Answering my Biggest Question about Gardevoir! | Gnoggin - Pokemon

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check it I've got a Gardevoir in the thumbnail and an arrow pointing to her chest that's what your people want I guess and you're just sayin so Pokemon designs tend to be very straightforward this is a duck that's a Yorkshire Terrier that's a candle that's trash that's a very very fat cat that's what are those things called penguin that's a Pangolin and this it's a Gardevoir I suppose it's a ballet dancer Volker Leo's a ballet dancer what even is this pokemon line and more specifically what the heck is this thing in Gardevoir is chess isn't Gardevoir supposed to be the embrace pokemon it's all about hugs and stuff wouldn't that stab someone right through the heart well maybe just maybe we can explain imagine this Cup he's not going dog net all right to start this discussion let's start with rods what the heck is a Ralts well it's psychic-type and it's clearly based on a child like many other evolutionary lines have a small child youngster and then adults perform you know it's a common theme in the world of Pokemon Ralts has the large head and the hole wearing pajamas that are too big for it thing going on with the feet it's a fairly common trope in animation also it has a bowl cut which is common for little boys its name is interesting as it's an anagram for astral an anagram is when a word can have its letters rearranged and it makes another word Estoril in this case refers to astral projection which is when you send your consciousness to the Stars which is commonly associated with psychics and just to prove that this isn't a coincidence even in other languages where the name is different it's still an anagram for astral tarsal and trois law in French and German and yes it's name is still Rawls in Japanese which on top of being an anagram for astral also comes from relate and waltz being a type of dance and you'll see how each evolution relates to dance soon but relate comes from waltzes heightened ability to feel the emotions of those around it thanks to its heightened psychic power also note the pink thing in this bass evolution is up on its head the larger part of it sticking out in the front with the smaller parts behind it making a sort of banana shape similar to how Gardevoir gives others banana shapes I'm so sorry that was bad looking too curly and now we see obvious inspirations from ballet specifically the pose especially the whole standing on the tips of its toes thing as well as the tutu looking Tufts this time its name is the same in every language Kirlia which is a reference to Karelian photography and esoteric form of photography where you can see the psychic or of people and objects and note it's pink things now are still on the head but there are two of them they kind of remind me of hair clip things perhaps holding together twin tails Kirlia can then evolve into either Gardevoir or gal aid depending on a number of factors if the Kirlia is male and has a dawn stone it will evolve into Galilee however evolving a male or female curly and normally what was resultant Gardevoir it's a common misconception that it's just a male/female split because it's not you can have male Gardevoir which is - plenty of people's liking Gardevoir also has the same name in almost every language the exception this time being in Japanese where the name is instead sir Knight yes sir Knight sir in this case isn't referring to its sex rather back in the olden days event Chickasha when you wished to call upon a knight possibly due to a misdeed a stolen sweet roll or a stabbing you would yell out sir knight and a knight or guard would come to your aid sir Knight at the time was more of a way of saying come here Knight but through association and time due to the majority of Knights being male sir soon came to mean manly men that do Knightly things or man of high authority the Japanese tend to understand this context better but realize that there would be a lot of confusion in the West so they changed the name for us to Gardevoir Gardevoir though still gets its name from guard like the castle guard and all that though the spelling of guard here makes it the French spelling of guard meat this goes along with the other words it's derived from Garter meaning to keep and war which is French for sight which guards tend to do especially from keeps this name makes perfectly good sense then as Gardevoir is essentially a guardian angel Pokemon it protects its trainer to no end and we'll even give its own life to do so and it can make a black hole if it needs the sights of all that is up here in this video it's ridiculous as for looks Gardevoir like kirlia closely resembles a ballet dancer though of a much higher rank likely the lead or principal dancer some have also stated that they resemble on a summoning you to a degree at least which is basically a Japanese paper doll with the very thin body and an enlarged head you can see the similarities but interestingly this time around rather than in the head Gardevoir has the pink thing in her chest and then when she mega evolves it splits huh well before deciphering this we might as well cover Galan - interestingly gali mixes things up rather than being psychic fairy-type tits psychic fighting likely referencing its newfound ability to put up a great fight physically it's elbows extend into swords and it fights quite gallantly probably because of the pose I'm gallant and godlike your elbows out I think it's a pose I think I've seen like medieval painting of things like that that wasn't in the script that's just something I just now realized maybe that maybe that's the thing and cool also if you couldn't tell there's part of the name origin gallant gal aid the aid comes from blade since that's what it fights with also just like Gardevoir its name is the same or similar in most languages but different in Japanese as this time around in Japan its name is a reread oh and I'm probably terribly butchering that eerie right Oh Airy Ryu dou a real real real dough it also comes from blade but also the word elbow and Earl which in the olden days of antiquity was a very prominent military leader yes and further referencing its military origins and it's swords it has a head thing and it somewhat resembles a Corinthian war helmet also gallied stance resembles the unguarded stance used by fencers and gal aides pink thing is also in its chest but it seems to be reversed when compared to Gardevoir huh and then when it mega evolves it actually shrinks though now there is more pink on the sword arms too so huh so now that you know what the guard of war line is sort of we can uncover what this pink thing is how well by looking at the Pokedex probably should have just done that from the start but this video is more than just the spike thing it's the whole what is Gardevoir video the spike is just the thumbnail because it's just so perfect for it so looking at the pokedex entries for alts we get Ralts senses the emotions of people using the horns on its head it uses the horns on its head to sense human emotions and if it's horns capture the warm feelings of people or Pokemon its body warms up slightly oh so they're horns weirdest horns I've ever seen and be they are used to sense the emotions of people and pokémon kind of like a weird psychic antennae make sense that Ralts is the feeling pokemon then it's all about emotions and feelings and feeling the feelings of others it's the empathy Pokemon when children call cute and interestingly enough there are studies that suggest babies are actually a lot more emotionally intelligent than people assume especially when it comes to telling the emotion of their mother Kirlia then is the emotion Pokemon remember back when you were a little kid and it was always oh did he hurt your feelings and then as you got a bit older you learned what the proper word is emotions maybe this category change from feeling Pokemon to emotion Pokemon is a reference to that also curly as horns are much bigger than that of Ralts and on top of being able to better feel the emotions of its trainer its pokedex entries also states curl uses the horns on its head to amplify its psychokinetic power so these horns are for more than just a motion-sensing they really are full-on just psychic antenna thingies for the technical term I mean that makes sense why it's on the head then psychic powers are all about brain manipulating matter stuffs again for the technical term and so having a horn come out from the head means the brain has a better means of Zeus but why then would these horns move down to the chest in the final evolutions also do gal eight and Gardevoir pokedex entries say anything about the horn no they don't actually which just means we can assume it does the same thing increases their power of psychokinesis and of sensing the emotions of others notably Gardevoir being the embrace pokemon and the most loving and caring of all it may have the spike in her heart due to the classic idea of your heart being where you feel emotions Gardevoir has an even deeper connection with the emotions of others now as she feels them right in his heart then upon mega evolving this power increases tremendously look at these horns now hidden pins also note they are in fact horns and after all of my digging I couldn't find a single instance of them ever bending or flopping which leads me to believe that yes they are hard so if you were to hug a Gardevoir you wouldn't get stabbed in the chest likely the heart oh so you could have your hearts connected through sweet healthy boys Pokemon hey though when gali mega evolves the Hornets chest gets smaller and its pokedex injuries are more so about how its combat abilities are great as it knows what its opponent is thinking so I'd guess that gal eight is less about the emotion sensing I mean after all knowing the exact emotion your enemy his feeling as you strike them down with a sword to the face as a bit uh it's probably not the best thing for your mental health so it's much more so now about knowing the thoughts of the opponent perhaps the only reason it's in the chests to begin with is because Gallade is basically a specialized Gardevoir that's just where the horn goes for the final form but the heart connectivity with emotions and all is useless to it now so when it mega evolves it shrinks it's needless and note now its blades our pink is this sharp hard sword material stuff the same as the horn was does this mean that the horn on the rest of the evolutionary line can be as sharp and hard as a sword why would you want to embrace that so any motion sensing sword spiked with mental antenna powers that's what this thing is ouch but I do want to ask one more question about this line and it's everyone's favorite what's what the whole like Gardevoir can still be a dude thing it's not even like mostly female or anything like most of the more feminine Pokemon are either entirely or mostly female but are out of ours 5050 well I'd actually argue that perhaps it wasn't intended to be as feminine as the fan base in the West made it out to be I mean let's look at curly almost everyone assumes it's designed off of a little girl ballet dancer with twin tails but considering all of the medieval and tiki times noble origins Karelia reminds me a lot more of a young prince or a choir boy I mean little prince boys that are in ballet dances are often picked on for being super feminine which of course there's nothing wrong with but you know it is what it is curly is hair cut even it's like it's just a longer Hemans haircut this style which is also pretty similar to Gardevoir is pretty common for stereotypical princes I mean think about all of the flamboyant princes in media even the me fighters in Smash Bros that the Prince hat has this haircut or at least something similar to it overall I feel like this was the idea here or at least a part of it while Gallade is the prince that had a more military focus growing up in times of war bar d'avoir is the princess or prince that chose to stick with dance and a more pompous lifestyle of nobility and now with all that explained there is another important trait about Gardevoir and that's just how heroic they are conveniently my pal true green 7 just posted a video all about heroic Pokemon so be sure to check that out and what do you think of this interpretation of Gardevoir and all them does it sound plausible what are your thoughts let me know down below and until next time never stop using your noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 1,905,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, gardevoir, gallade, ralts, kirlia, pokemon gardevoir, gardevoir pokemon, pokemon animation, pokemon explained, pokemon anatomy, pokemon science, psychic type pokemon, fairy type pokemon, can gardevoir mega evolve, mega gardevoir, can gardevoir be male, can gardevoir be a male, can gallade be female, sirknight pokemon, sirknight, gardevoir spike, gardevoir red, red thing in gardevoir, gardevoir horn, gardevoir rule 34, male gardevoir, pokémon
Id: xI8LKzg6Ga8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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