The Story keepers - Episode 9 - Trapped

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[Music] 64 AD the Emperor Nero has unleashed his fury against the Christians their crime proclaiming a king higher than Caesar setting fire to the city Nero places the blame on the Christians and launches a new campaign to wipe them out families are separated children left homeless as thousands are sold into slavery or thrown to the Lions escaping the panic of the fire and dodging the advancing soldiers a group of children find shelter in the gentle care of Ben and Helena a local Baker and his wife here the children discover an amazing secret network of daring men and women who risk their lives to help one another and to tell the stories of the great storyteller the one called Jesus and so awaiting the day when their parents will return Anna Cyrus Justin and Marcus embark on the adventure of a lifetime together with Ben Helena and their friends in the Christian underground their mission to keep the stories of Jesus alive this is their story they are the story keepers [Music] I can't believe tomorrow's near his birthday again why does the Empress Sabina have to pick our bakery to cook for Nero's party I suggested using the palace Baker's but she wouldn't listen after all I'm just one of her lowly servants don't apologize Miriam we're just thankful to have Christians like you working in Nero's Palace open up in the name of me cactus the abandoned mill is perfect for tonight's meeting good work tactical thanks dad I I real sign the guards at sector so you shouldn't have any problem won't she be there I'm afraid not Anna Nero has demanded an audience with his closest advisors and I must attend oh we should be thankful Nero is so fond of tactic Asst they'd hate to think what he'd do if he knew you were a Christian only my closest friends know that and I plan to keep it that way you're not the first you know for a long time even Jesus's closest friends didn't know who he was until one day when Jesus led his disciples to the top of a mountain at the top of the mountain an amazing thing happened two other men appeared beside Jesus great men of God who had died many years before one was Elijah some people worshipped another God but called him upon the wall Elijah set them straight [Music] [Applause] [Music] you the other man was Moses who led his people out of Egypt [Applause] this is my son you must do what he says [Music] do not tell anyone what you've seen until I have risen from the dead [Music] you see Jesus knew it wasn't the right time to reveal who he really was I can understand how he felt well thanks Ben I hope it goes well tonight see you soon I hope so I've been nice seeing you again Miriam it was good seeing you again too tactic ich cactus is really nice isn't he he certainly is hen huh we've better get back to work the first delivery is due at the palace by nightfall and our customer isn't exactly the patient type faster pairing it up utilizing lux your new altar is quite impressive Caesar of course it is what I have an unimpressive altynai Alice it's more than impressive it's stupendous the most stupendous altar ever erected by a ruler himself I know me a ruler you little toad I'm a god that's what I meant you're the kind of gotten rules over ever done what do you think tactic asserts very just picture it the alternate in all of you bowing before me your God [Music] speed up I don't have all night yes in precipitant you warned me about the filling don't stand there fetch me a new pair of shoes wow you must be great to live here except for Nero and Sabina and nihilus and the guards I mean Sabina thinks the spices make her smell nicer nicer than what a dead goat did it Myriam things are so bad here why don't you just run away it's not that easy Nero doesn't take kindly to runaway servants maybe some handsome man will come to your rescue some are my tactic Asst yes I can see it now he'll ride up at a great golden chariot and carry me off into the sunset and you'll go to some faraway land and build a house in the country and I could come live with you I'd like that very much but I'm sure you'll find your real parents one day that's what Dan always says but deep down I know I'm never gonna see them again careful you oaf hail Nero well what are you waiting for start worshipping me Oh Thank You Cesar it's an honor to worship so godly a God is you my god hail Nero Lord of all hail Nero hail Nero Nero hey what's the matter tactic Asst have your knees been injured no Caesar then why aren't you kneeling on them forgive me Caesar but but what you are planning on worshipping me aren't you tactic Asst well I cannot I knew it he's a Christian prepare to die you traitorous wait how do you expect a man to worship me if you kill him nihilus says you are a Christian well we shall see you have until my party tomorrow to either bow before me or die take him away [Music] and I'm les tactic espoused before narrow at the party tomorrow night he'll be executed Oh No why couldn't excuse just keep quiet about being a Christian we all know following God's Way can be dangerous it was the same for Jesus when he returned to Jerusalem where he knew many of his enemies would be waiting it was the time of the Passover festival and the city was very crowded there were many soldiers also fishermen and farmers from Galilee who supported the freedom fighters the people had heard about Jesus and were very excited they thought God's chosen leader had arrived at last but Jesus hadn't yet arrived in the city he was in Bethany near the Mount of Olives go into the village there you will find a donkey bring them back with you why are you untying that donkey our master needs it but but he will send it back soon many years before one of the prophets had said that a true king would come to Jerusalem but instead of riding a horse he would ride a donkey as the one who comes in God's name bless the kingdom of David of course not everyone was so happy some religious leaders were worried by the crowds excitement many people hope Jesus would lead them into battle against the Roman army but great generals don't drive donkeys there had been many so-called messiahs but this one was different [Applause] so you see even though it was very dangerous Jesus knew the time had come to reveal who he really was but his tactic is does that Nero will kill him not if we break tactic us out of the palace first Oh boom and I've got just the plan Ben and I can get to the dungeon through the aqueduct Miriam can help too she knows the palace inside and out we don't need Miriam will have tactic is out of there before the crows trust me we heard you the first home more tactical I feel your taste in friends has taken a turn for the worse you were like a son to me and now look ah to think I was going to make you prefect of the god you'd have been the most powerful man in Rome seeing as how I am a god and all well I suppose I'll just have to give the job to nihilus nihilus is an animal you can't grant him that kind of power I'm not you are bow before me and the power shall be yours and Astron Eilis well surely one of our frontier Garrison's could use another man I know you'll do the right thing prefect tactical the right thing it's really I knew what that was [Music] [Music] [Music] good work everybody Sabinas going to think these pastries are awful simply awful these bronze platters won't do at all fetch the golden letters at once what are you two doing here where are your papers oh well let's see there you are we've been looking everywhere for you two the Empress is waiting for these and she's furious come I must see their authorization papers first commander do you know what happened the last time a guard kept the Empress waiting she did let them pass go to work girls now all we have to do is find tactic Asst you mean you haven't rescued him yet not yet but now that we're inside he's is good is free trust me time to kneel or die tactic is personally I hope it's the latter [Music] there's tactic us but I don't wanna get too we'd have to be royalty to get down there [Applause] happy birthday to me as a god I decree for now and forever you shall always shop me princess bed queen and these are my sisters we've come to pay homage to Caesar on this joyous occasion [Music] this will never look yes it will trust for now on forever you shall all wash up me no we will marine pork Caesars gifts and let the worship even come in our gift the Caesar is the gift of amusement hey hero Lord of all hmm Mike if de Caesar is the gift of string and this golden amulet [Music] ah tactic Asst I'm what shall your gift be your devotion or your life my gift is Caesar is a story excellent I always enjoy a good yarn of course yarn what was I thinking you may proceed this story was told not long ago by a very great man there once was a man who planted a new vineyard so he rented the vineyard out to some tenants after the harvest the owner of the vineyard sent a servant to collect his share of the prods when the servant returned to his master he had been badly beaten the owner sent another servant but maybe him up to the owners sent other servants some were beaten [Music] others were killed [Music] perhaps if I send you they will show more respect be careful my son [Music] it's the honors son the vineyard will belong to him when his father dies not necessarily [Music] all the treachery the deceit I love it the man who first told this story must have been great indeed who he is in fact he was speaking to the leaders of his religion at the time and what will the vineyard owner do now that his son has been killed he will go to the vineyard and kill the tenants [Music] stop then he will give the vineyard to the other tenants tell me tactic Asst the great man who first told this story what is his name Jesus the Christ my lord how dare you I am your God you will worship Me I'd rather die man so you shall Nilus slay this insolent dog at once with pleasure Caesar I've been waiting a long time for this now [Music] [Music] we've got you now guess again afternoon it's got a [Music] down you clumsy clause [Music] my girls look what they've done to my beautiful gowns by Ulta not what they've done to my magnificent Ulta happy birthday Caesar nihilus I want you to catch those treacherous little cretins and nihilus this old service tunnel should lead us right to the wagon I can't leave them gonna rip those cords Wow it's me you want Niles let the others go all enemies of the Empire must be executed including the little ones yeah my video tech takus had everything and you threw it all away no Christian friends my video you're the one who's blind Nilus go I shall enjoy watching you guy tacticals [Music] you better kill me Christian I'll come after you if you don't I know you will [Music] but not today I will find you this isn't the end it's just the beginning I've never been rescued by a pack of princesses I don't know how to thank you thank Anna and Miriam it was their plan thank you Anna and thank you Newton nihilus meant what he said tactic Asst I'm afraid your old life is over I know welcome to the underground Centurion [Music]
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 604,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Story Keepers, The Story keepers - Episode 9, Trapped, vineyard and the tenants, storykeepers, Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, story keepers, story, Christian leader, Christian, adventures, Ancient Rome, mission, Jesus, nazareth, jesus christ, christ, cartoon, children, animation, animated movie, christ story, Jesus story, animated film, jesus movie, cartoon movie, story of the christ, story of jesus, the story keepers dvd, bible story, life of jesus, Jesus's stories
Id: KYsqfiLhbVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2016
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