A Time for dying (Western, 1969) Richard Lapp, Anne Randall, Robert Random | Full Movie, Subtitled

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♪ (triumphant logo music) ♪ (movie theme music) (snake rattling) (loud gunshot) ♪ (ominous whimsical music) - Run little fella, run for your life! ♪ (soft music) (horse neighs) Won't be much longer, boy. We'll find us a blacksmith in town, you'll be as good as new. ♪ (soft contentious music) - You shootin' at somebody or is somebody shootin' at you? - I just killed a rattler. - Why? - He was about to eat hisself a baby rabbit. - So? A snake don't get him, something else will. - Maybe, but I reckon it's nice for a feller to live as long as he can, even if he's a rabbit. - What about the snake? - Well, snakes is a different thing! - Is they? - Anything happening in Silver City? - The usual. - Usual don't mean much to me; I ain't never been there. [Cass] So is anything happening? - You just asked that, sonny! - So he asked it again. I hear a new gal's coming into town on the late stage. Gonna work at Mamie's. They stuck the picture she sent up over the bar. If she looks like the picture, she's something special. Every man in town's turned out to meet her. The thing is, Mamie thinks this new gal don't know what kinda job she signed up for. If she don't know, it's gonna be a joke on her. (awkward giggling) Son, Mamie's ain't no flower shop! ♪ (soft music) You know somebody in Silver? - Nope. - Then if I was you, I'd untie them guns. Folks around there are kinda Eastern. They don't kowtow to strangers walkin' around with the steel strapped tight. Well...I ain't no stranger around these parts. Neither is Thunder and Lightning. These folks have been known to make exceptions... but like I say, if I was you...I'd untie 'em. Silver ain't no place for a kid. - You just come from there. - I just come THROUGH there! And I ain't no kid! - He ain't no kid! - That's the best one I heard since Hangtown! He ain't no kid! (laughing) ♪ (soft contentious music) ♪ (soft piano music) ♪ (jovial crowd commotion) - You got a spell to tack a shoe on my animal? I got the shoe. - Sorry boy, I'm just fixing to join the fun. - Can you find time for a dollar? - A dollar? You're in Silver City, boy. Just a dollar might buy you a nail! ♪ (jovial crowd commotion) I was only kidding, son. How's if I shoe all fours for $2.50? - Just bother with the one for 75 cents, and... use the same shoe. Mind you, take care of my Winchester. - I've seen one of them things before, sonny. (jovial crowd commotion) (women teasing & shouting) (jovial crowd commotion) (women teasing) (jovial crowd commotion) - [patron] New boy, Seth. - [patron] Hell Ed, I seen him. - [Cass] Evening sir... - Hold your horses, customer. I'm about to have breakfast. - Well son, put your boot in the rail, that's what it's for. (gulping sounds) - Passin' through here, stranger? - Maybe...then again I might take a hankering to your town. - You do that son, you'd best untie them pistols you're toting. - Nobody said nothin' to you out there in the street? - Ain't nobody out there fit to say nothin'. - Well Mr. Ed's right, boy. We got strict laws here in Silver. Well, we don't mind a little hoo-rah now and then, and... well this here house keeps stock of what the fellas want, whiskey and all, but... serious gun-totin's another thing. I guess we all seen too much shootin' not long back... so much so, we've run plum out of sheriffs, temporarily. - I hear tell you folks make exceptions now and then. - You've got good ears, boy. - Ran into a young fella just at sunset up on the hill, and that's sure what he told me. - This here young fella riding alone? - Nope, he had a couple fellas tagging with him. - This here your friend from on the hill? - A spittin' image! Well, I'll be danged! - Yeah, we make exceptions to Billy Pimple. He ain't quite Billy the Kid, but he's sure working on it... and he's jealous of him too, which makes it worse. Billy Pimple's got a disposition like a rattlesnake in the sun. This here wanted sign was hung up pretty as you please on that wall over there. It had to be, it's the law. I always nail Billy's pictures as far as I can tack 'em from the bar, but...it makes no difference where I stick 'em. He still gets sore. Him and them two sidewinders of his come in here about five o'clock; they had one whiskey. Then Billy spots the picture through the mirror...and just starts shootin'. Cleared the place out before I had time to duck behind the bar. - Then he runs out into the street, and invites the whole town in here to have a drink. - Invites the whole town in for a drink at the end of a gun. - On the house. - That's what started that whole mess out there. Our folks was gonna be real gentlemen to meet the new girl, until-- - Billy comes to town. - By the time he left, they was all so drunk they could hardly follow him out in the street to wave goodbye. - To wave goodbye? Do they like him? - Hell no, they don't like him... but they don't dislike him if you get what I mean. - So junior, if you can't shoot like Billy, we can't-- - Now Seth, don't you go starting something-- - Well boy, are them real guns? - Now come on, fellas! (gunshots) - Hey, what's going on down here? - I thought for a minute it was Billy Pimple! - [Cass] Evening, I didn't mean to disturb you. - Buster, we've been all through that before! - Yeah, we thought there was more free drinks! - This here boy is better and faster than Billy! - Well he sure keeps his bullets to himself. - You can wear them tied down just as is, Mister! We ain't gonna try to stop you. - Strong shootin' boy! (women chatter) (women chatter) (horse neighs) (crashing sound) (loud crash) (drunken men chattering) - [driver] Hey...come on, get up there! Come on, move outta the way there! Clear away there! Look out for the stage. Get outta the way there! [driver] Hoo there, hoooooo. - All right, easy, easy boys! Let the little lady out! (clamoring) - [drunk] Come on outta there, honey. Don't be afraid. - [stage hand] Come on fellas, she's just a kid! - She won't be no kid after tonight! - Thought you had some laws in this town? - Ain't no laws when the whole town's drunk! - [drunk] My my, what a pretty woman! Come on boys, let's give him a hand outta there. Let's help him outta there. He looks a little weak to me. (drunken clamoring) - HOLD IT! (crowd quiets down) [Maime] You drunken sots! Don't you touch one hair on that little gal's head! She's mine, do you understand THAT? Mine! I'm a'comin' out to get you Nellie; don't you fret! You don't have to work until tomorrow! (laughter) - Where you heading, boy? - I'm gonna ride them men away from that coach! They're gonna hurt that girl! - [Maime] Evenin' Floyd, I see you brung your brother. (horse whinnies) Although you're drunk! (chuckles) - [blacksmith] No, your saddle's loose! (thump) - You boys is acting like rabbits, relax! There's gonna be enough for everybody. (horse neighs) Evening, Carson. You oughta have a full house for sure next Sunday. (laughs) (door thumps) Grab her! (drunken commotion) (gunshot) (drunken commotion) (drunken commotion) (gunshot) (dog barks) (gunshot) - [Cass] Look here girl... I'm picking you up! Hahhh! Help me, girl! (drunken clamoring) (hooves pounding) (shouting & clamoring) (shouting & clamoring) (men laugh) - Good boy! Go to it, son. (laughter) - Keep on riding! - Take her away! - Will one of you bums do something?! What the hell are you laughing at? - I was just hoping they might fall off. - [Maime] Get in there! (hard laughter) - What a night, what a night! - Wowee, what a night! (hard laughter) - [Cass] How do your legs feel now? - I don't know! That's the first time I've ever been ON a horse! - Yeah, well you weren't on one, much... - Yeah... Do you know where we are? - Nope, I just know where we ain't. That was getting downright unhealthy. ♪ (soft music) - You think they'll come after us? - There ain't nobody in Silver tonight fit to set a horse. ♪ (soft music) Now look... didn't you figure when that Mamie person wrote for a picture, something wasn't just right? I mean you don't have to look like you to wait on tables. - I guess I just wanted so hard for everything to be right, I didn't think. I've had so much trouble finding a decent job ANY place. - Well for gosh sakes, why? - Well a decent job doesn't always mean that the menfolks will stay decent. - Yeah well, whatever that means. - How old are you? - Somewhere close to 20, Pa told me. - I am 20. Do you know where we're headed? - I don't rightly know. - Well don't you live just back there? - Not JUST back there, WAY back there. I seen Silver City for the first time only a little while before you did. - Why did you take this chance? - There was two good reasons. First, you was in a heap of trouble-- - We're still in trouble. We don't even know where we're going. - That's right...but there's somewhere...sure ahead. The stagecoach comes down this road... it had to come from someplace. So we'll just keep on. - And the other reason? ♪ (soft music) - The other reason was... I guess you're the prettiest girl I ever seen. I didn't want none of them fellas touching you. ♪ (soft music) ♪ (dramatic music) ♪ (jaunty country tune) (chickens clucking) (squawking) (chickens clucking) (doors bang open) (knocking) - [Judge Bean] Oh hell, come on in! - Buenos dias, Your Honor. The sun's up. (groans) ♪ (whimsical music) (slapping sound) - Come here boy... take care of that! (groans) You lame there, boy? Take care of that just now! - Yes sir! But you told me last night to remind you, first thing, that today's a big day. You know, the horse thief! - Horse thief? Today's Wednesday...(chuckles) I plum near forgot about it. Boy, fetch me my good coat. Oh my... No no, I said the good one! ♪ (soft whimsical music) - A new couple checked into town...early this morning. - How new? - Brand new! They ain't much older than me. I seen 'em. - They sign up as Mr. and Mrs.? Well, did they? I'm ony gonna give you a nickel, 'cause you ain't worth a dime when you only give me half-facts! You fetch me Cauliflower and Rankin, right now! Boy! You hurry with that jug! - Yes sir! ♪ (whimsical country tune) - Oh my.... (groans) ♪ (whimsical music) (groans with pleasure) (groans) Oh my...Wednesday... ♪ (jaunty country tune) - [boy] Cauliflower! Rankin! Cauliflower! Rankin! The judge wants to see you both, right away! And he's sober! ♪ (jaunty country tune) ♪ (soft whimsical music) (bang) - Throw 'em out. All right girlie, get dressed. - I am dressed! - That ain't neither here nor there, you're both going with us. - For what? - We got a little law here in Vinegaroon called Indecent Conduct... and you two just broke it. - Here together in this nice hotel... - Why, you ain't even registered as man and wife. - Here ye, here ye, here ye! This honorable court is just about to begin session. Any of you boys want another snort before I begin to work, get it now! Bring Sonny out here! (excited chatter) (gavel thuds) [Bean] All right, all right! Shut up and sit down! (chain clatters) [Bean] Well... Good morning, Sonny. - Morning, Judge. - Would you mind just stepping around here please, Sonny? (laughter) Sonny boy... you was brought brought in here for borrowing another fella's horse without him knowing it. (laughter) Now, it's my duty as the law of this fair city to pass judgment and speak my verdict. Sonny, time will pass, seasons will come and go... Summer with its shimmering heat waves and the baked horizon and then Fall... With a yellow harvest moon, and the hills all turning gold under the sinking sun, and then Winter, with a biting, whining wind, and the land all mantled over white with snow, and then...Spring again. Spring with the green grass blowing gently in the breeze, and heaps of sweet wild flowers on top of every hill... (bang) Well you won't be here to see none of it! Because it's the order of this court right now that you be took out of here up on that hill and be hanged by the neck 'til you're dead, dead, dead! (banging) Now get him outta here! ♪ (dramatic foreboding music) Now...you boys got just one minute before I start the next case. (excited chatter) - Roy, you know that stranger we found dead from natural causes in the hotel yesterday? Well, I spent $10 building his box! - Well that's your job, Milton, ain't it? - My job is to stick 'em in the ground, but... I shouldn't have to pay for it. - Milton you told me all that last night, but the main fact is I was so drunk, I forgot to ask you what you found on that poor fella. I mean, now look Milton, weren't he carrying nothin'? - Well...nothing much... - Like? - Well, like eh... 37 bucks and a gun. - $37? Why Milton, that's withholding evidence! - Well I was gonna tell you about it! - You was gonna have to! (laughing) Oh hell, it don't make no difference Milton... but the law is the law, so let's just fine that corpse, say, $37 for carrying a gun without a permit... (both chuckle) and Milton... you can turn the money over to the City Treasury right now. You can buy that gun from the city for two bucks later. - Later? - Later, Milton... And don't you be frettin' about the money you spent on that box, because we're gonna play some poker later on and you'll get a chance to win it back. All right come on now, sit down! (banging) All of you sit down and be quiet. (sound of bodies shuffling) We're gonna have some order in this here courtroom. I said quiet! Now bring in the next offender. (whistling cat calls) Now what the devil did you two kids do to get in all this trouble? - Well sir-- - These was the two in the hotel. - [Bean] Well was ya or wasn't ya? - Yes sir. - You got a legal certificate of marriage? - We just met last night! - Fast work, eh son? (laughter) - When these two came at me, I was outside the room! - Well was he or wasn't he? Speak up, boys! (deputies talk over each other) - Answer me boy, are you two married? - No, sir. - Now where's my box... - Right in there, Your Honor! (sound of rummaging) - Step forward, girl. Pick out the ring you want, it's your wedding. Come on girl, hurry up! [Bean] Don't act like a woman. My time is valuable! Now... do you two take-- what's your names? - Nellie Winters-- - Cass Bunning-- - Do you Cass and Nellie take each other as lawful wedded spouses to honor and respect from this time forward in sickness and in health 'til death do you part? [Bean] Well do ya?! - Well-- - [Bean] I now pronounce you man and wife! Stick the ring on her finger, boy, and kiss her, and may God have mercy on your souls. Oh yeah, I got a surprise for you! You two young folks are gonna be the guests of our fine hotel. Ain't gonna cost you a cent, and boys, tomorrow I'm gonna stick a new sign up on the hotel that says "Spend Your Honeymoon in Vinegaroon!" (laughter) Yes sir, boy, your room's gonna be on the house... but this here wedding I just performed is gonna set you back five bucks and girl, you can give me back that ring. You'll find a better one somewhere later on, I'm sure. Now then, let's give a big hand for our newlyweds! (applause) Get outta here. You boys have got exactly one short minute to wet your whistles before we go onto the next case. (excited chatter & commotion) - Cass! ♪ (dramatic ominous music) - [Cass] We must've walked both our legs off. - [Nellie] It didn't seem long. - It's been hours, and we ain't said a word...neither of us. - Well, where should we begin? - I guess I don't have to pick petals no more. Looks like I'm already spoke for. - Are you sorry? - I ain't nuthin'... but maybe I'm mostly glad that you're like you are. A thing like this could be downright awful. ♪ (soft dramatic music) I meant that nice... I mean... it ain't bad at all with you. - Well...I guess we're really married. - Well, I ain't never seen nothin' more legal. - Cass! - [Cass] Think, that's just a hunk of wood. Folks die everyplace in the world. Anyway, up here's the only cool breeze around town. - Do men always think like that? I mean, straight out with their feelings. - The only man I ever knowed well was Pa. I hope I thinks like he does. My ma died awhile back. - So did mine, and then my dad. - I guess being a girl and having your ma die would be just like it would be with me if something was to happen to Pa. I'm gonna take you home to my pa. He needs you while I'm gone. - Gone? - I got things to do. This ain't the time to explain 'em. Nellie, we're in real trouble. They got all my money but $2. They got my saddle and my guns and we ain't going no place without my horse. That hotel ain't safe for you tonight. Can't tell what them drunks is liable to pull... - [Bean] Hey you two! Come on up here and we'll visit for a spell. (chuckles) That's right, come a-runnin'. I was a little out of sorts this morning, and I reckon maybe I was just a little bit crabby, eh? [Bean] Progress... Dang it! A man tries to stay ahead of progress, so he can make an honest living and progress can't never catch up to him. I ride up here every morning to see if them railroad fellas stuck that track down any closer. They said they'd be comin' right by here... more than a month ago when I stuck up my town. Hell's fire...I can't even see the smoke from their train, which they probably ain't even got... Gettin' so you just can't trust nobody nowadays. (chuckles) Now don't go frettin' yourself about Sonny, that's the second horse he borrowed without asking. It was bound to happen sooner or later. You know kids now, they figure they gots the right to do anything they want just 'cause they young. Hell, just being young don't give you that right! A wild bunch out in California hanged me once when I was young. My gal Cholita, whose fault the whole mess was all about, she cut me down after her folks thought I was a goner. Should've stayed hung. I wasn't much good when I was young. [Bean] Girl... Girl, come over here. Come on girl, come on over here! So, uh...(chuckles) your name is Nellie, eh? I got me a sweetheart with a name pretty close to that. Boy... you ever hear tell of Miss Lillie Langtry? - My pa has, Your Honor. He's seen her. - Where?! New York? Chicago? San Francisco? - Not sure where, Judge. - Well I'll be damned. The only other fella I ever met who knowed her just happened to see her passing by on a train once. Say, I reckon your pa thinks like I do, that Miss Lillie Langtry is the greatest actress in the whole world, huh? - And the prettiest. - Your pa's a smart fella. Of course almost everyone thinks that. Any of your family ever seen a girl? Girl! You know you two being married, I figured maybe somebody in your family's seen her too. - No, they haven't seen her, but they read a lot. - Well hell, I should think so. I'm gonna build me a town someday, and I'm gonna name it after her. Langtry, Texas it's gonna be known as. ♪ (romantic music) That little old tent town ain't good enough for a man of my education. I'm gonna build me a real city with a real courthouse, where I can practice law, and... I'm gonna name it after her. Langtry... Texas! ♪ (romantic music) Come on, Mule. Oh, um... like I said, you kids ain't got nothin' to worry about. You can just be our guests for the night, and be happy... Ain't gonna cost you a cent. Oh and boy...by the time you walk down this hill, you'll find your saddle and your guns in your room. I sure want to thank you for telling me about your pa. It means a heap to me. I've been in love with Miss Lillie Langtry for... Oh, forever I guess... ♪ (romantic music) But I ain't never seen her. ♪ (romantic music) - He's just a little boy... an old, old little boy. - Yeah? Well he sure didn't let that Sonny feller get any older... and he didn't give me back my five bucks, neither. (pigs snort) (background chatter) (childrens' laughter) - The carpenter has fixed your door, good as new! The boss is giving a fiesta tonight for a couple of newly-marrieds. Reckon you'll be there? - There ain't no way out. You got yourself quite some boss. - The best around! (dog barks) (children chatter) - Look Nellie...I don't know nothing about being married. - Well, why don't we start by just opening the door? - Yeah, well... (water splashes) (Nellie screams) (rice poofs) (Nellie screams) (crash) (Nellie yelps) (laughing) (Cass coughs) - Oh, look... [Nellie] "Spend your honeymoon in Vinegaroon." You better close that door before everybody in town's looking in here. Help me, please. (door closes) ♪ (romantic music) Help me. ♪ (sentimental music) - [crowd] One, two, three! (crowd groans) - Again, ready! - [crowd] One, two, three! (crowd laughs) (pow) (thump) (crowd laughs) - Why doesn't that other man ever get hit? - So far he's never lost. Look, closed fists like this means rocks. Hands flat out means paper, and two fingers straight out means scissors. - Ready! - [crowd] One, two, three! (crowd laughs) (loud pop) - Whoa! (crowd woos & laughs) - Now watch, it's simple. Pa and I used to play this game. Of course, we never played it that way before. We used to do like this. (slap) - Ow! - Now look, here's the rules. Rocks breaks scissors, scissors cuts paper, paper wraps rocks. One of them fellas always loses, unless it's a tie. Then they just go at it again until one of 'em loses. - And it's always the one they call Cauliflower? - [Bean] He always loses! I reckon Rankin's got the Indian sign on him. Ready?! - [crowd] One, two, three! (pow) (crowd woos & laughs) (crowd laughs) - Get him outta here! (crowd laughs & banters) I just love seeing my people have good, clean, rough fun. I give these here shindigs every time I get a chance. - And Cauliflower always loses? - Oh hell no, he won once about four months ago. Nearly killed Rankin! Damn near had to drown him to bring him to! (indistinct chatter) [Bean] Ladies and gentlemen! Before we start this evening's dancin', I want to dedicate a drop of this fine whiskey to the prettiest girl in the whole wide world! (applause) Ladies and gentlemen, here's to Miss Lillie Langtry! (crowd cheers) (chatter & applause) Start the music! ♪ (lively music) (festive chatter) - You oughta be the chair. - I'd be scared not to. ♪ (lively music) (festive chatter) - [Bean] Change partners! ♪ (lively music) (festive chatter) - You'd better dance a turn or two with Lilly, and then you can trade her in for some other fella's gal. It's no joke! The Judge thinks Lilly keeps the fiesta going, and I'll tell you something else... Lillie Langtry sat on this very chair. The Judge bought it from some show fella in Chicago. ♪ (lively music) (festive chatter) ♪ (soft music) - My head aches. - You're lucky. I ache all over. I must've got stuck dancing with that darn chair more than 100 times. - You two did look pretty together. - We looked just as pretty as you did, swinging around all night with His Honor. - He's not all bad. I think he's only mean when he's drunk or has a hangover. - Well that just gives him 24 hours a day to be mean. - He didn't have to give me this horse. - That there wedding present you're riding belonged to Sonny. - What? - [Cass] Pepe told me. - Why didn't they give him back to the owner? - Nobody knows who the owner is. That kid just came into town riding that horse... so they figured he stole it. - And Judge Bean hung him for that? - His Honor's your friend. ♪ (soft music) - Cass... When you leave me with your dad, where are you going? I think I have a right to know. I mean, we're not just a mistake anymore...or are we? - No Nellie, that's sure not the way I think. Well... I guess my pa's the fastest draw and the deadest shot in the whole world. Well...the reason I can tell you is on account of he teach me everything I know... and Nellie, that's all I know. [Cass] Guns, I mean. Nothing wrong, I mean I ain't going against the law. There's posters out on a bunch of fellas like Jesse and Frank James, and Billy the Kid, and even that other Billy. Them posters, they offer lots of money. Well, I'm fast enough and good enough to bring them fellas in...dead or alive. - You're going out after Jesse James?! - Heck no, sure not Jesse! He rides with a whole bunch, but sure enough that Billy Pimple. I met up with him just before I seen you. He ain't nothing, Nellie. Why, when Pa told me about them fellas, I figured them to be strong and handsome and 10 foot tall... but gosh, that Billy's just a little squirt. - That Billy's just as big as his guns. ♪ (ominous music) Cass, if your dad was such a great hand with a gun, why didn't he turn bounty hunter? - I bet you'd ask that. - Well? - Nellie, you're just gonna have to get to know my pa before I can explain him and how he is. - Well why don't you try? After all, I am going home to live with him. - Look, for instance...a few years back a fella stopped by our farm. Said he wanted a drink of whiskey. We didn't have none in the house then, and Pa told him so. Well, he got mad and stepped off his horse and challenged Pa. Ma and me just stood in the doorway and didn't say nothin', while Pa went in the house and strapped on his guns. Soon as he come out, him and this fella faced off. Then a funny thing happened. All of the sudden Pa sticks his hands up in the air and tells this stranger to draw on him. Well he did, and Pa just turned his back and reaches down and flipped his own two guns in the dirt, and walked away. This fella called my pa a lot of bad names, but Pa just stood there. After some more name-calling, this fella just got back up on his horse and rode away. Turned out this fella was Wes Harden. Pa knowed it all along. Later on he told me he didn't draw on him on account of Ma... but I always figured he plum didn't want to kill nobody, even a top gunman like Wes Harden. My pa's too good a man Nellie...too kind. Well that's his problem... and I guess that answers your question. - Yes, Cass. ♪ (uplifting music) - We'll find us a good spot later on and I'll prove to you how good I can shoot. You'll be surprised. ♪ (soft music) (gunshots) [Cass] Well? - I didn't think anybody could shoot like that! - My pa says there ain't many who can. He's the onlyest one I ever seen, but heck, all them fellas I told you about can shoot maybe as good as or better than me. There ain't no way of telling, yet. I always figured it's mostly a matter of luck, but Ma used to say it was only God's will who lives or dies in this world... but it's a chance I gotta take. Like I told you... guns is all I know. - But now we're married. - I didn't ask for that. - Neither did I! - Well what do I do now, huh? Throw these guns away and pick up Pa's plow just because all of the sudden I got myself a wife? - [Nellie] I don't care what you do! You just go ahead and let those poster fellas blow your fat head off if that's what you want, and they will, any one of 'em! - [Cass] Well where do you think you're going, Mrs. Bunning? - It's my horse, and I'm gonna ride him as far away as I can from the greatest gunfighter in the West! - [Cass] Nellie! - Nellie?! I'm surprised you remember my name! I thought I was "Mrs. Bunning." - Look, I don't know what to say... - Well, why don't you say... just once... that you love me? - I'd choke... - Well I love you. - So do I...that ain't easy to say. - There, you see? You just said it. - [stranger] I sure like happy endings! ♪ (dramatic tone) Now son, will you please throw those two Colts out on the ground in front of you. ♪ (dramatic tone) (guns clatter on ground) Toss that gun belt out a little bit further. ♪ (anxious tone) Now drop your pants. That pretty little lady there is your girlfriend, isn't she? - She's my wife! - Then that's all the more reason you oughta do what I ask. You sure now wouldn't want her to be your widow, would ya? - Do like he says! ♪ (soft ominous music) ♪ (dramatic ominous music) - You're real handy with those guns. You've got a fine rhythm. We heard you when you first started shooting, so we rode down to watch. Where'd you learn to shoot like that? - My pa taught me. - Your pa a lawman? - My pa's a farmer. - That's quite a waste. Excuse me, ma'am. I was so impressed with your husband here that, I almost forgot my manners. Good morning. - Good morning. (contentious tone) - Son, what are you gonna do with all that ability? - I was just showing Nellie how I could shoot. I'm gonna go home and be a farmer with my pa. - If that was the truth, you'd be another waste, but you're not a very good liar. Let's see your hands, son. Look at how your palms are sweating. [stranger] Now look at mine. You see, there's a difference... and that difference, boy, just might mean your life. You could be the best shot in the world, but you can't handle guns with your hands all wet with sweat. Nerves, nothing else. In time the greenness wears off, but... right now, you're not worth very much. - Look Mister, if you're trying to frighten us, you're not doing a very good job. Now we don't have any money, and you don't need our horses, so what do you want? - By jiggers young lady, you're something. Now if you could shoot like your husband, I'd invite you to join up with us right now. You make Belle Starr look like a nun. [stranger] Couple of other things, youngster... Don't EVER leave your rifle on your horse... and the next time you feel like practicing, pick yourself a spot up on a hill so you have a chance to look around. Down here in a gully like this, you and that pretty little wife of yours are like sitting ducks for anyone that happens by. Where are you headed? - I'm going to my pa's farm, on past Silver City. - Well you two ride around Silver. We just came through there, and I got a feeling trouble's brewing. Now, the reason I've spent this time talking to you is I think you're gonna be about as happy being a farmer as I would've been. So when you change your mind, you look me up. I could use a bright boy like you with your talents. - I can't look you up, sir, if I don't know who you are. - Well, I guess that's the way we all get when there's been a little talk about us. We just automatically think everybody knows who we are. That's my brother Frank over there. - Hello, folks. - [stranger] My cousin, Bobby Ford. - Howdy. - And my name's Jesse. Now, we'll leave the animals over there a ways. No telling just how good you could shoot that rifle if you took a notion. You understand, a man in my position can't take chances... even with kids. Now like I said, you two ride around Silver, and boy... when you get tired of being a farmer, look me up. ♪ (dramatic music) - Jesse James...well that even beats Vinegaroon! (thump) (Nellie laughs) ♪ (whimsical music) (Nellie yelps) (both laugh) ♪ (whimsical music) That fine wedding gift your friend gave you might just not make it all the way to the ranch. (Nellie screams) - [Cass] Don't move! Stop that! (Nellie yelps) (Nellie gasps) (Nellie gasps) (Nellie gasps) Gimme that comb...it's the only safe way to pry you loose. This here is cholla... the jumping cactus. [Cass] It don't really jump, but it sure moves around. The barbs get stuck underneath a horse, it don't take long for it to roll over its whole belly. The more he bucks, the more it rolls. Won't shake loose. Pa lost one of his best horses with this darn stuff. Bucked hisself clean off the ranch... half across a river, drowned. Of course, he was worse than you. He was stupid enough to back hisself down on a whole bush. - Ouch, that hurts! - [Cass] You think it sticks, you oughta smell how it stinks when it burns! Pa and I got the bright idea one year to burn all the cholla off the ranch. Ma just up and moved to Silver, stayed one full week! Then she didn't speak to neither one of us for another full week once she got back. It was awful...to smell that stuff burning, I mean. Come on. We'll build us a fire, and...heat some water and get that leg of yours washed clean... and we can have some coffee. Jesse James... Well... Jesse and Frank rode with Quantrill during the war. Pa says Quantrill was the bloodiest man in history. He knows them things. Anyhow, Jesse was only 16 then, but he must've learned a lot. Pa says he still busts a town like a Quantrill raid. Seven or eight of his bunch ride down Main Street and start hurrah-ing with their guns and horses acting like they was drunk... then while all the folks are screaming for cover, a couple of 'em open up the bank. It sure works. One day the James boys busted open three towns in the same afternoon! The great thing was, the towns were more than 1,000 miles apart. - Oh Cass, you know that's impossible. - [Cass] Nope it ain't. I didn't say Jesse and Frank was in all them towns. They wasn't. They wasn't any more than they're gonna be in Silver, if that's your idea. But their boys might be. Sometimes nowadays they just tell the boys where everything is, and what to do about it. They got a real plan. Well there must be $10,000 in that bank in Silver... - Then we better do like he said and go around Silver City. - Nope Nellie...we're gonna ride close...somewhere. All my life, I've been listening and never doing. I sure ain't about to get myself mixed up in a mess if there is one... but by golly, if there is one... I'm sure gonna see it. (fire hisses) - [Nellie] Oh, Cass! ♪ (sentimental music) - Well, would you feel better just comin' out and arguing? - About what? - Come on...you know about what. Gosh Nellie, I can't change things when I've been thinking about it for years, overnight. - I wouldn't ask you to. - But you don't like it. - I don't like it at all. I think it's stupid and it's dangerous. - Ain't we supposed to fight? Ain't all marrieds supposed to fight? - The only married people I knew well were Mom and Dad. They fought now and then, but they loved each other and they were happy. ♪ (dramatic tone) - Good afternoon! Don't reach for anything, boy. Our guns are on your wife. ♪ (suspenseful music) You ride on up to me, little lady. ♪ (ominous music) Now son, you just ease up. We've heard about both of you. Your pretty little wife's not gonna get hurt unless you decide to cause us trouble. [bandit] We're just gonna borrow her for a little while, so it's best for you to just sit there quiet in the scent of this wash. Count to a million. ♪ (suspenseful music) - [Nellie] You're a brave lot! Six against one! No wonder you lost the war! - [bandit] Yes ma'am. We're brave and we're smart, and I'll tell you something else...we're rich! - And I'll tell YOU something else...you're bandits! - Yes ma'am, the best! Now you just cup your sputter and do like I tell ya...when I tell ya. ♪ (suspenseful music) (chopping sounds) ♪ (suspenseful music) (thump) ♪ (suspenseful music) - [Cass] Ouch! - Now ma'am, we're gonna pretend like we're a little bit drunk. We're gonna sing and laugh and have a good time. So you just sing along with us and have a good time, you hear? <i> ♪</i> (singing)<i> Oh, I wish I was in the land of cotton</i> ♪<i> 'Cause my feet stink and yours are rotten</i> ♪<i> Look away, look away, get away Dixie Land</i> Sing along, honey child. ♪ (all singing)<i> Oh, way up North they've got brave cowboys</i> <i> ♪ They bring soldiers just like us, get away</i> <i> ♪ Get away, get away, Dixie Land</i> <i> ♪ Oh I wish I was in Dixie today</i> (gunshots) (women screaming) (gunshots) ♪ (dramatic music) (commotion & gunshots) - [bandit] Ya! (whooping & hollering) (commotion & gunshots) ♪ (dramatic music) (commotion & gunshots) - Bandits, bandits, bandits! (commotion & gunshots) ♪ (dramatic music) (commotion & gunshots) (glass breaks) ♪ (dramatic music) (commotion & gunshots) (rifle fires) (horse neighs) ♪ (dramatic music) (commotion & gunshots) - [bandit] YEE-HAWW! ♪ (dramatic music) (commotion & gunshots) ♪ (dramatic music) (doors clatter) (bullet richochets) ♪ (dramatic music) (commotion & gunshots) (fire crackles) ♪ (dramatic music) - [man] Wanted, $25,000 reward, Jesse James, dead or alive. $15,000 reward, Frank James. $1,000 reward for any known member of the James band, dead or alive. Signed, St. Louis-Midland Railroad. So you see what it says here, any known member, and these two fellas in their coffins there are sure known members! In the morning, Silver City is going to advance this fine brave young man his part of the reward, $1,000! [man] In a minute, our good friend George is going to present him with a Silver City certified check, and Silver City is going to collect our part of the reward, another $1,000, as soon as the people from the railroad come in and identify those two bandits for themselves. (applause) - I've been trying to tell you all night--it's important! - It can wait. George. - I hope it can wait! - All right George, make your presentation. - [George] Thank you. Young man... as President of the Silver City Bank, it gives me great pleasure-- - [bandit] Hero! There's an acquaintance of yours outside in the street waiting for you. - That's what I've been trying to tell you! Billy Pimple come in this morning, heard about your poster shootin' and damn near exploded! - Well are you gonna go out and see Billy, hero... or is he gonna have to come in here with all these nice folks who he ain't mad at? ♪ (ominous music) - Nellie...there just ain't nothin' else I can do. ♪ (ominous music) (Cass's slow footsteps) - [Billy] I hear you're mighty handy with them guns of yours. Is that a fact? - Well, I reckon a fact's a fact. (Billy scoffs) - [Billy] Now that's a downright shame... because folks around here sorta look on me as the number one in that line... and I DON'T cater to competition. - [Cass] Well, you were the gent that called me out here. (spurs jingle) - Well boy...I guess now it's anytime you're ready. - [Nellie] Cass! You do just like your dad did once... Throw those guns down, turn around and walk away, or I'll shoot Billy in the back! - Who's your girlfriend? - That's my wife, and I reckon she means it! - Ben, where are ya? - [Ben] Up here on the balcony, Billy. If that girl pulls the hammer down on you, I'll blow her husband's head clear across the street. - Ben, if that girl pulls the hammer down on me, it don't make no difference what you do with her husband's head. - [henchman] I'll come in from behind her, Billy! - [Nellie] Listen Mr. Billy, you tell that friend over there to start whistling and to keep whistling, or I'll-- - Orville...it might've been better if you had just did it. So whistle! (Orville whistles) Girl... you'd shoot me in the back? - [Nellie] In a second! - Then boy, I figure it's best you do like the little lady tells you. I'm too young to die. - Nellie! You might as well just drop that rifle. I ain't quitting! - [Ben] Want me to blast him, Billy? - Ben, you just sit up there and shut up! That crazy girl couldn't miss me if I was in a hole! [Billy] Well... This here is what you could rightly call a Mexican standoff. Looks like one of us is gonna get it in the back, maybe both of us. You got any bright ideas? - [Cass] Well, it's like you said Billy... it's your party. - Some party. (soft whistling) - Keep whistling Orville! (Orville whistles) ♪ (suspenseful music) (gun fires) ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ (suspenseful music) (Nellie screams) ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ (tense music) (hooves echo) ♪ (tense music) - [woman] Oh for God's... - [man] Is he dead? - [man] He ain't dead, he's just hurt. - Please, help us! Somebody please help him! - [man] Both shoulders. - [man] Somebody get the doc! - [Cass voiceover] Snakes is a different thing... (voice repeating) Snakes is a different thing... - [Billy] IS THEY?! Gimme that! ♪ (ominous suspenseful music) (commotion & screaming) ♪ (ominous suspenseful music) (rifle fires) (Nellie screams) (commotion & screaming) ♪ (dramatic music) (hooves echo) ♪ (dramatic music) ♪ (somber music) - [Maime] Come on honey... come on with Mamie now. Come on, honey. (Nellie weeps) Come on... There's nothing you can do. You know honey, this time you came up unlucky... but Mamie's gonna take you in the house, and... get you a nice drink. ♪ (melancholy music) [Maime] Jeanie, get a bottle! ♪ (melancholy music) You watch your step now...that's it. [Maime] Now, now, we're gonna take you upstairs. You stay with Mamie, and Mamie's gonna see that everything's all right, and then we'll take you home. You've got a home, ain't ya honey? Honey? - My husband has a father... - Oh, of course he's got a daddy, darling, and we're gonna take you to him just as soon as you feel like going. Come on, now. Now you stay with Mamie, she's gonna make everything all right. You'll see, it's gonna be all right. Come on now...that's my girl. ♪ (sentimental music) [Maime snaps] Well, where's the liquor? ♪ (sentimental music) Come on, there we go. Now lay yourself down, honey. Gimme that pillow. That's it. Lay yourself down, baby. ♪ (sentimental music) - I don't know where my husband's father lives. Somewhere... near here, but I... - Well you know him, don't you? ♪ (sentimental music) Well now nevermind, you just lay down and rest. We'll find him just as soon as you feel like looking. Meanwhile you've got a home with us just as long as you wanna stay. Now you close them pretty blue eyes of yours, and Mamie's gonna take good care of you, just like a mother. Like your very own mother. - [Billy] Snakes is only snakes according to which side of the fence they's on. (horse snorts) Well go ahead, say it, damn you! - [Ben] You expecting me to say something, Billy? - That boy down there, he didn't think like me. He had hisself a woman, and a woman like that gives a man ambition. No matter how much she'd argue against it, one day for sure he'd come a-looking. Maybe next time his guns don't slip... and I can't afford to take no chances on one day turning out to be a rabbit, right? - Well it was your party, Billy. - Yeah, you bet. From start to finish. When a man's gonna cut down William C. Cootes... he better try it from the back! (horse snorts) That sure as hell is the truth, ain't it boys? Just move on out, a little farther than usual... and keep that distance! (nervous giggling) (nervous giggling) (stagecoach driver shouts) (stagecoach driver shouts) (stagecoach rattles) - Hold there! Hoooooo! (door clatters open) - Thank you. - It's been a pleasure, Miss. ♪ (soft jaunty piano music) ♪ (jaunty piano music) ♪ (movie theme music)
Channel: Cult Cinema Classics
Views: 2,201,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full length movie, movies, peliculas completas, filme, subtitles, cinema, a time for dying, richard lapp, jesse james gang, outlaw gang, western movie, cowboy movie, saloon girl, gunfight, classic western, bank robbery, shotgun wedding, independent film, anne randall, Película del Oeste, filme faroeste, filme de faroeste, faroeste clássico, cine del oeste, yt:cc=on
Id: bMgOaubTq8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 51sec (4371 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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