The Story keepers - Episode 10 - Tricked by a Traitor

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64 AD the Emperor Nero has unleashed his fury against the Christians their crime proclaiming a king higher than Caesar setting fire to the city Nero places the blame on the Christians and launches a new campaign to wipe them out families are separated children left homeless as thousands are sold into slavery or thrown to the Lions escaping the panic of the fire and dodging the advancing soldiers a group of children find shelter and the gentle care of Ben and Helena a local Baker and his wife here the children discover an amazing secret network of daring men and women who risk their lives to help one another and to tell the stories of the great storyteller the one called Jesus and so awaiting the day when their parents will return Anna Cyrus Justin and Marcus embark on the adventure of a lifetime together with Ben Helena and their friends and the Christian underground their mission to keep the stories of Jesus alive this is their story they are the story keepers [Music] after tactic assistance to death for refusing to worship numeral been in the gang staged a daring rescue needed by Anna's friend Miriam enraged by Nero hunters those responsible to be hunted down and executed you see your Christian friends have why did you I will find you and thank you now men and the others must smuggle the fugitives out of wrong but first they must deliver Miriam's parents from the threat of Nero's guards are you okay in there I'll be much better when I can see Miriam again how much brother to your bakery almost there Sammy just sit tight sit tight is he choking minik you're a first-class citizen the next minute you're travelling Freight that's what we get for raising our daughter as a Christian we've got company Ben who are you where are you going I'm Abby cursor and we're off to the Millers with a load of grain grain huh we'll see about that all right on your way what's this I believe it's goodbye yeah [Music] now [Music] well look who dropped in mr. Shah that's do you think [Music] sames boat will be in court next week right near this sit karat oops sorry once he arrives we'll sneak you down to the board under the cover of night till then you should be safe here you were saying quick you four hide just you and the others know what to do I think I need a bigger pen afraid it's one size fits all [Music] trackers practice that's no way to greet a customer yeah it's okay everyone it's just Antonius the Miller with the delivery I'm sorry about that just got them raised by wolves and all quite a bargain actually if I could just get them to stop chewing on my sandals [Music] now that six bags of Christians and oh my don't tell me you're hiding Christians and here again as a matter of fact I said don't tell me now I have to charge you more it's not delivery to Christians high-risk you know Antonius we all have to do our puff oh very well I'll waive the feed this time ninety sister sees please the sacrifices I make in the service of Jesus that come along boys enough milling around Oh could you maybe give me a hand thanks I guess I don't trust him Ben the way he carried that money out of here he reminded me of Judas who's Judas he's the disciple who turned Jesus over to his enemies Marcos that's right Zach I've been meaning to tell you children about him you see it was just before the great feast of the Passover priests became angered by Jesus's teachings they heard that he claimed to be God which was a crime worthy of death [Music] and they were afraid he would cause riots and the Romans would punish all of the Jewish people he had to be stopped but how Jesus was far too popular to arrest publicly but they thought it better that he should die than to risk punishment of all the people by the Roman army then one of their spies told them that Judas Iscariot one of Jesus's disciples was willing to betray Jesus to them they agreed to pay him a sum of money to do it upon hearing they'd agreed to his terms judas sent word back to the jewish council saying he would alert them when there would not be any crowds around Jesus I can't believe when it Jesus's friends would do that to him you don't think anyone will turn us in do you Ben I certainly hope not Cyrus but we can't be too careful man it's Terry's men cities crawling with cops they're going door to door looking protect cousin areum if they find them here you'll all be killed we've got to get you two to the catacombs right away but they'll need food water blankets right Helena you and the boys stay and get the supplies together Zach and bring them when you're ready [Music] hello Villa uh hello sir can I get you something flower wait breath freshener how about some Christians oh I'm afraid I'm fresh out really this morning I encountered some on the way here little fat man and his helpers help me find them and there's a reward for you a reward yes life how well since you put it that way I might know something [Music] well this is it at least until Salim's boat gets into port I know it's not much but what was that is everyone okay hmm I'll say right good everyone's fine well if this is going to be our home for a while I suggest we make it more comfortable tactic is by the time Zack gets here with the supplies this place will be fit for a king well that should hold them wait you forgot Leo and to you who my lions they don't need your old lions in the catacombs Marcus uh-huh they might get scared in there Leland deal always look after me when I get scared that's very thoughtful Marcus food and clothing are important but sometimes we need more than that [Music] Jesus had a friend named Mary who knew this and although a lot of people didn't like her she was very special to Jesus one night Jesus and His disciples were having dinner at a friend's house and Mary came to visit doesn't Jesus know what kind of woman she is this is no place for a woman like that out of my way I will come in if he really is a prophet he would know all about dadah expensive perfume should have been sold the money given to the poor leave her alone why do you want to upset her it is a fine thing she's done there are always poor among you you can help them whenever you want I'm not here forever and Jesus said what that woman did would be told all over the world just like we're doing now that's right Marcus uh-oh we've got to move these supplies or the soldiers will get suspicious [Music] I think with some help from Zack we can start digging a well good in the meantime why don't we all have a seat I don't know about the rest of you but I've worked up quite a hunger all I have is bread and a little wine but it should be enough I wonder if this is how Jesus felt on the night of his last meal with his friends I hope this won't be our last meal tactic us of course not but it's my first meal as a wanted man and then didn't you say that Jesus knew he was a wanted man on that night of the Passover yes that's right but he knew more than that which gave the disciples quite a surprise you see they had all gathered for the Passover meal in the upper roof of a man's house and Bethany one of you sitting here having supper will hand me over to the Jewish leaders hand him over what's he talking about it's not me is it I am not the one am I who would do that to you it is one of you he is here will be a terrible thing for whoever hands me over to be killed it would be better for him if he had never been born that night Jesus did something new he took some bread and after he gave thanks and broke it into pieces he gave it to the disciples and said this is my very self my body broken for you then he took a cup of wine gave thanks again and gave it to the disciples this is my very self my blood I will die then all people will know God loves everyone everywhere [Music] be careful Zack don't worry I'll stick to the back roads here we go everyone is this as usual you must be Helen that so very pleased to meet you your friend the Miller sends his regards [Music] sir the Baker's not here no matter soon will be listen up your question dogs if any of you sees your miserable little Baker tell him he has until the sunsets to show his face or his bakery will burn with his wife and children still in it [Music] and if you are not back by sundown he'll burn the bakery down with Helena and the boys still in it we've got to get them out of there nihilus has the place completely surrounded then I have to give myself up then you can't I have no choice baby you do Anna I'm telling you there's no way on earth to get near that bakery but we're not on earth anymore Zack we're under it come on [Music] Zach where are you going I'm going to make that Miller pay he betrayed you I know it Zach no comeback look you little brats the Baker's wife is out in that kitchen worried sick about you tell me where he is and I'll let you go back to her no you're bad Marcus Shh the boys right capela show some respect these are children after all citizens of Rome yeah not only that they're orphans how did you know that oh I know all about you it's only right you should feel some loyalty to the man who took you in but what you don't realize is that man is a traitor to Rome that's not true not only that he's a liar he's not trying to find your parents it's just a trick to keep you here working in his bakery but I could really help you he can he's one of the most powerful men in Rome that's right I could find your real parents I could make you a family again all you have to do is tell me where the Baker is about it we'll never make it at this rate [Music] you I suppose you're surprised I'm not trapped in the bakery like the rest of them trapped in the bakery what are you talking about nihilus is going to burn it with Helena and the boys still in there I don't know what you're talking about track us brakus you can lie to me but you can't lie to my sword is there a problem master no this young man was just leaving I don't know how you can live with yourself Miller I know I couldn't follow him and report back to me [Music] I want this to be a fire even Nero would be proud of uh that didn't take long well sir we thought about it and well we do want to find our real parents good good and we decided the only fair thing to do would be to put your generous offer to a vote all those in favor of telling this lying able man who burnt down half of Rome and is now pretending to be our friend where Ben is say aye all those opposed no no it's unanimous fine let's see your Ben save you now Oh boys I'm so proud of you why we just did what anybody else would do anybody except for that Miller I can't believe he turned to Ben in yeah he's just like Judas you know Cyrus Judas wasn't the only one who let Jesus down really that's right after their last supper together Jesus and His disciples walked to the hill of olives it was on the road to the village where they were staying [Music] you are all going to run away we'll all let me down I'll never do such a thing I won't let you down Peters before the rooster crows twice before dawn tomorrow you will have said three times that you do not even know me I'll die for you first [Music] I would I'll die for him they had come a long way together since those happy days by the lake side in Galilee well he went into the catacombs looks like they're trying to dig their way into the bakery really show me where we should be getting close now just a few more feet this is your last chance to save your family soon hey don't worry Ben will make it what is it it's a boulder oh no I knew the coward wouldn't come board it up and burn it down hold it up and burn it down Oh what are we gonna do Shh listen it's been everybody did alright Baker you asked for this [Music] he did it he set it on fire we're not gonna make it she's right you know you at least not with these puny shovels trakis practice that Tullius but you I mean your young friend was right I couldn't live with myself if I let this monster do this to you god bless you friend no Ben God forgive me hurry I'm hurting your best like Cyrus gently please gently who's gently [Music] what do we do now then I don't know Anna one thing's for sure we can no longer stay in I don't know what happened sir they're gone that can't be sir look there's a hole I don't care if you have to dig up all the room you find that Baker find him [Music]
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 435,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Story Keepers, Episode 10, Tricked by a Traitor, Betrayal, betrayal of Jesus, Judas, Last Supper, storykeepers, Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, story keepers, story, Christian leader, Christian, adventures, Ancient Rome, mission, Jesus, nazareth, jesus christ, christ, cartoon, children, animation, animated movie, christ story, Jesus story, animated film, jesus movie, cartoon movie, story of the christ, story of jesus, the story keepers dvd, bible story, life of jesus, Jesus's stories
Id: rBlXj4Bu4v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2016
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