Bugtime Aventures - Against the Wall - Christian cartoons

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[Music] losing your way in a big world like this can make you feel timid and small [Music] the stories will unfold and for you [Music] the stories will unfold and for you the light will shine to find your way long ago around 1200 bc a caravan of weary citizens went in search of a new home they traveled hundreds of miles from egypt across the vast desert until their search brought them to a land called canaan [Music] they were the hebrews and over a million of them would make the long trek to canaan a land that had been promised to them by god but to call this land home the hebrews first had to get past an enemy fortress the walled city of jericho with its fearsome army always at the ready jericho was a city that few passed and even fewer dared enter it was a dangerous place where evil lurked on every corner many turned to a life of crime and even fewer did anything to stop it give us your money now but inside this cage city there lived a free spirit a woman who went by the name of rahab for rahab life was very hard she longed to live in a land of peace but to find a new home she first had to escape her old one this is her story the story of rahab and the walled city of jericho [Music] hey gorgeous what's the rush you hiding something it's just bread sir i was hiding it from thieves yes of course they're everywhere oh please that food is for my family what a pity now leave before i have you thrown in jail they're looting stop them after her [Music] she's escaping [Music] perfect now we know where she lives [Music] don't just stand there looking stupid restore order and close the camel pen this time ruin the colonel shrine not my statue [Music] uh oh looks like the bugs stop here i guess we better turn around we can't go back bugglesville was washed away in a flood our new home lies just beyond here in a beautiful oasis we're on the right track we just need to get past this wall why didn't you say so i'll just fly up to the top drop down some rope and we'll be on our way no problemo any day now mr bungledy don't rush me i'm going tell you what iggy i'm so sure you can't make it to the top that i'll bet you i can crawl up faster than you can fly up i fly and you crawl the loser has to carry the winner's bags for the rest of the trip is it a deal you're on frederick you'll never make it it's too steep to climb [Music] following [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's [Music] [Applause] tomato juice you clutz how am i supposed to climb that wall with a uh smashed leg it's not my fault the air's thin up there yes like the air between your ears all right boys i know we're all disappointed but we have to stick together there's just no getting around that that's it maybe we can go around the wall let's send out a scout party good idea do we have any volunteers you too please you couldn't find your way out of an ant hole well if that's how you feel roderick perhaps you should go too why you kidding it must be a hundred degrees out oh fine but if i have to suffer then dex has to as well i do very well now work as a team and stay close to the wall we'll set up camp here until you four report back the people are getting anxious joshua how long must we wait our promised land lies just beyond the horizon but we can go no further until we get past that fortress we must find out how strong their army is from the inside spies good idea sir but how will we sneak them through the gates there like that as sheep herders now's our chance send down our spies [Music] this wall has no end let's just go a little farther we've come too far to give up now speak for yourself i'm hungry thirsty and more than a little exhausted ah come on you're not both quitting are you it feels like the wall's moving maybe there's an opening hey they're leaving and stealing our hard-earned glory come on [Music] there's giants everywhere whoa it's a giant city guys come back it's too dangerous you're standing in the middle of a road look out you hear something dex [Music] we're alive yeah yes now would you mind terribly getting off my back wow talk about miracles great while you two were yapping we just missed our chance at what getting stuck on the bottom of some giant shoe no thank you anthony's right this way just isn't safe we should head back and tell mayor green what we found good this scout party was a bad idea anyway maybe now everyone will listen when we say it's hopeless oh don't listen to him like mayor greene said we're on the right track i hope you're right what did you see out there any sign of the hebrews no sir they must be counted on the other side of the dunes what about you two you see anything unusual she brothers don't carry swords turn around you're spies i knew it [Music] the colonel's going to kill them we have to do something they're spies we can't help them if we do maybe they'll help us keep searching they have to be around here somewhere you're back what did you find we found a way through the wall oh that's great not really it was too dangerous the place was crawling with giants oh not so great hey every problem has a solution right i'm sure we'll think of something don't you get it there's no way up over or around this wall we've tried everything i wouldn't say that yet with some vines and a few adjustments this shrub will make a nice catapult and finally put us over the top it's worth a shot no pun intended so who wants to get launched then you say get lunch i wanna uh okay wally it is you certainly seem eager [Applause] ah sorry false alarm why are you helping us my name is rahab and like you i simply want to live in a land of peace but that'll never happen as long as i live in this city perhaps we can help after we scout out the city it's quiet outside i'm going to check if the alley is clear the peasant girl she's helping the spy [Music] yeah run for it follow them now [Music] i'll set wally upward and onward wait wait um when are we gonna have [Music] lunch which way now follow me [Music] where'd they go i know exactly where they're going what's going on who are they they're hebrews mother i had to help them or they'd have been killed what about us you know the soldiers will come looking here first i've already thought of that quick hide on the rooftop i'll come get you when it's safe it's me talal open the door quick let him in [Music] i went looking for you and found them instead search the house those spies are here i know it you have it all wrong colonel my eyes do not lie i saw you why are you helping them i'm not they made me bring them here but they left as quickly as they came if you're lying i'll have you and your family thrown in jail no sign of the spies colonel mobilize every soldier canvas the city i won't let them escape and as for you traitors you're under house arrest if any of you should dare step outside the last thing you will see will be my sword [Music] it's okay you can come out now the soldiers are gone but their hearts melt in fear you can see it in their eyes you must tell your leader how can we repay you by sparing my family and me when you take the city agreed hang this rope outside your window when we attack it'll be a signal for us to make sure your home is kept safe you have our word i've made a few minor adjustments shall we give it another try no no you don't everything that goes up seems to come down on me i am riding this time you ready roderick my legs stuck hold up what'd he say i heard up [Music] victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you okay roderick what do you think well tell me what did you find out the city is in ruin and their arsenal is depleted and even more their soldiers fear us the time to attack is now we should tell joshua at once sir the spy's mission was a success i recommend we launch an immediate all-out attack no god has told me that there is another way excuse me sir we will attack but god himself has told me what strategy to use you mean like a frontal assault or a sneak attack not exactly we shall march around the city for seven days blowing our trumpets and on the last day we shall march around the city seven times but sir that's preposterous we'll never defeat their army that way that is not for you or i to question god has spoken and we shall follow [Music] i don't think this is gonna work hey compared to your crackpot ideas this is pure genius all you have to do is stand here and when i give dax in webster the signal the giants are coming take cover yikes this is getting hairy i must get off this ride yes no [Music] what are they up to why are they marching away they were our last hope our only hope we'll never escape this wretched city now [Music] that's good just a little wider [Music] what do i have a sign on my head that says fall here get off me we've been talking and have come to a conclusion we want to head back we can't go back the desert's too hot now we'd never make it besides you don't want to give up not after all we've been through i say we vote on it well i'm not wild about quitting but i suppose it's only fair we take a vote all those in favor of packing up and heading back say i i put a cork in it well let's get packing what is it with these giants that makes seven times around and that's just today this is madness joshua the men are tired and we're no closer to our goal when is this going to end have faith elon the moment of truth is upon us company oh raise the trumpets and await my signal trumpets for a sword fight what'll i use for shields drums why are they just standing there our signal maybe they're waiting for it get the rope but prissy you can't give up now we're on the right track yeah and that track leads straight into a brick wall count me out spud wait don't you want to help find our beautiful new home indeed but that altitudinous wall has made our goal entirely unattainable in other words no bye the time has come oh no they're blowing their trumpets whatever shall we do now shout everyone for the lord has given you the city this is impossible what's happening what about rahab we promised her there's the signal let's hurry [Music] you can't leave something's about to work out [Music] take them away [Music] am i crazy or did wally just blow down that wall uh i think we loosened it for him maybe maybe not but one thing's for certain now we can continue on our journey to our new home you see roderick when you don't give up something always works out even if it's not how you expect it [Music] well let's get moving i want to see what my new home looks like i mean our new home by never losing hope rahab and her family were able to escape jericho living the rest of their lives with the hebrews israel became their new home and it was there rahab would marry the great-great-grandfather of king david the same david who would later slay goliath but that's another story [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 146,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: christian cartoons, Bugtime Aventures, Bugtime Aventures cartoons, Bugtime Aventures Against the Wall, Against the Wall, bible stories for kids, jesus stories for kids, Jesus story, bible story, Bible stories, Jesus's stories, story of the christ, jesus movie, life of jesus, christ, jesus christ, Christian, adventures, cartoon, animated movie, christ story, animated film, story of jesus, superbook, forgiveness and revenge, bible stories, animated series, cartoon for kids
Id: goiWgc-TbAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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