The Story keepers - Episode 11 - Tried and True

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[Music] rome 64 a.d the emperor nero has unleashed his fury against the christians their crime proclaiming a king higher than caesar setting fire to the city nero places the blame on the christians and launches a new campaign to wipe them out families are separated children left homeless as thousands are sold into slavery or thrown to the lions escaping the panic of the fire and dodging the advancing soldiers a group of children find shelter in the gentle care of ben and helena a local baker and his wife here the children discover an amazing secret network of daring men and women who risk their lives to help one another and to tell the stories of the great storyteller the one called jesus and so awaiting the day when their parents will return anna cyrus justin and marcus embark on the adventure of a lifetime together with ben helena and their friends in the christian underground their mission to keep the stories of jesus alive this is their story they are the story keepers so you have your orders now go as nero's brutal push to capture the leaders of the christian underground intensifies [Music] ben and his family flee into the catacombs beneath [Music] as ben joined by scores of christian fugitives plans a daring escape to freedom sir the christians caved the tunnels in behind i don't want excuses [Music] what are you looking at well done capella there'll be no escape this time [Music] excellent work everyone another hour and we'll break for a meal ben how much longer do we have to stay down here just five more days marcus then saleem's boat will take us to our new life in shemidah what's in shim hedar freedom marcus freedom it's an oasis that sparkles like a jewel in the desert it's a place where the romans aren't in charge and because travelers come from all [Music] we can take our stories to the whole world would you like that ben come see our new defense system you just pull this rope and the boulder rolls down blocking our escape tunnel from any intruders excellent work zach say have you seen justin right over there ah justin i've been looking for you just finishing up ben you know your 13th birthday isn't far off i think you're ready to take on an important new job really what is it a courier a scout a spy it's all of those a courier because you're delivering something very important a scout because you're taking people into new territory a spy because it must be done in secret and at great risk what is it ben i'd like you to tell the story at tonight's meeting you want me to tell a story why not you're one of the best students i've ever had you know these stories backwards and forwards but not well enough to tell them to everyone why can't you tell the story i could but there may come a time when i can't if the stories of jesus are to be passed on then all of us must become story keepers [Music] but justin you've told me these stories lots of times that's different marcus you're my brother justin [Music] justin justin i guess justin wasn't quite ready here of course neither were the disciples when jesus said one of them would betray him justin it's all right but i let ben down he understands you're just not ready that's all i'll never be ready you sound just like ben when he started out you know the first time he told the story he was shaking so badly i thought we were having an earthquake really come on let's go back and listen as jesus and the disciples walked up the hill of olives jesus turned to peter and said before the rooster crows twice tomorrow you will say three times that you don't even know me i'll die before i betray you i'll never let you down nor i will stay with you no matter what no matter what [Music] they walked until they reached a garden called gethsemane sit here until i've prayed telling the others to stay jesus took peter james and john with him into the garden but what's wrong master i'm brokenhearted my soul is full of grief stay here and keep watch [Music] abba father you can do anything don't let me go through this terrible suffering if it is possible rescue me but i will do what you want not what i want the man i kiss is the one you want arrest him and guard him closely when you take him away simon peter are you asleep couldn't you keep awake keep awake and keep praying i know you want to help me but you're just not strong enough [Music] [Music] are you still sleeping the time has come he's here get up let's go the one who betrays me is here rabbi [Music] the disciples couldn't understand why jesus did not try to escape stop did you have to come armed with swords and clubs to take me like a common criminal i spoke day after day in the temple in front of everyone you didn't arrest me then and then they led him away out of the garden don't worry justin you'll tell the story next time remember nihilus wants them alive [Music] keep moving to the next candle over there now ben [Music] [Music] [Applause] go marcus jump good work justin come on [Applause] so nice to meet you at last imagine one of the christian underground leaders a baker maybe now the bread in the dungeons will improve senator [Music] these tongues are unevenly glazed who sent you out with this tray helena thank god you're all right i'm so glad you came i promised ben i would if ever he were in trouble is there any word of him i'm afraid he's in nero's darkest most guarded prison there's no hope of breaking him out but perhaps i can help from the inside thank you petronius in the meantime we have 40 frightened christians who must get out of rome at once 40 where are they oh my well they're not safe here come i have just the place the soldiers will never find you here we've buried our family members in this tomb for five generations oh yeah come come there's plenty of room for everyone that's what i'm afraid of [Music] water we need water tell me where tacticus and the other christians are hiding we don't betray our friends perhaps thirst will change your mind philo i don't want to die quiet basilisk everyone is scared sometimes vassalis why even peter was scared after jesus's arrest in gethsemane he was yes he was so frightened that when jesus was taken to see caiaphas the high priest peter followed behind afraid to be seen peter stayed in the courtyard with the servants warming himself by the fire questioned jesus about his teachings witnesses told lies about jesus but these men could not even make their stories fit together why don't you answer why don't you defend yourself why do people say all these things against you once and for all are you the messiah the great deliverer are you god's son i am we don't need any more witnesses you have heard the terrible thing he said they all voted that jesus was guilty and should die you were with jesus that man from nazareth i don't know what you're talking about this man is one of those who followed jesus no i'm not of course you're one of them you come from galilee we could tell by your voice i swear i don't know this jesus you're talking about [Music] before the rooster crows twice tomorrow you will say three times but you don't even know me i'd never betray helena and the others me neither i know boys i know helena the place is filled with thieves and smugglers who better to smuggle us out of room than a smuggler come on [Music] zach you watch the kids i'll be right back don't worry anna my dad used to hire circus hands at places like this just that natural and nobody will bother you not much for the girl i need a house slave sorry she's not for sale i say she is actually she's going cheap a real bargain at only 200 sisters shake oh excuse them an old trick my dad taught me [Music] hey where's my money but that's three times the going rate with all your respect shipping fugitives is risky business fortunate for you i'm the best very well but we'll need to leave tomorrow night tomorrow night that's impossible we'll never be ready i thought you were the best all right then we'll sail at midnight but don't be late ben what happened to jesus after peter lied about knowing him he was taken before pilate his courage was amazing silence baker as long as he deludes them with these stories they think they'll be saved but take the baker away and the flock is lost our faith is stronger than that but not stronger than rome soon you'll know the wrath of nero but first you'll know mine the praetorians will find tacticus in the others why should we die too we can't turn them in philo is right ben said we don't betray our friends well ben's not here but if he was he'd tell us to be brave just like like jesus was before pilate what do you know of that story just just talk to me only louder i i know that caiaphas the high priest had made up his mind that jesus was dangerous he decided it would be better to execute him than for everyone to be punished by the romans but only pilate the roman governor had the power to order an execution the religious leaders told pilate that jesus called himself a king [Music] are you king of the jews those are your words the temple leaders brought many charges against jesus they said jesus was raising a rebellion he told people not to pay taxes to the emperor they said he wanted to start a war with rome pilate was surprised that jesus said nothing [Music] haven't you anything to say why don't you answer these charges at the feast pilot used to set free any one prisoner that the crowd asked for at that time there were some rebels in prison their leader was a man called barabbas would you like me to set the king free [Music] and what shall i do with the land you call king dylan but what awful things has he done [Music] [Applause] [Music] pilate released barabbas then ordered that jesus be flogged [Music] [Music] hail your majesty hail king of the jews and they let him out to be executed justin is right through all of it jesus never faltered he never gave way justin you did it i i did didn't i ben's gonna be so proud of you [Music] this will never work it has to oh rowing slaves for senator petronius huh this isn't signed by nihilus nihilus since when does he have fine i mean fine you can explain our delay to nero himself the senators seeing him tonight [Music] bender son of simon of galilee you are accused of being a christian leader of inciting anarchy and rebellion and we all know what the charges are treason treachery sabotage you find this amusing senator yes surely this is a joke are we to believe this pudgy pastry maker is the daring rebel who has outsmarted rome's bravest soldiers i doubt he can bend down to tie his own sandals taste less bake more i tell you this baker is the man my dear nihilus you'll make caesar the laughing stock of palaces from gaul to egypt release the baker at once wait caesar ask him just ask him if he's a christian leader sire is that necessary why embarrass the court any further all formalities very well then baker are you or are you not a christian leader [Music] yes i am i knew it i knew it all the time despite the preaching of our gullible senator petronius take the baker away and kill him move him out let's go we'll miss the tide wait there's one more hell enough i'm afraid i have bad news dan's been sentenced to death he has two days don't worry helena we'll think of something we always do woman we must cast off now [Music] we're staying to help ben then so are we no tacticus you're in more danger than any of us we'll meet you at malta then leave for shambhadar together take good care of anna for us [Music] we better be going the task ahead of us is nearly impossible you there come out or taste this cold steel friend or foe fortunately for you friend an old friend zemo cyrus it's really you it's emo the magician from my parents circus imagine their joy when they see you're still alive they'll be in rome tomorrow night anna helena did you hear my parents are coming to rome that's great cyrus [Music] cyrus what is it what's wrong it's ben he's been like a father to me since the great fire and now he's in prison i tell you this the man who's kept cyrus safe all this time is in danger when cyrus's parents the great saban and riza will stop at nothing until he's safe and neither will i there's more hope tonight than i had expected come on everyone we've got plans to make [Music] so you
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 540,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Story Keepers, The Story keepers - Episode 11, Tried and True, betrayal by Peter, storykeepers, story keepers, story, Christian leader, Christian, adventures, Ancient Rome, mission, Jesus, nazareth, jesus christ, christ, cartoon, children, animation, animated movie, christ story, Jesus story, animated film, jesus movie, cartoon movie, story of the christ, story of jesus, the story keepers dvd, bible story, life of jesus, Jesus's stories, Peter betrays Jesus
Id: EEObMdkU6bA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2016
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