The Littlest Outlaw (1955) - Full Movie

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] anything bad sir no nothing it'll take  rougher ground than that to stop them [Music]   all right bring him up [Music] oh t bring the H you see the difference between a real horse and   those Army goats a great horse is  he not Marcos you think so watch see the wall jump always the wall jump that is why  I bet against Conquistador in the international   trials against Conquistador I would bet my wife  on that fine horse save your wife sylvest I will   take marcos's money sorry chap this this bet is  between sylvestri and me my money is as good as   his I'll bet on the General's horse even though  he's a coward at the wall jump he's not a coward   Conquistador will beat everyone at the trial  you see chat your little stepson knows more   about horses than you do my stepson's ignorant  what do you say Marcos 100 pesos it's a deal me   too what is this before you'd bet your wife a  conquistador you change your mind H looks like he needs more work we'll take him  back to the ratch for a few days yes General be patient soon the day will  be here when you lead our Mexico to   victory over all the horses and  people and nations of the world [Music] hurry [Music] up how's my little Champion so you're going to write L Sombra if  this is what you call riding yes L somra runs   like an ax why she's a fine steady jumper  L somra is an old lady father please let me   ride conistor please father we have spoken of  this before celita you know my answer you're   afraid for me to ride K I have always taught  you not to fear horses someday you will ride   this one now he is too strong too dangerous  if I were a son you'd let me Rite Sita [Music] Selita n celita rides like a go   This truly the daughter of a [Music]  general follow her tle at a distance yes General has my daughter come back yet [Music]   K them off you will not take your anger out on a horse I didn't mean to shout at you Selita  perhaps I am too used to the company of   soldiers and horses I am neither a horse  nor a soldier father now about this horse   Conquistador I will not permit you to ride  him before the competition however when the   competition is over Conquistador will become your  horse word of a general word of a general [Music]   look who is here uh [Music] chat reach our ears  that you have bet on the journal's horse uh this   to our judgment uh you're throwing your money away  so there is more of this money I would throw away   we are of course a simple Barber ordinarily we  don't make bets however purely for the emotion   of the thing uh say uh 300 pesos all right Soro  300 pesos uh the gentleman here also would like   to bet I do not bet with strangers CH this is  no stranger he seor Kamar to refuse off to bet   with him uh would offend us very much all right  400 pesos 400 pesos you don't have to fear his   credit is excellent all right it's understood of  course of course CH the money is to be payable   immediately if the General's horse does not  win he'll win the General's horse will [Music] win shut up the general would not like this but  the general does not know should not concern him   the horse must win you think it is wise to  bet so muchoney Conor May Fail you you think   I'm a fool listen pako if you want a horse  to jump high let him feel the spikes once   or twice he will remember and SAR over the  wall like a frightened Bird go on bring the   animal all right CH nothing with his spikes  please nothing with his spikes let me go you   Hur him again CH let me go you understand  and you keep your mouth shut about this [Music] [Applause]   all right [Music]   you see what happens when you don't obey  me listen Pito I want you to hear this   so you know I'm serious I've bet money on  Conquistador a lot of money money I don't   have so the horse must win if you tell the G  all about the spikes today do you know what   would happen to you I'm not afraid of you  chato conistor then if the general learns   about the spikes there are a lot of things  that can happen to a horse a bad spill a   broken leg you understand yes chato you  won't tell the general no good boy [Music] [Applause] w [Music] [Music] paito what's the matter with conistor Mita he's making the jumps  there's something [Music] wrong K   is frightened why should he be frightened [Music] what's the matter with this horse I don't  know General he was in perfect condition   I myself have seen to that he's never been  afraid of the wall jump before well as you   know some horses turn coward when you NE them  most General sir yes well what is it what is [Music] it heartlock never mind  we'll still win go ahead [Music]   bito I'm so sorry it's not his fault n it's  not his [Music] fault go on cool him off [Music]   you know why I couldn't tell them don't you you   know what J would do please  understand please [Music]   good morning Pita good morning will you please  sadle Conquistador the general has given strict   orders no one may ride Him Father forgets that  Conquistador is now my horse saddle him please   is not well conistor has only one sickness he's  afraid but if the general should return father   has gone to son Miguel but if anything should  happen very well if you won't help me I'll do it myself leave that please no more [Music]   you see he won't do it will you bring him back to  the Stables now no not until he jumps that [Music] wall no [Music] no Sor JY JY make me b [Music] I'll get the duct it's the boy's  fault I told him the horse was not   to be written General get rid of  him and the horse destroy him yes sir CH no please no you heard what he said didn't  you destroy him kill the Crazy Horse he's not   crazy CH you know he isn't you know what's wrong  with him oh shut up bring him to the stable   chatt wait chatt please [Music] paito hey have you seen my son I said  have you seen my son Pito [Music] well it's too early to tell but do we can  hope for the best save that talk for the   others what is it tell me will she walk again  will she walk I do not know my [Music] G yes   I'm sorry to intrude General but the horse it's  gone what are you saying that criminal of a boy   paito must have taken him they're both gone got  to find that horse you understand yes General I   promise you they won't get away from me  destroying the horse won't restore your   daughter's Health my general in any case  Colonel it is no concern of yours [Music] [Music] how then it's late for stable boys to be  about even later for a general's horse   if you please Sor Barber uh kador has  injured himself do you have some alcohol   or something to clean the wound I'm afraid  it's infected well we'll see what we can do it's a bad wound sure enough  is there no medicine at the   journal's ranch not for this  horse well bring him into the light oh hold it hold it I  only allow the front part   of the horse in my establishment you understand [Music] [Laughter] excuse me seita where is our good friend chatt tonight  I don't know doesn't he supposed to take care   of his injuries it's the General's horse maybe  that he's looking for his horse now maybe mhm it is very kind of you seor to do this  for us it is nothing we're glad of your   company and if chat should come looking  for you we'll be glad to see him too is   that not so sñ Kamar there boy the wound  is at least clean how about infection I   don't know I would find a doctor right  away H thank you very much all right there he is hey CH where are you  going come on get him get him [Music] e [Music]   look anador a river [Music]   come on gistad door [Music] [Applause] [Music]   looks like a deserted town maybe we'll be safe [Music] here is anybody home is anybody [Music] here is anybody hi [Applause] let me let me go not so fast  hell of f first some information this so   strange the poor boy the rich horse what's the  strange it is a gift from Heaven what do you   get this horse boy just kill this horse  no the boy those not have the courage to   steal such an important horse you steal  this horse it's no business of yours huh   it is exactly my business I am chief of  police in this town I'm sorry boy but we   must keep low and order here come on let me  go let me go let me go come on you let me go you let me go let me go with my horse you  can't do that he's not a horse for a wagon   he's a great jumper besides his  leg is hurt he belongs to General   Torres look for yourself the initials are on the bridal so you stall the horse from the general you see he one of us he stole  the General's horse all right he stole   the General's horse so we steal it  from him enough of all this St gives   me a headache let's hit him to the wagon  and get out of here not so fast head of   aor bring my sack of medicines and  the boy I will help him he interest me boy you better run before he comes back   the vulture will certainly kill you he's a bad  man no seor I must stay with a horse you have cour boy this medicine texy poison my  grandfather teached me it kills   everything but the stupidity it makes  no sense there's a wagon no horse here's   a horse no wagon ah tomorrow we talk  now now we lip and the boy his lip too you may not believe this boy but before I became  chief of police I was a banded a very bad man   I began to stal things just about your age real  things see not big things like you never a horse   this is a good beginning boy you smile at something I think  perhaps you're not such a bad man   what I'm a very bad man even for  the chief of police a very bad man why do you say things like this last night  when my horse was very ill I prayed to seor the   for help so don't you see it was you who  fixed kador leg seor sent you to do this   me and maybe seor vulture too what me this  is end we are not even working for ourselves anymore I've been thinking little Bandido it is  best for you to get out of here you and the horse but you will never get out of the countryside with  all the soldiers and police against you but I must try look s years before I became chief of police hey here it is H this is what you do go down the road  for a small distance till you come to   the railway turn to the left till you  arrive at the water tower understand   there lives seor Garcia the railway men  tell him that his friend the tiger sent   you then you give him this handsome nice  shirt but tell him it is for his wife huh then you ask him to put you and the  horse on the train and take you miles   away thank you Senor tiger you too seor  vulture you mean you going to let this   boy go with the only horse that can help  us out of here there is some question of   vet all the time I've been thinking you're  playing cat and mice with them go boy go [Music] thank you very much [Music] senores nor Garcia what is it boy from your  friend the tiger a present from him to you   or your seora [Music] why the tiger hopes that  you will put us on your train and take us away   ah Garcia you will get into trouble if you put  them on the train how could I get in trouble   the state owns the railroad the state does  the people the people own the railroad I am   the people how could I get in trouble it's  not worth it send them back to the Tiger   but the horse it's probably some cheap animal  the Tiger has stolen cheap animal seora this   is the famous jumping horse Conquistador the  horse of General Torres himself the horse of   General Torres what is the tiger trying to do to  me get away from here boy and take the horse with you no way idiot husband the horse  of General Taurus there must be a   large reward for his return Garcia you  could find me better things than that very well I will do this I will get you another  night shirt like that I'm Not Afraid Of The Tiger   perhaps I will get you two of those Garcia you  are truly a lion among [Music] men don't worry   boy I will take care of your horse leave  everything to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] Operator Operator please the ranch of  General Torres this is an emergency   yes yes General I understand when the  train arrives at San Juan I will meet a   seor chato you said and uh he will bring the  reward thank you General thank you very much [Music] are you from General Torres yes I'm from General  Torres and I demand that you demanding and listen   there is no time to argue the train will  leave immediately where is my reward money   you idiot there will be no money from  me until I hey hey wait it's moving I   told you the train will not stop  again until San Miguel San Miguel [Music] [Music]   here this is a load for San Miguel  well come on let's get them out of here [Music] [Music] [Music]   what [Music]   w [Music] la [Music] that horse is he a jumper he cannot jump  he's lame you know I swear I've seen that   horse in Mexico City Almighty father we bless  these animals for all they have done for us   in supplying our food and carrying our burdens  in providing companionship and service to man   since the world began friends we here today are  especially fortunate for this is the feast day   of the good Saint Anthony the patron saint  of the blessing of the animals our made of   he his honor be a happy one and may there be much  rejoicing God bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't the door I'm so hungry I could eat a  horse I mean a cow I'm sorry I'm so hungry   I could eat a cow perhaps someone in the  market will let us work for our breakfast [Music] [Music] [Music]   second over there get out [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] God gives you this woman be her generous provider   and protector and offer your  strength as support for her weakness love no one with more devotion than your   husband you're entrusted with a with  the honor of his home and his name V be diligent in compliance of  your duties and in the fear of   God and he will bless you on Earth and  will reward you in heaven with eternal happiness God bless you yes  God bless you you may go what is all this this business of  a horse in church please father we   have no place to go police are looking  for the horse they'll kill him yeah but   a horse in church a common horse he is  not common father he is blessed by you   yourself this morning pleas please do  not turn us out father oh just a moment now well of course if the horse is blessed  that may make it all right but on the other   hand there's never been a horse in church  before and how do I know there's never been   a horse in church before I've hardly  ever been out of this Village maybe   thousands of horses have been in church  before besides in the Christmas pigeons   doesn't mother Church permit the ox and  the burrow to stand beside the holy Child h [Applause] you know this is a very serious situation I  really don't know what to do with you and with   the horse it's quite a problem you know and on  the other hand what are the people in my church   going to say causing all this commotion  and [Music] everything hey come here come here is that the man that wants to K  your horse yes Father you leave him   to me you better go in that room with a horse h [Music] come in come in welcome welcome I'm  looking for a horse and you come to church   to pray and seek guidance excellent no no no  I believe the horse itself may be in church   a horse in church my sad the church is a  place for prayer not for RS do you mind if   I looked around for myself not at all not at  all or we can look for it together come come [Music] it must be quite some time since you've  been in church Don't Be Afraid can't [Music] as you can readily see we have  many Saints here but very few   horses of course if by the meest chance  a horse had taken refuge in the church I   couldn't very well allow you to remove it  why why not sacred law of sanctuary you know your face shows that  you're troubled in spirit   are you sure you don't want to stay here and pray [Music]   did I do wrong I don't think so yes but I  lied just then well I didn't actually lie   but I did give the man a wrong impression  am I not protecting a stolen horse yes but   the boy says they will kill it I don't  feel as though I've done anything wrong   yes but on the other hand I oh dear me it feel amen boy we have things to talk about now that I've heard your  story Pao I know why you stole a   course and I understand thank you father yet  the fact remains you have taken something a   valuable property which does not belong to  you ah this is wrong I will not of course   report you to the police or the general Torres  after all you're old enough now to distinguish   between right and wrong I'm going to let you  de but father they'll kill him you don't know   for so it is not right for you to run to  become hunted that's the way the life of   a criminal begins and it's not good for the  horse you cannot take care of him properly   after all you're only a poy you know and it's  not good to steer horses or anything for that [Music] matter poito you're wasting your time  with that horse he's not going to eat can't   you see he's sick he very likely got cold  last night I'll get medicine for him I'll   take care of him somehow I'll tell you  what tomorrow morning early we'll take   him to Pepe Ortiz he owns a great bull ranch  near town and his animal doctor is the best   but they'll tell the general I thought you  would help us father paito you don't even   trust me do you you think you have jumped  from the fire into the frying pan don't you I wish you would stop worrying  paito everything is going to be all   right come on cheer up cheer up here  take this Angel up to monell in the   bell tower it's time for the Festa to  begin up that way huh that's a good boy [Music]   sh [Music] I believe the pad is a good man but he wants me  to take you back we must get away from here now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] need [Applause] [Music] [Music] aito aito [Music] so you decided to come back to  the frying pan you must be hungry [Music] come father yes are you sure this is  a good animal doctor we're going to   the best there is in all of Mexico but  father Yes PA are you sure they won't   have a general oh I wish you would stop  worrying about it I know exactly how you   feel about yourist I feel the same way about my  d d yes that's the name of my car it is famous   is zigel they write stories make jokes  they even sing songs about it sing songs [Music] ch ch little little  how I love come on come on [Music] there go [Music] peepe go Peppe good morning Father it  is good to see you again how are you   welcome I want you to be a friend of mine  Pablito Pablito Don Pepe Don Pepe is one   of the greatest matadors Mexico has  ever known we have a very sick horse   Peppe who needs the attention of your wife  wonderful ignasio hi ignasio he's over here [Music] come we have a hero with us today one of  our great fighting bull you mean he was permitted   to leave the bulling alive yes father so great was  his courage against the Tor the crowd demanded his   life be spare marvelous and so he was brought  back to his home here with us don't PE can I   speak to you a [Music] moment now what must I do  for you my horse is hurt will you please come a   look at him sure sure [Music] ignasio your  horse is in good hands let me show you the [Music] wrench many people do not understand the bull  fights P it means different things to different   people but it is above all place of Courage place  where the man and the bull meet alone in the ring   without courage there's nothing I think there  must be a Ru in the life of everyone Pito and   someday when it comes rushing at us there is the  question do we have courage or do we run away [Music] now Pablito General Torres will be at the bull  ring in San Miguel tomorrow I will be there let   me speak to him about the horse no no don't  Pepe please you want to keep running I must   I must all right Pablito this B in your life  is your own I cannot fight him for you [Music] [Music] [Music] wait wait Papito we will find your [Music] horse Cal here paito you stay here  with me don't P we find your [Music] horse calm yourself [Music] I'm sorry paito we will try again  in the morning you'd better go to   bed now I will pray we will find your horse [Music] let us take the road to S Miguel maybe someone  in the city will have news of the horse the gypsies have sharp eyes they may have seen him good afternoon father you bless  our journey why certainly certainly   but first will you tell us something as  you were coming along this road did you   see anything of a chestnut horse with  a white face uh I have seen many horses   today in the city and along the road but I  do not think I have seen this one it was a   valuable horse a most valuable horse I know what  you are thinking father that I am very fond of   horses even those that are not my own but as you  see I only have these poor things and a little buru very well thank you just the  same father father see [Music] here it's a bridal Conquistador Bridal the  one was wearing yesterday are you sure publ   there are many Bridals in Mexico and they all  look much alike no father no I have soaked and   Polished this Bridal 100 times myself and look  the initials of the general [Music] mhm well we   have stolen no horse what is there to talk about  very well you have stolen no horses but perhaps   you found a wandering horse that belonged to  no one and out of the goodness of your heart   you sold it if so where as I say we know nothing  of such a horse uh however yes if I personally   were looking for a certain chestnut horse with a  white face yes yes come on come on uh I would try   the picador Coral at the bull ring in San Miguel  it is a place where Chestnut horses often appear   uh sometimes I see come on we must hurry it is  almost time for the entrance into the bull ring   and we're many miles away oh Father yes what is  it have you forgotten you promised to bless our journey thank you Father [Music] well P what did you get  this one he has spirit [Music] [Music] [Music]   per [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]   w [Applause]   power [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come [Applause] look out Manuel look out can't just see where you going we're safe now it's all downhill all [Applause]   all [Applause] [Music] [Music] good day good day [Music] hey hey hey hey [Music] [Applause] [Music]   w [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] got off [Applause] [Music] [Applause]  [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]   a [Music] [Applause] come on boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]  [Music] [Applause] [Music]   let me go come along my friend I've  been wanting to shave you for a long time do you want us to go after them  let them go they've been pursued enough and then he jumped Alita  never have I seen such a leap   before was it high how high who knows myself  I think had it been measured and recorded it   would have set a mark for jumping horses  in all the years to come but no one has   seen Conquistador and Pablito since no  one we must find them it's not good for [Music] [Applause] [Music]   I have brought longor back my general and I  am here to receive my punishment yes only I   ask please do not punish the horse Ki sador has  proven his courage you'll be proud of him again   that horse is no concern of mine because he  doesn't belong to me he belongs to you Pito a [Music] n
Channel: Film Mix
Views: 89,490
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Keywords: İbretlik Hikayeler, mesneviden, mesnevi terapi, nevzat tarhan, mesnevide geçen hikayeler, tasavvuf hikayeler, sesli kitap, aşk mektupları, adı aşk, sevgiliye mektup, kitap arası, satır arası, kitap okumaları, seslendirilmiş kitap, okunacak kitaplar, tasavvuf sohbetleri, tasavvus hikayeleri, dini hikayeler, ibretlik hikayeler
Id: Ethfi0x3J4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 30sec (4410 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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