The Storykeepers - Episode 6 - starlight escape

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rome 64 a.d the emperor nero has unleashed his fury against the christians their crime proclaiming a king higher than caesar setting fire to the city nero places the blame on the christians and launches a new campaign to wipe them out families are separated children left homeless as thousands are sold into slavery or thrown to the lions escaping the panic of the fire and dodging the advancing soldiers a group of children find shelter in the gentle care of ben and helena a local baker and his wife here the children discover an amazing secret network of daring men and women who risk their lives to help one another and to tell the stories of the great storyteller the one called jesus and so awaiting the day when their parents will return anna cyrus justin and marcus embark on the adventure of a lifetime together with ben helena and their friends and the christian underground their mission to keep the stories of jesus alive this is their story they are the story keepers [Music] stars are so bright a little too bright anna nero's guards could spot us a mile away we never should have taken this road in the first place don't worry zach our friends in ostia assure me that if anyone can get us there safely it's milo i don't see hal he's as old as the hills deaf as a stone and he talks to his horse no no no you've got it all wrong regis we go left at the next junction not right ben why are we going all the way to ostia for a story meeting because it's too dangerous in rome marcus as more people become christians nero sends even more guards to trying catches what's that regis roman guards well i sure don't smell any guards [Music] oh that's a relief milo doesn't smell any guards yes you were right regis hold on everybody don't worry i'll lose them if you've got any tricks up your sleeve you'd better use them right now right only a half-witted goat with blinkers on would go right we want to go left [Applause] are you trying to get us killed sit down [Applause] [Music] is everyone all right i think so [Music] well the wagon's not [Music] so much for the story meeting we'll never get to ostian now don't be so sure i said i'd get you folks to host you and i mean to do just that just stay out of what's left in my hair and we'll be on our way again in no time i'm cold i think we can do something about that where'd the leaders in ostia find that old smuggler anyway no one knows much about milo except that he's traveled just about every road footpath and goat trail in the empire there goes another one wow why do stars fall ben i couldn't tell you marcus that's a question for the magi who magi are men who study the stars in fact a group of them play an important part in one of my favorite stories [Music] a long time ago when my father was still just a several magi discovered a new star they knew the star meant a special king had been born so they decided to follow the star to israel in hope of finding him [Music] the magi traveled for nearly two years before finally arriving in israel's capital city jerusalem [Music] unfortunately there was another king living in israel at the time and his name was herod he was a vain cruel moody man who lived in constant fear someone is trying to steal my throne i know it he would do anything even kill his own wife and family to remain king the visit of the magi did little to comfort him great king we have come to worship the child who was born to be the king of the jews do you know where we may find him i am king of the jews their only king where can i find the other king of which they spoke [Music] in bethlehem as the prophet micah wrote hundreds of years ago [Music] herod immediately called for another meeting with the magi the child you seek is in bethlehem when you find him come back and tell me where he is for i would like to worship him too [Music] and so the magi traveled to nearby bethlehem [Music] the child they had come to see was now two years old he was staying in bethlehem with his parents joseph and mary [Music] the magi opened the gifts they had brought for him gold fit for a king [Music] frankincense for worship [Music] this last gift was a strange one myrrh is usually used in the burial of the dead perhaps the magi knew that much sorrow would come to this little boy ugh [Music] and then just as suddenly as they had arrived they'd left [Music] no one knows where they went but one thing is certain they didn't return to herod's palace [Music] [Music] yes well still no word from the magi your majesty when herod realized the magi had tricked him he flew into one of his terrible rages those meddling sorcerers are trying to hide the child from me so be it by the time i'm finished they'll wish they delivered him to me on a plate assemble your men they are to scour the city of bethlehem and kill every male child under the age of two but your majesty no one must escape alive do you understand that's an order yes herod how did joseph and mary escape ben yeah ben finish the story well the same night that king herod ordered his men to kill the newborn children joseph was warned by an angel of the lord in a terrible dream [Music] joseph and mary knew from the dream that they had to escape and they didn't have much time for sure enough herod's men carried out their orders [Music] good [Music] though joseph mary and jesus managed to escape the sound of weeping mothers that night was a sad sound indeed and so the family made their way to egypt [Music] wow king herod was even worse than nero at least joseph mary and jesus didn't get caught yeah well we might not be so lucky if those guards decide to double back i'll see what's taking so long no regis you've got it all wrong two rabbis walk into a tavern and they've got a duck i hate to interrupt but how's the wheel coming and the first rabbi asked the innkeeper if he serves ducks what am i doing this old coot couldn't hear a thunderbolt if it hit him in the ear watch it sonny it's a long walk to ostia [Music] who ever heard of driving down a riverbed was this your idea or did regis suggest it very funny he's just a horse no there's nothing wrong with being a horse i'm just saying one thing's for sure nero's guards will never spot us down here exactly laddy boy i know these parts better than an old dog knows his fleas you can take it from me there's absolutely no quicker way to cesarea philippi than straight down this riverbed but we're going to ostia i know that [Music] helena were you ever in bethlehem no but my parents once passed through nazareth that's the town in judea where joseph and mary lived but i thought jesus was born in bethlehem he was but the story really begins before that [Music] you see in those days joseph worked as a carpenter he had just become engaged to mary who lived nearby [Music] now nazareth is only a small town for that matter israel is only a small country and as ben will tell you the people have always hated being ruled by the roman emperor just like today they longed to be free and dreamed of the day god would send them a great leader some prepared to fight and others like mary prayed peace be with you mary the lord is with you and has blessed you mary was confused by the voice and wondered what it meant god is pleased with you you will have a son and we'll call him jesus god will make him a king and his kingdom will never end but how can this happen since i am still a virgin there is nothing god cannot do his spirit will come to you and his powers will rest on you the child will be a holy child he will be called the son of god i am the lord's servant let it happen to me as you have said and so it did mary soon learned she was going to have a baby because they were not yet married joseph thought the right thing to do was break off their engagement quietly [Music] hey why are we stopping here you folks stay here i'll be right back wait where are you going where does it look like i'm going i have to talk to someone inside to get the location of the secret meeting of yours [Music] i don't like this ben it could be a trap milo's brought us this far i'm sure he knows what he's doing that's what i'm afraid of [Music] there they are [Music] that was really close ben let's get out of here we can find the meeting on our own milo said he'd be back i think we should trust him me too we'll wait just a while longer but ben why don't you continue with the story helen well um one night not long after he had called off the wedding joseph had a dream joseph you must not be afraid to win mary god is the father of her baby and you shall call him jesus for he will save his people from their sins the next morning joseph decided to go ahead with the wedding as planned [Music] shortly before the baby was due the roman emperor sent out an order to every country in his empire hoping to make it easier to collect taxes he ordered the people to put their names on a register this really upset many jews it reminded them they were not free caesar augustus [Music] samuel benjamin [Music] to prevent riots the emperor ordered everyone to return to the place where they were born to register [Music] this meant that joseph had to go south to bethlehem in the province of judea bethlehem is known as the city of david because it is the place where the great shepherd king david was born by the time joseph and mary arrived in bethlehem the baby was ready to be born but the town was so crowded that when they finally found a place there was no room left [Music] and the baby had to be born in the stable [Music] hmm you just [Music] they oh the baby in cloths and laid him in the manger not far away a group of shepherds were tending their flock [Music] don't be afraid i have good news for you today your savior has been born who is christ the lord you will find him in the town lying in a manger [Music] it's it's the lord who sent this message we must go to bethlehem [Music] the shepherds told mary and joseph what they had heard about jesus mary kept the things she had heard deep in her heart and continued to think about them eight days later mary and joseph named their child jesus just as god's messenger had told them to do do you know one of my favorite things about that story ordinary shepherds were among the first to see jesus i think that's my favorite story helena mine too i knew it was a trap you tricked us milo now hold on lad this soldier's a friend and he's going to personally escort you to the meeting place it's just a short walk from here he'll escort us right to the lions that's where he'll escort us [Music] you must be zakai he's just as you described him ben a little taller maybe cassius cassius marcellus i thought i recognized that laugh you could relax zach cassius and i old friends [Music] don't look so surprised everyone tacticus isn't the only christian in the roman god i don't know what we would have done without you milo yeah thanks for everything i know it was nothing no it was something oh my god goodbye milo take care bye milo bye regis safe journey come come our meeting place is filled with friends and they're anxious to hear your stories [Music] [Applause] milo wait what is it lad forget something well yes i forgot to thank you and i owe you an apology ah you were just looking out for your friends yes but i think i went a little too far a trip like this makes everyone a little jittery why once a long time ago a family hired me to take them across the desert road to egypt real nice folks but they've gotten themselves into some kind of trouble and they were scared silly i was going to turn them in zack i wish i could remember their names jared and myra no that's not it zach come on milo i have to go but thanks again for everything they had a little boy with him jason and miriam no oh that's right regis joseph and mary [Music] i wonder whatever happened to those folks [Applause] [Music] so you
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 660,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Story Keepers, The Storykeepers - Episode 6, starlight escape, storykeepers, story keepers, story, Christian leader, Christian, adventures, Ancient Rome, mission, Jesus, nazareth, jesus christ, christ, cartoon, children, animation, animated movie, christmas movie, christ story, Jesus story, animated film, jesus movie, cartoon movie, story of the christ, story of jesus, the story keepers dvd, bible story, life of jesus, Jesus's stories, Christian family, Christian slave, Pharisee
Id: PCEA1vw14Hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2016
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