Fighting Man of the Plains | COLORIZED | Randolph Scott | Cowboy Film

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[Music] la oh la [Music] la away [Music] [Music] [Music] please please let don't hurt him let go let go you little devil we're not killing girls jany I always said you were soft-hearted what's this he's taking his side against me that's a lie y struck the girl he was going to kill her I didn't I just pushed her out of the way that's slum his name's on the list what are you waiting for Jin pancer be forgotten Independence that's the man that killed your brother no no d Jim dancer [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Music] [Music] there's only you and me here dancer so it can't be used against you I'm curious did you ride with Frank and Jesse James I haven't seen them since the war you've been on my trail for 18 months there were eight of us after you well you know everything I've done everywhere I've been yeah I've heard a thousand stories about you but I believe nothing I hear and only half of what I see I work for the Pleasanton detective agency and they sent me out to get you this is just a job of work to me that's all what's this murder charge pleasanton's got against me fell her named slum well that was during the war besides ber slokum killed M it wasn't Bert slokum you killed it was his brother Theodore I'm turning you over to the Kansas City office and then I'm going to sleep sleep for eight long weeks guess you've earned it Cummings I haven't slept for 9 years myself that is really slept I told you before this is only a job of work with me that's all the right or the wrong of it doesn't matter ber slokum wants Jim he spent a lot of money to get you yeah he wants you bad take us across not tonight Mister that river is roaring be worth your life try to cross in the dark well we've got to get over I'll pay a double I wouldn't tackle a job for L of money besides I'm no swimmer we're going across you must want to get somewhere powerful bed I do not long mister let's go all right come aboard hey B these horses RS and pull them aboard and who hold a f this side jum key that means we stay together till we get to Kansas City you'll never get me to Kansas City I'll get you there Jim even if I have to carry you [Music] what's the trouble Barry can't see nowhere sure this is a place Road leads right up to here then continues on the other side must have busted a rope and gone on down the river how long are we going to be held up here driver I've got to get the lanyard me too I got a herd of cattle com up the Chism Trail I got to be there to meet him ain't there some other place to cross yes another Fair 10 m down the river that's 10 m down 10 m back the horses will be pretty tired you can rest them a while catch you yeah sure might well do it now all right got 10 minutes know I ever saw it this high before I've been driving this route for 6 years winter and summer hey take a look down there just a minute what's the matter here how long have you been like that since last night where's the Fairman he was taking us across when the horses got panicky and capsized the ferry couldn't swim that the horse's hoof caught him in the head surprised at Bart taking a chance crossing the river way it must have been yesterday I never knew him more cautious man what's your name Cummings George Cummings I work for the pleasant and detective agency I didn't think you fellas ever got west of Kansas City occasionally who's he his name is Jim Jim dancer Jim dancer never thought a pleasant a man to get him I've heard of him even down in Texas they say he was a real curly wolf I don't know anything about Jim dancing oh I've heard a thousand stories about him but I believe nothing I hear only half of what I see I work for Arthur Pleasanton I was sent to get him I followed him week in week out month after month and yesterday well a man's got to sleep sometime yes sometimes a man gets tired and got to sleep so dancer went out like that handcuffed to a pleasant and man kicked in the head by a horse you got a steel fire on your coach don't carry tools on this run where's your key threw it in the water to keep dancer from getting it all right Jim dancer's dead this man's alive and he's handcuffed to a got a knife afternoon I received a telegraph message asking me to come here my name is beram slokum oh yes uh just a minute gentlemen Mr slogan that's right I'm glad to see you sir your message said that you had Jim dancer that's right George Cummings one of our men got him well where is he last word I had was from bow Springs that's only 40 Mi should have been here by now you don't suppose that I got $10 says dan made a monkey out of the detective I've never met George Cummings but Mr Pleasanton considers him his very best man I bet you're glad to get this off I'll tell Travis you're here George Cummings is here send him in Mr Cummings Mr Travis where's Jim dancer I'm Bert slokum where's dancer he's dead I said no detective would ever bring in Jim dancer I uh I telegraphed Pleasanton day before yesterday from bow Springs he wired back to bring dancer here we know that man go on what happened we tried to cross the river on a ferry and well there was an accident dancer died where's his body Joe Partridge who drives a holiday stage helped me bury it you should have brought him in I've got to know for sure that it was Jim dancer Mr slokum is Right Cummings you brought dancer my credentials I'm turning them in you can send them on to Pleasanton you're quitting I quit yesterday along about Sunrise after I sat all night on a river bank handcuffed to a dead man dancer made a play on the boat I threw the key overboard so he couldn't get it Jim Dan's hand had to be cut off with a pocket knife I paid your agency $122,000 that should entitle me to positive proof you all right slogam these are for you [Music] [Music] he [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fellow citizens this is the moment all of us have awaited so long the moment when the the last Spike has been driven that links this town with the great cities of the East 6 months ago the Buffalo grazed on this very spot today a prairie Metropolis stands here lanyard Kansas named after my good friend Charles lanyard vice president of the Missouri Kansas and Pacific Mr lanyard unfortunately cannot be here but if he were here I would say to him as I say to you welcome now I would like to extend a word of Welcome to our friends from the south the Cattlemen from Texas who are bringing their herds hundreds of miles over the Chism Trail to Embark them upon the trains that will take them to the great markets of Kansas City Chicago New York now in closing may I say to you here comes the first H let's give them a real welcome [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] coming yeah what do you want days [Music] [Applause] $82 good afternoon sir afternoon good afternoon George Cummings of the pleasant and detective agency LA's gang number nine oh you quit the detective business 7 weeks ago how much for room $2 number 12 finest room west of Kansas [Music] City C boys have Cut Loose sit here Marshall you've got to go out and stop those men they're endangering people's lives yeah there ain't nothing and a drunken Cobo we want the Texas men to bring their cattle here but that doesn't mean they can shoot up the town now go out and stop them my M didn't raise no foolish children for the Last Time Marshall do your duty for turning your badge Marshall's job is over you can't resign now well that's just like quitting on fire ain't it though [Music] gosh I'll kill you for that hold it man he ain't got a gun get one go get yourself a gun and come back we can settle this without guns nothing but guns will finish this I'll give you 5 minutes to get one if you don't I'll come and pestol whip you you heard what he said get yourself a gun or start running unle bir Marsh that was Ben Slattery you hit Mister he's lightning with a gun grease lightning got a string of killings as long as your arm you've got nerve comings but you can't go up against a gun fighter seems I have much choice in the matter you have a Navy gun wonder if I could borrow it you're going to face Slattery there he is make your place ly wait wait was it a fair fight thing I ever saw you beat him comings you beat be him Marshall he has your gun it's a good one if there's a good man behind us here's the kind of a man this town needs for Marshall Mr slum did you see what this man just did yes hey your Cummings the pleasant and detective former detective hey wait a minute Cummings I want to talk to you not now B that's the man for the Marshall's job we've got a marshal he quit You're darn right I quit but we've got to do something we've got to protect the people in this town all right I suggest Johnny tanker you want George Cummings look that's right Cummings is our man people seem to want Cummings B would that be your choice Milo well uh you heard the folks all right Paul as mayor you can appoint him temporarily but there'll have to be a vote by the full city council to make it legal we meet tonight during the celebration dance are you all right my dear yes I am you go in the office and wait for me I'll take you home soon I tried my best Johnny you heard me you didn't try very hard soon as that Pips Hopson sounded off you gave in it wasn't only Hopson it was those people they were all for Cummings Cummings a cheap private detective oh Mr Cummings I know I bothered you all afternoon but we need you won't you reconsider and take the Marshall's job no the Town Council is meeting tonight and if you will accept the job sorry I can't take but Mr Cummings at the salary I mentioned I said I wasn't interested uh $200 a month and $3 for every [Music] good evening good evening Mr cumins where is there a good place to eat the eldorado's as good as any although you might find it a little noisy I don't mind the noise and that's your place thanks coming evening my niece Evelyn we met this afternoon rather informally I didn't get a chance to thank you I was never more frightened in my life except for the time with my father never mind that now my dear hson talked to you about the Marshall's job I refused it why didn't he tell you the salary yes oh too bad are you coming to the dance Mr Cummings didn't you know oh part of the day's celebration thought the town's people are to get better acquainted nobody knows anyone very well in a new town like this perhaps I'll stop in do good [Music] good get down gentlemen you can't wi if you don't get down all set here we go [Music] ready three wins four losers place your best [Music] gentlemen take over Charlie okay Dave what's your best G sit down sit down will it be I want something to eat we got beef steak all right how are you hello there was quite an exhibition you put on this afternoon violence seems to follow you around I guess you've seen do share of it well I don't think I'll ever have a Long White Beard hi Florence Hi how are you hello Mr hello keep you safe I didn't expect to see you out this way you were headed toward Kansas City the last time we met I guess the whole country is moving West can I see you for a minute Miss Peele of course excuse me I worked with a father on the Mississippi before the war he was killed in a gunfight when she was only 12 Florence and I are Partners I understand you've been offered the Marshall's job news gets around quick fight with Ben slatter is the Talk of the Town you were good a man has to be good in a gunfight he has to kill or be killed why don't you take the job I gave up that kind of work a couple of months ago you um almost gave yourself away this afternoon you mean something by that but I don't know what you beat Slattery to the draw take the job Jim what did you say I said take the Marshall's job Jim d moner I guess I'm not hungry after all no charge [Music] [Music] third right and left through second and fourth right and left through first and third and and third right and left second and right left good evening Mr cies come right [Music] in looking females why you grab yourself one to dance back to the bar lady to the center and for a star the right hand craw back for the left don't [Music] get com so you decided to meet our lard Society after all they're all here tonight the very best good people do you dance well I'm afraid it's been so long that I'd be only too happy to show [Music] you well if you'll forgive me miss slum I want to look in on the council meeting of course but Tank's reputation he's rather well known as a as a gunfighter do we want that kind of a man as Marshall all right if you don't take tank who have you got come in is it too late to change my mind about that Marshall's job no no it isn't too late gentlemen this solves our problem Splendid Mr Splendid uh we were just about to make other arrangements Cummings is the man for the job from what I've seen of Mr Cummings I cannot think of a happier Choice I'll do my best that's about all I can promise well that's good enough for me here as of this moment you're Marshall of lanyard Kansas congratulations Marshall pull up a chair does Mr Cummings know about the uh stifle for his office $200 a month and uh $3 for every arrest a goodly wage Marshal especially if you're alert to your opportunity I mean uh if you perform your duties diligently uh Judge leech's Office is a fee office as is mine we each get 25% of all the fines but I I don't believe you've met everyone here prosecutor veter uh Mr Milo Meer Justice of the Peace Chandler leech uh Mr Carter Bullock our banker and town Treasurer and Mr slokum you all already know we now have a complete and I trust an efficient Board of officers I want lanard to be the kind of a town where a respectable woman can walk down the street at any hour of the day or the evening and not be in danger of losing her life or uh or her dignity or dignity the Cowboys are raising a Ruckus downstairs [Music] this is the way we dance right come from go that girl there's your first job Marshall throw out those cowboys that's enough of that well yeah thank you Cummings just the man I've been looking for I'm Marshall of lanyard now get out of here I'll throw you in jail [Applause] where is your jail I'll show you oh come on everyone Let's Dance come [Music] on I got the keys in here [Music] gentlemen great work Marshall great work and so soon too hey I got some light got a lamp in there yeah got a match yeah use it for we got to stop that Marshall now come on let tear down his [Music] Jil come on up it up we out let's try the other door what's the trouble boys we want your pres drop that shotgun I've got two loads in here even though you get me half you'll die stand still start unloading your Hardware every mother son of you you better do what he says unlock the door move over over inside hurry up I saw the whole thing Marshall saw the whole thing nine more prisoners you're my man Marshall see you in the courtroom in the morning thanks I'll walk down the street with you no I I think I'll stay here the night smoke thanks how'd you know I was Jim dancer were you a handcuffed what do you mean cumming's left wrist was handcuffed to your right did anyone else see it I don't think so why did you tell me to take the job like I said on the River Bank man gets tired of running why did you take the job for one reason I found a couple of good friends here see you in the morning Jim good night courts and session nice group of prisoners mighty nice what are the charges disorderly conduct for these three $25 each and the proper charge is disorderly conduct and resisting arrest that's better and $25 for each charge 50 a piece boys why you stupid whiskey Ging off $25 extra total of 75 for you you boys want to call a couple of names come on boys it's all right I don't mind I get 25% of the fines no proceed Marshall that group tried to break these three out of jail jailbreaking that's a serious charge 50 a piece Boys 3 689 $450 plus 175 is a total of uh let me see $625 $625 at 25% that's um 56 and a quar for each of us yes and $36 for you Marshall all right boys shell out go climb a tree $25 $650 all together just a minute judge I've got a lawyer for these men too late I already senten him your honor I have been retained by Mr car retain yourself out of here the prison's been found guilty and fine $650 any more prisoners Marshall why this is an outrage I won't pay it $50 contempt the court why you you you why you toid imitation of a baffoon wi $100 would you like to make it2 200 I'm all right all right I'll pay but I'm telling you if I ever get you in Texas $750 12 men at $3 each yes here's your money Marshall 12 minute $3 each I'll get it from the town treasur at the end of the month suit yourself but I believe in pay you go want yours now prosecutor I'll take mine the regular way too judge leech well Marshall what do you think of Justice in our Prairie Metropolis Al lanard Kansas you're a lawyer what do you think the 25% Marshall bring me more prisoners see you later [Music] Jesse James hello Jim it's been a long time never so surprised in my life as when I saw you yesterday we thought you were dead I guess a pleasant man got the wrong fellow no he got me all right only he was killed thought it would be a good idea if I took his name why was to cover up gem dancers's Trail I could understand it the marsh of laboom town like this isn't exactly invisible yeah I know sit down Jesse sit down it's a long story goes back to Lawrence I uh I killed a man there named Theodore slokum his daughter 14 or 15 year old girl saw me do it none of us proud of that day now Bert slokum the brother of Theodore is a man I really should have killed because he killed my brother B SL it's the man that owns this town that's right he got the Pleasanton agency after me he wanted to remove the threat from over his own head I suppose so SL him down doesn't know who you are no but his niece the girl who saw me kill her father is here she could recognize you you're sitting on a cake of powder Jim yeah I know I don't know whether I'm going to win Hell I wish you the best of luck I got to mosy along why are you here in lanyard the bank I don't think I'll answer that don't Jesse hate to think are you and I looking at each other across guns good seeing you good luck to you might be back sometime you may not always be Marshall a [Music] good morning Marco [Music] who's this why going to you can read can't [Music] you I can read but who's the homestead development company I get paid for driving a wagon not talking hey I know you you've been in town long I've probably had you in jail I ain't been in your jail I just come here but I know you're from somewhere on I I can't remember sorry I can't help you [Music] morning Dave how are you geord he Marshall Marsh we've been looking all over for you what's going on around here what do you mean barbed wire I stringing it up out of town where had the devil of a time getting through where why all over we can hardly move our stock you put a lot of our men in jail Marshall but you've been fair about it you haven't buffaloed any of the boys who didn't ask for it but we ain't getting a spray deal on this barbed wire I'll look into it knew we could talk to you train Lord of wies just come in for the homestead development company who are they I don't know but I'm going to find out whoever they are then they keeping it pretty quiet yeah that's what I've been thinking breakfast spot ready sure go on it bring it on Dan bring me a cup of coffee with sure thing get your breakfast what's bothering you George Bob dwire and and what somebody I just saw say Marshall you better take a look at that sign outside Johnny tankr just nailed it up tankr excuse me a minute hold [Music] on get these cattle out of here no city ordinance no driving cattle through town since since today what is this tank I'm your new Deputy who gave it the job city council appointed me last night same time as they passed the new ordinance I'll show you how to run a town Cummings all right get those cattle out of here I got to get these cattle to the Loading pens without driving them down the street that ain't my business I'll give you 2 minutes to get that beef off the street drive them on down I was told to enforce a new ordinance I'm still Marshall let them pass all right boys drive them through [Music] [Music] tell the men to keep their mouths shut it's nobody's business but ah Marshall I'll talk to you later Johnny tankr tells me he's been made my Deputy well yes K's a brought it up at the council meeting last night said what a fine job you've been doing thanks as a matter of fact you've been doing too good a job been on duty all day and most of the night and we uh that is the council decided that you ought to have an assistant Johnny tankred or a good man Cummings not too much experience but he was peace officer at Prairie City only last year I know about him you've got to sleep sometime can't be on duty day and night [Music] he drew on me while you had your gun on him he was looking for trouble that new ordinance I told you to let him drive through I did I wasn't bothering him any well he came back here and kept jawing at me then he drew there's always some fool that doesn't know when the scores against him do you know when the scores against you what's the idea you're through Johnny I'm firing you you can't fire Me Maybe not but I can kill you and I will if you don't drop that [Music] gun now take off that badge I said take that badge off [Music] [Music] thanks Marshall he made Bill draw sorry boys so slokum give you a deputy give a man like tankered a badge and he frightens me every time I see him hey Marshall was it Cheyenne we met never been to Cheyenne I have yeah I remember you from there D and faroh and French Jack wasn't you French Jacks yeah was that before or after you got run out of [Music] town dirty bushwhacker is that the someone you saw before mhm he thinks he knows me do he yes but he can't remember from where do you his name's yansy he was at Lawrence he's got reason to remember me tomorrow the same you buy yeah say saw you talking to the Marshall a couple of minutes ago yeah you know I know him from somewhere only I just don't recall where it's been a long time ago it was the detective before he came here a Pleasanton detective no it ain't from that I remember him I don't have no truck with detectives not me detectives is one breed I steer clear of hey you know maybe maybe if I had another drink have a couple two more for my friend yeah come in a Mr sler I'm glad to see you Mr lanard I'll be busy for a while Jones have a seat thank you I came all the way from Kansas City just to see you slokum all right lanyard I see you want to get to the point there's a load of Bob wire ahead of this car it's the six car load you've bought in the past month you also bought 200 plows and $20,000 worth of miscellaneous farming equipment I want to know what the devil you're up to slokum obviously I'm fencing in some land and getting ready to do some farming the only thing you can grow out here are prairie dogs all right Charlie I'll give it to you a short and sweet we made a deal to shareing everything that came from this town just a minute slokum you had 12,000 acres of land out here that you got from the government at 50 cents an acre I swung the railroad South 7 miles just to cut through your worthless land for which I paid you $50,000 and cut you in for half of the townside that extra 7 Miles cost A4 million cost the railroad stockholders not you they paid for the extra track but you got $95,000 as your share are the profit since this town has been in existence if that isn't enough why don't you buy me out and have it all one square mile a Township with every building in it and you'll pull out of here I didn't say that I uh still have some farming land just how much of this Prairie Land have you got a mile and a half on each side of your track for 14 miles the township is right in the middle of that in other words you've got the town of lanyard surrounded you might say I've got the town blockaded according to my figures about uh 100,000 head of cattle have been shipped from here since the railroad reached lanyard there are about that many head out on the Range now grazing on my land and I shouldn't be a bit surprised if uh if a half a million head are shipped from here by the 1st of November I'm not arguing figure slokum I was thinking in in view of the fact that I'm giving the railroad so much business the railroad ought to give me something what about a dollar for a head of cattle you're mad slokum uh-uh I've got you blockaded not one head of cattle will reach your shipping pens unless I let them cross my property you don't have to decide now Charlie take a day 24 hours take your feet off of there I got a real bone for you to chew on boss I just ran into a fellow who knows Cummings everybody in town knows him yeah but this fell knows him from a way back he doesn't rightly remember how or where but he says Cummings was no detective what this Fell's named yansy one of those Rost abouts we picked up I saw him talking to Cummings and Johnny Cummings was never a detective remember they picked him up with a dead man handcuff to him those handcuffs I said that no detective would ever bring in dancer if he's not George Cummings he's Jim dancing that's one way to find out for sure Pleasant in Chicago I'll get them to send out a man who knows cummies they owe me that much what do you want you can put up your rifle on Marshall Cummings of lanard I know who you are but you got no Authority out here I'm not trying to exercise any Authority I just want to ask some questions I got no questions to answer saw you in B slam's office so I suppose slm's the homestead development company you can suppose all you like putting up Bob W all over the range we ain't knitting sweaters with it hey Marshall Marshall I've been looking for you come in here slam's raised my rent 50% raised everybody in town I hear he can't do it he sold us our leases at Big prices we invested a great deal of money in merchandise and fixtures expecting to make a profit and now he does this I can't pay the increase you talk to him Marshall he won't even listen to me says it's his property and he can charge whatever rent he wants and George we've just been given notice as of today that we must pay 25% of all G gambling winnings to the lanyard Land Company why he can't do that no he can't we can close the gambling and cut off our noses I'll take him to court that wouldn't do any good you know how far you'd get with channel elit the judge that clown I've got something to say to sloka myself this is as good a time as any tell them the merchants protest the outrage he's perpetrated tell them we won't pay it's absurd slogan I want to have a talk with you all right I've just been out on the Range slokum why are you putting up Bob it's my land and this is my town yes you own it you built it but you invited Cattlemen to bring their herds here you also sold leases to all the businessmen and they invested their money on the Assumption they would get the cattle trade and they've been getting it they have but they won't anymore if you keep Cattleman from coming to lanyard whatever gave you the idea that I want to do anything like that that no cattle driving on the Street ordinance oh the city council passed that ordinance your Council all right my councel but there's nothing in that ordinance preventing the Cattlemen from driving their stock around the town and bringing them to the Loading pens from the railroad side no and there's nothing in that ordinance saying you should raise their rents or cut yourself in for 25% of the gambling you think Milo mik and the rest of the people of this town are going to take this lying down it won't work slokum the cattl men and the mer will tear this town apart comings you may be right I'm going to tell you something cost a lot of money to establish this town and well I extended myself a bit too far I'm going to Kansas City in a day or two to uh raise some money and when I get back I'm going to drop the rents back to where they were and uh resend the other things you you mean that of course I mean it if you lost your mind shut up shut up welcome yes my name is Clifford Bailey I just got him from Chicago I'm with the pleasant and detective agency I'm glad to see you Mr Bailey sit down w't you you telegraphed us you had reason to believe that a man named George Cummings here is an impostor that's right you're familiar with the Cummings dancer case yes you know the fact that Cummings didn't bring in dancer and resigned his job at the same same time is always stuck in my crawl we've often talked about that at the office it wasn't like George oh it wasn't let me tell you something Mr Bailey that case cost me $112,000 I yelled my head off for positive identification and what satisfaction did I get this I know how you feel Mr slokum that's why I'm here at ARX spense where would I be likely to find this man at the El Dorado right down the street him and a tin horn gamer were pretty good friends well we'll soon know if he's coming toight uh all right if I leave this here of course you better take a look at this Cliff Cliff Dave by all that's holy what are you doing here well I own this place a half interest that is you remember I was always pretty handy with the cards didn't I win most of the money in the 14th Missouri Cavalry you got my pay a couple of times before before I got smart it's 7 years since we were mused out I thought you were going to keep in touch well I've been pretty much on the gold what are you doing in this part of the country believe it or not I'm a detective work for the Pleasanton detective agency of Chicago Florence this is an old friend of mine Cliff Bailey we were in the Army together my partner Florence Peele pleased to meet you ma'am how are you doing Mr Bailey did I hear you say you were a detective why yes did I say something wrong no not at all only what are you doing here in lanyard there's no particular secret about it one of our operators a man named George Cummings resigned under well rather peculiar circumstances some weeks ago and to make a long story short we got a telegram asking the agency to send down someone to identify Cummings slokum H slokum has reason to believe that George Cummings is an impostor he doesn't say that only well he spent a considerable sum of money with the agency a while back on a the matter he paid $12,000 to get Jim dancer will you have a drink Cliff uh no well thanks Dave Cummings was a friend of yours [Music] yes I first met him after he'd been sitting all night in a river bank handcuffed to a dead man I cut off the dead man's hand I heard about that I didn't know it was you after that he became a track layer on the Missouri Kansas and Pacific he landed here with the railroad and immediately got pulled into a fight with a drunken killer he killed a man the town demanded that he become Marshall he didn't want to do it we persuaded [Music] him Cliff IES in peace Marshals all the way from ogalala Nebraska to Ogden Utah I've seen them in all the Kansas Trail towns not a one them can hold a candle to him have a Dave but you're saying only heightens a suspicion I already had now let me tell you something because you posted rewards for him because Bert slokum paid you to Hound him you think he's an outlaw a murderer is neither of those Cliff sure he rode with quantal but that was war and yes he killed slom's brother by mistake but slokum had killed his brother he's no more an outlaw or murderer than is slokum and he's very much more of a man your agent George Cummings is dead make no mistake about that his head was crushed by a horse's hoof I saw that but dancer didn't kill Cummings and Jim dancer is is dead [Music] you [Music] understand guess I'll have that drink after all George this is Cliff Bailey of the pleasant and detective agen how are you from the Chicago office B slokum sent for him of course the eastbound train leaves in about 45 minutes I understand that's [Music] right let's take a walk [Music] [Music] well George it's been great seeing you again sorry I can't stay in town longer but Mr presant told me to try to get you to come back to the agency your job's waiting for you anytime bye George come and see us if we get to Chicago Dave watch out for that a in the [Music] hall I don't know how you did it Dave but thanks I didn't do anything I just told him the whole story and he made the [Music] decision you're in love with her Dave you know another month there won't be a Texas man in town half the places lanyard board up the windows next year I'm thinking of going to New Orleans you're in love with her aren't you I'm a gambler Jim Florence was the daughter of a gambler for that reason she wouldn't marry a gambler never asked you yes at New Orleans must be pretty nice this time of year trade will be heavy on the Mississippi I wouldn't be surprised if a fell could pick up a small fortune [Music] la come [Music] in if you're not too busy I'd uh like to talk to you for a minute sit down I uh I know business hasn't been any too good lately because the hers haven't come in too fast they'll come again in the spring I know but there won't be much going on in lanard during the winter maybe you do better further south Dave told you we might close for the winter is that what you're getting at in a roundabout sort of way well he mentioned he might go to new orience all right Jim you ask for it you want to know whether or not I'm going to New Orleans Dave said he might go there we might close the Eldorado we might even sell it but I'm not going to New [Music] Orleans don't you know there's only one man I'd go anywhere with anywhere he wanted me to [Music] go you blind Jim or else you're a fool [Music] come in left this with the Marshall said it was [Music] important it's from Evelyn slokum she's asking me to come to supper she won't have you Jim she's not your kind and if she knew you were a gim dancer she'd cross the street so she wouldn't have to pass near you I know that better than you Florence I killed her [Music] father I don't believe it's true I shot him down right before her eyes and she knows it was Jim dancel only she she doesn't know that I'm Jim dancer and I've been feeling sorry for myself there's not much pattern to it is there Dave and me and you maybe I'll go to New Orleans after [Music] all good evening Mr Cummings please come in how do you do Miss Lo may I take your hat uncle Bert is in the Parlor won't you go in how are you Cummings glad you could come have a drink oh thank you nonsense man a little drink won't hurt you would you excuse me please I've got to see about my roast it's just about done of course my dear sit down Cummings cigar no thanks you're just as well off your health number fo1 say your prayers maker TC Henderson and abene planted 5,000 Acres harvested 40 bushel to the acre we did a dollar a bushel that's all right how many acres are you going to put in Uncle BG I've got over 20,000 acres of land you're not going to plant it all in wheat why not this isn't cattle country cumings no land is if it can grow food food comes before anything else beef is food this soil is too rich to waste on grazing cattle fact of the matter is this this soil is better than innocent's land at deene I to get 50 bushel to the acre SL SL Johnny mil has been killed what shot down by Bandits sorry I'll have to go let's have a drink nice work Johnny George Ken has something important to tell you sorry I'll have to wait Marshall two bullets right in the back did they get their money no they came charging in shot Milo and run out how many were there there were three of them no no when I heard the shots I ran out of my hotel and saw two more holding the horses five of them oh why would anyone want to murder poor Milo just when I was thinking think the town was getting tamed down George now George listen to cam we a county now George Bruno County and lanyards the county seat what I'm the new County attorney and you're the sheriff sheriff there's your commission signed sealed and delivered good work Ken but I I wonder who your friend yansy was one of them how do you know we saw them making the getaway I think I know where I can find them I'll right with you hey there's somebody coming it's the Marshall I'll tell him something that nosy hey you hello boys here got nerve coming here the Marshall Ain't Got No Authority out here in the country that's right but I thought you boys would like to ride back into lanyard on your own account oh what are you saying we ain't lost nothing in lanyard look here Marshall I know you from somewhere as sure as I'm standing here I know you did we meet in Chicago I ain't never been in Chicago or was it uh was it St Louis St Louis let me see keep thinking about it yeah anybody tries anything he gets it first don't shoot don't shoot drop your guns start filing out of here you're going to jail all of you you got no Authority outside of the town of lanyard you said so yourself we'll talk about it later all [Music] right just a moment gentlemen gentlemen I have a very important announcement to make as of yesterday lanyard is the county seat of Bruno County Kansas I now want to introduce to you judge Lee cier of the fourth district court state of Kansas who preside at this trial judge Curry wait a minute this is my court this is Justice of the Peace Chandler leit your honor how do you do sir we'll discuss your duties later Mr leech now if you'll excuse me I'll call this court to order but your honor yes uh nothing your honor fourth district court state of Kansas now in session proceed Mr County prosecutor your honor the state of Kansas versus 5 John does charge willful murder just a minute your honor I have been asked to uh represent the defendants and I ask the court to dismiss this ridiculous charge on the grounds of lack of evidence your honor before you make your decision I should like to call just one witness I object objection overruled proceed Auto Holtz raise your right hand please you solemnly swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do be seated I object keep your objections until later proceed tell us your name Ado Holtz your occupation well I uh I work in Mr Mika's store I mean I did what happened there yesterday evening shortly after 8:00 ain't that what this is about I thought you knew Mr Holtz perhaps you'd better tell the court in your own words just what happened at Milo Maker's store last night sure that's what I'm here for Mr Mika was killed by then I object objections overruled it's apparent the prosecutor is trying to make an identification proceed now Otto answered this next question carefully did you see the faces of The Men Who last night came into the store and shot down Milo maker in Cold Blood of course I seen them then three come running in and that one did The Killing you're a liar you dirty lit sit down dancer dancer Jim dancer that's who you are you hit me in hey judge he ain't no Sheriff he's dancer Jim dancer the famous Outlaw dancer dancer he's Jim dancer The Outlaw I know him we was together with quantro is he telling the truth yes I'm Jim Dancer come on man we're free Jim dancer can't arrest anybody he's an out himself stay back there it ain't legal you're a killer [Music] yourself Marsh's gim dancer silence silence silence another out burst like this and I shall clear the courtroom are you Jim [Music] dancer I [Music] am if you want me I'll be at the hotel [Music] come on let's P it this trial will [Music] continue I know what you're going to do and I won't let you do it I don't know what you're doing Jim dancer is the best man you've ever known stop it you Little Fool go home do you hear me go home you killed my father Jim dancer you killed him you shot him down in Cold Blood it's 9 years and I've thought of it every single day every single [Music] maybe you'd like to use that on me well go ahead [Music] oh you have been found guilty each one of you and the sentence of the court is that you shall be hanged by the neck until you are dead silence silence move the prisoners get going I think that's all right good [Music] all right [Music] Johnny step aside side you're free boys I'm taking over the Town come on help yourself with some [Music] guns on well well if it ain't the ex maral X Sheriff's assistant keep wa Han well I wouldn't think of bothering you Mr oldum but I thought you might want to come along with while I arrest your friend Jim dancer you're going to arrest dancer he's an outlaw ain't he it's a law abiding town and we don't tolerate Outlaws what do you call these they're my deputies deputies this scum isn't fit to clean gym dancer boots just for that lady you can have a ringside seat of dances hanging you'll never see gym dancer hang oh no what do you think we're headed for right now he means to Florence warn Jim you [Music] [Music] the rest dancer and you're going to hang so you let this punch loose yeah and you should see the fancy shooting we've been doing the judge and the lawyer and your Gambler friend olm I never saw a deam animal life I've been after you a long time Jim dancer you're tough but before this day is over you'll be down on your knees begging yansy go find that judge leech or peach or whatever his name is for what go ahead all right Mr [Music] dancer just in time Lo didn't think you'd miss it all right go ahead lo I can't do it I can't I haven't got authority to try a man on a hanging matter this is a county now the County's been unformed if you need any authority to try this man here it is Judge do you think you have enough Authority now yes sir The Prisoner is a notorious Outlaw and murderer one gim dancer that's him here the sick looking bird what's the matter judge can't you say something yes sir what is the evidence against this man evidence judge I just told you he was a murderer isn't my word good enough in this court I can give you some evidence I saw him kill a man once what more evidence do you want that's right I find the prisoner guilty is charged that's fine judge just fine now the sentence 225 death death by hanging thank you judge you did a good job you're a plenty of witnesses here heard you sentence the prisoner just in case there's any question about it later let's get on with the hanging that Oak at the end of the street is just right for hanging come on [Music] [Music] fine tree nice drop where's the r where's the Rope right [Music] here the article you wanted friend who are you we're strangers in town we thought don't concern strangers you're healthy to mind your own business not every day a hanging comes along be ashamed to miss one besides that's my rope you're using that ought to be good for an admission ticket stay but keep clear you said you wanted the pleasure or would you rather do it no what's the matter with you you said you wanted to tie the not so tired takes a lot of nerve to hang a man maybe your friend's checken harded I want you to keep out of this bring over that h [Music] well Sheriff you had a short run yours may be even shorter I don't mind telling you that my plans don't call for me to hang around here sorry boss but I've worked long enough for small change there's $150,000 in that bank of yours and I can go quite a long ways with it what's that you say you figuring to rob the bank I want you to stay out of this the hanging is one thing Mister that may be your line of work holding up Banks M look how tankered he's Jesse [Music] James why don't you fight you yellow card I ain't fighting Jesse James but if you're not fighting then start [Music] running thanks Jesse you Cole all of you sorry to break my my promise Jim wouldn't have done it on you I thought it'd help you out we got word in the roundabout sort of way that we having a little trouble here cuz a man had owned this town had too much money we tipped off that he wouldn't make so much trouble if he lost about 150,000 he kept in the local bank you say you got tipped off it's truth Jim so help me Big Railroad Man tipped us off man by the name of lanyard a good railroad too they have to hold it up someday will you be riding with us Jim a man's got to play the hand he's dealt and mine's here Jesse we better go right been good seeing you again maybe this makes up for the time you saved my life at back your Springs [Music] all [Music]
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
Views: 257,039
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Keywords: Fighting Man of the Plains, Randolph Scott, free movies, free western movies, western, western movies, western feature films, ranch movies, cowboys, wild west, western movie, western movies online, full western movies, full movie youtube, classic western movies, western movies full length, cowboy movies, western movies full length free, full movies, best western movies, westerns full movies, spaghetti westerns, spaghetti western, free westerns, old western movie
Id: FhNxdZL8PyQ
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Length: 90min 15sec (5415 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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