The Animals | Michele Carey | Free Western Movie

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e [Music] [Applause] nah [Music] who [Music] whoa howy Marshall about time you got here shut up Elliott oh we got ladies too afternoon ladies you don't shut up I'll shackle you up top now you wouldn't want to deliver an innocent man for retrial all Trail worn would you innocent hell you're going to hang don't bet your saddle on that Marshall [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] here [Music] [Applause] Alice the Tea's ready would you like another cup no no thank you Mrs Perkins she died of pneumonia pneumonia yeah who the teacher uh oh do you miss school nope it's no not nope I know you know you don't look nothing like a teacher oh really just what do I look like like a lady well thank you that's the nicest thing anybody ever said to me that's okay do you know how to read sure if I gave you a book for a present would you promise to read it sure does it have any pictures in it yes it has lots of pictures in it sure I can read it but why do you want to give me a present because I like you and anyway it will give me a a great deal of pleasure to be able to give you something okay then good you stay right there would you kindly get out of my way I have to get something my pleasure man [Music] [Music] there she is let's get it she's right down there about a mile or so I reckon PUD will be glad to see us no question that b should be surprised let's get it on we don't [Applause] I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's a hold up now stay down [Music] Happ [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how you pulling up pull up them Oram your head off fire guns down follow your guns get off of there get off of that stage come on move move I said greetings gentlemen greetings have a nice day huh move I said come on get on from there you drive it you drive it throw that gold down here he come on good to see [Applause] you hurry up the man [Music] pretty [Applause] women I love it I love it all right load it up yeah how much you figure we got 20 ladies out Hey where's Mondo that up speak English will you you got it back there that's better here load this you know uh you're going to go along with us it's been a long long time for me you leave her alone leave her alone leave her alone teach her a lesson yeah you're going to go along with us you f you [Applause] you you killed her oh yeah sure is a fine day hey Jamie finish [Applause] him this will make sure [Music] put on my horse unhitch the horses no reason why they got to wind up being Buzzard's bait too [Music] a and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] a [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey BS man we've had it let's find a place to Camp huh yeah you're right go on ahead and see if you can find some all right come on [Music] [Applause] what you looking at Anders the woman well don't get any fancy ideas She's Mine how about we cut cards I'm man get first next he second [Applause] now I told you she's mine what you do after I'm through is your business I don't care if you want to cut cards cut cards yeah p is right's been in jail sometime what's up peyote hey hell was his idea he ought to have first I don't mind seconds give me them cards Anders give them to [Music] me King I got a king let me have a card lordy lordy don't she look fine come on Anders pick a card please please [Music] hey let's uh let's go someplace private these mules have got no manners [Music] [Music] [Applause] hold there [Applause] [Applause] get help [Applause] can't baby [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] hold it hold it strip her stick her out Indian style I'll show you the goddamn F the [Music] i' [Music] never hey PUD you know we got us a virgin you mean we had us a virgin yeah did you kill her I broke her in that's all she's on yours boys hey that's my woman hold it [Applause] figured they'd be looking for a gang so we'll stand a better chance if we split up we just got back together and we'll be together permanent if they ever catch up with us what makes you so sure there's going to be a posy after us man does the sun come up in the mornings first of all they're going to be looking for me the gold and somebody just might have been waiting for her yes I think we found him come on we'll all meet and they'll passo in about 3 months I figure by that time this will all be forgotten whatever you say p like can't I go with you because we draw less attention if we go alone besides as a cattle drive gone from Phoenix down to the rail head at Willcox and I ain't to be with it cattle drive the sun got you or something that's work boss man yeah with $8,000 in your kick why do you want to work so hard that's crazy it's smart crazy who's going to be looking for a gold heavy stud sweating that on the trail now why don't you use your head once in a while Heidi true true chip my head to you fudge me I go to Stein good woman in drink there the better in Tu son if Carl shows up in Tucson they'll stretch your neck ain't that right yeah Steins is much better for me then maybe go to Red Rock gamble with miners well I'm in around Tu some find me a job maybe maybe ranchan what about you cat Silver City why are you going there I don't know I never been there that's all I'll ride as far as Lordsburg with you what's there nothing I ain't never been there that's all God almighty May perkins's wife God Almighty Jesus Allan they must be crazy they blew old lens apart with a shotgun Henry didn't have a chance [Applause] bastards well Zan get some blankets here rap them get them back to town where's the school teacher don't see no sign of her you reckon she didn't take the stage oh she took it all right Marshall telegraphed me Mee him with his prisoner PUD Elliot he uh added that the teacher was right pretty now that woman's purse must be the school teachers tracks head Northeast there was a bunch of them one of them was real deep must have been carrying heavy they took her with him God almighty [Music] what about her what about her oh go back and cut her loose what for I don't know I thought maybe let's ride [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] they've been gone for some time we'll make Camp here and strike out at first light got a good head start but we'll find them alen what alen pieces of a woman's dress Stakes stripped her down stripped her down and tied her up sons of look at this Marcus and aache Jesus you figured there was Indians oh white man the horses were shot well here's one that ain't an Indian Pony what do you think Sheriff I don't know have a careful look around and see what we can come up with before dark God willing she's still alive if the apache's got her she's better off dead look at this look you think she fed any better with white men Jesus look at it look at this for [Applause] Woman white [Applause] woman how many of them are the Jasper can you see no just shoot at anything that moves their engines all right though I can smell them did you get him well he lit out like a rabbit with his ass a fire he was yelling something I might have hit him but he's probably drunk astray he left something I could just about make it out out there p no mind woman whatever it be it'll keep to morning we'll have a look see then you go bed down I'll I'll sit and watch a while [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] n now signs are they split up think we'll do the same no we won't write them down one of the time let's get at it [Music] [Applause] la [Music] la for [Music] is oh righty droppings are dry but they came this way oh for for [Music] a a oh thank you it's alive Sheriff the boys's been talking we've been off 3 days now we got to be getting back yeah Alan we all got families and jobs and such I we'll find them Ellen we got no supplies we go back to town and stock up I'll ride out with you again you're right Jess let's pack it in boy let's go home yes Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice Alice yes Alice and you ch ch ch chetto that's very beautiful sounds almost [Music] Spanish I know chat flat nose ch plos ch got one them at Lordsburg loaded down with gold I'm going after him Sheriff that's New Mex Mexico territory you got no Authority there this is the only Authority I need to go after that Bunch men I swore I'd go after them animals I aim to do just that I don't know Alan mberg is a far piece I know I need help and I'd take it as right friendly if you'd ride with me [Music] oh a I'm sorry you're perfect you know that a oh e oh look at him is he for me is he he's just like yours Ye Ye h Lee Lee Alice what's in there why do you want to send me away chat why why Catt I don't want to go don't make me go Catt don't make me go cat please please try to understand I don't have any place to go I got I want I want to stay with you I need you CAD CH I need you to help me find them I need you [Music] [Music] there's so little time if there is time at all like the sun whose life is done come if we had the time and it was on our [Music] side we could love and live for love until we die and if we should kiss I would Sur miss your to Liv forever bless [Music] to there's so little time [Music] there's so little time if it would just stand still we never reach the end we never climb that H but there's so little time and so to make it last I'll have to hold you close the sun is dying [Applause] fast so will'll share that kiss even though I miss you're to Liv forever rest to M there's so little time there so little time [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] what crap out our call what it going to be no don't get your balls in an uproar Mister waiting and studying and figuring that's what the game of poker is all about boy howdy that's the truth pokering what you hold in your hand it's how you play the hand that you hold agreed I don't need no learning when it come to C I made my bed and I'm waiting yes sir the question is are you holding the hand you're playing or are you playing us to figure you stronger pay your B and find out I might just raise you you better have more than just that grin on your face if you hope to win well I fold me [Laughter] too more whiskey it's in the tan get it yourself [Laughter] there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] hell that's strong enough to hold the skinny I don't like this I don't like it at all what is this give me give me a p why why you doing this to me L I'm going to tighten this rope till you loosen your tongue boy I want the names those that wrote was you I don't even know you I'm for taking the prison of Tucson now yeah I got no stomach for hanging one this Sheriff we got the prisoner if he found hurt we all could pay the price man he ain't even been tried yet should be Tried by a know what I'm doing boys where's the school teacher I don't know I don't [Applause] up where the hell did that come from over there let's go [Music] n [Music] [Applause] la [Music] [Applause] well we lost him I can't figure it out who in hell were they Pates what did Pates have to do with that fell they killed him to keep him quiet that's for sure quiet about what about the killings and the stage robbery and all but they was white man the track showed it they were that's right damn it we found Indian sides at their Camp didn't we that sure is queer what do we do now Alan I we'll rest a while and uh go back and bury that fell [Music] [Applause] a [Music] h n [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] h ah come on KY we have some fun in to get it the hell's going on [Music] [Applause] I hold it are you fellas having a Tiner chance throw on your guns you get a fair trial I'll give you my word on that what Fair trial what kind of is that we're the law you're all under arrest arrest what in the hell what what did you say we the law we're the law you're all under arrest what Tucson citizens posy Sheriff Martin Lord what did you say Sheriff Martin Lord Tucson well I'm a son of a all right hold it I take it easy fellas Sheriff Allen Pierce Phoenix God damn put up your weapons men we've been shooting at the law God damn like a damn fool likewise anybody hurt I had everybody all right Matt hry got one in the leg and Jimmy Tyler took some rock chips in the eyes but he'd be okay oh so how do we look don't know well God Dam a check yes sir we're uh we're a little jumpy thought you might have been that bunch of killed fell in town last night oh we've been out tracking after a couple of patches murdered a prisoner of mine about 5 days ago now we've been running down signs ever since the prisoner we had uh was one of them in on the killing all right about the time he started to talk they cut him down what said got to do with engin patches shot him Sheriff some said in town them that did The Killing was dressed like like engines so they did I just I tell you what Ed you ride back to town and uh send a telegram to Fort Grant Fort boy J tell them we got engine troubled and could use some uh Troopers J get those horses together take Matt with you we got to get out of here now if I can find my horse we ought to ride together see as how we're looking for the same Quarry huh all right [Music] ha [Music] ha hey [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I [Music] d [Music] Charlie bogs here sporting a goose egg big as your fifth he's on guard last night and they just up and hit him TR showed his Indians sure bum puzzle me I'm lucky though they could have killed me patches usually do yeah patches ra they'll steal a beef or two just for food why the hell you want to take that fell for uh you say he signed on in Phoenix huh yeah he's a quiet fell kept to himself damn good worker though that's all his gear right here gold must be thousands here more than likely his cut of the shipment well he's one of them all right one up boys let's get moving [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he a [Music] [Applause] [Music] who who who are you I know you I you're you're a a white woman what are you what are you going to do wait no wait please pleas J God God [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] a a [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Alice Alice [Music] Alice [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hold up hold it hold up some my patches let's go my God it's a white woman it's a white woman the school teacher grab that bastard she's in bad shape she's in Shar you fthy hidden son of a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Al leave [Music] hly Alice [Music] [Music] and if we should kiss I would surely miss your to to Forever press to M there's so little time
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
Views: 254,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Animals 1970, free movies, free western movies, western, western movies, western feature films, ranch movies, cowboys, wild west, western movie, western movies online, full western movies, full movie youtube, classic western movies, western movies full length, cowboy movies, western movies full length free, full movies, best western movies, westerns full movies, spaghettiwestern, spaghetti westerns, spaghetti western, free westerns, old western movie
Id: 7LdRiXy4mvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 50sec (5030 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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