all those men out of town it'll be that much easier we're going to town all right but we're getting white any others first and now mean the four of us against all of them we're as good as Dead four men can hold up a train with 100 passengers and we have done it we can hold them up full District once at Grant Falls none of you boys were with me white he was it worked good I want you three men to get behind and above them when they start moving into that narrow spot I want you to spook them make it sound like an ambush I'll be up ahead I'll do the rest [Music] hold out of those prison ride through that cut come on [Music] yeah I don't nobody think they can do any fancy shooting anybody else feel like reaching for their shooter go ahead try it all right get them back against those rocks off your horses come on D the old Grant Falls trick Grand F you remember you got no reason to be sorry haven't I you want me to kiss you you done what I told you to do we wouldn't had this trouble things got kind of lost up sure they did with your help with you doing the thinking can we move the sheriff here out of the sun you can move him anywhere you want he's dead sure I switched your orders I had to I found out from bogs at the last minute they''re going to haul the money out on the stage coach right after the wedding at 12:30 you were do in at 1 don't you see the only thing we could do is try and get the money before they sent it out of town get cut waited until I got on the stage coach and face a 100 people headed by the sheriff or they'd wipe us out you was playing it cute Wy You' have played it just the same way and tried to keep the money for yourselves wouldn't you you got a bad mind Forest you believe him Dirk now why would I do that why would any of us do it all the years we've been riding together you're trying to crush me up Forest he's entitled to think so am I I'll give you a break here cut him loose you got no reason to be sore anyway you got the money what the bank money the 35,000 you were going in and get it tonight okay here says he sure thought you got it me you crazy I came out of the bank with it the money was in a satchel so what makes you think I got it so you came out of the bank with it then what what happened to it well dke they were shooting all around us I saw you coming down the street so I dropped it where you could see it D you I got cornered in an alley I couldn't get back to the Satchel I sure thought you had it nobody in town has it they almost strung us up because they ain't got it oh you knew we didn't get it how would I know DK everybody in the town thinks you got it all right don't take my word for it ask him the doc yo don't bother with him doc what about that bank money didn't you take it no I didn't take it I have a lie to you Dirk well somebody's got that money in that town bogs ever get his hands on it bogs what's bogs got to do with this I didn't see bogs none of us did he was killed hiding real nice and safe in the funeral paror that's what he found the body didn't they doc was he in this with you just answer where do you say they found him in his undertaking room they ain't got it bogs ain't got it we ain't got it well somebody's got it we're going in town and find it take their guns we can't tackle that town alone and why not we've got most of their gunman right here not all of them you got water in your guts okay we're not going to surprise anybody though we'll see now grab the best horses let's get moving no more mistakes you and him bring the sheriff let him get Buri decent got a warm spot my heart for shares especially dead ones move men on your horses all right move along get on your [Music] horses [Music] [Music] ice squint help me with this lad h buy your drink wash the sand out of your [Music] [Music] teeth [Music] truth is truth Mrs BS when I looked in the bank window Charlie was filling the Satchel with money nobody but you saw any Satchel a black one your father put all the money in it [Music] $35,000 [Music] [Music] I won't pay for that pain of glass if I don't playay s for this storm coming up storm ain't going to take out any glass I'm [Music] putting [Music] [Music] [Music] round everybody out move them up in front of the salon men women everybody [Music] [Music] keep moving across the street [Music] [Music] [Music] come Dam you ain't going [Music] nowhere what are you doing what ain't you done enough shut up keep your hands up get all our guns put their pistols in your saddle bag you don't want to be Sheriff look what happens to sheriff I want that $35,000 of bank money now who has it thought you got away with don't get smart I said I wanted Sam no look I'm not fooling you if you haven't got the money we don't know who happens I'm giving you a half hour to come across with it and I'm not fooling you all right it's 4:30 every half hour I don't have that money in my my hand I'm shooting one of your men every half hour somebody's going to get shot till that cash gets tossed forward now we wouldn't be here if we had it we get sensible even be a little reward for the one who tells us where it is nobody knows where the money is who's got the money from the bank Let's Wait a half hour and see I about something to drink while we're waiting out that half hour I got a thir spilling up since Kansas City all right go on get him some whiskey get them off those horses get them up there in the par wait for the guns now move their horses [Music] away look what I found came all the away from St Louis honey nobody coming forward with that cash when they know they're going to get shot going to have to kill a lot of people [Music] [Music] if they ain't got the money maybe Fox got it after all box could have seen okay drop the satch Box could have crawled out and got it P back to his place and hit it and then got killed couldn't he ain't it worth a look I tear out that funeral room you're wasting your time bogs wasn't even on the street that's right that's right get her out of here I hadn't thought about Mr bugs taking it maybe he did and maybe he didn't you're ready to blame everybody else ain't you where were you during the fight me he run over to the bank and saw everything through the window that's what I mean saw everything you must have seen that Satchel I didn't find it who'd want the money more he found it and he hit it I didn't take any money you've been shouting quite a lot accusing your dead partner just to turn the plane from yourself you already said Hood was in with you he wasn't in with us and you blamed him anyway I'd say anything to get out of jail I'm out why you dirty stay right there then you did kill hre somebody did he died trying to save the money you picked it up during the fight where'd you put it ah this is all wild talk wouldn't he put it back in the safe F nobody looked there now yeah smart old Buzzard ain't you no wonder no one else in town knows where it is what do you say we go over and open your little safe I can't open the safe what' I tell you excuse after excuse only Hanford knew the combination and you a partner he's telling the truth we'll see come on come on you you and him real buddies now huh you went on Sting the money too see dark I told you it couldn't have been bar we'll open it for you you'll blow it to Kingdom come get these horses out of the wind they ain't being hurt they'll get blind it I'll find a SP I'll take him you going on back over [Music] [Music] [Music] there [Music] it's not in there well we'll shoot you first if it ain't all right get back all of you come on get out of here side door look that [Music] way you all right yeah why are you doing this for me maybe to prove something if we could get to the Sheriff's office there are guns there can you shoot I guess so come on [Music] [Music] they took them all we've got to get guns most of them in the saddle bags are they their horses yeah Roy the storm is on our side we can find their horses Andy I'll take a chance with you and Roy I was so wrong about your father yeah you were [Music] now [Music] don't touch [Music] it I found it Dirk you don't say you found you knew where it was all the time didn't you you figured to get me to blow up the safe while you get the loot I didn't figure it that way Dirk I'm wise to you Whitey You' have run out Dirk I found it I wanted to make sure that I was going to tell you you and me spit the money get away in that storm out there let the others run it's you and me WHYY I don't need you anymore I'm not even going to miss [Music] you [Music] [Music] empty you seen anything of the K of the old man they ran out I ain't seen a hi nothing but them shots let dirt find him I'm through hunting I'm half blind [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] a [Music] we'll have to get to the other side of Bo's Chapel that's where Whitey took the horses the guns are on them they'll see us we'll have to take that chance this is bugs the money she has it in her Shaw she's in the stable trying to escape with it you and Kathy get the guns go with him wait Mrs bars don't be a fool get out of here you can't do this Mrs bars give me the money no no you can't stop me now get out of here get out of [Music] [Music] here [Music] hey got we got [Music] your she's dead come on let's [Music] go throw down the money I'll stop shooting I got plenty of bullets at a [Music] time [Music] get [Music] St all right all right stay back it's all over get these bodes out of here more of them dead we got the others Mrs box she had the money all the time she put the whole town in Jeopardy including herself people they do all sorts of things good and evil maybe using this made up for something I guess a lot of us got a heap of apologizing to do I don't know where to begin Roy I really don't know maybe we can start by picking up the broken pieces together [Music] Andy up on top all for they sure going to miss me back in the reservation I'll tell you that yeah they're going to miss me in Mexico how we going to spend my wi vacation in the Canadian Rockies get up there you're lucky to be alive youngers have a nice day for father happy tripe dear I'll be careful to us now you here I will don't forget to look up my cousin in Washington all right show you a real time remember Kathy a poor ST means a good finish and may all your troubles for little ones so long squin goodbye Roy good luck to you goodbye doc I'm very happy Roy so long Andy Roy won't you stay and help me run the bank everybody wants you to stay sorry Andy but Kathy and I think it would be better this way besides I never could add anyway on little cage do this time we both needed it come along [Music]
Channel: Wild Westerns
Views: 115,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walker texas ranger, walker texas ranger clips, fight scene, chuck norris fight, chuck norris chase, police drama, crime show, martial arts, walker texas ranger full episodes, walker texas ranger fight scene, walker texas ranger 2021, walker texas ranger song, fury at gunsight pass, neville brand, david brian, full movies, cowboy movies, western movies, free movies, best western movies, free western movies, wild west
Id: hU4RnnbkEBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 24sec (4044 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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