Peppa Pig Full Episodes | Season 8 | Compilation 47 | Kids Video

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[Music] it is a lovely autumn day pepper and her friends are playing in the leaves it is dr. hamster the vet Oh naughty cat eyes but can you pop it's your bedtime it's not time yet it's bedtime for tittles he sleeps all through the winter and wax all in spring that sounds nice you like sleepy don't you Pedro yes tittles has run away oh I don't know why you like climbing trees how are we going to rescue tittles chop the tree down man No I'll ring the Fire Brigades fire service wasa torus of a tree again we're on our way [Music] stand clear fire engines use ladders to rescue pets from trees kiddos is climbing higher in the tree come here you little pick hold money cow is climbing into the tree be careful mommy cow oh dear I'm stuck cows are not very good at climbing trees I'm coming up here tittles oh I'm stuck too elephants are not very good at climbing trees I'll call the next Rescue Service hello granddad dogs break down service hello tittles the tart ice is open tree tortoise up a tree again [Music] hmm how do you get tortoises out of trees tree down okay climb up instead oh [Music] I seem to be stuck dogs are not very good at climbing trees No we'll have to call the highest rescue service in the land okay I'm on my way it is miss rabbit in her rescue helicopter let's rescue this tortoise who's flying your helicopter Oh silly me I'll just put the old two pilots on autopilot on have a nice day what if pilots fly helicopters on their own got you you little rascal miss rabbit has rescued Tibbles thank you Miss rabbit for saving my Tiddles no problem mom thank you just do my job goodbye and haven't you forgotten something what oh yes my helicopter what a naughty tart ice you are oh good you sleepy now back in your box sleep well toodles Tiddles has gone to sleep for the winter he will wake again in the springtime it is a lovely sunny day at granny and Grandpa pig's house Peppa George daddy and Grandpa are inside watching racing cars on television [Music] the race was almost finished switch it back on wow that was an exciting into a race I'm so glad I didn't miss the finish see it's finished it's such a lovely day you should all go outside and play yes granny pig so what are we going to play racing cars I know let's build Georgia racing car No the grandpa big gun what okay I'll make a racing car for George this is grandpa pig when he makes things what have we got here ah an old pram baby grandpa we only leave the prams wheels pepper this pit can be the bonnet what's your favorite number George George his favorite number is 200 this racing car will be super fast [Music] grandpa George is only little don't worry Peppa this will be a pedal car not a motor car ah next we need a steering wheel last of all you need racing goggles and here are Danny dog Zoe zebra and petrol pony looky George's racing car Wow I'll race you and me I'm a I want to race - where's your racing car pepper I don't have a racing car don't worry Peppa you can be the chief mechanic you fix George's car if it goes wrong oh I hope let's start the race three times round a garden one and George is in the lead what's all this noise out here I'm trying to watch television Oh a wheel has come off George's car where's the chief mechanic what do we do oh dear George is now at the back of the race [Music] [Applause] you're the best racing driver in the whole world and you've got the best chief mechanic in the whole world [Music] [Music] [Music] competition pepper and her friends are at play it is almost Halloween children and we are going to have a pumpkin competition whoa have you all brought in your pumpkins yes I agree my pumpkin from a seed my mummy bought my pumpkin from the supermarket I've got a pumpkin that's made out of plastic I haven't got my pumpkin here because grandpa is still growing it fine just remember to decorate your pumpkins and bring them back here for the competition tonight everyone granny and Grandpa pig have come to collect my pumpkin for the competition tonight don't worry Peppa your pumpkin is safe and sound in my greenhouse it's my pumpkin big grandpa oh yes this is grandpa pigs greenhouse may I present your pumpkin it is the biggest pumpkin in the world quite possibly but how are we going to get such a huge pumpkin to the playgroup one step at a time granny pig we need to make this pumpkin into a lantern first I will scoop out all the inside and we put a candle inside to make it glow now we put the pumpkin into the car the pumpkin is very very heavy there step 1 come please we're out of the greenhouse now for step 2 we lifted into the car the pumpkin is impossible to lift I told you it was too big it's not too big we just need a bit of help hello Miss Roberts helicopter rescue service miss rabbit please come to our rescue all the children have brought their funky Blanton's to play welcome to the pumpkin competition if everyone is here we will get started perfor isn't here oh where is she miss rabbit Rescue Helicopter has arrived at grandpa's green house we have to get it to the playgroup in time for the competition I think we will have to start without pepper it won't be fun without pepper the prize for the best pumpkin grown from seed goes to Suzy sheep that's me this is fun the prize for the best pumpkin bought from a supermarket goes to the thighs for the best [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it is a lovely sunny day pepper Georgia Rebecca rabbit are playing piggy in the middle George is the piggy in the middle Oh George is trying to catch the balls shadow when the ball moves its shadow moves as well you've got to shadow T George George is trying to walk away from his shadow he can't walk away from your shadow you need to run away from it Peppa is trying to run away from her shadow it's still there hello everyone hello Suzy we're trying to run away from our shadows no one can run away from their shadow you need to use a scooter Susie is trying to ride away from her shadow but your shadow is still there oh hello everyone here is mr. elephant with Emily and Edmund we're trying to run away from our shadows you can never run away from your shadow I know we can't go fast enough no Suzy it's nothing to do with how fast you run you see my shadow is still underneath me I run faster my shadow keeps up with me it's not that Emily your shadow always stays with you it makes a shadow I have the biggest shadow because I'm the biggest shadows because we are the smallest very clever Edmund eye shadow it's not the Giants the shadow is being made by a cloud Wow what sort of cloud is it it's a big cloud it's called a stratocumulus yes Edmund elephant is a clever clogs look our shadows are getting longer that's because the Sun is getting lower in the sky it's nearly nighttime my shadow has gone yes Emily when the Sun sets the shadows go away Peppa George bedtime it is bedtime I'm a bit sad about my shadows gone away don't be sad pepper the electric light can make shadows and we can make Shadow Puppets mummy pig is using her hands to make a shadow puppet listen to it sing tweet tweet I'm a little birdy my turn pepper has made a spider my name is mr. scary George is making a shadow puppet George I sure George has made a dinosaur that's really scary very good George time to switch the lights out good night pepper good night George good night shadows good night shadows [Music] [Music] going on a picnic is on the other side of the river you call it by ringing this Bell in his daddy pig is still waiting to get across the river hello mr. pig here are the wolf family what are you doing here we're having a picnic would you like to join us yes passengers women and children first stop the boat is full oh I'll be straight back for you two no picnic oh good but where's daddy pig I left you with mr. Woltz I'm getting a bit hungry don't worry we've got the picnic stop mr. wolf there's not enough room for you oh dear I've got an idea you wait here grumpy rabbit and we'll go over all right I could do with the rest mr. wolf and mr. pig are crossing the river together I'm really hungry now Grampy rabbit is waiting with the picnic I forgot it is mrs. duck and her friends hello mrs. duck if you've come for the picnic you'll have to wait for the little boat like me or you could just swim across like you're doing would you like some cheese Grampy rabbit well I should really be getting back why do love a bit of cheese forgotten me I've got you a sandwich and George saved you a strawberry nice of you all Thank You mrs. duck friends today you will use your imaginations to move to music what does this music make you think of it makes me think of a piano okay it makes me sick music right use your imaginations what pictures did the music make you think of it makes me think of a cherry tree swaying in the wind on top of a beautiful mountain wonderful Rebecca so now I would like you all to imagine you are that tree rooted to the rocky mountain top bending in the wind you are a tree very good children I saw some lovely trees on mountaintops there now listen to this piece of music what that music make you think of remember to use your imaginations I know pedal is the answer a cherry tree swaying on the top of a beautiful mountain hmm but this music was quicker wasn't it a cherry tree swaying quickly Danny it reminded me of a marching band very good Danny these music has a very strong beat for stepping in time everyone finds something to bang from the music Holly imagine you are in that pan marching children next piece of music is a little bit different remember I want you to listen to it carefully and think about how it makes you feel tell me how does this make you feel it makes me feel bit bored it makes me feel tired no this is music it reminds me of a lovely garden on a hot summer day a young man he broke him Hobbs please can we have the spice music again but that was not music it was the Machine gone home do you not like this music no Madame gazelle can you make the Machine go again no oh I suppose we cannot all like the same things in life I like the space music and me okay okay what does this music make you think of I know this music makes me think of jumping up and down in muddy puddles [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] pepper and her friends Alex playgroup they dressed up in costumes from different countries today is international day when we celebrate all the countries of the world pepper is dressed as France I'm flower George is Russia Pedro is America yeah Zoe is Japan konnichiwa Susie is Holland to all the countries of the world do they sing the song of harmony together I like singing so do I does everyone remember the words [Music] [Music] lovely and later we will sing that for your mommies and daddies it is playtime all the countries are playing in the playground the United Kingdom is on the slide France and Switzerland are on the swings [Music] Germany is playing hopscotch [Music] America Russia Spain and Greece are in the sand here are Holland and Japan because you can play on the side oh dear there is not enough room in the sandpit for more than four countries he's only little what's all this noise about Len hey they're trying to push us out of the sand pits we know yes you are oh dear the countries of the world are not playing nicely together [Music] no I am NOT what is happening America Russia Spain and Greece won't share the sand pits the bossy one that is enough is this how you think the countries of the world behave don't they of course not all the parents have arrived how is it's a national day going not too bad excellent lovely River nothing for you the song of harmony [Music] [Music] what a wonderful display of togetherness pepper and her friends love singing together in harmony all the countries of the world loves singing together in harmony friends are playing over sandy sand pit is our desert island we will live here forever man if we're going to live here forever I want it to be nice it just needs some houses and roads shops sure yes George the desert island can have dinosaurs too what are you doing we're making a desert island it's got houses and roads and shops has it got trees no it would be nicer if it had trees where are we going to get trees from we have to drive big craps around the world and look for trees dinosaurs you look after the island while we go and look for some trees [Music] Peppa Suzy Danny and Emily are pretending to drive around the world looking for trees have you got any spare trees oh we need trees for our desert island oh I see how many trees would you like enough to make a forest there you go thank you the dinosaurs are having fun jumping up and down on the desert island the darkness ores have broken everything no T dinosaurs now we'll have to make it all again what are you making this is our desert island with roads and houses and shops and trees there we will live here forever again it would be really good if we had a lake yes but it needs water to be a proper Lake oh where are we going to get water from we must fly around the world in airplanes pepper and her friends are pretending to fly around the world looking for water pedram pony is playing on the roundabout hello petrol we've got a desert island with houses and roads sharp trees and a lake but we need water for the lake have you got some please I don't know what you're talking about it's just pretend we're playing a game oh I see you want pretend water yeah pretend snow we can mount it to get pretend water on the mountaintop that's a side it's a pretend Mountain Oh what's the matter petrol because it is a hot day the snow has melted can't we pretend it hasn't melted no it's melted good and proper look over there real water daddy pig is bringing from the water fountain [Music] daddy can we have some water in our bucket please we're making a lake that's cool it is Freddy Fox hello everyone what's this it's a desert island we are going to live here flag I've got a slide if you'd like it mr. Fox has got everything in his office under for the day Wow so much to see I just can't decide where to go first my friend the Queen lives in London maybe she can help this is the palace with Queen Zeus hey please can I speak to the Queen I am The Queen oh it's miss rabbit you said if I was ever in London I should drop in to see you ah miss rabbit come in come in [Applause] London for the day we were hoping you could tell us the best places to say I can talk better than that after all London is my city I'll give you a guided tour myself the best way to see you now there's on a double-decker bus mr. driver please may we borrow your bus for my bus you must be joking yeah I am your queen in a case your majesty take it if the Queen asks you to do something you must do it the tower you know a lot for a lifting elephant catches the sound of bit been telling us at the time it ran three times you did use three o clock if it ran six times what that make it sex o'clock yes it would and if it rang a hundred times then it would be broken on with the tour net stop Tower Bridge we need to cross the bridge to continue the tour it's going to bang into the fray our bridge lifts to let tall ships sail through oh now the ship has passed we can be on our way please let the bridge I'm sorry a majesty but there's another ship coming this is really too much we can't wait around all day how tight everyone [Applause] [Music] balancing on the bridge I've got a great idea to the front of the bus it is very important to take an umbrella when you visit London and one is wearing ones boots [Music] the rainy day it is raining peppa and George have to stay inside I don't I like rainy days because they make muddy puddles to jump in we need to wait until it stopped raining stop let's listen to the weather forecast I know we can play the rainy day game I'll show you if I take this rubber duck and hide it where you can see it do you think you could find it watch this I will put the duck here now you tell me where it is exactly it won't always be so easy pepper who wants to go first George can go first okay you all wait here daddy pig is putting the rubber ducks somewhere for George to find the duck is somewhere in your bedroom George is looking for the rubber duck but it is quite difficult to find George you can see it just look with your eyes George is using his eyes to look for the rubber duck you're getting warmer colder warm again George has found the rubber duck okay peppers turn I will do the hiding this time mummy pig is going to put the rubber duck somewhere for pepper to find I will see it straight away ready the rubber duck is somewhere in the kitchen I've come to find you rubber duckie I know where you are you're in the sink the rubber duck is not in the sink the rubber duck is not under the table it's sitting with something else that's yellow Peppa has found the rubber duck it was in the fruit bowl I want to play the rainy day game again okay this time you can both look for the duck daddy pig is putting the rubber duck somewhere for peppa and George to find ready I'm in the city it's not anywhere would you like a clue it's sitting on something very big and very wise and very handsome [Music] oh the rain has stopped why don't we play outside which I want to play the rainy day game again I think you might like this outside rainy day game even better we need to find a muddy puddle I found the game this game is not just about the finding pepper what do you do with a muddy puddle jumping down jumping up and down in muddy puddles I like rainy day games especially the one when you jump up and down in muddy puddles [Music]
Channel: Kids TV and Stories
Views: 12,704,623
Rating: 3.7111595 out of 5
Keywords: pig cartoon episodes, cartoons, peppas, peppa pig clips, Peppa's, clips, funny, Mandy Mouse, cartoon, familyÊ, fun, peppa pig, peppa pig compilations, adventure, clip, peppa full episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episode, compilation, peppa pig toys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 40sec (2860 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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