The Story keepers - Episode 3 - Catacomb Rescue

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64 AD the Emperor Nero has unleashed his foreign faithful Christians their claim for claiming a king - Caesar setting fire to the city Nero places the blame on the Christians and launches a new campaign to wipe them out families are separated children left homeless as thousands are sold into slavery or escaping the panic of the fire and dodging the advancing soldiers a group of children find shelter and the gentle care of Ben and Helena a local Baker and his wife here the children discover an amazing secret network of daring men and women who risk their lives to hopefully and to tell the stories of the great storyteller the one called Jesus and so awaiting the day when their parents will return Anna Cyrus Justin and Marcus embark on the adventure of a lifetime together with Ben Eleanor and their friends and the Christian Underground their mission to keep the stories of Jesus alive this is their story they are the story keepers [Music] [Music] why are we being so careful tonight because tonight's meeting is especially dangerous Cyrus Ben's friend if Ryan will be there and the Romans would love to catch him because he's told so many people the stories of Jesus I think it's safe now you're there we're searching for a man named Ephraim a Christian do you know him no I don't all right you call that an interrogation tactic as' I'll show you [Music] do you know a Christian named a Frye um no I swear you not only know him you are a friar Montillo aren't you I said you're a friar you were flying the story keeper yes yes anything you say yeah that my friend is how it's done why'd it be so cruel Justin they beat my father like that before they took him away [Music] [Music] [Music] ban my old friend fry him I'm so glad you made it everyone's been looking forward to hearing her stories Friends of Jesus please welcome a friar the master storyteller ah man is too kind he knows as well as anyone I am nothing compared to the greatest storyteller of all I one day I remember hearing Jesus in Galilee and as he spoke a man stepped forward what must I do to live in God's new way what are the scriptures say they say we must love God and our neighbors as ourselves yes do this and you will live but who is my neighbor there was a man travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho some men set a trap on the road and when the man came by they robbed and beat him leaving him there bleeding and alone a priest was going down the same road but he refused to stop and help then a Levite came by on his way to the temple where he worked then just as the man thought he would die a Samaritan came by the wounded man did not think a stranger from Samaria would help but the foreigner took pity on him and stopped after tending to the man's wounds the Samaritan took him to an inn this man needs help do you know this man no but please just take care of him if it costs more than this I'll pay you on the way back the innkeeper was amazed Samaritans and Jews don't usually speak to one another yet the priest and Levite had broken their own law by not helping the man now which of those men who passed by the wounded traveler was his neighbor the one who was kind to him exactly now you go and do the same now there was a master storyteller ah yes did you ever meet Jesus oh Jesus Oh him yes of course now now if you'll excuse me I don't remember seeing you before I'm visiting I'm visiting my uncle yes and there he is oh my god and finally this is Marcus and his brother Justin I'm pleased to meet you all come come Helena has a feast waiting and then I'll tell you about our plans believe me we'll have you out of the city before Nero even knows you were here what do you mean he's here who's here the one responsible for spreading all that Jesus nonsense throughout all of Cappadocia Oh him why the unmitigated dull it's bad enough his spreads that poison out in the sticks but to come here Columbus thank you all for bringing this to my attention you're welcome tactic Asst why isn't this Christian here now begging for his life well sir we haven't found him yet but I have my men on alert for any unusual activity hmm if your men are alert at all that will be unusual activity do you mean felonious is the one man who knows where this Christian is the felonious is the one true loyal and lasting friend of room well I can actually see where he went dandelions and one move now where were we the search for the Christian is a job for my Praetorian Guard not these common foot soldiers that we do this my way and I guarantee we'll have that story keep a silence by nightfall the only thing you can guarantee Annihilus is brutality and destruction brutality and destruction white arcticus what an excellent idea I want you Annihilus to work together sir silence now close the city gates and let no one travel the highways of the Empire without my official seal I want that Christian dead as well as anyone caught hiding him you have your orders now go break it down you Christians can't escape forever sometimes I do them estab even if they are different these Christians don't seem so bad still Caesar is my god and I do as he commands guards since the house you there what are you doing I was just making deliveries deliver this Hey watch where you're going away Oh get your hands off of me and you get off the streets one day you're gonna pay for this you're all gonna pay how's the story tell us the story yeah story about Jesus if Ryan will tell another story tonight right now we have to discuss our plans to get him out of Rome does he have to leave I'm afraid so Anna there are many people in Genoa who have never heard the stories of Christ and I have to plant the seeds he's gonna plant seeds in Genoa I thought he was a story keeper not a farmer well Cyrus telling the stories of Jesus is like planting a seed in someone's heart Helena tell him about the sower ah yes one day Jesus was teaching a crowd by the sea listen to this a farmer went to plant his crop now some seeds fell on the path and the birds ate them some seeds fell on rocky ground these shut up quickly because the soil was thin but they were scorched by the Sun some seeds fell among the thorns and the thorns grew up and choked them so that they never ripened [Music] but some seeds fell into good soil and made 30 times more grain some up to 60 and others up to a hundred times more grain and Jesus said he who has ears let him hear hear what I don't get it well neither did his disciples at least not at first master why do you talk to people in stories why not say what you mean like you do with us when I'm talking to you I can talk about God's Way plainly about how God cares for everyone everywhere but those who hear me as I'm passing through their villages don't know me as well what the scriptures say they like put things into stories that way those who want to hear me can but those whose hearts our clothes never do like the Scriptures say they look but they don't really see what's there they listen but they don't understand because if they did understand they've changed their ways the soldiers are coming we've got to hide a Brian Justin you and Anna take a frame to the catacombs and wait for me I'll keep the guards busy hurry [Music] I said open this door I'm coming I'm coming start occurs oh man I didn't realize this for your bakery come in come in I'm afraid I'll have to Nero's orders we're searching the whole distance come on a fryer so are you searching for anything in particular actually please look good by all means help yourself Wells delicous hoping to find a Christian beneath that crust no sorry sir I was just about guards what was that [Music] Nero's bakery if I find you've been hiding that story keeper I've baked you [Music] [Music] are you sure you know where you're going I know these tunnels like the back of my hand I had to live down here for a month after the fire at least the children are safe and they didn't find a frying who was that bad the pictures talking Marcus is just Sakai is it safe yes they're gone come in come in Ben you won't believe it we've gathered a whole cart load of food and clothing for a fry um to take to our friends in Genoa that's wonderful yeah and I got these traveling papers for fryin traveling papers Nero set up checkpoints on all the highways but with these when some Frey um is out of the city he can travel anywhere in the Empire excellent Zak tell everyone to bring their gifts for the Genoa Christians to Zedeck ice cave here we'll meet you there tonight but that's outside the city how will you get a Frye in there catacombs my boy they don't call us underground Christians for nothing [Music] we want everywhere I don't want excuses I want that Christian and if I want your opinion I'll give it to you now go [Music] Oh tactic Asst I think I've found our man come I'll show you how to deal with these questions [Music] and slow down oh sorry are you okay yes just give me a minute catch my breath we're being followed run come I wonder how deep this is I don't intend to find out they're getting closer man it's me they want you and the children go on you have a better chance of making it without me know if I'm and I here take this hop on my back the Lord will give me the strength of two men I thought you said the Lord would give you the strength of two men well it must have been very small man Justin help me with this what are you doing if we pull out the support we could bring the roof down behind us I see that happen before oh sure that'll stop them and I'll never sting it tact occurs Justin are you all right we're fine you need a saying go under the cage we'll meet you there I know another way Anna Anna I know she has a guard to him or maybe they were buried alive that's what they deserve the title is collapsing help yourself are you okay yeah what's that it's him he's one of the soldiers that was there nihilus is that you here here grab my whip what did we do nothing we gotta help him he'll die so leave him there Justin it's not right what they did to our parents wasn't right no please help me the paper [Music] oh thank goodness we were getting worked where are the children there was a cave-in we were separated they're trying to come another way Zack take some men see if you can find them who know Ellis I didn't think you'd come back you you saved me we had to you could have died but your Christians uh-huh Anna I came in here to arrest you why would you risk your life for me we were just doing with the Samaritan dead what Samaritan the woman's story of from him told us ah he from the story keeper he's the man I'm after well you shouldn't have any trouble now thanks to you we just lost his traveling papers take me to him [Music] our children how much do we have to take from Nero's dogs please I'm sure Zach will find the children there are only two soldiers and there there are fifty of us I say we go in there and get some repay friends friends we mustn't be like other people we must learn to forgive how long can this go on yes but how many times do we have to forgive them disciple Peter asked the same thing yes come listen they were walking in the hillsides and Peter said but Lord when somebody treats me badly how many times do I have to forgive him is seven times enough no not seven times or seventy but seven times seventy there once was a king who wanted to settle accounts with the men who worked for him one man owed him thousands of silver coins but didn't have any money to pay him then everything you own will be sold to pay your debt even your wife sure Oh give me time I'll pay you back I promise the King felt sorry for the man crossed out his debt and let him go but on the way home the man met another one of the king's officers who owed him a small amount pay me what you owe me give me time I'll pay in full I promise when the king found out what the man had done he was furious you wicked man I wiped out your debt when you begged for time to pay you should have done the same for this man guards take him to prison until he repays all his debt we must forgive those who wronged us just as God has forgiven us are you a frien this story keeper I am if Ryan are you the one who told these children the stories of Jesus if the people who hear your stories become like these children then all of Rome should hear about your Jesus you'll be needing these travelling papers you're drawn to him aren't you a fellow centurion left me to die but these children saved my life because of Jesus calm we'll talk no no it's not safe now my men will be looking for me you must go all of you that I leave you in the hands of my friend Ben look for me at my bakery may your God go with you if Ryan he will my brother and also with you and as for you I don't know how to thank you but I will find a way [Music]
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 469,650
Rating: 4.6723495 out of 5
Keywords: The Story Keepers, The Storykeepers - Episode 3, storykeepers, Good Samaritan, story keepers, Catacomb Rescue, Christmas story, story, Christian leader, Christian, adventures, Ancient Rome, mission, Jesus, nazareth, jesus christ, christ, cartoon, kids, children, animation, animated movie, christmas movie, christ story, Jesus story, animated film, jesus movie, cartoon movie, story of the christ, story of jesus, the story keepers dvd, bible story, life of jesus, Jesus's stories
Id: whV32qvGA4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2016
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