JUST DON'T LIE TO ME- Pastor Jamal Bryant Live at New Birth

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no matter where it is that you're watching you'll catch on fire and set the world around you a flame I'm excited I'm pastor Jamal Harrison Bryant and welcome to the new birth experience [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we haven't forgotten about you we extend the love of Christ to you too by giving you a virtual hug noubar families let's give the number of grace this morning let's pass the peace five [Music] I [Music] I just I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] nobody's building serve a bit god this morning let me see your hands in the air you know we serve a bit God has she done any big things in your life somebody put a shout of praise [Music] come on somebody shout just what this your time that's up right through in the room for somebody this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody's bed [Music] [Music] [Music] honestly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'm talking about a shout in this room come on I need a greater shot because what your blessing looks like [Music] did [Applause] ready Bella I don't know I'm dead [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] okay I don't know about anybody else in the building tell your neighbor say maybe scoot over just a little bit because I'm preparing for something this time make your body language prophetically declare what you say out of your mouth so some of y'all might be digging out in I was just a second you need to put medically to try what about the heaven in this house I can't get no home in here [Music] it's gonna be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when I got my first job out of high school my mother tongue retired and I've been talking ever since and I've taken God in His Word I've stood on this promise and I know there's never been a time even when I thought I didn't have any money because I am a child I can look in old purse in a drawer or something and I can always find money guy has never let me down he always comes through for me and my family I don't feel good if I don't do it because I know the benefits of it I've seen it too much and so bottom line is it's only a little bit he asked of us and it's not much dance so the greatest thing about it it doesn't increase as pastor always says it doesn't increase as taxes have increased as other things have increased it's a great responsibility and it's good to give because you know what comes from it we tithe because it's our responsibility but it also gives me a sense of peace and joy to know that I'm giving back just a portion of what God has done for me and continues to do for me and he's been thankful even when I come up short so the tithe is just a seed planet that I look forward to watching every time has blessed my life through many many aspects of it on me I mean being a great toddler on how I saved my money and how I experienced my money from my family and for myself as well and actually i blessed somebody yesterday giving them $20 from me so me being a toddler has just blessed me and blessed many people that I encounter in my life tithing it's very very important to God because it lets him know that you appreciate everything he's one of your life in order to receive a blessing you have to do new birth make some noise if you're grateful for what God has done for you come on clap your hands if you're excited [Music] I want to invite you to just rest on your feet for just one moment I want to challenge every person to stand s that you'll take that neighbor by the hand [Music] what a remarkable day this is this the day the Lord has made we rejoice and we're glad in it whoever's hand you holding would you just shake that hand and tell them you're a survivor [Music] they didn't believe it shake tell the persons and tell if you are a survivor new birth it is amazing for us to note that it was 400 years ago this week that the first slave ship came to this country nobody thought that our ancestors would make it but there's something about the prevailing power of pouria that 400 years later we're still here and have our right minds I want you to give God a hand clap a chip raise fire ancestors come on you got to do better than that [Music] whoever you're standing beside would you embrace them tell them you come from a strong people you come they didn't commit suicide they didn't jump overboard they didn't lose their minds but they declared over my head I hear music in the air and there must be a God somewhere come on clap your hands if you're grateful you may be seated in the presence of our conquering king something good is getting ready to happen for you I better say it again because you all didn't grab hold of it something good is get ready to happen to you your neighbor not clapping because I'm not talking to him I'm talking to you something good is getting ready to happen to you we are ready to push us into overflow we get ready to shift from just enough to more than enough how many of you believe we serve that kind of God to give us more than enough I'm appreciative for all of you who are present allow me a point of personal privilege just to express my gratitude glad to have with us pastor Lance Johnson from revelation Christ Church in South Carolina that's my Morehouse brothers to end up pastor Lance give God a cheer for him it's a faithful son of Bishop long we're grateful that he's here I'm glad to have with us all the way from Monrovia Liberia West Africa dr. o Liu Minjae won't you please stand [Music] I'm glad to have one of my mama's closest friends and prayer partners my godmother Reverend dr. Joan Louise Wharton from hemingway Church in Baltimore won't you please stand I'm glad glad to have with us the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated today is their International Day of Prayer let me ask all the ladies of aka would you please stand all the ladies of aka give God a hand clap of praise for all of them y'all ain't cheering good come on deltas don't let that hater spirit get on you come on we praying today all is fair we're grateful today ladies and gentlemen I hope that you will share in my enthusiasm when it is that Jesus was baptized heaven opened up and God declared this is my son in whom I'm well pleased coming down the aisle right now a 101 candidates y'all ain't cheer would you shout come on y'all got to make some real noise Hawk come on come home come on and each other shout for these men for these children for these Millennials [Music] they still come in [Music] you may be seated so 101 it was supposed to be 102 I drowned one but these are the 101 that made it amen and we're grateful for all of them sometimes you have to give people their flowers while they are yet amongst us a new birth we recognize that this has a long since been a globally recognized and revered ministry that was watched and viewed all over the world under the leadership of our late apostle Bishop Eddie law [Applause] [Music] we are the only church in the world who has received an Emmy Award [Music] y'all some haters and the genius behind our television production is an incredible man Jaffa Breedlove [Applause] he has served faithfully with nuber for 23 years he is retiring today can we give him a big shout come on come out big shout in Thanksgiving we're just appreciative for his genius and thankful for his contribution of making God's name great in the earth we pray that he lives a long and healthy life amen he's retiring from his position but not retiring from new birth amen come on y'all that we give God glory you may be seated we understand that collectively as a church that readers are leaders as a consequence we have a Book of the Month every month a book for the month of September is seven declarations for an unshakable life 7 decorate declarations for an unshakeable life those 7 declarations are ensconced in one book and I want you to please go to call to concur book store immediately after service is over or you can download it on Amazon and read it at your leisure but ask that you would please please please I'll get a copy of this book all of the women who love God would you make some noise real quick all the women [Applause] we were on our summer sabbatical now we are back in full force tomorrow night at 7 o'clock is our circle with the sisters our women's only bible study we want to pack and jam at this sanctuary i every lady tell the lady next to you save my seat save save my seat this is where I'm gonna sitting tomorrow night so as that you will please come I ask that you'll bring all of your girlfriends your co-workers your souls please bring them to church on tomorrow night dear friends I am excited because today is our demonstration sunday is our demonstration sunday and elated and excited that today our entire church is operating in faith by tithing on today come on somebody get excited if you know there's a blessing connected to your tithing our God has done some amazing and unusual things for us and we're grateful under God last Sunday we broke a record some 40,000 people watched and worship online with us would you give God some praise for all of them because of your tithes I want to thank you we now have upgraded all of our equipment and all of our equipment I hope y'all will be as excited as I am is now in HD come on give God something over for it come on y'all you know we don't ball I want you to invite somebody to worship with us they may had to work this morning they may be on a college campus in a military barrack all they have to do is go to new birth or got new birth gorg and bam they'll be right here in the center of our sanctuary I'm telling you you can't afford to miss a Sunday at new birth God is always doing something I'm gonna ask all of our first-time visitors would you please stand is your first time hanging first time rolling with us would you stand first time worshipers stand stand but that's my family come on give God some praise my god brother and sister here Danny and Simeon Wharton thank you so very much do me a favor y'all remain standing please we got a rule at our church you can't be saved to end stuck up you can't Amen if somebody is standing near you would you just embrace them and tell them we glad you with us today we're glad you're with us today we're glad you're with us on today a Minister of Finance Minister Jonathan Nelson is coming we have a very special guest on today and he wanted to introduce him to all of us on today I welcome Minister Nelson as he comes somebody shout out overflow y'all said it I say somebody shout out overflow one more time somebody shout out overflow we have been declaring that for the past few weeks and we have we're having overflow today we just had James fortune this past Tuesday night he blessed his house this morning we got an overflow blessing we have a grammy-nominated stellar award-winning n-double-a-cp winning gospel artist with us he is my brother from another mother he has been blessing he has song after song after song nobody greater trouble don't last always I be trying to rise to your feet and let's give a new birthday welcome to my brother Minister for Shawn Mitchell come on everybody let's welcome him come on we can do better than that everybody I honor God for pastor Jonathan Nelson can we give God a pray for the greatest churches on this side of heaven the new birth church [Applause] one of the grated pastors on this side of heaven passes Jamal Bryant so I'm honored to be here about a week ago I put out a new project is entitled elements and I believe some of us in here still may have a CD player so so the hell Walmart out I brought a few today and I pray to just stop by the table just $10 it's less than the Popeyes sandwich so you come through and get you one but I'm not gonna be crazy and not seeing something new and sing something whole so I started this journey a long time ago and I start writing sounds like you don't know my store all the things that I've been through you can't feel my pain what I had to go through to get here you'll never understand my praise so don't try to figure it out because my worship my worship is for real then God dropped me off and in Atlanta Georgia and I said searched all Oh [Music] couldn't find don't burn I looked high and low and I still couldn't find nobody there's nobody greater nobody greater it's nobody greater than you everybody in the audience is he'll be sent to buy a come on search all over everyone a search good oh Lord I'll look [Music] and just anybody ever even say nobody nobody greater nobody greater there's nobody greater than you come on lift up raising up we said nobody agree that nobody [Music] we believe you god no greater than [Music] there's no more [Music] is above all danger [Music] [Music] [Music] they got a ball [Music] [Music] I searched all good and a steel they lift those hands of this room and sings alone nobody know you gotta believe it nobody accreted and it won't always be like this the Lord will perfect that concerning and sooner or later turning my favors sooner or later [Music] sooner or later sooner I believe it will help me sir sooner or later they will turn in mind so you see today [Music] it will turn in man drop me off personally I know you can't see it right now but put your faith on it say sooner or later say [Music] for we know that all things work together [Music] turning my favor it's turning around only got about a minute left look at your neighbor say I don't know about you but I see it already it's turning around it's turning around for me that's just for about 30 seconds saying there's excuse me neighbor but I see myself in the future and it's already turning [Music] that praising for what you see you may not have it yet you make that message yet well what do you so I'm gonna piece of this new song and I pray y'all stop by the table thank you Pastor put allow me to come but I was going around I was singing around the world and I said I read the scripture I haven't seen nor have you heard neither ever did to the heart of men the things God has in store for you and I believe I looked at myself as Shawn if you can think it it must be too small if you can imagine it it must be too small so I praised this press it blow mama it was a prayer first it was even a song I said blow man is that your Brittany and my promise a he do impossible thing so I say to the Empire sir bo if that you pray let those hands that we see you blow my mind [Music] like a declaration in here it's a prayer broke my mind blow [Music] we want to see a hand got to move my man [Music] and says they do the impossible due to [Music] I kind of skipped it again I had a solo sake God can do anything that's it I'm gonna take my seat but look at Sam I say it do anything declaring the room raising cookie do anything Sega got into anything [Music] need something all your bad is that God can do anything we believe your God who you are break up got into it [Music] watch it whichever side [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Hakan doing now wave your hand in the atmosphere don't clap come on let me hear say God can do with [Music] autonomy here I can do anything Thank You contagious all over the building we love you God God can do anything [Music] I can do four five six people in here just lift those hands real high say blow [Music] blow [Music] blow and they used to tell me he specializes in impossible things to the Empire sir oh don't clap lift your worship lift your sound let's just sound [Music] come on lift up their hand open up your mouth come on he can do anything [Music] come on everybody lift up your boards cry out under God he can do anything [Music] everybody if you did believe it would you shout out loud he can do anything y'all don't believe that come on I need you to get that in your spirit every person shout out loud he could do anything I'm a wave your hand if you believe it alone you can do [Music] unless the law clap your hands if you believe it this week anything can happen did you hear what I just said I said this week anything can happen y'all ain't shouting good enough for me in the next seven days and it can happen [Music] [Music] get your Bibles in your hair get your Bibles in your head [Music] [Music] I want to direct your attention to the book of Acts Acts chapter 5 [Music] even at the risk of people looking at you like you crazy would you just talk to yourself and shout out loud God can do anything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in our Bible study on Tuesday nights we're talking about having faith for difficult things I'm telling you you don't want to miss what God has been showing and sharing with us through the Word of God Tuesday night I want you to join me right here in this sanctuary at 7:30 so we talk about faith for difficult things Acts chapter 5 I want us to illuminate verses 1 through 5 Acts chapter 5 verses 1 through 5 once you found I want you to say I got it if you can't find it say lord help me would you read silently as I read aloud now a man named ananias together with his wife Sapphira also sold a piece of property with his wife's full knowledge he kept back part of the money for himself but brought the rest and put it at the Apostles feet then Peter said Ananias how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you receive for the land didn't it belong to you before it was sold and after it was sold wasn't the money at your disposal what made you think of doing such a thing you have not just lied to human beings but you lied to God when Ananias heard this he fell down and died and great fear seized all who heard what happened you may be seated I want to preach today using as a subject you ain't got a lot of me you ain't gotta lie to me would you turn to the person beside you and tell them I'm keepin it 100 huh look I mean I tell him you ain't gotta lie to me nobody likes being lied to and nobody enjoys being lied on one if they do they should be immediately considered mentally challenged Australian author Matthew Kelly has pinned a compelling controversial work that I want to recommend to you the book is entitled the biggest lie in the history of Christianity the biggest lie in the history of Christianity and in it he maintains that the world promises of happiness of false promises and a false promise is nothing more than a lie society seems to subscribe to the notion that the meaning of life is to get what you want and the more you get the happier you will be astonishingly we fall into the same cycle repeatedly going after something thinking it's going to make us happy and then getting yet only to find out that it's not true we convince ourselves that if we give just get the dress just get the truck just get the spouse just get the trip just get the house just get the raise if we get that we would be happy only to get the person to get to the place obtain the thing and find no happiness there are two certain outcomes the first is that you get the car and you become enamored for season but after time your enthusiasm begins to dim the second outcome is even more toxic and that is that you don't ever get what you aspire toward and you sent in to yourself to imposed victimization imagining a better life if you only had it so you end up being emotionally penalized over a lie you told yourself if nothing else connects with you on this dreary Sunday afternoon I want your takeaway to be that you've got to stop believing the lie in your mind stop believing you're not good enough stop believing you don't have what it takes stop believing everybody doesn't like you truth is everybody don't know you The Huffington Post just reported Donald Trump has just broken a despicable milestone since he's taken office January of 2017 he has uttered 12,000 untruth the Washington Post through its fact checkers has made the claim president Trump averages 13 lies a day 1/5 of the statements have been related to the issue of immigration while another third are distributed on his Twitter account the greatest threat to the moral center of the nation is the fact that even when court rather than repent Donald Trump lies about the lie 50% of the voting populous described him as dishonest and if 50 percent feel that way that means that that number would include some of his supporters who knowingly turn a blind eye to the blatant deceit I can't understand the level of dysfunction that would make somebody mobilize to support somebody you know who is lying don't want that limited to just the president because some of us support Lyon family members Lyon children Lyon co-workers American cartoon classic Pinocchio tells the story of an old carver carved out a wooden puppet who he prays will come to life and become a real boy and then he'd become a real boy if only he proves to be brave truthful and selfless the wish manifest and the toy transforms into a human one day on his way to school he runs into the wrong crowd and joins a show where he quickly becomes the star because he can sing and dance with no strings attached some of you have no idea how others on your road just pray that they can be gifted with no strings attached they can walk in their call and with their assignment and under the anointing of God without the fear of somebody trying to use them unfortunately when the show is over the manager who clearly is the descendant of those who work face puts this little boy Pinocchio in a cage when the fairy comes to rescue him Pinocchio was asked directly why did you skip school in the first place rather than telling the truth he begins to lie and immediately his nose begins to grow the fairy scorns him by announcing you can't be a real boy if you're lying I know it's a fairy tale I know it's make-believe but do you know how much I wish I could just get that fairy to follow me around so that when people start lying to me their nose would just start to grow what the fairy said to Pinocchio is you can be a real boy and be a liar I wish I could disseminate that word - Pinocchio - every person who's in your pew that you can't be a real woman or be a real man if you keep lying all the more lying over stupid stuff line over stuff that don't matter line over stuff we didn't even ask you for you just volunteering the lie and jaane a group of church leaders were starting a rumor that Jesus was in fact Satan so the Son of God calls them out as being liars for castigating his character and he say cuz you lyin on me you are more likely to be the devil than I am I'm in John chapter 8 and verse 44 he the cries that Lucifer is a liar but not just a liar he is the father of lies first lie ever told was to Eve in Genesis 3 when she was deceived in the Garden of Eden for Satan to be the father of lies hear me for him to be the father of lies that only means through deductive reasoning he has children and so liars are children of the devil to be Christian means to be christ-like and Jesus is the truth the way and the life and so if I am a Christian I should be caught living my truth if you claim to be connected to him you ought to have an aversion to lies it's a terrible thing when it ain't just people in the street but even people in the church who will lie and do so unnecessarily how you doing blessed and highly favored the whole time you in spiritual warfare you trying to fight a generational curse devil is on your back and got no money in the bank you ain't gotta lie to me the truth of the matter here just because you're saved don't mean everyday you gonna be happy come on y'all be honest doesn't mean every day I'm gonna feel like shouting every day I'm gonna feel like praying every day I'm gonna be in my word some days I just wanna sit in my car and cry some days I don't feel like praying y'all ain't gonna be honest some days y'all gonna shout on this I don't want to turn to my neighbors some days I don't feel like shout in the early church according to Acts chapter four all of the believers were of one mind and one heart they were of one mind one heart here it is they operated out of the ghetto principle if I eat we all eat they understood the Negro spiritual if I can help somebody as I pass along if I can cheer somebody with a word or with a song then my living is not invited Acts chapter four is in fact the paradigm of what the church is supposed to look like in Acts chapter 4 there was no jealousy there was no insecurity there was no competition and there was no judgment when somebody else was struggling the rest of the church would step up and try to pull them up so that everybody could have a level playing field except for that's the kind of church I want to be a part of Acts chapter four is the kind of church new birth is about to become [Applause] except for is about to manifest in this sanctuary I want to show it to you cuz y'all still ain't got division those you watching at home those of you who around this sanctuary you got your phone at your disposal I want you to look at X chapter 4 and I want you to look at verse 34 it's gonna blow your mind this time for Shawn yeah it's gonna blow your mind in Acts chapter 4 because they had a spirit of harmony and camaraderie here it is there was no person in the church that had a need I'm preaching and prophesy every person who was in the church had their needs met y'all are missing it nobody who was in the church was stressed out about rent about bills about car payments about student loans about insurance about utilities about car note about tuition everybody in the church was living in the glory of his sufficiency and every now and again every now and again somebody in the church would end up in a need every now and again somebody in the church was running behind and they made a covenant in the church and we not gonna let nobody get evicted they made a covenant in the church nobody in this church is gonna be living with no lights on nobody in the church is gonna be sleeping in the car and nobody in this church is gonna have children with food insecurity and nobody in this church is gonna have to pick between medication and having something to eat I'm preaching while I'm prophesy he said he will supply all of your needs a designer bag ain't need red-bottom shoes is not a need a Gucci belt is not a need three bundles is not a need but you ought to thank God I woke up this morning with my man stayed on Jesus you ought to know that I'm shouting today not cuz I got all the money in the bank but I'm shouting today cuz I woke up in a bed I'm shouting today cuz when I turned on the shower the water came out I'm I'm shouting today cuz the car was still outside and I didn't have to park it around the corner I'm shouting today I hate my job but I got what I'm shouting I want you to look at X chapter 4 schemer a mess you up since from time to time somebody is running behind in the church and if somebody is running behind in the church look at what they did in X F the fourth key right blow your mind somebody in the church would sell one of their pieces of property y'all went too far J this just me and you yeah y'all ain't feeling this in other words everybody in the church owned more than one piece of property god I can't hear nobody you ought to be shouting for the real estate you ain't gonna live here god I can't hear nobody you ought to be praising God for your mailbox money you ought to be giving God glory for the house you gonna let your sister live in just she get herself together God said I'm releasing multiple be seated please so everybody in in the church had more than one piece of property I want to declare something over this house and I hope that y'all to get online and feel what the Holy Spirit is saying that we are declaring war on believers in apartments y'all this low class I'm waiting for y'all to filming you are not gonna renew that lease when it is over y'all ain't saying nothin stop printing out housewarming invitations get ready for what God is getting ready to do for you what I have not seen I want to prophesied to 500 people this is your last year paying rent 2020 God said it's gonna be property with your name on it I don't want you to shout like you had new birth I want you to shout like you dancin in your living room like goddess don't give you the desires of your [Applause] [Music] [Applause] be seated please be seated please hallelujah y'all gotta forgive us because the person around you who you hear screaming they've been praying for God to do it God said if you give me glory if your praises go up the price of the house is going down I can't hear nobody he said if you give me glory you ain't gonna need a cosigner this don't be cleanly by the bank you gotta have unconventional funding and 50 other shout if you don't get it with no money be seated please Hacha Thank You holy God hallelujah please be seated I feel glory coming now I need you to grab that neighbor by the hair and tell them I don't use this shout like this but the house I'm getting ready to receive my great-grandchildren I'm gonna inherit my house I can't hear no worship I date a gift God glory like you ain't gettin another eviction that 10:04 notices on your door God said whatever place you put your foot off [Music] [Applause] Thank You holy God be seated please be seated I gotta find where my church is be seated please please be seated I need you to help all your neighbor cuz you can't even take their hair and say neighbor the rest of the church was shouting over the house they can read it about but my shout is for multiple properties [Applause] of my neighborhood believe acacia I'm believing my neighborhood [Music] [Applause] be seated I want to say something to you you say for babe's in Christ be seated I'm talking to Newport visitors y'all ain't gonna get this be seated I gotta tell you something you know what I said to God I say God if my church is sitting on 280 acres then every member of the church own at least 28 acres or y'all ain't saying nothin to me do me a favor if you believe I can say you don't say it's it's it's y'all I said you believe that what God got for me no devil in hell there's no stop me [Applause] be seated please be seated homeowners I said be seated homeowners I can't here nobody in here you are the shout for the farm you gone back you ought to be shout right now that you gonna retire your mama you ought to be giving God glory that not another member your family his dog have to be worried about where they go live so they will sell a piece of property just to help somebody who was in the church who was in the church struggling that's what their agreement was nobody had to do it that was the heart of the people that was the spirit of the ministry nobody had to sign a contract years made a covenant with God that because God bless me I want to be a blessing to other people so that nobody else will have to struggle the way I struggled some of y'all can shout cuz you ain't never had to struggle to get nothing but those of y'all that went through some seasons when nobody would help you but God you gotta know your responsibility is to pay it forward and then that certifies except the five dozen industrious couple who sold a piece of property and they pledged as was the culture at their church to give the proceeds to the church but they sold that piece of property and they were shot because they didn't plan on making that much of a profit when they got the profit they then second guess Lord I'm sure I need to give all that to church it's easier to give to God when you ain't got that much y'all ain't saying nothing this is real faith the peak of that check gotta be help out of prison besides they pray for me here I pray for me I don't mind giving God my last five but it's my last 500 my last 5,000 I made a covenant with God God if you ever bless me I never gonna forget you I'll say oh yeah for real and then God blesses you and you get amnesia so the brother after selling the house came to church on demonstration Sunday with a 235 water bottle came running up to the front with envelope and laid it down at the altar pretending like he had honored his commitment but Peter was exercising the gift of discernment and called him out and asked him how have you let Satan get inside you that you're gonna lie to the Holy Spirit in it amazing that sometimes when demons possess people their eyes aren't going to the back of the head their mouths are not phone me sometimes you don't tell can't tell they have a demon until it's time to give how god I can't hear nobody in here they they act like they are time to act like they're committed to the ministry act like they got the vision and God is saying how are you letting sight and getting your heart when I'm the one that's blessed you so you let people talk you in the curse tithing his Old Testament you even really got to do that no more we on the other side of the cross and God is saying how you letting Satan get in your heart because it's not just about money you are taking the glory when you give it to me you're saying god I owe it to you because if he weren't for you I wouldn't have this the man of God said to him the money belong to you before you sold the property it was yours to do with it what you wanted the money was yours after you sold the property now you gonna woke up in this church land and you land for no reason you ain't lying the humans you're lying to God I'm in the Word of God I want y'all to stay right there with me whenever you coming into God's house and you doing all that you're screaming and shouting behind Jonathan Tiffany I'm for Sean - my god you were the and nobody likes you that you are the air I breathe and then when it is that it's time for you to get your offering together you get your air back real quick hallelujah all of a sudden you learn how to hold your breath underwater and you acting as if God ain't the one that gave it to you but I I feel like I'm in a church of people that know if it had not been for the Lord on my side I don't know I'm in verse number five and after he's exposed in his life he falls dead right there in church he didn't erect the false god he didn't kill nobody he died cuz he lied about his offering oh my god I wonder how much of this sanctuary would be transformed into a mortuary it doesn't got real quiet if if we got exposed about our lying unto God but you got to make up in your mind God you've been too good to me as a matter of fact you've been better to me then I've been to myself hallelujah and I promise to tell the truth the whole truth so help me God the thing that I love about God is God is a God that cannot lie that his answer is always yes and amen and there's an older bumper sticker that said God said it I believe it and that settles it so do you want to know why I give to God I give to God because I'm mindful that wow we were yet sinners he died for me and the reason why I don't have a problem giving to God just cuz he always outdoes me in giving he said if you give it to me it ain't gonna come back the same way you gave it but it's gonna come back shaken together running over I can't hear nobody at here I need to look at your neighbor and tell them God never lies people laugh the president lives the Republicans life even the Democrats life but care nobody to me like Jesus care nobody to me like the Lord how do I keep holding on when I can't see where they promise cuz I gotta remind myself that the race is not given to the Swift or to the strong but to those that endure to the years I need you to grab that neighbor by the head and say neighbor my momma didn't have a whole lot of money that's the wrong neighbor I need you to find somebody else my grandmother never got on the plane never had an email address but she used to tell me that they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they'll mount up on waves as eagles they'll run and not be weary they'll walk and they shall not fade he may not come when you want him to come but he is and on time god I'm trying not to shout up but when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all he's done for me my soul cries hallelujah thank you for saving me he picked me up he turned me around he placed my feet on solid ground he turned me upside down y'all feel like being Baptists today can I ask you a question of won't he do it won't he do it morning Joanna I only pick you up won't it make away somebody shout yeah sorry yeah yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] lift up that hand [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sometimes the clouds hang low and I can barely see the road but I'm gonna tell you that my good days they outweigh my bad days and I won't complain I'm on that hand lift if God I speak on behalf of every lifted hand that we ain't gon lie to you another day of our lives you've been too good to us you've been embarrassingly good and God we thank you we trust you for what you promised us even though we haven't seen it yet we know that it's around the corner we thank you that you made a promise that no good thing will you withhold from us and for that God we give you glory we give you praise we give you Thanksgiving those of you that this afternoon your faith comes into agreement with my faith would you give God glory for what God has promised your life I can't hear you I say give God glory [Music] for what he promised your life I want you to be seated I'm finished I'm just not through I want you to be seated please we made a covenant with God because we understand that you can't be God's giving no matter how hard you try we said collectively corporately uniformly we said on this day that we would demonstrate to God the power of unity and exercise what it means to be a tithing church I'm calling you into accountability in this hour they're some of y'all in this room you O God backer in you nine payments behind the amazing thing is that even when you didn't do what you were supposed to do God is always done when he promised to do I've never seen the righteous forsaken and I've never seen this seed begging for bread I want you to join me today I'm calling come on deacons help me on this demonstration sundown I'm calling for our Tigers to demonstrate to model to exhibit what it means to trust God even when you're in an uncomfortable situation even when you got your back up against the wall so now for everybody OSHA's helped me as expeditiously as you possibly can but I'm calling watch this for those of you truly earnestly honestly don't say god I'm giving you my 10% cuz I know you're the giver of every good and every perfect gift I'm believing that God is getting ready to bless you because he honors your sacrifice hear me very carefully two different waves are getting ready to come I'm gonna ask first all about idlers if you'll come quickly please all of our tithers all of our tithers who are making a commitment at covenant on this day even if you're doing it online I want you to come please all of our timers I need you to move I got an ambulance outside in case you lie at the altar and it gave our health ministry to Sunday off quickly all of our Tigers all of our timers - to demonstrate your faith demonstrate your giving on this day all of those of you who are viewing and watching online is our demonstration Sunday the whole church is tithing on this day want you to move come on quickly Jonathan I need you all to change that sound because I'm getting depressed giving this money come on change the atmosphere honey thank you because everybody's our friends that are watching online you never have the day in your life but today you can do it I want you to trust God for it [Music] you given give the five texts to give come on [Music] we're blessed in the same [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] see [Music] dammit [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] to anything [Music] say what's gone [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] guests are ushered our rushers to serve but those who are still receiving their offering even our guests who are amongst us those who are not participating in our demonstration Sunday as that our rushes will please serve them at this time please come on we still live in an overflow [Music] my god today - until today [Music] the birth would you clap your hands [Music] the Deacons of your brain are offering this way please for me please every person would you stretch your right hand to faith towards every gift and towards every seed sown every sacrifice lord I pray just as you did for the two fish in the five loaves of bread multiply it I prayed the Lord that you will meet every need exceed every expectation do what no other power can do now dear lord I pray that you will return see back to every so on I pray that no person in this house will no lack or insufficiency but they'll know you as the god of more than enough and those of you that have that kind of faith give God glory for it even now come on y'all not excited I say give God glory for it bless the Lord I want you to stand to your feet up those of you who are trying on give Allah five as too many of us at the beginning you tried again please don't give up we got all the kinks worked out I want you to please try it again is now up and operable I want to tell you this even while you're standing before the spirit of cynicism begins to take you hostage the greatest offering you can ever give can't fit in an envelope and you can't do it by phone a greatest gift you can ever give God it is yourself now I got to tell you this when God wants you he don't want ten percent of you he wants all of you he wants your heart you want your soul he wants your mind I want to give you an opportunity to become a part of the most generous Church in the body of Christ come on new perk you not make a noise I want you to be a part of a ministry that doesn't want to see you struggle but wants to see you arrive at your destiny I want you to become a part of a church where there is no spirit of competition but we all believe that we are one in Christ Jesus I don't know what we're saying today maybe it was the music maybe it was the message maybe it was the spirit maybe it was the embrace but something today confirmed for you that you got to join this church you got to become a part of this ministry if you care today if you here today you same pest I think new birth is where I'm supposed to be this is an ex chapter four kind of church and I feel like this is where God has ordered my steps if that's where you are would you come meet me at this altar please come on quickly come on come on come on come on y'all lotta clap for these homeowners coming y'all on this shaft for these investors coming you ought to thank God for those who carry the oil for their entire family they're coming listen out underway you're standing where you're situated I don't know where you're tuning it but you don't even have to be in Atlanta to become a member of new birth we're a local church having a global impact you want to join while you are worshiping online go to new birth dot org and watch God do something amazing in your life come on new birth would you share for those who are coming [Music] now listen that was that was the first wave is a whole nother wave getting ready to crash into the show I need y'all to help me help me beat it recruiters today would you talk to somebody around you somebody who you don't know somebody you don't recognize I want you to ask him I they saved Eskom are they a member of a church that thinks about the community ask them are they a member of a church that's investing in their development ask them and you're a member of a church that gets excited about what God is doing in your life come on give God some glory here they come [Music] I want y'all to know this listen come on they're coming in every aisle y'all don't sound like y'all happy shout like you would want somebody to be happy if you were coming there's a vision of our late apostle that we would raise a church filled with strong men this morning I hope y'all get excited about this morning we baptized 17 teenage boys before we got to one girl are yelling shouting good 17 young men before we hit the first female I need you to do me a favor please I want you to talk to whatever man is sitting around you ask him is he saying ask him does he ever church on let them know you ain't never gonna be the man until you know the man come on talk to him bring their brother to Christ come on bring that husband down here there's Sun down here neighbor down here come home every woman in the room every woman in the room find another woman around you tell that woman I like your shoes but I'm worried about your soul ask him is your soul saved you giving your life over to God and you're part of a church that's lit like this come on if you're here today you need to give your life over to God I need y'all to shout for this young man coming he's the future of our people I need y'all to get excited I can't believe y'all ain't saying nothing they coming all the way from the back come out come out [Music] [Applause] I want you to run down here like I was giving out Popeyes Chicken come on quickly quickly wherever you are come on give God some praise I don't know what's happening in the back but something is breaking out [Music] listen every person in the room would you look at me every person in the world would you look at me every person in the room something else happening in the back here they come and y'all going shout about it [Music] let's the Lord all right every person in the room repeat after me it's a terrible thing say it's the awful thing say it's just a bad thing to do to lie in the house of the Lord look at the present beside tell them I ain't calling you a liar look I mean I say I just want to be sure you saved I just want to be sure you got a church home if they start stuttering bring them down here if they avoid eye contact bring them down here come on if there's somebody else I want you to get saved today I want you to join the church today come on wherever it is that you want I want you to come I want you to come [Music] I need y'all to shout for this young lady if you're happy and you know it clap your hands [Music] let's align they still coming y'all [Applause] [Music] stretch your right hand into faith repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John on the right God and I know that's right if you're not right come on give God some praise for me real quick y'all they came as our friends but they leaving as our family come on open up your mouth and give God glory for all of them and said those of you all who are here would you follow us out this way we just want to get some information to you new birth make some noise if you're happy that our church is still growing come on give God some glory for I'm appreciative for you you may be seated in Acts chapter 4 they had a mind that they don't want to see nobody struggle no one's seen nobody running behind miss Yolanda from thrive Academy where are you would you come to me if you sit come on come on help me real quick thank you come on give God a hand clap of praise for [Music] bless Lord so sister Yolanda was sitting in church today and heard about the spirit in Acts chapter 4 that you just want to be a blessing to other people in the church if we've got a high schooler in the room high schooler in the room needs a fresh start new beginning she wants to give you a scholarship to thrive Academy in Stone Mountain Georgia so if I got the parents that live in Stone Mountain and you need your child to be in a different learning experience on each of the please see sister Yolanda immediately after service would you give God a hand clap of praise thank you so very much thank you thank you I appreciate you we're gonna be best friends thank you alright so she's given a scholarship to four students today [Applause] come on y'all a shouting good [Applause] [Music] would you give your attention to the screen for this morning's announcements and then we're going home to take a nap before power come on we'd like to say welcome to all our new members and congratulations to all the baptism candidates we're happy you chose Newberry September 29th is gonna be a great day of celebration for our church please continue to join us for our morning prayer call every Tuesday in August and September at 6 a.m. and our liquid fast is from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. you can now listen to the 2:35 prayer call podcast that's right it's available right now on iTunes and Spotify iTunes users all you have to do is click on the podcast tab again in the search engine just type in new birth to 35 prayer call podcast and for you Spotify users it's simple just type in new birth to 30 times you'll have access to the Tuesday 6 a.m. prayer calls remember to subscribe and turn on those notifications so you don't miss an episode ladies tomorrow is the day that's right 7 p.m. we obsess interest book-of-the-month from renowned author Frank DiMaggio make sure you stop by the call to conquer bookstores have picked up seven declarations for an unshakable make sure to stop by and get your copy today Imaginarium presents the new birth Film Festival October 16th through the 19th the Film Fest will feature panelist masterclasses and an exclusive movie premiere not to mention guests which include Bridges James fortune and many more we're offering a special new birth rate of one hundred and twenty-five dollars through September 15 make sure to get your tickets today and that's all we have this time Newberry come on give God some glory for all that our eyes have seen for what our ears have heard amazingly can you believe that your church is hosting the International Film Festival some might give God glory it's coming right here on our campus film submissions from all over the Diaspora are coming here from the Caribbean from the West Indies even from the UK from Nigeria from South Africa they're all coming here who are in the film industry will want you to be a part of it because of such a mandate and favor ain't fair we've got a special registration just for those who are members of new birth that runs up until September 15 people are coming from outside are paying a different price than you are so as that you will please go to our information tables and take full advantage of it how would you please help me thank God for brother Vishal Mitchell sharing his gift come on come on he's out in the lobby and I want you to please get every piece of product that he has yesterday we had an amazing meeting an amazing meeting with all of the entrepreneurs of our church I want all of the entrepreneurs who are a member of our church would you stand all of the entrepreneurs who are members of our church give God some praise for all of them we got some big things poppin coming in the future and we want all of you to be a part of it please stay tuned for all of it ladies tomorrow night at 7 p.m. meet me in the sanctuary for circle with the sisters and then Tuesday night we are all here together at 7:30 I'm telling y'all we got the best Bible study at anybody anywhere I'm telling you your mind is gonna be completely blown would you stand to your feet stay unto your feet if nobody told you today I want you to know your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day I want to see God get the glory out of your life as we leave this place but never from God's presence repeat after me walk with God and he'll walk with me talk with God and he'll talk with me listen to God and they'll listen to me build for God and he'll build for me love God because He first loved me would you lift up that hand as high as you see yourself going now unto Him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself may God irritate you until you have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you and you have enough stuff to give away henceforth now and forevermore and the blessed people of God said Amen hug somebody on your way out and tell them everything is taken care of if you didn't give your offering our Usher's I at every door to receive it in a receptacle [Music]
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 78,417
Rating: 4.7665706 out of 5
Keywords: New Birth, Newbirth, Dr. Jamal Bryant, Dr. Jamal-Harrison Bryant, Dr. Bryant, Pastor Bryant, Atlanta, Georgia, NewbirthMBC
Id: oD8MhXLOz_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 10sec (6790 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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