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Oh [Applause] the stylist [Music] something out [Music] something cut around [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] in the study of world religions there are seven hundred and forty-two different religions in the world seven hundred and forty-two but today we assemble because out of the seven hundred and forty two there's only one empty tomb come on somebody ought to give God glory for it we boast of a savior who was born who lived who died who rose again and who's coming back does anybody know his name we're thankful that while we were yet sinners he died for us he commandeered the disciples into the room and he pulled out a loaf of bread lifted it above his head gave them the warning this is my body is broken for you I want you right wherever it is that you are would you open up your receptacle as careful as you possibly can I want you to lift up that way fro both your head symbolizes the body of Christ I want you to break it right in your hand crack it right in your hand that's what the enemy thought was gonna happen to you in September he thought you were gonna crumble under the pressure thought you were gonna fall apart thought you were gonna break down but here you are in the first Sunday in October as a living witness in testimony that millions didn't make it but you're one that did for the body of Christ that was broken for me and for you would you please take a knee [Music] Jesus then proceeded to pull out a flask of wine and he told his circle of confidants comrades and disciples that this is my blood that shed for you my dear friends I want you to know that there are so many people are looking for a coping mechanism they're looking for something to ease the pain some find it in prescription medication some in cigarettes some in drugs some insects some in shopping some in food but I want you to know whatever you're going through the prescription is in your hand this is your happy hour knowing that the burden has now been lifted off of your life for the blood that was shared for me and for you would you please take and drink the disciples asked of him master on dark and difficult days how hot we pray and in that moment he taught them the Lord's Prayer lets prayer together with uplifted voices our Father [Music] [Music] amen before you take your seats I want you to embrace three people find three people you don't know tell them something good is gonna happen to you something good [Music] something good is gonna happen to you something good is gonna happen to you something good is gonna happen to you [Music] [Music] for you something ooh burn you could stand to your feet we're gonna do that prepare your hearts for the litany I'm gonna read the lead the people will follow and we will go so forth and at the end we will read together excited about your future I want you to clap your hands if you're excited about the future of our church come on if you're excited about it last Sunday was our 235 Sunday [Applause] [Music] it's our 235 Sunday and we had a total and then people started running in here today saying they were out of town last week had to work last week and so our finance team is upstairs recalibrating and Counting what came in up this morning but I'm expecting overflow yes y'all don't sound like y'all got that kind of faith I said I'm expecting [Music] story is told about Bill Gates that Bill Gates went to a lunch in California before his transition and after the bill came he paid the bill and then gave the waitress a tip for $5 the waitress looked at him her arms folded exhaled it's getting ready to walk away Bill Gates grabbed her by her arm and said what seems to be the problem said you wanted a wealthiest men in the world and you just gave me a tip of five dollars says your daughter was here on last week when your daughter came last week she gave me a tip of $500 so I would assume that you would have matched that or exceeded it Bill Gates said because my daughter is the daughter of one of the richest men in the world I am the son of a woodcutter and so she gave based off of who her father is [Music] and I give based on for who my father is I wonder if there's anybody in here who knows who's your daddy that my father is rich in the houses in land at my my father said I'm gonna be the head and not the tail that I'm gonna be a lender and not a borrower when I read that story you'd helped me to understand how many people approach giving is from the vantage point of who they believe their father is what their father represents and what their father possesses the Bible gives us the indication he will supply all of our needs according to his riches in glory when it is is that I give I demonstrate my faith publicly because I have confidence that everything that has gone out my father is gone restored back to me how many of you know you serve a god who is a keeper of his word with an amazing privilege on this the first Sunday of October for us to exercise the law of first mention of whatever happens first sets the stage and the precedent for everything that's going to happen after it our dear friends that this is going to set the barometer for your month your October begins on what it is that you do on this day how many of you have nothing else you need October to be better than September you you need October to be better than September Albert Einstein said that the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing expecting different results in order for you to get something different you gonna have to do something different so whatever it is that you gave in September if you don't like those results you want something different to happen it ought to be reflective in how it is that you give in worship uh sure as our servant leaders are moving amongst you if you're in need of an envelope I want you to please lift up that hand lift up that hand for me please if you're in need of an envelope ah dear friends who are worshipping with us in our cyber sanctuary we appreciative for you you stepped up in a major way last week wire 235 campaign how you let us know that the sanctuary of new birth is not confined to these walls but even accede to the outermost parts of the earth we are a tithing Church in because we are typing Church we give what percent of our income to God come on talk back to me what percent of our income goes to God hallelujah we do it with a glad heart not grudgingly not sparingly not even out of necessity but we do it because we are mindful that God loves the cheerful Giver I'm glad to be able to give because I'm glad he done blessed me with a attitude but he blesses me with a spirit of joy and I give back to him with that same spirit I want you to get secure your offering in your hand once you have done so all of us are giving our deacons are giving our elders are giving our choir is giving even our security is give everybody is given how much you lift up that seed above your head you're giving electronically you over to do throw do so through paypal diplomat text to give on our secure website new birth org you're able to do that i dear friends who are worshiping with us from around the world ask that you will please give electronically even as we give in this stationery a place how both of you who are bringing today your 235 covenant hear me if you are bringing today your 235 covenant don't give it yet i need you to hold it do not give it yet i need you to hold it I'm gonna call for it in just one moment with that seat lifted up would you repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is in expectation for what you're gonna do before this month is over amen bless the Lord our oceans are coming zealously to serve you after they would have passed your oh if you'd like to give for yourself the altar is open for you to do it as is a part of the culture and custom of our church [Music] Oh honey on the finger Oh Oh it's working it's working in Turkey [Applause] [Music] come on everybody this one Oh [Music] I don't have to everybody is working for me you want to use your voices Hey let's alert come on give God a hand clap of praise those of you you weren't here on last Sunday or you are unable to bring your covenant your pledge on last Sunday you want to do it on this day Institute will please I'll bring it to the altar those of you who are viewing online you made a covenant and we will offer your pay schedule and you want to be able to give it on today as the till please do it ask that you will please make the notation that this is a part of a 235 I ask that you give your attention to the screen even as those who are sewing are doing so give you attention to the screen [Music] with God all things are possible snatches in scripture it's in real life in his related to new birth can you just imagine that when God Grace's us to pay off this mortgage that the first Sunday of every month will only be from maintenance and upkeep second third and fourth Sunday completely forage we were dead free the possibility would be endless the power of the gospel spread even more you know this church has been set on a hill set on a rock it's soft [Music] I'm appreciative for every person who is connected gods give me to do something amazing today come be monumental and is going to be your story this is our 235 and pay what is 235 Psalms 23 and bad Mack come I'm believing that your competitors shift from just enough to more than an hour believing God to raise $500,000 LaBeouf tithes and offerings and the question is did we meet that goal God said he would do exceedingly abundantly beyond what we could think dream hope or even imagine I need you to tell all of our haters all about naysayers are y'all a shall good is that all please give him thanks Kevin Oh to lift up that hand for me yeah [Applause] listen hold on would you lift up that hand for me [Applause] hold on musicians I'm gonna come get you in one minute the visitors don't know why we shout [Applause] lift that hand cuz we owe God a praise listen and as he lifts up that hand listen to me a year ago there were people who thought we were gonna lose this building god I can't hear nobody thought we were gonna foreclose thought the building was gonna go up for auction but God said upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not listen to me hold on musicians please [Applause] by Tuesday we were already at 500,000 we wired it to the bank by Wednesday morning by Wednesday afternoon the president of the Bank called and said I don't know what's happening in Atlanta are y'all ain't saying nothing to me but we gotta come see it for ourselves I want you to shout not for no organ but the Spirit of death is been broken up for this [Applause] the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty under guard for the pulling down of strongholds God said when you give me glory don't forget for your starts at the head then when you are shouting you are paying off the debt of the people on your row [Applause] and I knew somebody's handing your hand thank you holy God you not gonna be evicted you're not gonna lose the house you not gonna get lose the car you are not gonna sit out of semester the lien on your house has just been removed everything you all died your rest just got paid off just get ready to do something I want somebody's hand in your hand [Applause] I'm trying not to cry feel his glory right here I need you to pull on your neighbor and tell them God is still with us god you're still with us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in him there is no failure because God can do anything but fail today he's getting ready to cut off the head of the enemy god I can't hear nobody I said today God is gonna cut off the hand of the enemy I [Applause] got here Tim milk time ten months ago didn't know how God was gonna do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] in ten months a debt went from 31 million of 29 million y'all ain't sayin nothin to me a church that believe God for 500,000 watch God do over 700,000 in one Sunday I can't hear nobody you ought to be giving God glory you ought to be giving God glory I need somebody's hand in your hand you'll only trust him I want you to clear every aisle please have that neighbors hand but I need that aisle clear I want to pray for somebody who's in this room I don't even know who you I don't even know where you're standing I don't know how you got here who invited you but I'm telling you what God did for our church God's given me to do it for you but God said I need to see if I trust you you're in this room and you're supposed to be evicted this week between now and Friday you're supposed to be evicted supposed to be set out I want to pray for you in particular today I want you to meet me at this altar forget about your pride forget about what other people think what other people say I'm standing on the promise of God I want God to do the same thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] I need you to get here please I read the folk look at you in church to look at your furniture sitting on the sidewalk [Applause] [Music] I'm waiting on you you can't be honest in church where can you be honest can't be transparent in church where can you be I know I'm throwing off the whole program we should have been somewhere else right now but I um I want you if you're at this altar and back at your seat in your purse in your possession you got documentation of your eviction can you go get it for me please yeah I need you to get it for me [Music] thank you they still coming right through here's where I need the intercessors to come need you to open up your mouth if you know the power of prayer I need you to begin pray would you make happen for other people God will make happen for you [Music] I believe they're gone to do it tap her foot you got it yeah go ahead and find it such a right hand into faith I'll it bless His Holy Name come on intercessors begin to pray for him begin in the seed form hallelujah new birth you know the power of prayer we shouldn't even still be here but His grace and His mercy how do you I need you to turn up the sound of your prayer you ought to be able to pray as loud as you praise I can't hear you I said you ought to be able to pray as loud as you praise I believe that God is able come on when she lifts up that hand stretch it towards him I believe in Jehovah Jireh that he will supply hallelujah I stand in agreement with you those of you who are at this altar I want you to lift up both of those hands for me lift up both of those hands hallelujah new birth I can't hear you I said lift up both of those hands hallelujah it is no secret what God can do what he's done father's that bear witness he'll do it for you some of y'all ain't praying cuz you ain't never been in a situation where you needed God to intervene but those of you who found out for yourself what God is able to do that he can do exceedingly abundantly beyond what you can think dream hope or even imagine you had this all to lift that hand as high as you see yourself going I promise you you ain't gonna have another month struggling like this I can't find any witnesses I said you ain't gonna have another month struggling like this God has give many to do it for you who knows but you were born for such a damn business I speak the peace of God over your life hallelujah I speak the grace of God over your life that whatever he's smiling you to do that God is gonna be able to do it I believe my faith that between now in that Sunday that God is gonna perform the perfect work in your life lift up that hand right where you are watch God do it I give him glory [Music] I give him glory only because his worthy omlette because he is worthy I serve a god that cannot lie he can do exceedingly abundantly beyond what you can think dream home or even imagine I served that time to God I can't hear about it I'll give you a Chloe I give me the price I give me a skip it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you can handle it but you just embrace somebody and tell them God is moving in this place [Music] [Music] [Music] you are [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] would you get your Bibles in your hand please [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] everybody doing [Music] [Music] so to [Music] would you find Nehemiah chapter 4 [Music] Nehemiah chapter 4 [Music] okay okay we now at seven hundred and twenty nine thousand four hundred and eighty-nine 7:29 489 so [Music] [Applause] I'm going to the Word of God but real quick if somebody can just bring me 500 to make it at 7:30 that'll make me feel better I think it's best you gotta just say thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so that's 7:30 and then this is now 500 so that's seven thirty five hundred seven thirty five thank you so [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you he saw knit on behalf of his mother so this [Music] [Applause] thank you so that's another 500 so make that 731 731 210 731 to 10 can you do that media ministry 731 to 10 all right so thank you all right thank you all right so I'm English not math so if you're long 731 445 731 445 y'all doing good all right okay I'm going to the word of God thank you all right so that's hold the one carry the two all right so if somebody bring me $5 I'll be at 7:30 - yeah you you bring me something thank you that's my man thank you that's my man thank you all right so we at 7:30 - thank you Miss M thank you I'm at 7:30 - 500 [Applause] thank you tell me what this is you give thank you 7:32 525 thank you overflow from your vacation thank you thank you alright that's another 500 so I'm right at 733 put me at seven thirty three point it right there hold it hold it yeah just 33 so 733 335 733 335 435 yeah 733 445 733 445 thank you for 733 450 then at 235 today [Applause] and thank you thank you oh there's my friend thank you I need you all to know this young lady she was the star of the film overcomer and she's an amazing gift gift God Hank left appraised for yes so 733 980 thank you so very much thank you thank you thank you thank you now y'all know I got a GED you going too fast all right so I meant 7:30 for you at 7:30 for thank you 7:30 450 all right Deacon's y'all gonna help me now thanks y'all just sitting there look kind of Baptist churches this thank you thank you all right then a at 171 to that thank you at 171 I met Nehemiah and 252 that add to 50 today then you're gonna add to 50 today thank you yeah you put that right there all right Nehemiah chapter 4 thank you dig it y'all count this now what y'all what's happening when it's the Deacon training meeting 734 721 all right Nehemiah chapter four Nehemiah chapter four come on in thank you [Music] okay all right so real quick Deacon's we all going no we missionary baptist county right here you'll need to go on no back thank you we need that table that's a IHS yes thank you all right thank you okay so just good I need real quick thank you thank you so very much thank you all right if I get to seventh as soon as I get to 735 let me know that I made it since I get this set just count out 300 yeah thank you counting out 300 get me right daughter as my man in there thank you but I appreciate you just count out 300 so I get you straight to 735 if I get to 735 I'ma be somewhere thank you where you at 235 yes all right I'm right there so put me at 7:35 put me at 7:35 [Applause] I'm at 7:35 y'all ain't gonna believe it one of our online viewers is watching us while on an airplane and said if we get to 735 he gonna give another 5,000 [Applause] bored thank you sir thank you alright Nehemiah chapter 4 Nehemiah chapter 4 it is better than the lou rawls telephone all right Nehemiah chapter 4 verse number 6 I'm trying to get to the word now Nehemiah chapter 4 verse number 6 once you've found it once you say I got it if you can't find that say lord help me all this time Nehemiah chapter 4 verse number 6 let's read it together so we rebuilt the wall come on let's read again with a little bit more vim vigor and vitality everybody we all read it a third time put the seal or the Holy Ghost on it come on everybody so we rebuilt amen you may be seated I want to preach deacons y'all can interrupt me at any times and as you have it I want to preach this morning using as a subject you doing too much you doing too much would you would you look at the person beside you and say I didn't know how to tell you this but pastor just gave me permission to let you know you doing too much you're doing too much Roy Roy Raymond his life ended as a picture of despair in 1977 he went into a mall and was overwhelmed with embarrassment trying to purchase lingerie for his wife because they were celebrating their wedding anniversary and out of that shame and embarrassment he opened his first Victoria's Secret store was actually originally designed for the comfort and the convenience of men who are shopping for their significant other Roy borrow $40,000 from his in-laws and then borrowed another ported out thousand from his local bank much to his amazement after the first year of being open he cleared a half million dollar profit by 1982 the fledgling franchise had six stores and a 42 page mail-order catalog within six years he was clearing 6 million a year in 1986 the limited chain bought it from Roy Raymond for 1 million dollars cash but by the end of the decade Victoria's Secret was clearing 1 billion annually on August 26 1993 Roy Raymond committed suicide and jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge because he could not forgive himself for under thinking on the value of his idea he sold it for 1 million and now they were profiting 1 billion they are far too many of you who are under the sound of my voice who are the polar opposite and you don't want to live not because of under thinking but because of the words of dr. King and his 1964 classic the strength to love you've gotten caught up in the paralysis of analysis and you are trapped in your own thoughts and guilty of overthinking to overthink is to consider something for too long and way too much if the Lord is our Shepherd we are his sheep but too many of us are acting like cows our over thinking creates distress and is clinically described as rumination to ruminate means to chew over all enough rumination is derived from how cows digest their food cows chew they swallow they regurgitate and then they chew it again while this process is healthy for the beasts it is toxic for humans and how many of us are sick because we keep chomping on destructive thoughts we digest them and then we replay it in our minds it's akin to chewing gum after the flavor is gone you can't stop even though you recognize you're not getting anything out of it rumination is the manufacturer of depression it is the ancestor of anxiety rumination is dangerous because it forces you to focus on your mistakes and ignore your success it causes you to dwell on your disappointments and to repeatedly invest in your emotional liabilities you get wrapped up in it you let it swallow you and then you allow it to spit you back out rumination in its simplest term is the function of repetitive thinking going over the same thought reliving the same trauma keep rehearsing the same problem keep going over the breakup with absolutely no resolution Paul asked the church at Philippi to shift their rumination and for Philippians 4 verse 4 he said rejoice always and again I say rejoice in other words Paul was saying think about what you shouted over Laius and when you finish shall they think about it again and when you finish praising God who rejoice about it again you're to keep playing the highlight tapes of what it is that you have to give God glory for and if you keep doing that the enemy won't have room to play commercials not over necessarily anything new but would you pause right here and would you just give God glory for your favorite testimony now stop now thank them for it again my praise ain't ever played out now thank him for it again if it means something to you thank him for it again over thinking over thinking is watching the reruns of a show you don't like thinking about it long enough doesn't change it the four most famous lie intended by William Shakespeare is the soliloquy spoken by Hamlet to be or not to be that is the question those first six words are intriguing and arresting because it exposes Hamlet's interest in a wrestling with his existence or his demise because he can't figure out what is best for him being alive or being dead David declared I shall not die but I shall live I want to say this to 70 of you who are in the room 79 of you who are streaming this suicide is not a viable option you are not built to surrender you are anointed to be more than a conqueror I declare and decree over your life that death has just been suspended that the same anointing he's given to Hezekiah now risked on you I hope you'll receive it thank God today is adding 15 years to your life some of y'all don't know why we're shouting God said cuz I know the last 15 years have been a mess and I owe you one so I'm committed to bless you for everything that you went through here's your shower since Oh for I'm getting ready to bless your life from the everything that was withheld from your everything they robbed you up everything they brought you from getting I am getting ready to the lease choice blessings over the next 15 years of your life if you receive it give God or if foreign you didn't hear what I just said God owes you 15 years which means in the next 15 years you can die you will not be in Hospice you ain't gonna be tied up in court you ain't gonna be struggling and broke you ain't gonna be lonely and frustrated you are to be giving God praise not for the next 15 months but the next 15 years of your life I remember these poor leprous men in second King seven who got caught in a drought compounded in warfare because they were suffering from an incurable disease that risk of falling into the enemy's hands they've not eaten in a couple of days and one of them has the Epiphany why are we gonna just sit here and wait to die we might as well make a move and survive many of you are overthinking your process all I can tell you is if you sit still nothing will happen but if you make a move and trust God God will do something for you that you never saw or imagined it's only for leprous men but when they start moving their enemy start hearing sound defense because when they started moving it sounded like it was a whole army with them see they're people who get agitated with your worship because you shout too loud for one person know this shout that I'm giving ain't just for me this is for all the Me's that got played all of the Me's that got hurt all of the Me's that got lied to I said I won't tell nobody keep it to myself in the Old Testament book of Nehemiah we learned that the walls in Jericho have eroded they've eroded from neglect and despair Nehemiah hears of a condition from his relative and his grieve that nothing has been done and God then burdens him that he's got the responsibility to repair it it's the beginning of his own in if he doesn't exercise faith it's starting to eat at him so much so that he can't even do his job right he's so preoccupied about his assignment that he cannot function at his place of employment I just said something you missed it he is so preoccupied by his assignment that he is not productive at his place of employment because part of the assignment was saying to him your season on that job is coming to an end I got something greater in store for you that regular people will not understand I am speaking a word of prophetic authority that this for some of you is your last year working for somebody that 2020 is gonna be the year that everything you were born to do you are going to walk into your god-given assignment and you are not going to have to reduce yourself far the people's convenient nehemiah is just a butler but he's not just in the old butler he's a butler in the king's court and he is looking dis press and distress while serving the king and the King has asked him why are you looking downtrodden ask me what it is that you want because you forgot seemingly what poverty I have I don't understand how you come to church looking like prune juice I don't know how you got an attitude and you cantankerous when you are in the presence of the King God is saying whatever you ask for in my name it shall be given to you some of y'all can't shout cuz you don't need nothin but there 15 of you who are in this room that are saying God I need you to do something before Halloween I wanna knock on the devil's door and say trick-or-treat you meant it for evil just go work [Music] he's in the presence of the king and says I need something built I need something fixed and needs something restore and the King says I'm gonna do it for you even though you don't have training even though you don't have a letter of recommendation even though you don't have a circle of support but because you are crazy enough it's going to feel like I need to tell somebody the battle is like whatever you asked him for BC the place I'm come and be seated handily I came to kill a demon today I said be seated this is it a shout after the prayer is answered but can you praise Him why are you still waiting can you give him glory like you sound away can you magnify him like the builders already plays like your body is already healed like your son is already delivered not your marriages already reconciled look at your neighbor and say neighbor don't use they sound like this but I might have some haters in here I got some naysayers in here and I'm gonna keep on shouting until some hater begins to say under their breath you do it too much I gotta keep praising yes come in the past shake the neighbors hand and say neighbor this is the month I'm gonna tell you do it too much - solar mathlete you doin too much you magic away from me that I did not say you're doing you really you really ain't shouting good until somebody get a attitude until somebody get mad until somebody rose that house but when I shout it ain't for you you are the praise until you doing too much you ought to give him good I need somebody's hand in your hand I gotta show you something stoyan stands somebody's hand is in your hand I got to show you something then when they start rebuilding the wall no angels appear [Music] when they sell rebuilding the wall God doesn't intervene no government grants show up they rebuild the wall I need you to hear this cuz they had a mind for it God says I'm getting ready to bless you for what you've been thinking about doing I got the wrong Church in here some some of y'all ain't gon get it cuz you waiting for somebody else to do it but God said I'm a blessed man [Applause] somebody's hand is in your hand I gotta show you something [Music] can you imagine that this month God is only going to bless what you've been thinking about [Applause] I've really thought y'all we're gonna shout better than that I said God is don't bless what you've been thinking about your ideas get ready to be blessed your project is the better to be blessed your proposal is about to be blessed whatever you've been thinking about [Music] [Applause] somebody's hand is in your hand he says and God bless them to get it done cuz their mind is on rebuilding [Music] here this format or believers that where God is getting ready to bless you with is not new stuff he's getting ready to bless you I hope 500 y'all get the revelation which stuff that fell apart god I can't hear nobody stop that you thought you will never have together again God said I'm rebuilding it your hand is in their neighbors hand because they had a mind for it they didn't even realize what just happened I give you this a novel issue there's a head of mind to see it work out a mind to fix their family to work on their marriage reconcile with their kids build their business begin a legacy wealth gossip because they've got a mind for it they didn't even know here's your shout they were already halfway there god I can't hear nobody I I came to make an announcement to somebody you are halfway there are you house to where you're supposed to be a declare over your life that before this year's over before this year's over it's the last quarter of the year before this year is over everything you've been thinking about it's gonna start coming together you ain't got the money right now you don't even know how is gonna get done but I am trusting God that whatever I've been thinking about God is going to handle and the attack only comes at this point when they're mixing cement no haters ordering supplies no haters it is only when they start making progress that the haters begin to show up in their life the problem is the haters don't even realize what happened you should have fought me when I was at the ground level [Applause] [Music] now that I'm halfway there what said you gotta look up to me guess I'm not even on your lap oh that's got a deuce how is it lifted hand released that name I want to pray over you he said he can do more here's the first price then you think he can do more than what you dream here's the third one he can do more than what you imagine whoever says to you that you're doing too much are people who are not dreaming enough they mad and you ain't even there yet they mad at your halfway mark but your Justin started pretty God give you the equipment you need the supplies that you need the resources that you need the crew that you need that nothing will stop you from what you are supposed to be working on and those of you who believe that this is your word of confirmation that you believe God for every thought he is given to your man will you give God Thanksgiving for it right now for every thought I can't hear you I said give him glory [Music] Nehemiah went to the king and said I want to rebuild the wall but I got no money got no training got no experience what's this and I don't even have a construction crew and the King said I'm a supply everything you need in order to get this done I'm excited because today we've turned the page for a new chapter in new birth come on I can't hear nobody I said today we turn the page a new chapter a new birth I've been staying up at night last ten months thinking about where we going the direction that God is gonna take us how we gon pay for it God said I got it just keep it on your mind and I'm gonna send the people who are gonna rebuilt the wall if you're in this room you're in this room I don't want you to be in the audience I want you to be in the army you're in this room and today you're saying pastor I'm gonna help you rebuild these walls I'm gonna help you rebuild the community rebuild a generation rebuild the city rebuild the body of Christ wherever it is that you are I implore you to get to this altar right now don't you hesitate don't you act like you didn't hear the voice of God talking to you you know you're supposed to be a part of this ministry don't you let anything stop you till you get right here climb over people push them out of the way run down here you know you supposed to be here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know you belong down here [Music] I'm waiting on you this ain't no regular Church you say no ordinary ministry God Steve made you some supernatural in this city I want you in it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm appreciative for those that have come but it's still a great harvest of you that are still waiting out there I need you to meet me here I don't know who you are on the way you've come out of I don't know who invited you but this is your church stop playing with it those of you who are viewing online I don't care if you're in Colorado in California don't care if you're in Florida this is your ministry I want you to join right there online wherever it is that you are five more of you I need you to meet me here I need you to meet me here I need you to shout for this young man coming [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on give God some praise listen to me would you all step up for me real quick it's not gonna take me long hallelujah it's five more y'all this game may come I'm telling you right now ain't got time to play five more you need to come right now which I'll do a road check for me would you check the people on your own ask them are they saved ask them do they have a church home ask them have they given their life over to God [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's two I'm waiting on three more [Music] Here Come three are y'all gonna shout about it what's wrong with y'all y'all when this last one come I need y'all to go crazy in here I'm waiting on one more wherever you are would you make make your way come on give God some praise for these young men away [Music] all right they still coming how y'all feel about it I said how y'all feel about it [Music] such a right-hander faith hallelujah jump and put your foot on the brake for one minute I'm trying to move but I feel three more people I don't know where they are but you fix in my spirit I need the three y'all to come please please the three of you on the way you are the three of you I need you to come meet me at this altar three of you y'all see them coming [Applause] yelling sound good to me y'all see these young adults coming these Millennials coming come on give God some praise young families coming give God glory how y'all feel [Applause] [Music] search a right-hander faith Lord they still coming all right stretch your right hand to faith repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving the only God and not notice right if you know I'm right come on give God some praise for it listen to me those of you who are at this altar I need you to follow us out this way we believe at our church you don't have to be spooky to be spiritual amen they came as our friends but they're leaving as our family would you give God some praise for all right noubar do me a favor be seated is a couple of things I got to share with you real quick and I don't want you to leave I don't want you to leave I don't want you to leave I do not want you to leave [Music] all right media ministry helped me we're now at 739 202 come on give God Hank Aleppo praise we are 739 seven hundred thirty nine thousand two hundred and two dollars alright so this will we gonna do does who are a part of our cyber sanctuary those of you who are our virtual worshippers and ballsy who in the room 739 202 don't even feel right all right so I think what we should do yeah I think we should just go to 750 yeah I think we should just go to 750 and be done with it you got 500 more thank you thank you it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month we wear pink on the last Sunday that was one of my announcements thank you all right so add 500 today and 500 today so there should be 739 702 all right so here's what I need you to do please real quick real quick I want every person if you would every person if you would would you get your best gift as close to 100 as you can as close to 100 as you can Rush's where are you help me hook a brother up thank you get your best gift as close to 100 as you can if you can do more than that that's wonderful but I want us to be at 750 I wants to be at 750 those of you who can't even wait on the usher and you just want to bring it for yourself you can bring it right to the altar I want to say a couple of things if I can I want to say a couple of things if I can new birth everything we do we do it big I want to thank you and I hope you'll join me in exuberant Thanksgiving I want to thank you we have sent for full charted cargo planes to the Bahamas come on give God Hank Aleppo praise [Applause] come on y'all got to do better than that [Music] bring it right there and not only did we do it collectively but other churches partnered with us in helping us would you clap your hands for Bishop William Murphy in the dream Center help me give God glory for apostle Travis Jennings give God some glory for him pester Rodney Freeman Mount Zion restoration Church in Gastonia North Carolina pastor Joseph Parker Faith Fellowship Church of God in Christ in Memphis pastor Mario hayslett community fellowship in Covington Tennessee thank you so very much sir clap your hands for pastor Moultrie from Oak Grove Missionary Baptist North Carolina New Bethel Community Church of God in Christ give God some praise Bethel institutional Jacksonville Florida grace Baptist pastor Clinton McFarland sent for the Bahamas $5,000 give God some praise for them white oak Spring Baptist Church in Virginia sent two thousand dollars for the Bahamas give God a hand clap of praise we have sent all of our planes over in our partnership would you help me thank God for Delta Airlines partnering with us we have special guests today and I owe them a debt of gratitude I was in the Bahamas this week meeting with the prime minister and they said all we really need is building supplies and I want to thank the district managers from Lowe's are with us Don Jones in Albin Street aware you don Jones Albert Street thank you so much come on give it up y'all a shouting good [Applause] bless the Lord O my soul all that is within me bless His Holy Name I want you to be mindful softly minstrels even as others are still sewing sharing and giving that there's been a spike in crime in this community amen in just the last week there have been three shootings within two miles of our church three shootings within two miles of our church a murder in the Stonecrest mall parking lot last Sunday evening a subway shop employee was shot three people were shot in a drive-by shooting at the gas station on Thursday and we are operating in authority that the spirit of violence is not going to take over come on y'all ain't saying nothing to me I met with the Sheriff's Department for DeKalb County I and told them what we wanted to do and they said they're coming to pray with us I want you to please hear me on this coming Tuesday this coming Tuesday between 6:00 6:30 I need you to meet us in the parking lot of Stone chrismole right outside of Sears and we're gonna be doing a prayer vigil outside of the mall yelling singing nothin to me not only do I want you to come but I want you to bring your children with you because I believe that the church cannot just be the headquarters for funerals but that we have got to be the lamp light for this community and for this city come on somebody give God a hand clap of praise Tuesday at 6 26 and 6:30 meet us in the parking lot of Stonecrest how many of you I believe that we've got to take authority over our community we've got to take authority over our community immediately thereafter immediately thereafter I need all of you who are members of our church to join me on Tuesday night for our family meeting it's almost our state of the address of what is taking place in our church I believe that transparency is important and so Tuesday when you come I'll be able to tell you the full scope of the health of our church in terms of our finances as well as vision casting for where God is taking us in the future and I am so very very excited about it as you know you've got a a pastor who not only went to Morehouse not only went to Duke not only our traffic through the Graduate theological foundation at Oxford University get a doctorate but also you have a pastor who has a GED and I am so pleased to announce to you that we are partnering with Piedmont College to offer GED classes here's where you shall at our church come on come out [Applause] GED classes at our church every Wednesday and Thursday night you register on our website at new birth org and this is how good god is all of you who want to be in the program I got good news for you there is no tuition [Applause] so we want at least 40 people to be a part of that program starting this Wednesday you got a son a brother a new sister a daughter who needs to be in it I need you to get them the church we want to help them start the next chapter of their life would you give your attention to our screen for this morning's announcements and then we should be coming to a close we want you to join us Tuesday October 8th 7:30 p.m. it's the new birth family meeting there won't be group therapy on this day but come on out and hear a little family business check this out Sunday October 13 its Morris Brown take over day he wants you to come on out wear your purple and black and support this great institution we look forward to seeing you in the house in addition to the upcoming film festival The Imaginarium crusade is coming October 15th through the 17th three powerful evenings when Pastor John Hannah Arisa Farrow and dr. Matthew Stevenson you don't want to miss the Imaginarium crusade October 15th to the 17th right here at new birth the film festival will be hosted on our campus Wednesday October 16th through Saturday October 19 featuring panelists master classes and more enjoy a Saturday night concert with R&B hip-hop and Gaspard don't wait make sure to get your tickets today it's coming from the Kwanzaa plaza expo November 29th through December 1st in the Family Life Center is your opportunity to circulate dollars in the black community while shopping locally are you a vendor just register at new birth org starting on October 27th bring new and gently worn coats and jackets in all sizes to help warm someone's heart this holiday season hurry we'll be collecting through November 17th and giving away items on or before November 23rd oh and don't forget to stop by the call to conquer book store this model book of them off is creativity Inc by Ed Catmull he's the co-founder of Pixar this book might bring out the creative genius in you and on October 29th we're taking ministry outside it's the harvest fire festival or free candy bring your family and friends for the jumpy house and your neighborhood kids could enjoy face painting gamer trucks and pony rides - horseback rides and check this out in the Sears parking lot at the mall of Stonecrest Tuesday October 8th 6 p.m. come and stand with your community that's all power up in prayer together United Tuesday October 8th 6 p.m. clear your schedules don't miss it bless the Lord would you give God a Handclap of praise this a lot going on in our church as you all know we haven't even counted what we're just collected but I need you all new birth to go crazy for our online family because of the giving of those who are watching online we have already paid 750 come on come on show your love y'all gotta do better than that as you stand to your feet our imaginary your meals are on next week not this week coming the following week I am on tiptoe anticipation pastor John Hannah is gonna be here next Tuesday night next Wednesday night pastor Moore Marissa Farrell is gonna be here Thursday night is our ordination service for our elders and our deacons as that you make sure the whole house is present and accounted for apostle matthew stevens is going to be blessing us on that night and then friday and saturday is our film festival i desperately need you to register for the film festival on today we've got a whole lot of presentation that you ought to be a part of amen yesterday history was made in our city and i think that we ought to give an amazing salute to brother tyler perry for doing something absolutely come on come on come on if nobody told you today please know at the very least your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day I wanna see you get everything that God has for you look at whoever sitting next to you and tell them don't overthink it this week don't overthink it as we leave this place but never from God's presence would you repeat after me walk with God and you'll walk with me talk with God and he'll talk with me listen to God and he'll listen to me love God because they first loved me lift your hands right near my cousin's hey excuse me I'm sorry lift your hands I need seen my cousins India lift your hands right where you are now when the him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself Hey may God irritate you until you have enough sense to worship Him may God bless you and
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 27,711
Rating: 4.8126125 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, dr jamal bryant, you doing, much, you doing to much
Id: UpeHRBquuXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 14sec (6014 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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