Dream interpretation - Dr Jamal Bryant

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[Music] all together one [Music] the presence of the lord is here i can feel hear me in the atmosphere the atmosphere is ripe for a visitation of the holy spirit to dwell amongst us i want you to do me a favor please there's uh somebody in your life in your space who needs to be a part of what god is going to do on tonight nothing short of the miraculous and the impactful is about to hit your life this is no ordinary night but i'm believing that we're moving from imagination to manifestation god is about to answer prayers he's getting ready to decode dreams and is getting ready to reveal mysteries i need you to tag somebody i want you to text somebody i want you to tell somebody if you will i ask that you get in a prayerful mind frame to be sensitive to the move of god to hear his voice even with your inner ear sometimes he doesn't come in a whirlwind sometimes not an earthquake but sometimes in a careless whisper we begin our journey together this morning breaking generational curses 53 in all if you missed our morning prayer i want you to go back after this encounter would have concluded uh so that you can be a part of it as well as your entire family for the last two weeks i've been dealing with a decoding of dreams and tonight i am going to make another installment on it if you were with us on last week you would be mindful that we were in genesis 40 verse number eight genesis 40 verse number eight somebody type it on the screen for me and in it you'll remember recall uh that both the butler and the cupbearer said that they had dreams and joseph responded isn't dream interpretation left to god and then he said tell me your dream i want to give you just a couple of observations and insights on the spiritual mechanics of dreams number one is god uses dreams to speak to us god uses dreams to speak to us they are the mode of communication from heaven to earth god crafts dreams dreams from god hear me are always custom tailor-made he doesn't give you random dreams but they are designed specifically for you for where you are in your life's journey god in dreams he reveals plans and he reveals a purpose something amazing that i want you to underscore is that whenever god gives a dream here this it is a forecast of the future god never gives dreams about the past he only gives you forecast about the future therefore i need you to write this down even in your journal in your private notes dreams in and of themselves are prophetic dreams in and unto themselves are prophetic he gives dreams because he wants us to have a clear vision to see beyond the present state and to peer into coming attractions dreams are a vehicle to bring a peaceful resolve in light and in spite of a tumultuous reality that there is something about dreams where god projects images of himself his word his anointing his angels onto us so that we can in some way come back to him in prayer so there is in fact a marriage between dreams and prayer you will not get the answer to your dreams if you do not have a healthy and a robust prayer life because your dreams are an invitation to prayer dreams reign heavily down on us for wisdom many times god sends dreams as a warning about who is false what is a threat what is the next direction for your life god uses dreams to help us to make decisions that line up with his will god intends through the dream for you to get to know him better now tonight we're going to exchange and take a deep dive with many of our viewers many of our worshipers many of those who are in covenant dreams hear this reveal hidden issues dreams reveal hidden issues and so um the um uh the the disclosing of the understanding of those dreams are going to be very sensitive for some are going to be very ripe for others but it is only to bring peace and to bring clarity it is not to bring embarrassment god uses dreams to bring us through a revelatory cycle it takes us here it is your dream is a transitional bridge from where you are to where you are going we find the answers to life's questions in our dreams dreams restore us to a healthy intimacy with the master now i need you to uh if you would i'll consider uh just one uh parcel of scripture i ask that you go to habeka chapter two rebecca chapter two verses one through three rebecca chapter two verses one through three and in rebecca chapter two we understand the way to process our dreams here it is is write the vision the original translation is write the dream and make it plain for the dream is for an appointed time wait on it often we shout over that we down dance over we celebrate it but i've got a park right here right in the middle of the block of rebecca chapter two your dream more often than not is never for now your dream more often than not is never for now it says write division here it is for an appointed time your dream is coming but you're gonna have to take your watch off so that you can in fact move to the synchronicity of the rhythm of heaven he says i will stand and i will watch and set myself on the rampard and watch to see what will he say to me and what i will answer when i am corrected then the lord answered me and said write the vision write the dream make it plain that those who read it here it is people are going to run i don't want you to miss this they're going to run off your dream can you imagine that that there's an hour that people will not shout over the sermon or the song but the pronouncement of your dream is gonna make people run some people mobilize gonna make people synergize it is for and appointed time i need somebody uh to declare it even if it is through a type if not audibly it is almost my time at the end your dream will speak here it is because your dream cannot lie for those of you are frustrated there's no way i can speak to all of you on tonight there is no way i wish that i could but he said though it terry wait on it your dream therefore comes with a warning label your dream will not happen expeditiously your dream always drives while standing on the brakes in it amazing how the wicked get their stuff fast but the righteous always have to wait because what it is that you are going to receive conceptualize materialize is going to be so surreal that you almost want to give up on it but he wants you to wait on it because here it is your dream is going to be worth the wait in dreams god gives you plans he gives you wisdom he gives you strategy and he gives you warnings i got to give it to you again with god's dreams he gives you plans he gives you wisdom he gives you strategy and he gives you warning whenever it is from genesis to revelations that god gives a dream it is always laced in a plan in wisdom in warning or in a strategy it is my prayer that god will open up your heart tonight to be able to receive what the spirit of the lord is saying to get some understanding of god's intention relative to where you are at this tick of the watch hallelujah i want you right where it is that you are i'm getting ready to open up these lines but i want to just flood the atmosphere with a tribe of uh angels that are on their way the bible declares that when daniel prayed there was warfare in heaven and it delayed the answer say but i fought for you to get your answer and now it is here god in the name of jesus i pray for those who are left waiting who've been watching been yearning been reaching but they haven't heard anything haven't seen hallelujah they haven't seen anything they haven't felt anything haven't experienced anything you've not revealed anything but tonight i ask that you'll give clarity of mind position of thought i pray dear lord that you will take off the boundaries of finite thinking obstruct the critical mass of conventional wisdom allow us to dream in the galaxy of the night yet allow us to believe on that which has not been founded allow us to stretch beyond anything that we can possibly comprehend and while we're dreaming i pray that you'll open up do open heart surgery so that we'll be able to not just feel you but we'll feel like ourselves again it's in your name we pray amen i uh want to go i think uh tonight uh first i'm gonna go backwards and go to our youngest i think this is our youngest one yes uh jada uh graves there you are uh jada uh tell me uh first tell me how old you are can you hear me testing jada can you hear me can you hear me all right can you hear me now hello yes all right beautiful i asked you how how old are you i'm 17 17. okay tell me about your dream please okay so um i for about like three years now i've been having like the same four dreams like every time that i have a dream at night it's always one of these four dreams it's never something new all right tell me the first one the first one that um i wrote about was basically um there was a guy uh there's someone in a wheelchair the person in the wheelchair changes but it's always like someone i know like someone in my family one of my friends and i'm pushing the person in the wheelchair but the sidewalk is like really rocky so we hit like a stop like a like a rock in the sidewalk and the person flies out the wheelchair and so when they fly out the wheelchair i start running away from the person and the person's like screaming my name and every time every time in the dream like i look back at the person and the person just like is screaming and i just keep running away yes number one is that you're called to be a caregiver i and the anointing that god has put on your life is uh to aid those who are not able to help themselves you have an overwhelming sense of responsibility where you feel responsible for somebody in your family i don't know who that person is the person who you feel responsible for may not necessarily be older but it's somebody who needs your push and whenever it is that things are not going to plan you keep taking that on as your responsibility as a consequence at 17 you dealing with a whole lot of stress whole lot of worry a whole lot of weight a whole lot of pressure my sister who is a therapist uh said that most of the stress we carry is not ours we're carrying somebody else's stress and so you'll notice that you release the wheelchair and god is saying your sense of false obligation is slowing you down there's too much you got to do because you need somebody who's going to push you in this next chapter of your life god is going to raise up people for you jada who are going to push you so that you are in a place to help you cannot help why you still need a push and god is saying he's getting ready to push you would you mind uh jay to lift your hands right there i want to pray for you please lift them up high lift them above your head thank you so much lord i pray for jada that you will in fact push her to her optimum level of greatness i pray to lord that you'll stretch her so that she will in fact find what it is that she is supposed to do thank you for the scholarships that are coming in her name thank you dear lord for the path that she is going to create thank you dear lord for the level of ministry in which she is going to function thank you for giving her such a big heart since she was a small child always wanting to help now god i pray that you'll send her help i pray that you will just like moses send aaron and her i pray dear lord that you'll send two people who will be her real friends that she will not be depleted from always being a better friend to others than they are to her thank you dear lord for all the time she had to turn the deaf ear because she knew what they were saying but still loved still gave still had an open hand i trust you for full restoration in jesus name amen jada i'm cheering for you thank you so very much i want to go uh quickly to a hope jesus thank you hope my hope is built on nothing less while it is that we're getting hope on the screen those of you uh have dreams that need to be discerned that need to be deciphered i want you to send them now to prayer at empowerment temple.org on prayer at new birth lord help me please send it to prayer at new birth dot org in two years i made that mistake yet jonathan did that to me prayer newbirth.org hope tell me about your dream please um i usually have two types of dreams um i can hear you okay um i usually have two types of dreams um the main two that i keep him having reoccurring is one is like i'm a speaker a motivational speaker i'm encouraging people and the other one is well before the one i just had recently i was driving through a neighborhood looking for a new home and it was in the neighborhood with these big huge houses yes and looking for a big home and then the most recent dream i had i was living in this huge house it was mine i owned it and i went downstairs in the basement and when i went in the basement there was some businesses attached to the house that i didn't know was there but it was some two different businesses down there and i had keys to those businesses yes but i didn't know they was there but they was attached to my house yes remember the dreams come for plans for wisdom for warning and for strategies your dream hope really don't even need any interpretation number one he's already showing you where you live is too small for you you have the anointing of j bears on your life lord enlarge my territory so in that you got to begin looking for looking for where it is that you want to live secondly he's showing you how you're going to afford it you're going to be able to afford it from that first dream from when you open your mouth you speaking to influential people that god is going to use your businesses that you're not going you didn't see anybody else in it but you were you the only person in the dream when um when i got down to the basement area it was it was some businesses i didn't know the people but the businesses were connected to my house and i had keys to the doors of those businesses yeah then those those are your businesses that are going to open the pathway for you to get into this house not the lottery not somebody doing anything for you but your power of in industrial industrious nature your entrepreneurial spirit you gotta now begin praying god you have shown me the end now how do i cultivate the business he's showing to you hear this very critical he showed you the keys remember when it is that jesus rose from the grave he had keys to death hell and the grave you have keys for what it is that you're getting ready to go into you've got to use that key to apply the principle for what it is that you are expecting god for i want to pray for you i'm going to pray for your businesses i'm going to pray for the people in your basement who work for you hear this because they are not on your level did you hear what i just said there are people in your basement because they are not in your level and they work for you so as a consequence you gotta limit what is your access there are some people who you're gonna have to compartmentalize because they cannot have access to the house you getting ready to go into they cannot have access to the keys that you are getting ready to possess the businesses are getting ready to come into your life lift that hand i want to pray for you uh please lift that hand high lift that hand high please come on now you know what we do lift that hand lord thank you for the keys that you are getting ready to drop in the hope's life thank you dear lord that while you're giving her the key she still has to turn it she still has to insert it into the lock the house is hers only if she works for it this is not going to come from the sky but it will be the fruit of her labor it will be the evidence of her idea it'll be the manifestation of her ministry god i repent for every person who saw her gift but refused to give her a stage i repent on behalf of every ministry she pushed but they refused to allow her ministry to be unraveled and for her to flow and exercise because they were threatened thank you because when she went into other people's homes she never got jealous never got envious but knew one day it was going to be hers i now declare the oil of joshua on her feet that every place the sole of her feet tread upon it shall be done now god i pray that you will open up an opportunity for her to speak to influential people so that the house is coming within a matter of time the dream is not about the house the dream is about the businesses the dream is about the manifestation of the ideas and the dream is in fact the full confirmation that when you serve him with your voice this is what is going to happen hope are you in ministry i attend are you in administration i can't hear you i do attend church but i'm not as active like i used to be in previous years yes you grew up in church yes yes you never sensed a call to preach no huh no i'm not calling you to preach i'm asking you so that we clear i'm i'm i'm asking you did you feel that call no okay so you just saw yourself doing motivational speaking yeah in the dreams i was speaking in front of crowds i was speaking to people motivating people yes have you done that before no so what makes you think you weren't preaching okay talk to you later bye okay i i i want you to be clear that you cannot manipulate the messages of god that when god gives you a clear understanding you can't see it through your own lens or through your own fear you can't see it through your limitations you can't see it through your qualifications or your credentials in it amazing here somebody who was raised in church knows church but saw herself speaking in front of people but never entertained it was the gospel saw it as a motivational speaker and has never done it but been in church their whole life i need you to be clear and receptive hear this that the dreams of god will disrupt your life's plans i better say that to you again the dreams of god will disrupt your life's plans whatever it is that you charted your life to do whatever you want to do to be safe don't dream because when you begin to dream god will tear up your five-year plan he'll shred to smithereens whatever it is that you saw yourself doing i want to talk to uh t johnson t johnson are you there yeah i see your pictures but i can't see you there you are thank you that's right how are you doing thank you ma'am tell me about your dream please okay my dream is in regards to eating visions of a conversation and then at first back up t your dream i didn't hear your first sentence your dream is about what the elect oh your ex sir oh your dream is about your egg okay go ahead and in the dream i didn't see the face i just heard the voice and solved the silhouette yes just a couple weeks ago i you reveal who the person was yes so my question is i didn't get the proper closure or clarity for the situation yes so my question is will i ever get it is he going through something yes no he's not going through something you are uh in that is that the healing is not for him the healing is for you remember what i told you whenever god gives you a dream it is about your future whenever god gives you a dream it is about what is coming god never gives you dreams about the past and so you've got to figure out what is the impetus of this dream is it satanic impressions or is it my only emotional longing and so now that i understand you you introduced him as x you got to go to the next letter why this is your ex why and because it is that god removed them from your life you got to begin praying god i'm in a new season i'm in a new dispensation and so now that this has been x it has been removed it is the unknown variable i need god to free me so i can go to what's next not go back to the ex and so i'm praying for you i want you to lift up that hand i want to pray for you that you are free hear this because the church never deals with it i want you to be free from every emotional soul tie i want you to be free from every strand of loneliness i want you to be free from the temptation of reaching back when god is pushing you forward i want you to be free to be available for who god actually has for your life and for your space i want you to begin praying even on tonight that god will purge you from every person out of your past so you can embrace who you are supposed to be in your future i want you to begin praying this is not just for you but i want you to begin praying every person who keeps dreaming about your past that you ask yourself why is it i never dream about the future forgetting those things which are behind i press towards the mark of the higher calling t i'm praying for you and i'm believing god is gonna move you to a place of restoration and to a place of healing i'm cheering for you t i'm telling you move on that chapter your life is over don't just shut the book get out the library uh go to a whole nother section and find what it is that god has for your life i'm expecting great things great things are getting ready to happen for you i want to say a word to uh those of you who are watching my time is uh swiftly dwindling but i wanted to remind you here it is that women is that god dreams particularly in the new testament it is message dreams message dreams in the old testament uh joseph it was symbols and it was signs the new testament joseph the surrogate father of jesus it was messages about other people telling him that he was going to be the surrogate dead of jesus that he was supposed to take mary in for his wife here it is then his message is always concerned to other people believing remember that when mary had a dream and she got a dream that's why we started with jada at 17 mary the virgin mary got her dream at 14. your children are never too young to dream please do not dissuade them i need you to listen to them with intentionality what is the message that god is going to show you in your dream how is that he's speaking to me and ask yourself before you dreamed how much did you pray i better say that again before you dreamed how much did you pray you know what i i got um convicted of something i want to know uh at what age do we feel like we were too old to kneel beside the bed now we just turned the tv off just shut down netflix hulu and we're like lord thank you and just roll on over but you're gonna have to go back into concerted prayer time to hear what is the voice of god what is the intention of god what is the direction of god your dreams give you warnings it gives you strategy it gives you direction and it gives you wisdom i've talked to these four tonight i'm talking now directly to you wherever it is that you find yourself um i want you to lift up that hand because i want to pray one of the craziest dreams you've ever prayers you've ever heard i want to pray that tonight you dream i pray that tonight you dream and that god will make your dreams so lucid that you'll remember when you wake up i pray with the full force of heaven and the weight of glory that whatever it is that you do not remember from this dream god will keep repeating the same dream until it is undeniable it is inexcusable it is unavoidable that this is the voice of god speaking to me i am praying that god will block all satanic nightmares praying that god will stop you from night tremors that god will stop you from night sweats i'm praying here it is for five of you that god will deliver you from sleep apnea god is going to give you perfect uninterrupted undisturbed sleep so that you can be baptized and bathed in the dream that god has for your life this morning i met you at 7 30 and it took me 12 hours to get back to you and all day long i've been praying against generational curses that have hit your family that have lambasted your lifestyle that have obstructed your harmony and i'm praying that god will continue it for the next 12 hours i made a challenge this morning and i want you to come into agreement with me tonight that you would give a gift of 53 dollars that's what i asked every person to sow every person to share every person to give there is a seed of 53 dollars if you do not have that i want you to get as close to it as you possibly can you don't have 53 that's how many generational curses are in the bible 53 it's my hope that all the giving prompts are on your screen now push pay give lefi text to give our own secure website we are newbirth.org i ask that you would please sir please ma'am zell i want you to please i want you to give i want you to come into agreement with me if you don't have a church home that is filled with dreamers you go to the wrong church you're not under spiritual leadership that done dream run out of their quick if you are not in a community of people here it is who look beyond the present to get glimpses of the future that you clearly don't go to new birth i want you to join new birth i want you to be a part of our ministry we've been out of our sanctuary one year but we haven't been out of the will of god one day every moment we are striving to make heaven our home and to make the holy spirit happy in the next two days we're sending forty thousand dollars worth of resources to jackson mississippi i'm grateful the week before that we did another forty thousand a week before that another fifty thousand i'm grateful unto god for every giver for every person who's partnering with us listen uh to me are you remember the young lady i talked to moments ago who saw the keys to her new house but they were connected to her business i got something special coming up on april 24th it is uh a uh a uh intimate exchange called the launching pad it is for entrepreneurs we have ideas we have dreams we have thoughts we have innovations i've got two amazingly strategic influencers coming dr rick wade the senior vice president for the united states chamber of commerce is coming to be a part dr rick wade my homegirl is going to be here you know her she has obstructed the whole fast food market if you anywhere near atlanta you know what vegan is pinkie cole is going to be one of our featured guests this breakfast only for business minds only for entrepreneurial instincts only for innovative as aspirations you can only secure these tickets on eventbrite you gotta go to eventbrite and put in launchingpad that's what we are calling this event i want you to be a part of it seats are very limited uh because we wanted to be an intimate exchange with you and these uh world influencers in business and so you have to register uh and register early so that you can be a part and have a seat at the table listen i want to invite you to my party i'm having a party on sunday and i'm telling you we're going to turn all the way up it's my two-year anniversary of being pastor of new birth cathedral in stonecrest georgia and i want you to be my special guest sunday morning at 9 30. i got friends coming in from all over the country and i want you with me from all over the world you know what would make my party weekend great if we could walk together on saturday morning saturday morning at eight o'clock literally hundreds are on this campus we do three miles together i want you to do that uh with us come on bring your friends bring your family bring your friend brothers bring your sorority sisters bring your home girl just don't bring your eggs get over them please i want you to come walk it out be with us on saturday morning then at 12 noon we're going to have a fellowship i want to see all of you i'm going to give you a high fives from the car because we're not having church uh in the sanctuary i just want to have a moment just to greet you and thank you for letting me be your pastor thank you for letting me speak to your soul thank you for having governance over your heart thank you for trusting me to hear the voice of god concerning you you didn't know me you didn't meet me you didn't know what was gonna happen two years ago but by the grace of god we done hung on in there we done came through it and we smelling like a rose this weekend is going to be amazing i need you to bring a pair of glasses with you pick up some readers if you will i ask that uh you're we're almost at our goal we want to collect 2000 i'm at 1300 pairs of glasses i've got 700 to go in two weeks i need you to help us uh to do that resurrection sunday is april 4th can you believe we two weeks away from resurrection sunday two weeks away april 4 is a pull-up worship service right in our parking lot my homeboy uh charles jenkins uh is going to be delivering the music and i'm going to be giving the word i want you to come i want you to bring your friends bring your family it's going to be covet friendly and safe because you're gonna stay in your car i need you to pull up and stay in your car i need you to shout and sit in your car it's gonna be an amazing amazing time in the lord i want you to know your pastor loves you i'm praying for you every day and i believe like walt disney your dreams are gonna come true walk with god because he's gonna walk with you talk with god he'll talk with you listen to god and he'll listen to you build for god and he'll build for you love god because he first loved you now when him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may god make you sleepless until you help somebody may god make you restless until you help yourself may god irritate you until you have enough sense to worship him and may god bless you until you have to give stuff away henceforth now and forevermore and the blessed people of god said amen i can't wait to see you saturday drink your water read your word stay away from wine and please don't eat any wheat walk on saturday morning
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 12,644
Rating: 4.9050131 out of 5
Keywords: Dream, Dream interpretation, jamal bryant, dr jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, jamal bryant preaching, jamal bryant sermons, jamal bryant azusa, jamal bryant responds to monique, jamal bryant 2020, jamal bryant 2020 sermons, jamal bryant new birth, jamal bryant paula white, pastor jamal bryant 2020, pastor jamal bryant 2020 sermons, dr jamal bryant 2020, dr. jamal h. bryant 2020
Id: ZngUh9GjglI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 30sec (2490 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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