Quintana: Dead or Alive | Western | HD | Full movie in english

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[Music] la [Music] la la [Music] [Music] d [Music] come on get in [Music] oh Miguel where have you been I was about to send Jose out to find you what's the matter did you see a ghost the rurales arrested Manuel Manuel what for that's what I don't understand they say he shot three rurales last night what you must have heard it wrong father shoot three soldiers him oh it's impossible the man's no more violent than a watermelon this is no time for joking Jose we do better to say a prayer he's going to be hanged at dawn [Music] [Music] with this town coming to arrests oppressions executions and what can we expect except more of the same I'm seriously thinking about backing up and no Miguel now we've been through this before to begin over again somewhere else is a crazy idea no you and I are much too old have some things to do so if you don't mind I'm going out wait tell me I'm right Jose tell your father I'm not just preaching no you're right still I'm so afraid for you every time you go out because you stay away so long now there's no need to worry about me what you should worry about and and pray is that one day someone will have the courage to stand up to and the courage to destroy Don [Music] [Music] go on move Keo [Music] get in line I've recruited you all today because there's a need for hands to harvest the fields of Don Juan you'll begin tomorrow any hand caught leaving work we'll find I'm quite thorough in the measures I take [Music] H Jose amig well what's happening in town Don Juan choked in a bone huh Dan Juan's arrested Manuel DEA man well come on you're kidding me you don't mean it he's accused of shooting three rales they plan to hang him at Daybreak rrio but why on Earth should of course is that Virginia woman Dan Juan was her lover and ever since Manuel took her away yeah the charges are probably all faked we just got to stop the hanging well saving them simple enough we'll just break in and fish him out of the prison easy Pedro I better plan this out a bit you mean you want to do it all alone that plan will only get you and M well killed it's better than running the risk of getting us all killed hey ready everybody come on it's time to eat get it while it's hot hey sarapo Andre [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] you're a true genius is Alvarez Manuel is out of the way now for good as for Dona Virginia now she's got to accept my proposal I don't think she has much choice at this point at this point we must get rid of Quintana yes the rat's gotten bigger put out a larger trap and you'll get rid of them just what do you mean up the reward that's all they are plenty of greedy man I mean pushy's price good and high and this bound to be more interest all right but this better get some results come in don't your Virginia the dama shall I have her come in yes by all means one what about Manuel uh a good question you can go Alvarez one man you know I'd do anything for you yes that's why I came to you but I'm afraid the situation is far more serious than you imagine Manuel murdered three soldiers he'll have to pay for it you know Manuel never murder anybody the fact remains that he's been found guilty but there's one small hope it depends on the course you take I'll pay you well any amount you desire in this case your money won't help but what oh God if I fail can't you help me Juan I beg you you're the governor please there must be something you can do do you know what you're asking me to do to risk my reputation to throw my whole future into Jeopardy just for the sake of a convicted murderer that's a lot to ask Virginia all right I'll help your man well in spite of his guilt but I'm doing it for you there no words to express how grateful I am I can express it I want you to become my bride how could you be so brutal to ask me that those are my conditions Virginia I'm in love with Manuel but before you knew Manuel you love me or have you forgotten so soon yes I would have married you only my father's mysterious death opened my eyes and I put two and two together a rich woman's a good catch right Juan just what are you insinuating nothing but you can't buy [Music] me sergeant [Music] yes he's over there Virginia she's to Virginia see see he's going to see [Music] my Manuel Virginia [Music] darling I've come to tell you to get out of here tonight or Els in the morning there won't be any hope left for you who'll get me out of Virginia don't worry it'll be done we've got no other choice now just have faith in me will you Dan Juan set this up in order to trap me why what's that mean tell me what were you forced into paying tell me Virginia don't last Manuel but no matter no matter what happens remember that I love you always I the O Manuel God protect you Virginia [Music] drop the rifle I said drop it slowly [Music] the jail [Music] move open it sure [Music] don't just stand there open it Sana quana open the Open the Door quana Keep moving come on open the door the door hurry up open the door quick fre us where is he going come back Us open it you doing he's going to put it in come on open the door Quintana hurry up let us out too what about us tight breakfast is served today sleep tight fre too hurry up hurry upana is he going to do it come on come on thanks thanks get out here you're going to need this Manuel I'll never forget this amigo let's get out of [Music] here Hur get out of them quick [Music] la [Music] go to the mission and ask for Padre manuo he'll help you get going adios good luck [Music] la [Music] a [Music] give to the P leave your horse here though if you just wait right here I'll get the P for you [Music] are you sure that it's that it's Manuel yes yes sit down my son go on how did you manage to get away it was Quintana he helped me escape Quintana that's good good and now you need something hot to drink run and boil us a bit of wine me I'll have a drop also Guan Guan gu Guan my son wine is a Heavenly blessing I haven't got much time I've got to get out of here to see Virginia no that' be dangerous for you danan sure to post guards around her house and you both might be killed tomorrow I'll have her come here and she'll find you waiting it's all right you're safe here don't worry [Music] what's wrong one the past few days you've been so cold and terribly [Music] serious yes it's me Alvarez yes what do you want Quintana broke into the jail and freed Manuel delova saludos Jose Jose hey we've been waiting for you we're all ready feed him and give him a rub done Paco you'd better get a fresh Mount we can't waste any more time it's only a few hours to send up Manuel's already out but I'm afraid the other prisoners aren't they were caught the rales were waiting outside they were all cut down damn drus if You' waited for us we could have given them half a chance if I had waited things might have happened differently a lot of us might be L out there now [Music] [Music] Esmeralda bring me some beer [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] please don't blame yourself Jose Rodrigo Ramon and all the others they told the truth the only reason that they all got killed was because of my playing hero that's not true the man at fault was Dan Juan because of what he's done to all of us you tried to do the right thing yes I tried to do the right thing but it sure doesn't matter much to those men who died out there [Music] [Music] tonight ismeralda I want you to leave here it's too dangerous for you any day the soldiers could come and everybody including you would get killed no josea won't go back anyway a girl should stick by her man's side are you saying that you'd be willing to fight them if they come and risk your life for me [Music] howdy Amigo uh we've been on the trail since breakfast now if it ain't impos him we'd appreciate your permission to bet down here for the night there isn't much but if if you're hungry you're welcome to what there is you sure look tired yes sir I'm sure looking forward to hit in the hay I know the feeling if it's really rest you want no one will disturb you here thanks a lot right neighborly of your all Quintana I don't recall ever meeting you Senor how come you know my name how come I know your name now Ain't That a Kick In The Head why we all know your name that's right where you tell them how come go ahead gray it ain't no secret oh with the price as high as you got on your head I'd say ain't nobody don't know your name and if I ain't mistaken seems they just raised that Bounty lately yep so I've heard you like to eat sure I would Esmeralda go get some bread and wine for our guests sit down it's pleasure yeah sure it's nice to sit on something that don't bounce ah that feels good Amen to that I sure got a nice place here real quiet well I see what you mean Barrett I beginning to like this place more and more ever minute yeah watch those three [Music] [Music] what do they want I don't like the way they're acting Jose we'll keep an eye on them don't wor you go off to bed you've had a hard [Music] day I hope you men sleep well good night thanks same to you Quintana see you in the morning e [Music] hey you Max come on over and have some [Music] wine sit down a little this will warm your SP [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] are you looking for me you hit the nail right Square on the head now boy you just throw down that pistol and it won't have to shoot you but of course if you prefer a bullet fine the payment will be the same the price is 1,000 pesos for whoever takes me in if they succeed but I just don't believe you'll be successful [Music] [Music] for go on go inside poncho [Music] get down all of you [Music] [Music] where do you think you're going unload that wagon and be quick unload that wagon you heard it what are you waiting for we want to leave this place is no longer possible to leave here there is no work for us I want to keep my children from starving the only place you're going is to [Music] [Music] jail leave them alone [Music] [Music] on your horses all of you hey [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] hey you yes sir pick out a few men you can trust all of you change into civilian clothes and then report back to me yes sir [Music] hurry faster [Music] [Music] [Music] faster faster what do you want just stay in the carriage and you won't get hurt this way [Music] what do you want I have to speak to you one all right go on talk well now I'm listening what is it well what is it I saw her what's she doing here that is none of your Affair I have a right to know one one I love you listen to me Pearl for a long time I found your love extremely boring and since you brought it up you might as well know now I want you out of this house but you don't mean that I abandoned my family to come stay with you how can you bring a new mistress in and just push the old one aside like that I even hope that one day you'd marry damn it when you shut up now here's what I'll do I'll see to it that you have plenty of money did I hear you don't think you can just pay me like a common hor in town then you can leave right now there's no more I can say to you [Music] adios J greetings to your mother good luck adios p adios get out [Music] [Music] la [Music] you know someday he's going to mount to something I got some Mission work to attend to see you back at the cart got to hurry Pedro good morning P come here you old fool you sent the wrong wine to the mission last week but you better not try it again this week all is the same things the wrong one is too old too new too sweet s but should never complain about the free samples that you just can't be satisfied satisfied yes fool no now go on out and get the new wies the new ones hey where are you going sit on the floor where you belong give us a picture of wi hurry it up William it's pretty good huh give me some of that [Laughter] just couldn't get that out of the bar give do well having a taste Wine's a blessing from heaven true why don't you have a blessing of heav on me pay a picture for Jose bring us another picture and bring it seen aiver red one you ever SE a red I want the one you serve to the Padre over there I ordered before he did ped bring it here [Music] if he wants to tell him he can get it wait don't be crazy Jose you say to come get it yourself got watch your back go hurry up get him get him after him you two stay here and wait you come on where's your son are you de lady where is he I don't know [Music] you're wasting my time now you listen to me old woman tell me where we can find your son or you'll find you with a bullet in your forehead behind you you idiots [Music] oh my god what have you done Jose you are da Virginia aren't you if you're working for Don Juan then I'd think you'd know all about me I don't work for Dan Juan I'm here on my own I want to help you if I can but there's not much time I leave in an hour it should be clear there's no way out of this hole in the ground so what makes you think you can help me tell me don't you have anyone a friend someone I can go to with a message for you or something you might give it to joh Juan no Juan is why I want to do this I think you understand so you were his woman but now now you're the one that he wants but it's all right I don't blame you a bit for anything listen if you mean it if you do want to help me swear you won't repeat whatever I say I won't I know it's hard but please trust me it's so good to hear those words somehow someday I'll repay you no no you see if it helps you it'll help me that's payment enough go to the mission tell everything to padri suo he'll know what to do who to see about this I'll go out there today good luck to you Virginia trust me will you adios adios [Music] [Music] glad you finally got you here we are Salud us rrio good to see you Jose welcome to the camp here seora let me help you down Jose as morala down we are go how you need any help with the wagon no we'll take care of it how are you migu fine good to have you here we think you'll like it I'm sure I will best part of it I'll be closer to my son you know that's quite a son you got yeah I don't mind saying I'm proud still he's wanted let's not forget that they've plenty of men around with greed in their hearts no Miguel there's no one here wouldn't with his life on the line no matter what the odds to defend Queen Tana defending him is the same as defending Liberty here we are smells good now hold your horses it's coming that's not enough can you what you got wait and then you can have seconds and for those two at the end yummy I've eaten it all up the biggest piggy in the world couldn't put it away like you can that little fell is going to break the church you mean there's someone to see me inside and Spoon out the stool you boys and girls but but please eat ah Padre what is it child it's Don Juan da Virginia sent me to you why' she send you speak up child is anything wrong daor Virginia's a prisoner at Dan Juan's Henda are you absolutely sure that what you say is true I bribed a soldier to let me in for a minute to visit her she gave me your name so I came over here she told me you'd know what to do I'm telling you the truth I think she was on her way up here when they captured her because I heard some of the soldiers laughing over it [Music] later fine fine just leave it to me now go on come on [Music] hey have you SE man well Lord I want more I want I want just wait just wait just wait finish it to dear Lord I need your advice my son a man of the church should know what to do I only know one man to ask sure he's called a Bandido maybe he is only you know eh I've always known him as a good man and I do need help any man can become the instrument of my Justice thank you dear Lord [Music] [Music] hold it I want him alive drop your revolver [Music] don't count on your friend Quintana to save you this time move the [Music] I've got a little surprise in store for you you want to take a guess at what it is I don't care to be bothered with your little game and you won't get a chance to see your playmate Manuel come this way Manuel Virginia my [Music] darling it's your decision either we marry or you'll never see him alive [Music] again well [Music] Virginia shall we go [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] you can go right in now Padres are done have a seat what did you bring me in here for by order of Don Juan you're hereby chosen padrick to perform his marriage to Don Virginia dama it seems the ways of the Lord are mysterious dor Virginia getting married to Don Juan the ways of the Lord aren't your Affair in this case you carry out your office that's all of course captain of course by the way what about this Quintana it seems to me you haven't been any too successful in bringing in your man Padre if I were you I'd forget all about Quintana but don't worry we'll bring in our man reinforcements are due any day that's all for now and let me remind you this occasion is very special oh don't worry Captain Diaz The wedding will be memorable I'd like to think so saludos Padre you're riding like a cowboy seem to be in quite a hurry and the world brings you all the way out here you're miles from nowhere I've been looking for you Quintana if it's about the wedding I already know I'm worried about Manuel he's in real danger I know he made a very bad mistake he never should have left the mission adios adios [Music] [Music] go [Music] keep moving [Music] go on stop right there inside [Music] Manuel how is it can you make it to a [Music] horse easy now sorry afraid I will won't be able to make it this time I guess I should I I should have listened to you I stayed at the mission I know I'm dying you'll make it am Meo no I've had it don't me a favor will you take the mask down let me see your face I know you so much I want to know who you are please [Music] you [Music] [Music] get your horses come on M up thees get the here take this this way give all right easy easy come on get move down come on let's go get him adios J [Music] n [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we why so nervous P don't worry Don Juan will be here soon enough for a lovely wedding huh [Music] domon H this m [Music] get her under cover but yes sir inside [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] cop your G let's get him [Music] la [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] kill him [Music] [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] [Music] every [Music] he [Music] it's all over we can go home [Applause] [Music] la [Music]
Channel: Django360
Views: 153,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full movie, full western movies, western, western film
Id: bqYINWi6pyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 20sec (4940 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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