Kids 10 Commandments all episodes - Bible stories

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[Music] [Music] we had wandered in the desert for a long time until we finally camped at the base of mount sinai the mountain of god this is my story of what happened when god spoke to us and gave us his commandments his rules for our lives do not worship any other gods besides me do not make idols of any kind whether in the shape of birds or animals or fish you must never worship or bow down to them for i the lord your god am a jealous god who will not share your affection with any other god [Music] this is our camp and there i am coming out to feed the animals and there's jacob my prize-winning ball my most valuable possession this story is as much about him as it is about me shady hannah rachel martha breakfast oh i better get you guys some water get out of my way me first why does he get to eat first you will save some for me we must share your share it's what's left that was so mean jacob lighten up i was hungry that was supposed to be for all of us no way gramps i get more than that as a snack in egypt why don't you go back to egypt i would if i could in egypt i'm golden i'm worshiped and adored as a god there's only one god remember him he's the one who gave moses the power to part the sea yeah yeah yeah i haven't seen him around here lately have you moses is probably talking to him on the mountain oh yeah did you ever think that moses and god may have gone and left us in this burning hot desert god is never gone he is always with us taking care of us oh good then i'm sure he'll take care of getting you some food moses had been gone a long time food was scarce and so was water ah don't worry he's trained he's incredible he's the most amazing pet that i have ever had i am ephraim and this is ezekiel but i call him zeke i'm sad what are you doing out here i was going to get water from the stream but it's dry on the other side of the camp near the mountain you'll find jethro's well oh thanks i'll see you later i have fun with zeke i will who would not have fun with the greatest falcon in the world jacob my calf was definitely not as great as ephraim's falcon if i had a pet like that then i would really be somebody around camp well hazaka isn't it wonderful that we have water oh amazing another miracle in egypt we have the whole nile ah but we're not in egypt anymore things were better in egypt as slaves as slaves we didn't have to wait in line for hours to get water when are we all going to face the fact that moses is gone he's been up on that mountain for over a month and he's not coming back he's got a point boaz that's true he's probably not coming back what would we do if moses doesn't come back who will lead us hazaka what do you suggest i have an idea come with me let's follow hazaka hey excuse me anybody know where jethro's well is over there little boy little boy [Music] it was a daily occurrence that people would complain to aaron moses brother he was in charge of everything while moses was away here comes trouble i just wish moses would hurry back how may i help you my brethren aaron we have a list of grievances ooh that's quite a list if you'll just leave it with me i will review it and see what we can do we are tired of waiting we want action now what is our most pressing issue what are you gonna do about god nothing god can take care of himself you can't expect us to worship an invisible god we need a god we can see we need gods like we had in egypt made of stone or gold or jewels these people and many others are seriously thinking about going back to egypt yeah miriam what should i do i must do something to keep them from leaving no the people want a leader a man of decisions not just somebody else's mouthpiece true all right all right yeah how about this i shall make a statue collect golden rings and earrings from your wives and daughters bring them to me and and i shall melt them down and make a great uh a great mistake god you can see seth where have you been i found jethro's well it's really close just over there mom i heard some people talking about wanting to go back to egypt do you think moses is really gone for good i don't know seth but i don't think so then what's he doing on the mountain for so long he's probably just enjoying a peaceful mountaintop experience with god [Music] [Music] seth have you fixed the fence yet trying to mom oh hannah stop it oh mom it's not funny well it looks funny i'm off to trade for some grain i'll be back in a little while so while i'm gone you're the man of the tent [Music] excuse me little boy i'm not little oh but of course forgive me i can see that now is your mother or father at home my mom just left and my dad is dead can i help you ah well perhaps i understand that you have a prized young calf jacob over there but he's not for sale oh no no no no i don't want to buy him and we are looking to honor the best calf in the camp at a great festival such a great honor for his master too what would you want him to do he would muddle pose and we would make a golden statue that looks like him really just like in egypt interesting uh sure as long as he's well cared for of course he will be the roast i mean toast of the festival and naturally you will both become quite famous bring the little calf and let's go see aaron aaron himself wow come on jacob excuse me ladies my fans are calling they're not really going to make a statue of him are they i doubt it no one can make a head that big hmm something doesn't smell right where is amos why do you want that rat i prefer rodent if you don't mind amos we need your help can you follow jacob and see where they're taking him and what do i get in return how about we let you live okay that's fair amos go quickly we're counting on you more bubbles for our golden god excellent work naomi oh thank you hazaka come with me let us take the gold to aaron i am right behind you [Music] are you all right i think it's gone now well aaron boaz and naomi have some of the gold that's been collected and and here is the perfect model for your golden calf yes he's a beautiful calf wonderful then we will make plans right away for the festival oh festival right away hmm i've got to go tell my friend stay right there i'll be right back where am i gonna go i am right where i always wanted to be aaron's gonna build an idol made of gold [Music] quite the most astounding statue you could ever hope to see no he didn't choose a camo goat door lamb in the boat he's modeling that idol after me my name is jacob see me shine yeah i'm one glitter so i must be gold and that's divine cause if i'm gold people will come to worship me real fast and if they worship jacob jacob must be a it's my starting opportunity to taste the good life soon yeah those who weren't my friends will change their too they'll know i'm jacob [Music] and if they worship jacob jacob must be a [Music] a cap god a king [Music] hello seth hi mojita amazing everybody knows your name it looks like i have chosen my new friend well shady you finally made it we've been gathering firewood amos jump in my pack we'll take you back to the others very graceful how's my calf oh hello up there seth aaron knows your name too you must be the most popular boy in camp well you can pick up your little jacob this afternoon after the festival um now excuse me boys i i am on quite a tight deadline be sure and tell everyone back at that pathetic little pen that the most important animal ever spoke to you what you know better than us oh poor poor rachel if you haven't noticed i'm golden i'm like a god you are not god oh but i am just ask anyone [Music] come on shaddy rachel let's go [Music] now the golden calf will go there and we'll sacrifice over there you're going to kill the little bull of course of course after all we need an offering and the little boy one offering at a time and this will be the high point of my career the people will love me i will become their leader rather than aaron or moses wherever he is go down the mountain the people you have brought from egypt have defiled themselves they have already turned from the way i commanded them to live they have made an idol shaped like a calf and they have worshiped and sacrificed to it [Music] for the big party to celebrate your little friend jacob yep he and the golden version of himself i refuse to worship jacob as a god that is the smartest thing that anyone has said all day hey don't worry he's history they're planning on sacrificing him what what that's why they built the altar i was afraid of that can we do something i'm afraid it's too late the festival is starting let's go let's grab shady and then we can see over the crowd to our new god o israel the god who brought us out of egypt coins for our god a tribute to the god we can see well at least they stopped grumbling some of them i think this is disgusting huh look there's jacob we've been stuck here in this dull and dusty desert our only company is lizards and snakes lost where no one can find us our homes are far behind us so we're moving on whatever it takes so much for that up in the sky god we fashioned a god you can see you don't have to moan moses left you alone follow me follow me follow me [Applause] no more stalling come with me and find the promised land cause this wilderness and happiness don't mix if you've hungered for a party it's here drink deep eat hardy cause there's nothing wrong with you i can't fix why go with a god in the distance a faith you can touch is the key you know what you hold with a god made of gold follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me let us give a gift a sacrifice to our new golden god ready for your big moment [Applause] what's he doing he said that he wouldn't hurt jacob no no [Music] moses [Music] huh [Music] do you remember what the lord commanded do not worship any other gods do not make any kind of idols the lord will not let this go unpunished you melt this calf in the fire the rest of you go back to your tents and pray for forgiveness aaron come with me [Music] what happened darren moses you you know what an impatient group these people are i had to do something when you were gone for so long they wanted to go back to egypt did you not see the miracles of god in egypt aaron commandments are god's covenant with his people written in his own hand they must be obeyed i am sorry brother well well well if it isn't our bull-headed little friend it couldn't be that young bull who used to live here oh no he's too far above us to ever visit this dusty corner of the desert okay okay i made a mistake i wanted everyone to worship me is that so bad yes okay i know that now mom have you seen jacob i think your little friend has come home jacob [Music] you are very lucky to get him back oh jacob i almost lost you but it was wrong to let him pose for an idol i just did it because i wanted to have a popular animal like you i guess i wanted to be somebody to make everybody think that i was more than just a kid with no dad who takes care of the stables seth you are somebody you are my friend thanks i'm sorry can you guys ever forgive me yeah i guess we still love you even if we don't like you sometimes just try not to make fun of us or eat all the food and and be kind to rodents rats and never forget god has given you a second chance to put him first okay i promise i'm a changed bull there's only one god no other idols but do i really have to share the food just kidding [Music] we were still camped near mount sinai the mountain of god moses went back up to the mountain to replace the first set of ten commandments that had been broken so once again all of us waited i wish we'd get going for the promised land because my mom keeps thinking of way too many chores for me to do here you go guys see you in the morning i was so tired i couldn't wait to get to sleep sad come inside seth you've worked hard rebuilding the pen you've earned your rest my little man mother why does it keep thundering on the mountain god is giving moses new tablets of the commandments the lord has forgiven us but we must learn how to obey him the commandments will help us learn how seth it's time to say your prayers uh seth oh god guide us your people help us to do better this time and bring moses back safely he has been gone for a long time do not misuse the name of the lord your god the lord will not let you go unpunished if you misuse his name remember to observe the sabbath day by keeping it holy six days a week are set apart for your daily duties and regular work but the seventh day is a day of rest dedicated to the lord your god [Music] seth seth time to wake up son wha what what is it oh five more minutes mom oh seth there's lots to do you need to feed the animals oh oh and don't forget you have to gather enough mana for two days the sabbath begins tonight the sabbath a day of rest who's calling you i don't know but they're going to wake the camp [Music] who's who's interrupting my beauty sleep layla how is an animal supposed to get any shed eye around here i've been wondering that all night with all that snoring going on look when i'm really tired i snore carrying all that wood and stones for the pen was tiring hearing you constantly complain is even more tiring watch it rat rodent if you don't mind oh come on you two be nice to each other you've got to come quickly layla joshua layla you've got to come it's time for bithia oh my goodness what is it it's time for what it's time for my cousin vithia to have her baby let's go mom that's on the other side of camp what about our animals oh you're right oh what's all this ruckus about josana oh no not him just sauna would you mind looking after seth my cousin is going to have a baby well i'm not very good at it you'll be fine seth is very mature he takes care of himself and the animals all right ah then it's settled thank you so much it should only be a short while a couple of days at most mom laila we need to go now seth you mind josana until i get back well maybe you can help our neighbor with his chores chores hmm great my boy i didn't ask for this arrangement and neither did you but it will be a growing experience for both of us under my tutelage you shall learn to accomplish great things i'll bet you call that a basket get a bigger one but yes anna we're only supposed to gather enough mana for one day don't talk back to me boy just get me a bigger basket and sandal that camel uh yes sir here let me do that come on all right boy saddle up the donkey but i'm not done with you manna was a white flaky like food that god provided for us every morning except on the sabbath of course because god didn't want us to work on that day he wanted us to rest and worship him stop here and start gathering sometimes i think it tastes like olive oil but there's also a little hint of honey it'll all taste rotten if we gather more than we need for today and the sabbath it'll spoil don't you know that you just gather and leave the thinking to me maybe you'll learn something but jasana why would you want to take more than the lord says because maybe i can sell it let me explain it to you this way i swear by god that it's a okay to make a little money on the side and your mama wouldn't put a pocket in your robe if you didn't have something to hide when you swear stuff in the name of god you'd better be sure it's true cause if he found out you lied in his name i wouldn't wanna be you you gotta do what you can to get what you want god knows you got to work the system when moses gave lessons on piety it seems to me you must have missed them i swear by god this coin is mine it doesn't matter whose it was before you can tell cause he gave me such a lucky strike god i'd rather see someone else poor [Music] you can twist the facts and turn them round convince me sun is rain you can pull it over me but you won't be fooling god when you take his name in vain you gotta do what you can to get what you want god knows you gotta work the system when moses gave lessons on honesty it seems to me you must have missed them i swear god said to the very first man to build a better mousetrap you need a better plan to get what [Music] inside quickly turn around yes sir seth come here boy aren't you afraid i'll see your hiding place look at this feel it's sticky and gooey sticky and gooey it's wet that's the point it's wet don't you know what this means you'll have to find a new hiding place there's water down there under the sand right in my tent can you imagine what would happen if there was a spring right under my tent we can dig a well people wouldn't have to go to the other side of the camp to fill their water jars they could come right to my humble tent oh jasana well for a slight fee right now you're getting it think of the water think of the convenience think of the money oh brother well you'd better get started started what digging the well now but it's almost the sabbath we can't work what if someone finds out don't worry it'll be our little secret but what will the lord think when god gives you a gift like this it would be a sin to wait even for a moment we can put your animals to work too and it will go faster the animals are very tired nonsense all they need is a little pep talk to see the true wisdom of jasanna's plan oh joshua did you find someone to help vithia yes aaron layla's helping any sign of moses no no not not yet but today at least the mountain is silent you'd best return to camp surely moses won't come until after the sabbath no joshua you're wrong moses comes before the sabbath [Music] it didn't take long for news to spread through the camp god replaced the tablets that were destroyed and moses was coming down from the mountain with them isn't it exciting moses is back excuse me mother i must check something out come on zeke ephraim where are you going it's almost the sabbath it's important ephraim please mother just five minutes i'll be right back promise this is so unfair it's almost sundown oh then we can rest i doubt it this old coot isn't gonna stop for anything huh we should have all stayed with shoddy and refused to work right hmm then old sana would threaten us with that stick of his well i'm not afraid of him i'm not afraid of him either it's that staff of his that scares me be careful you good for nothing shadi what's with the noise i'm trying to get a little rest i work nights you know amos i needed you and you weren't answering sorry earplugs those are so cute amos can you sneak inside josana's tent and find out what's happening of course i'm a rodent that's what i do but it looks like that human beat me to it [Music] have you struck water yet no just gooey sand keep digging this isn't right you know it's been the sabbath since sundown keep working don't stop until i have a will [Music] would you look at this whoa father my son your mother is worried you must return to the tent now it's past sundown i can't efrom there is something very wrong inside that tent my friend is in trouble what is it you must tell me son we should take no action on our own we must go see moses [Music] i'm so tired i'm gonna fall over yeah we gotta do something i know what will make us feel better let's sing our work song i love to wake at six o'clock on weekdays one and two to work i go to plant [Music] work work work it's what i love the best six days i work for the seventh day well that's my day of rest [Music] i love to wake at 601 on weekdays three and four out in the sun until i'm done there's nothing i love more it's good good good to work work work it's what i love the best six days i work but the seventh day well that's my day of rest i love to wake at 603 on weekdays five and six when people ask i do each task i never would say nyx we love to wake at half past eight upon the seventh day yeah that's our day to worship god give thanks to him and pray our one one one day off off of our father god knows best six days we work but the seventh day [Music] well that's our day of rest on weekday one we dig in hold on week day two we planned so a week day three we lift it up on weekday four weeks we don't complain like the seventh day the bed [Music] you did that on purpose [Music] no no jasanna rachel's just tired she can't do anymore all right then i'm going to put that good for nothing camel to work if it's the last thing i do don't feel bad girl we shouldn't be working tonight anyway hey miss what's happening whoa you should see what's going on in there it's the biggest operation since building the pyramids and on the sabbath no less as i suspected that man called just hannah has no regard for god's laws no good can come of this i'm gonna get that camel uh oh it looks like no good is coming our way uh oh gotta fly all right now you listen to me you old sand dog if you think you're going to ruin my plans and sit out here while your friends are hard at work don't you look at me like that i'll show you who's giving the orders around here moses what do you think you're doing moses how good to see you after all this time moses your face i have been in the presence of the lord where's seth where's seth oh seth mom are you okay i'm okay what is this oh you see the sand underneath my tent was damp so we were digging a well for the camp don't you know this is the sabbath it has been the sabbath ever since the sun went down the time when man and beast are supposed to rest the lord says six days may you do all your work and on the seventh day you shall rest return to your tents joshua and i will deal with jasanna let's go home seth three baskets of manna two now moses please i was only thinking of the people i swear to god careful you have a reputation for using the lord's name in vain you have no conception how infinitely precious is the name of the lord it is a treasure greater than gold yet you use his name lightly to swear oaths to justify your own desires and schemes ah please moses i repent i have done wrong i see it now moses there is something down here it's not water though some kind of black goo or completely worthless obviously jasanna you shall wait until the sabbath is over and then you shall fill in this well every shovelful by yourself no animals no children you shall do all the work yourself i'll be happy to supervise very well thank you moses thank you thanks for saving me that's what friends are for see you tomorrow have a blessed sabbath seth time to come in i should have said no mom i shouldn't have let jasana push me around ah you're only a boy seth oh i was the one who made a hasty decision i should have chosen a better protector now come to bed it will be a restful sabbath good night amos i guess all's well that ends a well go to sleep amos you guys can snore all you want because i put some cotton in my ears and [Music] hey guys i was i was just joking you know guys what guys guys come on move the bucket would you please [Music] i slept well that night and i think i learned an important lesson god cares a lot about what we do and what we say we need to be careful about the words that come out of our mouths and make time every week to rest and spend with him we need to honor god in every part of our life [Music] [Music] so [Music] we've been camped at mount sinai for several months and things were kind of boring when you're in the desert you want adventure not memorization all right seth i will let you go camping with ephraim if you can tell me the fifth commandment that's uh honor your father and mother right right which means that you'll follow my instructions of course good because i have a few extra rules for your campout oh mom one there are animals prowling the desert at night so i want you to sleep inside the tent no problem two do not leave camp to collect mana before checking with me i won't leave camp without your permission and three you'll be very careful i will mom i promise oh lord please help seth to remember your words [Music] [Music] honor your father and mother then you will live a long full life in the land the lord your god will give you do not murder ephram and i have been planning a camp out for weeks we really wanted to be out on our own away from our parents and ready for adventure ephron this is so neat take a look at what i brought that's your dad's sword he lets you borrow it well not exactly but i'll put it back before he wakes up what a beauty zilla come to bed what about the desert bandits oh rumors darling just rumors besides joshua's posted centuries so even if a bandit could possibly slither his way into camp what kind of idiot thief would expect to find something valuable in a boy's tent eugene what are you doing he's just hanging around boss enough with the jokes raka help him yes boss thanks you too cover the west side of the camp i'll take the east grab what you can valuables you understand and remember if anyone spots you [Laughter] come o difference my fiendish little friend we have work to do you better steal something useful this time the boss will be really mad okay okay [Music] hmm i thought rodents were the only ones up at this hour what's going on let's get out of here oh hold on i see something really valuable [Music] oh no huh bandits look someone cut a hole in the tent oh no my father's sword is gone [Music] martha we've gotta do something what i'll get rachel we'll go after them before they get away shouldn't we wake the adults would you rather tell your dad that his sword is missing and you don't know where it is or give him a detailed description of the bandits and where they're heading hmm good point let's go but uh we'll only go as far as the mana field then we'll be able to show the adults where to find them right right rachel fly like the wind i hope we're doing the right thing oh what happened well you see there was this one who you know and then seth and ephraim will they you know and then rachel like that slow down speak clearly um where is martha and rachel come on where who cares it means more food for us off jacob sorry amos why would martha and rachel go into the desert thieves robbers ah malachites the most evil bandits of the desert [Music] there they are three of them come on seth isn't this close enough no giddy up rachel pretend you're a [Music] racehorse malachi malachi no [Music] they went to the hills over there okay let's turn back and tell the adults if we keep him in sight we can guide joshua right to him we've gone this far we can't turn back now can we of course we can come on ephraim this is adventure we'll be heroes giddy up girl [Music] this is not a good idea seth seth and ephraim are gone gone there's a knife slit in the tent [Music] omri [Music] malachi the sentry has been killed oh no i must go and comfort his family wait there's more i think deserters from the amalekite army we defeated at referendum have stolen items from all over the camp seth and ephraim are missing as well oh no omri come with me if the boys are out there we must quickly find him take shady our camel find my son we will find him zilla bring me seek perhaps the falcon can help find his young master right away leila you search the camp i must tell moses and remember we are the lord's people he is our ever-present strength in time of trouble just when i was getting used to a little peace and quiet and suddenly boom i'm on a trade route wow boss look at all that gold and jewels you're the best hey i mean the worst uh the worst bandit ever thank you i do try to set an example thinking of opening a second-hand shop at the bazaar are you well you stole at least one useful thing what happened to your sword it got stuck in something hey oh boy [Laughter] okay what did you steal yuji a lamb you stole a lamb [Music] yeah you have a bed eugene rough and tough bandits don't keep lambs as pets as a snack maybe but not as pets [Music] i want to go back seth stick with me pal and we'll come home heroes seth this is really dangerous ephrom this is real adventure [Music] we're not men [Music] [Music] see it isn't too late learn the secrets of the desert and sail the oceans wide brand new sights and aromas there is [Music] [Music] yes i am to the end on the trail of the adventure we ride seth what's that sound i don't know sandstorm run rachel run now this sandstorm came out of nowhere joshua what of the boys not a trace moses if they're caught in that sandstorm lord have mercy we must find them joshua omri time to see what that falcon can do find ephraim and seth you can do it find my boy please zeke no how can you stuff yourself at a time like this when i'm upset i eat you must be upset a lot i'm worried what if our friends don't ever come back don't talk like that they'll be back they'd better i have to apologize to martha just yesterday i told her that she looked like a a furbearing chicken and rachel you don't want to know what i called her i miss him me too me three i feel like i'm drowning in tears it feels like we're going uphill i can't hear you what is going on around here i mean there's a whole desert out there and everybody's stepping on me okay let's go inside leila any news they are definitely not in the camp old jason saw them leave early this morning on our donkey i was afraid of that what can we do we need to pray that's all we can do yes oh lord bring our boys back safely oh it sure stinks in here what's that [Music] he's wearing my father's sword he's one of the bandits well well well boys what brings you to these desolate and lonely parts we were we're just passing by collecting firewood uh-huh alone i see we'll just be going don't go you must be my guests besides we can't have you telling people where to find us now can we get the point yup got it i would rather you had not discovered our location anyway you slice it it's a sticky situation i'm inclined to send you on a permanent vacation well what did you expect from a murdering thief like me [Music] you'd have had a charming life of happiness and cheer though i would say your chances here are something less than zero now you'll see what happens when you try to be a hero well what did you expect an amalekite thug would be i look at a lamb and all i see is a belly full of lamb chops to you [Music] and i gotta stop boys who are where they shouldn't be doing what they shouldn't do wouldn't you run them through murder is a crime ah but i'm above all the regulations laws and stipulations try and catch us will they never they're too slow and we're too clever sorry boys but don't you see you're just an inconvenience sure i'd like to spare you but i got no time for lenience murderers are known for being miserable and means i just don't give a hoot for the fate of two boys like you so you better say your prayers though i'm sure nobody cares if you shish about before i'm through well what did you expect one so good at being bad to do [Applause] oh boy this is what a bad day a bad day please please please please please don't eat me i don't taste very good i love such a tummy i'm i'm poisonous oh yeah that's it i am death to anyone who tried to chew me up i'm looking for two boys and one donkey oh there's been a lot of traffic around here lately lots of traffic what's it worth to you it's worth a bad case of indigestion unless you tell me everything you know oh oh yeah i think they went into the mouth better not use that blade i mean the opening of the cave right over there thank you that wasn't so hard was it but she would better be telling me the truth the truth is i have had it with desert living hmm eugene see if you can cook up that pillow with legs into something that tastes a little beefy not martha no let us go [Laughter] not an option kill the lamb and the boys oh what do we have to kill him boss and what if we just made him our slaves for life yeah maybe they're trainable hmm tell me boys have either of you ever picked a pocket our god tells us not to steal oh i suppose you always obey your parents too i wish me too well that settles it after carefully considering the costly expenditures of time money energy meager rations constant beatings and so we have only one choice raka kill them what watch out oh difference kill that bird [Music] father [Music] let's tie up these pathetic thieves pathetic wow and i thought we were just penny thieves eugene be quiet boys are you all right yes sir i'm so sorry for causing you all this trouble i'm just glad that you and seth are all right thank you father you must also thank zeke for it was he who found you thank you for saving us i feel so bad i shouldn't have ignored my mother's rules i almost got ephram and me killed do you think she'll ever forgive me what do you think i think i never should have disobeyed it is wise to honor your mother by listening to her it's one way in which you show respect for god mom seth seth ephram mother mom i am so sorry oh i am so glad that you are safe i promised to listen to my mom when she told me not to do things i also promised myself to never forget malachi this century who was murdered while protecting our camp you know after our little adventure i think i appreciate how sacred life is a lot more thank you for saving me i'm thankful that chatty and zeke found us without zeke martha and rachel the boys would have been goners i'm glad we made it in time hmm the way i see it you guys waited until the very last minute now if i had been there i'd have been a bit more prepared yeah right you'd have been prepared as beef stew hey wait a minute jacob you wouldn't have made it through the first sandstorm would too would not would too would not would too would not oh it's nice to see that things are getting back to normal [Music] [Music] we had been in the desert for a while when i stopped by moses's tent i wanted to get a closer look at the ten commandments that he had brought down from mount sinai [Music] good morning sir uh uh good morning i i just wanted to see the stone commandments that everyone's talking about did god really write them with his own hand yes he did what was it like to be in god's presence it was beyond words seth for god has come in this way to show us his awesome power this is the covenant i'm going to make with you i will perform wonders that have never been done before anywhere in all the earth or in any nation and all the people around you will see the power of the lord the awesome power i will display through you your responsibility is to obey all the commands i am giving you do not commit adultery do not steal it god wrote his commandments in stone so that we could write them on our hearts and he has many more things to share with us as well seth in fact moses you sent for us good morning joshua aaron i was just about to share with seth some very good news god has chosen to live among our people in our camp yes the lord has given specific instructions on how this should be done we must build a tabernacle a place of worship and a chest called an ark to hold the tablets of the ten commandments to start we will need acacia wood gold and jewelry i will ask the people for donations i will ask matthew to help spread the word throughout the camp i will tell my mother an f from the incredible news [Music] hero people of israel bring offerings for the tabernacle to the meeting place by the eighth hour all over the camp people wanted to help any way they could so what have you boys brought to donate to the tabernacle is this the ring your father gave your mother yes ma'am she wants god to have it this symbolizes the important bond and commitment that your mother and father had oh my for a widow to give up such a treasure god must have truly stirred her heart thank you both you're welcome come on seth [Music] good morning hello sister i must talk with you erin you are eating us out of house and tent what are you talking about bread dates figs goat cheese wheat all gone in one day gone i didn't eat them then who did rats those furry bandits are on the loose again then you must do something about these four-legged thieves perhaps i can ask matthew to keep an eye out for rodents as he makes his way through the camp spreading the news excellent idea oh that was a close one i don't like rats they're dirty and they steal food they're not the only ones take a look that monkey's a thief too hey where did he come from come here offerings for the tabernacle should be brought to the meeting place any and all thieving rodents should be reported to me the camp crier oh and rat catcher guess who come on sarah i'm really tired i've got a big assignment if i rid the camp of rats i can really shine in front of moses and aaron thanks you took our donations to miriam right well actually sarah i can't be asking everyone in camp to give if we haven't donated yet i'm sorry i was busy you were busy singing again weren't you well as a matter of fact i was i am not thrilled that my wife is wasting her time singing you used to love my singing well that was before in egypt there was time for singing in a desert there are more important things to do rat hold it right there [Music] i'll get you ouch i'm so glad to see you sarah that's a beautiful broad show wearing oh thank you it's my songbird well matthew gave it to me as a wedding present when he liked the fact that i sang well i like the way you sing songbird and who might you be young man simeon i am here to offer my gift simeon is a singer miriam he was quite popular in egypt with some oh sarah i am hurt sarah was going to sing with me before all the plagues before i got married that plague too you see i know many of the craftsmen who are helping i would like my gift to be that of a song i will raise my voice to the lord to celebrate the tabernacle hmm a musical tribute maybe then we could finally sing together hey sarah why that might be a wonderful idea oh um i'll have to ask my husband ah of course please do because you have the finest voice of any woman in the camp and i'm sure we could make beautiful music together that monkey stole my mother's ring what would a monkey want with a ring i don't know but we've got to get it back oh oh finally getting some exercise eh retso amos you look worn out i thought rat slept during the day hey i heard you've been stealing everybody's food what did i do to earn this reputation i'm the one you blame in every situation now you think that i'm your little thief but it's untrue i'm proud that i'm a rat rodent to you rats to you i know it's wrong to steal rats to you for such a cheesy deal when they're devious and bad b-day camels beat their cats why do you have to call them rats i only need some food i can survive on just a little garbage i can stay alive on i won't let you blame me for a deed i didn't do there's monkey shines at work i'm telling you rats to you god says that it's a sin congrats to you you steal you never win when them cheaters are their thieves be they slimy snakes or nuts why do you have to call them rats i'm always on the run being chased from here to there running for my life doesn't anybody care for rats rats to you i'm shocked by what i've heard rats for making wraps a dirty word when they're rotten to the corner they cockatoos or bats call them ickies call them creeps call them turkeys call them shapes call them just call them monkeys call them goofs or dumpster brats but why do you have to call them rats oh matthew you're home i was asked to sing in the tribute this morning by whom simeon simeon the singer who was chasing you in egypt now it all makes sense now i know why you go out every morning and practice singing i am not stupid i'm just a poor man certainly no match for silver tongued simeon the singing star it's not like that matthew let's talk about this what is there to talk about sarah obviously i don't make you happy matthew you're just a little jealous this is what you wanted isn't it to be up on stage again huh maybe well then do it maybe i will i'll be late tonight i have to go to the south side of camp and look for rats that's where simeon lives isn't it maybe you should stay there maybe i will [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow it's amazing how high zeke flies i wonder if he can see all the way to the promised land it is said that falcons have such amazing vision that they can look down from a cloud and see a mouse on the ground what does that mean that was a warning someone is coming [Music] i wonder what sarah's doing out here hello simeon songbird what a pleasant surprise um i came to say no a long walk for a short answer uh i needed some air fight with matthew none of your business you're right i'm sorry you could have such an exciting life oh well but before you go can you do me one tiny favor the monkey steals the jewels and the master steals the hearts we've got to do something sing one song with me please there is a magical moment that happens once in a lifetime like two stars colliding in the sky you're singing a solo song then somebody comes along and that magic moment belongs to you and i cause all i need is you [Music] for everything i am and everything i do yes all i need is you your smile is all it takes to make my dreams come true i have heard all things are possible the moment we met i knew i'd have everything i need now that all i need [Music] i is is you the world that's in your eyes is where my dreams come true yes [Music] have i found what i've been searching for a [Music] i'll have everything i need oh sorry about that ah right you boys need to be more careful i i better go now your monkey stole some jewels from the tabernacle donations what martel come here show me your hands show me your pockets mouse i'm sorry boys he doesn't have anything but if something turns up i'll be sure and get it back to aaron and miriam thank you [Music] good work she'll be back [Music] come back here new sneaky little thief i beg your pardon ah um oh layla sorry excuse me i'm chasing a rat uh did you see where he went [Music] well it looks like he's not here please matthew don't scare the animals i'll get you yet rat if it's the last thing i do that was a close one all clear you can come out now amos and to think that i was saved by a donkey yeah well that's what friendship is all about we've got to protect each other no matter what happens we're committed to each other thank you guys oh look zeke's back that monkey and his human have quite a scam going the best i can figure it simeon steals a lady's heart and then steals her jewels adultery and stealing then his monkey steals their food and i get blamed for it oh i must have dropped my brooch at simeon's tent it's got to be there well i don't like it it's nearly dark and she's going to see that awful simian again well we've got to stop her maybe we should alert matthew and how are we going to do that easy get matthew to chase me and i will lead him to her no it's too dangerous amos come on guys it's all about commitment how often does a rodent get a chance to help someone save their vows to help do something good the rats got a point thanks i think and it's rodent if you don't mind sundown approaches and all is well oh all is well except for me matthew are you all right joshua yes just tired are you sure no actually i'm not at all sure about anything anymore sarah and i had a big fight what happened simeon wants her to sing with him and i exploded why should she stay with me and when a star asks her to sing matthew i can't imagine sarah leaving you for a man like that go after her show where you care have a good chat a rat rat [Music] simeon simeon sarah back so soon i lost my songbird brooch here this afternoon have you seen it well you're welcome to come into my tent and take a look [Music] [Music] what is this all about that's sarah's brooch that's sarah matthew strong as ever i see stronger whose jewels are they simeon that's my mom's ring that she gave to miriam for the tabernacle the monkey stole it and gave it to simeon the boys are right aren't they simeon these things are stolen oh no sometimes my monkey accidentally takes things like layla's ring and sarah's brooch and your monkey have stolen from the people and from god ah but joshua but worse than stealing bracelets and rings you have tried to steal a treasure far greater another man's wife we must bring this to moses and the council of elders come with me and we mustn't forget you matthew nothing happened honestly i was close to making a horrible mistake but but nothing bad happened i am so ashamed it's not all your fault i let myself get too busy i neglected you this songbird is a symbol of our love we need to find what we once had i'm willing to try again if you are i love you matthew i love you sarah ew i hate the kissing part uh let's go put my mother's ring back in the tabernacle offering [Music] construction started on the tabernacle matthew showed me how to collect acacia wood and sarah helped sew garments for the priests it was an amazing time in the camp i also learned that you can never steal from god and get away with it how are we coming with the priests garments oh excellent we have a new seamstress who is also a wonderful singer there is a magical moment that happens once in a lifetime like two stars colliding [Music] everyone in our camp was excited because god asked moses to build a tabernacle a place for god to dwell among people but i was especially excited because aaron agreed to let rachel our donkey help with the construction i raced as fast as i could to find my best friend effort ephraim i have great news me too my parents are getting me an incredible present to celebrate the day of my birth they are going to surprise me with something extra special from venomie the toy maker ben and me makes the most amazing toys what's your news moses and erin are going to use rachel to help build the ark of the covenant the chest where god told moses to put the ten commandments wow have you memorized all ten commandments yet i think i've got one through eight down pat i just keep forgetting nine and ten well see if you can remember them on your way to bettamy's tent last one there is a crooked cattle sale do not testify falsely against your neighbor do not covet your neighbor's house do not covet your neighbor's wife male or female servant ox or donkey or anything else your neighbor owns [Music] ephraim figured that we should visit benami's tent and see if we could sneak a peek at his gift check out all those great toys i wonder if he's working on my birthday present hmm i'm sure ephraim will love his special toy this beautiful brass bowl is a perfect gift for a boy who has everything hmm he he can use it as a helmet or to let his mother cut his hair that can't be my gift there must be some mistake it's not nice to spy sorry we just wanted to see what everyone was getting for his birthday i can tell you this though it's going to be one of the most wonderful toys i've ever made [Music] how was the work on the tabernacle tough i carried loads and loads of acacia wood for them to review boy are they picky they should be it's a house for god oh you're so lucky to be one of the animals who were chosen to help i'm so tired i just want to lie down on my warm blanket hannah you're in my spot sorry the clean wants her spot what's up with her maybe she's just hungry well seth hasn't come to feed us all day he's been busy playing with ephrom's games toys and even that flying feather duster of his i resemble that remark rat rodent if you don't mind that's enough i'm sure that seth will remember to feed us very soon he knows what's important if he knew what was important why would he let a donkey help build the tabernacle why not a goat why is it that when we get called it's usually to eat someone's garbage don't knock garbage it's my main food group hannah we shouldn't compare ourselves to each other every animal does something important it's important for me to eat does that count seth where have you been all day you didn't fix the fence gather firewood or feed the animals i'm sorry mom i forgot anyway how come i have to do all the work and ephraim gets all the fun seth he has so many great things to play with too i'll go feed the animals right now [Music] it's seth he's coming move out of my way that's double's got my name on it jacob now we've been through this before now we're going to share right yes shady ephram doesn't have all these responsibilities i wish i had his life i never have to wait in line at the well or chop stubble fix the fence or wear these old clothes everyone's got everything friends but not the same cause he's got more of what i long for friends and equal lives and is it wrong if i should want more he's got all the toys that other boys can only dream of all how much they'd mean to me i want to be [Music] me instead of you i'd be like a prince the other kids would play at my place toys that fill my tent the smile would always be on my face mom would dress in jewels and fancy clothes that i could buy her oh how much they'd mean to me i want to be the boy who has everything i snap my fingers and my wish comes if only there was something i could do i'd check my eyes and hold my breath and make a wish and then i turn into the boy who has everything the boy who has everything the boy who has everything [Music] oh here you go rachel good girl here you go rachel good girl the next morning ephraim invited me along to see what his parents gave him for his big day happy birthday ephraim thank you mother and father well you've waited for your surprise and here it is my son you may remove the cloth gently this is the best toy ever don't you think so seth oh yeah it's amazing i've never seen anything like it thank you father and mother you're welcome it's a one-of-a-kind ephram take good care of it son oh i will i will [Music] that whole day everyone and i played with this new toy unfortunately i kind of forgot about the other things that i had to do [Music] what is it you haven't been fed have you it's not russia's from the nile but it's some good eating remember to leave some for rachel she's been working all day and she'll be hungry too rachel rachel rachel good evening leila aaron well you didn't have to bring rachel home seth is supposed to pick her up uh when seth didn't show up at sunset i thought i'd walk rachel over she's been working so hard i thought she deserved her supper thank you again rachel you are a wonderful help thank you so much oh that's some compliment coming from aaron well it's nothing really have some dinner and then tell us all about building the tabernacle okay where's the grub did someone say grubs now that sounds tasty where did rachel's food go who ate rachel's portion jacob no not me jacob always eats more than his share i don't eat more than my share okay well at least this time i didn't there was plenty left [Music] seth where have you been mom guess what ephraim got a chariot it's about this big it's late i was worried about you and it's got horses and a charioteer too seth you forgot to feed the animals again mom the wheels really move it's the most wonderful thing i've ever seen seth stop okay okay i know i know i'm just sick of the fact that my life is filled with responsibilities while ephram's life is filled with fun and games i want his life i'm tired of being me no seth i know what i said made my mom sad but i wanted whatever had the next morning i hurried to ephraim's tent so that we could have as much time as possible to play with his things ephraim it's me seth i wonder where he is i'm sure if he were here that he let me play with his chariot if i had a chariot like this i could win any race [Music] i broke ephraim's chariot aaron says they need more gold yes and find lemons for the tabernacle may i go play with my chariot of course ah seth coming to play with ephraim again today uh yes sir he just went inside oh ephram are you all right what happened oh ephram you broke your new toy no it was lying on the floor when i came in i tripped over it it's better to admit a mistake than tell a lie son but i didn't break it it was already broken ephraim you will have a punishment until you decide to tell the truth what but father don't talk back aphra lying is breaking god's commandments and it is a serious matter i want you to think about that seth ephron will not be able to play today [Music] things were getting worse but i thought i found a way out of it then amy seth come in benjamin you've got to help me can you fix that from his chariot what happened i uh it fell i mean well it got crushed oh i see that is most unfortunate i'm sorry seth but that was a very special toy i carved it from a single piece of delicate wood i can't fix it you you can fix it you've got to i'll pay for it with everything i have you'll pay for it says why should you pay for ephraim's mistake i feel responsible for helping my friend or perhaps there's more to the truth than you're telling ah have you shattered the toy that belongs to the boy who you love is your very best friend those are pieces of wood i would fix if i could but what's broken is harder to mend yes my workshop is filled with the tools of my train with the hammers and nails and the glue but a toy maker's art though it comes from the heart can never make right of a wrong you do until a toy soldier a marionette or a puppet are yours to control cause they don't have to think and they don't have to feel they're just toys and don't have a soul life can tangle like spring all the knots that we bring are impossible to untie so learn this lesson well that it's better to tell the truth no lie [Music] with a mask on your face you become someone else but the truth in your eyes is still true we're a wondrous disguise but the truth never lies people know you by things that you do if you hide from what's right like the dark heights from light you're a shadow of who you can be but if you should stand tall when your backs to the wall you will discover to sets you free there are things i've done wrong for my life it's been long that was blamed and i tried to deny i learned this lesson well that it's better to tell the truth no lie so learn this lesson well then it's better to tell the truth no lie [Music] what benami said made sense i knew i had to tell the truth even if i was scared to um oh hi hello seth do you think you could help zilla carry some of these linens we're bringing for the tabernacle uh okay [Music] um there's something i need to tell you you know uh about the chariot that got broken what is it seth uh the thing is that there from that i omri zilla oh are these for the tabernacle yes aaron ah marvelous seth put them down over there seth will finish our talk later but okay [Music] i kind of blew my chance to tell the truth but at least i tried seth seth right here mom oh how nice to have you doing your chores again it's time to come in and get ready ready for what aaron has invited us to his tent for dinner oh mom do i have to go yes we are honored to have been asked he wanted to thank some of the families who have helped with the tabernacle and thanks to rachel's hard work we're going rachel rachel rachel [Music] hmm where's my blanket hannah took it hey moss i saw her swipe it hannah is this true yes and i ate her food too and i'm glad that i did what why i'm mad that you got to work on the tabernacle the greatest honor an animal could have i wanted to do something important for once but being jealous of rachel won't get you what you want plus it made you lie about me eating the food doesn't god say not to lie or to want what others have yes that's right now don't you understand hannah when you break god's commandments you also hurt yourself not to mention you sully the reputation of the fine animals in this pen i just wanted to feel important i'm sorry jacob for saying you ate the food i'm really sorry rachel i'm sorry everyone ah i am so glad that you could all come more quail anyone it's amazing how those birds appeared out of nowhere we just had to pick them up in a net another one of god's miracles god's continuing provision for us moses better me i'm so glad that you could both join us thank you brother it looks delicious so ephram benami was telling me about the chariot that broke but i didn't break it son god wants us to tell the truth that's why he made it one of his commandments besides a lie cannot be kept secret forever and even if one could god always knows the truth we cannot enjoy the fellowship of god and the trust of the people we love if we lie to them ephraim didn't do it i broke the chariot seth why how i shouldn't have played with the chariot when you weren't there i just i just wanted to have what ephram had he's got everything a nice tent new clothes a great pet wonderful toys oh seth seth god gives everyone different gifts to some he gives riches to some great strength or wisdom some he gives special talents like banami's gift for making beautiful things instead of wanting someone else's gifts from god we should look to find our own and be happy for all that we do have i know i'm sorry i'm so sorry what can i do maybe you could work with me to make ephram a new gift i could never make anything is wonderful not true training my boy i will teach you how to be a craftsman i have no son of my own perhaps you will be my apprentice really work with you and make a new toy for ephraim mm-hmm do we have a deal sure [Music] it's so beautiful especially when you share it with a friend you know hannah it's amazing how god works things out isn't it yeah who would have thought that the curtains in the tabernacle would have been made of goat hair or that i would be traveling to the promised land on the back of a camel let us depart for the land that the lord has promised here oh people of israel we will carry this tabernacle with us and with it the ark which contains the ten commandments for the lord has given us the great gift of his commandments for us to live by forever and now he will send us his presence to guide our journey a cloud by day a cloud filled with fire by night behold the presence of the lord wow hero israel the lord is our god the lord is [Music] one we were about to leave the mountain of god but now god will go before us in the tabernacles of the promised land was this the end of our adventure or just the beginning [Applause] [Music] is
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 181,954
Rating: 4.7619834 out of 5
Keywords: The Ten Commandments for kids, Moses and the 10 Commandments, christian cartoons, Kids 10 Commandments, In Toying with the Truth, bible story, Bible stories, adventures, mission, animated movie, animated film, cartoon movie, all episodes, Seth, Sabbath day, the name of the Lord, superbook, story of moses, story of moses for kids, story of moses for children
Id: lhn9xFjYvQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 2sec (6542 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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