Nobody Cares

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anytime you walk through the door I want you to be able to bring no shoes down do me a favor new birth would you give God glory for all of those who have shared come on y'all got to do better than that give God glory all of those who have shared we're so appreciative for you look like iPhone is coming up come on come on now you already know come on amen is it's a hating spirit right over there I've read you may have a deliverance service amen bless the Lord I want to thank God for every gift and for every Giver we've got a couple of more weeks we're gonna be collecting until our the last Sunday in July so though amen give God a hand clap of praise how many of y'all got enough faith to believe we gonna exceed their expectation and we're gonna exceed the expectation and so as over the next couple of Sunday's that you'll please please please bring our shoes every Sunday and now some of you all are having fun our members you all are bringing baby shoes amen amen we got to do it for the Negroes in middle school now we ain't man y'all still want daycare but we need to do it please for all different sizes for both of our genders but ask that you will not you will not limit on what you give to tennis shoes amen we got to get our young people dressed for business Amen to come and take over the world and do it in a five star stellar fashion I am believing that nothing that is successful happens by accident success has got to have a purpose how many of you believe that God has a purpose over your life it's got to have a purpose and so many of us are missing the mark simply because we are shooting with no target you've got to be aiming towards something if you do not have a vision the Bible says that you're going to perish and I'm believing that the last six months of the year that there is something that God is going to deliver into your life before December 31st I don't want you to give God glory for what you have I want you to give God glory here's your shout for your vision for what you come on yelling shouting good do y'all see God doing something amazing before December 31st as a consequence friends up I want to challenge I'm going to stretch your faith on today that today you are giving your money and assignment you're giving your money as an assignment you are giving your money a mission that when it is that I give when it is that I so I am believing God with intentionality that I am sowing towards something it is not random this is not a rainy day fund but I am investing for what it is that I believe God is going to help materialize in my life this way says just come on over here [Applause] Yatim blocked her blessing just amen I want you to have a mission of what it is that you have in mind that I am believing that before this year ends God has kept me through His grace through the first six months but the last six months sir tap he'll tap he'll how old are you seven so you don't have a phone do you have a phone yeah take that back give him that bad man he don't know no better you need leadership amen [Applause] it's a spirit of rebellion in this church yeah y'all do not on a leadership at Newburgh listen all right I got two more chances where you going that's right I knew the F row was with me I knew all right your money has got to have an assignment your money has got to have a mission for wherever it is that you're believing that God is gonna take you in for where you want to go and so I don't want you to look at what it is that you are giving today as a donation I want you to see it as an investment did you hear what I just said I am investing for what it is that I am seeing and I'm believing that God is gonna give me what eyes have not seen [Music] [Applause] for what eyes have not seen it for what ears have not heard yes [Applause] come on help me please help me I don't feel good I don't like the way this is going but listen I want you while it is that you're giving uh sure is if you'll help us if you're absent of an envelope would you lift up their hand you don't have an envelope amen all these Android people without envelopes lift up that hand please thank you oh I'm convinced all the Apple people are tithers [Music] [Applause] yeah there we go come on let's turn it bless the Lord I want you to get that envelope in your hand I want to stretch your faith on this day hear me very well hear me clearly I'm gonna stretch your faith on this day for every non tither thank you so much I appreciate you every non tither I want you to challenge you to give a gift of $60 on today every non tithe I want to challenge you to give a gift of sixty those of you who are watching online I want to challenge you through Kashyap through give liffe I push to pay text to give I want to challenge you to give a give of sixty dollars that I am making an investment in the face of God that what he shown me I expect to see before this year is over all of our tithes I'm telling you she couldn't even face me all of our Tyler's I'm asking you please with intentionality how that you're going to give there is there you go there you guess my man's an elf come on where you going yeah go right down thank you gotta love it alright thank you I want you to have that time in your hand your seed in your hand I'm gonna stretch you today all of our online viewers you ought to be tithing if you're not tithing at your bottom I want you to be giving a a gift of $60 on today I'm investing in my vision I'm investing in what I see I'm believing God for the Unreal for the not yet for the ridiculous for the extraordinary lift that gift as high as you can repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month what you did last week what you did yesterday but the seed in my hair is an expectation for what you're gonna do before this year's over amen bless the Lord our rushers are moving amongst you to help receive your gift as is the culture of our church if you want to sow your seed for yourself on the altar is open and available for you to be able to do that those of you are just gaining entrance to the sanctuary and you want to bring your shoes now you're able to do it music ministry is gonna give us some giving music come on give God a hand clap [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on make some noise for you may be seated in the presence of the Lord we're grateful for the Ford retirees Timex club I will you all Ford retirees time next Club are you all in here come on with y'all Stan come on Stan come on give God some glory for they're hanging out with us today and they have made a significant donation towards our shoe drive give God a hank leper praise for them then coming in all the way from Necip we got a group here from far as a Baptist Church from Nan chairs and Mississippi Mississippi stand up stand up Mississippi y'all a shout for Mississippi their young adults are here and I'm appreciative their pastor is here with them past debates where you come on give God handclaps of praise family come on Bates family y'all stand up give God a hand clap of praise for Mississippi is in the building did y'all bring me a t-shirt yeah they only use androids in Mississippi all right I'm believing that God is gonna do something amazing in our ministry how many of you all have enough brazen faith to believe that God can make you debt-free [Applause] no mortgage no car no y'all ain't sayin nothin how many of you all believe God can make you dead free I want to turn up your your shout a little bit how many of you believe God can make your church debt-free that's the Lord I want you to give your attention to the screen for just one moment give your attention to the screen for just one moment I worshipers who are just coming in if you bought shoes with you you bring them to the altar as soon as you come in thank you and now new birth it's time for our video announcements today today is the day we launch our back-to-school shoe drive that's right we're collecting new shoes for boys and girls our goal is 2,000 pairs of shoes please bring donations to the altar the shoes will be distributed Saturday August 3rd during our back-to-school outreach and check this out the challenge is on Android vs. iPhone users listen they are Android users in the media department I'm figuring it out every spirit of rebellion in this church is from an Android user there we are fighting Church imagine the possibilities affordable housing assisted living solar panels urban gardening and so much more with God all things are possible Snatchers in Scripture it's in real life in is related to new birth can you just imagine that when God Grace's us to pay off this mortgage that the first Sunday of every month will only be for maintenance and upkeep second third and fourth Sunday completely forage the communities right here in Decatur in Lithonia and Stonecrest and even around the world I can't fathom that when God established the church it was about lights and bills and mortgages but strengthening those who feel cast out this is our our to model to the whole world but the whole church is supposed to look like get ready because possibilities are turning into reality [Music] you believe here come on the visitors don't know no better new birth if you believe God's gonna bless us to be debt-free [Music] God awakened me not long ago you may be seated with the vision called 2:35 vision called 2:35 which comes from Psalm 23 verse 5 my cup runneth over how many of you want that kind of anointing on your life my cup runneth over there are so many people who discounted our church just missed our church and thought that there was no way that we would ever breathe again they didn't think we would still be standing but how many of you all are crazy enough to believe if God be for us written about an Atlanta journal-constitution talked about in every barbershop mouthed about by every blog it's no secret that we have about 30 million dollars worth of debt 30 million dollars were for debt but I'm going to ask you a question do you think our God is bigger than that a [Applause] critical question you've got to ask yourself there's no way in the world which you have 30 million dollars worth of debt and we're sitting on 240 acres Amen God ain't making no more land and so we've got to do aggressive economic development with what it is that God has given us and for us to be a 21st century Church we cannot limit ourselves to a plate mentality that what God is calling us to do cannot be done just from offering on Sunday but God is calling us to be a seven-day-a-week ministry I hope you all have that kind of faith the fastest growing demographic in America you're not going to believe it the fastest growing demographic in America are our seniors and so much focus is on young people but not on our seniors who are living longer lives but the church has that neglected them are to really put in a place where they'll be able to reside in comfort in the twilight of their years there's got to be an assistant living program right on our campus [Applause] y'all ain't saying nothing to make there's so much abuse that happens in nursing homes and senior centers that we've got to have confidence that when our mothers or fathers get of age we can have them in a place of community that will strengthen them come on give God glory for it if you believe it we have to develop institutions on our campus the reality is that in the next 10 years we're going to develop over a hundred thousand millionaires in America and an overwhelming majority of them here me will the overwhelming majority of them will not have college degrees they are 3.5 million people with bachelor's degrees who live in poverty and we have forsaken that that a lot of us a lot in our lineage in our family were able to make an honorable living through carpentry and through electricians it through plumbing y'all not saying nothin to me and we have given all of those jobs to the Latino community and they can't figure out why our sons don't have employment I believe that we've got to have W EB Dubois and Booker T Washington at work in our community there's got to be a training center right here at new birth that will teach our children coding so that they'll be a part of technology in the future how many of you are got that kind of faith have that kind of 240 acres I shared with our leaders not long ago that we ought to have a solar panels right on our campus to be the first mega black church in America that is completely green that we are mindful of environmental injustice something is wrong when so many of our children I have affliction of asthma and autism because of all of the toxins in our community and the church says nothing about it not at new birth how many of you all believe God can do it working with a solar panel company even now to be able to transform our campus that we can give reusable energy to twenty five hundred citizens in DeKalb County twenty five hundred citizens in DeKalb County I want to ask you I don't know how y'all feel about it will life be better for you if you had no electric bill oh yeah y'all ain't saying nothing to me I said would life be better for you to run the operation of this campus do you know every month it takes us seventy to eighty thousand dollars just for utilities y'all didn't hear what I just said get a mortgage I said seventy to eighty thousand just to turn these lights on this a on y'all came in this church ain't no montly thir King funeral home fans there's the air conditioner blowing I mean y'all glad for that Amen but if we're able to move in this way move in this area progressively and aggressively our church will have no more utility bills how many of you all can believe God for that we have had the foot of the evangelical Christian Credit Union has been on the neck of this church since bishop long and they have tried to put a tight vise on our church to squeeze us in every possible way they've given us two years they've given us two years to try to shop our loan to give it to somebody else hallelujah I'm of the man I don't know how y'all feel about it I don't want to be what nobody there don't want to be with me [Applause] are y'all don't feel that let me say that again I don't want to be with nobody that don't want to be with me so I'm doing something aggressive that I want your partnership in over and beyond our tithes and offerings over and beyond our tithes and offerings on one Sunday the last Sunday in September keep put an alert on your phone for me the last Sunday in September on one Sunday above our tithes and offerings we're going to raise $500,000 in one Sunday are y'all ain't saying nothing to make a half million dollars in once that some of y'all ain't got faith those of y'all that know God can do even more than that 1/2 million dollars in one Sunday I told our board as well as our economic committee that if we're able to raise a half a million dollars on one Sunday any financial institution will be glad to take us and I'll be glad to go y'all ain't saying nothing they'll be glad to take us and we'll be glad to go our Indus our program we're gonna start in intentionality moving towards it the first Sunday in August on the first Sunday in August we're gonna go through a season of prayer and consecration for eight weeks for eight weeks as a church every Tuesday for eight weeks we're gonna be in fasting how many of you all believe that God is able to do it we're gonna fast together eight consecutive Tuesday's beginning in August because our theme is our Cup is running over we're gonna have everybody in the church is gonna have a new birth Cup you're gonna have a new birth Cup and at the exact same time 6:00 in the morning on Tuesdays we're gonna pray together while we drink from that Cup hallelujah because we believe what God said today that he said if you establish my house I'm gonna take care your house how many of you all believe that God can do it for you y'all don't have crazy faith for five of y'all how many of you believe God could give you a half million in one day in y'all ain't got that kind of faith in one day he doctor bless you with a half million dollar contract half million dollar check a half million dollar partnership will come right to your door five hundred thousand dollars is what we're going to do on the last Sunday in September I shared this vision with the leaders of our church a couple of weeks ago and asked them to step up and they did so as only the leaders of New Birth can I can I ask the leadership of new birth would you please stand all of our deacons all of our elders come on give God a hand clap of praise y'all gotta clap better than that I pulled them into a room remain standing leaders I pulled them into a room just a couple of weeks ago and they took of the vision of this pastor that has just been with you for six months and bought into the vision we've got a raise collect on the last Sunday of September 500000 dr. King said if you call yourself a leader and nobody is following you you're just taking a walk but but these leaders lead by example and I'm thankful for them in seeing the vision and hearing it they have made a pledge together collectively of 89 thousand dollars come on gift are two handclaps of praise y'all got to do better than that would you give God glory for our leaders come on give God glory Wow leaders you may be seated leaders which leaves us in a balance of that on that Sunday we've got to collect four hundred and ten thousand dollars three hundred and ninety five dollars we've got to do that by Sunday September 29th pushers are moving amongst you I'm gonna give all of you a covenant commitment card every member of our church I need you to please have that a covenant commitment card want you to be prayerful and mindful about what it is that you're gonna give every person is going to receive that card every person you're gonna give it in different decibels whether that's increments rather two thousand three hundred and fifty one thousand three hundred fifty one thousand five hundred 235 or other but I need every person to fill out that car be mindful I'm not asking you to give it today I don't want you to give it today I see you clutching your pearls do not Amen I'm not asking you to give it today I'm asking you to give it on the last Sunday in September I've been with you for six months and in six months we have not done any targeted giving over this looming debt over here I want to thank you a new birth for trusting a new leader and a new voice thank you that in six months I want to tell you in six months because of your giving we have not missed one payment come on y'all ain't saying nothing because of your giving here it is none of our payments have been late new birth I hope you know you have one of the best staffs on the planet Earth who are committed to the vision committed to the ministry because times got tight membership waned they the staff of new birth took a pay cut of 21% hear me 21% seven years ago and with a 21 percent pay decrease they stayed on staff y'all gotta give God glory for that which I'll really clap for the staff a new birth come on now because of the giving of our church and because of our heart I hope you'll celebrate with me that this year we're restoring all of their salaries back to where is supposed to be I'll come on y'all got to do better than that what kind of work could we do in this community what kind of work could we do in this world if we didn't have that level of overhead we're sending out 140 hundred eighty thousand dollars a month to handle this debt and I wanted to come back to DeKalb County are y'all ain't got that kind of faith wanting to come back to this county I need you to please get that card in your hand in your possession next week we're gonna be doing meal prep that we're gonna be preparing to ship fifty thousand meals to Kenya fifty thousand meals are going to Qingyuan next week I'm gonna talk to you about that at the end of the service but I need all of you please to get that commitment card I want you to begin praying about it I'm telling you what you make happen for somebody else God will make it happen for you does anybody believe that I want you to take that neighbor by the hand even while you're seated take that neighbor by the hand everybody has somebody's hand in your hand most of the time when it is that you shouting you're shouting about yourself shouting about your family shouting about your knees shouting about your health shouting about future opportunities I'm gonna shift your gage for just one moment for just one minute all over this building and the quieter praise team the ushers security deacons elders ministers visitors viewers I want every person for one minute would you open up your mouth and start praying for our church hallelujah that no weapon formed against us shall be able to prosper pray for our church that whatever God puts in our heart will come into our hand pray for our church that resources will never be an issue pray for our church that every time we open Souls against people will get delivered will be set free pray for our church that God will raise up a generation that loves our God calls his name pray for the person whose hands you're holding the God will use them as an agent of change for this church God will lift them up not so that their name will be great but that his name might be glorified no good thing will he withhold from us and as a consequence I believe no good thing will he withhold from you and those of you that believe it I need you to give God a hand clap of Thanksgiving for what he's going to do come on you got to do better than that come on come this is for mature believers would you give God glory like you believe God is gonna produce and perform a miracle before this year is over I believe it my my first faith is bursting at the seams I am for that I'm overwhelmingly grateful and I am appreciative but next Sunday friends all of us aware non new birth t-shirts there's my girl come on come on you got it yes come on yes yes this is my favorite member new birth Lord I love this woman I'm telling you amen next week we're wearing new birth t-shirts if you don't have one as that you'll go to our call to conquer come on come on hold my hand wearing that shirt thank you so answer chill please go to our call to conquer bookstore get your new birth t-shirt I ask that you will please express yourself creatively add whatever it is that you want to your t-shirt because it is a working day for us we're gonna be preparing 50,000 meals in every corner of our sanctuary Nixon to give God a hand clap of praise yes I know sis a couple of weeks ago and my best friend went and got a shirt and I need y'all to see what kind of phone you got yeah I see the spirit recognizes the spirit I'm telling you so she put on her new birth t-shirt teen Jamal Bryant I'm not telling you what to put on your shirt but if you want God to bless you SSU please thank you so much that you'll please please please make sure that you get your t-shirt well on that next Sunday but as that you would only use the shirts don't get the knock-offs get the shirts from our bookstore amen they are available to you but last night was amazing y'all and we had our first drive-in movie I'm telling you people came from everywhere we had throwback movies and watch carwash last night out on the lawn people brought in lawn chairs I win black on food trucks it was amazing under soon as the kids everybody enjoyed themselves it was a holy and wholesome event and moment of fellowship we didn't have no problems no problems on last night except for two senior citizens we had a church movie last night watching car wash two children today at a grand children idea and two seniors snuck in two bottles of wine in brown paper bags I'm going around greeting the saint shaking hands hugging and then I started smelling communion nice I said wait a minute the old lady said keep it moving real [Applause] y'all gotta pray Lord I thought it was the Millennials it's the old people still getting it here amen so we're thankful oh Lord I thought I'd seen it all the Douglas family reunion where are you Douglas family reunion stand up Douglas family thank y'all the Mims George Brown family reunion where you diminish or lower thank you your family came to church today just wave your hand you you and your family came to church today it's just one new bird family reunion thank you we're thankful for all of our families who have come and if shared would you do me a favor please do me a favor please would you invite somebody to worship with us we're going to the Word of God our music ministry is going to prepare us for it I ask that you would take a moment and tell somebody download the app 13,000 people weighted means 13 thousand people have already downloaded our new birth and 13 thousand people give God a hand clap of praise 13 thousand if you've not already done it I want you to turn on your notifications today we're going to the escape room we're going to the escape room you only get the address if you have your notifications turned on I want you to please that join me I want you out Naomi come on quickly please I want to introduce you to my middle daughter you've met my three baby girls but my middle daughter is here she just finished her freshman year at Towson University no oh come on y'all Towson University I'm appreciative for her she's an honor-roll student studying in health and great things are gonna happen any of you who got a hookup with college money please see me after church my check is due in two weeks thank you I wear music ministry is coming after they would have concluded esta tua please stand for the word of God come on clap your hands only if he's everything to you would you sent to your feet secure your Bibles make your way to mark chapter 5 mark chapter 5 mark chapter five I want us to consider this morning verses 25 through 29 mark chapter 5 verses 25 through 29 once you found I want you to say I got it for those of you who have your pledge cards at the conclusion of service our Usher's will be at all of our doors as that you will please I dropped those pledge cards in the receptacles held by our Usher's so they will be able to have an account do not leave your card on the floor or in the chair but that's that you'll please give it to the ushers on your way out mark 5 verse 25 through 29 and a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years she had suffered a great deal under the Kay of many doctors and it's been all she had but instead of getting better she got worse when she heard about Jesus she came up behind him in the crowd touched his cloak because she thought to herself if I could just touch the hem of His garment I'll be healed immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering you may be seated and a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years she had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors she spent all she had but instead of getting better she got worse I want to preach for a little while this morning using as a subject nobody cares nobody cares if you look at the person beside you and tell them sometimes I really feel like nobody cares I have to confess to you transparently but I'm still traumatized by the incident that happened recently on United Airlines a ten-year-old adolescent by the name of Phoebe Cleveland was going from San Francisco to Grand Rapids Michigan to report to summer camp from San Francisco to Grand Rapids they are no direct flight so she had to make a layover in Chicago where she stopped in Chicago was where all the trouble started Phoebe's ten years old got off the plane in Chicago trying to get to Grand Rapids and the escort from United Airlines was not at the gate to meet her ten years old she asked the lady at the ticket counter for assistance the lady at the ticket counter told her curtly you just gonna have to wait I'm dealing with other customers Phoebe ten years old tried to wait patiently and after some time elapsed she asked the ticket counter agent can I call my mother to which the ticket agent currently responded again you gonna have to wait just go sit over there she sits over there so long that she misses her connecting flight in exasperation but no sign of a temper tantrum she pleads for somebody to either call the camp or call her parents the agent promises to do so but never does nobody tried to rebook her nobody tried to comfort her and nobody offered her any food no assistance is extended to this ten-year-old at all when the original flight lands in Grand Rapids the camp counselors a weary when Phoebe doesn't a light from the aircraft that call her parents to verify because maybe the plans had changed it's only in this moment three hours later that her parents know she's missing Phoebe's parents immediately call United Airlines in search of their only child when they call United Airlines they are met with a representative in India who checks the manifesto and deduces she must still be in Chicago and says to the frantic mother don't worry about it I'm sure she's okay the agent in India never apologized and never attempts to reach the child Phoebe's mother asked to speak to a supervisor and is placed on hold for 40 minutes before somebody takes the call meanwhile the father who's in the same room picks up his cell phone calls United Airlines expecting better service because after all he's a platinum member and has all of the rights and the privileges that come along with it he inquires as to where his daughter has been why nobody was looking for and asked the flight attendant to please go look to which the representative from United says to the father dismissively I'm sorry but my shift is almost over maybe somebody else can go do it he's asked to be placed on with a supervisor supervisor at United Airlines places him on hold for 30 minutes nobody ever told him that the escort system used a United Airlines was outsourced and the United Airlines no longer uses the service even though they had already paid the fee to have their daughter escorted the parents at this point are completely unnerved that nobody has attempted to find their only child or apologize the parents plea to put out an APB finally and their wit's in the father says to the ticket agent how would you want your daughter treated and what would you want me to do if our roles were reversed they put the father on hold for another 15 minutes track down the daughter and finally place her on the next flight true story regrettably at 10 years of age that young lady had a crash course on mass in competence and dispassionate adults at 10:00 she had to discover that nobody cares you will be amazed how many of us would be better served if we got that message earlier in life some of you didn't find that out till 30 others 50 others of you still don't realize it and yet you don't know how many people who are sitting on your road this morning have been trapped on a layover trying to take off and they feel like they've missed their connection who was supposed to meet them in the last chapter of their life never showed up when you tried to get assistance and aid everybody act like they were too busy or consumed in their own world to lend anything to help you and all you're trying to do is get to where you are called to it appears we are living in an environment that this is an environment of the apathetic uniquely apathy according to dr. Leon Setzer author of the book the evolution of self he says in that book the evolution of self is that apathy is the feeling of not feeling it is the only according to doctor said sir apathy is the only emotionless emotion it is the dangerous place of acknowledging what is missing but absent of the drive to pursue it without feeling you aren't stimulated to do much of anything biblical mediterranean times to work in the treasury of the king you had to submit to being a eunuch which means you reproductive organs had to be amputated because they were of the mind frame that if you are absent of passion you won't take anything I'm trying to figure out how long have you had your passion cut off you can't possibly believe that the intention of God was just for you to have a 40-hour a week job that you have no pleasure in how long your passions been cut off that you stopped dreaming and you just begin maintaining how long your passion being cut off but you don't even care how it is that you move through life cuz you've got no vision no dream and no goals how long has your passion been cut off that you don't even care about what it is that you're doing with your life and how it is that you ought to pursue what what made you get to a place to take your drive you hate how it is that you look but you won't lose anyway binging in front of the refrigerator won't exercise em drink one glass of water where's your passion did you even submit yourself to sleep with somebody you don't love and you don't even see a future with how long had your passion been cut off that job was never supposed to be permanent you were just supposed to be there until something else happened and you hate being there but refused to look for something else how long your passion being cut off you spending as much money in rent as you could in a mortgage but won't even look for a house how long has your passion been cut off did you be connected to something that never feeds you but it joins you and you just gotta sit in the car to keep yourself together because you've trained yourself not the cry and not to be frustrated and not to respond and not to react and people got no idea that if one more thing happens to me I'm gonna implode and lose everything how did your passion ironically apathy is not just a feeling it's an attitude the DNA of that attitude is indifference unconcerned unresponsiveness detachment and dispassion in summation it's it's not caring enough you gotta be careful how you handle some people because there's some of us who are in this room who are watching we either all in or we all out there's no in-between I'm telling you you better be grateful as long as I still care but the moment I cut that part of me off you don't matter whether you cry y'all ain't saying nothin to me you don't matter whether you hyperventilate it don't matter if you tellin me you two lost everything because of once I stopped hearing you I in a dangerous place because I'm a giver I'm forgiving I'm loving but as soon as I figured out that you taking me for granted and don't value what I bring I will shut all the way down you hate that I'm hangry I don't have a hat or - I'm just finish to the point that I don't tell that I don't care oh yeah y'all ain't saying nothin to me I don't care that I don't care before I was trying not to hurt your feelings I were trying to figure out if you okay but now you don't push me bro and I got to tell you I'm not happening I'm in another place that whole spirit of apathy that spirit of apathy has become pervasive when nobody seems to care for years later and nobody seems to care that there's still no clean water in Flint Michigan nobody seems to care there right now there's a slaughter taking place in the Sudan nobody seems to care that this administration has tailed the back the intention to put Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill indefinitely no nobody cares that in two weeks there get beginning to start deporting immigrants when this is a country built on immigration no body seems to care that the Republicans only care about the rich and the Democrats only care about the middle class but nobody got a strategy for the poor nobody seems to care nobody seems to care that there's more of our students who are strung out on debt from student loan debt but cannot get entrepreneurial small business loans in the same faction from the same place that doesn't mind giving them money for use but will not give them money to start and buy a house nobody seems to care nobody seems to care that that this president has been accused of sexual impropriety by 20 women y'all ain't saying nothin to me and has a 50 percent approval rate from the country what does that say nobody seems to care they're right down the street in Alabama they trying to dictate what women can do to their bodies when this decision is made my grumpy old men that don't even have faculties of their own bodies nobody seems nobody seems to care that the whole issue of procreation has only become evidence of white privilege that they see black and brown children are growing at exponential numbers and the numbers of white babies being born are being straight and nobody is telling you because that's giving you a misnomer here's more white girls having abortions then there are black girls but they want to put our face on it and nobody sees nobody seems to care most of our men who are incarcerated are incarcerated for nonviolent offenses but most of the murderers and rapists and armed robbers and thieves are white men but every time you turn on the news it's a black man in the handcuffs up against a police car nobody seems to care I felt bad about Phoebe but I don't know her never met her but I found another woman and Mark chapter 5 she wasn't flying through Chicago she's flying through Jerusalem something amazing happens in her own life in mark chapter 5 mark chapter 5 the Bible tells us she's been hemorrhaging for 12 years she's been bleeding for 12 years I got a puck to you parenthetically and tell you that's a long time to have one issue Oh y'all ain't saying nothin to meet us that's a long time to be grappling with the same obstacle in the same burden and in it amazing she's been going through it for 12 years and no way in the scripture can we find her family it ain't got quite 12 years and nobody who she grew up with is checking on her 12 years and nobody from the church has called her for 12 years ain't nobody prayed for her for 12 years nobody damned her on Facebook for 12 years but nobody is asking is there any way that I can help you and she got a deal with it by herself talking to somebody who been going through something and it didn't start yesterday and what's crazy is you got people who know what you dealing with and they try to pretend like they don't know but we'll never check on you when you spend so much time praying for them and checking on them and give him money to hear but the time you need a you in it all by yourself 12 years 12 is a number of structure 12 is order and so to make a foot has got to be 12 inches so she is out of order for 12 years she is absent of structure for 12 years and I want to tell you that when you got no order or structure to your life you gonna end up bleeding I'm talking to somebody who's sitting on your row who's always going through something why because they've got no order this is the hour I gotta talk to some adults in here this is the hour where you gotta stop flying by the seat of your pants and figure out some order from my life I don't want you to roll over at 16 and not have money to retire you gotta figure out what am I going to do with the rest of my life I need some water she suffered at the hands of many doctors and I need you to watch this new birth this is before Obamacare she got no copay she got to pay all of this out-of-pocket and the doctors keep taking her money even though they know they can't heal it's amazing how people don't mind taking from you hallelujah when when they know that they don't have the right intentions for your wherewithal and for your future for your destination she keeps paying them even though there is no sign of improvement and with no sign of improvement she finally hits rock bottom and runs out of money in an amazing that is only when she runs out of money that she starts thinking about God y'all just miss what how'd you say maybe just maybe that what she going through is not the enemy maybe this is God who needs to get her attention who knows as long as she got money she'll look for other people but when I got her resources off she'll start looking to me for assistance and her deliverance I don't know who this is for but it's about 500 a y'all who don't even know that absence of money yes what got you closer to help you when you didn't have anything it's when you begin to pray and trust God with no money I'm gonna see how how will you trust me knowing the first of the month starts tomorrow and you ain't got the money for the car note got the money for aftercare y'all ain't saying nothing you ain't got the money for tuition you ain't got the money for the mortgage but I'm trusting God even for what I don't have the money for y'all gotta forgive us because there's a few of us that have found out that favor is better than money that even when I don't have the money the dry sump cop [Applause] having having no money makes you creative [Applause] [Music] I said having no money brings out your creativity Big Mama and M will prepare dinner it's almost like an alarm went off in the hood everybody starts stopping by around dinnertime y'all ain't saying nothing and there you are trying to figure out how all these people gonna eat this one pot roast I'm talking to y'all raise old-school when mama said don't count your food I can't hear nobody and God will keep multiplying it even while she was cutting it you able to say I've never seen the righteous forsaken or see back in for bread talking to those of you who are in this room who can testify that sometimes my miracle one that he was paid off this is just for my hood Prazeres my miracle wasn't it that it was paid off my miracle is I got an extension y'all ain't sayin nothin to me I I just need you to work with me until I can get it together and God said sad words your mirror see she has no order and because she has no order she has no structure she is breaking the Rabbinical cold because the Rabbinical cold as established from Exodus is that the priests oughta lay hands on the sick she ain't got no order she ain't got no structure she bleeding here it is and so she thanks to herself cuz being broke makes you creative since that I go wait on the priest to lay hands on me this is our order y'all that there is no biblical evidence of anybody ever touching the priests but she said I know I'm out ordered that's when you know somebody getting ready to do something that's crazy y'all ain't saying something you ever been in a conversation with somebody and they start with I know I shouldn't say this you know something offensive is getting ready to happen she said if I can just touch something my spirit is weary on people who leave out of church time I don't feel nothing hallelujah I'll see everybody else shouting and rejoicing and celebrating but it didn't move me hallelujah how do you not know that every now and again God is sitting in your mints waiting for you to touch him I got the wrong church some of y'all keep waiting on a touch from God and God is saying I'm waiting on you to touch me y'all forgive us you got folk on your road they got all their bills made don't need no money nothing is going on in their body they waiting on a touch from God but those of y'all that are creative and realize I can't wait I need God [Applause] you touching your neighbor I said touch laughs and I I need God to know I need something see it please see it I gotta touch him please I gotta touch him hallelujah I need him to feel me I need you to grab that neighbor's Haena just pull on them hallelujah tell him I gotta touch God today I've been going through too much I need all the in my life I need structure in my life I don't wasted too much money in my life I need God to touch [Applause] and she thought to herself if I can touch the hem of His garment I need you to hit us she's not sitting in the car myself she's not in a living room she's in a crowd she's in a crowd she thought to herself if I can just touch him you never found it peculiar that what she thought she didn't share with anybody she didn't share her plan her concept or her idea with the people around her and when I need you to know this go upset some of you the people around her I'm not even the people around her are other church people but she said dear church people ain't trying to help me they only shout for what's in it for them and so I gotta keep it to myself I'm talking to somebody that ought to be worshiping why God says I want you to worship me for the stuff you haven't shared for the stuff that's been private for for the stuff that you don't readily discuss God said I'm get better to handle said if I if I can just touch him something amazing can happen and here's my problem just for mature people listen to me well she never discussed it with the people are around didn't discuss it with the disciples read it when you get home my problem I hope real people this is gospel for grown-ups she never discussed it with Jesus it's gonna get heavy right through here I'm talking to real people who ever had a crisis of the soul we had to reconfigure and ask yourself albeit rhetorically I wonder if God even cares I know we were trained and raised not to think like that not to speak like that but you you go through some moments y'all ain't saying nothing to me for you were you trying to figure out this does God see me over here struggling he he he sees me dealing with all of this and I watch breakthroughs happen father people witness in my season that well will it be my turn to figure out if God cares all the people in the world how why he got to take my momma as God even care trying to figure out what's happening I'm trying to do what's right and the doctor done found a tumor does God care how in the world the one that did me dirty goes on to live the rest of their life and Here I am trying to pull up the fragments I need real people right through here huh I'm trying to figure out how I'm tithing and still broke up I'm trying to figure out why I'm nice to folk and they nasty to me for no reason does God still care I need it cuz I I invested everything I could in these kids and I don't even recognize what they have become there is no trace of the parenting in the upbringing that I've given them and I look at and I'm trying to figure out who are these aliens in my house trying to figure out if God cares you know how many people are watching online but won't come to church because they've resigned their God no longer chaos the largest demographic of people who claim to believe in God but won't go to church because they're convinced that God don't care and she thought to herself if I can just touch the hem of His garment she navigates through the crowd touches him and the Bible says something that somebody needs today I can't find this word in Matthew and Luke and John I only found it in mark and this word is the word that God wanted you to have and it's the only reason why you hear he is the word I want you to carry with you the rest of this week immediately you miss yourself whatever is how the harder in your life whatever has been bleeding whatever's been broken God said immediate [Music] I'm trying to move in I feel a breakthrough right through here I just need 80 of y'all to holler back at me immediately everything I've been wrestling with him everything I've been contending with everything I've been fighting through email Ian and Jesus said who touched me my time is up said who touched me the disciples report back to Jesus you see all these people in new birth how am I supposed to know who touched you he said the one who had the deepest need and didn't care what other people thought about them that's the one that I'm getting ready to make oh I'm telling you if you can't shout tell what other people might say he ain't looking for you she trying to hey up and get out of there he said crap her don't let her leave this is simple I it's almost like I've wasted a Morehouse education at Duke education Oxford training I don't waste it all of that to give you this one point wish I had something deep something to Hebrew something in the Greek something in the air make to translate for you ain't got none of that how they got one point I'm trying to preach better next week all I want to tell somebody and you need it and your soul needed it I just need to tell somebody God tell us in spite of everything else it in spite of how you've been treated in spite of what they've said [Music] he cares about me I said he cares about me I need somebody to just lay your hands on your chair and shout out loud he cares about he cares about my future he cares about my family he cares about my health he cares about my finances embrace yourself for me he cares about me [Music] your soul needs to hear the sound of your own voice I need you to just say it out loud he cares about me [Music] he cares about me I speak over every vessel in this room I pray for every person who's watching online every person who's viewing this telecast I pray that this week God will give you evidence that he cares about you I can't hear no worshipers us I said this week he will give you irrefutable empirical evidence it's about you I don't care what you've been dealing with the last couple of years and okay how you been mishandled but I pray that God will show you through subtle and small ways that he cares about you and he cares about you enough to not let you leave the same way you came is just a word of reminder would you just embrace somebody around you deeply heavily embrace him until them God cares about you he cares about you [Music] he cares about you I touched his car and his so right there Tiffani listen to me Oh somebody's she listen to me somebody in this room been stuck on a layover family members people May promises and weren't there to help you nobody helps you make your connection get to your connecting flight but I'm telling you new birth is your clear point we're gonna help you get to your highest level in God you're here in this room listen to me you're in this room saying pass I don't even know how you broke in two months my email I'll know how you rip my text messages I know how you decoded my emails now how you prison broke my phone but you you'd have figured me out and that was the only thing I needed to know today is that God still cares for me I don't know where you are but I need new birth to be your church and I want to tell you I'm gonna be your pastor if you're here in this room would you come meet me at this altar please come on quickly I'm believing a harvest of souls today [Music] new birth I'm telling you watch God move somebody just needed to know that God still cares new birth if you can see what I see you would be shouting better than that [Music] [Applause] [Music] twenty other people softly musicians watch this if you're in this room your whole life been bleeding you're in this room and you feel like you just dehydrated my life merely able to pull together you've been having to do it all by yourself I need you to push through this crowd I feel like I need to say it again being broke makes you creative come on quickly would you come look at God y'all gonna shout about this looking yes come on come on come on your sheet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen is five more people that need to come I don't know where they are but they sitting right on your road would you do me a favor would you just talk to the people watching look at me look at me it's five more people that belong here I'm getting ready to free you to go get them but I want to tell you where they are come on give God some glory here they come listen to me it's five more people getting ready to come yes five more people getting ready to come listen it's five more people get ready to come right now listen to me I'm get ready to free you I need you to go talk to the people who are on you're wrong we don't want to leave nobody behind here's what you get ready to do here's what you can ready to do you don't talk to the people on your roll here get it here come my five while they're coming those of you watching online you say ambassadors so kind of church I need to be a part of kind of ministry I need to be connected to go to our website right now you can be part of one of our virtual churches come on give God a hand clap of praise all right here's what I need you to do talk to the people on your own don't do it yet look for the people on your row who are intentionally trying to avoid eye contact those are the ones that got to get saved today come on real quick ask him are they saved ask him do they have a church on ask them have they given their life over to God they moving name saying nothing wait come out come out wherever you are bless His name it's just your right heading to Faith Church your right hand to faith Lord look at this harvest [Music] they still coming look at this harvest listen is somebody else out here I don't know where they are but I need them to know they are part of a church that cares I need y'all to shout for this whole family coming from the back come on shout like you care shout but this young lady coming such a right-hander faith let's try it this is last call I need y'all to shout for this young couple coming come out [Applause] look at these young people coming and y'all gonna shout about it all right search of right-hander faith repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving only God doing the right thing and I know that's right show you're right if you know I'm right come on Big Ups to the Savior listen those of you who are here if you'll follow us out new birthday came as friends they leaving as family come on give God some praise farm you may be seated in the presence of the Lord if you're happy and you know it clap your hands let's the Lord you may be seated I'm grateful for all of you not taking a vacation from God this summer hallelu how many of you all believe God bless us even in the summer months even in the summer months God is gonna bless us hear me we are a local church with a global mandate what God has given a new birth is far more than Stonecrest life on your Decatur Amen how many of you believe that there's a global mandate on our church next week we're doing something crazy next week next week we're doing something crazy we're gonna feed 50,000 people in Kenya come on somebody give God to hang Klepper praise we got a team of missionaries being dispatched from our church they're going to serve over there and to give oversight to what it is that we do next Sunday everybody's in your new birth t-shirts we're gonna have a abbreviated worship service so it's important that you're here on time because right at the end of service we're gonna turn our entire Lobby into work stations amen somebody give God a hand clap of praise for not only are we gonna feed 50,000 people but we're going to send a battery of medical supplies over to Kenya for people who have been dying of curable diseases amen yeah you gotta pray for me y'all are stuck with a pastor that's a dreamer amen I just believe that we can do everything amen how many of y'all got that kind of faith I believe that we can do everything now in order for us to do that to pay for that expenditure not just for the food for the supplies but for the shipping we're at a budget of about twenty thousand dollars a budget of 20,000 this is how crazy my faith is is is I'm asking y'all for twenty thousand dollars after I just asked for a half-million Oh y'all got a cousin just like that you just you just gave him money and he coming right back amen I'm but I'm believing that God is gonna bless us I've got two weeks in order to get it done and those of you who are watching your part of our virtual family I want you to partner with us in order to get this done it's not gonna take that much time but we've gotta buy all of our food our supplies are on this week so that we're in position then next week we got to handle all of the shipping I'm for it but I'm gonna challenge you Media Minister if you'll prepare our media presentation as it relates to Kenya you'll get that for me in your position thank you thank you all right you're a covenant pledge card you're gonna give to the ushers on your way out on your way out you're gonna do that but you're not leaving yet so you don't need those instructions just yet but when you leave you're gonna give those coming in pledge cards I'm gonna ask that you'll pull out your checkbook as you'll go to wherever your secret compartment of money is as you're gonna do that amen open up that second zipper your purse amen amen they're 20 that's folded right behind your phone case go get that but I want you to get a gift in your hand in your possession are there those of you who can go far and beyond I dare not put a limit on your gifting on today there's somebody in the room that can write a seed of a hundred others can write a see to three hundred somebody else five hundred then nine people they can write a check for a thousand eight men I want to encourage you are to be able to do that our Usher's are moving amongst you in the event that you are in need of an envelope you didn't know there was gonna be a second offering today please take full advantage of our electronic platforms whether that's give Allah fire whether that's cash at text to give as that you will be able to give in any way that you possibly can but I'm gonna do it with deliberate intention I want to be able to do it with deliberate intention as we move to do that I want us to be able at bare minimal to collect ten thousand I wanted to be able to collect ten thousand in this service elder Waddell you all help me so that we don't confuse what's with what thank you so very much amen bless the Lord uh-huh sure would you help me in this regard those of you who will help us with our global outreach initiative Institute with so Betsey's the altars open for you to do it or our Usher's are moving amongst you I but s that you would do so as gingerly as quickly as expressly as you possibly can God loves what kind to give her what kind to give her Amen God loves a cheerful Giver I'm glad to give how live because if I were in need I'd want somebody to give for me Amen come on every person is someone every person is giving [Music] bless you you are strip light no couple reaches preachers to me you are my [Music] straight [Music] [Music] [Music] Weejun [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a Jew hallelujah even while you were giving would you give
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 11,548
Rating: 4.8682351 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, nobody cares
Id: eqjy-1-BDko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 34sec (5734 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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