The Story Keepers - Episode 5 - Sink or Swim

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rome 64 a.d the emperor nero has unleashed his fury against the christians their crime proclaiming a king higher than caesar setting fire to the city nero places the blame on the christians and launches a new campaign to wipe them out families are separated children left homeless as thousands are sold into slavery or thrown to the lions [Music] escaping the panic of the fire and dodging the advancing soldiers a group of children find shelter in the gentle care of ben and elena a local baker and his wife here the children discover an amazing secret network of daring men and women who risk their lives to help one another and to tell the stories of the great storyteller the one called jesus and so awaiting the day when their parents will return anna cyrus justin and marcus embark on the adventure of a lifetime together with ben helena and their friends and the christian underground their mission to keep the stories of jesus alive this is their story they are the story keepers [Music] support support now [Music] ship goes down found the dirt [Music] and now the amazing cyrus and anna will juggle six rolls i can't do six that's what you think anna catch ow hey hey cyrus i'm doing it i know you could now that's what i call a hot top bun sorry and now for our main attraction a story from the amazing ben and helena thank you you know your show reminded me of a man jesus talked about was he a juggler no but he did put on a show every time he prayed me surely you can't be talking about me you see among the people who were interested in what jesus said there were religious men called pharisees they worked very hard at doing the right thing but sometimes they overdid it one day jesus told the story and made sure the pharisees were listening two men came into the men's court of the temple to pray one was a pharisee the other was a tax collector who worked for the romans the pharisees stood on his own where he thought he would be noticed oh lord i thank you that i am not like other people greedy dishonest and wicked or like this tax collector i fast twice a week and i give a tenth of all i earned to the temple and while the pharisees prayed the tax collector wouldn't even look up oh god have mercy on me i know i'm no good jesus told the people that it was the tax collector not the pharisee who went home forgiven what do you mean he was the one forgiven i prayed the loudest goodness who could that be everyone stay calm who is it [Music] titus then after the fires i was part of a group of christians who were sentenced to life on a slave ship if you can call it life oh titus our father was on a slave ship joshua ben judah do you know him son there are hundreds of ships and many of their slaves are christians but still he could have been on your ship you should pray he's not captain adrian would rather starve the slaves than feed them there are dozens of men still on that ship or in worse shape than i am ben we've got to help them but what can we do we're going to do what we can with what we have in other words i think it's time we took our show on the road [Music] now that's what i call hot tossed buns [Music] and now a tribute to your glorious victory we are the mighty essentials we sail the open seas no roman ship can stop retreat raining speeds [Music] but wait i'm an officer [Music] [Applause] [Music] be careful justin [Music] dad dad what are you doing here boy i'm looking for my father [Music] the only thing you'll find here is trouble now go before you get us all killed captain one of our ships has been taken in a slave revolt nero orders you to set sail at once and catch them before they reach the open sea cast off immediately sound the battle alarm [Music] wait the big finale is coming up do you know my father joshua ben judah do you know him all slave stores wait has anyone seen my father joshua ben judah he's not on this ship son justin [Music] man [Music] hey watch it with those oars what's happening we're going into battle if we don't get off this ship right now too late look don't worry zach's waiting for us ben hurry [Music] the captain will deal with you shortly [Music] wow this is nice must be the captain's quarters how can he live like this while so many people are suffering right beneath his feet yeah jesus said we should be kind to people i don't think the captain was listening when jesus said that i'm afraid he's like the man who built his house on the sand who a man jesus talked about one day when he was teaching in capernaum [Music] everyone who listens to me and does something about it is like the man who builds his house on a rock then winter comes but that house stands up to all because underneath is the rock [Music] but whoever listens to me and does nothing is like a foolish builder he built his house on sand then winter came and the rains fell and the floods came and the wind blew and down came his house with a tremendous crash captain on deck so these are the stowaways actually we were quiet i don't know why you're still on my ship but i do know we're going into battle and everyone on this boat pulls his weight you take this mob you give water to the soldiers you two stay here and clean and you what do you do i'm a baker excellent my cook makes the worst rolls in the roman navy absolutely indestructible take this baker to the galley at once [Music] ben the baker reporting for duty quiet i'm fixing soup for the slaves i thought he was washing the dishes now that's one rotten tomato one tiny slice of carrot [Music] what do you want i'm supposed to help with the bread bread good i can use some help you know everybody loves my rolls and they really came in handy against the assinians well i'll do my best sir good but remember it's not just a role it's a military secret get over here with that water [Music] just a little sip [Music] boy i said over here [Music] it's not supposed to smell like that perhaps you should taste it and tell us what we've done wrong but i've got so much to do we can finish in the kitchen for you uh take your time with the bread yes yes [Music] if he doesn't row he'll die much worse i'll take his place take his place at least until he's better this i've got to see go ahead little man bro [Music] well gentlemen since we have new blood let's have attack speed for a while shall we you're just determined to get us killed aren't you i was only trying to help if you want to help keep silent and row [Music] is this batch any better no no it's still too soft please pass the butter [Music] hmm don't worry about the boy must be nice to be free it's not so great as you think my dad's a slave and i don't know where he is [Music] keep your back straight bend your knees [Music] let's smell it's wonderful what is it it's dinner come eat and then jesus went back to capernaum people had heard all about him so they came from all around the countryside to listen to him he was teaching people about god's way [Music] no one could get in or out over here i found a way [Music] what is it when jesus saw the trust these four men had in him to help their friend he said to the paralytic young man your sins are forgiven why does a man say things like that only god can forgive sins is it easier to say to this man your sins are forgiven or get up pick up your mad and walk stand up take your mat and walk home [Music] we've never seen anything like this i can stand [Music] amazing incredible that was an amazing story ben and an amazing dinner justin the name's andrew you did a good thing growing for caleb today i'm sure wherever your father is he would be very proud i'm not even sure if he's still alive [Music] all slaves to oars what's happening we're under attack it's the rebel ship and it's headed right at us [Music] poor doors in find the starboard bring her about now porn [Music] to port to port now sir some of the ores were damaged in the last pass they're coming back around prepare to be boarded when your posts imposition them where'd it go i don't know i don't see it i do [Music] give me your hands akai whoa ben hold get to you on [Music] hello can i get a hand oh that's not what i had in mind [Music] come on we can make it out through the kitchen [Music] good old [Music] i saw some keys in the captain's quarters let's go [Music] it's locked it won't buzz [Music] good work marcus got him helena you and the kids get to the other ship justin and i will see to the slaves be careful we will [Music] ben look out i think i can make it give me a hand easy easy over here start with them [Music] so [Music] everybody hold on andrew justin save yourself oh [Music] justice [Music] and all thanks to young justin here well done lad i mean there we were the sea pouring in up to our throats when suddenly the door bursts open and in comes the boy with a fistful of keys justin i said i didn't know your father but here's someone who does justin i'd like you to meet our captain michael bentolov soho you're the son of joshua ben judah you know him know him i'll never forget him your father saved my life once last i heard he'd escaped from his ship and was searching for your mother on the farms of carthage i've never met a braver man you're just like him once off the coast of egypt he and i went [Music] i said after them after them by the way what's for dinner [Music] looks like we are so you
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 772,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Story Keepers, The StoryKeepers - Episode 5, Sink or Swim, storykeepers, story keepers, story, Christian leader, Christian, adventures, Ancient Rome, mission, Jesus, nazareth, jesus christ, christ, cartoon, children, animation, animated movie, christmas movie, christ story, Jesus story, animated film, jesus movie, cartoon movie, story of the christ, story of jesus, the story keepers dvd, bible story, life of jesus, Jesus's stories, Christian family, Christmas stories, King Herod
Id: IIm2bA1FoIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2016
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