Dr. Jamal H. Bryant, DON'T ACT LIKE YOU DON'T SEE ME - February 17th, 2019

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a lot of people don't get you and don't understand what comes with you you stay up late at night you get up early in the morning you go through moods for no reason you are right by yourself I don't need you checking on me up I don't do depression just to figure out what am I gonna do get excited about tiny stuff but the thing that I saw made this bigger than what I can [Music] Genesis 37 verses 17 through 19 warrants our attention this morning watch what it says they moved on from here the man answered I heard them say let's go to Dothan so Joseph went after his brothers and found them near Dothan but they saw him in the distance and before he reached them they plotted to kill him here comes the dreamer they said to each other you may be seated Genesis 37 verse 18 but they saw him in the distance and before he reached them they plotted to kill him Iona preached for a little while today using as a subject don't act like you don't see me don't act like you don't see me would you look at the person beside you and tell them don't even try it you don't see me it's amazing there 10 years ago James Cameron crashed to cinematic expectations with a sci-fi sensation known as avatar the setting is a planet called Pandora where dear beings who appear primitive contrary are highly evolved the environment is beyond poisonous so hybrid species must link up with human minds in order to operate at a level of agility while the concept is futuristic the Prince of betray'd relate to the present tense when the Navi people pass each other the greeting is not hello or wassup on that planet when they pass each other the greeting is I see you the intention is to express that when I see you I recognize your existence in an expanded sense I see the core and the depth of who you are when they say I see you they're saying I see your love I see your feelings I see your value I see your spirit I see your importance whoever seated beside you this morning would you just look at him and tell them I see you for the last couple of years urban youth have been echoing in the streets black lives matter because with the absence of justice it dismisses a legitimate humanity liberals who rally against black lives matter and chime back all lives matter have missed the point that at some place you have to see us see our pain see our predicament see our complexities your mother used to say in an agonizing tone look at me when I'm talking to you because what she was projecting is to ignore me is to dishonor me in Scripture we see a student who bears the name Elijah who rustled up the nerve to ask his mentor give me a double portion Elijah gave him a provisional approval and said I'll give it to you under the condition that you see me when I ascend therefore the key to the release of the double portion was predicated on how you see me it's regrettable how many family members are going to miss their portion because they refuse to see who you actually are it's understandable if being overlooked we're accidental but it's blatant willful neglect which means I am intending to ignore you just earlier this week a couple in Texas was arrested for the neglect of their four adolescent children authorities found those four children malnourished and reeking of urine and feces with two of them sleeping in dog kennels presently the parents are in the penitentiary because they had to have seen their offspring hungry and didn't feed them the hair to have seen them dirty and refused to change them the reason why it is that we've assembled on this Sunday morning is because we take delight in knowing his eye is on the sparrow and I know he's watching over me we heard in our rearing that he sits high and he looks low all of us have come to that combustible moment while sitting in the waiting room and seeing people go in the back that finally you were waiting to hear the nurse make the Smith the doctor will see you now and I came to tell somebody who's in this sacred space called sanctuary somebody who's leering in through our virtual sanctuary that the doctor will see you now now your season of waiting in the waiting room has come to an end and finally what it is that you have been anticipating is about to be addressed clinicians have chronicled from 30 years of research that the neglect of children can leave damaging effects that linger even into adulthood the children who have been neglected can suffer from brain damage chronic low self-esteem dissociative a disorder delayed intellectual development and reduced cognitive functioning behaviorally the consequences range from poor peer relations to extreme violent outburst and all of us in this place without exception have been able to bear witness of classmates who were disruptive to the classroom acting like a clown or picking a fight because they subconsciously just yearned for attention it'd be a whole lot different and better if it wore off after middle school but unfortunately they're far too many adults who still screamed silently looking for attention loud for no reason adorned attire that's not appropriate for their age or their body type we're bizarre here every four different days and then get mad when you won't take them serious for business or even in church people who are shouting flailing their hands yelling screaming not because they even have a strand of the Holy Spirit but they want to be seen because someway in life they never got attention and they want to get it by any means necessary way too many believers abound because they weren't sane and I realize that I'm not talking to you but perhaps I'm talking to somebody two rows behind you they're never sane and you weren't singing by your own family and it still causes you ache in this hour of your life they refused to see your intellect in fear of looking stupid they didn't want to see your beauty because they rejected at their own body they refused to see your pain because they didn't want to face what actually caused it they refused to see your unhappiness because they didn't want to come to grips that they themselves are miserable they didn't want to see your gift because they were ashamed of feeling basic something needs to happen for you to realize you're too anointed to be ignored you gonna have to deal with it and there are those who go through painstaking actions to go out of their way to pretend like they don't see you so they're trying not to speak try not to make our contact try to in fact ease out of the room when your name is mentioned for promotion advancement and elevation they try to find something wrong with everything right that you do they try to pull apart every blessing that you receive to be the weather man to brace you for a curse that never comes they try to always antagonize when is your place in your point of vulnerability in hopes that their magnifying that which is minor will make you minimize that which is significant so they'll do everything to act like they don't see you they pretend like they don't want to be in your life but they always asking about you they know everything about you they won't ever press the like button but they know everything you pose they become all engaged and enamored and enthralled in relationships they have no business in they always have an unsolicited opinion that they don't have expertise to critique they always want to give an evaluation on something they never attempted themselves and you got the nerve to be hurt and offended by people who pretend like they don't see you getting your feelings and get upset and bother because they didn't speak because they didn't compliment because they didn't acknowledge when God is saying why are you waiting for them to validate you the only thing that needs to be validated is parking tickets when you realize who you are in who you are you understand that people can act like they don't see you but the truth of the effervescence of your anointing is you cannot be ignored is that when you walk in the room without doing anything extra all eyes are on you trying to figure out how did you get in that room and they have no idea it was just the grace and the favor of God that escorted me into this arena and this atmosphere and I know you bet it against me and you talked about me and you undermined in me and you plotted against me but you see me I'm still here in spite of what you said what you did what you did not fulfil what you tried what you attempted the grace of God has planted me and I will not be ignored don't act like you don't see me jim says 37 we meet a young man by the name of Joseph who is the youngest of Jacob's sons and early in the chapter we discover that he's loved more than any of the rest of them hear this because he came late not because he had any extraordinary gift day but because his timing was off the father loved him I don't know how much more energy you're going to expend trying to justify and defend the love of God on your life you still don't know why it is that things are happening well for you well other people are squalling at the bottom trying to breathe you ought to thank God for the undescribable gift of God that has given you a buoyancy to be able to arise in the face of difficult situations I'm talking to some people that still have to scratch your head and pull your hair out and don't know why it is that God pulled you out of a cesspool of mediocrity when everything that was pointed toward you and not failure and average but God said not my child I got something special in store for them you can think off of the top of your head are people that were smarter and more disciplined and had greater gift but they're not as far as you are and the only thing you can ascribe it to it's the grace of God that is always the wind behind your back I don't know why Jesus loves me I don't know because the father loved him so much he put a robe on him of many colors the robe of many colors made him stand out and you're frustrated cuz you keep trying to fit in the anointing is on your life then make you fit in with a lot of people a lot of people don't get you and don't understand what comes with you you stay up late at night you get up early in the morning you go through moods for no reason you are right by yourself I don't need you checking on me I'm I'm not going through depression I'm just trying to figure out what am I gonna do next I understand that you get excited about tiny stuff but the thing that is on me is bigger than what I can conception and everybody don't get me so you spend so much energy trying to fit in when God keeps making you stand out try to play the back try to be nondescript try to be anonymous and before you turn around again they offering your name for something else nominating you for something you never applied for offering you something you didn't even know existed and all the wild you got a tribe of haters trying to figure out how to pull you down and they don't understand if you gonna pull me down you just don't drag me to my knees and if you let me press whatever it is that I'm going through I'm getting ready to come out of it up I'm talking to some people in here that are still surprised that you survived 2017 you do some stuff that would kill the weak of people put a robe on that was multicolored and he was trying to blend in and his father sent him out to his brothers who all had on wool flax and rolls tan that's with all his brothers head on was tan and he got on a multi-coloured rope and the father tells him go check on the basic people go check on the folk dinner unleaded go check on the people that are regular having no idea that the father is setting him up he calls the go check on him and the Bible says before he can ever get there they talking about him behind his back he ain't done nothing to the brothers but exists but his existence was an offense to people who were average you are bothersome to people who have no goals and dreams and desires and passions they're mad because every morning you get enough time to figure out what can i conquer what can I count countless what can I complete and what can they do and all day thinking about he's working a nine-to-five forty hours a week working twenty five-year but what God God for your life he has anointed you to make a difference in our impact and a change of family his father's sake go check on your brothers they work in a regular job they don't have no dreams no aspirations maybe your presence will inspire them and the Bible says before he ever gets there they talking about them and can speak nothing well about him I want you to know right now there's somebody talking about you but I want you to take that as confirmation if you ain't got no haters you ain't papa you gotta find somebody hallelujah that's mad about what's on your life everybody likes you you ain't gonna make a difference but when you make up in your mind I'm glad you mad because what I found out is as mad as you are you can't stop the destiny that's on my life as you are you can't interrupt the power that God has and they see on the far off and they make an announcement and the announcement that they make about young Joseph here's the announcement that they gonna say about you this week here's the announcement that they're gonna attach to your name this week is that when they see you coming before you can ever say anything people are gonna start shouting out loud there goes the dreamer I know I'm not talking to regular people but I'm talking to those of you in this place that God has put a dreamy in your life and you don't know when it's gonna happen or how we're star or where the money is don't come from but the Devils in hell are shouting out loud goes the dreamer the first indicator that you are knowing it is when your first level of attack does not come from strangers you know you are annoying it when your greatest level of warfare comes from people that have your last name they see what's on you but they don't know how to control it or minimize it and God said stop backing up move forward and say y'all got something to say about me don't act like you don't see me here here comes the dream us both who believe that they're gonna be the first in their family to graduate from college here comes the dreamers the first ones who go through a marriage and not have a divorce here comes the dreamers those who are gonna have multinational corporations here comes the dreamers those who are gonna flip property that they don't even live in here come the dreamers those who got freedom for businesses attracting your spirit and you got enough nerve to dream why you got bad credit here comes the dreamer since here comes a dream us come on I saw him coming there trying to figure out how to kill them but he keeps walking and I heard David say yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I'll fear no evil for he is with me he is rod and his staff they comfort me I need somebody in this room to know that you Oh God worship why because there were some things in your life that was designed to kill you but God said no weapon that is formed against you shall be able to prosper if you live through something that suits it died will you let the hell at me now didn't tell me it made me strong let's see you coming and so the attack didn't arrive when he got there the assault on his life did not begin when he showed up but while he was on his way they were plotting to kill him I'm here to tell 500 of you when folk mistreats you and miss Han do you it is not because you've arrived they are attacking you because you're on your way and I feel like they're 500 of you they just got confirmation I must be going somewhere just getting ready to do it whatever you do don't act like you don't see me coming I don't know who's sitting next to you whether you came with a my not but I need you to look at him and just prophesy and tell them I see you're coming great things are starting to come to your life I see you coming opportunities are headed in your direction I see a common healing for your body I see it coming raises that promotion I said there was a father there was a father whose name we never meet in the Bible and he had two sons and the younger son went to his father and said um I can't wait for you to die give me my inheritance now and the Bible says he he acquiesced to his son's requests and cashed out everything that he had in the sons name and gave it to him the son according to the Bible went to the strip club I'm reading the Bible y'all huh went to the strip club started making it rain buying bottles say everybody and then the economy crashed lost all of his money when he lost all of his money some of us have lived through it soon as he lost all his money lost all his friends he's got to hire himself out in spite of being a joint heir I need you to hear me he's a joint heir and gotta settle for a job that's beneath him starts working in a pig pen starts eating what pigs eat some of y'all ain't gonna like it he new here to hit rock bottom when he woke up and realized he was sleeping with a pig some of y'all to get there when you get home he knew he was at the end of his rope when he woke up with something that didn't have his level of intellectual aptitude he he knew that something was wrong when he was sleeping with somebody he couldn't discuss his dreams with [Applause] he woke up with it with the sin of a pig on him and said I supposed to be living like this is something greater for my life something higher for my call without ever taking a shower whatever without ever changing clothes the Bible said he started walking back home is that if I can just get back I hope y'all can hear it to the father's house something is gonna shift in my life and the Bible says he started walking up the driveway walk his father was sitting in the rocking chair and afar off he saw his son coming home and when he saw him coming he started celebrating and said bring me a road spring me a ring set up the barbecue grill he ain't here yet but I see them coming back new paths I gotta get out of here but God told me to tell you rejoice your family members are coming back I need you to shout because the child you gave up for this coming back the merits you didn't say what's gonna be fix God is getting ready to make it ordinarily thousand a traditional church hum sounds in a regular Church right through here some good old Baptist preacher star Shelton is coming back we shall doing the electric slide down so now given three people a half-hour we please in a Word of Faith Church preacher we start saying money coming we'd be jumping over pews excited fast so I'm the old storefront Apostolic Church [Music] a church mother would shout Jesus is coming back I know y'all don't believe that but this this is a crazy church five visitors please forgive us yes this is how we roll forgive us so I'm gonna do something that's unconventional is untraditional I'm making the invitation in the sermon [Applause] when the father saw the son coming back the celebration began and everybody in the house caught on fire excited about who's returning he didn't graduate from college he didn't have a job he didn't have any many money he messed up was living in sin but they were rejoicing because he was coming back see most people in the 21st century Church we only shout over the capitalistic gangs and consumer attainment but God says I want to see whether you'll celebrate me for what's coming back [Applause] and for who's coming back and whatever you do don't act like you don't see them in 60 seconds people get ready to walk in that aisle and they're coming back to God and they're coming back to church and they're coming back [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okay the reason why y'all can't shout good I needed a shout like these are your family members [Applause] come on I tell you I need to the South my days are your family members clapping all right I need y'all to pull in for me God promised me a harvest today I'm waiting on it when you see this family coming y'all ain't gon shout I see you [Music] [Applause] y'all are gonna shout for these young people coming I see you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay I've done my part let's go get him everybody in the room would you go find two people who you don't know real quick ask him are they saved Eskom do they have a church home ask them have they given their life over to God if they say no they any of those questions bring them to me come on quickly quickly I see you [Applause] if y'all don't shout for these black men getting saved I don't know what's wrong with y'all if y'all don't shout put these Millennials walking down the aisle I don't know what's wrong with y'all [Applause] then coming to y'all gonna shout about it I said they coming and y'all gonna shout about it [Applause] [Music]
Channel: True Word Of Yeshua
Views: 186,081
Rating: 4.8306975 out of 5
Id: JpSiobRWK6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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