The Story keepers - Episode 7 - Roar in the night

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rome 64 a.d the emperor nero has unleashed his fury against the christians their crime proclaiming a king higher than caesar setting fire to the city nero places the blame on the christians and launches a new campaign to wipe them out families are separated children left homeless as thousands are sold into slavery or thrown to the lions escaping the panic of the fire and dodging the advancing soldiers a group of children find shelter in the gentle care of ben and helena a local baker and his wife here the children discover an amazing secret network of daring men and women who risk their lives to help one another and to tell the stories of the great storyteller the one called jesus and so awaiting the day when their parents will return anna cyrus justin and marcus embark on the adventure of a lifetime together with ben helena and their friends and the christian underground their mission to keep the stories of jesus alive this is their story they are the story keepers my [Music] ah [Music] um i've had it up to here with you [Music] oh [Music] all right [Music] i wish this thunder would stop i know what you mean anna justin do you think it's raining where mom and dad are marcus don't worry marcus we'll find them one day and until we do we'll just keep looking really like a shepherd looks for his lost sheep you remember the story jesus told when he was walking in galilee suppose you're a sheep farmer and you have a hundred sheep in your flock but there's one missing [Music] he won't say there's only one missing you'll go and look for it and you'll not give up until you find it [Music] [Music] and when you find your lost sheep you're overjoyed so are all your neighbors they celebrate with you because you have found your lost sheep and that's how happy god is when anyone decides to follow jesus good night my little lambs [Music] hey justin do you want to play hide and seep huh you be the shepherd and i'll be the sheep like in hell in a story that's hide and seek marcus and i can't i'm helping ben with the gingerbread hey anna and cyrus do you want to play hide and seek sorry we can't we're making icing fine i'll go play by myself hey fastest you're almost a sheep okay now you hide and i'll come find you one six three four okay ready or not here i come [Music] wow where'd you two come [Music] you're from aren't you stay here i'll go get some milk can i please have some milk you know where it is marcus thanks elena hey i have an idea we could play hide and seek since i already found you it's your turn to find me [Music] okay come find me [Music] marcus what happened in here i was just playing hide and seek with the kittens kittens what kittens [Applause] [Music] maybe the cubs belong to an african king [Music] your majesty maybe they came from a circus look i can train them and what if they belong to nero you know what he does with them oh come on zack they're too little to eat christians oh yeah they're getting a pretty good start on me stop that leo be nice like theo can we keep them big please they don't have anyone to take care of them well all right but only until we find their real home agreed hey but what do we feed them anything but me [Music] starve the bears to madness i want them fierce and foaming at the mouth when we release them on the christians yes crassus starved and foam the lion however should be well fed but beaten right feed and beat and straighten these bars before the lion cubs phlebus where are my cubs i am well um well sure surely they must be here somewhere or maybe and this is just a wild guess they've escaped bring out the dogs you find those cubs are all fiji for their mother i know how you feel i don't know where my parents are either but don't worry i'm gonna take care of you just like ben and helena take care of me nobody's ever gonna hurt you there that's where the elephant smashed the cage that's no use the rains washed away any scent of the cubs then back to the docks we'll retrace our steps from there fastest would you like more roast quail do you stop that and don't yell out the cubs been and helena don't yell at us i'm sorry hey stop it [Music] hey lamricus ah ben good to see you but i'm afraid there's no show today [Music] well that's not why we're here i was hoping you could help me with a little problem actually two little problems of course ben anything anything at all we were wondering if you lost two lion cubs lion cubs you had the lion cubs then they belong to nero they're being trained by crassus for the imperial games i knew it nobody can keep lines anymore except nero that's why i'm closing up when feeding christians to lions is entertainment it's time to move on if you can't have lions then what's in there mangler give us your fearsome roar [Music] crassus didn't want him said he was too old when they took mangler's family they took away his pride he's been like this for years well what do we do with the cubs i wish i could help but i'm selling back to africa tomorrow night did you say africa oh no no ben if i would get caught with nero's cubs [Music] i'm not afraid for myself but selim is the captain of the boat and i know he'd never allow it [Music] two cubs to africa no problem oh now will you be paying in gold silver or precious gems is that it of course not we have this gingerbread too gingerbread it's really good i'm sorry my friends [Music] really you don't see it are you sure [Music] welcome brother my wife says you're ben the christian story keeper we are christians just like you does that mean you'll take the cubs for free absolutely not your ben can pay with something far more valuable than gold a story for my family and everywhere jesus went crowds flocked to see him whenever he reached a village people would bring out their sick children people who could not walk and those with other ailments as well they all wanted jesus to touch them [Music] one day some people brought out a man who could not hear or speak they wanted jesus to touch him also jesus took the man away by himself alpha father be opened the man began to stutter i can speak i can hear i can hear i can speak jesus told the man to keep it a secret but could you have i can hear i can speak how well he does everything wow he can make people hear and speak and so the story just spread and spread and it's going to keep spreading too because i'm going to tell everyone back home so it's all set just have the cubs here by midnight tomorrow [Music] hmm good gingerbread well ben you did it yes cyrus but how do we tell poor marcus [Music] never mind marcus those little cubs ruined my toga it's not funny [Music] no marcus it's time for their nap but they should pray before they sleep [Music] okay now give me your paws dear god thank you for letting me find leo and theo and thank you for being in helena and for letting us all come and live with him amen marcus we need to talk it's not fair i promised i'd take care of him but marcus we have to think about what's best for the cubs we agreed to keep them till we found a home for them right well we found a home for them in africa where nero and his trainers can never touch them so i have to let them go i'm afraid so dear amicus will be here soon to take them where they'll be happy and free marcus why don't you take a moment to say goodbye to the cubs okay i'm sure gonna miss you ah that must be amicus [Music] oh and here's for taking such good care of the cops we don't want your money oh no he's got the cubs too what do you mean well i'm afraid i have more bad news crassus also has their mother then we've got to rescue them all of them marcus you don't know what you're saying it's too risky but helen said if you lose your sheep you have to go find it he has a point my friend ben you can't be serious i know that place even if you get in crassus has guards everywhere and how do you expect to handle an adult lion that requires someone with skill training experience and most importantly a big enough wagon and a cage [Music] how did i let you talk me into this ben if we get caught i'll lose everything amicus there's a difference between losing and giving thanks to you and your wagon hundreds of christians will never have to face these lions you think i can really make such a difference of course you remember what jesus said about the widow's might what did he say tell us ben well once when jesus was in jerusalem he was sitting near the great collection bowl in the temple many rich people put in great kids salt made a big show of it another gave bags of money that were so large everyone was sure to see what he put in then a poor widow came along the woman had put in two small copper coins [Music] you see that poor woman she has given more to god than all the wealthy people combined but some of his disciples didn't understand why that was the rich had plenty to spare but the woman had very little to give yet she gave all that she had even money she needed for food that's why the widow's coins were the greater gift i never thought my little circus could be so important well here we are you all know what to do [Music] what is this thing it's an elephant horn all right brace yourselves [Music] that was for practice hey i think we're supposed to take this out [Music] now amicus leo theo [Music] all right chewie it's show time [Music] amicus are you in position go okay let your mom know you're here [Music] [Music] bring the dogs amicus hang on there's a big bump up ahead wow thanks for the warning [Music] here they come prepare to cast off just a little more slack and i'll have it well if it isn't amicus and his little traveling circus traveling away with my lions are you [Music] we're sending them home oh they're going home all right take them [Music] come back here you cowards wait i remember you you're that toothless flea bitten husband [Music] back [Music] chewy mangler good work [Music] it looks like mangle has found his pride again well leon theo looks like you found your family after all maybe one day off on mine too you don't fool me you'd eat me if you could stand clear bye hey let go [Music] god bless you and keep you far away from me so so you
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 728,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Story Keepers, The Story keepers - Episode 7, roar in the night, storykeepers, the lost sheep, story keepers, story, Christian leader, Christian, adventures, Ancient Rome, mission, Jesus, nazareth, jesus christ, christ, cartoon, children, animation, animated movie, christmas movie, christ story, Jesus story, animated film, jesus movie, cartoon movie, story of the christ, story of jesus, the story keepers dvd, bible story, life of jesus, Jesus's stories, Christian family
Id: CUq3iYwxp8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2016
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