The Storykeepers - Episode 13 - To the ends of earth

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Rome 64 A.D the emperor Nero has Unleashed his Fury against the Christians their crime proclaiming a king higher than Caesar setting fire to the city Nero places the blame on the Christians and launches a new campaign to wipe them out families are separated children left homeless as thousands are sold into slavery or thrown to the Lions escaping the Panic of the fire and dodging the advancing soldiers a group of children find shelter in the gentle care of Ben and Elena a local Baker and his wife here the children discover an amazing secret network of Daring men and women who risk their lives to help one another and to tell the stories of the great Storyteller the one called Jesus and so awaiting the day when their parents will return Anna Cyrus Justin and Marcus embark on the adventure of a lifetime together with Ben Helena and their friends in the Christian underground their mission keep the stories of Jesus alive this is their story they are The Story Keepers [Music] thank you narrowly escaping Nero's death sentence yet is no longer my enemy nihilus you 've been in the gang free roam aboard salim's boat their goal the Arabian Village of shemhadar if they can get there Sail Away Little Christians sailed to the ends of the Earth but know this I will find you and Vengeance will be mine [Music] together again we're gonna tour the whole world with our circus it must be nice I don't think Marcus and I will ever see our mom and dad again know I won't see mine me and my big mouth hey light is still following us Marcus I told you it's just the reflection of the Moon nope I know what the Moon looks like children we're ready for you idiom antarcticus is there a dowry for the bride but these are yours and mothers they've been in the family for generations and they will be for many more Miriam and tacticus share both love and courage now in your joining mayor may your love of God and with that love build a home that will honor him forever as Captain of this fine vessel I pronounce you husband and wife [Music] I'm so happy for you I just wish I could give you a better gift actually you can and uh Ben's told us about your parents how you lost them in the great fire she doesn't think they're alive I know they're not well the gift we really want is for you to be our daughter you do God's helping everybody find parents except for us boys just sometimes it's hard to see what he's doing also I have an idea why don't we get ready for bed and I'll tell you a story about how Jesus helped his disciples when they thought he'd forgotten about them of course only Mary had seen Jesus at the but later cleopas and another disciple were on their way to a village called Emmaus they were remembering Jesus's death and all that had happened since Jesus himself joined them they did not recognize him what are you talking about you must be the only visitor to Jerusalem who doesn't know what's been going on in the past three days what things all that's happened to Jesus of Nazareth he was a true man of God but his enemies handed him over to pilate who sentenced him to the Cross we had hoped that Jesus was the man who could set our people free but now he's dead what's more some of our women gave us a shock they said that when they went to visit his tomb this morning it was empty body was gone only you could understand don't you see what the scriptures are all about didn't the Messiah have to face all of that wasn't the only way for him to Triumph and as they walked Jesus told them all the stories in the Jewish scriptures that talked about the one God would send wait for it why not stay with us it's getting late [Music] then they suddenly realized who he was before they could say a word Jesus was gone did they ever see him again or did but that's a story for another time good night my angels Marcus what are you doing I'm looking for that funny light I saw before but I really saw it go to sleep Marcus you're so tired you're already dreaming [Music] um laughs what are we doing here Port Saeed is too dangerous Zach it's still a Roman Outpost and they'll be looking for me and tacticus that's why you Justin Marcus Helena tacticus and myself will cross to shamadar through the desert from here the others will take the shorter Road from the board but that means splitting up it's for the best Anna you and Miriam and everyone else will be in shempadar long before us and will expect a big hug just like this Miriam when you get to Saeed ask for a scribe name Yakov he may have word of Justin and Marcus's parents do you think they could still be alive for their sake we must hope so bye see you in shemada goodbye Anna see you there God be with you Ben how are we going to cross 200 miles of desert Wasteland without a wagon let me read oh man on time so nice to see you all again well most of you Milo oh no what's wrong jack you'll see you'll see and then there was a time I laid to 200 Ethiopians across the Negev and what and what were their names [Music] thank you [Music] how much further to shimhadar two more days a reaches two and a half he thinks we'll be delayed by Raiders what are you talking about he's just a dumb horse [Music] you were saying hang on everyone hey you Christian [Music] boxed in [Music] so we meet again [Music] where are you taking us to bounty hunters where else you and your convert will fetch a huge prize your bow still wanted by the emperor [Music] no yes an advance on your fee they are free free to die of thirst [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] water anyone don't you wish you killed me when you had the chance in Rome I was so disappointed you didn't try give me a sword and I'll make it up to you now easy doctor because easy [Music] I told you I was a great climber just another 10 qubits and wow Zach don't let go straight no white nose hitches it's Regis we just lower the Rope like a nice horsey please Regis I'll never call you dumb again [Music] thank you gentlemen all right everyone a quick drink of water then we've got to find Ben and tacticus the horse was tied to your camel you tied the knot just don't lose them [Music] remember Baker dead or alive the reward money is the same [Music] activist because you must preserve your strength we may yet have a chance to use it [Music] oh great we've lost their tracks what are we gonna do what are you two now the doubting Thomas Brothers they're not Brothers me and Justin are I know kiddo it was a joke Thomas was a disciple who wouldn't believe his friends had seen Jesus Marcus how come they wanted to see for himself remember how shocked the two disciples were when they realized Jesus had come back wasn't it exciting the way he talked on the road he made the scriptures come alive like I've never heard before so they left immediately heading back to Jerusalem to tell their friends what they had seen that's when Jesus appeared again Shalom peace be with you what is upsetting you look at my hands and my feet it's me touch me and you'll see it's true I'm alive have you anything to eat thank you now poor Thomas wasn't there that evening when he returned Thomas where have you been where were you we have seen Jesus the disciples told Thomas how Jesus had appeared to them I don't believe you but it's true we've seen the master unless I see the nail marks on his hands and feet and touch them and put my hands in his side then I won't believe you a week later all the disciples were together again including Thomas suddenly Jesus was again standing in their midst shalom with you look at my hands now reach out your hands all right Thomas show me that you trust me my Lord and my god do you trust me just because you've seen me the people who trust me without even seeing me are the ones who are really happy of course that doesn't just go for Thomas it goes for us as well I think God's Gonna help us find opinion tactics even if we can't see them that's the spirit Marcus Hey look [Music] what's wrong from the looks of these tracks Ben's not gonna last much longer [Music] Ben Ben how fitting that the baker gets baked in the end [Music] please [Music] please help them just give him the strength to walk if your God answers prayer why has he left you to die in the desert [Music] foreign [Music] we're breaking Camp if we don't keep walking they'll kill us your tacticus listen to me I can't walk I listen to you many times Ben but this time I won't I can't let you die in this desert tell me tacticus who will carry you when your strength is gone Master look go get him [Music] nice RC stay horsy dog horsey [Music] thank you what took you so long get back in line and watch that horse a man Ben Cactus it's Zach Zach is here um yes Ben of course he is no now try to relax and look Helen is up ahead too then please you're delirious you can't yell enough then who's that it's that woman again I order you to let them go kill her and this time this time finish the job [Music] stop [Music] I'm Shuffling this blade out better man than you yes but not quicker I believe you have something in mind [Music] you want me so brave as you die of thirst [Music] laughs [Music] give us our water and I'll let you go free [Music] at least you'll still fight like a Roman prepared to die like one [Music] well it looks like you're going to kill me after all but at least I'm taking you with me no no tacticus this time you won't Escape me nihilus take my hand no I want your life [Music] you know sleeping on the job I I think I've seen Oasis with palm trees and water too I don't think the children can last much longer Zach how much water is left here Marcus how's that better yeah now I see our parents waving Marcus don't start this again I'm telling you the only thing out there is sand and Mom and Dad Mom Dad I knew we do and I knew it [Music] Regis I just want to say well thanks we couldn't have done it without you well what are you talking to him for he suggest a dumb horse [Music] on such a happy night how fitting it is to tell a happy story this will be the first time we've heard one without being chased or having to hide I can get used to this yes you see after Jesus appeared on the road to Emmaus upper room he came again to his disciples in Galilee some of his friends were fishing in the sea of tiberias they had fished all night but caught nothing as Dawn broke the disciples gave up and rode back to shore have you caught anything disciples could not see it was Jesus Calling to them you evil was light up try the starboard side [Music] chairman Peter look it's Jesus master bring some of the fish you've caught come let's eat breakfast this time none of them question who Jesus was they knew he was the Lord then about 6 weeks later Jesus was teaching them on the Olive Hill near Bethany then your job will be to tell everyone everywhere all that you know about me starting here in Jerusalem then in Palestine then in foreign places like Samaria and finally to the very ends of the Earth they knew then that the death of Jesus was not the end it was only the beginning and so it is for us as we carry these stories from here to the ends of the Earth each of us can be a story keeper even me even you Marcus for now you know the stories from Jesus's birth to his loving acts of healing from his most amazing miracles to the way children simply loved him and as we pass these stories on others come to find the love of Jesus just as we have until one day there is many Story Keepers as there are stars in the sky thank you foreign
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 610,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Story Keepers, stories of the resurrection, The Storykeepers - Episode 13, final episode, To the ends of earth, storykeepers, story keepers, story, Christian leader, Christian, adventures, Ancient Rome, mission, Jesus, nazareth, jesus christ, christ, cartoon, children, animation, animated movie, christ story, Jesus story, animated film, jesus movie, cartoon movie, story of the christ, story of jesus, the story keepers dvd, bible story, life of jesus, Jesus's stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2017
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