Ambush At Tomahawk Gap FULL MOVIE | (John Derek, David Brian, John Hodiak) STREAM CITY

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[Music] this is it [Music] [Music] it's 10 minutes and N9 yes sir right on the dock you know I've been waiting for shut up what's the time got to do with us as I was saying it's 10 minutes and 9 10 minutes to 10 you all be out of twin forks drunk or sober don't come back I make myself clear 5 years I stinking Jaylen already were getting shoved around you going to let him get away with it ain't you had enough kid I'm telling you for the last time you got to stay out of trouble leave me alone how we going to get rid of him maybe you figure on doing it maybe I could mord you're not thinking of losing me are you and brother yours is going to rot in jail like I did bringing him back if I have to drag him by his heels you kill you you'll have to cut it out well what about some service we're getting out of here go on kid line us up some horses and guns with what they let you out of jail give you 10 lousy dollars what can you get for that throw your watch in that's worth something what kind of service you fellas want risky everybody yeah everybody don't go with us kid please get yourself a job on a ranch you're really crazy in the head ain't you Duc me quitting now why don't you leave me and Egan [Music] alone been waiting to do that for 5 years [Music] [Applause] what [Music] I ain't giving you that hour get your horses anything else you want you're getting out of town [Music] now I should have killed him [Music] nice friends you got well count the spill whiskey you owe me $7 damage I got to mexic satell I paid $90 for El Paso I need a horse and a rifle well don't get much call for such a fancy rig as this and just sit here how about one of you what's that Mr want to buy a saddle pay $90 for it h I don't know all I've got a mule and a Sharps carbine with a busted primer and $3 I'll give you them for it I'm a poor man mister I'm just prospecting now you tell him bird I lost everything I had about a year and a half ago the Apaches fired my Ranch at at Stone River and went off with all my cattle all right Milo well I got a right to yell ain't I after Fort SU Lincoln ordered the soldiers out of this territory the Apaches are run in Wild he ain't interested in your troubles well then let him tell me the whole place is infested with Apaches a man ain't safe 20 mi out of town I heard your offer yeah I have a horse and a gun I'll trade you and a saddle good enough to ride anywhere I never had a saddle like this a man deserves a saddle like this once before he dies what about that $7 here's 10 and I'll take a bottle of whiskey all right let's see that horse [Music] well one good thing we lost mord I think so what happened back there is only the beginning of the trouble you're going to get into with him you got so much advice take some of yourself look son ain't nothing much more can happen to me but you're young you could get into something decent I still ain't figured your brother waiting in Sonora with all that money you've been sure that for a long time ain't you how you know he didn't run out on us cuz I know Frank just like I know he let mcord get to him either I can just see old frank let mord take him back to clear his name would you mind telling the sheriff I had nothing to do with holding up the stage coach with stealing $10,000 honest I was just minding my own business his own business [Music] you're worrying about Apaches head toward Fort Yuma it's still open about 70 M Southwest you know anything about watches about what I made a deal on three horses and some guns some fellas a sheriff rode out of town a real gold watch and $30 I made a fine swap you should have seen them horses where'd you get this saddle it ain't stolen if that's what's bothering you you know Frank Ean he owed me $60 in the poker game up in Tomahawk Gap 5 years ago somebody shot and killed him when they caught him cheating 5 years ago thir of August 1859 how do you happen to be so sure the date only time I ever had a royal flush and everybody's setting in and they catch a man cheating I'd it cleaned up you wouldn't forget it either brother well everybody took something in the square what Ean ow them I took his Saddles somebody took his guns you telling you the same thing I told your friends don't come back way they was riding them horses it won't last 3 hours where were they heading for Target Springs hey do they know what they're getting into they wanted a shortcut to Sonora if they want to take on Apaches it's none of my business come on maybe they'll kill each other off Save Somebody the [Music] trouble how did wck like a charm we give him maybe a day start [Music] come on [Music] a [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] I got a way to get us out of [Music] here let them think they killed us they want our scalps and our guns just we to lay come down to get their hands on us you're crazy how many bullets have you got [Music] what are we afraid of that ain't crazy at all I'm for it who cares what your for I said I'm for it me too listen if we try you don't I could go climb them rocks there [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] f n [Music] keep your hand off that gun you think I helped you out of this because I wanted to see any of you live you're crazy Frank eagan's dead you're Ling take a look at the saddle on my horse I got it from a man who saw him die go look at it you satisfied Frank's dead there's no money there ain't no money you didn't come this far just to tell us that no Frank got shot in Tomahawk Gap the day we went to prison he died broke and a man don't die broke when he's got $10,000 to spend in a town like Tomahawk Gap he never got to the money so that's your idea idea you know where the money is don't you if it's still there we're getting it with me it's our money you got no call on it why didn't you tell her to the posy when they closed in on you why didn't you tell them that I was just a stranger that you'd met up in the past that you'd never seen me before figured having you they wouldn't look no more for Frank sure and I spent all them years in prison paying for it I was making $30 a month riding fence that's 360 a year 5 years makes $1,800 that's what Frank Eagan owes me for serving his time now he's dead and I'm getting my $1,800 what about us what if we say no you ain't going to say no you're leading me to my money and I ain't particular which one of you do it either all right all right there's enough money for all of us I know the country we got 60 miles of desert and mountains on horses that ain't good enough to travel 20 which way are we heading Southwest we came from here that's twin forks this is Target Springs we head 60 Mi Southwest across these mountains we travel at night hold up by day walk our horses every 3 hours if we're lucky we ought to make it in two nights maybe three if we don't run into more Apaches get your guns [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a girl [Music] no [Music] K kill her go on kill her she tried to kill [Music] us why killer who said we're going to kill her and maybe there's more of see if he can make your talk you talk ABA ABA what are you talking to her for a no good Apache she ain't going to talk to you she's no Apache you can't leave her here she'll bring a whole village after us we're taking her with us I don't care what you do let's get out of here is it bad just give me a little little time here just a little time sure sure you'll be all right we ain't leaving you who says we ain't going to leave him I all right I'm going to be all right it's 60 Mi to Tomahawk Gap I don't want you slowing us up I'll take care of him what's the matter we've been in this together from the beginning come on come on make up your minds I said I'd take care of him he won't cause you no trouble just remember the first time you slow us up you get dumped come on kid we got to go now [Music] big man now me and Egan money going to get money can't shove me around ain't nobody going to shove me around nobody nobody no more easy now boy easy you ain't going to leave me no easy get some rest that's all you need have money you got to help me I didn't know his arm was going to get that bad what do you want of me we're going to dump him that's what we're going to do he ain't even got a horse anymore well he's got mine you got to help me with him please just take a look at him will you taking my money keep it all taking what's mine ain't nobody going to tell me what to do no what do you think we ain't got nothing to work with there's nothing we can do want to get the money get the money big man now n Nat Nat tobacco tobacco give us the tobacco now keep your hand off that gun get away mord if you want to keep your scal there'll be no shooting out there's Apaches all over the place they can spot Us by a gunshot for 20 mil I heard you [Music] [Music] easy boy she ain't going to hurt you she's helping you she's going to make you well [Music] [Music] [Music] oh no that ain't no wound for men to fret on is it I wouldn't hurt you I guess we we are like like animals killing one another we never learn we just go on killing one another you don't understand me do you but that boy if I could only help him if he' only listen to me I could only get him away from that Eagan I know I never made nothing in my life but that's nothing sign I couldn't help him you understand do you oh that's nice it's your day she is scared [Music] it's there just ahead of us it's there we made it we made it it's there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] biggest bar save C joint save R [Music] piano even that it couldn't play a good tune the girl wasn't bad though that girl wasn't badad let's get the money leave that sticking kid alone going to take no doctor to know what we got to do now I'll do it then stop telling us he's got a Stak in this to and we ain't letting them die what you going to do what are you going to do lay back you ain't cutting my arm spit in your face when he's better he'll spit in your face maybe so but I'm taking that bullet out now are we going to get that money or ain't we go ahead let me out of here let me out of here mering help me he guys he guys hey guys [Music] you and the girl hold them when it gets bad yeah come on let's get it over with take my money I see me die don't you Ean where's Ean I don't know nothing about this kind of stuff here you know how to handle this better start giving them some now [Music] 8 hours in this slop hole 8 hours yeah but it was a mighty nice place the last time I was here that shiny bar all that liquor behind it all them pretty whiskey bottles and a funny looking bartender need no more of this no more running from the law I'm going to get me a little ran if you had a cattle maybe the kid even come and stay with me kid b i here you h wasi water water water water what [Music] [Music] [Music] sh sh sh [Music] a Navajo bless my soul what's a Navajo girl doing [Music] here hey well now some folks to talk to I ain't seen nobody in Tomahawk G for some time no sir I ain't talked to nobody in years three of you huh what about it nothing nothing at all I was just ask my name is Travis Jonas P say what you doing with that Navajo girl this is aache country what you doing here well that's my graveyard down there I take care of the graveyard that's what I do tend it see it looks proper ain't no Apache running me off my job either no sir you ain't said who you was Mister just passing through well that's nice hey what' you mean you tend the graveyard I see there's four of you and the girl what about the graveyard well that's my job that graveyard's been my duty even since before the Indians killed seven of my kin and chased everybody out of this town but me well somebody speak up what's the matter with a boy here never mind him you mean you've been here alone all this time well I wouldn't say that them soldiers from Fort Yuma They Ride by ever so often I live up there in the Rocks about three miles what about Indians oh I can smell a Indian a mile away they don't get no chance of watching me no sir I said there was to be no shooting who is this just a crazy old C takes care of the graveyard we getting that money right now money what money what are you give me my gun take it easy now when we move let's stay close to the building stay outside as much as we can I thought you said you was just passing through I'm going with you nobody's leaving you boy we'll be right back I never seen men like you before say this is my town I'm supposed to be telling you what to do where you taking me what's this all about give me my gun you want to Cliff to a right old age you better quit you talking what you men doing here tell him to leave my Graves alone leave leave my Graves alone that ain't it wait a minute it look just like this but you got to look for a grave Mark with a name of Martha Martha carrot I'll never forget that name I had a g once by the name of Martha you keep out of here you ain't got no business here here it is just like I told you mark a terret right in here stop that d I got to keep this place neat and nice cuz someday folks are going to come back here to stay and make this a big city then they're going to call us the CIS Cemetery in honor of me cuz I was the only one that stayed here to take care of it leave my PR alone you keep out of [Music] here stop that gig I tell you [Music] you have blowed your head off it's [Music] here yeah try [Music] this shoot it off no you Indians here it's too bad I said shoot it off give me his Co get it off here give me his Co come on take it off [Music] yeah couldn't have just disappeared it was all bundles tied up tight we all seen it you got the money ain't you you take care of the graves and you found it that's why you don't want us around here where'd you put it put what why would I go ging up Graves I don't know anything about any money why you come bothering me like this I didn't do nothing to you somebody took it we buried it here why is a box still here but no money you ought to know you had it Frank gave it to you what do you mean gave it to me you saw what happened we all saw it Frank took the money when we got it off the stage didn't he he made us split up when they caught up to us at the crossroads he said when we reached Town we'd meet in back of the saloon Frank got there first he had the Box remember just like he told us to do we quietly slipped into town and one by one we reached the back of that Saloon right behind him but we were hemmed in remember C both ends of town we'll cut him off town was filled with a posy Frank said we'd have to hide the box and the money they'd hang us if they caught us with it Frank had this graveyard idea he he said nobody think of looking for us in the graveyard so we separated again and agreed to meet right here some of you men sprad up and search the alleys Frank was right about the graveyard it was the safest place and while the posi had the Main Street blocked and most of the alleys covered and were searching every building we all came in here and pick this grave right here is where we buried it together you and me and Doc and Frank wait a minute wait a minute Frank wasn't there Frank wasn't with us not when we buried the Box he never showed until we almost filled the grave he came in behind us later a long time later I remember him standing there just watching us now we scattered to meet in the P that's the last we saw of [Music] him never was any money in that's it he took it out before he give it to the kid yeah Frank had a couple of minutes alone when we hit town before we met back of the saloon yeah that's why I didn't show the graveyard till later he was hiding it yeah but where was he hiding it where do you think he hid it I don't know well we left him back in the saloon he went across the street not with a posy at both ends of town no he'd have picked a spot some Place between the saloon and the End of the Street yeah what do you think we're wasting time let's get started [Music] there's nothing in the alley nothing here what do we got to do rip up the whole town not let the kids right we've only got five places to search here to the end of the street that ain't nothing got to get duck out here what you doing in there baby that kid again I ain't done nobody any harm you didn't have to tie me up like this better you want your share you better get out there [Music] here nothing nothing pick it up who are you telling me nobody's telling you anything you want the money don't you [Music] nothing nothing none of this neither it ain't here it just ain't in the town we keep looking what for maybe the kid maybe he didn't remember right he has to be right Franken never got out of town with it how do you know he never spent it he died here I don't care it ain't here I ain't looking no more I'm getting out I'm taking the kid in the I'm getting [Music] out let him go no it ain't here you and me is getting out what's the matter it ain't here the money ain't in the [Music] town when we leave we leave together with them Indians Around Every Man's a gun even him even him we shouldn't have come we should never come in the first place fill this fill it so you figured it had to be buried from there to there it was dark wasn't it who said he couldn't have taken a chance and crossed the straight how long you think we can stay here before the minions come down on [Music] usop it cop it [Music] down gra those guns both of you that's smart those shots could bring Indians down in our necks drop them get over [Music] there get back in there move [Music] where'd he come from I don't know who you are Mister but you can't be no crazier than these rasal coming into my town digging up my grave shut up maybe my saddle didn't turn out as good as you figured saddle's fine been trailing you since you left twin forks me and my partner he'd be back early this evening sent him up to Fort yumo for some help what help got to make sure the government gets back that Army payroll you stole from him he might have left with the money he ain't got any money he ain't got a very good memory either tore up the town pretty good finding it now where is it there ain't no money go on SE there ain't a stick of money he ain't lying we haven't found it that doesn't mean we're not going to stay back you can stand there just so long with that gun pointed at us I can stand a long time maybe you got it maybe you ain't you're stuck either way the Army will be here soon if you're lying they'll make you talk little more of that jail you just come out of will make you talk all right you can't put us back in jail why not CU we Ser get back stand back against the bar move turn around turn around look out Mis time them up what about his troops they won't be here till night we've got [Music] time what's the [Music] matter what are you trying to tell me her [Music] you stay stay [Music] here get those mountains over there Indian [Music] signals we came this far we're finding it maybe under the next board I trying to stand maybe under the next [Music] board maybe I can get the Army here before your man does you said they couldn't get her it all night didn't you what you figuring well the Army sends a patrol go on search every couple of days for Apaches they get as close to here as four or five miles sometimes uh there's a busted mirror over by the bar careful the girl's watching us get a hold of it hold it up to the window let the sun hit it [Music] 2:00 2:00 [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] go on back go on go on back back go Back come on get out the street leave her alone [Music] shall he ain't going to lay a hand on you no more you understand no more you're going to take care of her how you going to take care of her with one [Music] arm IND [Music] get to the salon I'm getting that [Music] horse what do we do now a scouting part and he'll bring the rest back come on ean's dead where's your horse I said where's your horse down behind the Stables get a duck a cord that rifle that's Marlo's rifle how'd you come by it one of the Apaches had it he never got to for you you ain't leaving us tied up here the a paches are coming back we won't have a chance those rifles we'll drop them outside as we go we haven't got the horses to take you well Us's turn around we ain't leaving the girl she goes along with me how about else he's got a place up on the Rocks you'll make that all right did you get the horse yeah here's some bullets you ain't taking the Indian girl are you she double crossed you she double crossed you I tell you you take anybody take me who you think WR them a pachy we're leaving kid are you coming around you you ain't blaming her she was using that piece of mirror there catching the sun with it she was using that I tell you you're a liar I ain't she was flashing and I seen her when she done it you can't take her you got to take me you got to take me come on kid we're going come on ain't you going to take me I'm telling you the truth you do hate us yeah I seen that flash from the window you've been waiting all this time to go back to them out there well go on go on back to [Music] [Applause] them thought we was taking the girl [Music] what they never got away it's only been a few minutes they haven't got a chance [Music] w [Music] [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] you got duck they got duck [Music] what's she still doing here where else should she be she's the pachy she was a prisoner of them Indians when you picked her up [Music] another thing I didn't tell you Travis and I gave the signal he was trying to reach the troops out there the girl didn't have nothing to do with it [Music] a [Music] you kill enough of them they go back for more of their tribe they ain't never going back you don't know Indians if you think you can scare them why are they so quiet all of a sudden they're getting out my Graves they're getting up my graes stay away from that door they're just down at the end of town getting ready to come back I got to protect my Graves I got to protect my Graves I know what the midians do to Graves I know I I know I'll get them out of my graveyard R BR get anything get [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're not scaring off got any [Music] smokes why'd you come back why did you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all [Music] [Music] one more [Music] bullet we got about an hour before Sundown they've been using that Gully up at the end of the street and dragging the wounded back there each time hey a k a gun Powter we found it's just up the street in front of one of the stores if they're in that galy taking care of their wounded waiting for a dark they're in one tight little group we dropped that keg of gunpowder into the Gully that's setting it off ain't got no fuse nothing she can shoot this straight into it that's all we need I'll get the gunpowder to the Gully I'll let him see me when I start running back let the arrow go with a fire torch on it when those Indians start to follow me thatd k a gun pad will be right under their feet they won't know what hit them got any matches yeah one bullet that ain't going to cover you much just keep your eyes open [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you me Sonora B [Music] the e
Channel: Stream City
Views: 222,922
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Keywords: movie, movies, full movie, full length feature film, full length movie, free movie, film, films, full film, cinema, compilations, best of, comedy, horror, sci-fi, drama, animation, scene, scenes, funny, scary, trailer, new, fresh, trailers, official, movieclips, movie clips, drama movie, film noir, drama/noir, drama/noir movie, classic hollywood, old hollywood, hollywood, Ambush At Tomahawk Gap, Ambush At Tomahawk Gap 1953, 1953 film, 1953 movie, John Derek, David Brian, John Hodiak
Id: 33c86nmtRRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 50sec (4430 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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