Return To Lonesome Dove: Part 1 - The Vision | Full Episode

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[Music] e [Music] h [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] one of the capan Cole is he here I have nine daughters they all were Dres what is it you want a cup of water come do I know you my name is Austina Vega there go a common name it's a great name I rode with Benito Vega for many years now you work for a ranger Captain Wars are over where is he do you know Montana he went back you only stayed one night he's crazy Captain call all rivers to cross he said I should go to I cross two many rivers already people leave that's the way it is can cross all them Rivers he [Music] wants [Music] well leave it to you Augustus first man I know get himself in the shooting scrape after he's [Applause] dead [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] he that's some damn water here oh your horses help you thought you might help me find Gideon Walker Gideon Walker don't guess we know him get in Walker Texas Rangers heard he was here San Antonio oh that fell he claims he was a ranger was a ranger road with Captain gustus McCrae on the finest answer of the call if you say so I do say so no offense Mister just seems peculiar why is that a man fought all the battles he claims he has being a dress maker dress maker we really shouldn't be doing this like to speak to getd in Walker he is busy seor he's in the feeding room it's 3:00 my husband he's going to pick me up at 3:00 is Mrs Wentworth ready she's in the feeding room Mrs Wentworth hello dear thank you so much Mr Walker I do appreciate you're getting right to it always was a pleasure ma'am Mr Wentworth sure do Envy you your banker's hours do you need a deposit on the dress no no no sir I trust you oh my God have call Ranger Walker what a sorry sight you are Captain don't judge me too harshly good thing g ain't around see what you come to it's all just my grief showing my wife died four months ago and I've been hurting for a woman's touch well I am sorry to hear that but like they say as you seow so shall you reap I believe that's a true statement let me buy a drink we'll sit and talk after all it's been some time captain may we just have a [Music] talk me and Dolly wouldn't married 6 months she got hit by a runaway freight wagon happened right here right out in front on her way to the Dress Shop she died instant lost a wife inherited a business all in the blink it's a good business dress maker you didn't Walker you are in a different world same world Captain different times Gus used to say a man's like a river got to keep on flowing where the force of nature takes you you must Miss old Gus to Captain Augustus McCrae to the sunny slopes long ago had an idea you might help me run some Mustangs up to Montana cuz it was you first showed me the herd that time you and Augustus no point with that now seeing you are as I find you but I am fixing to take that herd well that's fine Captain I appreciate you even consider telling me about it besides I'm through with ranching I do wish you'd uh reconsider your feelings about me though I know I must look a little funny here but after all I'm just a human you too woodro no offense but you made your mistakes too what about that Maggie you throw that child with what was his name n wasn't it we just had our last conversation for quite some time on our way Captain I'm Mr Walker I owe you something for my wife's dress oh [Music] drop it drop that pistol he missed he missed it woodro he missed my bean by two Ines yes sir I'm all right I'm going to be all right oh [Music] [Music] what's all that commotion out there did you get my buggy doctor's downstairs holding back quite a little crowd all concerned with the health of your private parts I reckon hand me those clothes although just how private them Parts ours the question ain't it untie this thing with you with draw I got to get out of here before someone else finishes the job for if the truth be known I I've sold quite a few dresses lately please give me a hand with this thing might be I have to just let you sit in the SM your own cooking for a while I've learned my lesson woodro I've learned it well and good now please help me with this I'd forgotten how truly perverse you can be put your pains on JM lift up your side a little stop there Lippy bring your side up some hold it there the Hat Creek Cattle Company you can't read P how the hell you know that's what you wrote read the same as it did on gusy sign and I read it just how I remembered it was Jim lift your side up a tad bed good hold it there tie it off you come pry Lippy hell Lippy can't read neither people know where they going don't need a sign to tell them where they got that don't make no sense this ain't the Hat Creek we are 200 Rivers north of the godd dang hat Creek that's who we are it says so right up there to prove it he Ben Spike them post good and hard on the downhill slopes snow comes he'll catch drifts I ain't no s Buster I'm a top hand I didn't sign on and drive cattle all the way to the Milk River to wind up digging in the dirt and hammering Nails not doing nothing none of the rest of us ain't doing Jasper I don't see new swinging though Hammer new trange boss Captain [Music] said I wonder where the captain is now I wonder when he's coming back how do we know he's coming back at all captain always coming back gust didn't that was different well how is it any different it's the same Trail same Indians same damn Rivers and he's trying it twice as many times as we did Audrey twice as high he's got twice as many arrows in him as Gus has Jasper don't be carrying on that way about the C no more inion get your horses over the r all right it's coming from the south get your guns too come on help out boys [Music] [Music] don't [Music] oh shoot Rustler's that draw someone up that hill shooting at me come on [Music] boys I got [Music] him get the hell out of here [Music] there two more I [Music] see Running Iron they were changing Brands all right here Circle K must be that spread north of here Kenworth well there's one of ours should barely caught one right through this throat nuk B boys keep an eye on that Hill look around are you hit what are you staring at you never seen tape before how bad is it it's just a scratch here son of a we got to get you to Mile City a dock just take me home what where's that Kenn Warth [Music] I took that off for suit chief tried to Ram it through me see your dubs yes sir Greg got D Mr dunan people call me n what you drink you well I I don't much really I was born lucky M but you doing what you did today was as big a piece of luck as I know love that g more on life we just heard the shots nonsense you wrot to them too many thieving bastards forcing the way into Montana right now single m Scottish whiskey smells like Heather tastes like Honey B Deeds good neighbors cheers I never tasted honey like that before and bees must left their Stingers in it so you're a Tex yes sir a Bonnie is that cowboy who brought me back still here with me again all right will you bring me my brush in my mirror you need rest no I've got thanks to say would you just give them for me and let Mr jna get another that I'm ready to see him all right yes ma'am all right thank you 3,000 miles that's a hell of a drive yes sir and this m you work for call Captain call i m Texas Rangers finest mounted fighters ever was I'm told I wouldn't know sir are you Texas Ranger new no sir did you bring any Texas Rangers with you well pi and needle rered some Pi needle and Gus C McCrae but he died and so did deets an Indian killed him with a lance like that one and Jake spoon the captain hanged him hung one of his own men Jake went off on his own filing with some Killers I ain't exactly sure what happened but I watched the C hang him sounds like a hard mind this Captain yes sir but he's fair and you're loyal I like that Mr dun again I want to see that boy I think I should be getting back to the outfit now oh no no I can't have you doing that you leave without seeing her little be H to pay here come on [Music] [Music] is it's good to see you better swe thank you oh I knew you want to have a few words with Mr THS I'll go and see about dinner all right ma'am it's Ferris yes ma'am I mean I mean Ferris ma'am look I'm happy you ain't hurt so bad but I should be getting back to my outfit now oh you can't why not because I said see that's how it works around here whatever I say goes did you ever feel a feather bed feathers no ma'am oh come see how it feels I thought cowboys were supposed to be bold and daring some I guess so what happened to you I don't know ma'am listen you saved my life and you got a job here as long as you want one well thank you but I have a job this is the biggest Ranch Montana we got Furnishing from Europe in a private Library as good as any in Boston that's not good enough for you well it's fine it's it's just are you sure you don't want to see this feels come on go it's all it's nice does anyone feel like [Music] eating I got a ride that's nonsense n if you think we'll let you go on empty his stomach you certainly don't know [Music] me and you certainly don't know my [Music] wife [Music] [Applause] [Music] reminds me of the first time we found this Valley we was pretty much running free as they was back then SE our oats where we pleased you was anyway I'm sure that was on our way back from that trouble down south with that gal old Gus was so stuck on what was her name the one with the Bandit brother Serena Vega that's it Serena there was nothing Serena about her though she was as wild as any Philly out there oh hell woodro I'm sorry long time ago so you really want to drive these Mustangs to Montana free for the taking that taking ain't going to be easy ain't nothing worth doing it's easy we'll give you this idea C all them Graves I reckon M should leave more behind than an old board hammered in a sorry piece of dirt what is it exactly you plan on leaving behind real c py one head's full run a few strides hold speed a good distance you see a horse like that down there what I see don't exist yet but you cross them shooted little Fireballs with some rugged Spanish stock throw in some of them High Strung Racers out of England they're breeding now Kentucky you got it I see the Mustangs where you going to get blooded racing stock in Texas we're a long way from Kentucky Nebraska Clare Allen you men fences with her as I recall you were never the best of friends I got plan for that there Allen's got a bunch of blooded Mar she's been breeding Colts out of from Spanish studs and Mustang dad you might have the perfect horse kind of horses you're talking about ought to be worth something in new cow country like Montana that's what I've been thinking I'd surely like to go along on this well I ain't fixing on joning up the drive till Nebraska well I will heal up shortly and be fit in every way but uh how would we push these Mustangs all the way to Montana I got just a man for [Music] that mama I got the [Music] last howy there man' this is Nathan the little one remember the baby and Lizzy can't believe how they grow Elizabeth that bag on the pack horse for you you and your mama yes sir is's on a horse as usual young thank these R mutual friend of ours uh had a dress shop going out of business [Music] oh [Music] [Music] boy I'm getting a little old for that I some piig you ain't change the to gab them C come on let's get us some coffee who you making that telegram from c n oh how's n been sometime I left the Nana in charge I'm certain all as well yeah I'm sure I'm sure want him to meet me at Clare Allens in O how do you spell oala I don't generally uh o j La I plan for n get me a good price I'm clear Alan she favors boy at least she has in the past how much you charge for these telegrams anyway they charge by the word don't they by the word by the letter maybe no each word oh Mustang Valley huh we take that Bunch all the way up to Montana yeah idea what you think about that well could be done heard Mustangs a little tricky though get in Walker right now picking up a trail crew what about your brother Isaac he's the one I was hoping you'd ramrod this operation for me but it is dangerous work driving through the Nations I won't be with you till the Braska probably yeah you want me to leave all of this here for steady work and steady [Laughter] wages what's Montana like Captain oh it's it's pretty is your smile well guess we just have to go on up there and see right I'd like to thank you boys for turning out what about the jobs I'm sorry son I need more experience Mister we've been pushing cow since we could set a saddle well we're driving wild horses this time just how much experience you need I'm looking for some other qualities as well we shoot as good as we ride I don't doubt that before you come off looking down your nose at us this won't get you nowhere son I ain't your son ain't no damn farm boys going to tuck his tail between his legs and slink off neither I meant no offense and I'll take none if you let me buy you and your friends and here a drink you had two good legs we'd find out who's better I think not you ain't nothing but a crippled coward here I'll buy you that drink anyway those men these were what they got but I wish i' handle that different but I lost my temper you are going to Montana yes ma'am with wores that's right you and Captain McCrae had a great success in Montana Captain McCrae see I hear how you brought him back after he was dead everybody has and now you need men and I know where there are men who need work where's that just across the river Mexican a good vako is worth two of your Texas Cowboys better with horses everybody knows that too Captain call well I'll give you what you say about good BOS when you see him but I must correct you on one point my name is Walker Gideon Walker they told me Captain call was hiring me I work with Captain call where is he why it doesn't [Applause] [Music] matter you have a name [Music] Senor Austina you [Music] coming [Music] what [Music] for you live here I work here what kind of work anything I can to [Applause] [Music] help [Music] [Applause] w [Music] good enough you say you work what do you do I ride with them I can rope and I'm good with business too so do we have a deal I'm just thinking how Captain Call's going to receive a bunch of Mexicans and a woman too Hell Fire I'll tell you that Carlos Ian Walker carlosa these are his men this is Carlos mother hanana and his children Miguel Sophia and Edo Sal seor Walkera Walker oh no no no no no no no [Music] no look at that your is a pretty sight ain't it different from cows ain't nothing easy about this Trail is weather engines rustlers likely get you fill of all oh look at here my brother Isaac the only one he'd ever come out of the hills for is Sarah how you ever find him I'd like to know now where's he going he don't burn much daylight I didn't even stop say hady no not to us [Music] [Music] sh [Music] now will you look at that that ain't even moving [Music] [Music] a I can't hardly believe my eyes what I'm seeing [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] is that him it is [Music] Hy woodro I was looking for half dozen good man yes sir we got him plus agustina here rides like the wind throws a mean Loop to boot I might have noted it'd go to this before you go getting all frothy it ain't what you think he was looking for better man than he could find in Texas it was a sorry lot in San Anton boys mostly and a bunch of Meaney types you wouldn't trust his far as you could spit these men know horses and you know yourself would BR there'd be no cowboys in Texas or anywhere else if it weren't for their kind who's noer [Music] here what's your [Applause] name k sayama Carlos Herrera Carlos Herrera let me see that rifle Who belongs grandma on them kids this is Carlos's mother her name is Wana the children belong to Carlos Carlos wife is dead he won't go with the children W takes care of them good pace and do some work nice and clean too Carlos don't go neither do the MOs I've been over this with the girl these men are top notch I've seen them work and crack shots too every one of them except grandma maybe capan driving wild horses is not driving cows these men are not Cowboys they're Horsemen where'd you learn your English the sisters at Santa clarisas I was raised there convent school I too can outride your Cowboys Captain their Village is poor the wages these men send back Will Keep women and children alive hey maskin or we're going nobody speaks Mexican how they going to look after their s they're going to be with us we ain't got time nurse made people don't even know what the hell we're talking about anyway they can learn like any other people can let me handle this no I will teach them Captain you are right it will be hard enough for them in a strange place by the time we get to Montana they will know English I just see about that see about all that well I seen your surprise now you come see mine you all to stay here here he is big as laugh damn it all wood Ro you said you got us a good top hand not some baldheaded horse thief no now you better watch you call him baldheaded I might have to put a hole in that other leg now good to see you again Asel you're too Gideon that's some H ain't it you bet I judge you good Horsemen good men too they sit real straight in the saddle and them children they are be good for Nathan and Lizzy it's all done then I reckon hope you brushed up on your sign language [Music] n newe got that from the captain that Mr Krueger gave it to me said the M forgot it was in there well you forgot something ain't you P what we need somebody to read it for us it ain't for me got your name on there he never mind Greger I think I'll go over to the General Store for a minute all right I'll be here all right n howdy it's good to seeing you yes ma'am I thought we got past that Ferris this here's p Parker hi howdy so did you get a telegram just now it's good news I hope well I don't know I was heading over to the sheriff to see if he was going to the sheriff it's from Texas Captain woodro call I know that I know would you like me to read it for you will here n meet me Claire Allen's ogalala take Jasper leave p in charge Capt woodro F call we're expecting something else no thank [Applause] [Music] you you'll be leaving then I suppose we'll travel safe thing yes ma'am Ferris ma' I I will hope to see you when you get back I do [Music] [Music] too get get up dude why are you recking the C said take Jasper and not me cuz he wants you in charge know Jasper to give you nothing but trouble Lord I wish it was one of the other boys I recall Captain done all the thinking for us you done good while you've been doing it Lord I don't believe I I trust you as much as the captain P more even cuz you ain't never held nothing back from [Music] me you're an honest man P remember how Gus used to say the worst an honest man can do is make an honest mistake mistake a mistake dude C said like he ain't never made one but he has P he has when was that new day I was [Music] born [Music] no ow [Music] and brother Years be tall yeah pretty interesting all right that horse pretty good keep's A prer distance from that girl now you getting ready to pull out might as well ride hot as cold meet you up at Clare alens stay west of the Nations keep a good eye out daylight and night like the kway or Cheyenne ring around you best take a piece of own advice Captain we going to get all these Mustangs over L all of so you there then English [Music] a [Applause] don't spook this horse if you want chew with a full set of [Applause] teeth what you all lathered up about uh telegram from Texas oh from Captain call woodro [Applause] call I think he wants a pair no why something to see huh bir of wild Mustangs I have seen them so many it looked like the whole country was running see uh I went through the stock and picked out some good mares and I thought maybe that big Chestnut from Kentucky might interest a captain for stud don't need to spend time on that you want your toy I didn't Captain say he's going warn by breeders when he gets here girls he's had enough why don't you get him cleaned up and tucked in for me will you he's rather fragrant it's all right Mama He's just Clara that chestnut's going to sire some good Cs and he'd do real well by the captain why he thinks I'd sell my best doll Dock's a mystery to me we have better things to do than to break our ncks get ready for him to show up he's not been invited and he's not welcome I don't need to be attended to it's going to be some Lonesome nights till we get to Nebraska at least we ain't pushing cows no we ain't poking nothing neither lesson we decide to stop in mile city on the way have us a little night to remember we got country to cross Jasper some girls at squirrel tooth betties ain't too shiny new but they can damn sure show man a good time not this trip the captain's waiting on us ain't you your own man n just one night you been there hell yeah I've been there man been in Montana for year ain't been to squirel tooth Betty's hell not as fresh as you are they'll probably pay us okay let's go one night come on get up I had no idea there were so many people in Montana I unfortunately you don't suppose it's the celestial violins that attracts them do you free land attracts him any man with a long rope and enough nerve has all a coply needs to thrive here it could be carved up by little men with little dreams within a blink of an eye in your investment along with a gentleman yes but what you propos to do about it this is rather large territory you can't police it all when enough people come they'll cry out for State they'll carve up your empire into little pieces eventually wouldn't you say not as long as I'm here they might if you two wish to protect your investment and I need all the support I can get i'll lead the way all you two have got to do is have the courage to follow you understand [Music] [Applause] [Music] Meo for me my friend water for our horses and a little bitty mget for the dogs bottle there we go grab them glasses new we ain't here for a long time we're here for a good [Music] time you know I don't think that whole bottle will make any of them look like blue bonnet flowers well yeah well they look a whole lot better through the bottom of the glass you've been here before yes ma'am J pants this here is n do n is cute be careful girls old n's a bad ombre from hat Creek oh where's that you know where hat Creek is well hell girl everybody knows where hat Creek is it's in Texas are you really a bad man honey the further up the creek they live the better they get old n he lives in the camp way past the last cabin hell he raised by She Wolf PE D MOS SK being you is going upstairs oh he was too busy getting drunk well I'm drunk enough now now come on we're talking to these boys from Texas textas hell I knew I smell cow flop let's go come on ouch turn her loose what turn her loose before I Turn You Loose from your teeth oh God stop [Music] [Applause] [Music] jper going to be hurting tomorrow turn [Music] around nobody spits on me Jas Pull It nuk come on nuk is he no don't do it hey [Music] no [Music] on what are you doing we got to cross this river right behind us [Applause] probably you seen it N I just did what I had to do I saw you gun A Man In Cold Blood Better you took a thrashing than kill a man to spit on you yeah well you shot to I had to damn you desper you feel that way maybe you shouldn't have run with me maybe I shouldn't have it's hard to think when you just shot a man got to strung you up Newton you know it you don't want to die just get on that horse Let's cross this River keep going till dark no I ain't running no more more the only thing I did wrong was run I don't think they'll hang me for that you're a fool they ain't going to listen to us we don't know anybody back there where you going I'm going back what she going to leave me huh you're out on your old buddy after all we come through together all the way from Texas I guess we don't see it the same Jasper it's about as wrong as running gets I ain't scared of you [Applause] yell SN SN what's going to happen to me don't seem there's ever nobody can [Music] say [Music] [Music] for howy where you headed Yonder [Music] noticed you picnicking join me thanks all the same going back to Montana now captain [Music] I know you someplace you're a famous man Ranger Trailblazer crazy damn thing you did bringing a man back 3,000 Mi to bury him some say goodl looking animal always heard we Dr called nose horses nice looking pain fancy rig too and from the Nations partial to Silver black like you Daddy was a Buffalo Soldier Nam of Jackson mama took up with the Cherokees after he died raised up a real sick Stone Cold Killer goes by the name Cherokee Jack I've done something to offend you Captain you in offense the whole civilized World Cherokee unbuckle it careful now you might say something I take personal wouldn't that just break my heart and too ain't too late to forget we ever met like it but I can't drop it there too bad we'll be gone for whoever you're waiting for shows P up going someplace special Captain nearest Army Post Fort Dodge reckon they'll be happy to see it and I [Music] [Music] am over 40 Mi East they hate to take you so far out your way try not concern yourself move you know the [Music] way tired of right now you one of them hack Creek boys sure I am will you tell them inside say their prayers cuz we're going to send them both to Hell got here as quick as I could let's have that gun easy there's a line on the floor don't go no closer how to pee it's good to see you n you go blind pee we're in jail probably going to hang us I was talking to n well good then you keep it that way what do you want to do I don't know P I'm thinking on it wish the captain was here well he ain't we got to think for ourselves go on now you get back from that wall come on that's why I was thinking you got to get the boys together you got to break us out of here quick shut up Jasper ain't you got us in enough trouble if I hadn't listened to you I wouldn't be in this iron Hotel getting ready to get if I had listen to you we wouldn't be here stretch your neck stranger here P you got to send a telegram to Mrs Allen send a telegram how do I do that go to the telegram office just tell them what you want to say they do the rest what do I want to say you want to send it to Mrs Clara Allen in ogalala Nebraska say Dear Mrs Allen we had some shooting in mil City none of us is hurt but Newton Jasper in jail please tell Captain call can you remember that all of it P what good half of it going to do Jasper you can do a pee just listen send it to Mrs Clara Allen M Clara Allen in ogalala Nebraska ogalala Nebraska yeah that's it uh-oh now [Music] [Applause] what hit for that [Applause] golly [Applause] KY R it going to want these [Music] [Music] horses h of a shotgun give me my guns keep shooting C comes another [Music] one civilized world of just kep we ain't part of it now you take all the time you need to think it over but that's my price well it's an awful stiff PR but they are good horses what you get well I think there's a letter here for you and your mama sure take the captain over to the north range show them our three-year-old see Mama Mama Del there's a letter from Lina let me carry it let me come on girls don't argue don't argue s give that to me come on give it to [Laughter] me what it say mama yeah what does it say my dearest family I have it last arrived in San Francisco much of what it took to get here was probably at too great a cost but I'm here nonetheless I was surprised by dish in Salt Lake and finally convinced him that no event of nature could make me content to be his woman though he is a true friend I cannot force myself to love him so he has gone away the money from Gus allows me to live in a comfortable fashion and I'm obliged to Mrs McDonald my land lady for setting down these words for me I've missed all of you every minute I've been away so it should not surprise you that one day you'll look up and there I'll be look out from the big city your faithful friend Lorina wood mama is Lina coming back now no honey she always dreamed to go in there probably some time before she gets her F again oh mama I want to go visit her Len to me both you listen to [Music] me if you care for someone if you truly care for him you got to set him free but you always keep him in your heart you see that's where they live you understand what I'm saying good cuz next time I'm missing her you remind me all right go on put away the supplies I'll get the flowers back I'll put away the [Music] apple and this come too yeah it's thought better giving it to you in front of the girls and telegram never seem to bring good news oh Lord n's got in some trouble he's locked up in jail with another one of the captain's Boys in jail for a dull man woodro manages to stir up a heap of trouble me some them boys out there want to hang us and one damn Sheriff ain't going to stop them n you hear me n about Dark 30 me you better think of some way to get out of here then you can let these two out well these boys don't work for you Mr dunan I'm aware of that but they're going to I saw what happened those two men deserve what they got I I still got my job to do Mr dunan I I can't let nobody go L the judge says so Ben got a why here me get you to change your mind Governor well well he still ain't a judge sir and and those fellas outside tell me Ben how much is this shotgun worth I old thing maybe $20 when I bought it [Music] well seeing as how you you got a telegram and all from the governor that in my paren you can let them out there they are what the hell's going on in there now you bring those two out here or we're coming in after these men work for Mr dunan they're hat Creek boys they don't work for dunan the Governor's paroling them into his care govern do that you can't do that now you gentlemen saw what happened back there in the saloon didn't you and you know those two boys got what they deserve but let me tell you something if you come here to get these men then you got to kill me first do you hear [Music] me your horses are at delivery you can settle them Donan sir how are you my Al I saw you backck of the saloon you do that again and I'm going to shoot you yes sir I saw you too I told you before I admire loyalty in a mind I admire it more when it's better placed what happened in the M shot one died immediately yours took a little longer now go and get your horses uh breakfast is at Sun Li work finishes at dark new come here is it your first killing [Music] boy you did what you had to do put it behind [Music] you [Music] yes you did you did it go A your ass the [Music] now [Applause] spe you talk K Captain it's just as good you don't I grow up with Indians one thing about them they always playing games even when they become men always playing games well they got plans for you it's called honeypop what they do is they bury a man all but his head beside an anill smeared over with honey on your mouth your nose and your ears they slit your Lids so you don't miss nothing but you don't have to worry about that I says to them it's too easy for a man like you Ranger famous Indian fighter I say to them they should show you some respect let you run [Music] arrows that's hard Ranger i f [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] run [Music] Ranger [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] come [Applause] [Music] on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] he [Music] goar [Music] com [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] l oh
Channel: Shout! Studios
Views: 217,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shout Factory, HD, Shout, DVD, Blu-ray, TV, Movie, classic, cult, brand, return to lonesome dove, lonesome dove, robert duvall, tommy lee jones, danny glover, diane lane, anjelica huston, db sweeney, lonesome, dove, miniseries, wild west, western, lonely, leaving, cowboys, texas, rangers, sheriff, Gus McCrae, Woodrow Call, jon voight, William Petersen, reese witherspoon, Louis Gossett Jr., barbara hershey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 28sec (5548 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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