The Cariboo Trail | Randolph Scott | Free Western Movie

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Canada land of majestic mountains and Frozen wastes a country rich in history in Tradition and high adventure 80 years ago gold was discovered in British Columbia and Men came from every part of the United States and Canada they found a land of Tall Timber and rushing torret and a tortuous Trail along the Frasier River the only entry to the Gold Country the Caribou Gold Rush like all other gold rushes passed into history but the Sun that set on the deserted gold Creeks was to rise again on the great cattle Empire of central British Columbia where the ranches of the caribou and chil Coten stand today this is the story of a man with a dream of cattle a man who helped to build a nation his name was Jim Redfern and he rode the Caribou Trail into the chil Coten country a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] go oh [Music] it's time one of these crazy steers falls off the trail he stays off I've heard you say that before but you always pull him up well I won't anymore we've been held up long enough by these bunch of scarecrows you call a cattle herd trou with you Mike you've got the gold fever so you can't see anything else so a few thousand others who came up here ahead of us you'd like a little gold yourself wouldn't you well that's why I'm here with you and why do we have to drag along these half dead steers golden cattle don't mix they mix as far as I'm concerned I told you back in one kind I'd go to the gold Fields with you but I also told you I was going to take the herd along gold is secondary with me Mike a means to an end now take a good cattle ranch the kind we hope to have back in Montana is what [Music] I get him [Music] hey take a look up there [Music] they'll have to count those stairs as they cross what for you can read can't you this is a toll bridge what's the charge 50 cents ahead for the beef dollar for you and your friend and uh $2 for the Chuck wag which one of you is wsh neither of us we work for him there's not enough water that stream to wet a steer's ankle and I could jump across this thing you call a bridge I wouldn't try it if I were you mister it's a hold up you pay you don't pass here well now since you put it that way [Music] M trouble boss we had anything else since we left Montana 4 to2 ain't such bad odds 4 to3 let's see 3600 cattle $18 two for us two for the Chuck no we're not shelling out to cross that dinky bridge now you're talking let's [Music] go wait a minute I got a better idea D get out [Music] take a look at that bridge come on we'll satle up you stay [Music] here land of friendly people Hospitality are there people like that in Montana too actually you enjoyed that little party so did you you were like the old red ah this prospecting could be fun if we didn't have those 36 steers with us 35 loose one good mustn't say that Mike hadn't been for the cattle at the bridge we might not be here now ah here we go again if it hadn't been for the cattle [Music] cows on the Caribou Trail Caribou ain't going to like it every heading north is there any other way to go not you're heading for the Goldfield this a carable trail Mister Broken Heart for every Rock dead man for every tree where you from Montana Montana well got a brother up there wrancher like yourself I could have been one only I got the itch for gold Been Everywhere California Goldfield Virginia City Alder Gul haven't found it yet huh oh sure I strug it rich last time well not too rich maybe but gold maybe this time I'll hit her for sure come on h i confucious name Ling mine's Grizzly can't really my name but that's what everybody calls me on account I rattle a grizzly bear one I won to or I wouldn't be here now oh say I I hear a little spelly shooting a few minutes back Spott of trouble nothing to speak of though oh tollbridge eh yeah now I don't blame you for not wanting to pay flying pass when a man can charge folks for crossing over a little trickle of water hey that's a nice wagon you got there m fire right on her spell my feet get a little might tired sometime hold hand we huh well come on what are we waiting for here get up that's it she just about ready just a little might more seasoning maybe Sal confuses named Ling oh yeah so he said common name name shiny Ain it don't know me born in San Francisco that's so never been shiny great country chiny spent some time there himself a little while ago yes sir the mar of Hong Kong offered to give me my choice of his collection of Pigeon Blood rubies for the recipe for this here sto I wouldn't do it m Roger H Kong T that neighbor you can tell your friends you vet the best same for you young fell say it's not bad in fact it's quite good good it's nectar where am broie throw it in for good measure [Music] help [Music] what this man's life ain't never sa around cattle wait mik oh my arm get that fire going heat some water you hurt sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] boss no no Jim no no no no Jim [Music] [Applause] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] you better rest a [Music] while how you feel [Music] Mike hope you satisfied we'll have you to the doctors now and just a little while let me alone get away from me I W never see you again as long as I [Music] live hey hear that stay [Music] coach w in trouble we got an injured man here he's got to get to a doctor at once ain't no doctor we hit to Carson Creek that's 15 M another two or 3 hours You' been dragging them like that well we lost our horses sure we'll be glad to help you good Grizzy link oh Jim I'll follow you with Hannibal in the shadow St coach is going by the hotel yeah say that Chinese on top was with those Cattlemen last night stopping in front of Dr Road's house go and take a look right careful there men careful now my for still alive yes but he's been unconscious for the last 2 hours what happened a friend are you're one of the men from the toll bridge that's right if I were you mister I wouldn't hang around here waltter is pretty sore about that bridge you broke down thanks men glad to help Ling you stay here close to Mike I'll be back in a little while I'll wait you think Mike be all right I don't think they'll be able to tell for a while but let's hope so whiskey from the states eh isn't it good it's quite good well hello fry how do you I uh I beg your pardon my name is Walsh oh you're the chap that brought in the injured man uh how'd that hand you don't know eh well how would I know thought maybe somebody told you the man you were talking to outside a minute ago man outside and I was Will Murphy well how would he know he wakes for you didn't he well he sort of takes care of a to bridge oh it was your her of cattle that cross that bridge yesterday cattle and the Caribou yes the first ones up here they're Mighty welcome too you see we haven't had a good beef steak in a long time tell me would you consider selling that beef H the entire herd I can't sell what I haven't got the herd was stampeded last night stampeded well that's too bad H by the way you owe me for that broken tall bridge send me a bill from his attitude you think I'd run off his two bit herd well well what didn't you well how could I you know perfectly well I spend almost the whole evening in this place sh sure Frank but what about the people who work for you were they all here last night too now stop it Francy I'm not going to quarrel with you you told me you wanted a little more time to think about me well you've had a lot of time not enough I'm not the sort of man you can push around and I usually get what I want yes you do and I've got a big investment in you your place is the only one of its kind in town I haven't let anyone else open up I haven't even tried to stop one myself now look here Frank you own this town just about everything and everybody in it but I built this place with my own money no no no no no no no Francy I said I wasn't going to quarrel with you but I'm not a very patient man how' it happen Indians I'm not quite sure that's not unusual in this country only usually it's a lone prospector with a sack of gold then they sent for a shovel not a doctor can you keep Mike here I'll have to he can't be moved ever been a nurse then cly good I'll need some help stop by in the morning thanks doctor I'll be here first thing fine you come with me him where you made good times and can move pretty fast when he wants it this time he wanted it how's Mike won know for a while well might as well eat while we're waiting to find out my stomach's crowding my backbone I haven't even thought of food but you're right we haven't eaten since last night I think these Saddles will solve our money problem well where we eat well I let the gold Palace there it's good grub Walsh Mining Company wash banel company wash Trading Post huh I thought the name of this town was cson Creek ought to be Walt City huh yeah I passed through here a time or two Walt just getting started sure it took over [Music] now give me one of them gim all right [Music] for sale one saddle without a horse two sadders without two horses you tried the liery stable no well don't you think they'd be a better Prospect for a couple of saddles probably but I don't like the name on the liver stable Walsh what's the matter with it it's on too many buildings around town I didn't see it on this place you won't either although I've had offers I'm not surprised I suppose I could sell them without too much trouble how much you think they're worth oh uh I'll leave it up to you Jim we ain't had no supper or even breakfast or lunch oh I know we can soon fix that Al two Caribou steak dentist how about $20 a piece no make it 25 you've just bought yourself twoo [Music] Shadle and shadows didn't go very far no new shirt for you couple of blankets piece ax frying pan Walsh's got a monopoly in Carson Creek he can charge anything he wants I ever strike it rich I'm going to open me a trading post here put Mr Walsh out of business well have to put you out of business with a bullet in your back you figured was him that started that stampede after what I've seen and heard around town I'm ready to believe he's behind everything in this part of the country show yourself before I start shooting no Z me Ling don't ever sneak into a camp like that neighbor not up here in the Gold Country where a fell usually shoots first and buries his mistakes what happened Lang Mike isn't no no doctor say don't need me tonight that woman from town say better nurse than lean woman nice how is Mike he sleep where get blanket in town cost us plenty our Saddles you s saddle we had to we're up against it I got to get some sort of job in soon job yeah with gold in the mountains all around us just waiting for the finding takes money to go prospecting we need equipment and food and $100 F have you got $100 well since you asked me me know I ain't even got 100 cents man maybe somebody will grub stick it who Walsh I got $100 youing why we haven't paid you any salary in months saving money long time got $300 you take $300 it must have taken you years to save this money watch stepan did you pay Dr man ghost prospecting find gold and get fch all right L I'll take it we'll out fit in the morning and try our look but we go as partners share and share alike one for you one for me and one for Mike sting partner hey how about me you fellas no gold when you see it you know how to pan a stream you think nuggets just jump into your pan and holler hey I'm gold uh-uh neighbor ain't that easy what I meant to say Grizzly was we'll split it four ways now you're talking [Music] partner get out of here Mike please you've got to listen to me I don't want to see you again as long as I live I'm going prospecting Mike I'll find all I'm sure of it i' buy us the best her of cattle in all Canada we'll have that ranch we talked about you and your rotten cattle I wanted to sell out Montana you wouldn't you had to drag those rotten cattle along I'll remember that I'll remember that as long as I live Mike you don't know what you're saying get away from me get out of here Mr Redburn please he's very [Music] ill I'm sorry red fern he's in no condition for excitement I know but I'm leaving town for a while and well I didn't want to go without talking to him he's suffering from shot but he'll soon get over there hey Jim hey Jim fell and beef where gold Palace he pass us here and when we seen the beef we hey wait [Music] R redf and Evans yeah I want to know where you got this look lady do I ask you where you buy your whiskey a dollar a pound's a bargain either you pay it or I open up a store myself and sell it people around here ate at Fresh beef in 6 months where'd you get this beef what business is that of yours 35 had a cattle was stolen from me night before last and this 35 head of stare in the whole of caribou country they may not be now but they were 2 days ago and you saw them are you accusing me of stealing your cattle yeah [Music] [Music] I'll be enough with that mister thanks grizzly [Music] [Music] that's my brand RAR e what of it I run across this stairs so I butchered it what would you do you're lying this meat here came from at least three sters three yeah you're crazy here I'll show you it's Bill Miller you're man watch nuh used to work for me I had to fire him he was with you at the tollbridge well come to think of it he was but he just happened to be there and I suppose he just happened to shoot at us yeah Miller was never one to pass up a fight are your brand yeah you sure you don't know anything about this beef well how could I I told you this man hadn't worked for me in some time as a matter of fact I had had to discharge him because well because he was a thief and a troublemaker those are things we don't tolerate in cson Creek do we this man deserved what he got redr he was a menace to the community sorry Francy it had to happen here it's all right I can use the beef I'll pay you for it I uh all right give the money to Dr roads I don't know how long I'll be gone and Mike well you understand let's go Hannibal you were a Twist in a flip confucious you got to loosen the dirt and swish it out show them how to do it grizzly huh show him how to do it oh watch how a n work dir I used to wash out more pans than any three men down in all their GS hey here's a ah just a rock oh that dog on water is too cold I can feel my Ruma is coming on wasn't for that I'd be panning all the time well uh Let's Travel another day or two West rub running all we shoot some game come [Music] on Mr Trace but it's gold that's more than we found before we wouldn't pan out 50 cents a day with [Music] this hey you ain't figuring out going further I want to see what's on the other side of those Peaks nothing Jim take my word for it nothing but nothing have you been there I still got my hair ain't I that's why all is on the other side is Indians it's the chill c gim that means engine stay out come this far we're going a little farther you got that Gold Fever wash than I ever had all right we'll travel some more come on l [Music] [Music] come in you've got a visitor mik it's that Harrison woman I don't want to see her hello Mike how are you today as well as Oliva be did redin put you up to this no he didn't then why do you keep coming here you've been here now three or four times you'll be out of here soon you made any plans sure I'm going to get me a Tin Cup and some pencils you're talking nonsense you can come in with me I need a good man a good man has two hands stop that Mike if you work for me you'll earn your pay I know all about you Francy Harrison you own a big place here in town and it probably makes you feel pretty good to visit a poor sick man a all right right that's how you feel about [Music] things you're a fool m [Music] I had the Caribou in the palm of my hand nothing moved unless I said it could move and then I let you in you've made a good thing of this place but now there's going to be a change are you telling me it's no quarter from now on that's right why don't you look for your going you you you were going to call me a you bumped me deliberately your face is red Mr Walsh did Francy slap you you're talking out of ter the mighty protector of the king of the Caribou uh just because you got only one arm don't I've only got one arm but it's a good one and I've only got one gun that makes us even go ahead draw it got me by surprise want to try it again there won't be any difference except you'll be a dead man all right now we're evening draw don't Mike please get out of the way Francy get out of the way you come over to my office I want to talk to you Mike don't talk to Walsh why shouldn't I talk to him a one armed man eats as much as a man with two arms wal pays his men [Music] well Grizzly I'm going up to those rocks you mean what anal you stay here [Music] so this is the ch C look at that grass and water Cattleman's Paradise yeah come on [Music] Grizzly might as well try this place H good any I guess [Music] yeah Indi he [Music] I sh with me you speak English hey and you f speak English ah just my Lu you good for nothing bunch of nothing gzz they can't scare me I ain't afraid of no engines a bunch of no good sashes no sash Blackfoot hey he talks English white man come Indian Land Indian kill white man now wait a minute partner let's talk his over maybe we make just a little mistake Indian kill white man white man no come all right Chief we won't argue the point will we G this here is your land we leave it we won't come back y [Music] you better figure out something pretty quick Jim they're holding a power hour and when they finish I know I killed one of them men too told you that chill cop was Indian country and for all of me they can keep it if I ever get out of here hey look it's Hannibal he followed us here hey Hannibal hanbal and might to see you come on baby that's enough Hannibal don't make them any m in there hey I just got me id what may be tough on poor old Hannibal but maybe he'll save our lives he knows a trick I learned him he kicks when I want him do anytime you want anytime we've got to wait for an opportunity you understand Lan we're run a spot Miss Abby n like Devil no like be [Music] scalp now wait a minute partner let's not be Hasty about this you kill Indian you die come around here Han [Applause] gety run [Applause] [Music] w [Music] gold [Music] what do you want better job I'm afraid you're biking up the wrong tree very hungry need a job I beat it just a minute you're Jim Red's man aren't you yes Miss namely work long time for Leed Fern boss Mike is Mr Redfern back in town don't know indan catch B Jim catch me catch grizzly grizzly and I escape Jim maybe Escape maybe dead dead get a job you need good cook maybe Le very good cook make biscuit by very [Music] good come with me for [Music] now got a little goal here made a strike huh small pocket that's all mhm not quite 60 o $940 let's call it $950 it's an order on Frank Walsh can I get the money Walsh will give it to you I'd rather get it from you sorry that's the way we do it around here well you back I want to see Walsh Mr Walsh quite sure well Mr redin got an order I want cash huh $950 you uh strike a little gold pocket fair fair it's good isn't it oh yes yes yes yes yes certainly certainly perfectly I'm sorry Mr redin I haven't got that much cash here at present take me some time to get it together I'll come back oh you needn't do that now let me see uh if you'll be at the Gold Palace I'll bring it to you I'll be there [Music] Mike Mike it's great it's great to see you boy what are you staring at have you never seen a one arm man before but Mike it's me Jim your old sidekick listen I've got great news for for you all bet I've just been up to the chill the greatest cattle country I've ever seen just would wait Devil with your chill coat and your cattle J welcome back to Carson [Music] Creek sorry Mike I don't want you a petty I don't need it and you I've had enough from you poor man he's lost his arm he's become bitter I've got to straighten him out Mike you're going too far I can go further it's something new I've learned and I've also learned that one hand is as good with a gun as two [Music] Mr wall sent me over with some money for you said you had an order that's [Music] right $950 [Music] 100 200 3 4 5 yes sir brand new gold double eagles 640 the aut calls for 950 so it does but here's a little Bill Mr Walsh has against you uh Waltz tollbridge company to James Redfern destruction to one tollbridge $310 what's this that tollbridge you broke down a few weeks ago that's what it caused to rebuild I want the rest of the money Mr wal said to tell you that sometimes he carries his customers for a little while but he always collects in the long run congratulations Redford you're a lucky man we've needed a new goal strike up here and yours tops them all saw the stuff some of the finest in the caribou bch hold on Murphy I want to tell you something now wait just a minute you're not trying to keep this to yourself are you Rend that isn't the way we do things up here in the Caribou is it boy right you can't hide a gold strike can't keep this to yourself it ain't right you got to give it to everybody boys don't let him Stampede you he's doing this thing Del Liber hold on Redburn don't try to weasel out of it I've seen the assay's report and the gold itself all right I found a little go what of it nobody's giving me anything around here I've been robbed and pushed around he says that's great coming from man who's trying to cheat US you going to let him get away with the boys he won't talk let's make him [Music] talk through my office up to [Music] stairs b g FL no h thanks L I'll see you later [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you want not a thing ma'am I uh saw your cattle and well I'm a cattle man myself you don't look like a cattle man sorry but I've had rather a rough time of it lately and Jim Jim Grizzly you Old Timber Wolf I'd given you up for lost I thought the engines had got you for sure Mary this is him fell I've been bragging about Jim Redford Jim my brother's Winer Marty winers please to know you and I'm glad to know you Mr Redfern Oscar here has told us all about you Oscar ain't no call for you to let that name out marthy I'm Grizzly always been Grizzly up here Oscar weathers all right Grizzly remember me telling you about my brother down Montana yeah I thought I'd pay him a little visit I found it'd been drag GS by a rustler marthy and her kid well they was about to pull out anyhow so I told him about you the notion you had that this country was seen up here was cattle country well did you tell them about the Indians I sure did but marthy well she said she fought Indians and Montana and Indians white men rustlers hey jny come here here's that little present I've been promising you Jim Redford well this is a present I mean a surprise I never been so glad to see anybody in my whole life from what uncle's been telling us I Ain never told told you the half of it Janie why I seen him fight a fell in Carson Quinton we'll shake hands with Jim Redford this our foreman will gray how you well Mighty glad to know you Mr edford I don't mind telling you we've been a little worried about bringing these cattle up here to Canada why did the four of you bring up all these tears yourselves no not exactly we had six Riders but they they deserted two days ago turn fools gold struck soon as we hit the Gold Country they lit out young fellas ain't steady these days got to be traing around all the time I want to know more about this chill Co it's real tough country mountains such as such as you've never dreamed of we crossed a few coming from Montana n like you cross to get into the chill c but it's worth it once you get there a landlock valley that'll keep out the Winter Winds grass up to up to a hores belly plenty of water a million Acres of range untouched a virgin grazing land and engines if Hannibal ain't kicked out all our brains by now Oscar oh I mean Grizzly ask him huh ask him oh oh yeah yeah you know I ain't much of a hand with cow's gy but well marthy wants you to lead this outfit to the chill Co would appreciate it Mr Redford why uh I'd be glad to what Marth means is she wants to take you in as a partner have and half no no I can't do that the herd belongs to you people you brought it here to the Caribou country but from what you've said I don't think we can get it into the chill c you'd have to hire some Riders and I think you can do that at Carson Creek takes more than just extra Riders it isn't just a matter of getting over the mountains it's getting settled afterwards I'll tell you what I'd like to do I've got $600 $600 yeah where' you get all that money I'll tell you about it later I'll give the money to you lead you to the chill Cen help you get settled and that's wonderful and in return I'll I'll take 20% of the herd 25 it's a deal well now that that's settled guess I'll be fixing to turn him we'd all better turn him I'm glad Jim good night good night about that $600 when I escaped from the Indian Camp I found a little gold gold where where where a stream up near the chill Cen you think you can find it again I suppose so uh didn't Mount anything just a small pocket one pocket you might be some more no I've made my bed and I got to sleep in it but I ain't going to like it you know uh I left Carson Creek in quite a hurry Murphy got the miners all worked up over my strike and they chased me out of town we may have a little trouble when I get back they looking for trouble we can give them some huh maybe we can [Music] Red's coming back boss where is he on the trail crossed the bridge yesterday with about 300 head of cattle 300 head you collect the toll was only me and Jen what of it I put you that a collecting that means from everybody you know anything about redin coming back no how would I I haven't seen him since you chased him out of town but have you heard from him no think reder know better than to keep on trying to bring his cattle up here got an obsession and talking about it for years place where he can raise cattle and not have to worry about grass and water so why he came up to the this country I thought you came for gold I came for gold with him it was cattle he said the cattle would be here long after the Gold was forgotten we'll give him a little reception when he gets back you'll do nothing of the kind you know redin may have something in this cattle business at any rate I'm going to try and find out redfin's no fool he knew he was taking a chance coming back here cattle may be the answer anyway the Caribou is dying there isn't enough gold coming in here to keep this country alive for another 6 months I wonder how I'd like the cattle business you wouldn't no I'd like anything if there was enough money in it 300 ah head wouldn't be a bad start [Music] how far do you figure we're from this town would you say the name of was Carson Creek oh we ought to get there sometime late tomorrow afternoon then 100 miles more more or [Music] less this country doesn't look very good for cattle It's Gold Country just as well cattle and gold don't mix we're making good time something wrong another a thing only well it was just about here we lost our herd like yes Uncle told me about him he lost his arm [Music] think I heard the steers coming in with something the seene every day I guess we ain't going to have no fun after all I'm satisfied Bosch must have been told we were coming that's the case why's the welcoming committee doesn't look like there's going to be one he got something up his sleeve hey [Music] what I uh I left town so quickly I didn't get a chance to pay you for my S why didn't you s didn't get any offie you sure well going to stay here this time only long enough to hire some Riders we're going on to the choke C but that's 100 Mil North this hurry's already come farther than that your C belongs to Grizzly sister-in-law Mrs wers here are we going to make Camp oh we just Beyond town now Jane this is Francy Harris Jane w is Francy how to do how you I've got to get this her bed down I'll ride back and see you later friend [Music] Francy well he's really D bought cin the Caribou again you think he had enough of that the last time it isn't his HT who is it why don't you ask him maybe I will Evan says the man is cattle crazy thinks he's going to find a cattle Paradise up here in the north he's a fool he tell you where he was those weeks he was gone no he didn't and if he had I wouldn't tell you oh you're blushing like a school girl you're in love with him Francy Harrison of the gold Palace of the Caribou Trail and Points North and South get out of here get out and don't come [Music] back thanks [Music] you haven't worn a dress in a long time like it very much still got open in your ear yeah [Music] going to town mhm she's very attractive yes she is going to town eh uh-huh wa a minute I go no I I'd rather you stay here Grizzly thought I'd go in and uh look up Mike mik eh yeah [Music] good night Jane he's been in here day after day drinking far too much there he is [Music] now Mike I want to talk to you talk you don't mind if we use your office do you Francis no of course not anything I'd be interested in hearing you can say right here here ago mik got to punch your fo head for talking like this I'm taking a herd up to the chill c I'm getting 25% for my work we are still Partners Mike nothing's change come on along we'll start all over you never saw a one I'm Cowboy I don't talk like that there are plenty of things you can do take her with you she might like [Music] it you can see he hasn't changed and he won't as long as he's working for watch [Music] forget about him Jim you can't bring him back you've tried your best you're only hurting yourself I know only I I can't help thinking of the kid he used to be Francy I yes Jim all right boss let it go chill c l isn't that Mike saddle I pay for him s Miss fancy good job that's all right Ling you've been a good cook cook B with check wagon J mhm be careful Walsh I know I'll keep watching out for him I'll be back [Music] get up here we made a good drive so far but now that we're getting into a rougher country the going will be harder not only for the cattle but for ourselves from here on it's all Virgin Territory it's only fair that I warn you again that we may encounter Indians higher in the mountains hostile Indians however I told you about that back in Carson Creek but now I'm telling you again so if any of you want to turn back it's your last chance all right we'll break camp at dawn and we'll have extra special breakfast before we start you see Evans you got to know the angles if it's Transportation you get horses and men if it's gold you go after the Gold and if it's cattle you get the cattle the way you work you'll get them something worrying you tonight not very much I was just wondering how low a man like you could stoop I see here [Music] w [Music] hey [Music] help [Music] get [Music] out get up [Music] B out get him [Music] [Music] hey hey hey [Music] haven't you had about enough I'm paying for it I don't want your money had to throw you out last night and here you are again got lots of thinking to do can't think unless a drink we'll do your drinking somewhere else getting tired of seeing you around here all the time I'm drunk now look here Evans you've been carrying this business a little too far you've been drunk for a week fire me fire me why don't you only you're afraid aren't you because I know something you wish I didn't you keep that mouth of yours shut you drunken fool mury sure come ahead Murphy I'm drunk you can beat me to the draw maybe come on Murphy this is the chance you've been waiting for Walsh wants me out of the way he'll get a big bonus if you get me draw Murphy Murphy look at him run Walsh King of the caribou and his gunfighter yellow both of them Miss Harrison I want to talk to you alone all right Francy let's talk you name the subject what does Mike Evans know he knows he's a drunken and that's all he knows you're lying I know you too well you planned another of your dirty pieces of business something to do with Jim Redfern why Francy how could I possibly harm Redford he's got the Chinese with him and the old coot and a half dozen many he hide here in town pretty sizable Force certainly plenty of protection against me even if I wanted to harm him you're pretty sure of yourself aren't you which means you have got something up your sleeve something so ugly that even Mike Evans has turned against you but why don't you ask Evans he'll tell you if he's able to [Music] Mr revans Mr revans don't go what nothing [Music] [Music] you just heard a bit of shooting Friends Frank Walsh tried to have me killed and missed you know why because I know something he wishes I didn't know he's made a deal with the Indians to Massac Jim redin and his entire party G some of you may hold a grudge against Jim because he wouldn't let you in on his goal strike you were needle into that by Murphy I know Jim and I can assure you that if Jim has struck it rich he'll let you in on it some of you were heing Carson Creek when Jim brought me in after I lost my arm you may have heard that a cattle Stampede did this to me but now I'll bet my life that Walsh has been behind every bit of dirty business since he hit this town what are you going to do about it you going to let him have all those people murdered no Walt is on his way he's got a head start on us and the Indians already we've got to beat him and beat Walsh come on [Music] D it [Music] [Music] jeane you shouldn't be walking around at night why you're out here all the time this is Indian Country the guards are being double tonight and from now on no one will step more than 20 ft from Camp beginning with [Music] you everybody [Music] Jane take care of this man all right men let's get these logs and build a barricade you got them out number 10 to one my Buffalo they haven't had a chance to dig in now hit them again no like attack at night wait until morning by morning they'll be ready for you lose many men already wait until morning attack then we've got to make these Indians attack now now the cattle why can't we stamped him like we did when we got red friends hurt of [Music] course will Grizzly Blake what do we do the cattle we got to get rid of the Indian stamped them this way we're done for we can't go out there Jim they mean he's to cut us off we got to go out there stamped him away from us [Music] a [Applause] [Music] mik you did this to me Walsh and now I'm going to sorry Jim about everything don't talk Mike everything will be all right sure sure Jim you'll have your Catalin new Ranch wish I could be with you [Music] have to walk the rest of the way [Music] Jim look it it's handable hey hand the [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
Views: 41,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Cariboo Trail, Randolph Scott, free movies, free western movies, western, western movies, western feature films, ranch movies, cowboys, wild west, western movie, western movies online, full western movies, full movie youtube, classic western movies, western movies full length, cowboy movies, western movies full length free, full movies, best western movies, westerns full movies, spaghettiwestern, spaghetti westerns, spaghetti western, free westerns, old western movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 32sec (4832 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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