New Birth Sr. Pastor, Dr. Jamal Bryant - I Hope So

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go to the New Testament book of Mark mark chapter nine mark chapter nine I want to illuminate for your understanding verses 21 through 24 mark 9 21 through 24 would you mind standing for the reading of God's Word those of you are physically able mark 9 21 through 24 once you've found it once you say I got it if you can't find it say lord help me 9 21 through 24 would you read silently as I read aloud Jesus asked the boy's father how long has he been like this from childhood he answered he is often thrown him into fire or water to kill him but if you can do anything take pity on us and help us if you can say Jesus everything is possible for one who believes immediately the boy's father exclaimed I do believe help me overcome my unbelief you may be seated even before going into the Word of God new birth I hope you are as excited as I am would you give God a cheer for 21 people already getting saved come on you got to do better than that 4:21 already joining our ministry being a part of what it is that honors do it immediately the boy's father exclaimed I do believe help me to overcome my unbelief I want to preach for a little while this morning using as a subject I hope so I hope so would you look at the person beside you and just say those three words to them I hope so in 1984 there was a landmark moment for the african-american community it was almost unfathomable that the son of a single black mother would daya throw his hat in the ring to become the first black president of the yet to be United States of America it ignited the flame of possibilities from Coliseum's to college campuses they were all crying out loud run Jessie run donning an afro in a thick mustache Reverend Jesse Jackson would mount the podium and lead a chant that was mesmerizing in spellbound Eng keep hope alive the hope that we could go from being sharecroppers to the commander in chief became the infectious to say the least fast for to 2008 when a freshman of Representative named Barack Hussein Obama released a book entitled The Audacity of Hope which is to operate with the gumption that the unlikely can still happen even in the absence of confirmation and history confirmed it with his unprecedented election to become the first black president of the United States and then most recently wrongfully incarcerated Philadelphia bread rapper meek Mill's stated in an interview that he grew up in a community that had absolutely no hope that merely existing was success and the question that I've got to ask you this morning is how did we go from a generation that was committed to keeping hope alive to a generation that operated with the audacity of hope' to a present generation that says hope does not exist your parenting and partnering and teaching and leading a generation that in large measure is waving the white flag of hopelessness no hope in the electoral process after it is that Stacey didn't become governor no hope in the education system when you have more debt from student loans than you do from credit cards when schoolteachers are making less than garbage collectors when you go to college to get a job and then you got to get a job to pay for college no hope in marital prospects where we are adjusting to independence that is crippling it is only in the black community that you'll hear the words I don't need a man you'll never hear a Jewish woman say it a agen woman say it some ly in our community that we raise our daughters to live in isolation and as quiet as it's kept so few now have hope in church there's the largest hour for black people in America of our people who don't go to church but say they believe in God your grandmother's used to sing a song that somehow got torn out of the hymn book my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and His righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name I know you don't know it but on Christ the solid rock I stand merriam-webster says hope is wanting something to happen hope is wanting something to be true and I wonder if there's anybody who's in this sacred space who desperately with every fiber of your being you want something to happen is it now where I'm asking you to turn to your neighbor I'm not talking to them I'm talking to you but God if you could just get this one thing done for me I want it to happen I don't know where you are in this sanctuary I don't really know you're like that but a God I need you to do this for me I want it to happen I'm talking about the thing you don't talk to a lot of people about but you you keep it in your heart and in your spirit I I want this to happen I'm am I the only one who knows that my real blessings I'm talking to grown-ups don't happen under trees but I I need God to do something before Christmas ever get CI as a matter of fact I don't even need him to wrap it I don't need a ribbon around it but if he could just put me in a place where I can flow in my gift that in my assignment to my call I'm tired of just existing there's gotta be it consumes me in my sleep it overwhelms me while I'm awake I'm not hating on nobody I'm I'm not jealous saying about it but in the back of my mind I want to know when is it gonna happen for me with hallelujah I've been faithful I I try to P treat people nice and and they still nasty to me win with him I don't get the breakthrough that I see other folks shouting and praying for I just need one contract I just need one meeting I just need one opportunity I just need to interface with the right person God I just need you to do this for my child I need to the handle what's going on in my body I got hope that is gonna happen I got no confirmation nobody has prophesied to me but I believe in my spirit nobody told me the road was gonna be easy but I don't believe he brought me this [Applause] there are two kinds of Hope two kinds of Hope the first kind of Hope is a first person hope it's a hope that I walk for myself first person hope is the kind of hope that I want for myself my daughter angel who sits amongst you goes into her mother's room every night to ask her one question she goes in her mother's room every night to ask what what are we eating for breakfast tomorrow that's what she asked her mother every night and her mother gets frustrated why why do you keep asking me what you gonna eat tomorrow an angel says cuz it helps me sleep better because because I can sleep tonight knowing when I'm gonna have god I wish I was that new birthday hallelujah okay can I tell you something weeping may endure for a night you wanna know why I'm shouting your name for what I have right now I'm chumming for what I believe I'm gonna have tomorrow some summer y'all don't have hope for but if you believe God's got a blessing with your name on it this first person hold what I'm gonna have tomorrow and then there's a third person hope third person hope is my hope for somebody else hallelujah there they are no strings attached but but but I know intimately that they've been going through something and I want something to break for them some of y'all don't know how to shout because you don't have legitimate friends but but but those of you watch this who are selfless enough that that you want God to do something for somebody you care about hallelujah that even if it don't benefit me I'm sick of seeing my best friend struggling it by themselves and getting a head up against a brick wall I can tell some of y'all don't know how to flow like this but if you got a friend you want God to bless would you do me a favor and just give the glory for what you want for there I want a job for them I want a healthy relationship for them I want a stable family life for them I want them to get their focus together it may not be a friend it may be a relative y'all ain't saying nothing to me I I want them to never go back to jail again I don't want them to deal with rehab another sees another life I don't want them to fight depression and anxiety I want something for them dr. Henry cloud wrote something amazing you may be seated and one of his pop-culture treatise he argues about a woman that he met in his counseling session and this woman that he met in the counseling session was resolved that she was going to end her marriage because her husband kept wrestling through addiction she came to the sobering reality that her attempts to get her addicted husband clinging had all proven futile so now she was willing to exercise third party hope believing that God would clean him up and get him out of the dirty waters of addiction she was done and was convinced that divorce was the only option she had you not gonna believe it she had given up hope and she had no idea that sometimes God will render you hopeless because he wants you to take your hand off of it I'm talking to those of you who have found out for yourself then as much as you tried to fix it and make it work and pull it together because that's who you are by nature it wasn't until you took your hand off and said father I stretch my hand to this day anybody this year you had to take your hand off some people and take your hand off some circumstance just for God to get in the mix and her hopelessness is what opened the door for God to operate and once she surrendered everything started fall into place the therapist orchestrated a professional intervention he went to rehab and this morning new birth he's been sober for nine years and still married to the same woman y'all ain't gonna shout about it she gave up on him but didn't give up on God and there's some of you who are in a hopeless situation that's the only way that he can resuscitate and rebound is if God gets in the middle of it because you don't down to everything that you can do out of your own natural capacity but you gotta say Lord this battle is not mine this battle is yours I can't keep doing it this way but there's gotta be a way would you just say pastor I can't keep doing it this way but there's gotta be a way I'm talking to you I'm talking to the person behind you I want just 2,000 of you to just shout it out loud I can't keep doing it this way but there's got to be a way I'm waiting on you I'm coming to get you in one moment come on a thousand of your shouting out loud I can't keep doing it this way but there's got to be a way something is get ready to break huh I feel this right at the precipice of a miracle would you lay hands on yourself and shout it out loud again I can't keep doing it this way but there's got to be a way got to be a way for me to get this done hallelujah thank you holy God I need you to just encourage the faith for the people down in your role and just tell them there's gotta be a way hallelujah you don't get the promotion even though they don't like you there's got to be a wish you are moving out of that apartment and getting in the house with messed up credit there's no relationship with your body don't get heal with knowing who's gotta be away even at the risk of people looking at you like you crazy would you just say it out loud there's gotta be a way yes God there's gotta be a way hallelujah you get ready to bounce back faster than you ever thought yes gotta be a wish hallelujah elbow your neighbors say you better take a good look at me this is the brokest I'm ever gonna be in my life I don't know how God is gonna do it but there's a wealth getting ready to get gotta be away I can't have Trump in the White House another two years I don't care if he's impeach goes to jail quits but there's got to be Oh in Colossians the son of god has considered the hope of glory and because he is the hope of glory it's crystallized in mark chapter 9 in mark chapter 9 we introduced our central character of this narrative who is a desperate father and verse 17 he brings his son to be healed because there's a satanic spirit that keeps attacking him how do you before Jesus ever meets the son he meets the parent and the parent begins to travail on their child's behalf and I'm talking to some parents who are you in this room who got third party stress god help me because you recognize that this is not the child you raised this is not the child that you made the impartation in that you are intentional on developing but Satan keeps attacking your child god I can't hear no worshipers in here I gotta tell you something that when the enemy can't get to you he attacks your children because he begins attacking whatever is close to you and the father watch this goes to Jesus on behalf of the son and begins at watch this to compel him please do something for my child cuz I need something to break I don't need to spectators to do anything I'm just talking to parents who got a child god help me whose head is in the grip of the enemy but you believe in you ain't going into 2019 with a child that is in bondage God y'all ain't saying nothin to me God said my authority is so heavy that not only will I change your child father y'all better shout I'll change your child circle of friends now god I can't hear no matter but I because they don't know they're come to me I wanna know will you worship on behalf for your child you say for everybody but those of you that need a breakthrough for your child I tell you right now the presence of God he's seated I gotta get my daughter out of that relationship god help me I I gotta get my son away from them people that got no ambition and no goals y'all ain't saying nothin to me I'm I'm frustrated because they don't know I want more for them than they want for themselves I I recognize their potential in their gift and their capacity and the devil's trying to kill them before they realize why they were birthed in the earth but no my child shall rush Thank You Haleh doc hallelujah be seated in the presence of our God hallelujah thank you holy God Salem get off Matson God I feel some right where did Satan attacked the child Satan attacked the child wash this in his mouth so that he could not speak the enemy loves a silent worshipper God kept me in here why does the enemy love a silent worshipper maybe you forgot that Lucifer before becoming Satan was Minister music and because he was Minister music he had to be classically trained so he had to know anthems and spirituals and hymns and contemporary gospel music so the enemy doesn't mind singing to talk to you but I just said the enemy doesn't mind singing but because he's a classically trained musician which Satan can't stand is a scream why Russia oh god help me watch this because you don't matter whether you're Patti LaBelle or Pavarotti you can't scream and bianchi so whenever you scream you drive the enemy crazy and he wants to do everything to stop you I can't hear nobody I dare you to shout like you came to upset the enemy you came to drive him crazy you came to give him a plaque you came to send him to the pit of hell he wants to silence you and whenever it is that the young man was beginning to speak Satan got upset I want you to read mark 9 when you get home that this father takes the boy to Jesus and as soon as he gets close to Jesus he breaks into convulsions you just missed that he did not go into convulsions watch this until he got close as long as he was far from where he was supposed to be there was no attack but the closer he got y'all ain't saying nothing to me everything in his system begin to shut down I came to tell 2,000 of you if you have been on the attack take it as confirmation you must be close you are closer did you have a bidding you're the enemy doesn't want you to get close to God you don't want you to get close to God that's why you can have insomnia but watch this if you start reading the Bible you'll go to sleep in five minutes [Applause] he don't want you to get close to God and he asked him a critical question he asked him in verse number 21 how long has he been like this the person who you're standing next to sitting next to they didn't just start in this pattern they didn't just start in this cycle but they've been going through it since childhood jesus said in that moment I am stopping the generational curse I thought I was that new birth whatever you've been wrestling with your entire life comes to an end today I don't know where you are but you'll never be insecure another day you will never love yourself another day [Applause] and I'm throwing you down be seated I got to show you this I'm throwing you down to kill you staying I'm throwing you down to kill you in water and in fire many of you have misappropriated the intention of the enemy the enemy is not trying to hurt your feelings he's not trying to embarrass you the enemy is trying to kill you and every day you wake up you give Satan a surprise party because he never expected you to survive what weaker people would have broke under you are not regular you are not average you'll not like everybody else but you don't pain to hell and you still look good you you don't take people word stop it and you're still got your mind I want that hand lifted Kyle say whatever you fail for before you ain't falling for the same stuff again y'all ain't saying nothin to me says I'm keepin all haters and Liars out of your space y'all better shout better than that he said I never gonna let you get your heart broken like that I don't let nobody play with your money play with your mind play with your dreams play with your idea how long how long you been that way how long you gonna keep eating when you're not hungry how long you gonna keep drinking cuz you boy how long are you gonna keep questioning the Word of God over your life when he keeps giving you evidence that he's with you how long are you gonna keep blaming what happened in your childhood when God has made it up to your five-time how long you gonna keep missing somebody God never wanted you to be with so the father begins talking to Jesus and he says if you can do anything for this is what I want for Christmas I want you to do something for this boy I'm not even asking you to do something for me but I got third party hope God can't trust people that are selfish it is only when you start doing father's that God will make it start happening for you y'all didn't hear what I just said he doesn't like selfish people what's getting better to happen now he's going to upset everything in the kingdom of darkness because there's committed to be a shelf in this building that is not going to benefit you but you are getting ready to exercise third party hope I am hopeful that whatever I went through some person beside you will never have to deal with did y'all hear what I just said that whatever I lived through they'll never have to go through I need you right where it is that you are would you look at the person beside you tell them I'm not jealous of you come on sir I'm not threatened by you I'm not intimidated by you I'm one of your real friends when I give God this next shout I am NOT shouting for God I am NOT shouting for money but I'm shouting because I hope that everything God has for your life yes getting ready to happen I tell you to shout for that name up [Applause] d better southpaw whatever you may talk whatever you've mastered for whatever you ask out says am exercising hope because I want God to give you the desires of your heart I want him to do exceedingly abundantly beyond what you can think dream hope or even imagine I need you to help all their neighbor tell them I hope so they'll never be a builder come to your house that you can't pay hope so I pray you will die not by yourself but that God will send somebody in the hope for your life that you don't have to always be the picture that you gotta keep pouring in other people and nobody pause back into youth iron sharpens iron I hope for your life that the enemy can't even speak your name out loud because there's an Ordnung coming out of you from the top of your head better solar your feet not the person next to you they didn't shout that will but they don't know what you need from God but if you know for yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can't [Music] [Music] lift up that hand he said I hope what's this that you realize that your son will never have that fall again they'll never have that fall again those are you at this altar I need you to take four steps back for me please hallelujah feel God in this room watch this the only people who I wanted this altar watch this are those of you that have a son that's incarcerated I want you to come meet me at this altar please you got a son you got a grandson that's incarcerated [Applause] they've never gone fall again [Applause] I say they're never gonna fall again they never gonna fall again new perv I need you here you open up your mouth for them [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you got a son they're serving time I need you to come pulling his cooks to this altar take somebody's hand by your hand I'm exercising third party hope [Music] I'm waiting for two more of you design the hour for you to be embarrassed don't worry about foking your business I'm waiting on you I need you to come [Applause] somebody's hand is in your hand you had this alls I'm telling you I came to assassinate a demon today bless His name there's getting ready to be a sound in the glory today I want you to know what kind of faith your pastor has have the kind of faith watch this Deborah's son that's represented at this altar that their sentence is gonna be reduced [Applause] y'all didn't hear what I just said I said they getting out ahead of schedule it's my prayer what's this that the Holy Spirit is gonna break into their son's cell that they're gonna rededicate their lives to Jesus Christ in the next 24 hours that when they come out they're gonna be men of integrity they're gonna be business owners and homeowners and husbands and worship leaders God is gonna anoint their head with oil says I'm sick of all of the men that come out of jail being Muslim uh y'all don't like me in Georgia he said I got a raise up an army of men watch this they love Jesus coming out of jail and as soon as they get out guess what y'all they coming straight the new birds I need you to shout light you see you coming those of you at the altar I want you to take that neighbors hand does here at the altar take that neighbors hand you got your own son going through got your grandson going through some of you came to this altar cuz your brother is in your husband is in God said how long they been fallen like this says they were 14 since they were 17 since their daddy died since they switched schools since they moved to another neighborhood since they've been running with their cousins God said it ends today new birth I want you your faith to connect with my faith for 60 seconds are uninterrupted for one minute what is this Committee to be a sound in this room that we're believing that God is breaking out a revival in the penitentiary and every single one of these young men that are represented by family members have had their last fall are y'all didn't hear what I just said they have had their last fall no lawyer will be necessary after this last round now those of you who are in their birth those of you who are watching online watch this you're gonna shout for them even though you don't know them and those of you who are at the altar here is the exercise of your faith you not even going shout for your son you ain't even gonna shout for your grandson you gonna begin the worship for the person whose hand you're holding God I can't hear nobody in here because I trust God so much that I believe he don't do it for both of us those of you better streaming I need you right now to send us the name of your son our intercessors are coming into agreement with you that God is gonna break the yoke and he's gonna end the cycle when I count to three I need to hear a shout a yell a scream a hallow for our black men that are coming out from prison bars and you believe they're starting a new lease on life one minute uninterrupted one two three [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the enemy as these family members go back to their seat I want you to shout like you see their sons graduate from Morehouse from Georgia Tech [Applause] from Hampton you can go back to your seats which I'll shout for now [Applause] stop that powers [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] which is said to your feet I need somebody to shout out loud I hope so not only the people around you know what you've been hoping for solo boy came to church little boy came to church in Augusta Georgia small church couldn't have held a hundred people and the preacher got up and said his offering time low boy couldn't have been seven eight years old Deacon's at the altar holding the basket to collect the offering the low boy took his foot and was trying to step in the basket losing his balance the Deacons grab hold of him just before I fell and said what are you doing hello boy self-conscious embarrass wood glazed eyes said I'm trying to get in the basket and the Deacons say man what what why you trying to get in the basket said I'm trying to get in the basket cuz the pastor saying give God your best this week I didn't get allowance so I didn't have any money so I just wanted to give god me cuz that's the best that I have and some people in this room who need to climb in the basket you can't give God a gift card for Christmas can't take them to dinner God don't walk alone you don't want to necktie God wants you you said come unto me all ye that Labour and I'll give you wrists I don't know where you are but you tired of falling tired of perpetuating the same cycle tired of ending up in the exact same place and you saying how surrender I gotta give give God me I didn't try it literally everything else and today this morning I'm giving him me wherever you are in this room you can hear my voice and today you're prepared to give God you not a million-dollar offering you want to give them your heart you want to give them your mind I need you to come from wherever it is that you're standing I don't even know how you survive this year I don't know how you came out of 2018 but I need you to hear you up come on please you don't waste it enough of your life your life starts over right now come on please I'm not too proud to beg your life is on the line your soul is at stake Satan desires to sift you like wheat but I'm praying for you new birth here they come you don't believe God for harvests the Bible said that the Angels rejoice over one that's found and y'all ain't saying nothing and they still coming [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they still coming in y'all go shout about it [Applause] and each other shout for these black men coming come on y'all a sayin nothin I need to dash out listen to me listen I don't know where it is that you are 21 Kane earlier I'm looking for another 22 match that 20 hallelu here comes another brother I need you to give God some praise I don't know where you are but I want you to know you're under Anjelica wrists I am praying what's this I'm praying even right now that the very sound of my voice will irritate you too you get to this altar here come come on y'all got a shout for this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] on the way you I don't know how you got here but I need you to come I want a free five of you very quickly I want to free you very quickly when you get to heaven they're never gonna ask you who your pastor is they just want to know who your Savior is yeah y'all didn't say nothin to me and I'm gonna free five of you who are going to a ministry where you're not growing where you're not being challenged we're not being stretched and you don't even realize you are being loyalty to your own liability you're being faithful watch this to the undermining of your own destiny this is where you can grow this is where God is gonna launch you this is where you're supposed to be I need you to come meet me at this altar please come on new birth would you shout for those who are coming even now [Music] here this Hemi very carefully here comes a whole beautiful family I knew childish out for them which all shout for his mother and two sons come on [Applause] listen to me hallelujah here comes another mother and son anew Giada go crazy in this room [Applause] and each other shout for these beautiful black men coming come on y'all and giving God glory here they come [Music] my sis softly listen to me I don't know where you are I need you to go find two people that you don't know go find two people whose names you don't know you're gonna walk right up on them like you need a light at happy hour walk right up on them watch this don't do it yet you gonna walk right up on them you're gonna ask them two questions number two number one are you a member of a church where you're growing don't do it yet I don't care whether it's AME or Baptist or kojic word of faith independent Apostolic Presbyterian you name it I don't care what it is as long as Jesus is talking Jesus is the shepherd and the Word of God is being taught secondly one since I need you to ask them are they saying watch this if they don't know what that means that means no bring them to me if they start stuttering bring them to me if they ask you where we gonna eat after this please bring them to me I need them to get saved here are the two people you gonna go talk to watch this you're gonna go talk to two people who look like they don't want you to talk to them those are people that need to get saved - amen needs to join the church home come on y'all let's go to work everybody go talk to those two people find out if they're saved [Music] I'm waiting on you new birthday here they come come on give God some praise for this next wave come on come on shout for this next way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here comes another young man and each other shout for each teenagers yelling shouting good come on shout for these young men are y'all gon shout that God is bringing me back to church come o shall man the coming back to church [Music] this his name all right let's the Lord I'm trying to move but they still coming here comes a whole family another whole family here comes another one come on y'all [Applause] here comes somebody else a y'all gon shout tennis come on come on come on [Music] they still papa y'all better sell right now they still coming [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right other is there a whole nother group coming [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bless his name here come two more young people y'all better go crazy in here [Applause] [Music] shut your right hand good faith shush your right hand to faith that's his name I'm trying to move I'm getting ready to pray um I'd have missed up the whole timesheet and I'm the one that made the timesheet up what y'all move in for me just a little bit just move a little bit closer thank you so very much I need you to make room because one more person is getting ready to come and I don't want them to feel like they're on the out layers I don't know where you are you thought you slipped through the cracks but I'm holed up this whole service till you get here new birth when they start coming I need y'all to go cuckoo for cocoa puffs go absolutely crazy but you ask down your role are you sure you saved come on here they come y'all better shout right now [Applause] get a child oh boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] yo they still coming they're still coming [Music] shut your right hand to faith hick I'm a whole nother tribe come on [Applause] are y'all gone shop all these young people John in our church [Applause] listen all right for real put your hands down let me do this real quick if you hear you not saved you'll have a church on for real I'm tired I gotta feed my kids for they go back on the plane so can you just hurry up and I just come now wherever it is that you are and you know you want to rock with us you want to be a part of the new bill new birth nation you want to be a part of the kingdom of God here in the earth realm would you just hurry up come on please wherever it is that you are I need you to come not now right now not now right now come on give God a shout frog [Music] [Applause] [Music] Here Come another young man [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right thank you thank you look at his mother coming with these two kids God bringing whole families all right right hand to faith let's try it one more again come out come out wherever you are I want y'all to go tell your job go tell your family your friends that the longest part of the service was winning souls to Christ where they do that at that we are a soul winning Church are y'all excited about souls getting saved you excited souls getting safe shut your right hand to faith those of you at the altar if you lift up your hand mo from it's not a stick-up as a surrender new birth come on repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the right Church serving the only God and I know that's right show your right if you're known right come on Big Ups to the Savior would you give God some praise all right so all of you who are here if you'll face this way new birthday came as friends but they leave it as family would you give them a big shout come on come on new birth y'all got to do better than that louder than that stronger than that [Music] come on give machiya give him attea [Music] [Applause] [Music] you may be seated yes you sir you may be seated in the presence of the Lord we cannot just be hearers of the word but we are doers are also considered to be the Dean of black preaching dr. Gardner Calvin Taylor said that no preaching is complete without a practical that we have to find a way to exercise the Word of God we found in Joe that job was a wealthy and an affluent man but every day the Bible gives us record he made a sacrifice on behalf of his children asking God to bless him in the coverall no way in his sacrifice did he ask for him to personally be blessed but he demonstrated third a party hope both of you who are in this room that need God to do something for a family member can I see that hand you want God to do something for a family member hallelujah if his desperate waved that hand if you asking God to do it because you can't do it waved at hand Twinkletoes amen is almost hopeless I want to extend the hope of our staff here at new birth I asked you on last week I reminded that same sentiment that I've asked the church to give me absolutely nothing for Christmas I'm grateful that you all our gracious Church are always mindful to honor leadership I'm thankful for that but I asked our leaders our board over this holiday season we would just be a blessing to the hard-working staff of new births come on would you help me give God praise for them I come into agreement those of you who are in this room I want you to join me as quickly as you possibly can we get ready to go in seven minutes because I'm already nine minutes over schedule seven minutes we get minute ago but I want those of you that you've been carrying a burden for somebody else carrying a burden watch this thing you feel almost hopeless because you can't do anything my sister who was here last week as a clinical psychologist at Pepperdine University and she said something to me that has messed me up she said to me dr. Tenma did that 87 percent of our stress is not ours to tell you but I just 87 percent of our stress is not ours we stress for somebody else we fasted and they eat you can't get out to bed worried about them in a in Linux God says I'm getting ready to free you from false obligation you are not their Savior I am I want a challenge every person that are join me even if you're gonna do so by your cash app or push push to give I want to give a seed for our staff and even on behalf of our loved ones who are going through because our faith is aligned with that of our pastor to believe that God still honors third-party hope hallelujah can you imagine you're giving a seed today that before you see that relative on Christmas a complete turnaround and breakthrough would have happened delayed obedience is disobedience as soon as you have that seed I want it to be a sizable a substantive and a significant one I'm gonna tell you that this seed is cheaper than rehab this seed is cheaper than bail and is cheaper than prepaid legal cuz you need God to do what you can't do for yourself as soon as you have it watch this even if you're gonna swipe your card even if you're gonna write a check watch this I want you to give it but here's what I need you to do here's the catch when you lay that seed on the altar I want you to speak the name of the person you're praying for so that God will know who this seed is attached to wherever it is that you I want you to stretch away even as as close to a hundred as you can I want you to do that why now because I want a hundred percent turnaround in their life as soon as you have it come bring it to the altar please our Usher's are moving amongst you if you need an envelope but from the window to the wall all y'all I need you to come as quickly as you can please come on name that person who you're giving the sacrifice for name the person you're sowing on behalf of I wanna see something happened for them how they do bless you come on speak their name when you drop your sea speak their name speak their name I need you to move as quickly as you can speak their name and keep moving how do you speak their name God assigned a new angel to them fight for block them from foolishness give them wisdom discernment understanding come on God [Music] every praise every praise [Music]
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 84,958
Rating: 4.7657394 out of 5
Id: M_JCF0dbiHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 31sec (4171 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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