The Top Superhero Videos of Studio C

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Hi guys, welcome to our superhero compilation. [Batman voice]: I'm Batman! Did we run out of wardrobe budget? We did! Okay. We spent way too much last season. I feel like this makes you a little vulnerable to attacks, right? Fortunately, I have abs of steel. I feel nothing. Thanks for the free massage. [laughing] Honey, I think it's time we tell him he's not our biological son. We can't do that. Remember we promised we would never reveal his real parents. I know, but I think it's starting to have a negative effect on our other son. Oh no, that's just a little sibling rivalry. Are you sure? Of course I am. Boys, come down for dinner. How was your day, boys? Oh, it was all right. The President called and had me prevent another massive alien invasion so... Good job Clark. Well you know it's the same thing every day for me. 'Cause I'm awesome. Well we are very proud of you. Oh I also flew up into outer space and grabbed the moon and moved it over to shield us from a giant meteorite. <i> Good for you!</i> I know. Well how about you, Matt? Come on, tell us what you did today, sweetheart. [mumbling] <i> What was that?</i> I made the track team. [laughing] Oh! Oh that is wonderful! Yeah, way to go son! Congratulations brother! You must be proud. My coach was impressed, he said I'm really fast. Hey do you guys remember when I was on the track team? The coach would shoot the starting gun and I'd race the bullet? I always won. Yeah did you wear those lame tights to the meets too? <i> Okay, boys, that's enough.</i> Hey maybe when I'm done saving the Earth I can come fly on over to one of your meets because I can fly! Clark! Well at least I don't wear the worst disguise ever. News flash! Everyone knows your secret identity. Yeah, no duh. You'd think I would want to do all those things and not take credit for it? I'm not an idiot like Batman. [Batman voice]: Oh I wear the mask to protect my friends. Oh my parents died! No, that's insensitive. Come on, Clark. Well at least when he saves a city he doesn't knock down every building in the process. Okay... That's a low blow. Maybe the "s" stands for stupid. Ah! Maybe you stand for stupid. Dang it! Why don't you come on up here little man and show me how tough you really are? No, there will be no hitting at the table. Don't worry mom, they don't call me Man of Steel for nothing. [smack] Oh! Your pithy slaps are like a summer's breeze. [smack] Sweet Justice League, how are you hitting so hard? Kryptonite. Oh! That's it. I'm using my laser beam vision and giving you premature male patterned baldness. No! That's enough. Sit down! I didn't want to do this, but your mother is right. It's time we tell you the truth. Son, you're adopted. I knew it! I knew you couldn't be my biological brother! Everything makes sense now. No Matt, Clark isn't adopted, you are. What? What? You're both superheroes too? Everyone on Earth's a superhero except you. Oh! Yeah! ♪♪ [ninja calls] Help! <i> ♪♪ The Justice Trio's coming around ♪♪</i> <i> ♪♪ Coolest super heroes in town. ♪♪</i> <i> ♪♪ Brain Attack, he's the leader ♪♪</i> <i> ♪♪ Of the team, And yeah ♪♪</i> <i> ♪♪ He's just as smart as he seems. ♪♪</i> <i> ♪♪ Steel Blade, he's a lethal force. ♪♪</i> <i> ♪♪ Quick as a rabbit, strong as a horse. ♪♪</i> <i> ♪♪ Rotting flesh, she has leprosy. ♪</i> [coughing] <i> ♪♪ The Justice Trio will blow your mind ♪</i> <i> ♪♪ Just step back and watch them fight crime. ♪♪</i> What a big hit. Mind if I help? Need a hand? <i> ♪♪ When it seems like evil is going to win ♪♪</i> <i> ♪♪ Discover the power that lies within.</i> ♪<i> ♪</i> Going somewhere? Oh, that's my liver. Mind bomb. Earth slam. Make it rain, yes, you're going to get it! Teleport. Punch of, whoa, I'm infected. Yay! We can be leper friends. <i> ♪♪ Justice Trio's coming around ♪♪</i> <i> ♪♪ Coolest super heroes in town. ♪♪</i> With your help, we can-- Ah! Don't touch me, I told you to wear gloves. They don't make gloves for my nub. ♪♪ [action movie noises] Man, this movie is intense. I am literally glued to my seat. I know. [heroic music] What? What are you doing? Teaching you to be more cautious with your language, Sir. Whenever someone misuses the word "literally", it is my job to literalize their reality and restore balance to the universe. Now, how does it feel to be literally glued to your seat? <i> Weird.</i> Is this is any way comparable to the feeling you get when the excitement of a film makes you strongly desire to keep watching? No. Excellent. Thanks, Captain Literally! ♪♪ This book is so good, it will literally fly off the shelves. ♪♪ Ah, we're married! I am literally on top of the world. [Adam screaming] Where did you send him? I'm not sure, actually, I've never understood that phrase. [sigh] I need some cake. ♪♪ [panting] It's a dead end! The guy and his thugs will be here any second! It's okay, Veronica. I led us here for a reason. I have friends as decoys<i> wearing the Batsuit.</i> <i> We should be able to escape during the confusion.</i> <i> Okay.</i> Hurry. <i> Hide.</i> Okay, okay. ♪♪ [doors slam] ♪♪ I know you're in here, Batman! <i> If you give yourself up now,</i> I promise I won't kill the girl. Come on, now. <i> Don't be shy.</i> <i> There, see?</i> That wasn't that hard, now, was it? <i> It depends.</i> <i> Is he the real Batman,</i> or am I? I'm pretty sure it's him. You're... <i> Significantly larger than Batman.</i> Am I? Or is black just a very not-slimming color? <i> Black is a</i> very slimming color. I'm the real Batman! You-- Uh, you're smaller<i> than I remember.</i> That's just because you're really far away. I'm Batman! ♪♪ No, I'm Batman. Yeah, that's a woman. <i> [growls]</i> Could you at least tuck your hair<i> into your suit?</i> <i> Uh- this isn't hair.</i> This is just a very long neck beard. What? 'Cause I'm Batman! No! I am le Batman. That's a French dude. Pierre! Was the scarf necessary? Oui! Sorry<i> not sorry.</i> <i> Everybody shut up!</i> Because I'm Batman. Are you on stilts? You're already way taller than me! I thought we agreed we were all going to be on stilts. Why? I don't know... <i> Have the higher ground to kick 'em.</i> Okay, enough! <i> Now, my boys and I are here</i> to take out Batman, <i> and we obviously know who it is.</i> Not after we shuffle around! Don't... <i> No, guys, this isn't--</i> This isn't helping. <i> [grunting]</i> Who's the real Batman now? You should probably get some friends closer to your body type. [grunting] Amateur. ♪♪ [heavy breathing] I'm so glad we got out of there. I knew this wig would pay off. Desperate times. Wait a second. Are you letting a woman get beaten<i> to a pulp?</i> Shh. Don't think about that right now. Gotham needs us! Should I hail a cab? What? Should I hail a cab? Are you crazy? This time of night? Get an Uber! You can Venmo me back. Don't even worry about it. Sweetheart, um, we need to talk. Okay. We found this pamphlet in your room? I-- I can explain. Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters? Sweetheart, why didn't you tell us you were a mutant? I don't know! I thought maybe you wouldn't love me anymore. Wouldn't love you anymore?! Sweetheart we couldn't be more proud. Really? So, I can go to Xavier's School? Um, well unfortunately it's very expensive and private so we looked into some other options for mutant schools. Really? There's more than one school for mutants? Indeed there is! What? I am Professor Zlankmin. These are two of my students, and we are here to invite you to enroll in Zlankmin's Community College for Semi-Gifted Youngsters. Mutant community college? Really, Mom? Just give them a chance! You don't even know what they can do. Allow me to demonstrate my powers, young lady. [sneezes] That's it? Your power is sneezing? Yes, and every time I do, a random person in the world dies. What-- Oh my goodness that's horrible! Perhaps, but it's very effective when fighting my enemies. Effective? There's like a one in seven billion chance that it'll even affect your enemies. Not in the spring, when my hay fever acts up. I sneeze 12, 13 times. Divide seven billion by 13, and wooh! Them bad guys start to sweat. I'm not going to this school! Okay, hold on. I'm sure this gentleman has a pretty cool mutation. Yeah! Better believe it, bub. Actually you do look really familiar. Are you that angry guy whose bones are filled with adamantium? No, that's my cousin. My bones are filled with helium. What? That's why I have cement-filled boots. Otherwise I'd float away like an angry balloon, so. Well do you at least have claws? Better. Feather claws. They usually always come out of my body. Are you crazy? Do you want some innocent Chinese or Indian person to die? That's not racisit it's just mathematically probable. Your school is full of crazy people, okay? The only thing you have in common with Professor X is that you're both bald! Uh, I am not bald! Okay? Receding slightly? Maybe. But these lucious locks are here to stay! Well I bet you can't even-- Honey, are you okay? <i> Are you oka?</i> It's the hair. It has that effect on women. Are you picking up on our teenage daughter? I get it. I bet you can't even read minds! You're right! Because I have a much greater power. I can interpret people's minds by carefully observing their body language. [chuckles] And I can tell that you, young lady, are extremely happy about the prospect of attending my school. 'Kay, this guy isn't even a real mutant! Uh, yes I am! Prove it! See? Hey, hey, hey only 49% of the population can do this, so technically that makes me a mutant! [gasps] It's a miracle. That's messed up, bub. You lied to us, Professor Z, and you will pay for that deception. [sneezes] Dad: Okay, how about we just look into some online mutant courses? Mom: Yeah I hear Jean Gray runs the University of Phoenix now. [sneezes] [screams] See? Asian. ♪♪ ♪♪ Let me show you a place where everything's wonderful. ♪♪ We never lose a girlfriend. ♪♪ Where you got to be hot if you want to fight crime. ♪♪ My hair, my abs. ♪♪ Sometimes life gets dangerous when there's a new bad guy. ♪♪ ♪♪ But we're not scared and I'll tell you why. ♪♪ JARVIS, drop a beat. ♪♪ <i> Oh, yeah.</i> ♪♪ 'Cause there's no world like the Avenger's ♪♪ ♪♪ Where everything's all right. ♪♪ ♪♪ You know the bad guy the moment you see him. ♪♪ ♪♪ Always a man, and always white. ♪♪ That offends me. ♪♪ When Justice League comes round ♪♪ ♪♪ We know we'll be preferred. ♪♪ ♪♪ 'Cause there's no place as perfect ♪♪ ♪♪ As the Avenger's world. ♪♪ ♪♪ Little brother. Stop hitting yourself. ♪♪ Let me show you a world that's always appropriate. ♪♪ 'Cause I got my special stretchy pants. ♪♪ Where the only romance I want is one dance. ♪♪ And he doesn't even get it. ♪♪ Where guys with goatees are friendly ♪♪ ♪♪ And science geeks are buff. ♪♪ ♪♪ No one needs a secret identity ♪♪ ♪♪ Except Black Widow who did some bad stuff. ♪♪ Shh. ♪♪ 'Cause there's no world like the Avenger's ♪♪ ♪♪ Where there's not much to avenge. ♪♪ ♪♪ Where radiation poisoning's a good thing ♪♪ ♪♪ And your wounds all magically mend. ♪♪ ♪♪ And we'll make bank on heroes ♪♪ ♪♪ Whose names you've never heard. ♪♪ ♪♪ No one else turns a profit like the Avenger's world. ♪♪ [rapping]: Welcome to a world of civilians who are all in mortal danger but you never really see any die. A world where Tony Stark created Ultron, 'cause things are so perfect that we got to make our own bad guy. And yes there are some problems with S.H.I.E.L.D. Not this shield. But their cover-ups are sloppier than what's beneath this patch. Gross. So feast your eyes on a world so groovy that a female superhero could get her own movie. Guys, c'mon, you all have your own. ♪♪ 'Cause there's no world like the Avenger's ♪♪ ♪♪ Where no one's really dead. ♪♪ ♪♪ We brought back Bucky Barnes, Coulson, Loki, and Fury ♪♪ ♪♪ And fans don't feel misled. ♪♪ ♪♪ And this movie's not out but we've all signed for a third. ♪♪ ♪♪ So you can bet no one's dying in the Avenger's world. ♪♪ ♪♪ 'Cause you can bet nobody's dying in the Avenger's world. ♪♪ ♪♪ <i> Hey, Jason.</i> Hey, Stephen, how's it going? Yeah, great to see you, buddy. You too. And your new wife! Congratulations, you guys. Thanks. Thank you. I'm sorry I never made it to the wedding. I'm literally the worst friend ever, right? No. [heroic music] [punch] ♪♪ No, I'm totally serious. I mean, I was literally beet red. It-- ♪♪ Shade: Beet red. ♪♪ ♪♪ <i> Today on Citizen's Court:</i> <i> This is the plaintiff, Batman.</i> <i> He says he worked for the defendant for about a week,</i> <i> quit, and wasn't paid.</i> <i> Now he wants what's coming to him</i> <i> including restitution for damages.</i> <i> He's suing him here and now for the money he's rightfully owed.</i> <i> This is the defendant, Superman.</i> <i> He said the plaintiff was supposed to fight crime</i> <i> and save the world.</i> <i> The guy hardly works and if you don't work, you don't get paid.</i> <i> He also said Batman damaged property</i> <i> and charged things to the company.</i> <i> So if anybody's owed money, it's him!</i> <i> The defendant is countersuing for 1.2 million dollars.</i> All rise for the Honorable Judge Maryland Dredd. You may be seated. We now open the case of Batman versus Superman. Batman, we'll hear from you first. Well, Superman hired me to save Gotham and I worked super hard. Did you save Gotham? I did. So why didn't you pay him? Because he let an entire city block get destroyed. Oh, like you've never done that before. [coughs] Hypocrite. Well, he also made numerous unauthorized purchases using business funds. Whoa, those were all necessary for the mission. How is every flavor of cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory necessary for the mission? I had to make sure the Joker wasn't poisoning them. Did you have evidence that he was? I didn't have evidence that he wasn't. Okay, Batman you also claimed damages? Yes, you see I was fighting crime in the sewers of Gotham and I broke my back. <i> Okay.</i> So you lost a fight? Uh, wait now. It was more of a draw. You see, I broke my back, he strained himself breaking my back, but it required a very expensive surgery to repair it. I have the medical bills right here. Um, that was a pre-existing condition. That did not happen on the clock. Oh, no. Talking about it is making it flare up! Oh, it hurts! Oh come on! Ah! He's obviously faking it. And why didn't you come to me? I have laser vision! I could have literally fused your vertebrae in the blink of an eye. Yeah? Can laser vision repair what you did to my car? Okay. What happened to your car? Well, Superman and I got in an argument and then he keyed the Batmobile. Where was the Batmobile when this was happening? Uh-- It was uh-- It was at Wayne Manor. <i> Wait--</i> <i> What was your car doing at Bruce Wayne's house?</i> I was helping him move a couch. Hah! I-- Can Mr. Wayne testify to corroborate your story? Yeah? Can he? Yeah! I mean-- No. He's a busy guy, but I'm sure he could. Oh, hello Mr. Wayne. <i> Oh, come on.</i> It's true. Batman was helping me move a couch. Batman is an upstanding citizen and an honest guy. Superman is a total jerk face. Your honor, we can obviously see what's going on here. Thank you, Bruce. Oh man, what a handsome guy, right? Yeah. Wait, wait, wait. So Bruce Wayne has been hiding under that table this entire time? Yes. Uh, fair enough. Okay, let's hear your closing arguments. Batman, you first. All right, let me just get that from my briefcase. Yeah, why don't you have Bruce get them for you? Uh, okay. I will do that. Just, hold on. Hey Bruce can you hand me those up! Oh, oh, thank you Bruce. Your honor-- All right! Oh. Oh. These aren't my closing statements. These are my poems, but that's okay. I'll just read them. <i> Uh--</i> Rachel is red, Joker is green-- <i> Oh, okay--</i> Sometimes in Gotham I fight people who are mean. <i> Okay Superman,</i> Superman, you go. Thank you, your honor. It is clear to me today that-- <i> Wait, wait--</i> Has anyone ever told that with your glasses you look like Clark Kent. Wait a minute! I'd like to drop all charges. You have a twin brother? Why didn't you just-- Come on Superman! I thought you were strong! He can't even open a door! Dang it! Neither can I! Okay-- Hey, we're throwing this case out. So, if we stick to the plan, we should be able to narrowly save the people of Metropolis from the evil aliens again. All right. All right. So, we'll take off in five minutes. Any questions? <i> No.</i> [clears throat] Excuse me, fellas. Oh, Wonder Woman. I came as soon as I heard. Last I checked, I was part of the Justice League, too. How did you find out about this meeting? We didn't post it on Pinterest. How many times do we have to go through this? I am just as much of a super hero as you guys are. Really? We thought by now you'd just want to teach second grade or something. Okay. Can we stop with the generalizations, please? Frankly, it's pretty sexist. I'm not sexist. Being sexist is wrong. And being wrong is for women. Why don't you want me to help you? There's going to be a giant explosion, okay? It's going to be really dangerous. Okay, who here can withstand a nuclear blast. Yeah, me. Hey! I have other skills. Skill one, my parents had a lot of money, they died, I inherited it. Skill two, Alfred. Skill three, my weapons are way cooler than yours. They're shaped like male bats. What? Batman. Yeah. Okay, my weapons are awesome. The lasso of truth is legit. Oh, that's a weapon? What else would I use it for? Dry our clothes on it? I have an invisible jet. Yeah, so no one can see what a bad driver you are. It's a good plan. We just can't take you seriously with your tiara and bracelets. They're bulletproof cuffs! But they only cover like two inches of your wrists. Yeah, that's all I need, Batman! [high-pitched voice]: Oh, yeah. That's all I need, Batman. Oh, look at me, I get my armor from Forever 21. [laughing] Oh! Oh. Say that again. I'm seeing bats. Yeah. I'm sorry Batman, I shouldn't have been that hard on you. I'm sorry. I can't remember anything. Okay. [regular voice]: I mean okay. We're back in the game. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Here we go. She caught me off guard, guys. She probably saw this little kid in trouble while she was headed to a shoe sale, and her adrenaline kicked in. That's what happened! You want me to do it again? No! Look, I don't know how they do things where you come from. Where do you come from? You don't even know my backstory? Yeah, of course we do! You had a poisoned apple from your evil stepmother, who went to a ball, and saved you from a prince. And a fairy. Clark. You're thinking of Catwoman. Oh. Sorry. [majestic music begins] No, okay guys. We are the Justice League. No matter how many people we save, there is no justice without equality. Testify, sister! Testify. She makes a great point. We have to treat her as an equal. Or we'll have to change our name. Um, can we not do that? I just printed out these business cards. Okay, well, there you go. Fine. [alien noises] The aliens are here! Give me an hour, I'll go get ready. [video game music] <i> Terrific combo!</i> <i> Time's almost up!</i> Dang it. <i> Player one wins.</i> Do you see that high score? I am literally the last man standing. [heroic music] Not a man. ♪♪ Dude, what are you doing? Just-- ♪♪ Last man standing. [slap] ♪♪ [Batman voice]: Subscribe to the channel of Studio C! More of the compilation is coming up, but subscribe. Do it now! Do it! We managed to pick a few suspects up off the street based off the description you gave us earlier. Tall, male, dark clothing. Right. Can you describe for me again the situation? Yeah. I was just sitting in my car when this dark shadowy figure pulled me out of it and then proceeded to headbutt me. All right. Well if we've got him here we'll make sure he pays for this. Blake, send them in. All right you all know the drill. When your number is called, step forward and repeat the phrase you've been given, understand? Number one, step forward. I'm Batman. Number two, step forward. I'm Batman. And number three, step forward. Number three? Number three, repeat the phrase please. Really? You want my say it? You want me to say it? Just say the words. Yeah, come on man I've got things to do. Fine. [high-pitched voice]: I'm Batman. There. Yeah, that's not going to cut it. What? You got to be kidding me. Yeah, you distinctly changed your voice. No I didn't! You did. I'm pretty sure we all heard it. Yeah, so stop whining and say it again. [goofy voice]: Guys, I'm Batman. Again please. I'm Batman? Again. [high-pitched voice]: I'm Batman. Quit messing around. I got to take my kids to soccer practice in the morning and I don't want to be here all night. Now say the phrase. Yo soy hombre del Murciélago. In English please! What? Just because I have a little class? Number three, you have no class. You are a lunatic in hockey pads. I'm not wearing hockey pads! Why does everyone think I wear hockey pads? Do I look like a goalie? No. I'm much more than that. I'm whatever Gotham needs me to be. And that is? I'm Batman. That's him. Hey! You again! Natalie! Isn't it literally ironic how we run into each other every day? [heroic music] Good sir-- Allow me to define ironic for you, fellow. There's a verbal irony, dramatic irony, and situational irony, <i> which is the one you speak of.</i> That's the incongruity of the actual sequence of events and the normal or expected outcome of the sequence of events. So when you say that running into your friend every day is ironic, it's not ironic, it's just interesting. Irony taught! What? Who are you? I'm Captain Irony, here to educate the masses on the use of the word irony. Hipsters love me. I have always wanted to know how to use the word irony. <i> I never really meant anybody that knows--</i> Shush. Wait! So you don't even have the power to restore balance and your catch phrase is irony taught? A captain without super powers. Now that's ironic. No, it's not. Believe me. Ironically, sometimes I think it'd be nice to not have powers. Did you just hear yourself? You just put the word ironically in front of a totally unrelated sentence. That's like saying ironically the ocean is neat! You know what's ironic? A captain who's a woman, am I right? Oh, that's so funny to me. Really? No. I was being ironic. Irony taught! Well, Captain Irony. I'll have you know I got my real powers from a nuclear blast. [groans of pain] Who are you? The Nuclear Ninja. I just punch people who mispronounce the nuclear. <i> How are you doing, sir?</i> Well despite your best efforts I'm still doing really good. Are you doing good? Or are you doing well? [both]: Good and well are different! [smack] [smack] Oh come on guys! You're even more ridiculous than the Nuclear Ninja dude! [groans of pain] Had to be done. ♪♪ All right, gentlemen. Radar shows that the perimeter's been breached. Any minute now, the secret agent known only as Lady Shadow will fall right into our trap. After tonight, she won't be bothering our organization anymore. [helicopter whirring] This is it. Get into positions. Lady Shadow. Looks like you've been expecting-- We've been expecting-- Dang it. And here I am. Unarmed. Well, that's going to make it difficult to get this, isn't it? The missile defense secrets. Indeed. Now, we're bringing you in. I'd advise you not to make trouble. What's the fun in that? Try not to hurt her too much, boys. I want her alive. Have it your way. I'm going to enjoy this. What's the matter, boys? You forget how to fight? Lady Shadow. Are you sure you should be exerting yourself right now? Are you scared? Well, yes. Not surprised, I often have that effect. I'm not sure you're having the effect that you think you are. What's that supposed to mean? Well, maybe you'd just like to come along peacefully, we can offer you a nice bed, maybe an obstetrician. If you're trying to distract me, it's not going to work, okay? I'm going to take out each one of your men and then save you for last. <i> Okay get her,</i> but gently. Okay. Oh. Oh, oh no. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Ninja star. Oh, oh you got me. Coming for you. All right. That's not advisable. One more time. Premature, oh, yep, okay. That was the longest fight ever. Okay, maybe you should sit down. Maybe you should. Okay, Lady Shadow. Please-- I just-- Let-- Okay, nice dodge. Okay, I don't want to hurt you, Lady Shadow. Suits me just fine. No. Have it your way, I get it. I'll do this. Oh man, is there like zero oxygen on this dock, or is it just me? Okay, you need to rest. I could really go for some hot wings right now. But not until I get that disc. No match for my cat-like reflexes, I see. [grunting] Lady Shadow, okay. [struggling] Okay, you won this round. Where's the bathroom? It's back there. Thanks. Please Greed Man, just let me go. I don't have anything that you want. That's where you're wrong, missy. [evil laugh] What are you talking about? Ironically, working in my laboratory, the nuclear weapon is<i> finally complete,</i> after it had been working good in my laboratory for hours. <i> I am literally tickled</i> thinking about it. [evil laughter] [clatter of a door] Who's there? Captain Literally. Captain Irony! Nuclear Ninja. The Good and the Well Duo. And Dangling Participle Dude. Everything was wrong with that sentence. So, wait-- Who are you? Dangling Participle Dude. Everyone's heard of him, but no one actually knows what he does. Whatever. You broke all the rules, so now you're going to pay. There was nothing ironic about the sentence you just used. You just tacked the word ironically in front of it. Irony taught! You said good-- When you should have said well. [both]: Good and well are different! [smack] [smack] [laughter] There! Literally tickled. Balance restored! Bro, your participles were dangling all over the place. <i> Dangle shamangle.</i> Seriously? Is that all you guys do? [laughter] You guys are pathetic. You ever mispronounce the word nuclear again,<i> you will suffer.</i> Because I'll punch you again. Whitney:<i> Wait!</i> I think he's still<i> conscious back there!</i> Aren't you going untie me? Oh, yeah, we're not really those kinds of superheroes, but if you ever have an egregious grammatical error, we'll be there! He's waking up! [screaming] [heroic music] Thanks. It's been confirmed. She's arriving. Okay, double the guard at the gate, and make sure to secure all the important items. [helicopter whirring] Didn't mean to interrupt the party. Lady Shadow. Still after the missile defense secrets, I see. Thought you were dead. Sorry to disappoint, we were undercover. We? [helicopter whirring] Is that a baby? Shh. Keep it down. You'll wake Baby Shadow. Unbelievable. At least she's not pregnant anymore-- What is she? Is she part rabbit? Time to dance, boys. How exactly do you plan-- Baby Shadow, now! [screaming] That child's skeletal structure is still forming! Thanks! Be careful! Having a baby has only made her stronger! And more unstable! Oh, she's pulling out a gun! No, no! Don't shoot! It's just formula! You really think I'd give my child formula? I don't know! You had her dropped from a helicopter! She rolled out, according to plan. I got her! Baby Shadow, burp! [groaning] It's in my mouth. [sputtering] It burns. It's changing time! [screaming] It's in my eyes! Cloth diapers are not absorbent! I'm out man, I'm out! You should have called for backup. I should have called Child Protective Services. Thanks for the disc. What, I thought it was right in here. Aw, what? [sighs] Wait, but how did you-- It's Baby Shadow. That's her trademark. I fear for that child. <i> Baby Shadow, now!</i> [yells] So, I know I'm just your substitute, but I plan on changing each one of your lives, through literature. <i> Herman Melville--</i> Man, don't come in here and act like you know what it's like to be in high school. This ain't Dangerous Minds, or Freedom Riders, or Take the Lead, or Lean on Me, or Blackboard Jungle, or Music of the Heart, or Speed Boys, or Sister Act 2, or Pocahontas! Yeah. <i> That's right.</i> Well, hold on. Just give this a chance, guys. The thing that I love about Herman Melville <i> is when you read his stuff,</i> <i> his characters</i> literally come to life. [heroic music] The white whale! <i> What?</i> Where am I? [sneezes] Oh, man. I hate the spring. Yeah. My allergies are awful. It's literally like having a flaming porcupine shoved up my nose. ♪♪ [screaming] ♪♪ Excuse me, I'm here to pick up my weapons and hardware for my next mission. Good evening, Mr. Blonde. <i> Who are you?</i> I was expecting Q. I'm S. I'm Q's replacement. He's on assignment with P and T. Pity. Well, you won't feel that way once you see what I've cooked up for you. Very well, let's get started. I have a mission in five minutes. Certainly. First, we have your gun. This looks standard issue to me. You are mistaken. A sensor was put into the handle that can recognize your fingerprints, so only you can shoot it. Remarkable. Even better, it can distinguish your emotions, so it can only be fired when you're feeling calm. Pardon? You must be feeling calm and collected to fire it. Why would you make that for a spy who's under constant pressure and danger? I'm never calm. Well, I assumed you wouldn't want to shoot anyone when you're feeling cross. That's the perfect time to shoot someone. Well aren't you disturbing. Fine, we'll press on then. Yes, minor oversight, I'm sure. This is a fascinating little gadget. If you click that button there, it can detect the mobile phone service of your enemies. If you click it again, it will send them a text that says, Jim Blonde is coming. Get out your guns and hide. Nice flair, right? I'm confused. Does it also detect their location so that I can find them? No, it just sends the text. Okay. Well, let's keep moving. What does this do? Oh, yes. That one is good! If you press that button there, and put it in your pocket, it makes you give off a very foul odor. Why would I want that? Your enemies will hate it! They'll be wretchedly uncomfortable. I don't want to make them uncomfortable, I want to kill them. Oh, yes. Then you'll love this! This is a simple poison. Three drops of this, and your opponent will be filled with a murderous rage. And then they'll die? No. So they're filled with murderous rage, but I have to remain entirely calm to be able to shoot them. Yes, that made more sense on paper. Okay. Let's just keep moving. What do you have? Okay. The Queen's face mask, so you can impersonate her at any moment! But I'm a man! A formula that makes your entire body glow in the dark. Why would I-- I want to remain hidden. Okay, an iPhone that explodes when it's near your face. Good glory! Just here. A simple dagger. Something I know will come in handy. Actually that's candy. Okay, S. Just one useful item would be lovely. Okay, fine. Just cool your jets. Let me see what else I have. Aha! That's an orange. But is it? Yes it is. Okay! Well, Mr. Blonde, I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't meet impossible expectations. I think you're being a bit of a dandiprat. I'm not being a-- You know what, just give me the parachute. What parachute? Yes, I'm meant to jump out of a plane in two minutes. Oh, yes! Instead of a parachute, I made you these. They haven't been tested on humans yet, but the orange faired just fine. Are you mental? Actually, the orange exploded. I don't know why I said that. Just give it to me. Thank you. This is Agent Nine to base. The threat has been neutralized with faulty hardware. Mr. Blonde will be dead within the hour. You know I still haven't left the room yet, right? Never mind, I have failed. ♪♪ ♪♪ Looks like our dirty Senator is right on time. Time for disguises. [makes peacock call] [yelling] Mine's too big to be convincing. <i> Consider yourself lucky.</i> Maybe we should switch. [zipper noise] I don't know why we thought that would work. Let's try this again. [makes peacock call] ♪♪ [punching] This person has the weirdest body shape. It's like a triangle. Also I couldn't get these small pants off. I didn't even try. <i> [makes peacock call]</i> [punching] <i> Finally.</i> Did you just knock out a hobo and<i> steal his clothes?</i> Okay, I couldn't see. I don't have my glasses. But you can smell. This coming from a man in a woman's top. What? [sighs] Aha! Nope. I just knocked you out and took the hobo clothes. Do I need glasses? At least this fits. Mine, too. Should we just go in these? [makes peacock call] You know what they say. Thousandth time's the charm. Let's go. <i> [peacock call]</i> ♪♪ [punching] <i> Wow, I can't</i> believe these uniforms actually fit. Let's go! ♪♪ The best part about this stew is, you can't go wrong with the add-ins. I've put in mushrooms, asparagus, even sausage. I can literally put anything into this stew and I'll still love it, and you will too. [heroic music] ♪♪ ♪♪ Actually it's not that-- I can't believe she broke up with me. I am literally crushed, Mal. I just wish I was having a better day. It's official everyone. The word literally now also means not literally. That is to say, metaphorically. Good show everybody! Congratulations! [thunderclap] ♪♪ What have you done? Captain, we simply defined the word with-- [slap] Captain, it's too late. There's literally nothing you can do. Oh no? When the world realizes it now has a word that means what it means but literally doesn't mean what it means, things will change. When the people no longer bow<i> to the yoke</i> of Oxford, things will change. And when Rob Lowe's character finally leaves Parks and Rec, things will change. And I will be there to lead them, tirelessly, day and night until this wrong has been righted. Or I can literally set your cars on fire. Do you mean literally or literally? ♪♪ He meant literally. [sighs] ♪♪ Jason Bourne. At long last. We've worked very hard to find you. You're not in charge of Treadstone. Who are you? KGB, NSA, DMV? No, no. We're just CIA human resources. Frankly Jason, your behavior has gotten out of control, so HR decided to intervene. Hey! Is that Jason Bourne? Yeah, we finally found him. I got a big problem with you man. I work in accounting. Do you know what percentage of the CIA's budget is spent trying to track you down? Huh? Do you have any idea? One percent? 50! 50 percent! You heard about the rover we landed on Mars right? Yeah. Trick question. There is no rover. In fact, Mars isn't even real. We just made it all up to cover up the two trillion dollars we've spent trying to apprehend you. Is this who I think it is? Oh yeah. Oh-ho-ho! I've got a bone to pick with you, son! I'm in charge of workplace safety. Do you have any idea what the biggest cause of injury is for CIA employees? Paper cuts. It's you. You, Jason Bourne! You kill people with pens and fire extinguishers and oscillating fans. Who knows how many people you could kill with this snow globe. You better keep that away from him. Yeah, that's a good idea. We even made this pamphlet. How not to be killed by Jason Bourne, but they were discontinued after you used one to kill somebody. Well, well, well. If it isn't Mr. One-Man-Army himself. Did you know that it's your fault that we can't take nail clippers on planes anymore? Yeah, someone figured that since you once killed a man with just a crayon, that nail clippers would be like a tactical nuke for someone like you. It was a crayon wrapper actually. Okay. And you know what? What about the liquids? How come I can only take three ounces of shampoo on a plane? Because you once managed to drown a man in four ounces of Listerine! How? How?! See those cranes out that window? They're adding a new wing to the Bethesda Medical Center named after you! For my years of dedicated service I guess. Yes, and we're so very grateful. No, you idiot! Because everyone in that wing is someone who you maimed with, I don't know, an origami assault rifle! Or whatever mayhem you'll dream up next! <i> Hey everyone!</i> You'll never guess who's in here. It's Jason Bourne. [all]: Oh! Our health insurance premiums are through the roof because of you! Yeah, you know they government tapping thing? Yeah, we were looking for you. Yeah, and our agents can't get visas to India anymore Jason! And I need my curry! Oh my word, look out! He's got a piece of pocket lint! [screaming] How?! He stole my snow globe. [Batman voice]: Subscribe to our channel! So that we can afford better costumes. Or costumes, period. So that I could defend myself. Ow! Like it too, and share! It's getting red! Ow!
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,793,880
Rating: 4.9049401 out of 5
Keywords: BYUtv, BYU tv, BYUtelevision, Studio C, StudioC, comedy, sketch comedy, funny, laugh, snl, The Top Superhero Videos of Studio C, super hero, hero, batman, superman, avengers, black panther, captain america, wonder woman, captain literally, lady shadow, thor, x-men, jason bourne, marvel, dc, comic book, jason gray, matt meese, whitney call, mallory everton, stacey harkey, natalie madsen, stephen meek, adam berg, jeremy warner, james perry, dalton johnson, tori pence, aaron fielding
Id: SXIah083UBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 58sec (3298 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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