The Story keepers - Episode 8 - captured

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rome 64 AD the emperor nero has unleashed his fury against the christians their crime proclaiming a king higher than caesar setting fire to the city nero places the blame on the christians and launches a new campaign to wipe them out families are separated children left homeless as thousands are sold into slavery or thrown to the Lions escaping the panic of the fire and dodging the advancing surfers a group of children find shelter and the gentle care of Ben and a local Baker and his wife here the children discover an amazing secret network of daring men and women who risked their lives to help one and to tell the stories of the great storyteller the one called Jesus and so awaiting the day when their parents will return Anna Cyrus Justin and Marcus embark on the adventure of a lifetime together with Ben Eleanor and their friends and the Christian Underground their mission to keep the stories of Jesus alive this is their story they are the story keepers [Music] don't forget to sweep the corners Marcus and Hannah won't anymore hey for people to sit on it tonight's meeting Vince you're gonna be impressed now Cyrus be sure to Cyrus we're Cyrus with all the land yes ladies and gentlemen it's an all-time record Cyrus stop fooling around whoa [Music] well I see everything's coming along nicely Justin stop fooling around if you have nothing to do why don't you have Silas yes sir let me know if you need any help I'll go get some more hay three or four oughta do it [Music] these lamps remind me of the shows we used to do before Nero and the fire you mean with your parents yeah we were great and now here he is my son the amazing science [Music] [Applause] [Music] how about some more work people are risking their lives to come tonight and hear the stories of Jesus this isn't some sideshow Cyrus hey my family was the main attraction yeah well last time I checked our families were gone whoa that was close [Music] Zach are you all right yeah but Nero's soldiers they're everywhere it looks like you lost them I'm sick of sneaking around I'd like to strike back for a change Zach it's not our way and we can't blame the soldiers for Nero's orders some of them were good people like our friend tactic as' why even Jesus knew a kind and compassionate Roman soldier he did yes it was when he lived in Capernaum some Roman soldiers were stationed there [Music] one of the Centurions servants was dangerously ill the Centurion was very fond of him when the Centurion heard about Jesus he went to some Jewish leaders to ask if they could help because the leaders knew the Centurion had been kind to their people they went to Jesus on his behalf they asked him to come and save the life of the Centurions servant he built our synagogue for us he's a friend to our people though many didn't trust the Romans Jesus agreed and went to the Centurions house the Centurion sent some friends out to meet him say to him don't go to any more trouble it wouldn't be right for you to come into my house but just give the order and my servant will be healed for I am a soldier the man under Authority and and I know what orders are Jesus was surprised at what the Centurions friend said I haven't found any of my own people who trust me like this Centurion [Music] the Centurion was delighted seeing his servant had recovered of course not all soldiers are as nice as that particular Centurion everyone run we'll meet back at the bakery get them [Music] after the men you there [Music] yes we will you too high I'll distract them look there's one of them after the men [Music] you there oh sorry I can't stick around [Music] Bravo my such technique encore encore sorry not today hail noble commander may I say the bravery of your men in defeating yet another of Rome's fearsome enemies is to be commended that boys a Christian and a traitor too wrong no doubt an annoying pest I'll tell you what I'll take him off your hands for say five hundred sesterces he made a mockery of two of my finest men and you were bribing me naturally how dare you Oh perhaps this will soothe your injured Roman pride a boy of his talents could be a most valuable slave [Music] [Music] back to working lazy dogs Zito take our new acquisition and give him the full treatment yes master [Music] oh yes the master has special plans for you well I'm not staying to find out what they are [Music] no not the Masters radix come back here I have you isn't you wonderful everywhere my boy you're going to be the star of my courtyard me a star you poor thing you must be famished Zito why hasn't this boy been attended to thanks but I better get home to my family nonsense they have nothing to worry about you'll have everything you need right here try this on for size this is really for me well of course a boy like you deserve something truly special azita take him inside feed him clothe him give him anything he wants this boy's going to be a superstar the little urchins and caused quite a sensation at tomorrow's banquet especially since our good senator Pythias has such a fondness for circus acts yes and the Emperor's here when it comes to wheat purchases see and then his clothes a three-headed spear he could hold in a trident a that's Flavians crest he's one of the richest merchants in Rome and one of the poorest and his treatment of slaves they say he works them to death poor Cyrus [Music] but master I only took a little to feed my family that wheat is for my customers only guards take him out and lash him I'll show you a pain greater than hunger oh look at you you're like the son I never had what's your name boy Cyrus sir hmm we can do better than that from now on you'll be known as siren Prince of jugglers and this shall be your kingdom remember Flavians guards make their rounds hourly as long as we're fast we won't be spotted I sure hope Cyrus appreciates all the trouble were going to this could be dangerous Justin she saved me and Marcus from his soldiers yeah and got himself captured maybe if he hadn't been such a show-off we wouldn't be here now Justin Cyrus is still a part of our family you should treat him like a brother well sometimes it's even hard for brothers to get along like in that story Jesus told see man and his two sons were farmers [Music] this belongs to me but it's not much used to me now it's time he handed over the farm to us while we can enjoy it father give me my share of the estate [Music] and so the farmer divided his wealth between his two sons the next day the younger son left to see the world [Music] he began to waste his money foolishly [Music] and soon as pockets were empty he lost everything it was then that the harvest failed all over the land there he was no money of his own and no food anywhere so he found a job with a farmer feeding pigs he was so hungry even the pigs food looked good and must have tasted terrible speaking of bad taste look it's Flavians palace come on there's no time to waste what about Helen our story she'll finish it later now you keep her safe until we return with Cyrus and don't forget to clean my new cloak tomorrow and where's the extra milk and pastries I ordered right away sila prince syru ah this is the life Cyrus over here don't worry Cyrus we're here to help you escape escape but I want to stay what huh just look at this place isn't it great are you crazy Flavian works his slaves to death well he's been nice to me look he gave me that cloak and I'm performing at the big banquet I'm gonna be famous syru prince of jugglers some prince we were star lies to rescue you you're just jealous because I get to live here and you don't jealous Cyrus what about been in Helena they love you well Flavian loves me too I can't let him down I'm like a son to him come on we have to go Syrus Saira Prince syru to you whoever you are you'll thank us for this later let go of me [Music] Justin come on Cyrus was wrong I can't just leave her ana we have no choice and now he headlined in Peloponnesus he was the toast of Malta the lesson on southern end and won the coveted golden snake in Naples here he is sigh room prince of jugglers thank you but first let's have a big round of applause for the most generous host this side of the Tiber [Music] [Applause] [Music] enjoying yourself to this this slave boy is spectacular I must say your competitor Tavian never entertains me like this and his wheat has worms really then perhaps it's time we changed suppliers tonight we shall be free [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh gets the little Christian juggler he can't applaud you now he's all worried about his master oh so worried I couldn't find you just look at this place I'm ruined if I never see you for the rest of those murderous slaves again it'll be too soon but but you said I was gonna be like your own son you you were in on it from the start but you work you come back here did you hear Flavian slaves revolted they burned down his entire estate oh my Zach we've gotta find Cyrus hitch up the wagon he must be out there somewhere did I wanna go too no Anna it's late and the streets will be filled with soldiers besides what's the point his lordship Prince I rude doesn't want to be with us anyway is that why Cyrus won't come back he doesn't like us anymore no Marcus it's just sometimes people get confused about who really loves them remember the story I was telling you about the Duke brothers yeah that younger one got just what he deserved ah but you didn't hear the whole story Justin you remember Jesus told his disciples that the younger son was so hungry even the pigs food looked good finally he came to his senses my father's farm workers have plenty of food and Here I am starving to death I know what I'll do I'll go home to my father I'll say father I've done wrong I don't deserve to be called your son but take me on as a worker while he was still a long way off his father saw him and felt sorry for him ah father I've wronged you I've wronged God I don't deserve quick get his best clothes out to get him a ring and sandals kill the calf we fattened up we'll have a feast and a party tonight [Music] I thought my son was dead here he is alive and home again the farmers older son had been out in the fields all day when he came and approached the house he heard music and dancing your brother's back your father's having a party because he's back home safe and sound [Music] he became angry and wasn't willing to go in so his father came out look I've worked hard for you all these years and I've done everything you asked and what do I get but when the son of yours throws his money Wayne comes home again you kill the calf for him my son my son we are always together everything I have is yours but we had to celebrate tonight your brother's back with us again so you see Marcus sometimes it's very hard for someone to come back after they've left and sometimes it's just as hard to welcome them back please God bring Cyrus back soon amen don't you worry Ben and Zach we'll find him now off to bed all of you they'd never take me back [Music] sir do you need a juggler I'm really good in [Music] I know it's not as good as the one you had before no it's better come on sirs it's time to go home [Music]
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 488,589
Rating: 4.6091952 out of 5
Keywords: The Story Keepers, The Story keepers - Episode 8, captured, Prodigal Son, Epileptic Boy, Christian women, centurion’s servant, storykeepers, story keepers, story, Christian leader, Christian, adventures, Ancient Rome, mission, Jesus, nazareth, jesus christ, christ, cartoon, children, animation, animated movie, christ story, Jesus story, animated film, jesus movie, cartoon movie, story of the christ, story of jesus, the story keepers dvd, bible story, life of jesus, Jesus's stories
Id: s1UCc22SI0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2016
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