Don't Facetime me - Do not of a donor sermon series

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[Music] grab your neighbor by the hand if you would please remain standing let us go to prayer this morning your heavenly father we thank you so much that you brought us into your house thank you so much for giving us such a dynamic pastor we pray right now Lord that you would bless his mind and we pray right now over his voice Jesus and we thank you for his voice at this time in this hour in this nation and we pray that we would have a spirit to receive every single word that proceeds out of your mouth God and we thank you Jesus that Pastor here's exactly what you say we pray right now Lord that you were creating us a clean heart I mean as we move forward in this service and we pray Jesus that you would develop us and such a high capacity that every time we leave this place Jesus we change someone else's life we pray God that every step we take elevates somebody else and we pray that were a blessing to other people in our community in our nation especially this weekend and we pray Jesus that you would bring a covering over us and protect us from things that we don't see what's what's happening next any traps that may be plant planted and we pray Jesus and your spirit will reside over our mind our body in our soul and we pray God that we would worship you in spirit and in truth and release anything that may hinder us from feeling your spirit this morning and we thank you God that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us in Jesus name Amen come on put your hands together if you really are grateful this morning come and look at your neighbor next to you and tell them you we shall overcome on the other side [Music] [Music] I knew come on if you're more than an overcomer come on clap your hands in the presence of the Lord everybody's standing at this time if you will as we go into our litany for the Martin Luther King celebration and focus for this morning come on sister Davenport we remember the conviction of dr. Martin Luther King jr. that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor it must be demanded by the oppressed [Music] we remember dr. King's warning that a negative peace which is absent of tension is less than a positive piece which is presents of justice we remember dr. King's insight that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere we are caught in an inescapable network of empathy Todd in a single garment of destiny whatever affects one directly affects all we remember dr. King's lament that the contemporary church cannot remain silent in times of adversity but we must work together with one voice to make change our churches cannot be supporters of the status quo instead we must become a powerful structure in our communities and aboard let us speak this word together today in honor of dr. King's legacy we remember his hope that dark clouds of racial free justice will soon pass away therefore let us commend ourselves and our leaders in their work for righteousness and justice and forge ahead in the name of the Almighty God amen come on lift up your voice and shout amen once again come on if you know we will overcome come on clap your hands if I'm in the room full of overcomers clap your hands in the presence of the Lord once again right here [Music] [Music] we should wait [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] while you're yet standing would you just embrace three or four people around you and tell them we shall overcome we shall overcome how are you [Music] thank you finance administrator you may be seated there's a whole lot that we have to overcome far be it from us to feign as if we are in a post-racial society we are not we've got the insanity that's in the White House we've got no heat in public schools there's a whole lot that this generation still has to contend with and has to fight for and with all of that in this city has almost been a murder a day since New Year's we're on track to duplicate what happened in 2017 and 2016 unless something dramatic happens and so to carry all of that weight then the turn on the news on Tuesday and to be met by this vision there's got to be all the more unnerving and alarming I want you to give your attention to your closest crane I want to share with you in church what I know you've already seen on your handheld device but would you give your rapt attention to it now quit so y'all just gonna leave this lady out here with no clothes on that is not okay so you all need to call the police so you all are just gonna leave this lady out here like this so I'm assuming that you'll with the security department okay is there a supervisor available so you all are okay with leaving that woman out there like that all of us were disheartened to see a citizen of Baltimore left outside by the University of Maryland ladies and gentlemen on it I want to take a local hospital courageous beautiful black brother you see on the screen today who recorded it is in worship with us on today and I wanted us to honor him come on y'all got to do better than that I wanted to honor him on the day that we honor dr. King and the reason why I wanted to do so is because I wanted you to know to be a leader you don't have to be a speaker and furthermore I wanted you to understand in terms of leadership you don't have to be a pastor that the weapon of choice in this instance was a cell phone those of you that have a cell phone can lift up that hand until my wondering it comes with a camera come on to throwback Nextel you got a real phone but we've got to figure out are we using that weapon for good are you doing it just to send nudes y'all ain't saying nothing are you doing anything that can in fact be a voice for the voiceless this brother who stands with me brother Baraka has in fact dedicated his life for mental health in our community and it just so happens that God planted him on that Street that night or else none of us would have known would have happened the young lady could have died and the University of Maryland would have continuously followed that practice I know you're tired I know you've been through a lot but I want you really to let this brother from boat this is one of our own let him know how much we love value and appreciate him I want to give him a moment just to a share and really challenge us about not turning a blinded eye when we see injustice about what it is that he experienced just from last Monday night from last Monday night to today and where it is that we are in this place god bless you I will be brief good morning I am Imam new Baraka and I am a psychotherapist before most I am a black man who just so happens to love Jesus so let's give my my title right to hit on my identity right I love God and that is the thing that gave I was prepared let me tell you I was prepared to get a beatdown following those five security guards I had already taken off my rings I had to keep my glasses on so I could see but I was ready to snatch them off because I saw an injustice that just made my heart sink and as as you I'm sure you've seen in the video it just gets worse as it progresses you know I can't get the wail of this woman out of my head I haven't had sleep I think I may have had like five I was asleep in five days so I'm pray for me please you know I've been here for the earliest services and I've been cutting up a little bit but I really need those who know how to pray to pray for my strength because every time that thing has shown today I get a really bad feeling in my gut but I do report that she is doing well but I'd like to go to the video she's doing well Rebecca is her name she's not a prostitute even if she was that wouldn't have been appropriate because there was a human being I was coming out of my office and and I'm going on to this point because I usually when I'm not there that late it was 11:40 and I was doing in there doing patient notes and one of the kids because I treat the black family and everybody in it one of the kids came in and you know how we do the cultural that thing I'm role model so I'm like down like this right you know just to allow him to see that someone like this can be as ethnic and wonderful and great just as he is but he sneezed on me and I ended up having to go and get some night quote from the Rite Aid that's down the street but before I could get 20 feet from my office door I see and I couldn't believe my eyes the security department moving a body now I've told the mother this way I don't have a problem with sharing this with you all but I actually thought she was dead because her arm and her leg you know fell off of the the wheelchair so I was like oh no I said something else but oh no and I went back to grab my cell phone and when I came out I crossed the street and walked toward them and what you saw in the video is I didn't know humans could be so so cold and I'm gonna say this and I take full responsibility for it I could not believe that all of them looked like us there ain't a job on this planet that it would cause me to betray me me me me me because we're one so I will say this to you what gave me the the testicular fortitude to go after them is because I'm a man of God and I walk the talk and I challenge you today to walk the talk that does not maybe that does mean do your best and I encourage you while this initiative is going on here in the church that you become organ donor that you give blood that you be a part of social research we're not trying to recreate the Tuskegee Experiment but just so that individuals like myself as a therapist can be informed in terms of how to treat you I will end with this there was a woman and I'm changing her name for the sake of confidentiality her name was we'll call her sister Adam and she came to me and I've known this woman for 20 years and she says boy I need you to get me a therapy I'm trying to be funny but that's what she said and I'm like well mother I can't treat you because that would be unethical as well as it would create a dual relationship so I referred her to a colleague of mine and I saw the colleague like a week and a half two weeks later at one of the local restaurants and she says but rocker but rocker and I'm in my feelings because my name is Baraka so I'm like well what's going on she's like why didn't you tell me miss Adam II had schizophrenia I'm like that woman ain't got schizophrenia known her for 20 years and she's like well she was telling me that she was talking to Jesus and Jesus said to her and then she was talking to God and I was like do you know that's what we as black people do we so what this leads to is a misdiagnosis of so many of us about people who are not like us she was she diagnosed the mama of my church what schizophrenia and all she was doing is having a hard time just adjusting to her new reality so my point is this it is my intent to leave each and every one of you touched moved and inspired to be a better you real quick the pastor spoke about me leaving a six-figure job I've been in this is my third service and I want to deliver this to you real quick God does not give you a vision without making provision and I want to thank you all for that gift today I wanna oh oh you are fulfilling what he told me you know how hard it is to leave six figures and be with the celebrities you know them people oh but you have crystallized the very thing that I was promised and I will make each and every one of you individually and collectively proud thank you [Applause] come on give God a hank leper praise for you you don't think he's deserving to more than that would a pure soul pure heart clean hands man of integrity man of honor I met him you're not gonna believe it you'll think we're lifelong friends I'm telling everybody I was holding the camera form while he was talking but when talking to him on yesterday he challenged me and said the black church so now what he said the church has to be more mindful of mental health and that we've got to be proactive that praying is good or you Liz good stretch it right hand - faith is good but therapy is still necessary I asked the two earlier services those who have a loved one or a family member with mental health challenges would you lift up your hand lift that hand up come on now you got a cousin nephew and on I told the two services if your hand didn't lift it you the one in the family but I I've drafted my new best friend I've drafted him to help us set up a modular for mental health at our church that will help meet the needs in this community and this congregation how many of you all know that it's needed he gave the example of a church mother but do you know how many of our children are misdiagnosed I can't hear nobody they don't have a learning deficiency when they know every rap song that comes on the radio and able to memorize it without ever reading it so it's not that our children don't know how to learn they just learn if Lake and we need teachers that have that level of sensitivity and I'm thankful for this man of God has come come on earnest and so one of our buildings that we're gonna be renovating in this year a area in that I want to dedicate and devote to mental health services within our community all right in Park Heights there are legions who need holistic assistance and I want our church to be on the front line of what's needed and necessary of the doctor said why says he don't matter whether she was a prostitute or not she's still a human being and our responsibility is to minister to that I'm drafted him to help us come up with what is the appropriate curriculum and how it oughta function and flow in this capacity he's not a member of our church dot dot dot yet I and while he's not a member of our church we're gonna bring I gave him his consultancy fee already but I want to really make sure that we're on the vanguard of that which is significant to that end brother Ernest is coming I want you to get a seed in your hand this is not my call for tithes it's not our morning offering I but I want you to put a seed in your hand that will help us do mental health and ministry in the city of Baltimore particularly in the community of Park Heights and more specifically right here at empowerment temple here's what I need you to do I want you to give that gift not just for you I want you to give it to the family member that struggling to the day at with PTSD for the son that has been in fact listed as autistic or a DD for your sister who keeps having bouts of depression for your best friend that has anxiety attacks I want you to get a seed in your hand because this is the full Ministry of Jesus Christ and this is what he expects from all of us those of you who are watching online just as we're giving again this is not our call for times senada morning offering this is what is not a fundraiser is to finance an initiative because I believe you got to put your money where your mouth is wherever it is that you are in this room please know that you are under no mandate but I hope those of you that have any decibel of conscience I will help us get this done because it is so needed and it is so necessary as a consequence you're not waiting on any ocean not waiting on your role just those of you that feel late and you're saying pastor I know that this is a real need and I want to be a part of it would you come quickly please [Music] I will [Music] I am [Music] I am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's look up your hands for every gift in every giver I hope you're mindful that on the first Sunday in February the very first Sunday in February is our soup and souls of Sunday and the rest of the world is celebrating Super Bowl Sunday understanding and allegiance in alignment with Colin Kaepernick we've been boycotting the NFL this season I've asked you to please bring cans of soup every Sunday in January every Sunday in January so that we can in fact be a blessing to people in this immediate community and neighborhood those of you that happen a bad chance to have brought it on today would you please bring it to the altar now those of you that brought soup cans of soup on today would you please bring it from wherever you are in the sanctuary I want us to be a blessing to the larger community empowerment clap your hands as they come those of you it escaped your memory it is alright you got three more Sunday's to step up to the plate so as that you will please please please sir please ma'am as that you'll please bring cans of soup on next Sunday and every Sunday in the month of January this coming Tuesday is our new years of revival Pastor Tyrone Thomas is going to be with us and I hope that you will join us as well at 7:30 and the members of Charity Baptist Church the choir from charity is going to come and lead in the music but I want you to please be here we'll be a poor host to not be home when guests come especially when they didn't come unannounced we invited them to come and so as that you will please out of common courtesy make sure that you are here on tomorrow night Monday at 6:30 those of you who are interested in going into senior care services you want to go into senior care services we begin a six-week modular what by which you can be certified to go in to sing your care and you'll get your certification right here at the church somebody give God a hand clap of praise we've been talking about second and third strings of income and now we are making it accessible to all of you and a 9:30 service board do I wish you were here at 9:30 we had 22 graduates for our entrepreneurship program 22 members of our church are getting ready to launch out into the deep and start their business one of whom is opening their business this afternoon in god amazing and I'm telling you when we begin the spring series of training for entrepreneurs if in fact you have an interest in a desire I'm asking you to please register I want you to give your attention to the screen as a small video I want to share with you I'm preaching all month a series called do-not-resuscitate the life of an organ donor do not resuscitate the life of an organ donor I want you to be able to see this I'm gonna preach on it in just one moment the last Sunday of January I want you to bring whatever family members you might have who are in need of a transplant we're gonna be praying for them with specificity and with expectation so as that you'll watch this video and then when the video would have concluded our music ministry will prepare our hearts for the word of God when I finally deliver I was frustrated when I found out I was receiving a letter it was probably one of the most surreal moments I've ever had in my life I was angry because along with using me to deliver people tagged you has been an alcoholic and I found that it was genetic disorder that I had usually given to the fact that I wouldn't make it off the list I accepted the fact that I needed one and I put life in motion to go forward so it wouldn't rob me of what things I had well I had hypertension and then they found out that I had diabetes so it's kind of a double whammy with both of them coming at me that's when they found out that my kidneys were not functioning properly my name was Holloway braid it took me three years the first time to get a kidney and I'm waiting on another one this time away [Music] [Applause] a lot of times especially in the african-american community we don't really have a true meaning of what that is about Tony you know our organs we all thought of this it was taboo to do things as that but it's not necessarily true I would encourage people to assist in extending life as you move forward not hoping this is that father's bless me once would receive in a kidney if he did it once I believe he'll do it again having a new liver has given me a chance to reach things that we used to dream about no one knows the value of extending life to you or one of the prisoners standing at the edge of yours father we thank you this morning that we belong to you we are your tillage we are a part of the body of Christ we say this morning that we belong to you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and I'm forever chained arbors everything I never know now I surrender lesson three this morning I belong [Music] you and him now look up and say happy love I've been captured [Music] [Music] my soul [Music] [Music] come on [Music] I give myself I give myself [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on lift up that hand would you give him the sound get me Ned come on would you give it to one you're not gonna give it to him come on give it to one secure your Bibles in your possession Exodus 33 is the second book of a Bible Exodus 33 if you don't have a Bible would you share with somebody close by otherwise the Word of God will be provided for you on your closest screen Exodus 33 18 through 23 what you found I want you to Clare I have it if you can't find it say lord help me then Moses said now show me your glory and the Lord said I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you and I will proclaim my name the Lord in your presence I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion but he said you cannot see my face for no one may see me and live then the Lord said there was a place near me where you may stand on a rock when my glory passes by I'll put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I passed by then I will remove my hand and you will see my back but my face must not be seen you may be seated I want you to arm yourself with a writing instrument there are some principles points and keys that I want to give you that I believe will serve you long after this day is over for my Millennials who are amongst us if you'll just go to the note-taking app that came free with your Android and your iPhone and said you'll go to it there are a couple of points that I'm gonna have you write down momentarily in Exodus 33 verse 18 through 23 look at verse 20 but he said you can't see my face for no man can see me and live when the glory passes by I'm in verse 22 I'll put a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by then I'll remove my hand and you'll see my back but my face must not be seen I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject please don't FaceTime me please no FaceTime me researchers have recently released a groundbreaking data that suggests over the next two decades Islam could quite possibly be the second largest faith in the United States today the number of those who submit to Islam is 3.4 million but by 2050 it is in fact believed that the numbers will be in the orbit of 8 million astonishingly enough the key contributor is not evangelism it's immigration in contrast the church is losing significant numbers not due to deportation but isolation worthy of mentioning is the fact that the residential Muslim population is younger while the church population is getting older we take fake comfort in being 70 times larger than the Muslim faith for two hundred and fifty million claiming Christianity but that's unsettling when you look at the hard numbers that there are 62 million people in this country here this who claim no faith did you hear what I just said 62 million people in America claim no faith with the influence of the Quran on the rise brace yourself for the increased numbers of women in society who will in fact have their faces covered it is they avail of Orthodox Muslim women who wear it in presence of adult men hear this who are not in their immediate family the veil has metaphysical overtones that suggests there's a veil which separates humanity from God the impact is so undeniable that for the very first time the Olympics under the auspice of Nike has designed covering for female Muslim athletes knowing that their tenants call for modesty and privacy all of this in the backdrop a growing number of Muslim woman one now going to be on your job in the marketplace in target with their face covered all while Christian women are on Instagram doing budgets Jacob married a sister in Genesis whose face he couldn't see until after he got married I meant this week with some members of my team to discuss the trends of ministry a contrast analysis will show our cyber viewership far surpassed surpasses our sanctuary attendance so our church holds this sanctuary that you're in physically holds 2,500 people but right now online is 12,000 is it in its indicative of the age that we're in we are part of a generation that has become self absorbed by hidden narcissism called social media the tool starts with the letter I I phone i watch the photographs watch this that we take don't include other people we gloriously call it a selfie now dating has become a third party that you go out into restaurants to people at the table and both of them are on the phone never getting to know each other never having meaningful dialogue but texting all of their friends and taking pictures of food you can't even go through a meal or a movie without a text message every day in this hour and era of Technology every day we are losing what Eckhart Tolle calls the power of presence that you hear but you ain't here you in church but you keep waiting on an update checking to see how many likes you have whether you should delete who is no longer in your life I want to give you a hope that you're ready I'm gonna give you and I want you to write these down please I want to give to you four reasons why you need face time four reasons why you need face time would you write that down please four reasons why you need face time for those of you technologically savvy you can just screenshot the screen in front of you four reasons why you need face down the first one I want you to write this down the very first reason why you need face time write this down is importance importance being there in person says I value you having physical face time communicates you are so precious to me I actually want to see you with no filter importance means I want to be in such proximity so I can touch you and hear you your kids would rather have presence than a give the older you get the more your memories are fond what's this of what you did with your parents not what your parents gave you you need the power of presence PTA requires presence don't call up to the school what's going on down there coach it is cold nobody asks the question presence when those kids were bundled up learning in the classroom the critical question we got to ask them is how many of those parents actually drop their kids off and if they drop them off did any of them go in so it was able to happen why because the school system knows black parents don't get involved until the tower failures where is your presence so I'm trying to figure out this sermon ain't even for y'all is for people who are watching online then what I'm really trying to figure out is if you love God how come you never come to his house so is it that you just want God to be your electronic pen pal I like him but not like that he's cool and all but I don't want to just spend time with him so quit me cuz I was afraid to be alone first is importance the second one would you write it down why you need face time is to interpret everybody say interpret when you are face-to-face you can see people's real reactions you know when they line but you need to see them I want you to write this down it's gonna help you I'm telling you it's gonna help you you gonna thank your pastor later you ain't even gonna appreciate it today is gonna hit you probably February 12 you only get that later but this I want you to write this down body language is louder than vocal tone body language is louder than vocal tone you all know every Sunday every Sunday I'm in that back door hugging greeting shaking hands expressing love Y says I can always tell people who are not used to intimacy or have had watch this bastardized intimacy that there are people watch this who do not know how to exchange intimacy in the absence of sexuality god I can't hear nobody in here again somebody hug you without you thinking they want you y'all gonna leave me out here by myself I gotta be able to interpret because you are so used to being around wicked people you don't know how to accept people who are authentically nice to you you think that there is something wrong when people love you with no strings attached god I can't hear nobody but there are those of us who are in this room they got a bad case and I can't help it is that I love you for no reason the reality is you don't deserve my love God I can't hear nobody but I keep giving it to you anyway knowing you can't blow it it ain't because it's something wrong with me but because I know you need to be loved but because you have such a trail of brokenness with authentic love comes you don't even know how to recognize it and you don't even know ain't doing this for me I know you need it I can't hear nobody so nothing upsets your haters more thank you not even holding a grudge you ain't even with them no more I'm really happy you got somebody I can't hear no but I really don't want you for real I'm glad so you're trying to make me jealous you got the wrong one go on I'm gonna throw rice at your wedding and do the electric slide at the reception because I need somebody else to be miserable interpret for reasons why you need FaceTime come on class what is the first one come on this I got it just cuz I wake up what's the first one what is the second one here's the third one write it down the intimacy I want you to write this down those of you who are typing I need it all in bold font you cannot have an authentic genuine relationship with somebody you don't see both on there is nobody busier I need you to write this down there is nobody busier than the person who is not interested some I got sent me a tithe right here I said there is nobody busier than the person who is not interested if they are not interested in you they will always have something else to do am I talking to anybody in here intimacy watch this should be an experience not an experiment so if your intimacy is authentic you shouldn't say it because you think this is what I want to hear if it is genuine intimacy do you know how to be intimate with me without touching me I know you know where my breast is do you know where my brain is [Applause] there is no greater effort is a act and somebody who can stimulate your thinking god I can't hear nobody in here there are a whole lot of beautiful dummies god I can't you know how many times you gonna ask me did I eat today [Applause] there's got to be more to my life than going to eat and going to the movies and walking around the mall do you have one creative bone in your body and why do we have to figure it out after I get in the car is there some law you have against actually planning and experience with you rather than us trying to figure it out to grown to creative and to intelligent to always do Netflix and chill I can't hear nobody I got you some days I don't feel like doing this up nothing but other days can you plan something and then let me say no don't say you knew I was gonna say no where is the level of intimacy can I go a step further y'all not gonna like it father y'all gonna get up and leave I need to know how you can sleep with me but can't hold my hair God God that gets it because sexuality is not always intimacy come come back please the three hardest relationships to maintain but you to write this down the three hardest relationships to maintain three hardest relationships to maintain I'm still under your subheading of intimacy the three hardest relationships to maintain number one military there was a vet somewhere over there second is incarceration third is college three hardest relationships to maintain military incarceration and college pester you got to unpack that for me I'm Abbey Kalia - it is hard watch this to be involved with somebody who is fighting for something can I give this to you a man brothers y'all gotta stay with me here I may need backup a man does not want to have to fight all day and come home for round two brothers y'all gotta compete come on now a woman don't want to have to fight all day and come home to a man who has no fight it is hard for you to be involved with somebody who was fighting for goal a dream and assignment and you are dating a civilian they don't know how to get in the battle and as a consequence they become jealous and envious when you start working towards your goal because they don't understand why you have a passion but if they would learn to have their own passion they don't even understand the relationship would be healthier you ain't even gotta be fighting for what I'm fighting for but can you fight for something so that they can be some battle scars anywhere other than the living world because if you're fighting for something you don't have time to go through my phone preach them all I'm doing the best I can people who have nothing to fight for are breaking into your inbox people who have something to fight for are too busy to check what pictures you liked the first one is military second one watch this it is hard to date somebody who is incarcerated why because of isolation you keep wanting to force yourself on somebody who is emotionally unavailable so I'm trying to figure out if you like being alone why are you with me so you are affectionate in there sterile get off me I'm trying to watch something I'm listening something don't don't kiss me now don't hug me you always doing all of that you are dating a prisoner there's only a prisoner that don't want to get kissed in the shower is this too much for y'all on a Sunday third hardest person to date y'all stay with me I'm talking to Mary people a third hardest person to date watch this is somebody who is in the learning process they will not be able to effectively efficiently love you when they have not learned themselves so you've wasted a lot of day and air time trying to figure out what they like and they don't know what they like so they are still in the learning process and you're frustrated because you are not a substitute teacher so I cannot watch this stand in the place of your daddy issues it's cute and all but after a while you don't have to resolve that I did not sign up to be your second mama and because I'm not your second mama watch this I don't care what your real mama thinks but God is getting tight here because I'm not dating her I am I helping anybody in here and so it's alright it's alright for me to cook if that's what you want but Negro you will do some dishes god god I can't hear nobody and if you want me to cook the least you can do is go buy some groceries but you ain't just gonna come over here and eat up everything and think that this is my privilege to feed a groan that grow that is not what God has called me to do fix your own plate if you tired of fixing a plate put a ring on it stop treating dated people like their married spouses that maybe your man it ain't your husband god I can't hear nobody until you are married biblically you still single it's just got quiet huh I'm leaving out the side door y'all I should have preached this at 9:30 y'all don't appreciate this I'm trying to help you [Applause] fourth area where why FaceTime is necessary what's the first one what's the second one what's the third one was the fourth one is in hands in hands face to face improves credibility and trust you will do better for an in-person interview then on the phone interview I want you to write this down please is under enhance the more you see somebody the more you like them your favorite actor is a person who you have seen in the most films not because they're the best actor but because they've become familiar so you have built up a level of intimacy with somebody you've never met but you feel like you know him because you keep seeing them Beyonce my girl she don't know you exist but because you're always looking at our pictures seeing what she went listening to her music watching her videos you have built a connection why because of your familiarity and your persistent of seeing her it's easy to get somebody out of your system write this down it's easy to get somebody out of your system who you don't see you strong you saved you anoint it - god help me until you see them y'all ain't gonna keep it real with me today see because there's one person who know how to talk to you I know that you love God I know you keeping yourself but there's one person that knows to enhance watch this then the question becomes so when am I going to see you I've been talking to you we've been text messaging when I'm gonna see you I'm busy ain't told you today yet I didn't put an offer on the table and a question I need to ask you I've got to ask you this because somehow another you switch lanes into an area I wasn't going I got to ask you this how often yummy very carefully is your devotion life when do you feel the urgency to get in the face of God are you in a serious relationship or is the Savior your sugar daddy so I don't really want to be with him but he nice to me he's good to my kids so I always call them when rent do always call him when I'm going through he's always there when I need them but I really into him but because I know he likes me I know how to talk to him so many of you are worshipping manipulators trying to take advantage of God taking his kindness for weakness so when you worship God you ain't worshiping him for who years you worshiping him for what you can get but there are some of us who are in this room that made up in there man I know on the grandma used to say if he don't do nothing else god I wish I had an old-school Church right here he's done enough already to give him glory and so I don't even praise him for the card for the clothes and for the job come on grandma because he woke me up this morning and started me on my way can I go old-school Baptist of food on the table and a roof over my head and clothes on my back Lord I say thank you can I go down the street to a half-assed outlet store from thank you for the blood because the blood still works I remember last fall a chaperone my my twin daughters sixth grade class chaperone my daughter's sixth grade class to go see a movie called wonder story of a little boy with a severe facial deformity who in an attempt to be shielded from being bullied every day to school wore an astronaut helmet the Journal of Medicine applauds the team at Johns Hopkins who is working tirelessly to master something that many of you have never even heard of it's called facial transplants to those who have endured severe injury significant burns or have acquired genetic malfunctions in Exodus chapter 33 the Lord is instructing Moses to take the people to the promised land but that if they're going to go hear what God says the MOE he says the MOE y'all are gonna go but you're going without me cuz I don't like your behavior I don't like your spirit I don't like your attitude and so I'm gonna let you go but go without me sometimes I want to say this to you and I know this is gonna be an uncomfortable message today sometimes you gotta encourage people to leave you I wish you well may God bless you I want all your dreams to come to pass but I don't gone as far as I can go go on now you hear god I can't hear nobody in here so so many of you spare people's feelings at the cost of injuring your own destiny because you don't want them hurt you're hurting yourself but God says in this season 430 y'all that will receive it release some it's toxic it's unhealthy it is not ordained by God and you don't even know it is slowing you down release some so both of y'all can go your own direction I want you to say it out loud it's gonna be hard for you to do it how but I want you to say it out loud repeat after me sometimes it's good to be left be seated the Lord said to mow your promised land but I ain't going with you I'm in Exodus 33 now I'm in verse 14 he says something amazing he says even though I am NOT going watch what the law says house in my glory what is going to sustain you is you'll be able to receive my presence without having access to my personhood moses said lord if you ain't gone with me is send your glory hallelujah i feel that coming in the room right through here and the law said are you sure you want the glory to fall because when the glory comes hallelujah you ain't gonna be able to see nothing is what søren kierkegaard concept of time space and reality when I'm really worshiping God I don't even see you rolling your eyes at me where when I get in the glory of God I don't care that you don't like what I got on my hair here so who I'm sitting next to and so I came on the second Sunday in January not for God to send money and clothes in position and the houses I hate 11 I have much to go but if you send your glory I'll be able to make it I can't hear nobody Gloria's not you clapping your hair and dancing and runnin to the church but the glory of God is so heavy that sometimes it comes in a still small voice that I'm just sitting in my car second about the goodness of Jesus then I stop for no reason yes glory find your holy God Lord sends your glory now there's somebody just throw your head back and say Lord send your glory in this play I don't want just the glory in the church but I need the glory in my hallelujah anybody here the old Saints used to call it a quickness what is this that makes me do right when I would do wrong whatever you're here it won't let me hold my pee look at your neighbor say I know you're a member the church but the question I want to know where are you filled with the Holy Ghost because if you've got the glory of God in you no matter where you are the glory will fall a day to lift up your hand and open up your mouth and just shout out loud send your clothes I want to glory to fall I need to go over the fall find you huh see all that right through here I said I need here's Florida fall he is the air I breathe in here my live ammu I have my very beer Tommy Jeremiah it feels like fire and the shut up in my PO Lord sends your glory [Music] be seated please some says I'm sending my glory I'm now with my ex I'm an exodus 33 I'm in the circumference of verse 19 watch with the Lord tells the transcribe of of the record he says watch this I'm coming into your presence I'm coming into your presence watch this and I hope 15 y'all catch it everybody else they not gonna get it but 15 they y'all I get it he says watch this the presence is coming and because the presence is coming watch King James Version he said watch this goodness is coming right in front of your face hallelujah y'all just miss what I just said I said when the glory comes good things are given ready to pass right in front of you how many of you need God there's so something good in your life she said not only goodness but compassion yes coming what does that mean pastor God don't bless me when he knows that don't deserve it he's gone back away from me knowing that I'm trifling and undisciplined and I don't fell short of his glory but his compassion towards me it's a goodness don't pass about your face compassion is gonna pass right by you you are getting ready to receive 500 of you I need you to really thank him for it you are getting ready to receive blessings you know you don't deserve Anthony I can't you know about it I want God to so bless you you feel guilty getting it hallelujah because you know ain't no way in the world I should have got this but I'm thankful he put me in a car that didn't match my credit I'm sorry for he put me in a house without a cosigner your breasts me when it doesn't match me says all of that is going to happen goodness is passing by your face compassion is gonna be right before your eyes but watch what Jehovah says in verse 20 I'm still in Exodus 33 he said in and in all of this you will not be able to see my face would you be seated please I'm coming God said no man will see my face I want you right where you are would you just touch your face lay hands on your face come on the contours of your face touching ears your nose your eyes lips in Genesis chapter 3 I'll lift it by James Weldon Johnson in his creation narrative and Gotha thought to himself I'm Lumley I think I'll make me a man has a Hume the dust of the ground and he shaped it watch this in his image and in his likeness and then he he breathed and he became a living being I need you to know why people can't face you I need you to know why there's some people that did you dirty and can't look you in the eye it's the greatest revelation you don't got in 2018 the reason why they can't do it in front of your face I hope 50 y'all a shout about it is because you are the face of God I can't hear nobody in here tell you no over the phone but when they say yeah they gotta try to make it work for you because you represent the face of God said to Moses I can't let you see my face because you'll think that is the only image I have but everybody in creation looks like me hallelujah you are the face of God so I need to know if you got all power why your face always got tears on it god I can't hear nobody in here if you if you know the authority you have why you always got your lips turned upside down every time I see you there ought to be a smile provoked on your face knowing you got a secret that your haters don't know what's the secret pastor all things work together for good to those that love him and are called according to his purpose the face of God said nobody can see my face he said Moses I'm getting ready to get you ready I'm get ready get you ready because my presence is coming and I gotta get you ready to receive my presence look at what God tells them and that latter portion verse 21 Clause B watch what he tells them he says I am hiding you just come and miss you up under a rock you will not experience my glory only some of y'all are gonna get this until you are between a rock and a hard place you think you are under attack baby you ain't under attack God is hiding you let's get ready to manifest son no stuff is hard I have real life stuff is difficult but the position you insane didn't put you there God has hidden you in a rocky place because your breasts praise your best praise doesn't happen when things are going well but if you want to see a real prese watch how I bless him when I got no money see how I lived here when my co-workers trying to set me up laughs I hear mundo Rock this is the last time I let you to be seated last time I let you to be seated y'all forgive the people that screaming they just felt the glory those of y'all that don't feel nothing don't say nothing but if you believe the presence of God is gonna abide with you this week I don't know how you gonna sit there and be quiet I need you to lift your voice like you know the glory of God is coming I got one last thing I need to say to you be seated please one last thing I need to say to you I got a I'm preaching in Charlotte tonight for their citywide mont luther king program i got to get there but i got to finish this first would you be seated i got to tell you this please would you be seated I promise you I'm gonna let you worship in just one minute but I need for you to have this he said something to me empowerment and he even said to me first he said it to Moses and then my job is to give it to you at 11:30 I said I can't let you see my face it's too much for you but I need you to see hear what God said Moses can see you can't see my face he said what's this I'm only gonna let you see my back pastor they just missed it that's why nobody is saying nothing he says I'm not gonna let you see my face I'm only gonna let you see my back y'all just missed it i'ma give it to him on less time he said I cannot let you see my face I'm only gonna let you see my bag pastor what are you telling me I'm slow I got a GED help me what are you saying to me God told me to tell you for those of you that are not ashamed to give him glory he said in this season I'm gonna let you see that end of the matter you are getting ready I know y'all don't wanna shout about it he said if you give me glory I'm giving you closer I can't hear nobody he said if you praise me it's the end of it with if you open up your mouth you can turn your back the stuff that's been stalking you don't give it the attention of your face give it your back that's what I'm gonna do so I'm gonna let you just see the end of it most of you all don't know that I played trumpet for 12 years and really thought that I was gonna be a jazz musician yeah I went to Morehouse most people went to HBCUs from the school days I went to Morehouse from mo better blues and so I had a part in the middle of my head and used to wear black and white shoes a real sports jacket cuz I thought I was gonna be a jazz musician and my favorite trumpeter was Miles Davis I guess everything that Myles ever did I got it and other thing that upset the critics is that Miles Davis whenever he was playing it didn't matter whether he was in Carnegie Hall or whether he was in some small juke joint is that Miles Davis would make beautiful music but always turn his back to the crowd and the critics would say why are you playing and you ain't facing us and he says because I'm not an entertainer I'm an artist and your focus should never be on me but on the sound that I produce god I can't hear nobody hear mine my mother was intentional and making sure that my sister and I being raised had a full cultural experience so my mother always used to make us seasonally go to the beer salt of Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and I hated it she would make us go but I found out something and going to the symphony as often as I did but the conductor never faced the audience he only faced the musicians all of them played different instruments but when he conducted confusion turned in the harmony now if in fact watch this if in fact I am short minded I'm offended because the conductor doesn't face me but because I understand he's changing what I'm about to hear he turns his back on me and it ain't because he doesn't appreciate me because he's working on something nighttime Natalia those of you that feel like God has turned his back on you God told me to tell you he ain't ignore you he won't turn on something she said if you open up your mouth the house you been praying for that time he been praying for the healthiest you I don't know where you are but if there's anybody in this room tonight that can say God at least for his back that if I don't have nothing else I'm grateful to have the back of God so you're not prepared for my face cuz I'm turning my back on you cuz I'm changing the sound that you hear my time is up how much your hand lifted I want to pray for you [Music] God don't leave me I'm only speaking with your soul been crying God don't leave me and then even my words I'm stealing it from David whatever you do please don't take your Holy Spirit away from me god I can't hear no bye I can't take it another day without you don't leave me because you only know I'm changing your face I'm putting a permanent smile on your face cuz I'm sorry tired of seeing you depress and I'm happy but I wanna hum I want to bless you few months ago I preached a sermon called fix your face the God says I want you to have the face of somebody who's gonna be victorious [Music] I don't want you to look desperate hard up in thirsty I want you to look like you got it all and not have to fake it makes your face but hand is lifted I'm praying for you hallelujah I want to pray for you I feel your spirit pulling on me I got a go but I'm arrested in this moment as I feel you in this room I want to pray for you I hope you'll let me holiday it's about your mom about the relationship about money about health about your job about struggling about being hurt being wounded being left being abandoned wherever you are in this room I'm getting ready to pray I know you're tired you're in this room and over the last two weeks you've had unscheduled breakouts and tears uncontrollable now you try to stop me you could for a minute you strong for a while and then without warning you just end up crying that's where you are can you just come meet me at this altar please I don't want you to come cuz your friend is coming I just I'm tired of crying I'm tired of crying [Music] I'm tired of crying I'm tired of crime I'm tired of feeling like this come on it's just us would you pull in please come on it's just us I'm tired of crying I'm waiting on three more yeah I got to get out of here tired of crying some of y'all are so skillful you have learned that gift of crying with no tears your self-control is on ten thousand I mean you stopped yourself from crying mid-tier I'm for real I mean you don't told your tears I am not breaking down in front of my kids god I can't hear you don't told yourself I am not breaking down on my job I want to do this would you lift up that hand I'm on the gun Minister the three of you and then I'm gonna go hallelujah yeah since right here would you come staying right here for me please thank you I got you thank you staying keep going keep going thank you I don't want you to walk backwards back up about five yeah thank you this young lady in this white sweater would you come you you just turned around you you'd only want with a white sweater I'm sorry white blouse thank you so very much you'll stand beside her would you lift up your hands beside her come on lift up that hand for me please hallelujah come on lift up that hand right where you are hallelujah I'm getting ready to go I'm tired of it come on yeah I hear you crying out for me come on please thank you just staying right in front of it I got you sir come on you my man come on I got you yeah bless his name thing would you lift up that hand for me please would you just spread out just a little bit thank you hallelujah we've heard I'm tired I don't come to church for cliches I don't just like church talk the word became flesh and dwelt amongst us I want whenever it is that you haven't experienced that empowerment temple that you'll know once this is not a borrowed or stolen testimony but that you work firsthand ye but to see God at work those of you who are at this altar the people behind you don't know what this feels like cuz I need you to help me which I'll help me please will y'all help me would you stretch your right hand into faith yes healing is given made it happen look at me only ain't even get ready to pray I just want you to stretch your right hand into faith God made a promise I've been in church in my whole life you know everybody always talks about the promise that God's made and I never seen it done and I'm telling you give me see God do it what promises their pastor I'm old-school I know some of y'all didn't grow up in I'm a church baby I'm give me tell you what's this what they told us in church and I never seen God do it and watch this when he does it for these three he's gonna do it for y'all at the same time pastor what is that the glory is coming all I need is the sound of worshipers versus lift your hand is high and she can yeah can I take your glasses to your mind thank you so very much watch this all I came to do I know y'all gonna feel bamboozled I'm not even gonna pray for you what's this I Nev encored for no vials of oil how many watch this nobody to catch you I need you to just lift up that hand for me please here's what God put in my spirit when I stepped down on that third step he said Jamal show them what's this he said show him I wipe the tears away [Music] [Applause] [Music] so tell her I'll wipe the tears away I can't hear name I lift up that hair he said tell him I'll wipe the tears away hell you ain't never gonna look like this god I can't hear nobody this your last ugly cry can you nobody can it is you gonna smile like you ain't never smile laugh like you ain't never laughed before I pray that God gives you a joy that is unspeakable I pray that he gives you a peace that passes all understanding I pray that God will give you the desires of your heart I pray that God will take all bitterness all anger or resentment I can't hear nobody all frustration that the next time they see you they wanna know what's so funny enemy meant it for evil but God is working it out for mine I have no biblical evidence I need you to hear me no scripture says that the power of God gotta make you fall down God I can't hear nobody nothing biblically justifies for you to be feel you gotta be laid out on the floor God when she touched somebody he didn't say go down he said rise up and do the work of your sound base church people always tell you suck it up get over it but God said today imma let you cry I want you to lift up that hand you only got 30 seconds God said if you gonna cry make it a good cry cuz this your last one you ain't crying over your ex no more I can't hear no more you I know you miss Big Mama but you got to go on with the rest of your life you are not gonna be handicapped by interior I want you right where you are what they did to you was foul your family should have covered you they should have protected you but you gonna live through this your best friend betrayed you and stabbed you in the back they lied to you straight in your face but God said give me one less cry because even Jesus wept but after he cried he said I still gotta do the work of the assignment on my life your face I declare that it is so in Jesus name and those of you who have ever had to get yourself together because you felt like your whole life was falling apart and you had to cry your way through it I need you to do me a favor I get sick from superficial sites I need real people right through here if you ever have time a real boo I mean timeout you hyperventilate enough you ain't even got a cold and snot coming out your nose I'm done mouth real cry yeah I was turning bloodshot red but God had to keep you together God says I got you I got you I need every person in this room I need your help every person in this room would you stand to you you don't have that many real friends that many authentic relationships so what they gonna say is gonna sound radical you gonna try to figure out what angle they work in but they don't have one you've always wanted it you didn't even know how bad you needed it I want you to hook three people watch this because intimacy is not sexuality I want you to embrace three people fern watch this I don't want no scripture I just want you to say this I want to see you happy come on would you embrace some come on embrace some I want to see you happy come on y'all not saying [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on lift up your hand i watch her glory less of me and more I need your cry [Music] less of me and more I need you right where you are would you give God a shout of Thanksgiving and gratitude come on come on come on I need you to clap like your face ain't never gonna look like that again I want God to give me a new reason to smile give me a new reason to laugh I want you to stand to your feet have no idea where you are in this room hallelujah man if you all felt the presence of God in this place I want every person standing I don't know why you're here I don't know how you got here I don't even know why God didn't have you come to 9:30 I got no idea why you didn't let you get up for 7:30 because I didn't preach this sermon at either of those there was a reason God needed you here in this one God says I'm gonna give you a face transplant you look too unhappy and I want you to look like the joy of the Lord is your strength you're here in this room please hear me I say all the time in order for you to be spiritual you don't have to look spooky being filled with the Holy Ghost don't mean foam coming out your mouth and your eyes rolling in the back of your head and you crawling on the ground sometimes heaven the Holy Ghost means I can smile when I should be in a night that I can speak to people who didn't meet dirty here's the catch intentionally I want to open the doors in the church because there's somebody who's in this room they pass I never felt as I never experienced this but I believe this may be the church where God has gone help give me strength but God's gonna equip me and walked me through the process that's who you are that's where you are I am I want you to forget about everybody in this room I want you to come meet me give me your hand but I want you to give God your heart if you hear and you're saying pastor that's the kind of church I need to be with come on shout for this brother coming now would you shout for this beautiful family coming bless you sir come on give God some glory thank you Yuda made my day thank you so very much thank you come on I need you to shout for this beautiful brother coming there's still two more of you that need to get saved two more of you that need to join the church two more of you that need to get right with God and I need for you to come how long were you to come now I need you to come right now [Applause] come on here comes another brother come on he's brilliant how do you know pastor he's smart enough to join the most powerful place on the planet there's still somebody else that needs to come I need your help I can't do it by myself I've preached three times today still got to preach tonight I need your help please take a load off for me would you do something to work today you ain't had to do nothing I need you to do me a favor please would you move from where you are I need you to go talk to somebody who you don't know how much you two find out if they're saved to find out if they ever Church on I want you to find out if they've given their life over to God would you do that please y'all ain't talking to nobody here come my best friend come on give God some praise come on here comes a young mother I'm so thankful I need you girl hallelujah if there's one more I'd be so happy come on come on come on you don't want me to leave out here sad because you didn't get saved come on come on I need your clothes for these who have come all of them have come from the same section somebody over here gotta get saved gotta join the church come on y'all would you do a spin 360 as somebody around you in front of you are you saved oh wow [Music] stretch a right-hander faith hallelujah here comes somebody else Janka hold up the whole service I told you I was waiting on two where's the last one would you come out come out wherever you are come on please please would you come please you ain't gonna come come on help me give God glory for this beautiful young lady [Applause] shut your right hand to faith tell young people repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving the only God and I know that's right show your right come on let's give God some glory [Applause] let's align you may be seen it was anybody blessed by coming to church on today anybody hallelujah I want to entreat you even in this moment that I'm so thankful that God can change watch this not necessarily how you look but God can change how you look at stuff did y'all hear what I just said I mean that was tweetable right there is that he won't just change how you look he'll change how you look at stuff if y'all tweeted give me the credit thank you I want to ask right where it is that you are that every person who's in this room I want you to know you have the face of God you look like somebody who's blessed you have the appearance of somebody who's get ready to step into something significant how much you right where you are I want your faith to match your face I want your faith to match your face you are made in the image and in the likeness of our God our ambassadors they're coming right now thank you so very much I'm appreciative to partner with you our ambassadors they're coming in the event that you are absent of an envelope but you lift up their hand I want you to be able to have it please if you are absent of an envelope would you lift up that hand even now this year marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King jr. I speak over your life your dream will not die did you hear what I just said I I speak over your life your dream will not die and God is putting a restraining order on all dream killers anybody trying to talk you out of your assignment God is not gonna let them get close to you I want you to get that seed in your hand I want to challenge every person that's not a tire I want you to get a seed in memoriam of dr. King I want you to have a seat as close to 50 as you possible again my dear friends who are watching online I know that you're able to do that with all the gas money you saved about not coming to church I want you to get your best gift that's close to 50 as you possibly can if you can't do 50 I want you to get 49 but I'm believing that God is gonna give the increase into your life all of our tithers we know what is expected of us that God requires 10% of our income to go to him why because he's the give of every good and every perfect gift if he gave us a hundred percent I think 10% is reasonable can you imagine you your favor Senor reasonable can you imagine whoever you've loaned money to only giving you 10% of it back watch this and then they got a attitude about that when they old you to the whole yard y'all I ain't saying nothing and they fighting over the 10% that's how crazy y'all non-tithers look say I owe God this but I got a problem giving him what he's due I'm telling you you can't beat God's giving no matter how hard you try servant leaders I need you to come as expeditiously as you possibly can the people that 1130 are chomping at the bit they can't wait to give because they understand when you give God does give it right back to you I want every person watch this even if you're giving electronically through a debit card you're gonna do it on either side of the sanctuary if you're writing a check that will clear on Tuesday you writing it out to empowerment temple everybody would you please stand to your feet everybody stand to your feet please lift a big gift above your head in it amazing the only time we don't shout in churches during the offering the only time we don't shout ensures lift up that scene repeat after me lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the seed in man is an expectation for what you're gonna do before this week is over amen would you turn to your right I need you to be [Music]
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 8,681
Rating: 4.7321429 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, jamal bryant 2017, pastor, pastor jamal bryant, preaching, facetime, resiscitate, sermon, sermon series, donor, life, life of a donor
Id: FH3W62hzgJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 43sec (6883 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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