Smoky Smoky (1946) - A Classic Tale of Friendship and Adventure

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[Music] in a green covered Canon way up near the sky came a lone seal Brown  stranger near his mother he lay his story will tell you of  the sorrow he had a misunderstood stranger yes his story is sad [Music] la [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I remember the first time I ever  saw Smokey he was running with a   band of other horses and even from where  I watched him he stood out he was proud   and fast the kind of a horse any man had  give his right arm to own but right then   he was trying his best not to be owned by  anyone [Music] out suddenly he broke loose   from the rest of the herd trying to escape  those cow hands were set on getting [Music] him before I knew it I'd ridden off  to get a better view of the chase [Music]   well it looks like he's done it again yeah  he's probably sitting back on his hunches   right now giving us the horse [Music] La well  we haven't got any more time to waste with him   let's [Music] [Applause] go I guess maybe  it was kind of foolish of me to feel the   way I did because he wasn't mine but  when I saw him there in the open as   wild as his surroundings I I knew he was  from me so I rode after him [Applause] [Music] I had a hunch he was in that Gorge but I Knew by  now that he was too smart to hide there unless   there was another way out so I thought I'd  put one over on him by riding in from behind [Applause] [Music] [Applause]  [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're going to build it up along here no no not there put it on top of the  others where's your sense of Beauty   in the Cook House where it [Music]  belongs well it's about time go open   the gate Baldi Julie Julie yes Graham  they're here be right with [Applause] you they seem to be in pretty  good shape they're sure full of [Music] spirit quite a job getting those Bronx  ready for the market by the first it's fine talk   for a G that's not indians off the tailgate of  a covered wagon did I say I was worried [Music] [Music] well there they are Miss Julie you didn't look  fine Jeff did you have any trouble bringing   him in well they were a little skittish but  they're bound to be at the running wild for   so long what about that seal brown stallion  did you bring him in this time no ma'am I'm   afraid not huh outsmarted you again looks like  I'll have to go out and bring him in myself   well he's all yours Mrs [Music]  Richards uh-oh what's that [Music] coming well I'll be so well  you should be open the [Music] gate give me my hand hey who is that  bringing him in I don't know it's not   one of our boys not if he's bringing him  in come on let's get out of the [Music] way any all shoot [Music] morning nice work Young fella thank you ma'am  I figured you might want him brought in well I   hope he's worth the trouble you took he sure looks  good to me well he'll make a fine saddle animal if   he's broke right I see you know your horses ma'am  you're the owner of the rockar no I'm not the boss   just bossy outfit belongs to my granddaughter  what' you say your name was Clint Barkley ma'am   I'll meet the boss Mr Barkley Miss Richards how do  you do Miss Richards hello I heard you were hiring   some extra Wranglers well as a matter of fact I  was thinking about it I don't believe I mentioned   it yet oh Well it uh must have been your thinking  I heard then I guess it was but maybe we could use   an extra man how about it Jeff oh uh this is Mr  Nicks our foreman how you do how are you where   you been working Barkley Texas Arizona New Mexico  no I mean what Ranch most all of them one time or   another oh you don't light in one spot very long  HH depends on the spot some I like some I don't this place I think I'd like I see you've  had experience breaking horses yes ma'am   well there's 30 of those Bronx that have  to have the rough edges taken off of them   by the first of the month think you can handle  about half of them sure like to try okay Jeff   all right take care of your horse I'll give  you your orders later fine thank you Miss Richards what's the matter Jeff don't  you like him well I like to know a little   something about the men we hire didn't buy  any chance put your nose out of joint bring   that stallion in did he and a man  doesn't want to give references   he might have something to hide well  he's room enough around here to hide it you doing a little better Barkley  Yeah couple more rides how to do it well he don't waste much time on in  Bronx at 6 of me sto today yeah he's all   right wonder what made him drift around so much  H some of us just can't stay put we like fleas yeah all right young fellow  just for that you're next [Music] [Applause] [Music]   boys let's cut out this Stallion and put him in   the other Corral okay he's  practically that [Music] [Music] [Music]   you got to s in the shoot no we don't  want to R this one I don't think think   all right him to day he'll be penty Sly when  you do get to him [Music] [Applause] [Music]   now take it easy Sunny nobody's going to hurt  [Music] you you ain't going to like that [Music]   hang your hang your [Music] it you're not ready yet HH that's right fight get   it out of your [Music] system SN him sh  [Music] him now just take it easy take it easy you got your eye on me haven't you  that's good the more you watch the more   you'll seeing how quick you'll learn good lad good lad he's working on the little  Renegade I'll be right back GR [Music]   don't you need some help I don't think so you  better not say any of Miss Richard oh I'm used   to horses yeah but he's not used to humans doesn't  know quite what to make of us he's a bad boy isn't   he no he's not bad he's just got a mind of his own  we going to take plenty of time with him because   he'll bring a better price than the other horses  you're not going to sell him with that bunch of   crows are you I'll decide that when the time  comes after all we're in business to sell hor   yeah I know but this fell is in a Class by  Himself what would you suggest Mr darkley   keep him here in the ranch you make one of  the finest car horses in the country if we   break him Ryan incidentally you'd enjoy  doing that wouldn't you yes ma'am but   right now I think you've got your hands full  breaking in the others suppose you're turning loose all right you're the boss but you better get   out of here before I do I told  you I'm used to horses all right what a horse what a man Grandy  your age wish that was [Music] [Music] yours come on now don't act like that  we're just going for a little walk [Music] [Music]   Smokey I'm going to leave  you down here for a while while got plenty of grass and plenty  of water and plenty of time to think   things over just remember the better you treat  this rope the better it's going to treat you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as I walked out in the streets of L  as I walked out in the redo one day a   spider the young cowboy all wrapped in white  linen wrapped in white linen as cold as the clay I see by your outfit that you are a cowboy  these words he did say as I boldly walk by come   sit down beside me and hear my sad story  I'm shot in the breast and I know I must die it was once in the saddle I used to  go dasing once in the saddle I used   to go gay first down to roses and then to the  card housee shot in the breast and I'm dying today get 16 gamblers to carry my coffin  six biry maidens to sing me a song Take   me to the valley and lay the S me for  I'm a young cowboy and know I've done wrong oh beat the Drum Slowly and play the five  flowly play the dead marches they carry me along   put Bunches of roses all over my coffin roses  to dead the clots as they fall [Music] as I   walked out in the streets of Laro as I walked  out in Theo one day a spy a young cowboy all   wrapped in white linen wrapped in white linen  as cold as the clay Dy SS like it's fresh Dy   Clint yeah it's all right Willie thank you J  thank you he have you ever been in Laro Clinton no I never have I thought you said you  work down in Texas Barkley That's right   well the r is the center of the Calin is  down there isn't it yeah how many top one   say Laro is quite a place that's so they  tell me didn't you like Texas yeah I liked   it all right and why did you leave cuz I  thought maybe I'd like it up here better   I think uh you want to sit in Barkley no  thanks I'm going out and do a little work ambitious ain't he working on Sunday  he jumpy as one of those Bronx he's   been busting you're bound to be a little  jumpy when you're hiding something maybe   he was just tending to his own business  like a lot of us ain't wish was wish was make my home I wish I [Music] was wish I was   little and small wish I was chipm little and  small I was chipm little small find me ho in it Miss Julie here miss Richards what's the matter  no then I just want to talk to her for a minute   can't she even have her Sunday to herself she was  fixing to go swimming do you want to see me jff   yes I go ahead shoot I ain't moving Miss Julie  as long as I work for your father he never had   any complaint about the way I manage the ranch  well if I ever complain no ma'am you haven't but   he let me run things pretty much my own way and I  don't is that it well not exactly but about this   fell Barkley you figuring on keeping him on after  he gets through with those bronks well Ellie knows   his job doesn't he yes he does he's a good hand  but you know Miss Julie news has a way of getting   around especially if it's bad now I was talking  to a couple of the boys in town the other day   and as near as I can figure it out he was mixed  up in a pretty nasty scrape down in Texas huh   some folks would look for rattlesnakes and  a bunch of violets what kind of a scrap Chef   some money disappeared quite a chunk of it  fidl sticks I don't believe a word of it the   boys wouldn't have any reason for just saying  that Mrs Richards what does Barkley say about   it have you talked to him I tried to feel him out  but he shut up like a clam I tell you that fell   is no jail bird and suppose he is why there isn't  a cow hand on this Ranch that hasn't wound up at   least one Saturday night in jail and how do you  suppose your father got his start he didn't come   by that string of horses he SW trying to say  Dad stole those horses well he got them awful cheap all right all right stop it I know you've  got pretty legs and all that you don't have to   show them off to me yeah I guess you don't like  SCH much sunny but there are a lot of things more   important than kicking up your heels and having  a good time come on now just take it easy one   thing you have to learn is how to get along with  people you understand sure you do you haven't got   this Bumble knowledge for nothing hello oh hello  Miss Richards I didn't know you were here for a   moment I didn't know the horse was here kind of  looked like we're trespassing smokey smokey oh I   I hope you don't mind my name and him Smokey  I just figured that well where there's smoke   there's fire and you got to admit he's got plenty  of fire it's a good name for him and I see you're   still codling him yeah but on my own time today  Sunday you think he's something special don't you   you bet don't you of course I do Smokey's always  been something special I used to catch glimpses of   him when I was out riding he was an adventurous  little cuss even when he was 3 or 4 weeks old   he got that from his father a proud wild stallion  from his mother he inherited a strange gentleness   and loyalty but most of all he was like his father  always wondering what was on the other side of the Hill his father sensed this and  never let him get away with [Music] anything right from the start  he learned to obey his father even when it meant waiting through a mountain  stream was wet and cold but he went through it   because he learned obedience he felt good  when he got out of the water his mother   made him run to dry off he was still full of  pep when they got back he would have enjoyed   another run but his father didn't encourage  him he knew there were more important things   to do little Smokey stood there for a moment  completely bored and his mother knew that an   idle mind could only lead to Mischief  so she suggested that he' try the grass   he'd never thought of eating it before but  being an adventurer he did and he liked it then when he was 4 months old tragedy  struck without warning he knew there   was something wrong his mother was lying  quiet and still and he couldn't understand it but his father knew he felt  sorry for the little fellow   who whinnied for his mother to get up and  play with him as she'd always done but she   was dead there was no way for his father  to help except to take Smokey with him he   called to him and for the first time Smokey  disobeyed there was nothing more his father   could do so he left to Join the Herd and  little Smokey was [Music] alone he stood   there and whimpered then suddenly a mountain  line screamed and he knew another kind of fear   this fear followed him as he grew up there was  danger everywhere but he learned to run away from it then when he was 2 years old he saw small  band of our horses and he realized how lonely   he'd been he approached them [Music] cautiously  and when he heard their friendly voices his fear   left him so he ran to Jo join them and they  became his herd he was almost three when he   saw a man for the first time I guess he  thought we were coyotes and MTH lines too   bad start like that can throw a horse off the  beam for life but I think you'll come along   all right horses and men are pretty much  alike don't you think maybe oh cigarette thanks hello boy you want to join us I'm afraid  he hasn't developed much of a socialable streak   yet it's amazing how much you do have in common  what do you mean well from what I hear you're not   very sociable yourself I guess just doing my job  as a Wrangler isn't isn't enough for Jeff oh he's   just looking out for my interest look I don't  like to say this but he's heard some very ugly   rumors about you oh if he believes him I guess  that means I'm through huh not necessarily I'm   sure the little explanation from you will clear  everything up it isn't as easy as that there's   certain things you can never explain to some  people the few who would understand don't need   an explanation I'll buy that thanks but if my  curiosity gets the best of me I'm going to ask [Music] SMY hi Willie got a stitch needle  and thread handy yeah it's up there   in that cabin on the wall what are  you going to do with it I'm going   to put some padn on this H you sure  take care of that little Bron don't you what are you so happy about all  of a sudden oh I just like it here I   guess it's funny what one little old horse  will do for a [Music] fell hey bud hello   where'd you come from looking for a fellow  by the name of Clint Barkley you know where   I can find him yeah he's right down there  in the black space shop much lies [Music] Bud hi CL hey you're a hard man to find maybe it  didn't look hard enough Frank you could have   me at the Loro jail that's where I've been for  the last 8 months yeah I just heard about that   last week I heard you'd been in jail you sure  that's the first you heard of it huh oh sure   Naturally why if IID known before I'd have come  on back and told him what really happened yeah I   know you would anyhow I want to thank you for  what you did for me for what I did for you at   least you didn't squeal on me if I had nobody  to believe me yeah yeah I guess you were in a   pretty tough spot at that I sure wish I'd known  before yeah I know but you didn't come here to   tell me that what did you come here for well  CL I need a job and I was just thinking that   uh maybe you might put in a good word for  me around here I wouldn't put in a good word   for you again if you never got a job now get  out of here okay Clint can't hate a guy for trying oh look Clint you know how I am every  time I get a job I just seem to get in some   kind of trouble I don't know and I've been  thinking that if uh you know I could work   along with you you could sort of keep an eye  on me keep me in line I know you sore it m   Clint I don't blame you but uh I sure would  appreciate another chance if you won't help   me who [Music] will all right well Frank I like  my job here I like it better than any job I ever   had and if you do anything no no Clint I promise  you I won't and I'll do everything you tell me to   I'll talk to the for see what I can do what's your blindes want me to hear him down while you  saddle him no I'll saddle him I don't think   he's going to be much trouble how about when  you get on him he's LEL not to like that okay cler right easy boy easy now easy easy easy that's the way I used to break  horses easy one step at a time that's   the difference between us Baldi you don't  believe in shortcuts I do you would that's [Applause] Bo how easy smoke this isn't going to hurt you H that a boy that a [Applause] boy that's St ah easy tight h easy smoke a smoke it's got to be your first time two books of lad WR him until he  quits no business bully on no sucker [Music] [Music]   hang with him hang with him my lad hang with  him [Music] a cow pony isn't a pleasure horse   he's a Workhorse and he's got to learn how to  work once he's saddle wise the first thing you   teach him his neck raining so that he'll turn  with the slightest pressure of the rains on   his neck and he's got to stop when he feels  a Rider's weight shifting out of the [Music] saddle I know all these things don't make  much sense to you yet but the things you got   to learn told the boss you'd make one of the  finest cow horses in the country you wouldn't   want to make a liar out of me would [Music] you  and he's got to get used to unexpected things   like [Music] coyotes we worked together on my own  time before sunup or at dust and Smokey caught on   Fast he' gotten used to the Rope sailing  around his head but when I shot it past   him and caught that Bush was another [Music]  story now it's just a little old Bush you're   not going to be scared of that are you huh oh oh  smoke ah I brought the bush in for him to see so   that he'd know that no matter what was on the  other end of the Rope I wouldn't hurt [Music] him then he had to learn the feel  of weight on the Rope he had to get   wise to the sudden shift of the saddle  when the weight pulls hard on the horn   and jerks against his Withers oh son oh P  back that's it that's pretty good pretty good he learned fast and what he learned  he never forgot I was mighty proud   of [Music] him but I was anxious to see  how he'd Act the real live calf on that [Music] [Applause] [Music] roope hold  it [Music] smoke all right girl we're   not going to H it good boy Bo smoke that's  the way to do [Music] it we let him go I   hold it and so Smokey became a Cow [Music]  Horse well how's teacher's pet today he's   doing all right well he ought to the way  you've been nursing him along it's worth   it Willie he's really catching on to things  ah he's just a kidding you the first chance   he getss he'll go high tailing it right back to  the Hills I'm not going to give him the chance he sure is a pretty little Rask with that a he wow well the little son of a gun he likes you yeah got those Bronx ready yet Barkley yeah  they're all over there in the crowd what   about him oh he doesn't go why not well  isn't Miss Richard keeping him here in   the range well she didn't say anything  to me about it run him in with the the   others didn't well look Jeff that horse  will be worth a lot more to you here than   the price you could get for him well if he's  as good as you think we ought to get plenty   well anyway you can't send him out with  the others he's not ready yet he's not ready you've been riding him haven't you   get him out you're not getting  Sentimental Over horse are you [Music] cliner all right Bud outside you're  me [Music] move stop it I told you he wasn't ready I'll ready him let throw him right on  his back you let him alone why that not heads   a killer I said let him alone okay Clint  you don't have to get sore about it wish   I was breaking that that head I don't know what  you're trying to do with that stallion would you   take the fight out of him or I'll turn him  back to the hills where he belongs [Music] [Music] hope you don't know what to  make of all this first day of round   up just like a first day of school to  a kid wait till he beats up for the C [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause]   a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] I don't care the B [Applause] away when I was a bachelor I lived all alone  I worked at the weav trade and the only only   thing that I did that was wrong was to wo a fair  young made I would her in the winter time part off   the summer too and the only only thing that I had  did that was wrong was to keep her from the foggy   foggy do one night she knelled close by my side  when I was fast asleep she threw her arms around   my neck and then began to weep she wept she cried  she tore her hair a me what could I do so all   night long I held her in my arms just to keep her  from the foggy foggy do but now I'm getting older   and I live with my son we work at the weav trade  and every single time that I look into his eyes   he reminds me of the fair young M he reminds  me all the winter time part of the summer   too and of the many many times that I held  her in my [Music] arms just to keep her from   the foggy foggy [Music] D ring that's all boys  now we've got a hard day ahead of us tomorrow [Music] he [Music] boy what a heard must be over a thousand head  there you know what you can sell cattle for   today I'd settle for a couple hundred just  remember you're punching me selling them [Music] I just like humans don't they  I was holling before they hurt   just go to show they Ain nothing bad as seen looks all right C how you that's only a second plateful willly what's  happening to your appetite give me time boy give   me time sparkley y I want you to go over  to box canyon look for Strays Willie you   do the same on Rock Ridge Denton here will  help you you mean now yeah before you bust hello smoke kind of like to go along wouldn't   you well you would huh all right  I'll give you a chance to do your [Music] stuff now this Where I Leave You  you better meet back here with any Strays   we pick up and we'll run them in together let's  be sure we get back to time for lunch a [Music] [Music] [Music]   oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] I got bust set up a little on that one it's all   right boy it wasn't your [Music]  fault we got to get back to the [Music] ranch pull up a little [Music]   I can't get up on [Music] all right smoke it's up to [Music] you hey Frank when are you going to pay me that  uh 20 bucks y told you will I'm going to give   it to you next payday but payday is coming  going oh there's always going to be another   payday will you not quit worrying will you hey  hey [Music] look smoking yeah what's a dragon [Music] hold it look you hold his eye and I'll see  if I can sneak around and get a rope on him wait he won't let you get in the in yeah  I guess you're right [Music] [Applause] h [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] looks like he might be heading for  the ranch yeah we'd better keep her   distance or he'll drag Clint to pieces [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]   he's not dragging him he's helping him he's  hanging on to the right syrup too son of a gun   and the other horse would kick these  brains out for [Music] [Applause] [Music] that Miss Julie stay back [Music] [Applause]  [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]   see if he can open the Carell  gate without scaring [Music] [Music] him easy now [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] careful now how are we going to get him out of there it's all right SM it's all right boy easy boy easy we're not going to hurt  you we're not going to hurt Clint either   no sir will he'll trample him he's  going to fight anything we can do to   get plant away from him I'll get  him [Applause] away won't fight this wait Clint Clint take your arm out of the syrup take your arm out of the sterup Clint take it out get your rope really here Clint grab hold this rope AE I'll draw him off over here SMY smies take him into the house I feel take it easy looks to me like  some busted ribs does it hurt to breathe   keep quiet please don't try to talk Clint  just lie still till the doctor gets here I'll   smokey Smokey is all right sure he is Frank  Denton's out there looking after him right [Music] now not too rough Frank this jug  head's got to learn the hard way [Music] [Music] one man horse this ain't no horse at  all look [Music] at take it easy [Music]   they can eat these [Music] [Music] [Music] duck why are you noted [Music]   you won't get away with that right don't be a fool   stop it will you he sa PL life  he's excited now leave him alone okay someday somebody's going to teach  you some manners might even be me well looks like the patient's feeling much  better this morning yeah I feel a lot better   thought maybe I try getting up this afternoon  oh no you don't you stay right where you are   the the doctor tells you you can get up uh  open your pajama coat please what for I'm   going to ret tape your ribs that's what I was  afraid of Dr Jameson can't get out again till   next week oh well maybe we better wait till  next week oh come on now come on all right no no no don't don't what's the matter I haven't  even started yet no but you were going to um I'll   tell you I think the best way maybe to work it  off bit by bit like this H see it's coming on from   there oh now there that wasn't so bad was it no no  glad we don't have to do it again this week though   what's that ether yeah what's that for just to  clean off your skin no you sure there's any skin left now you're going to have to help me  with this you'll hold that take a deep breath oh careful hold this I saw Smokey today oh you did how was fine  is Frank Denton still working with him no well   blind man could see how you felt about somebody  else handling him so I put him out the pasture a   and when you're well enough you can pick up his  schooling right where you left off okay you bet   it's okay thanks good morning morning did Julie  do a good job on those ribs she sure did take   a look Graham oh Julie I'm ashamed of you that's  no way to tape a m oh no I have to do it all over again wish I was an apple on a tree on  a tree wish I was an apple on a tree   on a tree if I was an apple on a tree  my girl come along and take a bite of   me I wish I was an apple on a tree  I wish I was a son up above I wish   I was a son up above up above if I was  Sun up above I'd shine right down on my [Music] hi Baldi you got a fellow around here  by the name of Barkley we have where is   he y in the barn I haven't seen you down  in my place much lately you have not got   a new feral dealer I'll drop in sometime do  yourself some good you mean do you some good I wish I was a squirrel with a big  long tail a big long tail wish I   was a squirrel with a big long tail a  big long tail I was squirr a big long   tail spread it out and way wish  I was a squirrel with a big long ta wish I was woolly Boogie be  wish I was woolly Boogie be if   I was woolly Boogie be I'd make my  home that Terr Tre I wish I was Bo be that's all right looking for a fellow  named Barkley they told me I could find   him over here well they told you right  mister my name's Barkley oh I'm looking   for Clint Barkley you're looking right at  him what can I do for you well if you're   Clint Barkley I guess there's nothing you  can do for me I'm Matt gordner guy gave   me this about a month ago and haven't  seen him since thought I'd come up and collect got any idea who could have been I might  have who is it look I don't like people signing   my name to things do you mind if I hang on  to this what for you let me handle it maybe   I can get you money for you that's okay just so  I get it but if I don't I'll be able to see you again I wonder who could  have done a dirty trick like that scub you know where Frank Denton  is yeah he's out in the back TR Frank hi cler Dr your horse I want to talk to you  sure what's on your mind my boy so you're the guy   that wanted another chance what are you talking  about this you're not getting sore about a little   thing like that are you clinter a little thing  you've signed my name to an IOU that's practically   forgery what was your idea in doing a thing like  that he can't collect from me cl that's the whole   point he can't collect from you and he's got got  nothing on me Frank you're no good you never will   be I'll go and draw your pain and get out of here  you've caused me all the trouble you're going to   I'll quit worrying will you that's the way you  feel about it I'll pay the guy you bet you pay   him because I'm driving you to town right now  to see that you do now go and pack your things   just a minute maybe I'm not ready to quit this job  besides you can't find me you're not the foreman   around here not yet I said go and pack your things  I think you're making a mistake cler you wouldn't   want me to tell the buys about you would you CU  I think she's a little stuck on you but I mean   uh but you know she might change your mind if she  knew you'd serve time that you were nothing but a jailbird okay cler I'll go  I'll meet you at the bunk house down in the valley the valley so low hang your head over here the wind blow hear the wind blow loud here the wind  [Music] blow hang your head oh over hear the wind blow if you don't love me love who you please put your arms around me give my heart give my heart is love give my heart is put your arms around me give my [Music] hearty  what'd you get back from town about an hour ago   have you had your supper yeah Baldi fix me  a couple of eggs so you know gramy sure you   move back to the bunk house because you  like baldi's child better than her know   she's wrong about that it's just that well I  appreciate you taking care of me while I was   laid up but it's time I started back to work  you're sure you well enough well I feel fine   now I stopped in the doctors and he said I  could ride again if I take it easy I thought   first thing in the morning I'd go out and bring  Smokey in how about riding along I'd love to   Clint I'll fix this up a nice lunch oh no wait  a minute I'm supposed to be going back to work   well you still have to eat don't you yeah I  guess say you suppose we could find Smokey   if we rode out tonight oh now look you can wait  till morning anyway how do you expect to find a   black horse sitting up that' be fun to try go on  and change your clothes huh okay I won't be long Jeff hey Jeff scrubby watching what's the matter  scrubby some of your prized cattle's been stolen   out of the South Meadow maybe they just broke  the fence and strayed no I rode up just they   were hauling them off in trucks and they got  Smoky Clint they did did you get a good look   at them it was too dark for that but the head guy  had a voice that sounded exactly like Denon you   boys settle up we better call the Sheriff's  Office Miss Julie uh you come along with me Barkley they moved him in trucks and I'm pretty  sure the gang was led by a Wrangler named Denton   yeah he worked here till today okay we'll wait  here for you now tell me Barkley what do you   know about this fellow Frank Denton just about  everything I guess then you knew he asked me for   his time today I told him to you told him to why I  had a good reason well I guess you also had a good   reason for talking me into hiring him I thought  I did you know Barkley ever since you've been   here I watched you like a Hulk now so far you've  been all right you haven't slipped once but what   I want to know is where do you fit into this oh  now wait a minute Jeff you've got no right to   accuse Clint you're not even sure it was Denton  after all scrubby didn't see him he just heard a   voice that sounded like his I'm as sure as Jeff  is that it was Denton you are why because I know   him and he's just crazy enough to try something  like this well if that's the case why did you   recommend him for the job he's my brother  ever since we were kids I've covered up for   him I even went to jail for him and he came here  looking for a job he promised me he wouldn't make   any trouble I believed him because well he knew  how much this place meant to me I guess I made a   mistake you think you might know where to find  him no but I'd sure like to try Clint you take   the station wagon we'll follow with the sheriff  thanks that all right with you Jeff sure go ahead [Music] hold [Music] it hry all right boys make it snappy get these hot okay okay let her up well as far as I'm concerned that's  it and our deal was cash on delivery   that's right from now on it's my  responsibility hurry up boys get rolling what about him no no he's not for  sale if you don't mind I'm going to stick   around a while and gentle him down a little  go ahead see you in a couple of days okay [Music] well you ready I am smoke it looks like you got to learn  the hard way it's good enough for me wish your old clinter could see this [Music] he he must have broken the Rope first and then  went for your brother yeah then he jumped   that fence he's probably 20 mi away by this  time I guess there's nothing more we can do   except to come in and sign a complaint  against those Fells we caught with your cattle well we'll see at the ranch I'm going  to look for Smokey don't you think you better   forget about him after what happened no Jeff  they'll say he's a killer now I never believe   he had a reason for doing what he did that's why  I've got to find him before somebody else does   all right Clint I hope you do find him he was a 4-year-old and stood about 16 Hands  High yes I heard there's a wild horse around this   part of the country some boys ran out a couple of  months back tried to rope him but it's a little   too slick for him he's probably over in Arizona  but now well thanks anyway you're welcome [Music] [Music] [Applause]   while I was looking for Smokey there  were others looking for him too hey   I'm beginning to believe there ain't  no such animal oh yes there is about   a month ago I pretty near had my robot  I'm telling you Mr Nelson if we catch   him you're going to have the wildest blon  that ever was en roed I hope you're right hey [Music] [Music] look they thought he  was wild and figured if they   caught him they could headline him  in their rodeos but like all hunted   things he'd learned to disappear before  the very eyes of the man who hunted him [Music]   Smokey knew that he was safe only for the  moment even if he did lose these men there   would be others his only hope was to keep  moving hot and thirsty he sought out a   water hole but he was always conscious of the  danger for these men had single track minds Smokey raced toward a valley where he  knew every foot of the way but there was   money to be made from this Wild Horse and  shrew Minds had planned [Music] ahead no   matter which way he ran there were always  many with fresh horses to cut him [Music] off relentlessly they rode him down  until his heart was ready to break   there was only one Avenue of Escape  left to him the cave in the rocks that   hemmed him in but men had been there  ahead of [Music] him he was trapped [Music]   he fought them with everything he had and that's  just what these men wanted a horse that would [Music] fight if this weather keeps up we'll have  snow before morning there still a lot of cattle   left out on Pine Ridge Willie and scrubby brought  in what they could almost froze to death doing it   Willie must have thought out considerable with  all that caling he's doing Graham I'm worried   if we have a heavy snowfall we'll have trouble  bringing the rest of the stock in oh no we won't   Barkley and I'll pick him up the first thing in  the morning Clint well hello hello Mr Richards   it's good to have you back thanks Julie it's good  to be back did you find Smokey no ma'am I didn't   well take your coat off and sit down thanks you  wanted a cup of coffee didn't you Jeff no ma'am   I had three cups at supper well the one I'm going  to get you now I'll make four oh thank you very   much have you had your supper yes I had something  in town before I came out didn't you even find a   trace of smokey yes I did I followed him into the  antelope mountains and then into Arizona Around   The tondo Basin but they had an early winter down  there and the trails were all snowed in so I had   to give it up I'm sorry Clint well there's one  way looking at it Smokey's got his freedom again   oh stop kidding yourself you'll never be happy  till you find him when the trails open up next   spring you'll want to start looking for him all  over again isn't that true yeah I guess you're   about right okay okay then you have a job till  the middle of March and then you're fired that's a deal and Now ladies and gentlemen what you've  all been waiting for cougar the wildest bucket   drun in the world cougar The Man Killer $500  for anyone staying the limit who [Music] yeah and so the cash register jingled and the  money rolled into the box office and Smokey the   sweetest cow pony I ever knew buil himself  a reputation for being the wildest horse   who ever lived and the crowds came and they  cheered and smokey did his job like he always   had and year after year men grew Rich because  Smokey had a great heart and a great spirit then one day he was hurt and his bucking days were [Music] [Music] over from the way you describe him I think   that's your horse now if you follow up  these rodeos you might find him thanks we caught him up near Red Rock you know he was  the toughest animal I ever had in the show that   sounds like Smoky all right where is he he  fell one day while we were playing here last   year and was pretty badly hurt so I had to get  rid of him what do you mean well he had made so   much money for me I didn't want to shoot him so  I gave him away who'd you give him to to an old   man that runs a Riding Academy down on Maple  Street he thought maybe he could fix them up   and get some use out of them thanks you me like  I remember that horse sort of a red rone with a   sway back wasn't he no he's SE Brown nearly  black he's got a white star on his forehead   he's got a look in his eyes like well if you'd  seen it you'd remember would you be willing to   go as high as $100 to get him back I'd go more  than that where is he sure wish I knew ain't   very often anybody offers me money like that  for one of my horses Nelson told me he gave   you the horse the last time as Rodeo played here  try and remember will you when they come to me   they all look pretty much alike none of made  worth much and when I get through with them   they're worth less I sell them for what I can  get sometimes for dog food and sometimes for glue what kind of a look did you say he  had you can't remember I can't tell you [Music] whoa [Music]   oh [Music] [Music] [Music] wa look at the Old duunk Wagon in the [Music] pradey w who come back [Music] here W oh I said [Music] W WR way easy Mis you don't  want to treat your horse that way you just want   to get in the parade why don't you mind your own  business oh no I wouldn't use that if I were you   hav hurt you to feed him once in a  while either that's all right old   fell you should have sucked [Music] him  that's the matter fella looks like you   made a hit with him yeah hey get that  junk keep out of here shut up get up how about Fellers I'm star coming  along plan yeah that's right [Music] thank boy am I hungry what it be jam am and onions  and coffee same here and a lot of it hey did you   notice he had a star huh that junkie horse he had  a star on his forehead all right he had a star now   what will you have I'll have the same thank you  you know there was something about that that old horse where you going I'll see you back at the hotel are you sure you don't know the horse I  ain't got him and I can't say I know who has   well somebody must have him I saw him today  he was trying to get in the parade now let's   see he was over the sh of Browns and they  didn't have and old lady bars got a truck   and as I said before I ain't got him I guess  that just about does it son well much bles anyway wait a minute come to think of it I did hear  of a new man moving in on the other   side of crow Creek uh east side of town  someplace I believe they said his name   was dingo or Mingo something like that  thanks now I hope you find him [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]   well I've had a hard time finding you what  do you want I'd like to take a look at your   horse what for if he's the one I'm hoping he  is I'd like to buy him from you I might sell   where is he he's out back you mind if I take  a look at him no I guess not I'll turn on the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] light [Applause]  [Music] [Applause] [Music] Smoky smoking smokeing [Music]   it's been a long time hasn't it [Music] [Applause] [Music] boy he's turning Smoky out into  the meadow today for the first time yeah   when Clint brought that horse back I thought  we'd have to shoot him who Clint oh come on out hello boy well Smokey you anxious  to get out to pasture sure he is you've   waited a long time for this haven't you fell come [Music] on all right boy  there it is it's all yours go [Music] ahead he can't believe he's home yet  no go ahead smoke so welcome home smoke your troubles are through [Music] the  forest and Canyon are waiting for you [Music]
Channel: Film Mix
Views: 499,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ClassicMovies, WesternFilms, Smoky1946, FredMacMurray, AnneBaxter, WillJames, HorseMovies, CowboyFilms, AmericanWest
Id: QGPpIxxrvM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 36sec (5016 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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