Feudal Warlords? In MY Pokémon!? ⚔️👹 Gnoggin | Pokémon Conquest Characters Explained

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pokemon conquest was one of my favorite pokemon spin-offs it's so cool it's a pokemon crossover game with nobunaga's ambition a big in japan tactical strategy game with 16 entries in its franchise several of them have been released in the west too but they've never done as well over here hence when pokemon conquest came out i remember everyone saying it was a pokemon crossover with samurai warriors a hack and slash musu game which is made by the same folks koei and so they used the same designs for their historic figures like nobunaga and speaking of historic figures yeah nobunaga's ambition and samurai warriors characters are based on real people for the most part and that carries over into pokemon conquest nobunaga is still oda nobunaga the famous demon king who is famous for uniting japan through ruthless evil tactics so yeah of course he's the bad guy in pokemon conquest but also all of the generic soldiers you can get in pokemon conquest are also named after real people for the most part by generic here i mean they don't play a role in the story and also there are multiple people who use the same artwork for example and i'm going to mispronounce some of these names i tried believe me when i say i tried uh but for example kagekatsu shigazane and yoshitatsu along with seven other characters all use this character art but each of those people are based on a real person such as katana yoshitsugu date shigazane and uesugi kagekatsu even some of the women characters were real some even actually warriors like mochizuki chiome who formed an all-women ninja clan the kunoichi though most of the real women the characters are based on were just close family to the actual warlords and or they were aristocrats rather than fighters themselves such as irohahime and many of the other generic soldiers like most of the world at the time japan was very the men go to die the women stay home and wash the forks or something i don't know women's mysterious ways though just like our modern day armies with our automatic weapons and war machines the pokemon world evens the playing field by fighting via pokemon so in a world like this yeah of course you'd see a lot more women taking part in warfare even kids oh but anyway the real world people used for the generic soldiers for the most part don't have any deep connection with why they were given the character art or the pokemon they use it was mostly just this guy was a strategist he gets the strategist art and a psychic type this guy was a fully armored soldier so give him the armored art and a high defense pokemon you know things like that but all of the warlords the unique characters with a role in the story likely do have deeper meaning behind their role and pokemon of choice but also maybe not find out along with me as we go through and explain every war lord in pokemon conquest look out it's boxy today's sponsor always worth the glucose baksu is a premium monthly subscription box that sends you authentic japanese snacks from traditional snack makers across japan many of which are over a century old this month's theme was summer matsuri and these are my highlights so nice so fancy laid out i never i never make plates this nice looking for myself i've never eaten food what's next oh yeah the pancakes pudding a la mode sand cookie tokyo chocolate banana language chat i don't know what half those words mean i recognize animals choco manaka are you intended to break it is it like a it's like a kitkat except significantly messier it's polar bear ice they they squeeze the polar bear over some ice these are really tasty what even is this man he's a pickle wait that's not a pickle see that's the what is it i figured it out it's wasabi baksu makes an excellent gift even if it's to yourself and if you use the code locks ninten at the link in the description you can get 10 off of your own boxy subscription and save up to 47 dollars thanks a bunch it's wasabi roon as a chip we shall start of course with the main guy himself nobunaga based on oda nobunaga his main pokemon is zekrom and later shiny rayquaza being the big antagonist and based on a real demon king makes him having legendary pokemon make perfect sense especially dark black and draconic ones it's a dead giveaway that you are an antagonist if this is the kind of stuff you surround yourself with but also zekrom is the pokemon of ideals its pokedex says it assists those who want to build an ideal world and that was nobunaga's whole thing he wanted to build an ideal world one with a united japan under his rule and no people who don't swear their utmost loyalty to him and that of course means no buddhists because they swear their loyalty to buddha and that's not nobunaga so they they all get to die yeah it was kind of a bad dude but ideals are ideals no matter how much truth there is lacking to them so zekram it is now let's move on to no nobunaga's wife who is based on his real wife nohime at their wedding nobunaga described her as having the mind of a genius and the appearance of a goddess though despite their marriage she was believed to be infertile and nobunaga sired children with various concubines instead in pokemon conquest she mainly uses mismagius and had a drifloon now and then and the designers certainly emphasized her beauty there are also a few legends surrounding her from being an excellent spy and counter spy to becoming a spirit akin to the yukiona upon death both of which may be why she's a ghost type user as for why mismagius specifically well witches are believed to be a major cause of infertility in various cultures all around the world oichi is a jigglypuff user and is nobunaga's sister she's based on oichi a woman described as being famous for her honorable conduct beauty and determination she is very intelligent and taller than most women nobunaga once stated if oichi was a man she would make a fine warrior so she's extremely caring yet tough which makes jigglypuff and wigglytuff perfect partner pokemon for her then masamune to me was the character i saw and immediately recognized from his samurai warriors counterpart which is fitting as he also is one of japan's most famous warriors in pokemon conquest he uses braviary and scyther notably embellishing katana with mantises is fairly common and he is based on dhakte masamune who was often called the one-eyed dragon of oshu due to the whole missing an eye thing in conquest while he doesn't have a dragon type pokemon his warrior skill is called the one-eyed dragon to reference this and the real masamune of course had this famous helmet as well most of the kabuto they show are actually extremely accurate and only some of them are slightly exaggerated they get kinda crazy but anyway braviary is an excellent choice as data cared for and bred many falcons as a side hobby thing he even regularly gifted falcons to other warlords aya is based on aya gosen a noble woman and half sister of a warlord uesugi kenshin she lived in the nigata prefecture which snows often and has ski resorts these days which may be all there actually is to her ice typing her main pokemon are beartic and frost lass frost last being a ghostly woman in a nice kimono very similar to the one aya wears in fact many of these characters have outfits that perfectly resemble their pokemon but anyway frost lashes kimono is very nice and may point to her noblewoman origins her brother cansheen who uses galad and mewtwo how does that work right it's it it's completely non-canon that's how it works you don't need to think about it too hard it's non-canon uh well he's based on uesugi kenshin you see it's a bit of a stretch but they wear the same hat sorta the real kenshin was known as the dragon of ichigo thanks to his prowess on the battlefield so it's odd that in pokemon he is a psychic type user that could be because he was also known for being an extremely skillful negotiator and administrator of business and trade using those psychic powers to get his way i see but also he was trained as a samurai not like a ninja as his pokemon depiction seems to hint at however in a hilarious turn of events it turns out the way he supposedly died was by assassination in fact his assassination is considered the most famous ninja assassination in history so making him a ninja is kind of it's hilarious in a super messed up kind of way plus like i get it you know in the real world all of these warlords were trained as samurai you know so in samurai warriors and in pokemon conquest and in nobunaga's ambition they got to make their designs a little more interesting so they have to have something to differentiate them so this dude he was killed by a ninja and that is one of the most famous ninja facts so like boom he's a samurai ninja you are what you eat and he got a sword stabbed into his stomach so he became a ninja he's like oh this person got mauled to death by dogs so let's make him a dog trainer in our cartoon oh yeah anyway gallade works perfectly for anyone really because sword arms and ninja samurai the mewtwo though expert negotiator genjio is based on tachibana ginshiyo the head of the tachibana clan and daughter of tachibana dotsetsu a powerful samurai who was known as the lightning god so fittingly ginchio here uses a luxray an electric type pokemon with sharp claws and fangs like her sword gracia is quite graceful and uses masharna and gothitel she is based on hosokawa gracia an aristocrat best known for her role as a political hostage and refusing to commit seppuku because she was a christian which may explain her more western attire in this game and her using gothitel also her husband and clan would often wear all black her father is mitsuhide who uses a lapras and an articuno and is based on akache mitsuhide the man who eventually killed oda nobunaga or you know forced him to kill himself his name means wisdom intellect and reason as well as light rays and gleaming this is about all we got for why he has these pokemon both are intelligent in fact lapras's intelligence is among the highest plus both of these pokemon are very refined and high class seeming which is also fitting of mitsuhide's whole demeanor motochika uses duat and is based on chotsokabe motochika though considering he uses duwatt and samarat who are themselves samurai otters uh really all that means is that he's a samurai so they could have just given these pokemon to any of them so i guess he's he's a samurai from the place or they use water type pokemon mostly though funnily enough one of his more famous battles is known as the battle of watarigawa which sounds like water agua and it's the battle where he gained control of the tosa province a very coastal fishing heavy province muneshige uses imoga and star raptor and is based on tachibana muneshige at the time he was considered the best samurai in western japan which i mean does makes the raptor a bit fitting sword-like talons powerful bird of prey and all that plenty of samurai sword attack moves are named after birds and plenty are lightning fast though despite that claim not much is actually noted about him specifically however his clan was one of the first to make contact with europeans portuguese trade ships specifically and this might explain why his armor is much more european in style seemingly anyway honbay uses pikachu and marip he is very sleepy and sick and also has the lowest power out of all of the warlords in the game which is all very fitting of his real-life counterpart takanaka shigaharu who also went by the name hanbe he was an expert tactician rather than much of a warrior and also he had chronic tuberculosis which eventually killed him early in life and he's the same way in naio too lovely now maureep makes sense he's sleepy counting sheep and all but pikachu oh fun fact electricity was used to treat tuberculosis in the early days ha good enough someone needs pikachu after all anyway while still alive hanbe was the strategist for toyatomi hirayoshi who is who hideyoshi is based on hideyoshi uses infernape primarily which is fitting because his real nickname was kozaru which means little monkey and later on he uses reshiram in reference to his role in nobunaga's army he was nobunaga's greatest and most distinguished of generals and as such after nobunaga died he took over and finished unifying japan so a legendary pokemon is fitting plus he's often depicted wearing all white so reshiram just works also just just take a look at his real crazy armor the heck well the fire type of reshiram and infernape work well too he was very skilled in his use of firearms it's a big part of how he won and under his rule he demanded that factories get to work on outputting even more of them and famously he did love fire often being entertained by fire jugglers and fire eaters at his parties kanbe is one of hideyoshi's advisors and despite the way he looks he's actually the younger of the two well the litwick line of pokemon do burn away at the nearest soul so i guess that would cause some advanced aging over time and partial white hair he's based on kuroda yoshitaka a strategist who was also a very spiritual man a practicing buddhist who was also always curious about learning of other beliefs and religions he was even baptized into christianity and even became a priest however not long after he realized the danger this mindset could have as more dyneemios converted so he demanded all christian samurai to abandon their faith and he later adopted a monk's habit instead so a spiritual guy with western influence lanterns and all that it's fitting of a lampant hideyoshi's wife was nene an aristocrat also known as kodaim and who's represented in pokemon conquest as a crobat and crow gunk user while nene herself was not a warrior being an aristocrat and matriarch of the toyotomi clan is a dangerous job so in her possession was a famous sword one named mikazuki meaning crescent moon as the shape of its tempering pattern resemble the moon and you know moons bats the connection is clear ah hanzo i don't even need to look this guy up it's a tory hanzo famed ninja warrior who saved the life of and later helped tokugawa ieyasu become the leader of the newly united japan after he and iyesu defected from nobunaga using a gengar and a spirit tomb is well fitting as he is a ninja but also hanzo was nicknamed oni no hanzo which means hanzo the demon and spirit tomb is said to be many evil spirits in one basically a cluster of demons iyesu in conquest uses an agron agron is perfect because of its power and its namesake it's aggressive and the aggressive nature of iaeasu on the battlefield is often referenced in other media like in civilization iv he was also known for successfully defending many forts and castles and even oversaw the expansion and fortification of ido castle one of the biggest and most famous and well-defended in japan at the time well fitting of the high defense agron tadakatsu uses metagross steelix and dialga gosh what a crazy combo but like he was a crazy man he's based on honda tadakatsu who has the craziest looking portrait in this video he was known as the greatest samurai in eastern japan and was also known as one of the four heavenly kings which i suppose daelka would be too is one of the four pokemon involved with the creation of the world now being a high defense steel type user is perfect as he was a veteran of over 100 battles and not once did he suffer a significant wound his defense was unmatched a real tank of a man ina is his daughter and she is based on komatsuhime she was an ona musha a female warrior her main pokemon empoleon and quagsire don't seem to relate to her much though there is a village named after her father that serves traditional roasted salamander to tourists otherwise some writing states that she was her father's greatest pride and pride is mentioned frequently in empoleon's pokedex entries her brother-in-law is yukimura who is based on sanada yukimura who went by many titles such as the crimson demon of war and the number one warrior of japan his pokemon are tepig and charizard and oh wait the charmander line are also salamanders like quagsire and he's her brother-in-law so i guess that connection to that village named after their father serving roasted salamander is a thing huh well him being crimson specifically means he gets charmeleon and she gets the other one so there you go anyway this guy also is the poster child of the samurai warriors series so of course he needs to have the poster child of fire type pokemon tepig but but really though because tepig was at the time the newest fire starter pokemon and charizard is the original fire starter so here you go he gets the two poster children of fire types and then there's kunoichi her name is literally just the term for a female ninja it's like naming your kid samurai or grenadier oh hi my name is barbara aryan i'm a barbarian i assume they just wanted another lady character and ran out of famous warrior women from the time but also some say kunoichi would use scanty outfits and flashing tactics at their opponents to distract them or take them aback i'm fighting a woman so it's perfect bam scanty outfits for the young teen boys to gawk at anyway there's a decent chance she's inspired by the sonata 10 braves a legendary group of ninjas that works for sanada yukimura who in conquest she's connected to so yeah and she uses scrafty and weavile because dark type ninja tactics kai is based on kaihime another on amusha and she uses simiseer and darmanitan and according to the official chronicle of the narita clan she was praised as the most beautiful woman in eastern japan which is why she looks like this i guess though no historic depictions seem to exist lost in the flames of war i suppose her use of dharmanitan is cool though darmanitan is based on a daruma doll which were first used later on in the same century that kahime lived and first used in the same location both she and ujiyasu were a part of the hojo clan which eventually became the ganma prefecture where daruma dolls were first made in their iconic shape and then semi-sear also works just because it's another red fire monkey but it also does have fluffy hair now that ujiyasu guy i mentioned he is a gigolith user and is based on hojo ujiyasu a warlord revered as a fearsome and cunning man most famous for his strategies that finally defeated takadashinjin and usaduji kenshin despite their power and record also known as the lion of sagami this man was gruff and rough around the edges which ultimately is what gave him the edge in combat and this may also be why in conquest he has a baldor and giggleth two very rough-edged rock types shingen is a powerhouse of a warlord using a riperior and a groudon and rightfully he is the honorable rival of kenshin just as their historic counterparts were shingen is takeda shingen as a youngin he was named taro a common enough pet name but still fitting as it is a root vegetable in the ground and he's all about his ground type man and famously at the siege of masashi matsuyama he employed a large team of miners to dig under the castle defenses rather than face them head-on with an all-out assault and even his very first battle as a warlord saw him and his force pretend to be workers claiming to be digging a moat around to the castle to raise the castle's defense but instead they dug paths under the walls for the soldiers to later take during the raid so yeah this dude likes the ground konatsugu uses gardevoir and alakazam and is based on naoe konetsugu whose helmet did indeed have the character for love right on there and the on myoto he's holding are used in divination magic and astrology which makes his pentagram-headed alakazam and astra projecting carillion photography gardevoir curlia perfect as well and also he was known as being a very loving person indeed for a warlord that is he never took the easy way out he actually refused to send assassins to kill other warlords because there's no honor in that kg uses bastiodon raidon and tarakion and is based on mayada keiji a samurai famous for his wild personality but mostly for his horse his horse's name was matsukaze you see the two of them were never seen apart and his horse was perfect because of how large and strong it was it was the only horse big and strong enough to be able to carry him a very big man similarly keiji and pokemon is a big man with a wild personality and all of his main pokemon are mountable ground types one is even called ride on and was designed as a pokemon that carries things and tarakion being a legendary horse thing would certainly be a powerful and strong mount eh kotoro uses zoroark and hydraigen and is based on fuma kotoro the leader of the ninja fuma clan he's referenced in folklore and pop culture constantly i mean he was the leader of a real ninja clan and ninjas are already surrounded in myth he was considered a wind demon and was a rival to hattori hanzo and clearly having a pokemon of illusions is very fitting of an almost fantastical ninja magoichi user of carnivine and sceptile is based on saika magoichi which was actually three dudes in a trench coat just like carnivane but no actually the leader of the sayaka iki would adopt the name you see the ki province where they are based is now known as the wakayama prefecture and is known for its beautiful forests and plant-filled canyons and thus the people around this dude being mainly grass-type users is perfect motonari uses superior and is based on mori motonari who was known as a great strategist and futile lord though he became known as the beggar prince after he was banished from his family castle noble to homeless overnight just like that superior having elements of a noble prince in its design makes it well fitting ron maru is based on mori ranmaru a pretty boy who was an attendant to nobunaga and his boy lover in pokemon he's also the only male warrior in the side story ronsay's greatest beauty he uses a dragonair a sleek pokemon known for its beauty as well as a lucario which isn't known for that but lucario is known for its drive and wanting to train to become stronger at one point in pokemon conquest he is mistaken for a woman which actually isn't unique in media depiction several of his depictions in other media makes this connection of him being mistaken for a woman and in fact kamen rider and nobunaga the fool both make him full on actually a woman alright fine you can make warrior women as historically inaccurate as that is but don't you dare point out that nobunaga was bisexual okuni is based on izumo no okuni the founder of kabuki theater so that's really cool but before she did that she was a shrine maiden which is a big part of okuni's outfit in conquest she uses volcarona and scolipede this connection could be based on the bright red colors and patterns on scolipede they sorta resemble the kumadori the villain's makeup style in kabuki and then volcarona has quite a lot of mothra mythos in its design origin which does feature shrine maidens kyomasa is one of the boys he uses a fracture and is based on kato kyomasa using the dragon type hacksaurus is a bit of an odd choice at first because he actually owned a monkey and would regularly hunt tigers meaning pokemon that were one of those would be a much better choice you'd think however tigers often are used to symbolize the yin forces of the universe while dragons represent the young forces of the universe and so if hunting tigers is your biggest claim to fame then that makes you an almost nega tiger huh so a dragon boom the second boy is mitsunari and he uses ponyard and scizor and is based on ishida mitsunoti who was both an army commander and a talented financial advisor wow his use of these pokemon could just be due to his red armor and being a warrior though notably he also owned ishida sadamune a tonto that today is considered a national treasure of japan and ponyard has little tanto hands the last boy is masanori and just look at this kid he thinks he's all tough and cool with his 1980s get up and attitude he has the lowest wisdom stat in the game and i love that he uses a skarupi and crocodile and is based on fukushima masanori who was one of the younger warriors during the warring period though not just a boy his use of skirupi and the spear-snouted crocodile may be a reference to his use of the nihongo spear a famous weapon one of the three great spears of japan but also the use of the dark type could be a reference to his deception and cowardice because as his army was losing at the battle of sekigahara he swapped sides to the winning side and even continued to help them win yoshihiro uses girder and a machop once and he's based on shimazu yohichiro he likely uses these pokemon because he was known for his army's strength as individuals rather than numbers or tactic advantages his soldiers just had raw individual strength once defeating an army of 37 000 soldiers with only 7 000 of his own his troops came to be known as shimazu ogres which could be a way of looking at the ugly ugly conkelder line and just the strength of them all and lastly it's yoshimoto who uses pineco and is based on imagawa yoshimoto now look at these two and tell me why i mean i know that it's because that's how he looks in samurai warriors too that's where all of these character designs come from but like i guess that's also why he has a pineco and a fortress then too huh since he uses a magic ball in samurai warriors here he uses these ball pokemon but why in samurai warriors then take another generic samurai man and do this to him i mean i guess it does make him stand out more and it adds another unique character but i mean historically oh okay it turns out the guy was way into waka and no forms of japanese poetry and opera respectively he was such a big fan of them that they decided to make it his entire personality i mean like it's also kind of mean i think i mean imagine if my legacy was that i was just some big pokemon fan well i hope you liked this historic look into my favorite pokemon spin-off if i missed anything which i assuredly did let me know down below and be sure to check out our other videos that explain a whole bunch of stuff all at once they are a lot of fun and until next time never stop using your noggin [Music] you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 157,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon conquest, pokemon feudal japan, feudal japan pokemon, nintendo ds, pokemon legends arceus, pokemon warlords, pokemon warlords explained, pokemon explained, pokemon conquest arceus, pokemon conquest nobunaga, nobunagas ambition, samurai warriors, pokemon samurai warriors, pokemon nobunaga, pokemon crossover, pokemon crossovers, pokemon spinoff, pokemon spinoffs, best pokemon spinoffs, ransei, ransei region, explaining pokemon, pokemon conquest canon
Id: lyO4XSOw4Ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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